The End of Harmony - An Equestria at War Game (Claims/OOC)

1. Griffon Frontier (Governor Muck)
2. Confederation of Southern States (J.D. Neighvis)
3. Celestial State (Daring Do)

There are no descriptions for my bottom 2 choices, if you can give them, I might change my choice, but trying to tame bandits and deal with communists sounds interesting
1. Celestial State (Daring Do)

2. Confederation of Southern States (J.D. Neighvis)

3. Buffalo Chiefdom (Chief Thunderhooves)
Alright, alright, alright... today's the day. Remember- keep it short and sweet. If you wanna do a super long and hyper-detailed plan, that's your prerogative, but by no means is it a requirement.

Turns will be every three days (that is to say, two days in between each report), though there is some leeway there. There will also be a variance in report length, just depending on how much is going on, and they take place over the course of two in-game weeks.

A game thread will be up momentarily. Good luck everypony!