The Curse of Gundam OOC (not yet open)

1. Ishtar Directorate
2. Grand Barony of Australia
3. Sweetwater Autonomous Republic
1. Sweetwater Autonomous Republic
2. Confederation of the Southern Cone
3. Kievan-Lithuanian Pact

Holy American Empire @Silence
Confederation of the Southern Cone @Theaxofwar
Union of Labour @DanBaque
Francophonie @VoidZero
Germany @SirLagginton
Kyivan-Lithuanian Pact @Nerdorama
Ottoman Empire @Todorius
Japanese Empire @Etranger
Grand Barony of Australia @Nanolyte
Sweetwater Autonomous Republic @Ceslas
Martian Congressional Republic @Secondskink
Aresian Radiance @Aedan777
Aphrodite Colonial Cluster @BiopunkOtrera
Ishtar Directorate @tankdrop24
Solar Pharaohdom @Bark

Next steps:
1) Please post two (2) technologies with a 1-2 sentence description that you want, of which I will chose one.
2) If you have any impassioned pleas for specific things you want your nation to have (an exceptionally large force of battleships, an unusually large economy, a bunch of genetically engineered teenage warrior monks, exceptional friendship or hatred of some other faction, etc and sundry) state your case, or feel free to just roll what you end up with.
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DRAGOON (Divine Regency of ArGent cocOOn)
A strangled technology that allows mobile armors to "link up" and share its power output and various offensive functions. Critics within and without suggests the cost ineffectiveness of this formation.

PSY (Push mind away, Strangle eSprit)

We were many people, scattered and afraid. Unknowing of truth, uncaring for just, unwanting in stillness. We are a people now, save through higher power, guided in battle and through blood and fire, found peace. Love is joining of our hands and hearts. Kindness is to never let others be alone. Equality is to suffer not those speaking in false tongue. (It's basically universal mental conditioning of all combat units, starting from recruits. The empire also have mandatory draft of all of age population, including woman.)

Tradition is false, chivalry is fake, but the aim and goal are not a worthless pursuit. Ambition is neither good or evil, it

We stand proud of our holy union between the humanity and the machine crafted in our shape / spirit (depending on which starting tech). The spear is risen and will strike at evil.

Please give me large mobile army (depending on tech). PleasePleasePlease
Technology 1: Hecate System: At the core of Aphrodite's forward planning system lies Three Fold Hecate, the great AI that emcompasses a simulation of the world in virtuality, the information drawn from all public sources, and the protected mind brains of the Aphrodites founding mothers. The Hecate system can see the future and the past. It cannot replace human decision, but it can augment it.

Technology 2: Vector Engines: The latest release from Thetis Systems, the Vector Engine is the most powerful and efficient drive currently existing in the system. With the power of the Vectors, the mobile weapons of Aphordite are the most nimble of the system, and its ships extend out into the new reaches of the void.

  1. Give me a lot of mobile suits so I can defend myself from the various horrible empires out there. I don't care so much about force protection but I want a very solid defensive force of mobile suits.
Surprise French Counter-claim!

Technology 1: Bombardier Suit: As La Pucelle loved her cannon, we embrace the might of artillery as the great equalizer for this modern battlefield. The Bombardier is the greatest in long range mobile suit platforms. Armed not only with the standard long-range beam, but with powerful plasma based cannons designed to blast out shock-shrapnel. With decent armor and the most advanced targeting algorithm, the lack of missiles has never been so readily addressed before.

Technology 2: Dantes Recon-Assistant for anti-Guerilla warfare OperatioN : Designed to minimize the effectiveness of ambushes on PALADIN mobile suits, the D.R.A.G.O.N system is one of the French's greatest assets in maintianing it's territory against counter-french actors. It's an advanced camoflage and stealth system designed to work against radar and many other forms of detection, until it is too late. Combined with experienced counter-insurgency doctrine, and the French will not have to worry over subervise elements attempting to take away their right to be french.

France is more than just a name on a map, a race, or even accent. It has transcended those things in the name of the spirit of Egalitaire, beyond the petty differences that had defined mankind for so long. We have defeated the petty feudal lords and divisise factions that defined the Metropolitan's past, we have brought together a thousand different tribes and languages on the birthplace of humanity under one great tounge. And we have fought tooth and nail to counteract those that believe space makes them different, something else than the common man that works under our Emperor for the betterment of mankind. France...No, Francophonie has become the idea of human unity itself. A beacon of stability in the time of madness, and she who will eventually bring all of Mankind under one great Lingua Franca.

