That would depend on the edition I think as I recall 3.5 edition had epic levels going up to something like 40 whileI think while fourth edition just went up to 30 as a general level cap.
Though I have to admit I'd sort of hate to try to build Ramna's character stats and feats between the martial art training while also being a trained Miko that is divinely recognized.
Edit:For that matter I wonder what a Miko would count as in the rules given the divine connection and gift but not requiring daily rituals.
3.5 had no actual level limit, most of the gods though were around level 40 (in class levels, I think they also had outsider racial hit dice on top of that), and most of the example epic level characters were in the 21-40 range.
4th did indeed have 30 as the general level cap.
I'm kinda curious what Inari would be in context of Forgotten Realms and D&D, probably an Intermediate or Greater Diety outside of the realms by 3.5 terms, and treated as a lesser diety or demigod in the context of their aspect(s) within the realms.
Probably Neutral Good alignment, accepting followers of any good alignment as well as possibly the non-evil neutral (lawful neutral, true neutral, and chaotic neutral) alignments.
Possibly one of the following as a favored weapon: two-handed hammer, sickle, kama, sword, or whip.
Symbol probably something along the lines of a sheaf of rice or a white fox, or a white fox holding a sheaf of rice in it's mouth.
Probably accociated with the domains of Animal, Good, Luck, Magic, Plant, Protection, Trickery, Artifice, Community, Creation, Nobility, (previous ones from 3.5 SRD, the following after this from the 3.5 Spell Compendium) Community, Craft, Illusion, Metal, Planning, Purification, Retribution, Trade, Wealth. Possibly Rune if you count Ofunda under that, possibly a tweaked re-flavored version. Likely a unique original Fox Domain as well.
Within the Realms, their portfolio is probably more limited to unclaimed areas of influence under their association, given how the gods work there, likely focusing on more specific aspects of theirs rather than more general societal and mystical aspects, such as aspects of: Rice, Foxes, Swordsmithing (possibly even katana and wakasashi smithing if another diety already has that), Sake, and Eloquence.
They're probably an ally of the likes of Chauntea, Gond, Helm, Lathander, Leira, Mystra, Ohgma, Tymora, Waukeen, Corellon, Eilistraee, and Bahamut.
Favored animal is likely a fox, and favored monsters likely some monstrous and/or supernatural foxes, couatl, pan lung, t'ien lung, gold dragons, copper dragons, huge vipers, monstrous spiders, and guardian naga.