The Emperor, the Archon, his Magistrianoí and their Lover


A BEAT is a coherent "chunk" of emotion - which can be stored in a human soul and spent to perform magic and complete actions. The six "basic" emotions are ANGER/FEAR, JOY/SORROW, CURIOSITY/BOREDOM. Each skill is linked to one emotion and two secondary emotions. For example, Melee uses Anger as a primary emotion, but can also use Joy and Curiosity to a lesser effect.

Whenever Nike feels something, they can take up to 2 Beats or transform up to 2 beats. Transforming across the axis of internal/external emotions causes the beats to DOUBLE. For example, if Nike is afraid (2 fear beats), but then decides to face their fear with a burst of righteous anger, those 2 fear beats can be DOUBLED to make 4 Rage Beats.

When taking actions, you expend beats to get bonus successes (which are added to your dice rolls and your skill bonuses to get your total result.) When casting spells, you expend beats - the more beats, the more powerful the spell.

When taking an action, Nike will roll their Will (starts at 2, gets higher as they gain in experience.) Each Will is a six sided die, with each side reflecting a different emotion. After the dice are rolled, you add in "results" equal to your skills. Finally, you expend any beats you want. For example, Nike has 1 in Melee and they try to stab a bad guy. They would roll 2d6 and get, say, 2 and 4: Fear and Joy. Then their Melee skill would add in a Rage result. But if they had 2 rage beats hanging around, they could expend those to make it 1 Fear, 1 Joy and 3 Rage. You HAVE TO USE the HIGHEST result! Fortunately, Rage is the main skill for Melee, so that'd be 3 successes, which can be spent to hit and do damage.

When 3+ beats are spent at one time, they become a Shard of the dominant emotion (E.G, the most common type.) So, if you spent 5 beats (3 anger, 2 joy), then you would gain 1 Anger Beat.

Shards are persistent chunks of emotion that can only be shed through downtime. This removal requires indulging in an activity that is at least vaguely counter to the shard's dominant emotion. Reading a comedy to wean off anger shards. Read a tragic romance to burn off a joy shard. Get your hands dirty working on a craft project to burn off restless curiosity. However you do it, it costs 1 Thaler (1 gold coin) per Shard removed. This price can be waved by instead doing something YOUNG AND STUPID. For example, why read a romantic novel when you can seduce the wife of the mayor? Removing a shard grants 1 XP!

Shards function similarly to complications - however, unlike complications, they count as actual beats, not skills. This means that shards make it easier to get more shards. Having 1 shard means you only need to spend TWO beats at once to get a second shard.

Shards are useful - as they can be used for magic, unlike Consequences. but they are also...dangerous. If you acquire 10 shards of a single emotion, you become a GAUNT and are no longer able to feel ANY EMOTION SAVE THAT OF YOUR SHARD. Gaunts are prized by the unscrupulous and the power hungry for their magical strength, but feared for their monomaniac personalities and their lack of control.

TUTORIAL: An enemy has five important stats. Danger (Usage), Defense, Armor and Flourishes. Danger is their hit points and how dangerous they are. The usage (indicated in parenthesis) indicates how much danger they can spend to take actions. So, in this case, Bear can spend 1 Danger on a single target per turn! Defense is how many successes you need to roll to hit them. Armor is how many successes you need to cause 1 damage.

So, if Nike got 4 successes, they would spend 3 to hit, then the last could be spent to do 1 damage (which would be doubled by their longsword to 2), reducing Bear to 4 Danger. If an enemy hits 0 danger, they can be "taken out" as a free action. What being taken out MEANS depends on the Escalation. There are four levels of combat: Social, Chase/Physical, Non-Lethal and Lethal combat. We're currently at Non-Lethal, so taking him out would KO him or force him to surrender!

Enemies (or Nike!) can escalate at any time, to entirely refresh their health AND gain the initiative (this is a sneaky way to get two actions in a row), but the downsides are that...well, the consequences for failing have just gotten dramatically worse.