Army Composition: Please give me a fast pace army worthy of Grand Planning doctrine for 1, or for 2 a mobile one able to quickly deal with insurgent and other threats.
Technology 1: Heightened Automatic Response Organizer: Despite its round and cutesy appearance, the HARO represents the cutting edge of Ishtar Machine Learning Computer Science. Enclosed within each unit is a power and compact computer capable as effectively serving as a co-pilot for a Mobile Suit, capable of taking over partial functions of any given Suit to allow its pilot to focus their abilities on a particular area. Each HARO is assigned to a single pilot for as long as possible, under the expectation that they will come to function as a single unit. It is claimed that the intelligence of a HARO is capable of learning and adapting to the skills of it's partner.

Technology 2: GUNGINR System: A drastic improvement over the electromagnetic weapons of previous years, the pulse of GUNGINR Weapons are strong enough to momentarily short out the systems of military Mobile Suits and Warships. Capable of being deployed as either a large missile or as a mounted weapon on a warship.

If I'd have a suggestion for other bonus for my faction, I'd like either a defensive space fortress or a strong intelligence organ.
All-Purpose Integrated Nuclear Excavation (ALPINE) Crawler

Massive landcrawlers that patrol the Australian outback, defending its solar farms from foreign sabotage and mecha-nomads. Running on nuclear power, they serve as heavily armed mobile bases for mobile suits in operation.

Gun Heads

An invention stemming from the desperation of the Five Years War. By replacing a mobile suit's head with a super photon cannon and directly linking it to its photon batteries, the Baronal armies were able to quickly field significant firepower in relatively large quantities. Of course, this came at a cost to the mobile suit, the energy drain from such a power-hungry weapon left its other weapons nigh-useless; its movements sluggish from under-powered limbs.

- mad max techno-nomad auxillaries to call upon
- in general a military/industry that takes advantage of the energy wealth australia has?
1) SWP-950 Würger - The successor of the problematic 5th Generation Zephyr Gundam, whose experimental 'Wellenreiter' proved to be too ahead of its time as it was plagued by maintenance issues despite its record-breaking performance. It was only a decade later that the promise of the Zephyr finally came to be delivered with the Würger, becoming emblematic of Imperial Germany's post-war High Skies Doctrine with a extreme-mobility suit able to establish mobile weapon superiority over its rivals in a wide variety of battlefields.

2) More than anything else, Germany proudly bears its history of firsts. The victors of the Space Race, inventor of the nucleon drive, the Gundam. Given that and its Prussian heritage (also its former status as The Superpower), I'd like to see a focus on Germany thriving on the cutting edge, a emphasis on large high tech industry, including its military-industrial aspects. It also retains that good old Prussian militarism, and probably smarts a bit from losing its superpower status, leading to a subsequently large military. German might and ingenuity will ensure its place in the Sun, one way or another.

Also the ability to play Danger Zone at all times during wartime.
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Technology 1: Minovsky Particle Emitter/Jammer- While the Nucleon Drive proved far more effective as an engine than Professor Minovsky's reactors, the particles emitted by them and their ability to obscure ships was deemed valuable. A redesign led to the creation of a device that can spread Minovsky particles around a ship, limiting the accuracy of any long-range fire and forcing the enemy to close to engage, where Sweetwater's Mobile Suits could attack from the cover of their warships.

Technology 2: Quasi-Psycommu-While Sweetwater's focus on Newtype research has to the creation of exceptional psychic pilots, most could not benefit from the specialized equipment designed for them, especially the bit swarms launched from specialized MSs. By reading electrical patterns in an Oldtype's brain. a non-Newtype can command bits of their own, albiet with their movement limited to an almost two-dimensional field, enhancing the variety of weapons availabel to the average pilot.

Ever since Zeon Zum Deikun predicted the coming existence of humans adapated to space, Sweetwater has been at the cutting-edge of Newtype research, not only producing some of the best pilots of the last quarter-century, including the first president's own son, but also innovations to make use of their psychic potential, from bits to psycommus to biosensors and more. All this has contributed to the sense that spacefaring humanity, as opposed to planetbound groups, is the true evolutionary future of mankind. Let the others fight over planets and moons, the stars to the Newtypes!
Technology 1: Militsiyalabor (ML)

The physical territory of the Kyivan-Lithuanian Pact is vast and has only gotten vaster with the mass absorption of former Menshevik territory since the end of the Five Year War. Combined with the KLP's political focus on security and serenity, the Pact's security industries have focused on the development of small, light, inexpensive mobile suits to augment the combat abilities of police and territorial defense forces. These are generically classed as "Militsiyalabor" and serve the function of traditional IFVs with the flexibility of a mobile suit platform. The ubiquity of these units and their designation as peacekeeping devices for civilian police forces also makes them popular on the black, gray, and after markets, which makes for a symbiotic relationship between their developers and the private security companies employed by the KLP to secure their new territories.

