The End of History: A Grassroots Quest

As you can see, some major successes mixed in with one great failure; I would have accepted an omake to rectify it, but I think the contrast also helps the larger narrative. There'll be another results update focusing on your Responsiveness actions, which I will be rolling for now.
TheInnerMoon threw 2 20-faced dice. Reason: NOM Responsiveness Total: 19
12 12 7 7
TheInnerMoon threw 4 20-faced dice. Reason: BPP Responsiveness Total: 54
16 16 16 16 5 5 17 17
TheInnerMoon threw 4 20-faced dice. Reason: QN Responsiveness Total: 51
8 8 15 15 9 9 19 19
TheInnerMoon threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: ISE Responsiveness Total: 21
13 13 7 7 1 1
Omake: Beat on the Brat
Omake for QN:


Music blared out of the door of the dingy basement bar, loud screaming punk rock that filled ones bones to the brim with nervous energy. He nodded his head to the music as he leaned up against the brick wall, knuckles rapping against the rough brick to the vague screaming of a tune being played. Normally he'd be in the bar, right in the middle of the pit after downing a few cheap beers. But not tonight. Tonight Mark had a job to do, one which he was happy to fulfill.

This punk bar was friendly to the gay scene, a real safe place for fags and dykes of all kinds and shapes. They'd been getting some heat from a group of skin heads from that shitty Irish bar a few blocks over. Threats to beat the shit out of everyone there, waved switch blades, nazis shouting about burning the place down. Standard fash stuff, a bunch of tweakers mad that they were losing the war over punk. Usually it was just posturing, but it got people scared. And a gay guy had gotten jumped and kicked so hard some of his ribs broke while walking home a few nights ago. So Mark and some folks he knew in QN that lived near the bar had gotten together to provide a bit of security. At least keep the bigots from being able to jump people a few steps outside the door of the place.

Jackson, a big black guy and Mark's current buddy for this watch, came down the stairs to the basement entrance with a lit cig in hand. "We might have some trouble up top. Same car's been circling the block for the last fifteen minutes. Every so often it stops right in front of here. Caught a glimpse of the driver, looks like one of the skinheads that hangs out at O'Milligans."

Mark nodded and stood up, languidly stretching as he did. His hand comes down to the baseball bat he had stashed next to the stairwell's trashcan. Hidden enough that it wouldn't spook people but still easy to grab. "We could lay some bait? I go up, you and Milly and Leo jump em when they try and jump me."

"We wanna get that aggressive?" Jackson asked snuffing out his cig on the brick wall. "Might get ugly, and a bit of a stretch to call it self defense if we go out looking for trouble."

Mark snorted. "Its that or hope we can catch them in the act. 'Sides, skinheads will be too embarrassed about getting their ass beat by a faggot to go running to the cops."

"I'm more worried about them running to their friends, we don't really wanna start a fucking war. Shit'll get ugly real quick."

Mark was about to respond when the sound of a commotion started up the stairs. Shouting and the clattering of someone getting pushed into a trash can. Mark looked at Jackson and shrugged. "Looks like we might not have to throw the first punch after all. Let's go."

The two of them bounded up the stairs, emerging into a standard New York side alley. Grimy, filled with trashcans and garbage that didn't quite make the leap. The skittering of a few rats away from the action. A group of four men were surrounding a younger guy, standard wife beater and shitty jeans skinhead types. The kid they had cornered had gotten his battle jacket partially ripped off as they pushed him up against the wall. Already his face was bruised and a line of blood was trickling out of his nose. "Fucking degen." One of them spat at him as they threw another punch.

Mark brought the baseball bat down upon the man's head with a hard CRACK. Instantly he stumbled to the side, discombobulated from the heavy blow. Jackson only stopped to send a quick beep to their back up before he bodily grabbed one of the fash by the shoulder and threw him against the opposite wall. "More fucking fags!" One of them screamed before turning, fists raised. Quickly a fight broke out.