Finally, there are Flourishes. Flourishes are special moves that NPCs get to reflect their training, skills, spellcasting abilities and magical powers. Since you've never fought Bear, you don't know what his flourishes are.

Now, for actions, you choose a Skill, then roll it, then expend those Successes on any of four actions (and yes, you can combine these actions, in any order you want, so long as it makes sense using the skill in question.) Those actions are Manipulate the Environment, Attack, Hew and Harry. Manipulating the Environment is a catchall for moving, throwing over tables, kicking braziers at people. Attacking is just as it says, attacking. Hewing reduces the enemy's armor by 1 per success to a minimum of 1 until they expend Danger to repair it. Harrying is the same, but with Defense! There is one restriction in skill use: Hewing and Harrying CANNOT USE COMBAT SKILLS unless you have a weapon that specifically allows for it!

TUTORIAL: When casting a spell, you spend beats on several "categories." The only Category that requires a beat is "Duration" - all others have an effect even with 0 Beats, to allow for simple, easily cast spells. Those Categories are...

DURATION: How Long a spell lasts. A single beat may last for a moment. Eleven lasts for eternity.
RANGE: The range of the spell. No beats means the spell must be touched to an object. Eleven beats reaches around the world.
TARGET: The number of living targets or the weight of unlivng substance effected. No beats will handle one pound or one person. Eleven can create tons, or effect thousands.
AREA: The general area effected. No beats means there is no area of effect. Eleven will cover several square miles.
SPEED: The speed of anything moved. For no beats, no speed can be imparted. For eleven, the spell will impart enough speed to fly across whole continents in hours.
HEALTH: The amount of raw Damage is caused. This is a direct 1 to 1 relationship - 1 beat causes 1 damage.
DICE: The amount of dice added by or subtracted the spell, if the spell is a buff or debuff. At zero beats, this is zero dice. The scaling is relatively slow and caps at +/- 6 dice at eleven beats.
TAGS: This amount of beats indicates the number of positive or negative tags applied to or removed from weapons.

There are four kinds of Implement: Writing, Instruments, Singing and Dancing. Each adds their level to two different categories.

WRITING: Each level of writing adds +1 beat to Duration and Tags.
INSTRUMENTS: Each level of instrument adds +1 to Range and Health.
SINGING: Each level of singing adds +1 to Target and Area
DANCE: Each level of dance adds +1 to Speed and Dice

To put this all together as an example. Say Nike has 1 Level of Writing and 4 anger beats. They quickly scribble some furious exhortation on their trusty flintlock pistol and spend the 4 anger beats - 2 on Duration, 2 on Tags. This is bumped to 3 on duration, 3 on tags, creating a spell that lasts for 1 minute, has a range of touch, targets one one pound object (the pistol), imparts no bonus dice, causes no damage, and has no speed. But it DOES remove 2 tags, which Nike use to remove his flintlock's tags of Loading [2]. Now, he does not need to reload the pistol. It has become a glowing, bright red, modern Colt 1911. For the next few minutes at least.



BEATS: 1 Sorrow
CONSEQUENCES: None | Sleepy... (1 Boredom) | None | None
XP: 3
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Beli knew what he was doing!

Though, like, similar levels of minor levels of shapeshifting is totally doable for most people with the emotional energy to do it. Most people don't bank the beats to manage a transformation that lasts longer than a few moments, but that's because as you bank more and more beats, your anima gets more and more destructively overt.
Nike basically has a constant superpower and we should stunt the fuck out of it
Wouldn't anything more than the slightest of alterations cause Nike some disorientation? I mean if I suddenly found myself about a foot taller, with everything else about me proportioned correctly, I would most likely immediately be overreaching, bumping into thinks, stumbling, etc.
Wouldn't anything more than the slightest of alterations cause Nike some disorientation? I mean if I suddenly found myself about a foot taller, with everything else about me proportioned correctly, I would most likely immediately be overreaching, bumping into thinks, stumbling, etc.