Technology 2: Momentum Exchange Tethers (Skyhooks)

The Kyivan-Lithuanian Pact's export economy is vital to its continued security and prosperity, particularly as it is home to the sprawling Eastern European breadbasket and remains one of Earth's few net exporters of land-based agriculture even after the last centuries of climate change and industrial warfare. Key to maintaining this position as more and more of the export market moves off-planet is the Skyhook, a low-orbit satellite bearing a rotating tether that can accelerate payloads from the upper atmosphere to escape velocity, far cheaper than any kind of self-contained rocket - even ones using Photon Batteries as fuel. This allows rapid, efficient transit of goods launched from the sprawling Azov Cosmodrome to space - as well as giving the KLP a strategic advantage in moving military equipment to orbit and securing their aerospace during the Five Year War.


Large conventional forces based on high population, a general lack of on-shore fighting during the 5YW, and whatever horror show of Slavofederalism I'm going to have to invent to justify this thing's existence.
Tech 1: Aresian super science has spent its time always pushing the limits of Mobile Suit technology, and the ultimate product of this effort has been the Orbital Frame program. Based on classified exploitation of experimental energy sources and weapon platforms, an extremely limited number of Orbital Frame has been produced, representing some of the most powerful, and expensive, single units in human space. Rumors of side effects for pilots are unsubstantiated.

Tech 2: During the Five Year War Aresian scientists developed methods for inducing psychic powers in those who would not have otherwise displayed such powers. The products of these developments were called Werewolves, and have many of the capabilities of regular psychics, and improved coordination possibility with other Werewolves. The Radiance has long denied claims that the Werewolf process is dangerous or that it affects subjects' personalities.

Requests: Forged in the crucible of the Five Years War, the Aresian Radiance built its military strength around a large conventional military, with a small number of capital ships and elite units. With an abnormally high number of psychics found among its population, these form much of the backbone of the Radiance Mobile Suit Corps. Psychics have also come to form a major cultural center for the Radiance, as the Church of the Savior venerates its first and greatest psychic, Astraea Atlantia. A living legend, Astraea has been instrumental in restraining the authoritarian tendencies of Chairman Durestan Mackleen, and transitioning the Radiance to a partial democracy. A humble person, Astraea treats her position as one of a role model and guide rather than a divinely appointed leader or Goddess herself, though some treat her that way regardless.
Tech 1: Cloning. In recent decades, the Union of Labour has made strides in the development of human cloning and vat-growth. Though primarily propagandised as a method to replace lost limbs, it is openly known that state creches deal with the rapid integration of fast-grown comrades in order to supplement population growth and expand new colonies. More inefficient in terms of nutrition and technology, it takes a lot less manpower to raise an army of clone-colonists than simpler workers.

Tech 2: Solar Power. The Union of Labour has always been at the forefront of harnessing the energy of the Sun, for both peace and war. So far this primarily has resulted in more efficient solar mirrors and a greater number of them, as well as their use for limited military purposes. They support charging in-space and can defend themselves. Rumors of a super project for the defense of the Union utilizing these mirrors to devastate enemies are to be ignored.

Tech 3: Stealth. The Union of Labour has a secondary, secret, fleet made up of ships invisible to machine sensers or trackers, only noticeable within tactical range. The technology for this must be integrated in creation, and is thus too complex to apply to mobile suits as of now, though it might be miniaturised or huge ones made.

Economy: Hugest in the world, but interconnected and dependent on inter-union trade.
Politics: Internally divided between socialist factions but generally highly approving of foreign interventions. (To be detailed)
Military: Concentrating on mass over elites, with only a small force of aces and the like.
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Japanese Empire Tech Choices

1. Trans-Sakuranic Power. Japan's unparalleled R&D sector has cracked mass-production of miniaturized fusion reactors and uses them in its cutting-edge Mobile Suits. The key to the reactor is a highly compressed cube of nuclear fuel popularly dubbed "Sakuranium" for its unique pink emissions, a consequence of the particle bombardment it undergoes during enrichment.

