The Peacock
(Favoured by Endings)
The Peacock governs practical alliance, thoughtful breeding and considered partnership; this is the signs of all relationships based on pragmatic grounds, be it a pack of wolves working together to bring down prey or a man staying in a loveless marriage because it benefits his children.
Correlations: Greed, love for wealth's sake, procreation, dualities, alliances, bright colors, necessity, traps, distraction
Charms: Studying the Peacock will allow Farah to claim unusual familiars, perform increasingly advanced astrological projections and sorcerous workings, and bind or bless others in a variety of ways.
The Ewer
(Favoured by Journeys)
The Ewer is the sign of partnerships based in affection, of romantic pursuit or for the love of some other dream; it is idealism and principle, but also willing ignorance of another's flaws. It is the sign of the marriage-seeker, the idealist, the revolutionary and the good monk.
Correlations: Love, motherhood, righteousness, idealism, monastic duty, obsession, seduction, dreams and fantasies, courtship and romantic chases
Charms: The arts of the Ewer are primarily concerned with avoiding harm, and will permit Farah to evade danger that they otherwise could not, while also reading and manipulating the desires of those around them.
The Pillar
(Favoured by Battles)
The Pillar represents partnership tested and found stable; it is the sign of the virtuous ruler and the loving family. The Pillar is the constellation of the asexual partner (the mother, business partner or drinking buddy), service in a broader organization and of herd animals such as mammoth and elk.
Correlations: Family, friendship, stability, civil society, unjust authority, stagnation, queens and princes
Charms: The Pillar permits Farah to forge bonds of blood and camaraderie between themselves and others, and to draw strength, wisdom and power from those bonds. It also permits them to understand and manipulate the bonds of others.
The Musician
(Favoured by Serenity)
The Musician is the sign of contentment in the act of living, of enjoying what you have and pursuing what you want. It is the sign of gourmets, gluttons and poets, but also of hollow avarice and blind materialism.
Correlations: Excess, laughter, hedonism, music, homosexuality, drug use, finery, greed, extramarital pairings, contentment in living, theater, serenity
Charms: The Musician permits Farah to adopt any role required, through knowledge or disguise, and having done so enhances their abilities to discern and exploit the vices and desires of those around them.
The Lovers
(Favoured by Secrets)
The Lovers represent physical lust, carnal indulgence and uneven relationships of all kinds, from debt and servitude to slavery and possession. Sidereals generally take this constellation to explain a great deal about the outlook of the Maidens.
Correlations: Domination, service, submission, slaves, lust, the sex act, rape, abuse, uneven relationships
Charms: Pursuing the wisdom of the Lovers will permit Farah to seduce virtually any target, and having done so control and manipulate them to an otherwise impossible degree.