The Empty Crusade (Horus Heresy)

[X]Shared Brotherhood
The legions had their own trials ahead but when one would slow the other would pick them up. The two stayed apart but for times of need.

Glad you have returned.
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Going to be working on the update, but little vote on the next sub arc.

[]The Three Dogs of the Empire
[]Cloaked in Shadows and Mystery
[]Lost and Forgotten
[]The Phoenix and the Fire
[]Dusk and Night
[]The Imperial Heartland
[]Blood and Scars
[X]The Imperial Heartland

I'd like to see what the imperium actually looks like.
[X]The Imperial Heartland

I want to see what this version of the Imperium looks like considering in this timeline slavery is illegal, instead of downright intolerance toward religion the Imperial Truth only discourages fanaticism and xenos and abhumans are accepted.
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First and Seventh 3
"Kaloth 7th, Darvin Secondus, Xeio Aleph." Gahael listed off the new bages decorating his Legion's standard. Sigismund nods in response looking over the glyphs added to the standard then the Standard Bearer.

"All admirable campaigns, though, weren't Xeio Aleph recently reoccupied after a local uprising." Sigismund needles the other Legion Master.

"And what of your achievements Sigismund? Do you lack any marks on your banner that you must distract me with taunts against my honor?" Sigismund laughs at that, a small smile flicking onto his face for a hint of a moment.

"I need not hide anything, kinsmen. You simply were the one to bring forth your banner. If you felt the need to show off your minor accomplishments I feel no need to reciprocate that vainglory." Gahael tenses at Sigismund's words before nodding.

"Neither of us have had a return to the glory of Pluto have we." Sigismund shakes his head looking out the viewscreen to the void beyond.

"Our fathers are out there, let Magnus and Perturabo have glory. When your father comes to us you will have glory and for me mine. The ages are not passing so quickly that our quiet work is not important."

"Wisdom enough I may mistake you for a son of Magnus." Sigismund sighs.

"Do you want to spare while we await the warmaster to begin the conclave? It has been too long since we tested each other." Gahael nods as the two move.

Black Armor, the sound of servos moving, the sound of a blade through flesh biting into bone. The Ashened looks to his brothers the squad was making a beachhead for the imperial army forces above, Ork incursions into the space beyond the wall is rare nearly unheard of but the large waagh was rallying untested Orks in the area minimal danger worlds that were waiting for a compliance force were suddenly trying to get off planet making crude ships and requiring decisive actions. The First were spread out striking everywhere then can to open up holes for the other forces.

Amongst the First the Ashen Company stands undaunted their burnt black Armor marking them as the bravest of their kin and they slaughter their foes. Army slayers and war enders, a squad of this company does what a cohort of any other could do. Truly they are the elite.

"Position X6 needs a secondary ablative wall to deal with the Ork siege weapons." A man commands the bunker around him a hive of activity.

"Would it not be better to use those materials to expand our own towers to allow additional weapons platforms to engage the Orks before they can bring their weapons online?" The man turns and glares at the other Astares their silken robe covering black and gray armor the cog amulet around their next making it clear of their allegiance.

"I don't need any Iron Wanderer help, the Seventh is already deployed across the line and you are without any supporting elements so don't question my command." The figure was quite the blank helmet not revealing any thoughts.

"My earthmovers and two of my dreadnoughts are currently aiding in your fortifications. I may not have numbers but I am not out of command and once the rest of my unit is recovered from the wreck we will be taking command of this position." The seventh leader takes great pain not to show any reaction.

"Until I get word from the Warmaster this is my planet." The silk robe shifts and the Iron Wanderer taps a scroll they just sat down.

"If our ship hadn't transitioned into the atmosphere and crashed you would already be redeployed. My father has decided to prepare for a large strike so a smaller group of more qualified siege experts are being deployed to ongoing campaigns." This time he couldn't help but growl. Arrogant ass the lot of those cog worshipping fools.
Imperial Heartlands 1
Marius Gage looked over the form and immediately it was filled, processed, compared, analyzed, and confirmed before he set it down in the correct box. That one didn't require any additional action on his part. The Imperial Legion he shifted looking over to his golden armor. Then with a shake of his head he returned to his paperwork. They were either bodyguards or archivists like him, working as important unbreakable cogs in the grand design of the emperor, Guilliman their father. He completed the work of a thousand scribes each day the administration of a dozen worlds passed under his fingers and yet he felt under utilized.

