The Emperor is Dead, Long Live Emperor Vader (Reboot) - Star Wars Quest

The Emperor is Dead, Long Live Emperor Vader (Reboot) - Star Wars Quest
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Emperor Palpatine is Dead, Long Live Emperor Darth Vader!

The Galaxy is in a state of chaos and pandemonium it hasn't seen in millennia. Darth Vader made good on both his promises to Palpatine to bring over Luke Skywalker to the Dark Side and to his son about the Emperor's vision of his own death at Luke's hands. With the help of his son, Vader has performed a coup d'etat and is attempting to assert control and dominion over Galactic Empire. Emperor Palpatine however didn't build his kingdom to outlast him, and before they can rule together as Father and Son, they have to pick up the pieces the shattered universe they created.

Grand Admirals, Grand Moffs and other high ranking officials have gone Warlord and declared Vader and his former rebel son illegitimate, carving out corners and sectors of space as the 'true' continuation of the Galactic Empire or Republic. Thousands of planets now feel safe enough to declare allegiance and solidarity to the Rebellion! Even 'minor' independent powers like the Hutt Clans have decided to flex their muscles to take advantage or even play for control of the Galaxy.

Darth Vader vowed to his son that together that could bring an end to the destruction and cruelty raging throughout the Galaxy and bring order; he'd die before being proven a liar.
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Bad Guy from a 90s Dark Fantasy Film
United States
"I have son. He Will Be Mine. ALL WILL BE MINE!"
-Darth Vader, shortly after being informed by Boba Fett of the existence of Luke Skywalker

Your son had fought much better than you had expected; indeed having been instructed in the ways of the Force only so recently, and by a weakling and fool like Kenboi, you had thought this would have ended as a farce. Even as your blows and movements were powered by an unholy fusion of boiling blood, the circuitry and armor that acted as your flesh, and the rage bent mystic energies, you can't help but note a hint of pride and affection that might be help blunting them so Luke would survive. How long had be training? A year or two, and mostly on his own? The boy already knew how to duel on the level with a fully inducted, though subpar Jedi Knight. The Force was strong in this one, indeed.

Knocking him to the floor, hard and placing the tip of your red lightsabre to his throat though, you note not only was that not nearly good enough to truly challenge you, but he would be nothing more than an ant to the Emperor. He had much potential, the Force might be stronger in him than it ever was with you, but even more to learn. That much must be clear to Luke now, as fear grips him as much as his hatred. Good, that could easily fuel the Force as anger could. It was a powerful, living emotion as much as any other.

"You are beaten! It is useless to resist!" You say flatly, trying to hide both your own fears and hopes behind the voice synthesizer of your helmet and life support system. This was the most alive, most cheerful and worried you had been since Obi-Wan had left you for dead and condemned you to live in this infernal machine. "Do not let yourself be destroyed as Obi-Wan did!"

For the briefest moment you think your son sees reason, as he hesitates beneath you; even if both the Force and your instincts say otherwise. He wouldn't be worthy or even able to use your old lightsabre half as well as he could, if this display were anymore than a prelude to actually converting him. Your...emotions....were getting in the way. Luke, desperately, but successfully swats your beam away, and gets off the metal grating and lets loose a sloppy, undisciplined but powerful flurry of blows. You note just how powerful your son is that he manages to strike your shoulder with that poor display and just how rare it was that your feelings had betrayed you, instead of empowered you. Still both the boy and you knew you were in control, and Luke doesn't press his luck, instead retreating across the railing and onto scaffolding that lead into Cloud Cities mining chutes and a large abyss below.

This was getting far too risky, for the both of you, so you decide to end it. With a few flicks and motions, you disarm your son....literally. As Luke howls, you feel two pangs of pain. One of concern, and your own right hand, that you had lost so long ago. Luke doesn't fall off, as you had foreseen, but instead drops to his knees and he clutches around to find his balance. "There is no escape. Don't make me destroy you."

Your son crawls away, until he could grapple the last spire and chunk of metal before all that was left to him was empty space and a great, deadly fall. He stares at you with hate and fear. That you understood and respected, you had proven yourself the better man and had been harassing Luke, his friends, and his supposed 'allies' for quite some time now. Yet of his feelings were born from lies and deception, no different than the ones fostered on you by your self serving master. It was time to illuminate him and cut the strings that pulled on you both; it was time to free you both and set you on your destined paths!

"Luke, you do not yet realize your importance. You have only begun to discover your power. Join me, and I will complete your training. With our combined strength, we can bring an end to this destructive conflict and bring order to the galaxy! "

Your son grimace of pain changes to one of disgust. "I'll never join you!"

"If you only knew the power of the Dark Side..." you say, voice only slightly catching in your throat and breathing tubes. "Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father."

"He told me enough. HE TOLD ME YOUR MURDERED HIM!"

You pause, reflexively grasping for air even as machines continued doing so unimpeded. "No, Luke I am your father."

Slicing off his hand had pained him less than that statement. Luke howls and screams in more anguish and sorrow than you thought possible. The betrayal, the lies, and knowledge that his supposed greatest enemy was his revered hero father. That Obi-Wan had trained him solely to kill you without knowing? Luke's heart was torn asunder in front of you, and you wanted nothing more than to reach out and comfort him. Set him straight and fix what they did to him. Help get his (your) revenge.

"No... No. That's not true! That's impossible!" Luke cries.

You had no time for denial or argument, he must see the truth! "Search your feelings. You know it to be true."

Luke looks dumbfounded, but does nothing but stay there on that post, hanging on to it and life, as he mulls over these new life changing facts you presented him with."

"Luke, you can destroy the Emperor; He has foreseen this. It is your destiny. Join me, and together we will rule the Galaxy as Father and Son!" you say, reaching out your right hand towards him and letting it linger there.

Inside this cold metal shell, for the first time, since Mustafar and your duel with Obi-Wan your flush with many heated emotions and none of them anger. Love, worry, hope, anxiety, concern, and...ambition. Luke doesn't speak or move, with the exception of his eyes. For a moment, they hold on your and your hand, full of doubt and wonder if you wouldn't drop him or if anything you said was true. Then the pit below and wonder if death was better alternative to the reality he now lived in. While it hurt you deeply, you understood. You had felt this why when you learned Padmé had died and fooled into thinking your children had as well, and than again when you learned of Luke's survival from your bounty hunter. But eventually Luke moves forward, crawls forward really, until you take his remaining hand and hoist him up to his feet and past the railings. You slow lead him to your personal shuttle, where talented surgeons and robotists would heal him, and let him rest. Luke would be safe under your care now, and prepared to actually master his gifts and abilities to the fullest. You would groom him one day to lead the Galaxy or at the very least a new order that would replace the eternal cycle of Sith versus Jedi.

As a father should.


