The Crown of Neverwinter [Ranma 1/2 x DnD Forgotten Realms]

I don't know much about Forgotten Realms, but assuming that it complies with DnD's level 1-20 adventurers, where 1 are rookies, and 20 are Demigods where would this Ranma fit in the scale?
I don't know much about Forgotten Realms, but assuming that it complies with DnD's level 1-20 adventurers, where 1 are rookies, and 20 are Demigods where would this Ranma fit in the scale?
If we're going by 3.5 D&D or 4e D&D, Ranma is probably above 20, at least in combat abilities in their core competencies. I'd guess around at least level 25 in 3.5, although with a pretty weird build and lacking some core features of some of the classes that are their closest equivalents, while being highly optimized in some specific areas with likely some custom stuff needed to be developed for them around some of the existing rules, like perhaps developing some high level Book of 9 Swords type ki techniques based on Ranma's skills.

For 4th edition, Ranma probably outright breaks the scaling in some ways, they don't have as many techniques as their closest equivalent classes might have, but their raw stats likely break past the max level 30.

Once Ranma gets their hands on some appropriate local ki lore and common training methods and skills suitable to classes they roughly fit into, they'll probably quickly pick up some related skills and techniques and stuff to fill in some of the gaps, like probably the Evasion ability, trapfinding stuff, and a variety of new ki abilities (likely now with divine aspects added from Inari's blessing).
I don't know much about Forgotten Realms, but assuming that it complies with DnD's level 1-20 adventurers, where 1 are rookies, and 20 are Demigods where would this Ranma fit in the scale?

That would depend on the edition I think as I recall 3.5 edition had epic levels going up to something like 40 whileI think while fourth edition just went up to 30 as a general level cap.

Though I have to admit I'd sort of hate to try to build Ramna's character stats and feats between the martial art training while also being a trained Miko that is divinely recognized.

Edit:For that matter I wonder what a Miko would count as in the rules given the divine connection and gift but not requiring daily rituals.
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That would depend on the edition I think as I recall 3.5 edition had epic levels going up to something like 40 whileI think while fourth edition just went up to 30 as a general level cap.

Though I have to admit I'd sort of hate to try to build Ramna's character stats and feats between the martial art training while also being a trained Miko that is divinely recognized.

Edit:For that matter I wonder what a Miko would count as in the rules given the divine connection and gift but not requiring daily rituals.
3.5 had no actual level limit, most of the gods though were around level 40 (in class levels, I think they also had outsider racial hit dice on top of that), and most of the example epic level characters were in the 21-40 range.

4th did indeed have 30 as the general level cap.

I'm kinda curious what Inari would be in context of Forgotten Realms and D&D, probably an Intermediate or Greater Diety outside of the realms by 3.5 terms, and treated as a lesser diety or demigod in the context of their aspect(s) within the realms.

Probably Neutral Good alignment, accepting followers of any good alignment as well as possibly the non-evil neutral (lawful neutral, true neutral, and chaotic neutral) alignments.

Possibly one of the following as a favored weapon: two-handed hammer, sickle, kama, sword, or whip.

Symbol probably something along the lines of a sheaf of rice or a white fox, or a white fox holding a sheaf of rice in it's mouth.

Probably accociated with the domains of Animal, Good, Luck, Magic, Plant, Protection, Trickery, Artifice, Community, Creation, Nobility, (previous ones from 3.5 SRD, the following after this from the 3.5 Spell Compendium) Community, Craft, Illusion, Metal, Planning, Purification, Retribution, Trade, Wealth. Possibly Rune if you count Ofunda under that, possibly a tweaked re-flavored version. Likely a unique original Fox Domain as well.

Within the Realms, their portfolio is probably more limited to unclaimed areas of influence under their association, given how the gods work there, likely focusing on more specific aspects of theirs rather than more general societal and mystical aspects, such as aspects of: Rice, Foxes, Swordsmithing (possibly even katana and wakasashi smithing if another diety already has that), Sake, and Eloquence.

They're probably an ally of the likes of Chauntea, Gond, Helm, Lathander, Leira, Mystra, Ohgma, Tymora, Waukeen, Corellon, Eilistraee, and Bahamut.

Favored animal is likely a fox, and favored monsters likely some monstrous and/or supernatural foxes, couatl, pan lung, t'ien lung, gold dragons, copper dragons, huge vipers, monstrous spiders, and guardian naga.
I hadn't really put much thought into the d and d world for 13 yrs or so, but this fic got me a little curious so i started playing Neverwinter online just to have a good idea on the background.

I would say at this point Ranma's power level isn't really important, cannon Ranma by the end of the series had plenty of power to be a heavyweight.

Sides ranma only ever becomes more skilled/adaptable/stronger when they really need it.

Right now, they have thier hands full, cleaning up thier mess, tending to thier shrine, finding others to help tend to it while she is busy, trying to cope with a week of no sweets.

Speaking of which, does that mean Nodoka is going to make ranma clean out her ki pocket of sweets, i can't imagine that ranma would have had time to find the good spots in neverwinter, and it would be bad form for the princess to go around scamming for free eats.

When i started reading this fic though the question of the chasm came to mind and why they didn't just flood it with water by digging a canal. Seems like a easy solution since it's a coastal city. It worked in lord of the rings.

I could also see ranma being made to plow a field and seed it as a punishment, and in typical Nerima fashion it wouldn't take long and would endear them to the population.

Which for her mother to claim the throne she would need the people on her side.

Of course there is nothing to say that when funds become available that they don't send Nabiki back for a day or so to purchase things like rice, seeds, livestock, horses and even canonically annoying non cursed residents.

I seem to recall a story of El Sid winning the sacking of a city just by giving them bread.

Anyway, loved the update... hope for another but would honestly accept any of your works updated.