2. "Yata-no-Kagami" Existential Replication System. A small, powerful mind-machine interface installed in the human brain can map an individual's synapses, at which point that data can then be highly compressed and stored. When combined with expensive flash-cloning technology, an individual who meets an untimely end can be restored to their "backup point" with minimal experiential loss. Only available to highly skilled individuals in high-risk professions due to its cost, both monetary and psychological.

Japan's forces should be compact but of the utmost quality. A full proportion of Ace units, a preference for individual heavy capital ships over a plethora of cheaper units, etc. Basically as described in the OP.
Martian Congressional Republic Techs
1. Alane-Misokawa System - An out growth of MMI interfaces prototypes the AM System consists of a series of spinal implants alongside a connection port and accompying nerohelmet that allow a fuller connection with a machine for enhanced control. While MCR suits still maintain mechanical controls in case of battle damage the System allows them to be used in conjuntion with the MMI for better results. The most typical pairings for the system are in mobile suit piloting and in the use of hardsuits, granting pilots instinctive control over their machines and leaving MCR suits with disturbingly organic motive profiles, capable of intricate and precision work with much less practice than conventional control schemes. Faster reflexes, easier training and ease of operations are considered worth the occasional feedback issues that crop up with individuals implanted with the AM System.

2. Soulsteel - The fruits of MCR material science Soulsteel is an ultrahard alloy with exceptional compressive and tensile strengths. Soulsteel was initally intended as a new material for suit and warship construction, testing determined that under specific conditions the material was suprisingly ductile and highly corrosion resistant and expanded the potential areas of use massively. The wonder material shows great promise in civilian construction across martian society and potentially across the system. Rumors abound about the materials ability to self repair, but remain unsubstantiated.

Gacha Me
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I am on a spectrum.

In the ashes of the collapsing Russian Empire in the early 20th century, the peoples of Eastern Europe found themselves at a crossroads. To their east, a devastating Civil War would eventually forge a Menshevik Socialist Republic eager to liberate the workers of the dead Tsar's former richest holdings. To their west, a hungry and unrestrained Kaiser was gazing toward Kaunas, Brest, and Lviv. The hastily organized constellation of ethnic republics that were declared in the wake of the march on St. Petersburg were thrust into immediate existential crisis that could only be averted through one thing - cooperation. When a combined column of Lithuanian partisans and Ukrainian volunteers miraculously stymied a German expeditionary force at the Battle of Krakoviec, the cooler heads of the German diplomatic corps met with the desperate Slavic Republics to form what was intended as a buffer with the "Labour flanking maneuver" establishing itself in Moscow. The resulting Treaty of Klaipéda created a permanent organization of the smaller states of Eastern Europe, one poetically described as the Commonwealth of Nations or the New Intermarium, but officially designated in English as the Kievan-Lithuanian Pact.

The intervening centuries have been no less chaotic and fraught than any in the history of Europe's borderlands, sandwiched as they were between two of the world's major empires and the weakened but no less intimidating Menshevik Russia, but the KLP has persisted through deft diplomacy, economic indispensability, and sheer paranoia. The initial treaty, with its guarantees of cultural sovereignty and obligations of military cooperation, formed the basis for relative internal peace and, at the behest of the economically dominant governments in Kaunas and Kiev, an eventual "Slavo-Baltic Federalism" tying the Pact close enough together to form a true state. As an economic union, the various republics formed a natural trade conduit between three neighbors hungry for both raw resources and outsourced industry, and eager for excuses not to fight industrialized war with each other despite their wildly varying ideologies. And as nations in one of Earth's least defensible geographic positions, the combined Pact military-espionage complex became exceedingly skilled at learning of, and reacting to, potential threats.

The lattermost factor proved decisive in the next great war that brought an end to the peace of the early Golden Millennium, the Five Year War. The KLP's steady buildup of conventional arms for its territorial defense formations, and the latest-generation mobile suits reserved for its professional army, successfully turned back attempted incursions of its territory, while their light, neo-colonial hand on their space colonies prevented any major reversals or spacenoid nationalism from crippling them economically. With their massed armored formations and one extremely lucky mobile suit pilot once again handing them a seemingly-miraculous victory at the Battle of Odessa, the Five Year War's groundside fighting was kept further east, much to the detriment of the Menshevik Republic. The socialist government's eventual complete collapse presented a never-before-seen opportunity to a federal government flush with victory from the war, and it was with no small amount of relish that Kyivan-Lithuanian (now the preferred transliteration after a diplomatic memorandum in GM0084) military moved quickly to secure the former Russian territory as peacekeepers and restorers of order, doubling the union's population and more than doubling its territory. That said, while the united governments insist that their occupation is a restoration of order, this remains de facto the first territorial acquisition by military force in the Pact's history, and the mass absorption of socialist former-enemies with shared roots but hundreds of years of diverged culture is likely the greatest challenge yet faced by the Pact.