The Emperor lay dead at both your feet, both your lightsabre's running clean through his chest. The look on his face, much to your surprise, was one of pride and satisfaction. A grim one no doubt, the smile skull like and sour, but nonetheless as if he had achieved something great, but at a very high cost to himself. Perhaps even more than he was willing to pay, but wanted regardless. Which was funny, because Palpatine had always thought he'd live forever. And that everything existed to serve him and his whims and designs.

It's what blinded him to Luke's and your deception. Your son had set a somewhat botched trap for the Rebellion, as they had not yet learned of his true allegiance and heritage, that had destroyed half their fleet but none of their command or industry. He publicly was to be rewarded with some of the highest honors fr this near complete triumph, than privately chastised for his half failure by Emperor Palpatine, who was at the least now completely confident in his new loyalties. Sheev had always been both paranoid and overconfident in his abilities. Palpatine had isolated himself and cloistered himself away from the Galaxy, afraid of assassins or too many eyes prying into his spiritual research and training, yet paradoxically kept his only line immediate line of security of Hands: poorly trained and even then never had a few of them around unless he somehow sensed hostility. Ironically, It took the better part of a year to learn to mask your own feelings and intent enough to make it invisible until you were in the room with him; to Luke it was second nature and he didn't know until Luke drew his lightsabre. There was a good chance, he was ignorant even then, distracted solely by you.

You reach down and hoist your son up, just as you had a year ago, but now solely priming with pride. His injuries were minor, only a short single burst of Force Lightening has crashed into his body before you finished the job and impaled the Emperor through his black heart. In truth Luke had already dealt a fatal blow, but you had no intention of letting the Emperor take your son on his way to the grave. It wasn't the Sith way...but were you ever truly a Sith? Didn't you just embark on that path for knowledge for you could use to save others? Or perhaps the way of the Sith could change?

Obi-Wan was right about one thing: there were no absolutes.

"You've done well my son," you say helping Luke to his feet. He steadied himself on the Emperor's private throne. You offer the seat to him, it was much his as yours after all, but he shakes his head as you slowly flex your gloves and take the position you were destined for. "The Emperor is Dead, Long Live Emperor Anakin Skywalker, and Prince Luke Skywalker!"

The time for speeches and parades would come soon, but not now. Not only could your heir use some medical attention, and a storm was going to be unleashed with this act. For a time there would be even more war and chaos. But storms brought rain, and what was nature's substance but that? There was never a way to avoid that, just plan and move to see it anarchy and pain passed quickly as possible. You needed to inform command and the high bureaucracy about change in leadership and what that meant. They'd accept it, or you'd find replacements. Coruscant had a trillion souls on it, there were plenty of reserves out there.

Darth Vader proclamation on private (and maybe public channels) to various Imperial centers of power: Army, Bureaucracy, and Navy that he was seizing power had to have a Casus Belli, What was it?

[] The Emperor was a grasping, cruel tyrant that had lost his way and vision of bringing peace and stability to the Galaxy after the Clone Wars. Mega-Corps like the now defunt Trade Federation had actually grown; even criminal groups like Hutt Clans and the Black Sun had swelled in influence and ran rampant! Xenophobic and Human-Centric policies divided and polarized the Galaxy, not bring it together. The Old Republic was weak and corrupt, and can't be brought back least it's sickness bring back the dark ages of the Clone Wars and the Mandalorian Conflicts, instead you would fulfill the empty promise Palpatine made long ago: to bring peace and prosperity to the Galaxy! You are offering blanket pardons to any Rebel, criminal, or corrupt official that agrees to turn himself in a timely manner and promise rapid, almost revolutionary reform for the Empire!

[] The Emperor, sadly, has died of a heart attack while discussing war plans with my son, Prince Skywalker, and I. We all know how the Rebellion and affairs of state had distracted him from drafting a will in a timely manner. Nonetheless as his designated heir, I promise you I will complete the Emperor's great work and take us into a new, brighter Galaxy on the path set to us by his New Order. We will crush the Rebels and their sympathizers, purge the faithless and disloyal, and continue forward!

[] I, General of the Republic and Jedi Knight, Anakain Skywalker have always been a champion of democracy and the Galactic Republic! Corrupt and easily subverted though it was, it was the best foundation of justice and peace in the Galaxy. Though I was trapped in this machine and brainwashed into being the puppet of Darth Sidious, known publicly as the tyrant Emperor Palpatine, but with the aid of my son and Rebel war hero Luke Skywalker, I was freed from his grip. Your freedom is at hand! The end of this chaos and death is near. My son and I will assume temporary dictatorial powers until the crisis has passed, but I promise you citizens of the Galaxy: the Republic is Reborn!

[] I have fulfilled the Sith's ancient ritual of the Rule of Two! My son and apprentice, and I will now assume control of the Empire. Our enemies will be swept away to their dooms with a gesture of our hands, our allies will be richly rewarded! For too long Darth Sidious has deceived and forced you into a twisted, failed secular world run by machines that have made you weak and ruled by forms of government that have failed time and time again. We have mastered the Force and will not hide it's uses in guiding the Galaxy into a new, enlightened era.

[] So as the Republic died, so did the Empire. Merchants, crime-lords, pampered nobility, and so called elected representatives who never stepped a foot on your world have tried to rule you. With the act of slaying the tyrant Palpatine, I promise you: I will not let them anymore! Whether it be Moff, Hutt, or CEO I promise you they face the same punishment unless they bend the knee. Not to me, but to the Galaxy at large. Every Man an Emperor!

[] The Emperor had gone soft and was leading us to our doom. He spent a fortune on extravagant, novelty superweapons that had almost no tactical or strategic purpose like the Death Star or the failed Sun Crusher project outside. Credits that could have been spent on Star Destroyers, Stormtroopers, jobs, and social infrastructure and safety nets that could have prevented the rise of the Rebellion! He would not listen to reason or step down from power willingly, so we had to take appropriate and necessary action for the continued survival and existence of the Galactic Empire. There will be changes, and we will return the Empire as it was in the beginning!

[] Insert your own idea here!

While it was and is impossible for Darth Vader to have instantly won over an entire branch of the Galactic Empire thanks to Emperor Palpatine's machinations, Luke and Vader couldn't made their move by clamping down on one without having near total backing local backing. Which was it?

[] The Imperial Navy: Darth Vader and the Navy have always had a close relationship, a bit one born out of fear and not respect like with the Stormtroppers. An angry distant Emperor was scary, but only on a philosophical level. Admirals and Captains constantly trade stories of who Darth Vader dispatched for ineptitude or even back talking him. As soon as both Skywalker assassinated the Emperor, the Imperial Star Destroyers seized the shipyards and formed a blockade so no one could get in or out without Vader's say-so. Also they had the entire planet at gunpoint.

[] The Imperial Army: Darth Vader and the Stormtropper Legions always had a soft spot for one another. While a harsh taskmaster to be sure, he was as quick with apple as the lash. Vader knew they bleed and fought bravely for him and the Empire, unlike Naval high command. Naturally it didn't take much to fully ensure they were on board, and most government and military installations were quietly taken over on Coruscant hours before Luke and Vader made their final move.

