The Crawling Chaos [Worm] [SI]

... Armsy had a second trigger just by looking at the SI?
Pretty much, yeah.
Interesting chapter. One question though, the MC powers come from a ROB, right? Why do people keep thinking of her as a Elditch Horror? I can get Coil due to the weird interaction between his power and Man of mistery giving him the impression he is eating realities, but shouldn't other people recognise him/her as a parahuman with strange powers playing up the Elder god angle?

Coil was the first one, and his reason was obvious since we saw Noelle perspective first.
But as said on SB, there is a reason for Armsmaster to feel like that. It is even hinted in the text. And not everyone believes that, For example; Faultline's believe it's just another 53. If you didn't notice, this is a small timeskip by the way .

Anyway, if no one figures it out, everything will become clear when I return to Noelle's shenanigans.
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I have two constructive criticism for this story, If I may. The first one is that unless this is a crack, narratively, people -- even one that's like, really nerdy or even one that wished for another life in another world would have trouble processing the abrupt change in his/her surroundings, not to mention the body horror. I mean, dedicating more than a couple paragraphs to the disorientation and confusion that the SI is experiencing could help a lot with the narrative structure of the story (it seems that some SI stories do not feature humans with friends, families, homes -- rather, they feature constructs that closely resembles human beings).

The second one is (IMO).. I got the feeling that the story is focusing too much on how the SI's presence affects the world -- for example, Armsmaster with his 2nd trigger. I think you could flesh out the worldbuilding and characterization a bit more if the interludes don't revolve around only what kind of impacts the SI has brought upon the world. Like, observations about the people in BB, fashion sense of the people on the street, general ambience of the city, weather, simple things like that.
I have two constructive criticism for this story,
Thanks you, I really appreciate it.

If I may. The first one is that unless this is a crack, narratively, people -- even one that's like, really nerdy or even one that wished for another life in another world would have trouble processing the abrupt change in his/her surroundings, not to mention the body horror. I mean, dedicating more than a couple paragraphs to the disorientation and confusion that the SI is experiencing could help a lot with the narrative structure of the story (it seems that some SI stories do not feature humans with friends, families, homes -- rather, they feature constructs that closely resembles human beings).
The next mini-arc is exactly about that, dealing with Worm Bet and the changes my SI has suffered. Especially the next chapter.
In this mini-arc there will be little fighting, and will end with the events of the Armsmaster Interlude.

The second one is (IMO).. I got the feeling that the story is focusing too much on how the SI's presence affects the world -- for example, Armsmaster with his 2nd trigger. I think you could flesh out the worldbuilding and characterization a bit more if the interludes don't revolve around only what kind of impacts the SI has brought upon the world. Like, observations about the people in BB, fashion sense of the people on the street, general ambience of the city, weather, simple things like that.
Thanks you, will keep it in mind.
There is not much of a story going at the moment anyway :V

In 1.2 you misspelled (as much as you can misspell an approximation of an alien sound) Cthulhu.

Interestingly, there was a special on Lovecraft over Halloween and they discussed the correct pronunciation of Cthulhu.

The 'Ct' sound is made by clicking your tongue at the top of your mouth, followed by an 'hul-huu' sound made in the back of the throat. Right in the back, almost as though you are trying to swallow the sound before it escapes. Throughout, never move your lips, keeping them in a rough 'O' shape.

Basically, imagine you are a goldfish making a decidedly unimpressed and disapproving sound.
Arc 2: Rousing
Arc 2: Rousing

Once I arrived to Brockton Bay finding my home was as easy as calling a Taxi. My new home…

I don't regret coming here. I acquired the powers of a god and potential immortality, hell I have a chance to go back home, to my earth, if I survive ten years (and then die). A task that is easily laudable with only libromancy. But it is a strange feeling to find oneself in another world, buying a new home. With a new body. Away from anyone I know. Shaking my head, I try to forget those insidious thoughts and proceed to look out of the cab window.

"Were are arriving in five, Miss" the driver interrupts my thoughts. I merely grunt an affirmative a little surprised. It seems Calle didn't care for expenses, for we weren't that far away from the Boardwalk. And if I remember correctly, it's also quite close to that little shambling bookstore I liked. I definitely needed to stock my new home with books and it seems I would make an old couple quite happy.