Member States:
Kyivan Republic of Ukraine
Republic of Lithuania
Republic of Latvia and Latgalia
Autonomous Estonian Republic
Byelorussian Republic
Autonomous Republic of Moldova, Bessarabia, and Transnistria (name change pending referendum)
Kingdom of Romania
Former Hellenic Republic of Bulgaria

Unorganized Territory under military guidance:
Federated Russian Provisional Government
Kazakh Provisional Government
Technology 1: Modifiable Advanced Decoy launcher - An acute lack of experienced pilots within the Ottoman navy combined with the painfully long training period required to bring recruits to even nominal competency have led the ever pragmatic Ottoman Industrial Engineering Centres to develop the MAD launcher. The MAD launcher is a natural advancement of standard decoy mobile suits, being able to launch a multitude of inflatable fascimiles alongside a distracting burst of Minovsky partciles to foil enemy sensors. The primary breakthrough the MAD launcher brings to the table is the addition of lightweight frames and miniturised thrusters so that the decoys will scatter in all directions when deployed. This system has a much higher chance of confounding enemy pilots either to create an opening or to escape.

Technology 2: Sails of Gold - Back during the age of rail it was said that the present army was always the victorious army. This old adage rings true even in the modern era, advancements in thruster and launcher technology have been pursued feverishly for just this reason. If your assets are able to deploy in force and even prepare positions in before their opponents are in position you would win every time, at least in theory.

Could I please get a very experienced Pilot core, but a very limited pool of pilots in general. I'm working under the condition that I have an extremely experienced and competent core, but due to disruptions and continuous conflict from being pushed out of my Terran core pilot training has been put on the backburner. Idea being that pilot schools have been opened up in the space territories, but all new pilots still require years of training to be considered anything other than cannon fodder.
Confederation of the Southern Cone:
Technology 1: The Superbattleship
The Pride of the Southern Cone, developed by the end of the Five Year War. While the rest of the fleet is starting to grow outdated in an age of mobile suit combat, the Superbattleship still remains the most powerful warship ever built.

Technology 2: Manqo Qhapaq
Manqo Qhapaq is a one of a kind AI designed for economic management, through technology largely lost by its creator, who died during the Five Year War. Its use has aided greatly in the rise of the Southern economy. There are debates about whether it is truly alive or just an extremely advanced version of previously existing AI technology.

I imagine the Southern Cone as a thriving, young, federal democracy, but one that is still having issues with the push and pull between centralized and federal control.
Huǒxīng Dynasty
Technology 1: GDCB Orbital Defense System: With the relatively weak atmosphere of Mars, trans-interface warfare is a much simpler matter. The GDCB amounts to massive anti-orbital batteries designed to protect Huǒxīng colonies and military infrastructure from anything but the most dedicated of fleet actions, but their large size and static nature makes them a tantalizing target for mobile suit raids, which clusters of smaller ground autocannon and pulse laser batteries around them can only do so much to prevent.

Technology 2: Mobile Doll Program: The Huǒxīng Dynasty might have had a significant inflow of chinese settlers early on, but it still remains an ex-martian colony, and compared to the earth powers maintains a much smaller population and pilot base. As such they invested early on into the development of automated mobile suits. Depending on the level of competence in a Mobile Doll's VI, they can range from cheap and mass producible, to functionally identical to a human piloted suit, if more expensive. There are even efforts to make programs that can push suits beyond human limits, but these are still in development.

I am figuring the Huǒxīng Dynasty is a constitutional monarchy that, similar to other spaceborn powers, leverages their relatively small population base with technology. How this technology manifests depends kinda on which of the above is picked. if its the GDCB then they likely rely heavily on more 'conventional' space forces, with a small mobile suit core. If it's the Mobile Doll tech, then they likely have a small conventional force, but a very sizable 'lower end' force of Mobile Dolls to support a better trained human core.