The Emperor, the Archon, his Magistrianoí and their Lover

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For a thousand years, the world of Eclipse was ruled by the Galen - and through the Via Lux, a thousand worlds bent their knee. Galen Legionaries took slaves and wealth from every world they touched, and for a time, it was glorious. Then came Amiah, She Who Knew God, and the fires of rebellion spread throughout the Galen Empire. Guerrilla armies from the depths of the verdant province that served as the agricultural core of the Empire shattered the legions and performed a great working that sank the homeland of the Galen to the depths of the Sea of Spirits. The Via Lux were shuttered and the tales of other worlds became just that...tales...


The western Empire is now known as the Union of Sacred Frieland Kingdoms. It is none of these things. The southern Empire is the home of the Spire - the church founded by Amiah and her followers. But the east - the glorious, eternal East - endures. Though the Galenzanti speak a different tongue, they retain the majesty of their ancestors. Though they worship the Spire and not the ancient Creedo Divintus, they retain their independence and their freedom.

The year is 1618 P.A.

You are NIKE and you were born in DRAGONSPIRE, the capital of the Galenzanti Empire, as a dirt poor orphan. But your somewhat...poor decision to attempt to rob the ARCHON OF WAR leads to you being adopted by the state-sanctioned demigod of the Empire and taken on as his adoptive child. Trained in the arts of war, statecraft, magic and espionage, you have nearly come of age - and the world is about to plunge into war. In distant Frieland, the head of the Spire upon Eclipse has been defenestrated by her religious opponents. Now, the ever fractious kingdom is falling into a vicious civil war.

Your father has been ordered by the Emperor to take full advantage of the situation.

And so, he has turned to you and made you one of his Magistrianoi - one of his messengers.

Officially, your job is to deliver the mail.



This Quest is also a playtest of a RPG of my own design! Otherwise, the ground rules are thus!
  • Standard quest (you are Nike, a spy and agent for the Galenzanti Empire)​
  • Majority wins (democracy at it's finest)​
  • Tutorial will be provided in the posts in green text​
  • There may be mature content (sex scenes, violence.)​
  • All characters involved in any sex scenes are 18 or older.​

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A BEAT is a coherent "chunk" of emotion - which can be stored in a human soul and spent to perform magic and complete actions. The six "basic" emotions are ANGER/FEAR, JOY/SORROW, CURIOSITY/BOREDOM. Each skill is linked to one emotion and two secondary emotions. For example, Melee uses Anger as a primary emotion, but can also use Joy and Curiosity to a lesser effect.

Whenever Nike feels something, they can take up to 2 Beats or transform up to 2 beats. Transforming across the axis of internal/external emotions causes the beats to DOUBLE. For example, if Nike is afraid (2 fear beats), but then decides to face their fear with a burst of righteous anger, those 2 fear beats can be DOUBLED to make 4 Rage Beats.

When taking actions, you expend beats to get bonus successes (which are added to your dice rolls and your skill bonuses to get your total result.) When casting spells, you expend beats - the more beats, the more powerful the spell.

When taking an action, Nike will roll their Will (starts at 2, gets higher as they gain in experience.) Each Will is a six sided die, with each side reflecting a different emotion. After the dice are rolled, you add in "results" equal to your skills. Finally, you expend any beats you want. For example, Nike has 1 in Melee and they try to stab a bad guy. They would roll 2d6 and get, say, 2 and 4: Fear and Joy. Then their Melee skill would add in a Rage result. But if they had 2 rage beats hanging around, they could expend those to make it 1 Fear, 1 Joy and 3 Rage. You HAVE TO USE the HIGHEST result! Fortunately, Rage is the main skill for Melee, so that'd be 3 successes, which can be spent to hit and do damage.

When 3+ beats are spent at one time, they become a Shard of the dominant emotion (E.G, the most common type.) So, if you spent 5 beats (3 anger, 2 joy), then you would gain 1 Anger Beat.