Though i think at this point , in the blood is my second most looked for.
I don't know much about Forgotten Realms, but assuming that it complies with DnD's level 1-20 adventurers, where 1 are rookies, and 20 are Demigods where would this Ranma fit in the scale?

The Forgotten Realms were written as a 2nd edition setting, later updated to 3.5, which means there is no level cap. Practically every significant faction in the setting has some leaders of around level 16-22, and there are a handful of people running around at level 30 or so. In theory the gods have some astronomically high level, but in practice their avatars tend to be around level 15 - 25.

Which is why it's so hilarious to see characters fretting over Ranma's ability to handle challenges your average 10th level part would roll over without breaking a sweat. Translating Ranma to 3.5 edition rules would require a custom character class, with special rules for all her weird ki attacks and special abilities. But even if you discard some of the comedic exaggerations and season-end power ups from the series, Ranma is solidly in the same class as those nigh-immortal level ~30 epic characters. There are a few threats lurking in various corners of the setting that could actually make her sweat, but IIRC none of them are in Neverwinter at the moment.
So, martial arts construction is going to be used in the next few days?
If only to fix up that shrine.

So, will Ranma-chan her second praying, gift her with some knowledge?
Or perhaps some clothing for their Miko, to wear?
And also has a stat distribution that makes legendary look askance and a contender for most broken homebrew prestiege class ever.
Worse, still room to grow even stronger.
How do you call a mortal that laughs about legendary status, because she finds that those folks, are just ready to start their training, in earnest?
And then there is her age and currently expected livespan of at least 350 years, as a simple human, just look at Happosai & Cologne.
Then add in, that Ranma reach that peak, those two had to train hard & long for, waaay earlier.

I do wonder if Ranma-chan has a certain two staffs, inside a ki-pocket or not, you know.
Because if she has them, can they be fused into one staff?
Some folks would be quite shocked, I bet, if she pulled them out, for a fight.

Why do I think, Ranma-chan will kick every hostile group, out of that city?
Say, how much of modern day knowledge does she have even with her, in the form of school books and the like?
Ranma-chan creating a wind & water powered generator, with connected search lights, lamps and so on...
O well, I will see where it goes.
Will Ranma-chan get a Katana & Kodachi, by change?
I can see her using them quite effective, if needed.
Power comments aside, In one running battle Ranma managed to turn herself into a legend. It's not everyday that it's raining orcs.

Nor is it everyday that the orcs are so soundly defeated, she told them to leave, she took thier base and she unalived thier leaders.

Keeping the fact that she or her mother exist from Neverember is not going to be easy now.

His guards while they might have ignored a redhead entering the city when investigating what happened might come across tales of a redheaded wrecking ball and the older woman whom rushed afrer her claiming to look for her daughter.

Just having a person that could break the orcs would be cause for alarm, the fact that there are two of them would make it suspicious.

Also would Neverember know that Nodoka left the city before the cataclysm, as a relative and friend of her brother family rumor mills would most likely say that he would have known.

I haven't read that much of the lore, but putting a crown on Nodokas head could cost compromises, as princesses usually require a prince to cement ties.

Granted Ranma is young enough to not have to deal with that right away, but Neverember if they were too invested wouldn't want to just walk away no matter of his interests elsewhere especially since Nodoka is already married to Genma even if he can't come to Neverwinter she made the comment that it most likely still counted for the gods.

But regardless, the timetable for Nodoka coming out to confront Neverember has come to the forefront, especially if they are going to claim the tower as a base considering that Cleaning the first floor is part of Ranma's punishment. I can't imagine a ruler of a city turning a blind eye to a unknown group laying claim to a landmark , even if it's in disrepair from orc occupation.
If the Tower is secured and the surrounding is restored, groups will flock there and try to Take Over. A vacuum is abhorrent. The one who says he is in charge has lots of merc muscle to throw at problems. Will a few Dwarfs rebuild a Onsen Sauna?
I wonder how you could describe Ranma using D&D methods right now?
Because she is running at least 2 characters simultaneously and just adds up the stats...

1. Martial Artist: Pretty much prestige Monk, with a few very potent homebrew Ki abilities.
2A. Miko: Would that be a cleric that just doesn't use spells? Or could that be just part of the Monk training?
2B. Miko: She just got a blessing, and she can feel a core of Holy within her. And pretty much starts a crusade on the spot... Paladin of Inari?
2C. Miko: The blessing of Inari just gave her fox ears and a tail... Isn't that a possible marking that Warlocks can have? Since in essence a Warlock could be consdered a Cleric of something that is not a God...
I wonder how you could describe Ranma using D&D methods right now?
Because she is running at least 2 characters simultaneously and just adds up the stats...

Multiple classes, certainly. In D&D 3.5/Pathfinder 1e terms, Multiclass fighter/monk with some combination of prestige classes (Anything Goes Martial Arts is likely a prestige class, as it is well beyond what can be cleanly modeled with feat chains). The Miko training and Inari's support may have tacked on some levels of Mystic or Favored Soul. Then a dash of Epic shenanigans, and *shrug*

Alternatively, not running on D&D mechanics at all, but instead modeled as a high hero tier, low demigod tier Scion and a serious Out of Context Problem for those stuck on D&D mechanics

Ranma utterly breaks the 5e scaling of attributes and the action economy
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5e Fighter: "Yeah, at the peak of mortal fighting power (without magic additions) I can attack four times in 6 seconds" (action surgex3 + Normal action)

Ranma: "That's cute; I can punch people 300 times a second."
Given that this fic sets up ranma as being a clothes horse and with the addition of a tail that unless it disappears will require a addition of a tail hole, i wonder how long it will take for ranma to show up in some comically skimpy adventuring gear just because she knows she looks good in it.

It's d and d, all armor has names afterall.