Flailing fists and legs. Baseball bat swinging out at anyone stupid enough to get close. A tooth flew from a meth degraded mouth, blood following it in an arc. Mark grinned from his hit only to get smashed in the jaw by one he didn't quite see. Numbers weren't on their side, even with how big Jackson was and Mark having a bat. One pulled out a switchblade even as Jackson laid into the bigot he had smashed up against the wall. Just as he was advancing on the big man he was smashed in the head by a thrown glass bottle, stumbling back as he yowled in pain. Their back up had arrived, Milly and Leo descending on the bigots with bats of their own.

The fight turning against them, the skinheads broke and ran. Screaming slurs and curses they stumbled out of the alleyway, hands covering heads as blows were rained down upon them. They made it to their beat up old car, which then received the full anger of the QN squad as the three with bats smashed headlights and windows and side mirrors. By the time they peeled out it looked like the car had picked a fight with a moose, busted up and mirrors cracked and shattered.

"Yeaaaaaaah! Get fucked assholes!" Mark yelled out, pumping his arms as the fash retreated. He was burning with elation, big grin on his face and adreline protecting him from really feeling all the hits they had taken.

"Sent those fuckers back to O'Mulligans." Leo agreed, spitting out a bit of blood. "Yo, is that kid OK?"

Jackson had gone back to check on the kid, helping him up and handing him some tissue to clean up the blood. "He'll be fine once he gets some drinks into him," he patted the kid on the back, "right?"

"Yeah man, I'll be good." He shakily replied, still unsteady. "Thanks, I'd been fucked if you guys weren't here."

"Don't worry about it man." Milly said as they headed back into the stair well. "Just doing our job."

As the young punk headed into the bar Jackson scowled. "I'm gonna call Donna about getting some more Nation folks down here tonight. They might come back to try and pick off loners to salvage their pride. And even if they don't do that shit tonight they're gonna want to get revenge on this place somehow."

"Let those fucks come. We'll kick their ass again and again!" Mark said, giving a few testing swings with his bat.

"Yeah, until one of them stabs you." Leo said dryly. "Or tosses a molotov down here."

"Cops are on the take but I think burning this place down during operating hours would be a bit too far, even for NYPD." Milly said before frowning. "We do need more manpower though. God, maybe someone should start coming strapped."

"Won't that put more of a target on our backs?" Jackson said. "Cops aren't gonna take kindly to queers walking around with guns."

"Maybe, but its something to think about." Milly shrugged. "I'll bring it up at the next meeting."

"In the mean time let's get some drinks. This machine kills fascists but it also runs on beer." Mark joked.

This was generally agreeable to the group so they went into the bar to celebrate a job well done, even if more complications lay overhead.
Responsiveness Rule Clarification
For clarity's sake, the Responsiveness turn is one I would ordinarily write entirely myself, based on the kind of dice just rolled. However, to provide a degree of interaction nevertheless, the current omake rules allow you to write in at least one of your Responsiveness actions, providing that 1) your description represents a spontaneous action in response to current events, and 2) it keeps within the bounds of one of your rolls (so no writing total successes if your roll is below a 10). Again, this is entirely optional, and mostly here so you can have some input on what would otherwise be inherently uncontrollable outcomes.
For clarity's sake, the Responsiveness turn is one I would ordinarily write entirely myself, based on the kind of dice just rolled. However, to provide a degree of interaction nevertheless, the current omake rules allow you to write in at least one of your Responsiveness actions, providing that 1) your description represents a spontaneous action in response to current events, and 2) it keeps within the bounds of one of your rolls (so no writing total successes if your roll is below a 10). Again, this is entirely optional, and mostly here so you can have some input on what would otherwise be inherently uncontrollable outcomes.
Does it have to be the org runner, and how would we know what event each roll is in relation to ahead of time?
Does it have to be the org runner, and how would we know what event each roll is in relation to ahead of time?
I don't think it has to be the org runner, though try to be considerate in taking charge of narratives that other people have their own designs for. The rolls themselves are not specific to any event ahead of time, I make that stuff up as I go along. So, if you can find an event in 1992 that you want to write your organization's reaction to, go right ahead.
Do The Right Thing (1992 Responses)