Shards are persistent chunks of emotion that can only be shed through downtime. This removal requires indulging in an activity that is at least vaguely counter to the shard's dominant emotion. Reading a comedy to wean off anger shards. Read a tragic romance to burn off a joy shard. Get your hands dirty working on a craft project to burn off restless curiosity. However you do it, it costs 1 Thaler (1 gold coin) per Shard removed. This price can be waved by instead doing something YOUNG AND STUPID. For example, why read a romantic novel when you can seduce the wife of the mayor? Removing a shard grants 1 XP!

Shards function similarly to complications - however, unlike complications, they count as actual beats, not skills. This means that shards make it easier to get more shards. Having 1 shard means you only need to spend TWO beats at once to get a second shard.

Shards are useful - as they can be used for magic, unlike Consequences. but they are also...dangerous. If you acquire 10 shards of a single emotion, you become a GAUNT and are no longer able to feel ANY EMOTION SAVE THAT OF YOUR SHARD. Gaunts are prized by the unscrupulous and the power hungry for their magical strength, but feared for their monomaniac personalities and their lack of control.

TUTORIAL: An enemy has five important stats. Danger (Usage), Defense, Armor and Flourishes. Danger is their hit points and how dangerous they are. The usage (indicated in parenthesis) indicates how much danger they can spend to take actions. So, in this case, Bear can spend 1 Danger on a single target per turn! Defense is how many successes you need to roll to hit them. Armor is how many successes you need to cause 1 damage.

So, if Nike got 4 successes, they would spend 3 to hit, then the last could be spent to do 1 damage (which would be doubled by their longsword to 2), reducing Bear to 4 Danger. If an enemy hits 0 danger, they can be "taken out" as a free action. What being taken out MEANS depends on the Escalation. There are four levels of combat: Social, Chase/Physical, Non-Lethal and Lethal combat. We're currently at Non-Lethal, so taking him out would KO him or force him to surrender!

Enemies (or Nike!) can escalate at any time, to entirely refresh their health AND gain the initiative (this is a sneaky way to get two actions in a row), but the downsides are that...well, the consequences for failing have just gotten dramatically worse.

Finally, there are Flourishes. Flourishes are special moves that NPCs get to reflect their training, skills, spellcasting abilities and magical powers. Since you've never fought Bear, you don't know what his flourishes are.

Now, for actions, you choose a Skill, then roll it, then expend those Successes on any of four actions (and yes, you can combine these actions, in any order you want, so long as it makes sense using the skill in question.) Those actions are Manipulate the Environment, Attack, Hew and Harry. Manipulating the Environment is a catchall for moving, throwing over tables, kicking braziers at people. Attacking is just as it says, attacking. Hewing reduces the enemy's armor by 1 per success to a minimum of 1 until they expend Danger to repair it. Harrying is the same, but with Defense! There is one restriction in skill use: Hewing and Harrying CANNOT USE COMBAT SKILLS unless you have a weapon that specifically allows for it!

TUTORIAL: When casting a spell, you spend beats on several "categories." The only Category that requires a beat is "Duration" - all others have an effect even with 0 Beats, to allow for simple, easily cast spells. Those Categories are...

DURATION: How Long a spell lasts. A single beat may last for a moment. Eleven lasts for eternity.
RANGE: The range of the spell. No beats means the spell must be touched to an object. Eleven beats reaches around the world.
TARGET: The number of living targets or the weight of unlivng substance effected. No beats will handle one pound or one person. Eleven can create tons, or effect thousands.
AREA: The general area effected. No beats means there is no area of effect. Eleven will cover several square miles.
SPEED: The speed of anything moved. For no beats, no speed can be imparted. For eleven, the spell will impart enough speed to fly across whole continents in hours.
HEALTH: The amount of raw Damage is caused. This is a direct 1 to 1 relationship - 1 beat causes 1 damage.
DICE: The amount of dice added by or subtracted the spell, if the spell is a buff or debuff. At zero beats, this is zero dice. The scaling is relatively slow and caps at +/- 6 dice at eleven beats.
TAGS: This amount of beats indicates the number of positive or negative tags applied to or removed from weapons.

There are four kinds of Implement: Writing, Instruments, Singing and Dancing. Each adds their level to two different categories.