[] Imperial Intelligence: Honestly, while not particularly fond of Vader and actually loyal to Emperor Palpatine by and large, as the war has dragged on frustrations over the Emperor playing politics and shuffling them around while ignoring their advice had it's toll and shifted the alliances of certain officials just enough that when Luke Skywalker had laid the killing blow and it was proven to be so by Vader, they went on board and arrested/detained key officials, agents, and officers before anyone knew what was what.

[] Imperial Bureaucracy: The institution was so damned corrupt, all it took was bribes, the promises of bribes or promotion, and blackmail a month or so in advance to set things up. The paperwork ensured the right busybodies and nobodies would be in the right place at the right time to follow along, and the independent thinkers and trouble markers were dozens of Sectors away from Coruscant when the coup began, if they weren't fired before then!

A lot of people, groups, and things weren't going to line up, but what was the most major setback Darth Vader and Luke faced?

[] Nearly all the Grand Admirals have openly and loudly declared you illegitimate and declare their intention to depose you. The Emperor in one of his more sick and twisted moments of brilliance, "centralized" Naval power in a bunch of egotistical, ambitious but also (mostly) geniuses and gave them near total freedom to build up their own organizations and bases of power only loyal to them, with only subtle limitations for them gaining long-term power. Nearly one way or the other either expected to be named heir after the Emperor's death or retirement, or even planned their own coups like yours. You had expected that most them wouldn't be on board, or even the majority fully turning on you at some poi t, but not instantly and totally! And with them, go the vast majorty of Imperial Fleets

[] The Megacorps back the Rebellion and Warlords: The Emperor was a friend and ally. A man they shared drinks and anecdotes least earlier in his Senate career. Darth Vader is a hunking giant, encased in steel who never hobnobbed with them, and just strangled their colleagues and fellows with wizardary, threatened them and ranted on and on about the Force in front of them. Even with possible assurances otherwise, the Banking Guilds and Techno Unions want to back someone they can count on. And they can count on a lot of possible players.

[] The Fires of Rebellion Rage: Even with the major losses at Hoth and now at Slann, the destruction of the Death Star and now the Imperial government in total turmoil, have made the Empire look desperately weak and vunerable. Planets, megacorps, and sectors can smell blood in the water and opportunity. Swathes of space have now openly declared for the Alliance to Restore the calling itself the New Republic. The Rebellion is officially a Galatic power-player with the ability to field and build: fleets and armies that could go toe to toe with the Empire and Warlord, factions instead of engaging in the mostly asymmetrical warfare they had been waging up until now. The only saving grace is that it will take some time for them to do so.

[] Moff and Intelligence Council: Even if you had some local elements under your thumb, the truth was you always knew they'd be the biggest thorn in your side. You just didn't predict it would be this bad, or couldn't. A council of Moffs and ISA agents has formed and is discussing not only an alliance but which of them to officially appoint as a figurehead or a mutually supported pretender to the throne. This would be fine, but it seems this large group isn't engaging in backstabbing or (viloent) jockeying for power, but focusing on unseating you and wrangling control of the Empire. At least until you and Luke are dead.

[] Enemy Number One: Whether through pragmatism, idealism, loyalty to the Emperor, the sting of Luke's betrayal...the various Warlords, independent powers, and the Rebels have agreed they hate you the most. It's not an informal alliance, let alone an official one. They're all still fighting and going to wage war upon one another. The problem is continued success by Darth Vader and Luke might make a lot of unlikely bedfellows if they don't somehow quickly gain enough firepower or mend fences to counteract that!

[] Insert your own idea here!
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[X] I, General of the Republic and Jedi Knight, Anakain Skywalker have always been a champion of democracy and the Galactic Republic! Corrupt and easily subverted though it was, it was the best foundation of justice and peace in the Galaxy. Though I was trapped in this machine and brainwashed into being the puppet of Darth Sidious, known publicly as the tyrant Emperor Palpatine, but with the aid of my son and Rebel war hero Luke Skywalker, I was freed from his grip. Your freedom is at hand! The end of this chaos and death is near. My son and I will assume temporary dictatorial powers until the crisis has passed, but I promise you citizens of the Galaxy: the Republic is Reborn!
[X] The Imperial Army: Darth Vader and the Stormtropper Legions always had a soft spot for one another. While a harsh taskmaster to be sure, he was as quick with apple as the lash. Vader knew they bleed and fought bravely for him and the Empire, unlike Naval high command. Naturally it didn't take much to fully ensure they were on board, and most government and military installations were quietly taken over on Coruscant hours before Luke and Vader made their final move.
[X] The Confederacy has returned. In the chaos of the empire's early years CIS holdouts fled to the unknown reasons and used Droid labor to build vast war forges to build a new Droid army so that they could return and claim the galaxy for themselves. Now legion upon legion of droids march into the known Galaxy unhobbled by Palpatine. Is this the return of the clone wars?
[X] I, General of the Republic and Jedi Knight, Anakain Skywalker have always been a champion of democracy and the Galactic Republic! Corrupt and easily subverted though it was, it was the best foundation of justice and peace in the Galaxy. Though I was trapped in this machine and brainwashed into being the puppet of Darth Sidious, known publicly as the tyrant Emperor Palpatine, but with the aid of my son and Rebel war hero Luke Skywalker, I was freed from his grip. Your freedom is at hand! The end of this chaos and death is near. My son and I will assume temporary dictatorial powers until the crisis has passed, but I promise you citizens of the Galaxy: the Republic is Reborn!

[X] The Imperial Army: Darth Vader and the Stormtropper Legions always had a soft spot for one another. While a harsh taskmaster to be sure, he was as quick with apple as the lash. Vader knew they bleed and fought bravely for him and the Empire, unlike Naval high command. Naturally it didn't take much to fully ensure they were on board, and most government and military installations were quietly taken over on Coruscant hours before Luke and Vader made their final move.

[X] The Confederacy has returned. In the chaos of the empire's early years CIS holdouts fled to the unknown reasons and used Droid labor to build vast war forges to build a new Droid army so that they could return and claim the galaxy for themselves. Now legion upon legion of droids march into the known Galaxy unhobbled by Palpatine. Is this the return of the clone wars?

Also, what are the rules regarding omakes in this quest?
Also, what are the rules regarding omakes in this quest?

I'm going to have how the Quest Kingdom Management rules up tomorrow or the day after, but I will go this aspect right now.