It was not long after that we arrived at my domicile. I paid the driver with another hundred, not even bothering with change, and walked into the driveway. A small wave of nostalgia hit me as I stared at the place. A small and cozy beige two story house stood before me. It had a small garage, from what I could perceive it had space for two cars, and a small garden on front. It was similar to my old home.

Taking a second to search for the message on my mobile, I looked at the instructions: The keys should be below the ponytail palm pot at the right of the entrance.

In a few moments I detected the plant, and found two set of keys.

Entering the place, I was a little surprised. It felt empty.

There was furniture, but it was sparse and humble. Just the bare bones. I hoped to fix that soon, I could not live alone in such a place. Continuing my tour I found the kitchen, the laundry, three bedrooms, two and a half restrooms and a basement. The yards (front and back) weren't big, but they would need a little maintenance (mental note, bio-mod the grass). I wouldn't call it perfect, but now it was my house. Or well, at least until all my papers and my accounts are processed, the deed was in retainer until then. Hopefully it would be done in less than one and a half week. I was surprised by their quickness, but I guess a few thousand dollars were a good incentive as any.

'Heh.' I could not help to snort at my thoughts. What had happened to me that I could throw away millions of dollars without caring? That would allow me to change my body into an eldritch abomination and enjoy it?

Absorbing my clothes, I approached the bathtub and opened the taps. Water started flowing freely as I looked myself in the mirror.

A strange, if beautiful, naked woman stared back at me.

Why could I look like this, be like this, and simply not care. I raised my palm, and created a tentacle. I destroyed my arm, and in exchange created an amorphous mass of flesh, eyes and mouths. Why could I not find the oddness in this? How could I process the input of every single of those eyes and find it completely normal, comfortable even?

The thought itself made me shiver, more than the transformation itself which actually filled me with excitement, with countless ideas of how to take advantage of the malleability of my body, when it should not. I knew my thoughts had been altered, I lost my name, and in exchange became Noelle Meinhardt. I simply could not call myself something else and really mean it. In fact, I forgot my previous name. But, I wondered for a second how much I really changed. What other surprises there were for me.

I looked at the mirror, at the stranger, and changed my visage.

I lost the pair of big breasts, the attractive curves, the beautiful teal eyes. I tried to become myself. An average, ordinary, young female adult. It did not work exactly as intended, there was something missing. I guess it may have been the fact I rarely look upon a mirror, or remember my own face. But at least I wasn't looking at a complete stranger. The nagging feeling on the back of my mind was there, but it was just that. I could easily handle it for a while, try to keep a modicum of normalcy in my life, for I could not lose myself. I would not let myself forget any more of whom I once was. And I guess I was lucky, I could always call myself as Noel when looking like this. It was phonetically almost the same to boot!

Taking a deep breath, I looked back at the bathtub, almost a quarter full by now. I guess I could now just sit, relax, and read some books. I had no hurry for now, before even going out I was going to need more preparation. Carefully taking out the Bag of Holding from within my stomach, I took the first book I could grab – not caring which, and submerged myself in the scolding hot water. It was time to relax after all.

The night was peaceful, and I even managed to acquire a few more items. Now, inside my stomach, inside my Bag of Holding, there laid Doomgiver; the sword of retribution, god slayer, and the perfect defense. Albeit, I needed to hold it for the effect to work, but it was easy accessible in any case. I also managed to acquire, analyze and vivisect a few babel fishes. They were strange, their biology was there, but it worked when it should really not. Their design was viable, but not in the way it was assembled. Still, I guess the impossibility of magic could make anything happen. Luckily, it wasn't a fruitless endeavor. Thanks to my intrinsic knowledge of biology and the fountain of inspiration that was the chirurgeon I managed to conceptualize an equivalent organ! And It was fun!

I didn't sleep once more, I simply couldn't. But I spent most of my time reading and browsing the internet for ideas. I already had a list of a few things I was going to get. And I mean "going" to get because overusing the Library of Babel would damage, char, the tome after all. Every time I used the Library of Bable I siphoned the collective belief to create an object, and that well recharged quite slowly. I'd rather keep the Library for the rarer books and on-site improvisation.

Creating an informal suit and grooming myself only took a few minutes before I headed out, a little before sunrise. I walked around the neighborhood and tried to familiarize myself with the area. The docks weren't that far away from what I could grasp, and the boardwalk was literally a few blocks away. And at this hour, Brockton Bay was simply peaceful. It made one forget that this was the cape capital of America.