WRITING: Each level of writing adds +1 beat to Duration and Tags.
INSTRUMENTS: Each level of instrument adds +1 to Range and Health.
SINGING: Each level of singing adds +1 to Target and Area
DANCE: Each level of dance adds +1 to Speed and Dice

To put this all together as an example. Say Nike has 1 Level of Writing and 4 anger beats. They quickly scribble some furious exhortation on their trusty flintlock pistol and spend the 4 anger beats - 2 on Duration, 2 on Tags. This is bumped to 3 on duration, 3 on tags, creating a spell that lasts for 1 minute, has a range of touch, targets one one pound object (the pistol), imparts no bonus dice, causes no damage, and has no speed. But it DOES remove 2 tags, which Nike use to remove his flintlock's tags of Loading [2]. Now, he does not need to reload the pistol. It has become a glowing, bright red, modern Colt 1911. For the next few minutes at least.



BEATS: 1 Sorrow
CONSEQUENCES: None | Sleepy... (1 Boredom) | None | None
XP: 3
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The figure sitting upon the brass throne is made of fire and he is made of screaming. The screaming, though, isn't coming from him.

It's a part of him.

He's feet tall. It keeps changing. Shifting. Maybe it's just your fear. Your hands are shaking and you try to think of your father-

[Oh, how utterly droll. I was enjoying the fear.]

The figure's voice echoes in your mind and you tense - and the laughs. His face - a carved brass mask, a jester's stylized smirk emblazoned across it - rotates to the left, allowing the mask behind the roiling flames that is his head to come into view. It is a frowning, scowling face.

[My suggestion is to give me what I want, child. Fear. Yes. Agony, that too.] His chuckle is like squealing metal. [What kind of a spy would you be if you could not take even a tiny bit of torture? Now...are you ready for the Rite?]

You gulp. Your hands tighten. Your fingers grip together and you lift your chin.

"I'm ready."

You force the fear away. Turn it into anger. Anger at this indignity. You close your eyes, lift your head. Ready yourself.

The brass figure - the Archon of Secrets - lifts his finger and points it at your head. And you feel the memories SCREAMING out of you in one long hideous chain, each link rasping and dragging against your mind. Clink. Clink. CLINK. CLINK-

And you begin to scream.


You are Nike. You don't know who your parents were. You don't know why they had you, or why they left you. All that you know are the streets of Dragonspire. They're eerie streets, to others. Strange streets. Nightmare streets. But to you, they are home. You are used to the hissing doorways that open themselves when you draw close. To the midnight black, carapace like sweep of the roof-chitin that forms the tops of the main covered streets. You like the ribs that make up the walls of the houses, or the way the city breathes with a humid, moist air. You've only seen a blue sky once in your life - and honestly, you'd rather stick with the bioluminescents and the torches that light the interior of the city. It's a vast place, too. You've explored the back alleys and the sewer systems for years and you don't think you've ever been to even a quarter of the city.

You know that there are higher levels - built one atop the other, creating a pyramid shape, ascending up to the Imperial Palace and the home of the Archons.

The Archons...

Almost more than the Emperor, you know the Archons. There is, of course, the posters of them set up in every tavern. There are the bards, who sing their stories. There are the little booklets, with the illustrations, so that even illiterates like you can read them and see them. Printed out by the dozen on cheap paper, you must have read the adventures of Beli of South Sewer, or the Daring Cataphract, or Argileus the Archer, who had stood upon the wall of Dragonspire in the year 800 and shot dead an entire horse-horde army. All of them are so exciting - but they're not what you are focused on today.

Today, you are focused on finding a way to get a few more gold strata in your pouch. Or just some food. Either would work. You start to creep through the narrow vein-junctions that lead from the habitation area you have been sleeping in - this part of Dragonspire is not well peopled, and so there are plenty of empty chambers for anyone to sleep in. You emerge from the junction and into one of the open air marketplaces. Here, wood and cloth and bright colors are used to try and cover the unsettling...dragon-ness of Dragonspire. The city had been built, or so the bards said, by a dragon. The Empress Justinia had pulled a thorn from his taloned feet, and so, he had crafted for her a city where her people could stay. BUt dragons...didn't understand people. That was why so many outsiders found Dragonspire unsettling.