If you post fanart or omakes I will grant a Boon

  1. Boons can be used to Increase Production: AKA decrease the time and DCs for Research, Industry, Intelligence or Economic Projects.Depending how on the big the Boon, Minor, Major or Critical, awards varying levels of DC and time interveal decreases
  2. Add XP or even Level UP Asset NPCs who might join Vader or already part of his court like: Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade, Maraak Steele, Admiral Thrawn, ect. XP Is always on a scale of 1 to 5 or to 10, depending on what level of usefulness they already are and where their celiling is. Depending how on the big the Boon, Minor, Major or Critical, awards varying levels of XP.3,) Create said Asset NPCs.
  3. Make an interesting OC character or pull one from canon, and I'll gladly use them. This is not really a Boon though, just a GM bias thing

I'll let the creator decide if they want to use it, or bank it and leave it up for all Readers (and me when I put up for said vote) to decide when use it.
ALso sorry fixed that editing typo there
[X] I, General of the Republic and Jedi Knight, Anakain Skywalker have always been a champion of democracy and the Galactic Republic! Corrupt and easily subverted though it was, it was the best foundation of justice and peace in the Galaxy. Though I was trapped in this machine and brainwashed into being the puppet of Darth Sidious, known publicly as the tyrant Emperor Palpatine, but with the aid of my son and Rebel war hero Luke Skywalker, I was freed from his grip. Your freedom is at hand! The end of this chaos and death is near. My son and I will assume temporary dictatorial powers until the crisis has passed, but I promise you citizens of the Galaxy: the Republic is Reborn!

[X] The Imperial Army: Darth Vader and the Stormtropper Legions always had a soft spot for one another. While a harsh taskmaster to be sure, he was as quick with apple as the lash. Vader knew they bleed and fought bravely for him and the Empire, unlike Naval high command. Naturally it didn't take much to fully ensure they were on board, and most government and military installations were quietly taken over on Coruscant hours before Luke and Vader made their final move.

[X] The Confederacy has returned. In the chaos of the empire's early years CIS holdouts fled to the unknown reasons and used Droid labor to build vast war forges to build a new Droid army so that they could return and claim the galaxy for themselves. Now legion upon legion of droids march into the known Galaxy unhobbled by Palpatine. Is this the return of the clone wars?

The Rebellion:What the hell were you doing for the past like 20 years Anakin? Why go through all the trouble, pain and cause so much untold suffering upon the galaxy! What drove you all to this?!

Vader:For Padme...
[X] I, General of the Republic and Jedi Knight, Anakain Skywalker have always been a champion of democracy and the Galactic Republic! Corrupt and easily subverted though it was, it was the best foundation of justice and peace in the Galaxy. Though I was trapped in this machine and brainwashed into being the puppet of Darth Sidious, known publicly as the tyrant Emperor Palpatine, but with the aid of my son and Rebel war hero Luke Skywalker, I was freed from his grip. Your freedom is at hand! The end of this chaos and death is near. My son and I will assume temporary dictatorial powers until the crisis has passed, but I promise you citizens of the Galaxy: the Republic is Reborn!

[X] The Imperial Army: Darth Vader and the Stormtropper Legions always had a soft spot for one another. While a harsh taskmaster to be sure, he was as quick with apple as the lash. Vader knew they bleed and fought bravely for him and the Empire, unlike Naval high command. Naturally it didn't take much to fully ensure they were on board, and most government and military installations were quietly taken over on Coruscant hours before Luke and Vader made their final move.

[X] The Confederacy has returned. In the chaos of the empire's early years CIS holdouts fled to the unknown reasons and used Droid labor to build vast war forges to build a new Droid army so that they could return and claim the galaxy for themselves. Now legion upon legion of droids march into the known Galaxy unhobbled by Palpatine. Is this the return of the clone wars?
[X] The Emperor was a grasping, cruel tyrant that had lost his way and vision of bringing peace and stability to the Galaxy after the Clone Wars. Mega-Corps like the now defunt Trade Federation had actually grown; even criminal groups like Hutt Clans and the Black Sun had swelled in influence and ran rampant! Xenophobic and Human-Centric policies divided and polarized the Galaxy, not bring it together. The Old Republic was weak and corrupt, and can't be brought back least it's sickness bring back the dark ages of the Clone Wars and the Mandalorian Conflicts, instead you would fulfill the empty promise Palpatine made long ago: to bring peace and prosperity to the Galaxy! You are offering blanket pardons to any Rebel, criminal, or corrupt official that agrees to turn himself in a timely manner and promise rapid, almost revolutionary reform for the Empire!

[X] The Imperial Army: Darth Vader and the Stormtropper Legions always had a soft spot for one another. While a harsh taskmaster to be sure, he was as quick with apple as the lash. Vader knew they bleed and fought bravely for him and the Empire, unlike Naval high command. Naturally it didn't take much to fully ensure they were on board, and most government and military installations were quietly taken over on Coruscant hours before Luke and Vader made their final move.

[X] The Megacorps back the Rebellion and Warlords: The Emperor was a friend and ally. A man they shared drinks and anecdotes least earlier in his Senate career. Darth Vader is a hunking giant, encased in steel who never hobnobbed with them, and just strangled their colleagues and fellows with wizardary, threatened them and ranted on and on about the Force in front of them. Even with possible assurances otherwise, the Banking Guilds and Techno Unions want to back someone they can count on. And they can count on a lot of possible players.
[X] The Emperor was a grasping, cruel tyrant that had lost his way and vision of bringing peace and stability to the Galaxy after the Clone Wars. Mega-Corps like the now defunt Trade Federation had actually grown; even criminal groups like Hutt Clans and the Black Sun had swelled in influence and ran rampant! Xenophobic and Human-Centric policies divided and polarized the Galaxy, not bring it together. The Old Republic was weak and corrupt, and can't be brought back least it's sickness bring back the dark ages of the Clone Wars and the Mandalorian Conflicts, instead you would fulfill the empty promise Palpatine made long ago: to bring peace and prosperity to the Galaxy! You are offering blanket pardons to any Rebel, criminal, or corrupt official that agrees to turn himself in a timely manner and promise rapid, almost revolutionary reform for the Empire!

[X] The Imperial Army: Darth Vader and the Stormtropper Legions always had a soft spot for one another. While a harsh taskmaster to be sure, he was as quick with apple as the lash. Vader knew they bleed and fought bravely for him and the Empire, unlike Naval high command. Naturally it didn't take much to fully ensure they were on board, and most government and military installations were quietly taken over on Coruscant hours before Luke and Vader made their final move.

[X] The Megacorps back the Rebellion and Warlords: The Emperor was a friend and ally. A man they shared drinks and anecdotes least earlier in his Senate career. Darth Vader is a hunking giant, encased in steel who never hobnobbed with them, and just strangled their colleagues and fellows with wizardary, threatened them and ranted on and on about the Force in front of them. Even with possible assurances otherwise, the Banking Guilds and Techno Unions want to back someone they can count on. And they can count on a lot of possible players.

Not feeling like going for Clone Wars Redux. This one, meanwhile, walks the talk about the things the Empire would supposedly do.
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[X] The Emperor was a grasping, cruel tyrant that had lost his way and vision of bringing peace and stability to the Galaxy after the Clone Wars. Mega-Corps like the now defunt Trade Federation had actually grown; even criminal groups like Hutt Clans and the Black Sun had swelled in influence and ran rampant! Xenophobic and Human-Centric policies divided and polarized the Galaxy, not bring it together. The Old Republic was weak and corrupt, and can't be brought back least it's sickness bring back the dark ages of the Clone Wars and the Mandalorian Conflicts, instead you would fulfill the empty promise Palpatine made long ago: to bring peace and prosperity to the Galaxy! You are offering blanket pardons to any Rebel, criminal, or corrupt official that agrees to turn himself in a timely manner and promise rapid, almost revolutionary reform for the Empire!

