On S2E12 and the Movie teaser:
It was nice that the chibi anime confirmed Beta is back in Japan as well, it would be interesting how they deal with portraying Japanese and presumably a fictional European-analogue language that we do not have a spoken standard for, because the story is mostly from the perspective of Cid, I assume it's going to be the standard broken-Japanese or subtitled as a result, although that would leave a minor plot whole from the notes from the inflation/Yukime arc that Cid wrote.
It is a relief that Beta is at least on Earth as well, hopefully, it shows her using an Eta device or Magic to somehow enter the portal, it was a real shock when the portal closed behind him. Maybe Epsilon could come as well this time, the potential of a three-way catfight is always interesting or a Cid-Beta-Epsilon flame war.
It does make for a nice twist, and they are ramping up the anime-exclusive content with a unique Sauna Episode and a scaled-up fight(which was to be expected as with S1). Still, also leading into, what I assume is at least a third of the original content in the movie, it is nice that they added back the two minor antagonists from the sidestory though. Hopefully, it links to the Doctor with a grudge, you know, the one who Akane widowed.