You rub your palms together - and then spot an outsider. Perfect mark. They're dressed in bright white robes, and they aren't even looking at their pouch. You creep forward, reach out and-


Everything freezes. Green fire crackles through the edges of the world - as if the buildings are breaking apart. The fires lick at the air, at your face.

[This is too late...go back.]

No, you-

You move backwards, juttering, fast motion. It's sickening. You watch food slide out of your mouth, waste slide into your body, blood drip into your wounds. You are back to...the bad time. Before...


You don't like...

You don't like these memories...


[] I felt ... like a boy
[] I felt ... like a girl
[] I felt ... like...neither
[] I felt ... like both...
[] I felt ... like... (write in)

The actual rules and mechanics of the game are going to be explained as we play - in these helpful passages! If it's green, it's a tutorial! But with the second post, the first (and most important) mechanic shall be revealed!
[X] I felt ... like... sometimes one... sometimes the other... sometimes neither

I don't think I've seen a quest with a genderfluid protagonist (which doesn't mean it doesn't exist, there are a LOT of quests on SV)
[X] I felt ... like... sometimes one... sometimes the other... sometimes neither
The bad memories come.

"Lad! You there!" The guard, pointing at you. "Turn out your pockets. You underhive scum are always stealing something. Aren't you boy?"

The way he just...assumes he KNOWS you, that he KNOWS who you are it makes you so ANGRY.

You stand, trying to imagine what you'd look like if you got a chance to go the Via Races. think it'd be nice today to go dressed in flowing greens. You like the greens, they tend to be nicer than the blues in this district. also just like the idea of being pretty. And in the right dress, you do look like...well...whatever you want.

The idea fills you with JOY.

You lay on your back. The old mothers of the beggars circles tell you that when you grow up, your body changes. It grows into what you want it to be, they say. God makes you a man, God makes you a woman, and you just want to or...both or...NEITHER don't know, but you just want to be something other than this.

You're so goddamn BORED. .

You are in an alleyway, sobbing. The new hair cut doesn't work it doesn't work it doesn't work. You try to get mad - but instead, you just get...more...

You're so...SAD.

You run, you run, and behind you, you can hear the other gangers. "Come back, girle! Come back! Haha!"

You sprint as fast as you can, and purple sparks fly behind you because you're so FRIGHTENED.

You stand before a cracked looking glass in a home that has been destroyed by fire. That's the best time to come picking over the ashes - right after the firemen have put it out with song and strumming guitars, but before the owners have come back to begin to set things to rights. In this part of Dragonspire, the owners were usually five, six levels higher and took forever to check on their tenets. You look into your dusky face, into your bright common purple eyes, and you are can see all the possibilities...of what you...

You're so...CURIOUS.

It is a day that feels like any other - except that you're glowing. You have noticed, over the past few weeks, that...odd things have been happening around you. The old grannies that you talk to say that people who feel things too strongly go crazy. The Galenzanti say that only Frielanders and their debauched, decadent spellcasters are so grotesque as to simply let their feelings show. It is called an anima. BUt no matter what you try and do, you can't STOP feeling these FEELINGS. You know that they're...they're not right, that you shouldn't. But every time you try and squash it down, try to just be Nike,

They get stronger.

And today, your anima is crackling around you. You close your eyes and breathe out a small red fog - irritation forking along your back, irritation at yourself. When you cram the last bit of stale bread into your mouth, your teeth clack against hardened stone. The bread has been turned into a rock by how bored you are with your stupid, immature body. When you walk down the alleyway that you're roosting in, you leave behind rimes of slick winter ice. You're afraid that you'll...that someone will throw you in jail or something.

Is it against the law to have your anima flaring like this?

You come to the small tavern where you do your best trade in begging and pickpocketing. But as you step inside, Jonathas, the owner, glares at you.

"Get out."