[X] The Imperial Army: Darth Vader and the Stormtropper Legions always had a soft spot for one another. While a harsh taskmaster to be sure, he was as quick with apple as the lash. Vader knew they bleed and fought bravely for him and the Empire, unlike Naval high command. Naturally it didn't take much to fully ensure they were on board, and most government and military installations were quietly taken over on Coruscant hours before Luke and Vader made their final move.

[X] The Megacorps back the Rebellion and Warlords: The Emperor was a friend and ally. A man they shared drinks and anecdotes least earlier in his Senate career. Darth Vader is a hunking giant, encased in steel who never hobnobbed with them, and just strangled their colleagues and fellows with wizardary, threatened them and ranted on and on about the Force in front of them. Even with possible assurances otherwise, the Banking Guilds and Techno Unions want to back someone they can count on. And they can count on a lot of possible players.
[X] The Emperor had gone soft and was leading us to our doom. He spent a fortune on extravagant, novelty superweapons that had almost no tactical or strategic purpose like the Death Star or the failed Sun Crusher project outside. Credits that could have been spent on Star Destroyers, Stormtroopers, jobs, and social infrastructure and safety nets that could have prevented the rise of the Rebellion! He would not listen to reason or step down from power willingly, so we had to take appropriate and necessary action for the continued survival and existence of the Galactic Empire. There will be changes, and we will return the Empire as it was in the beginning!

[X] The Imperial Army: Darth Vader and the Stormtropper Legions always had a soft spot for one another. While a harsh taskmaster to be sure, he was as quick with apple as the lash. Vader knew they bleed and fought bravely for him and the Empire, unlike Naval high command. Naturally it didn't take much to fully ensure they were on board, and most government and military installations were quietly taken over on Coruscant hours before Luke and Vader made their final move.

[X] Enemy Number One: Whether through pragmatism, idealism, loyalty to the Emperor, the sting of Luke's betrayal...the various Warlords, independent powers, and the Rebels have agreed they hate you the most. It's not an informal alliance, let alone an official one. They're all still fighting and going to wage war upon one another. The problem is continued success by Darth Vader and Luke might make a lot of unlikely bedfellows if they don't somehow quickly gain enough firepower or mend fences to counteract that!

This seems like it would make the most sense for Vader character-wise and how other people would react to this event. Vader never really struck me as the "pragmatic fascist" that Thrawn was and I'm pretty sure a lot of the upper leadership in the Empire would be itching for a chance to finally get rid of him now that Palpy's dead, seeing as he was undoubtedly the 2nd most dangerous man of the Empire. I'm personally more interested in seeing Vader bathe the galaxy in the blood of his enemies than going for the Thrawn route or the fucking good guy route. I say we fully embrace our inner Dark Lord and show the galaxy what a true monster is.
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[X] I, General of the Republic and Jedi Knight, Anakain Skywalker have always been a champion of democracy and the Galactic Republic! Corrupt and easily subverted though it was, it was the best foundation of justice and peace in the Galaxy. Though I was trapped in this machine and brainwashed into being the puppet of Darth Sidious, known publicly as the tyrant Emperor Palpatine, but with the aid of my son and Rebel war hero Luke Skywalker, I was freed from his grip. Your freedom is at hand! The end of this chaos and death is near. My son and I will assume temporary dictatorial powers until the crisis has passed, but I promise you citizens of the Galaxy: the Republic is Reborn!

[X] The Imperial Army: Darth Vader and the Stormtropper Legions always had a soft spot for one another. While a harsh taskmaster to be sure, he was as quick with apple as the lash. Vader knew they bleed and fought bravely for him and the Empire, unlike Naval high command. Naturally it didn't take much to fully ensure they were on board, and most government and military installations were quietly taken over on Coruscant hours before Luke and Vader made their final move.

[X] The Confederacy has returned. In the chaos of the empire's early years CIS holdouts fled to the unknown reasons and used Droid labor to build vast war forges to build a new Droid army so that they could return and claim the galaxy for themselves. Now legion upon legion of droids march into the known Galaxy unhobbled by Palpatine. Is this the return of the clone wars?

Is it wrong that Undercover Cop Reveal Anakin deciding to go full Sulla and reform the republic because he hates Papa Palps fills with a sense of joy that makes me happy.

Although I may ask, @WokeRonin can I use a few officers from my own Star Wars quest here as Vader Loyalists... or rather Luke Loyalists for omakes?
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This seems like it would make the most sense for Vader character-wise and how other people would react to this event. Vader never really struck me as the "pragmatic fascist" that Thrawn was and I'm pretty sure a lot of the upper leadership in the Empire would be itching for a chance to finally get rid of him now that Palpy's dead, seeing as he was undoubtedly the 2nd most dangerous man of the Empire. I'm personally more interested in seeing Vader bathe the galaxy in the blood of his enemies than going for the Thrawn route or the fucking good guy route. I say we fully embrace our inner Dark Lord and show the galaxy what a true monster is.

I gotta mention: Vader is going to be kinda evil regradless, so don't feel bad choosing something like Starblight is cooking up here.
[X] The Emperor was a grasping, cruel tyrant that had lost his way and vision of bringing peace and stability to the Galaxy after the Clone Wars. Mega-Corps like the now defunt Trade Federation had actually grown; even criminal groups like Hutt Clans and the Black Sun had swelled in influence and ran rampant! Xenophobic and Human-Centric policies divided and polarized the Galaxy, not bring it together. The Old Republic was weak and corrupt, and can't be brought back least it's sickness bring back the dark ages of the Clone Wars and the Mandalorian Conflicts, instead you would fulfill the empty promise Palpatine made long ago: to bring peace and prosperity to the Galaxy! You are offering blanket pardons to any Rebel, criminal, or corrupt official that agrees to turn himself in a timely manner and promise rapid, almost revolutionary reform for the Empire!

[X] The Imperial Army: Darth Vader and the Stormtropper Legions always had a soft spot for one another. While a harsh taskmaster to be sure, he was as quick with apple as the lash. Vader knew they bleed and fought bravely for him and the Empire, unlike Naval high command. Naturally it didn't take much to fully ensure they were on board, and most government and military installations were quietly taken over on Coruscant hours before Luke and Vader made their final move.