True, but you also haven't been practicing since you were nine or ten! Plus, to Nike, it feels as natural as breathing.
So I'm thinking we should start the fight short and small, say inside their reach and then grow by about a head or two, whenever we need it, and shrink again to keep way closer then anyone with the reach we have can normally work with.
I'm wary about being too close to this guy. People are scary. Bears are scary. Combined is like a walking, talking nightmare. With claws.

Plus we'd lose out on the reach advantage that the longsword provides us. Right now I'm leaning more towards just going straight for the attack. Some of the mechanics are going over my head, but I think we have enough beats to grow a head or two for a single round? Enough to at least throw Captain Bear's groove off enough for us to do some damage.
[X] Attempt to get him off balance with some creative footwork (Harry+Attack using Athletics)
-[X] Let him get a feel for the length of your deliberately shortened reach, then extend it once he adjusts
[X] Attempt to get him off balance with some creative footwork (Harry+Attack using Athletics)
-[X] Let him get a feel for the length of your deliberately shortened reach, then extend it once he adjusts
You grin, stepping before the Captain. You dart forward - shifting to your most pixish form. Small and slight and lithe, you come up underneath the bear's guard as he swings his weapon high above his head. You dart beneath him, literally skidding between his furred legs, then kick one of his legs out with a vicious thrust of your leg.

The immense bear of a pirate captain drops to one knee, bellowing in fury. He pushes his immense, steel shod club underneath him, using it to leverage himself up. You can see him limping, favoring his other leg. He's off balance now. You grin. Easy prey for a murder-stroke, maybe something fancier, if you-

The bear captain roars and springs forward, using his one good leg to launch himself towards you. Your eyes widen and you duck low, but the immense club is rushing towards you faster than you believed possible, considering everything!

[] Duck Low and go for the Gut? (Escalate Combat from non-lethal to lethal. Note, this will give you two actions since you choose to escalate at the end of your turn.)
[] Take the hit! (Take a Consequence - write in what it is!)

Harrying roll, using Athletics!
Roll, with +1 dice for creative trickery.

2,6,2 = Two Fear, One Boredom.
Add in athletics rating: Three Fear, One Boredom.
Spend Fear Beat: Four Fear, One Boredom!

Since fear is the highest result, we use it! Since Athletics is a fear skill, this means we get 4 successes!

Spend 2 successes to reduce Defense from 3 to 1 (the minimum.) Spend the remaining 2 successes to cause 2 damage. Since we're using athletics and not our sword, we don't get to use any tags from the sword. Bear is reduced to 4 Danger.

On his turn, Bear will use a flourish (SMASH!, a 1/combat flourish - meaning he gets to use it once) and 1 of his danger to attack with 7 successes. Nike attempts to dodge, using Athletics!

Roll, with +1 dice for creative trickery
2, 2, 3: Two Fear, One Curiosity!
Add in one more fear from Athletics.

Bear spends 3 successes to beat Nike's defense, leaving him with 4 successes left! Nike has 2 armor, so it costs 2 successes per 1 damage - bringing Nike to 0 Will!

Nike is in danger of being TAKEN OUT! Bear is at 3 Danger, 1 defense, 1 armor.

TUTORIAL: So, Nike has given and taken some damage. Fortunately, damage isn't "real" damage until you're either taken out or take a Consequence. You can take one Consequence per level of combat (meaning, four in total - one for social, one for chases, one for non-lethal, one for lethal.) A Consequence is simply a narrative description ("broken limb", "stinging wound", "humiliated", "torn shirt", "bloody forehead wound"), a value (the amount of damage negated) and an Emotion (Anger, Fear, Boredom, and so on.)

A Consequence adds the value of damage negated (2 in this case) in the emotional result of the consequence to ALL DICE ROLLS. This can be good AND bad. For example, lets say you take the consequence of "Bruised Forehead" (2 Anger). Now, you add +2 anger results. Great for melee attacks and intimidation. NOT so great for stealth or awareness or lots of other skills that don't use Anger as a result.

Consequences are removed by having other characters treat you with a skill check, removing 1 level of a consequence per success.


Does this mean that I, the designer, am trying to encourage you to get dramatically wounded, then have your wounds tenderly bound up by your friend who is falling in love with you?