You flush and the door frame around you - it's cheap wood, fastened over a gaping, almost vaginal maw that was the building's original doorway - begins to smolder. "But-"

"You're gaunting," he snarls, then snaps his finger. He uses that bit of anger he has about you to make a flame at the tip of his thumb, lightning his clay pipe. He puffs, then glares harder at you. "I am not having a gaunt in my establishment!"

You're not. You're just...'ve heard stories about gaunts. About people who can't STOP feeling. Who become so consumed by their emotions that they're twisted into monsters. You tremble slightly.

"Get out of the way, lad."

The voice behind you is gruff. Callous. Uncaring.


[Ahh, there it is.]

You turn and you SCREAM at the man.


The man is flung backwards and the door frame shatters and you are surround by a multihued explosion of light. You are lifted up, then dropped down onto your knees, gasping heavily. Smoke roils around you and your palms rest against a shimmering skein of crystal-like material that the floor has become. You stagger up to your feet and feel a giddy sensation of purest relief. You're wrung out and loose - and you hear shouts for the guards. You flee, and yet, it's not fear that makes you feel as if you're flying. It is joy.

When you return to your hovel, you probe your body. And you find that you have smallish breasts. Then you focus - and the breasts go away. Your...thing, between your legs, is gone too. You spread your thighs, your eyes widening. You have...the girl part. And then...the male part. Then neither. Then...both. Okay, wow. You lay back, giggling to yourself. You play your own body like a fiddle, wriggling happily.

You are you. For the first time in your life.

And your anima doesn't flare again for a long time.

Memories, shuddering, come back to the moment you had been at before. Your hand is reaching out for the belt pouch of the white robed figure.

His robes sweep backwards and a hand - sinewy and tough and unwrinkled. It is the hand of someone maybe five, six years older than you, no more. It is also so strong that you gasp in fear and don't even try to jerk backwards. A pair of swords press to your back as two guards seem to materialize from nowhere, but another hand emerges from the robes, waving them backwards. "Come now," a cheerful voice says and you...look up as the hood is thrown backwards.

He's handsome.


You know him.

Beli of South Sewer. The Mongoose. The Lurking One. The Gnarled Root and the Twisted Maze. The Conqueror of the Horde. The God of Strategy. The Strategos himself.

The Archon of War.


"I-I'm sorry!" you squeak as he chuckles, quietly, looking down at you. You're shocked at how young he looks for a man pushing three centuries. He's also...taller than you expected. The robes had concealed it, but he's nearly nine feet tall, towering above you like a giant. Despite his size, though, he has a kindly face. A well trimmed black goatee, dark brown skin weathered by sun, cold gray eyes that are flecked with gold - like a torch behind a gauzy curtain. He smiles down at you.

"There's nothing to apologize for," he says, quietly. "If I couldn't miss a few gold strata, the Empire would be in a bit of a sorry state."

He releases your hand and you step backwards into one of his soldiers - the bucellarii - who plants a hand upon your shoulder. The stories say that the bucellarii are immortal too, so you freeze in place.

"May I ask your name?" The Archon of War asks you.

"Nike..." You say.

"Victory," he says, quietly. "A good name..." He rubs his chin. "Your hair - it's...odd." He cocks his head.

He is looking at your...well. Ever since you had become you, ever since you had become able to shift between genders as fluidly as you wished, you had had one mark in your hair that made people look at you oddly. It is a fringe, running from above the left eye to the very back of your head. It begins red, then shifts to blue, purple, orange, green...the entire spectrum, until white hair dangles down the back of your neck.

You gulp. "It's nothing."

"How did you get it?" he asks.

"I..." you pause. "Is it true you can...tell when people are lying to you?"

"Sometimes," he says, chuckling. "And more true every day. So, I would suggest you speak quite carefully, Nike."

Your cheeks burn. You look away. You don't speak.

"Come on, kid," the bucellarii mutters to you - and he sounds so much like one of the dock workers that you've hung out with that you have yo laugh.

So, haltingly, you tell The Archon of War everything. He does not laugh, he does not question. He simply listens. And when you are done, he smiles. " you have parents?"