The maker, the first emperor, had after all built their genestock for war not taxes. His mind was far greater than anything mortal men could complete but now that the unification of Sol was behind them the Imperial Legion took a more and more ceremonial role in war. He shook his head it was foolish to doubt the wisdom of the emperor. Either of them, his mind was greater than mortal men so why waste it on wars when it can be the glue of the empire around him.

The Legion would strive for its own growth and slow climb towards betterment and strength. Gage was one of many that shifted uneasily in the use of the Imperial Legion. With Guiliman caught up in the running of the Empire it was up to the Legion to self regulate and in the end it fell into a new pattern.

[][Pattern] Holding
The legion would not allow emotions or dissatisfaction get to them they will each continue with their job unchanging, and without complaints.
[][Pattern] Rotation
The legion would constantly shift. Even if it means skills go unused, all members will never spend too many years in one position. From guard, to archivist, to mechanic, to commander, to messenger. All positions are rotated between by the members of the Legion.
[][Pattern] Release
An Astares is a powerful individual and even if the Imperial Legion is spread out as a hundred honor guards and a thousand bureaucrats, they have enemies they can face. Hive cities even now have not been fully claimed every year or so the Imperial Legion forces on a world organizes a raid into the underhives available to them.

"Please sir just a few thrones and I can feed my mother." The man sneered at the inhuman child, its face covered in a thin ooze as its one hand was missing, replaced by a thick tentacle. The child thing drew close and the man pushed it away.

"I don't know why you are begging here but know that I don't want to see you and you are everything wrong with the Empire, allowing mutants into our cities, your mother likely needs your begging so she can keep sleeping with whatever animal thing is your father." He spat in its face before leaving through the door. The child moved on begging from one passer-by to the next gaining half thrones and pennies slowly over the day.

Then they return to a small ally and then into a hidden building where a single thing sat, the wires and glass shaking as the figure approaches. "Information Acquired?" The harsh metallic voice screeches. The child whispers about the goings on of the people and the rumors of the rich. The machine shakes before releasing a green gruel.

Behind a screen standing next to the master Servitor of the network an Imperial Herald shook his head. "Reporting no major changes, no sign of Powers Influence. Agents in the local religions show no Power iconography. Secondary reviews indicate that I am not under Power Effects. Continuing as previously ordered." That was their position: the slow view and clearing of a world. This agent was managing an already integrated world but others were working in larger teams to manage the cleansing and cataloging of new worlds. Agents of the Power had already been detected on other worlds and without the Sigillite's aid it was likely they would have lost that planet to the Acting Prime Power.

This Agent would never have heard of it, even those agents that were directly involved would not remember the event. The Powers were to great and it was important to maintain quarantine around their activities. Without the help of others for the Sigillite could trust no other to touch the Powers and come away untouched in return. The prime power that the Imperial Heralds had fought off was one of the agents of the prime powers, though only the Sigillite and a handful of Astares knew of the nature of the prime powers singular nexuses of though and emotion within the Immaterial. That knowledge allowed the reports to show which one of the Prime Powers was already moving inside the Imperium.

[][Power] Decay
[][Power] Excess
[][Power] Rebellion
[][Power] Hope
[][Power] Conflict
[X][Pattern] Rotation
The legion would constantly shift. Even if it means skills go unused, all members will never spend too many years in one position. From guard, to archivist, to mechanic, to commander, to messenger. All positions are rotated between by the members of the Legion.

[X][Power] Hope
[X][Pattern] Release
An Astares is a powerful individual and even if the Imperial Legion is spread out as a hundred honor guards and a thousand bureaucrats, they have enemies they can face. Hive cities even now have not been fully claimed every year or so the Imperial Legion forces on a world organizes a raid into the underhives available to them.

[X][Power] Hope

Hope? I don't know what is meant by it, logically it should be forces antagonistic to us. The scariest of all. There are no such crimes and stupid things that a person cannot commit for the sake of dreams and hopes.
[X][Pattern] Rotation
[X][Power] Conflict

Either this or Rebellion or Hope as i believe these are the new Gods i want to see more of, Kiros probably being hope, Malal being Rebellion and maybe Skarbrand if Khorne's folks actually managed to get a God out of them for Conflict.
I do not quite understand why people choose Rotation. We will either have an incompetent legion, which is boring. Or a supercompetent legion, which is even more boring.