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You grunt as the club smashes into you - and you roll hard with it, sending you flying backwards. Good news?

You don't break your ribs.

Bad news, you almost go over the side of the ship. You grab onto the railing with one hand, your other hand clinging to your longsword. Dark water flows beneath your feet and you are terribly aware, for just a moment, of how very deep the ocean is and how fast the ship is and how little time anyone will have to rescue you. You clench your teeth and drag yourself up with a burst of strength, driven more by fear than anything else, and land among the swirling melee - and then see that that damn bear is advancing towards you, tossing his club from paw to paw.

He is still limping over - his eyes wild and furious. You grin, an idea flashing through your mind as he comes closer and closer, staggering at you.

You tense - waiting for him to lift his club, then throw yourself to the side as he brings it down. By shrinking a bit, it's just enough.

The pirate captain, his eyes wild, hits the railing, topples forward, and unlike you...both of his hands are on the club. He plunges into the drink with a shriek, and then begins to swim desperately.

He's not the only pirate going over the side of the ship - the crew has managed to drive many of them backwards, and others have thrown up their hands. Most, though, have retreated back to the pirate ship, clearly having decided that this ship was too tough a nut to crack. The crew lets out a ragged cheer - but your heart is still going a thousand miles a minute. You sag down and lean your back against the railing you had almost gone over, your hand going to your chest.

"Shows those bastards," one of the crew - a short, curly haired woman with dark brown skin - says, spitting over the edge of the ship. She shakes her fist at the rowers on the pirate ship, who are backskulling as hard as they can. You grin at her.

"Does this happen every time?" you ask. "I can see why you sailors are all so tough."

"No," she admits. "...usually it's a worse." She flashes a jagged, gap toothed smile at you.

You stand, rubbing your shoulder - and look around, biting your lip as the crew begins to take custody of the few pirates who hadn't managed to get to their ship before the two vessels began to move apart. You can see Viator is clutching his hand to his arm - some dark black blood is dripping between his fingers.


[] Check on Vitor (both of you help with one another's conditions)
[] Question the Pirates (was this all as it seems, or was there something nefarious under it?)

Nike, still using athletics for the harrying/attacks rolls: 6, 2, 6

Two Boredom, One Fear! But then we add in the result from your athletics skill and your condition and we also get Four Fear, which is the highest result, giving 4 successes. Bear has 1 defense and 1 armor. 1 success to reduce his defense to 0, then the remaining successes will cause 3 damage, reducing Bear to 0 Danger and taking him out
[X] Question the Pirates (was this all as it seems, or was there something nefarious under it?)

This is going to be so exciting for our Book!

We can be actually writing that book, ya know, for our cover, not because we enjoy it, or anything.
[X] Check on Viator (both of you help with one another's conditions)

I'm interested in this "have your wounds tenderly bound by your dear friend" part of the game.
Well, now this is something completely different. Count me in!

[X] Check on Viator (both of you help with one another's conditions)

This was Nike's first taste of real combat. Even if they won, they must still feel a bit shocked. Worrying about their friend would come easier to them right now, rather than thinking about possible conspiracies and interrogations.
You sit down on one of the crates of cotton that are the ship's main cargo. Viator walks over to you, hissing as he does so, clearly planning to find some medical supplies. You grin, whistling to him. "Hey, stand here - I'm a writer, I know how to deal with a little scratch like that."

"It doesn't hurt like a scratch," Viator mutters, and you laugh, then reach up. You gently tug his hand away from his arm and smile at him - then look down at the wound.

You place your finger upon his wound, murmuring softly as you scrawl - leaving behind glowing green letters, taking your happiness that he wasn't hurt (too badly) and turning it into words: And then Viator, the brave, handsome, gorgeous man, was healed. Viator, craning his head to read the glowing lettering you left on him snorted softly. "Well, I'm already feeling better."

You wink at him - and the joy in your heart washes away the wound, not merely metaphorically. Literally. The wound seals shut and the blood is washed away in a pale glow of greenish light. He rubs at the now unscarred skin with his palm, then grins at you.