You shake your head.

"Would you like one?"

[UGH! This is making me RETCH!]

Time stops - green flames crackle outwards and time shudders forward...


[] Listened most to Xenophous, the veteran Nightmare Cataphract. (+1 Stealth, +1 Melee)
(Stealth is the skill to hide and conceal oneself. Melee covers unarmed and armed melee combat - everything from swords to fists to poleaxes)
[] Listened most to Rosanos, the finest sharpshooter and scout in the Legion (+1 Aim, +1 Survival)
(Aim covers all manner of ranged weapons, including bows, arrows, slings, muskets and kannon. Survival handles surviving in the woods, knowing beasts, setting traps and tracking.)
[] Listened most to Jon the Historian, the...well, the tutor in history and rhetoric that your father hired for you (+1 History, +1 Presence)
(history covers the deep lore of the history of the world. Presence handles conversation and persuasion - one on one diplomacy, essentially. Also, seduction and sex. Not that Jon would be happy to hear you so abuse his lessons for such an earthly pursuit!)


Nike have used their first BEAT. A BEAT is a coherent "chunk" of emotion - which can be stored in a human soul and spent to perform magic and complete actions. The six "basic" emotions are ANGER/FEAR, JOY/SORROW, CURIOSITY/BOREDOM. Each skill is linked to one emotion and two secondary emotions. For example, Melee uses Anger as a primary emotion, but can also use Joy and Curiosity to a lesser effect.

Whenever Nike feels something, they can take up to 2 Beats or transform up to 2 beats. Transforming across the axis of internal/external emotions causes the beats to DOUBLE. For example, if Nike is afraid (2 fear beats), but then decides to face their fear with a burst of righteous anger, those 2 fear beats can be DOUBLED to make 4 Rage Beats.

When taking actions, you expend beats to get bonus successes (which are added to your dice rolls and your skill bonuses to get your total result.) When casting spells, you expend beats - the more beats, the more powerful the spell.

Nike needed to bank a huge number of beats for their permanent gender transformation spell. This can be dangerous - a large number of beats contained in a human soul causes their anima to flare, causing random, uncontrolled magical effects.
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[X] Listened most to Jon the Historian, the...well, the tutor in history and rhetoric that your father hired for you (+1 History, +1 Presence)

The Archon Of War would want to shore up the weakest point of his charge. You don't take a street rat and teach them how to survive, sneak, or stab. You provide the higher learning that they have been deprived, expand their experience.
[X] Listened most to Jon the Historian, the...well, the tutor in history and rhetoric that your father hired for you (+1 History, +1 Presence)
(history covers the deep lore of the history of the world. Presence handles conversation and persuasion - one on one diplomacy, essentially. Also, seduction and sex. Not that Jon would be happy to hear you so abuse his lessons for such an earthly pursuit!)

Shapeshifting Pansexual Diplomat
[] Listened most to Xenophous, the veteran Nightmare Cataphract. (+1 Stealth, +1 Melee)
(Stealth is the skill to hide and conceal oneself. Melee covers unarmed and armed melee combat - everything from swords to fists to poleaxes)

I love a stealth build, even more than a social build. The growth from dummy to... Slightly less of a dummy is more fun fully on screen anyway IMHO.
[X] Listened most to Rosanos, the finest sharpshooter and scout in the Legion (+1 Aim, +1 Survival)

I don't expect this to win, but I'd love to see a master SLINGER, the sling is so unloved. And being part of the scouts is likely to get us to travel a lot and learn about the world, and stumbling about a bit uneducated is fun, when we can be hyper-competent in other areas.
[X] Listened most to Jon the Historian, the...well, the tutor in history and rhetoric that your father hired for you (+1 History, +1 Presence)
[X] Listened most to Jon the Historian, the...well, the tutor in history and rhetoric that your father hired for you (+1 History, +1 Presence)
[X] Listened most to Jon the Historian, the...well, the tutor in history and rhetoric that your father hired for you (+1 History, +1 Presence)
Memories shift forward.