[X] The Megacorps back the Rebellion and Warlords: The Emperor was a friend and ally. A man they shared drinks and anecdotes least earlier in his Senate career. Darth Vader is a hunking giant, encased in steel who never hobnobbed with them, and just strangled their colleagues and fellows with wizardary, threatened them and ranted on and on about the Force in front of them. Even with possible assurances otherwise, the Banking Guilds and Techno Unions want to back someone they can count on. And they can count on a lot of possible players.
[X] The Emperor was a grasping, cruel tyrant that had lost his way and vision of bringing peace and stability to the Galaxy after the Clone Wars. Mega-Corps like the now defunt Trade Federation had actually grown; even criminal groups like Hutt Clans and the Black Sun had swelled in influence and ran rampant! Xenophobic and Human-Centric policies divided and polarized the Galaxy, not bring it together. The Old Republic was weak and corrupt, and can't be brought back least it's sickness bring back the dark ages of the Clone Wars and the Mandalorian Conflicts, instead you would fulfill the empty promise Palpatine made long ago: to bring peace and prosperity to the Galaxy! You are offering blanket pardons to any Rebel, criminal, or corrupt official that agrees to turn himself in a timely manner and promise rapid, almost revolutionary reform for the Empire!

[X] The Imperial Army: Darth Vader and the Stormtropper Legions always had a soft spot for one another. While a harsh taskmaster to be sure, he was as quick with apple as the lash. Vader knew they bleed and fought bravely for him and the Empire, unlike Naval high command. Naturally it didn't take much to fully ensure they were on board, and most government and military installations were quietly taken over on Coruscant hours before Luke and Vader made their final move.

[X] The Megacorps back the Rebellion and Warlords: The Emperor was a friend and ally. A man they shared drinks and anecdotes least earlier in his Senate career. Darth Vader is a hunking giant, encased in steel who never hobnobbed with them, and just strangled their colleagues and fellows with wizardary, threatened them and ranted on and on about the Force in front of them. Even with possible assurances otherwise, the Banking Guilds and Techno Unions want to back someone they can count on. And they can count on a lot of possible players.
[X] I, General of the Republic and Jedi Knight, Anakain Skywalker have always been a champion of democracy and the Galactic Republic! Corrupt and easily subverted though it was, it was the best foundation of justice and peace in the Galaxy. Though I was trapped in this machine and brainwashed into being the puppet of Darth Sidious, known publicly as the tyrant Emperor Palpatine, but with the aid of my son and Rebel war hero Luke Skywalker, I was freed from his grip. Your freedom is at hand! The end of this chaos and death is near. My son and I will assume temporary dictatorial powers until the crisis has passed, but I promise you citizens of the Galaxy: the Republic is Reborn!

[X] The Imperial Army: Darth Vader and the Stormtropper Legions always had a soft spot for one another. While a harsh taskmaster to be sure, he was as quick with apple as the lash. Vader knew they bleed and fought bravely for him and the Empire, unlike Naval high command. Naturally it didn't take much to fully ensure they were on board, and most government and military installations were quietly taken over on Coruscant hours before Luke and Vader made their final move.

[X] The Megacorps back the Rebellion and Warlords: The Emperor was a friend and ally. A man they shared drinks and anecdotes least earlier in his Senate career. Darth Vader is a hunking giant, encased in steel who never hobnobbed with them, and just strangled their colleagues and fellows with wizardary, threatened them and ranted on and on about the Force in front of them. Even with possible assurances otherwise, the Banking Guilds and Techno Unions want to back someone they can count on. And they can count on a lot of possible players.
[X] I, General of the Republic and Jedi Knight, Anakain Skywalker have always been a champion of democracy and the Galactic Republic! Corrupt and easily subverted though it was, it was the best foundation of justice and peace in the Galaxy. Though I was trapped in this machine and brainwashed into being the puppet of Darth Sidious, known publicly as the tyrant Emperor Palpatine, but with the aid of my son and Rebel war hero Luke Skywalker, I was freed from his grip. Your freedom is at hand! The end of this chaos and death is near. My son and I will assume temporary dictatorial powers until the crisis has passed, but I promise you citizens of the Galaxy: the Republic is Reborn!

[X] The Fires of Rebellion Rage: Even with the major losses at Hoth and now at Slann, the destruction of the Death Star and now the Imperial government in total turmoil, have made the Empire look desperately weak and vunerable. Planets, megacorps, and sectors can smell blood in the water and opportunity. Swathes of space have now openly declared for the Alliance to Restore the calling itself the New Republic. The Rebellion is officially a Galatic power-player with the ability to field and build: fleets and armies that could go toe to toe with the Empire and Warlord, factions instead of engaging in the mostly asymmetrical warfare they had been waging up until now. The only saving grace is that it will take some time for them to do so.

[X] Imperial Bureaucracy: The institution was so damned corrupt, all it took was bribes, the promises of bribes or promotion, and blackmail a month or so in advance to set things up. The paperwork ensured the right busybodies and nobodies would be in the right place at the right time to follow along, and the independent thinkers and trouble markers were dozens of Sectors away from Coruscant when the coup began, if they weren't fired before then!