Do The Right Thing (1992 Responses)

The year starts off with a bit of tragic news, at least if you're a dastardly 'capitalist roader'. While on an extensive trip of South China, former Paramount Leader Deng Xiaoping has died at the age of 88. A controversial figure to the last, Deng oversaw both the rapid liberalization of China's planned economy, as well as the brutal crackdown on workers and students at Tiananmen Square which put paid to any notion of political liberalization. In the wake of his death, it is expected that Jiang Zemin, the current general secretary, will continue a more conservative line, dialing back on some of the neoliberal policies instigated by Deng. While the country is unlikely to revert to a full Soviet-style command economy, neither is it expected to break with its current system of public sector dominance. In the US, meanwhile, Deng's death goes mostly unremarked, except for a notorious "anti-funeral" organized by the Seattle-based New October Movement. This party/lecture is used by the NOM to give their take on contemporary China, and why its recent reform period has just become an excuse for unleashing the forces of capitalism. The event produces some heated discussions afterwards, although it also draws the interest of several curious locals. (Interesting Event; Minor Popularity Gain)

In slightly more important news, at least if you're American, the presidential election of this year has seen a stunning and unprecedented upset. The tumult arguably started during the Democratic party primaries, which turned into a heated showdown between two charismatic (ex-)governors: Bill Clinton of Arkansas, and Jerry Brown of California. Even as the former eked out a narrow victory, the latter proved more vindictive than expected, switching his allegiance to the independent campaign of billionaire Ross Perot in exchange for the vice-presidential nomination. While such a third party bid would ordinarily have been quixotic at best, this was a stranger election than usual, as both mainstream parties were fundamentally aligned on the one issue that seemed to matter most to voters: NAFTA. The opposition to this free trade agreement has brought a lot of divergent political currents into alignment, with even the Institute for Social Ecology dedicating an article to its ruinous potential in their new journal, Society & Nature (Intellectual Inspiration; +3 on the Bookchin Die next turn). With the Perot-Brown ticket going in hard on its 'common sense, anti-establishment' vibe, the polls showed a dead heat between all three candidates. There were even some fears that an obscure 'contingent election' might become necessary. Ultimately, though, an even stranger outcome prevailed, as Ross Perot won the presidency outright. For the first time since it was established, the Republican-Democratic duopoly has been broken, and by a campaign which utterly lacked an underlying party apparatus. Whatever this will mean for the years or even months ahead, they are sure to be interesting times.

But of course, there was more to this year than mere electoral politics, and the latter was frequently shaken up by what was happening in the rest of the country. In Los Angeles, the acquittal of four police officers involved in a brutal assault led to massive riots throughout the city, sparking a further firestorm of protests across the nation's Black communities. The New Black Panthers were no exception, and all three chapters organized large armed marches against police brutality, gaining them a lot of attention–both positive and negative (Local Support; +4 to any community organizing next turn). Similar protests were held in response to the federal shootout at Ruby Ridge; while the targets might have been white supremacists, the NBPP declared that 'they would not go as easily', and vowed to redouble their self-defense efforts (Steeled Your Resolve; +4 to any defense organizing next turn).

In New York, meanwhile, a different set of protests stood out. First off, a landmark Supreme Court decision upheld the constitutional right to an abortion established in Roe v. Wade, even if it expanded the conditions by which this right might be restricted. The semi-positive ruling was likely influenced by the preceding mass protests throughout the country, including a few that were organized by local LGBT organizations such as Queer Nation (Successful Protest; Major Popularity Gain). In September, the members of QN also showed up at a protest of the local police union, who were disgruntled by an initiative to investigate police misconduct. Gathering in front of city hall, a mass of drunk off-duty cops committed itself to vandalizing cars, assaulting passersby, and shouting racial epithets at the city's Black mayor, all while the actual police force stood idle. Only a small band of queer activists, ready to turn the tables on the biggest gang in town, managed to keep the mob from assaulting the on-site journalists. Obviously, the sight of this spectacle produced a lot of noteworthy press images, and in the eyes of the liberal media, these "gay defenders" were thought to be quite alright (Media Sympathy; 20% boost to both Size and Capital).
Sorry for the quick update, in case any of you wanted to write an omake. Still, I think this gives a useful impression of what the Response part of the turn is like. Onwards, to 1993!