The estates of Beli of South Sewer are not in Dragonspire - he owns a country estate in the southeast, near the Sea of Spirits. The weather is warm. More importantly, the weather is weather. For the first few weeks, you have to go outside without looking up, shrouded in a haze of purple fear. But you get used to the sky - the infinite blue, the brilliance of the sun, the pale beauty of the moon, the glittering of the stars.

It takes you no time to get used to regular meals. Beli, your father, does not stand on the formality you'd have expected of an Archon. You eat at his table, but so do some of his servants and his underlings. Discussions are complicated and hard to first. You sit quietly and listen, embarrassment filling your stomach as much as food as you try to follow the complexity of war, strategy, history and the great games played by the nobility and the merchants of the Empire. But, as days turn into weeks, and Beli never strikes you or raises his voice in anger when you timidly ask questions, you begin to grow more and more brave. You ask...and he answers...

And within a month, your need for answers has become so voracious that he has hired a tutor. Jon the Historian is a short man, heavily muscled, and so dark of skin that you assume that he has to be from the Land of the Gods. But no, he is from the northernmost part of the Empire, and he says he is so very glad to be somewhere warm for once in his life. He dresses in pleated, colorful robes, and he never teaches you in a classroom, where you'd expect (from what you've heard of children who have tutors.) Instead, your discussions are held as he walks through the rocky, sun drenched foothills that overlook the cleared, flat grounds that surround Beli's manor.

The discussions start simple - places, names, faces. Old Emperors. But as you get taller than him - you start shooting up like a weed the instant that you start getting regular meals - things grow more complex.

You are sitting on a rock, rolling a sling stone between your fingers (perfect for when Rosanos, one of your other tutors, gets you for a spell) as Jon sits crossed legged, his hands on his knees.

"Let us take the example of Empress Leostastis. One of the most successful conquerors in the history of the Empire since the Fall."

You nod. "Well, she had help."

"Ah, yes, the Nightmare Legions," Jon says, chuckling. "Yes, having ten thousand monsters on your side does help."

You grin. "Don't tell Xeno you called him that."

" Xenophous identifies as a monster," Jon says, inclining his head. "That's how he stays sane - he likes it, in some way. It helps that he's found maybe the only woman in the Empire who finds chitin and a barbed tail sexy." He snorts. "But that's neither here nor there: Leostastis had more than just the might of the NIghtmare Legion. What other tools did she use to so effectively conquer the Eastern Reaches and Frieland?"

You frown. "Well..." You look up at the blue sky. "She had all the artisans and craftsmen and such in Dragonspire. And, um, once she had the Eastern Reaches, she had enough farmland to support mustering troops from the southern provinces. So..." You tick it off on your fingers. "Plenty of armor and weapons, plenty of food...and the means by which to transport them! Because she built up the navy too!"

Jon chuckles. "And yet, we do not still rule Frieland to this day. Nor the Eastern Reaches. Why is that?"

"I mean, the obvious answer is the forty seven knife wounds to the Empress' back," you say, grinning.

"Ah, yes. But look deeper, Nike. The Empress had guards, magic, an entire army of monsters, the most secure home in the whole world. How did she get assassinated?"

"...well...the Nightmare Legion was made out of the sons of nobles," you say, frowning. "That was the requirement the Dragon put on his working. And I don't think most of them took it as well as Xenophous. And...the Eastern Reaches lands were run by slaves. Well, indentured servants. And that's a sin against God, so it must have made every Spireling in the Empire upset, right? ...especially the farmers who normally sold their food to survive, and now, the market's filled with cheap eastern food, brought in by the slaves." You blink. "And the taxes she had to levvy wouldn't have been popular either. I mean, I'd be upset."

Jon smiles.

[Hmm...edging close on sedition here. Our glorious Empire once ruled the world - and a thousand others. We should rule it again, should we not?]

Your memories continue - juddering back into motion. Jon is nodding. "Excellent. Understanding history - and people - is usually more complex than simply looking at what a single man or woman, no matter how powerful."

You grin. "What about Father?"