Feels like the most fun option to me, don't wanna go against RotJ's theme of paternal love bringing back Anakin from the darkness, and it'll be fun him getting into conflict with his old friends over his maybe redeemed dad. Plus, having the bureaucracy at your back is extremely important. Army and navy is nice but they won't like not getting paid, which a bureaucracy is needed for.
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Adhoc vote count started by TheWhiteClown on Oct 30, 2023 at 10:23 AM, finished with 16 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] The Imperial Army: Darth Vader and the Stormtropper Legions always had a soft spot for one another. While a harsh taskmaster to be sure, he was as quick with apple as the lash. Vader knew they bleed and fought bravely for him and the Empire, unlike Naval high command. Naturally it didn't take much to fully ensure they were on board, and most government and military installations were quietly taken over on Coruscant hours before Luke and Vader made their final move.
    [X] I, General of the Republic and Jedi Knight, Anakain Skywalker have always been a champion of democracy and the Galactic Republic! Corrupt and easily subverted though it was, it was the best foundation of justice and peace in the Galaxy. Though I was trapped in this machine and brainwashed into being the puppet of Darth Sidious, known publicly as the tyrant Emperor Palpatine, but with the aid of my son and Rebel war hero Luke Skywalker, I was freed from his grip. Your freedom is at hand! The end of this chaos and death is near. My son and I will assume temporary dictatorial powers until the crisis has passed, but I promise you citizens of the Galaxy: the Republic is Reborn!
    [X] The Megacorps back the Rebellion and Warlords: The Emperor was a friend and ally. A man they shared drinks and anecdotes least earlier in his Senate career. Darth Vader is a hunking giant, encased in steel who never hobnobbed with them, and just strangled their colleagues and fellows with wizardary, threatened them and ranted on and on about the Force in front of them. Even with possible assurances otherwise, the Banking Guilds and Techno Unions want to back someone they can count on. And they can count on a lot of possible players.
    [X] The Confederacy has returned. In the chaos of the empire's early years CIS holdouts fled to the unknown reasons and used Droid labor to build vast war forges to build a new Droid army so that they could return and claim the galaxy for themselves. Now legion upon legion of droids march into the known Galaxy unhobbled by Palpatine. Is this the return of the clone wars?
    [X] The Emperor was a grasping, cruel tyrant that had lost his way and vision of bringing peace and stability to the Galaxy after the Clone Wars. Mega-Corps like the now defunt Trade Federation had actually grown; even criminal groups like Hutt Clans and the Black Sun had swelled in influence and ran rampant! Xenophobic and Human-Centric policies divided and polarized the Galaxy, not bring it together. The Old Republic was weak and corrupt, and can't be brought back least it's sickness bring back the dark ages of the Clone Wars and the Mandalorian Conflicts, instead you would fulfill the empty promise Palpatine made long ago: to bring peace and prosperity to the Galaxy! You are offering blanket pardons to any Rebel, criminal, or corrupt official that agrees to turn himself in a timely manner and promise rapid, almost revolutionary reform for the Empire!
    [X] The Emperor had gone soft and was leading us to our doom. He spent a fortune on extravagant, novelty superweapons that had almost no tactical or strategic purpose like the Death Star or the failed Sun Crusher project outside. Credits that could have been spent on Star Destroyers, Stormtroopers, jobs, and social infrastructure and safety nets that could have prevented the rise of the Rebellion! He would not listen to reason or step down from power willingly, so we had to take appropriate and necessary action for the continued survival and existence of the Galactic Empire. There will be changes, and we will return the Empire as it was in the beginning!
    [X] Enemy Number One: Whether through pragmatism, idealism, loyalty to the Emperor, the sting of Luke's betrayal...the various Warlords, independent powers, and the Rebels have agreed they hate you the most. It's not an informal alliance, let alone an official one. They're all still fighting and going to wage war upon one another. The problem is continued success by Darth Vader and Luke might make a lot of unlikely bedfellows if they don't somehow quickly gain enough firepower or mend fences to counteract that!
    [X] The Fires of Rebellion Rage: Even with the major losses at Hoth and now at Slann, the destruction of the Death Star and now the Imperial government in total turmoil, have made the Empire look desperately weak and vunerable. Planets, megacorps, and sectors can smell blood in the water and opportunity. Swathes of space have now openly declared for the Alliance to Restore the calling itself the New Republic. The Rebellion is officially a Galatic power-player with the ability to field and build: fleets and armies that could go toe to toe with the Empire and Warlord, factions instead of engaging in the mostly asymmetrical warfare they had been waging up until now. The only saving grace is that it will take some time for them to do so.
    [X] Imperial Bureaucracy: The institution was so damned corrupt, all it took was bribes, the promises of bribes or promotion, and blackmail a month or so in advance to set things up. The paperwork ensured the right busybodies and nobodies would be in the right place at the right time to follow along, and the independent thinkers and trouble markers were dozens of Sectors away from Coruscant when the coup began, if they weren't fired before then!
[X] I, General of the Republic and Jedi Knight, Anakain Skywalker have always been a champion of democracy and the Galactic Republic! Corrupt and easily subverted though it was, it was the best foundation of justice and peace in the Galaxy. Though I was trapped in this machine and brainwashed into being the puppet of Darth Sidious, known publicly as the tyrant Emperor Palpatine, but with the aid of my son and Rebel war hero Luke Skywalker, I was freed from his grip. Your freedom is at hand! The end of this chaos and death is near. My son and I will assume temporary dictatorial powers until the crisis has passed, but I promise you citizens of the Galaxy: the Republic is Reborn!

[X] The Imperial Army: Darth Vader and the Stormtropper Legions always had a soft spot for one another. While a harsh taskmaster to be sure, he was as quick with apple as the lash. Vader knew they bleed and fought bravely for him and the Empire, unlike Naval high command. Naturally it didn't take much to fully ensure they were on board, and most government and military installations were quietly taken over on Coruscant hours before Luke and Vader made their final move.

[X] The Megacorps back the Rebellion and Warlords: The Emperor was a friend and ally. A man they shared drinks and anecdotes least earlier in his Senate career. Darth Vader is a hunking giant, encased in steel who never hobnobbed with them, and just strangled their colleagues and fellows with wizardary, threatened them and ranted on and on about the Force in front of them. Even with possible assurances otherwise, the Banking Guilds and Techno Unions want to back someone they can count on. And they can count on a lot of possible players.
[X] The Emperor was a grasping, cruel tyrant that had lost his way and vision of bringing peace and stability to the Galaxy after the Clone Wars. Mega-Corps like the now defunt Trade Federation had actually grown; even criminal groups like Hutt Clans and the Black Sun had swelled in influence and ran rampant! Xenophobic and Human-Centric policies divided and polarized the Galaxy, not bring it together. The Old Republic was weak and corrupt, and can't be brought back least it's sickness bring back the dark ages of the Clone Wars and the Mandalorian Conflicts, instead you would fulfill the empty promise Palpatine made long ago: to bring peace and prosperity to the Galaxy! You are offering blanket pardons to any Rebel, criminal, or corrupt official that agrees to turn himself in a timely manner and promise rapid, almost revolutionary reform for the Empire!

[X] Imperial Intelligence: Honestly, while not particularly fond of Vader and actually loyal to Emperor Palpatine by and large, as the war has dragged on frustrations over the Emperor playing politics and shuffling them around while ignoring their advice had it's toll and shifted the alliances of certain officials just enough that when Luke Skywalker had laid the killing blow and it was proven to be so by Vader, they went on board and arrested/detained key officials, agents, and officers before anyone knew what was what.

[X] The Megacorps back the Rebellion and Warlords: The Emperor was a friend and ally. A man they shared drinks and anecdotes least earlier in his Senate career. Darth Vader is a hunking giant, encased in steel who never hobnobbed with them, and just strangled their colleagues and fellows with wizardary, threatened them and ranted on and on about the Force in front of them. Even with possible assurances otherwise, the Banking Guilds and Techno Unions want to back someone they can count on. And they can count on a lot of possible players.
[X] The Emperor was a grasping, cruel tyrant that had lost his way and vision of bringing peace and stability to the Galaxy after the Clone Wars. Mega-Corps like the now defunt Trade Federation had actually grown; even criminal groups like Hutt Clans and the Black Sun had swelled in influence and ran rampant! Xenophobic and Human-Centric policies divided and polarized the Galaxy, not bring it together. The Old Republic was weak and corrupt, and can't be brought back least it's sickness bring back the dark ages of the Clone Wars and the Mandalorian Conflicts, instead you would fulfill the empty promise Palpatine made long ago: to bring peace and prosperity to the Galaxy! You are offering blanket pardons to any Rebel, criminal, or corrupt official that agrees to turn himself in a timely manner and promise rapid, almost revolutionary reform for the Empire!

[X] The Imperial Army: Darth Vader and the Stormtropper Legions always had a soft spot for one another. While a harsh taskmaster to be sure, he was as quick with apple as the lash. Vader knew they bleed and fought bravely for him and the Empire, unlike Naval high command. Naturally it didn't take much to fully ensure they were on board, and most government and military installations were quietly taken over on Coruscant hours before Luke and Vader made their final move.