"I've never been healed by bardic magic before. Usually, I have to walk it off and tough it out," he says, while you feel a tiny nugget of happiness and contentment in your breast. You bite your lip slightly, your hand going to your chest as Viator look away, at the rest of the crew.

His voice is playful.

"Want to celebrate our victory?"

Your grin gets wider.

You wake up, two days later, to a call from the decks.

"Port ho!"

You wake up with Viator's green hand resting on your breast, his other cupping your crotch - which has settled in your sleep in a blurry, indistinct place between male and female. Viator, being a gentleman, was more than happy to enjoy his time with you in each of your variations, though he put it...preferred to top. Fortunately, you were (as ever) flexible, and...

Well, there was just no polite way to put it: Spending the evenings of your first trip across the Sea of Spirits being railed by a hunky orc was just a fantastic fucking way to start your mission. BUt as the rest of the crew that are on duty for this part of the day begins to rush about, with the bell jangling to call up the rest, Viator groans and opens his eyes. He looks up at you as the two of you sway in your hammock, the only privacy from you and the rest of the ship being the most flimsy of all cantrips - the rest of the crew studiously ignoring you. It was apparently the custom on the Amiah: Fuck around, fine, just don't be too loud and stay focused on duty.

"Almost to port..." Viator rumbles. "I...have to get ready - hauling in takes all hands."

You blush, slightly as he writhes out of bed.

It wasn't as if Viator was your first lover. Not even your first male lover. Not by a long shot.



[] "'s been fun..." (2 Sorrow beats)
[] "See you around, Viator. I can't wait to see the Joylands." (2 curiosity beats)
[] "Well! It's been fun. Bye!" *get dressed hurriedly* (2 Boredom beats)


[] Do something stupid to burn it off (Write in what that should be)
[] Keep it for now, it might be useful (focus on mission)

Nike transformed his two curiosity beats into two joy beats, then cast with all 3 being used on the Damage track (since writing provides the 1 duration required for an instant spell.) This heals every bit of damage Viator had, and more!

Meanwhile, Viator simply used his Presence...and some a skill check to remove Nike's condition. You can use your imagination :)

TUTORIAL: Nike has gained their first Shard! When 3+ beats are spent at one time, they become a Shard of the dominant emotion (E.G, the most common type.) So, if you spent 5 beats (3 anger, 2 joy), then you would gain 1 Anger Beat.

Shards are persistent chunks of emotion that can only be shed through downtime. This removal requires indulging in an activity that is at least vaguely counter to the shard's dominant emotion. Reading a comedy to wean off anger shards. Read a tragic romance to burn off a joy shard. Get your hands dirty working on a craft project to burn off restless curiosity. However you do it, it costs 1 Thaler (1 gold coin) per Shard removed. This price can be waved by instead doing something YOUNG AND STUPID. For example, why read a romantic novel when you can seduce the wife of the mayor? Removing a shard grants 1 XP!

Shards function similarly to complications - however, unlike complications, they count as actual beats, not skills. This means that shards make it easier to get more shards. Having 1 shard means you only need to spend TWO beats at once to get a second shard.

Shards are useful - as they can be used for magic, unlike Consequences. but they are also...dangerous. If you acquire 10 shards of a single emotion, you become a GAUNT and are no longer able to feel ANY EMOTION SAVE THAT OF YOUR SHARD. Gaunts are prized by the unscrupulous and the power hungry for their magical strength, but feared for their monomaniac personalities and their lack of control.
[X] "'s been fun..." (2 Sorrow beats)

[X] Do something stupid to burn it off: wander the town at 3am, contemplating the sorrowful beauty of the night. Possible stop to recite sappy-off-the-cuff mournful love poetry.
[X] "See you around, Viator. I can't wait to see the Joylands." (2 curiosity beats)

[X] Keep it for now, it might be useful (focus on mission)

Viator isn't Nike's first fling, and won't be their last if we can help it. And I seriously doubt Viator is much different. Keep things happy and open for potential future meetups.