By the way, the conceit of Perot winning was partly taken from a prominent alternate history which broadly follows the same path of divergences (Brown being more successful, and then switching sides). It's an interesting read!

Oh, and that police riot is totally real, I just added the queer counter-protestors.
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Really enjoyed these last few updates. I actually really liked the Ross Perot win. Gives both the players and QM a lot to play around with. It's just a huge wrecking ball to the status quo that will let all kinds of groups flourish if they can take advantage of it.
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Really enjoyed these last few updates. I actually really liked the Ross Perot win. Gives both the players and QM a lot to play around with. It's just a huge wrecking ball the status quo that will let all kinds of groups flourish if they can take advantage of it.
You get what I'm going for; the viability of the Perot campaign is going to make the establishment seem a lot more vulnerable than it might actually be; and this impression in itself creates a lot of opportunity.
New Org Vote: Call For Proposals
Since some of you have been clamoring for the addition of a new organization, mostly to compensate for the present geographical spread, I'm going to add one on the next turn. Personally, I think a focus on labor and electoral politics could complement the current selection, but I'll leave the actual proposing and voting up to you. For now, go ahead and suggest some additions!
I don't know enough of the history to propose an org, but as InnerMoon alluded to it would be good if we could get a West Coast area org, especially in light of the LA uprising which just happened
The Pirate Party (California)

Centered around digital rights, electronic democracy, and the transparency of governance, the Pirate Party Of California is named tongue in cheek in reference to "sailing the uncharted seas of the internet". Left leaning, and focused on local elections in various Californian cities they blah blah blah I'm tired, if someone likes this idea flesh it out idk
...wait a second! that's just the lime wirers from american decay :V
glad to see someone else also rep'ing piracy. prolly originated from a warez group
Not a California/West Coast group but if anyone's interested in ideas for political parties I'd recommend a successor to the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party. Or the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee Here's my proposal but I encourage others:

Mississippi Freedom Front (Mississippi)

The MFF is inspired by the works of the MFDP and SNCC and seeks to organize a series of grassroots political campaigns; first in Mississippi, and then the entirety of the Deep South. The MFF has a focus on civil rights, feminism, education, and worker's rights, but as more young idealists flock to the group there begins to be a further left bent to this new movement.

I'd be happy to expand on this further just don't want to ramble on. Just want the little ol' south to have some attention.
The Defenders of the People of God

The DPG is an organization of Catholic Priest and Bishops from around New England. They were founded in 1981 with the goal of protecting those under their wing from racial and religious attacks from the KKK and aid those who fell on hard times. They are mostly made out of Italian and Filipino immigrants seeking a better life at America. The DPG focus on protecting freedom of religion, civil rights, education, and immigrants rights. The Organization continues to grow larger as more and more Catholic and Immigrants join its ranks to ensure their rights and faith are protected.
Well, I think I just found the perfect organization for our present narrative needs:

Labor Party Advocates
For several years now, OCAW union leader Anthony Mazzocchi has been running a group dedicated to founding a new political party, one focused on economic justice and the general interest of the American worker. For now, many questions about such a party are yet to be decided, but the enthusiasm among union members is clearly there, especially with the recent success of an independent presidential campaign.

Edit: they also have a wonderfully outdated website, and were mostly active in South Carolina (fitting a geographical gap)
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New Org Vote
And with that, I'm opening the vote, including some of our earlier proposals:
[] Twin Cities: For The People!
[] The Pittsburgh Labor Club
[] The Love Foundation
[] The New Party
[] Labor Party Advocates
[] The Blair Mountain Brigade
[] The Pirate Party
[] The Defenders of the People of God
[] Mississippi Freedom Front

Vote is by approval, so vote for all you'd like to see. The org with the most support gets in, though the rest will stay on the list for potential later votes.
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