[X] The Megacorps back the Rebellion and Warlords: The Emperor was a friend and ally. A man they shared drinks and anecdotes least earlier in his Senate career. Darth Vader is a hunking giant, encased in steel who never hobnobbed with them, and just strangled their colleagues and fellows with wizardary, threatened them and ranted on and on about the Force in front of them. Even with possible assurances otherwise, the Banking Guilds and Techno Unions want to back someone they can count on. And they can count on a lot of possible players.
[X] The Emperor was a grasping, cruel tyrant that had lost his way and vision of bringing peace and stability to the Galaxy after the Clone Wars. Mega-Corps like the now defunt Trade Federation had actually grown; even criminal groups like Hutt Clans and the Black Sun had swelled in influence and ran rampant! Xenophobic and Human-Centric policies divided and polarized the Galaxy, not bring it together. The Old Republic was weak and corrupt, and can't be brought back least it's sickness bring back the dark ages of the Clone Wars and the Mandalorian Conflicts, instead you would fulfill the empty promise Palpatine made long ago: to bring peace and prosperity to the Galaxy! You are offering blanket pardons to any Rebel, criminal, or corrupt official that agrees to turn himself in a timely manner and promise rapid, almost revolutionary reform for the Empire!

[X] The Imperial Army: Darth Vader and the Stormtropper Legions always had a soft spot for one another. While a harsh taskmaster to be sure, he was as quick with apple as the lash. Vader knew they bleed and fought bravely for him and the Empire, unlike Naval high command. Naturally it didn't take much to fully ensure they were on board, and most government and military installations were quietly taken over on Coruscant hours before Luke and Vader made their final move.

[X] The Megacorps back the Rebellion and Warlords: The Emperor was a friend and ally. A man they shared drinks and anecdotes least earlier in his Senate career. Darth Vader is a hunking giant, encased in steel who never hobnobbed with them, and just strangled their colleagues and fellows with wizardary, threatened them and ranted on and on about the Force in front of them. Even with possible assurances otherwise, the Banking Guilds and Techno Unions want to back someone they can count on. And they can count on a lot of possible players.
[X] I, General of the Republic and Jedi Knight, Anakain Skywalker have always been a champion of democracy and the Galactic Republic! Corrupt and easily subverted though it was, it was the best foundation of justice and peace in the Galaxy. Though I was trapped in this machine and brainwashed into being the puppet of Darth Sidious, known publicly as the tyrant Emperor Palpatine, but with the aid of my son and Rebel war hero Luke Skywalker, I was freed from his grip. Your freedom is at hand! The end of this chaos and death is near. My son and I will assume temporary dictatorial powers until the crisis has passed, but I promise you citizens of the Galaxy: the Republic is Reborn!

[X] The Imperial Army: Darth Vader and the Stormtropper Legions always had a soft spot for one another. While a harsh taskmaster to be sure, he was as quick with apple as the lash. Vader knew they bleed and fought bravely for him and the Empire, unlike Naval high command. Naturally it didn't take much to fully ensure they were on board, and most government and military installations were quietly taken over on Coruscant hours before Luke and Vader made their final move.

[X] The Megacorps back the Rebellion and Warlords: The Emperor was a friend and ally. A man they shared drinks and anecdotes least earlier in his Senate career. Darth Vader is a hunking giant, encased in steel who never hobnobbed with them, and just strangled their colleagues and fellows with wizardary, threatened them and ranted on and on about the Force in front of them. Even with possible assurances otherwise, the Banking Guilds and Techno Unions want to back someone they can count on. And they can count on a lot of possible players.
[X] The Emperor was a grasping, cruel tyrant that had lost his way and vision of bringing peace and stability to the Galaxy after the Clone Wars. Mega-Corps like the now defunt Trade Federation had actually grown; even criminal groups like Hutt Clans and the Black Sun had swelled in influence and ran rampant! Xenophobic and Human-Centric policies divided and polarized the Galaxy, not bring it together. The Old Republic was weak and corrupt, and can't be brought back least it's sickness bring back the dark ages of the Clone Wars and the Mandalorian Conflicts, instead you would fulfill the empty promise Palpatine made long ago: to bring peace and prosperity to the Galaxy! You are offering blanket pardons to any Rebel, criminal, or corrupt official that agrees to turn himself in a timely manner and promise rapid, almost revolutionary reform for the Empire!

[X] The Imperial Army: Darth Vader and the Stormtropper Legions always had a soft spot for one another. While a harsh taskmaster to be sure, he was as quick with apple as the lash. Vader knew they bleed and fought bravely for him and the Empire, unlike Naval high command. Naturally it didn't take much to fully ensure they were on board, and most government and military installations were quietly taken over on Coruscant hours before Luke and Vader made their final move.

[X] The Megacorps back the Rebellion and Warlords: The Emperor was a friend and ally. A man they shared drinks and anecdotes least earlier in his Senate career. Darth Vader is a hunking giant, encased in steel who never hobnobbed with them, and just strangled their colleagues and fellows with wizardary, threatened them and ranted on and on about the Force in front of them. Even with possible assurances otherwise, the Banking Guilds and Techno Unions want to back someone they can count on. And they can count on a lot of possible players.
[X] The Emperor was a grasping, cruel tyrant that had lost his way and vision of bringing peace and stability to the Galaxy after the Clone Wars. Mega-Corps like the now defunt Trade Federation had actually grown; even criminal groups like Hutt Clans and the Black Sun had swelled in influence and ran rampant! Xenophobic and Human-Centric policies divided and polarized the Galaxy, not bring it together. The Old Republic was weak and corrupt, and can't be brought back least it's sickness bring back the dark ages of the Clone Wars and the Mandalorian Conflicts, instead you would fulfill the empty promise Palpatine made long ago: to bring peace and prosperity to the Galaxy! You are offering blanket pardons to any Rebel, criminal, or corrupt official that agrees to turn himself in a timely manner and promise rapid, almost revolutionary reform for the Empire!

[X] The Imperial Army: Darth Vader and the Stormtropper Legions always had a soft spot for one another. While a harsh taskmaster to be sure, he was as quick with apple as the lash. Vader knew they bleed and fought bravely for him and the Empire, unlike Naval high command. Naturally it didn't take much to fully ensure they were on board, and most government and military installations were quietly taken over on Coruscant hours before Luke and Vader made their final move.

[X] The Megacorps back the Rebellion and Warlords: The Emperor was a friend and ally. A man they shared drinks and anecdotes least earlier in his Senate career. Darth Vader is a hunking giant, encased in steel who never hobnobbed with them, and just strangled their colleagues and fellows with wizardary, threatened them and ranted on and on about the Force in front of them. Even with possible assurances otherwise, the Banking Guilds and Techno Unions want to back someone they can count on. And they can count on a lot of possible players.