"Oh, even the Archon of War is bound in the same currents of the world that the rest of us are. He simply makes bigger waves." Jon chuckles.

You smile, then toss the stone into the thin, scrubby brush that surrounds the rocks you sit upon. The breeze is pleasant, and you and Jon speak until the sun sets and the stars come out.


[] The stubborn pride, horsemanship, and lance-work of the dreaded Cataphracts (+1 Integrity, +1 Melee, the Background of "Horselord")
(Integrity is the skill used to resist persuasion, deception, intimidation, and other attacks on the mind and soul. A background is an all encompassing facet of your character that includes bits of skill, but also what equipment and dramatic abilities they have access to. In this case, Horselord means that Nike can always get their hands on a horse SOMEHOW - theft, having one stashed nearby, whistling for their trusty steed, what have you. It also allows them to use Integrity in addition to Athletics for the purposes of movement if they're on a horse.)

[] The methodical skill of the Grenadiers - siege masters and sling masters both (+1 Aim, +1 Craft, the Background of "Architect.")
(Craft covers all kinds of construction and building, obviously. Architect means that Nike can "create" architectural oddities or advantages that they can take advantage of. Not by magic, just by knowing how buildings are put together, so of course there's a sewer pipe connection there. This includes things like weak points to rapidly destroy buildings, rapid exits to get away, short cuts through cities, sewer entrances to important places, that kind of thing.)

[] The invisibility and perceptive astuteness of the Auxiliaries (+1 Awareness, +1 Stealth, the Background of "Friends in Low Places.")
(Awareness covers perception of all kinds - including spotting lies and such. Friends in Low Places is a background that represents that Auxiliaries are normally drawn from the criminal underclass and "barbarian" mercenaries. In Nike's case, it means they haven't lost touch with their old haunts...Friends in Low Places means that Nike is able to find any and all criminal elements in a city, town or village within a few minutes of arriving and, usually, can know or get to know someone important within that criminal element within a few minutes of meeting them.)
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[] The stubborn pride, horsemanship, and lance-work of the dreaded Cataphracts (+1 Integrity, +1 Melee, the Background of "Horselord")
(Integrity is the skill used to resist persuasion, deception, intimidation, and other attacks on the mind and soul. A background is an all encompassing facet of your character that includes bits of skill, but also what equipment and dramatic abilities they have access to. In this case, Horselord means that Nike can always get their hands on a horse SOMEHOW - theft, having one stashed nearby, whistling for their trusty steed, what have you. It also allows them to use Integrity in addition to Athletics for the purposes of movement if they're on a horse.)

A master of the hidden horse style. Tempting

[] The methodical skill of the Grenadiers - siege masters and sling masters both (+1 Aim, +1 Craft, the Background of "Architect.")
(Craft covers all kinds of construction and building, obviously. Architect means that Nike can "create" architectural oddities or advantages that they can take advantage of. Not by magic, just by knowing how buildings are put together, so of course there's a sewer pipe connection there. This includes things like weak points to rapidly destroy buildings, rapid exits to get away, short cuts through cities, sewer entrances to important places, that kind of thing.)

Smart style are always fun.


[X] The invisibility and perceptive astuteness of the Auxiliaries (+1 Awareness, +1 Stealth, the Background of "Friends in Low Places.")
(Awareness covers perception of all kinds - including spotting lies and such. Friends in Low Places is a background that represents that Auxiliaries are normally drawn from the criminal underclass and "barbarian" mercenaries. In Nike's case, it means they haven't lost touch with their old haunts...Friends in Low Places means that Nike is able to find any and all criminal elements in a city, town or village within a few minutes of arriving and, usually, can know or get to know someone important within that criminal element within a few minutes of meeting them.)

Maintain class consciousness! Viva la revolution.
[X] The invisibility and perceptive astuteness of the Auxiliaries (+1 Awareness, +1 Stealth, the Background of "Friends in Low Places.")

Once a Tunnel Snake, always a Tunnel Snake!
[X] The stubborn pride, horsemanship, and lance-work of the dreaded Cataphracts (+1 Integrity, +1 Melee, the Background of "Horselord")