Taking a seat in an opening café, the only open store in sight, I ordered a cappuccino and sat down to watch the people for a while. Brockton Bay, Earth-Bet, wasn't remotely different to my Earth if you ignored the super-hero paraphernalia. The people looked the same, the stores, the architecture, there seemed to be no difference. It wasn't until nine o'clock that I left the place and headed for the bookstore.

It seems I was just in time, for the sign was being changed to "Open" on the front door as I arrived. Entering, the old lady greeted me with a "Hello dear, back again so soon?"

"I just moved to Brockton Bay and have to stock my library ma'am." I answered with a smile as I noticed the old man behind the counter.

"Buying in bulk, are you?" The old gruff man stated in broken English, "If you want anything in special I can help you find it, buy more than ten paper backs and I will let you have them at 2.50 a piece."

I merely smiled and handled him a list I had written, "Well… if you can help me get this list to start with, I would really appreciate it."

The man took out a pair of glasses, and started reading the list before he raised an eyebrow "Are you joking, girl? I think I have most of the best-sellers in there, but 'One of each publication of each available book on Tabletop games' won't be cheap purchase."

"Money won't be a problem" I replied before taking out a pack of hundreds and placing it on the counter. Handling so much money shouldn't be so easy, but libromancy was really spoiling me. I still couldn't believe I threw away a few millions yesterday without really caring.

"Is it stolen?" The man suddenly, and brusquely asked.

I blinked, and looked at the man as he leafed through the bills. "Of course not." I answered honestly, I made it after all. If anything it was a perfect counterfeit.

The old man gave me a once over, and shrugged before raising his right hand. I clasped it in reply as the man stated. "My name is Vassily Baryshnikov, and that's my wife Regina. Let's do business."
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Basically, imagine you are a goldfish making a decidedly unimpressed and disapproving sound.
I'm not sure what to think about this... but thanks anyway! Will go fix it~

By the way guys, would love you hear what you think!
It is getting better by the chapter. More characterization, getting close to the 'meat' of the plot, finding out interesting books. All that helps.
In my own opinion, the reason why overpowered-as-fuck self-insert stories don't get much attention is because you can't feel invested in it. Or at least, not many can. There is no tension, because no matter what process wherein you try to show your readers how you master such power, at the end of the day you just know that this guy will win.

That is why, I will give you an advice. Go about it just like the first chapter of this story: write it from other characters' point of view. The Protectorate, the Wards, the rogues, the villains, anyone. Write about how they get tangled in it. How they are reacting to it. What they are doing to deal with it.

One good example of such story is On a pale horse by Cherico.
I would recommend, NOT going the pov route, I personally enjoy reading of how a character is obviously OP but they limit themselves to fight on the level of others, as to get enjoyment from the fight. And if the big bad ones come out then you unleash your power.
I would recommend, NOT going the pov route, I personally enjoy reading of how a character is obviously OP but they limit themselves to fight on the level of others, as to get enjoyment from the fight. And if the big bad ones come out then you unleash your power.

Which is already very, very common for a wish fulfillment fantasy. A thousand times tried and more, but unfortunately I rarely, if ever, read any story of such nature where it got anywhere significant, as they were almost always abandoned before the plot even thickens. Of course, I will be very happy if you can refer to a fanfiction where that is not the case.
Which is already very, very common for a wish fulfillment fantasy. A thousand times tried and more, but unfortunately I rarely, if ever, read any story of such nature where it got anywhere significant, as they were almost always abandoned before the plot even thickens. Of course, I will be very happy if you can refer to a fanfiction where that is not the case.
Very true, I'm pretty sure I've read at least 1 but they're few and far between.

Getting the books home was a small ordeal...

I still can't believe that I planned to buy a truck-load of books and forgot that I had no car. Vasilly, the old man that owned the bookstore, actually laughed out loud when he realized I had no way to get the books home.

"You are paying our tabs for months to come with this purchase, delivery is the least I can do. This old bones can still do more than stay behind a counter."

After that he wouldn't take a no as an answer.

We (mostly me, I wouldn't let him carry anything heavy) loaded a few boxes of books into an old white Cadillac, and then proceed to drive to my home. It didn't took long after that for me to unload the boxes into the garage and say goodbye to the old man, he replied with a "I'm going to search for anything I missed from the list, don't be shy and come whenever you want." And left.

As soon as I closed the garage's door, I started cackling madly.

I had so many opportunities now, and it was time to read. To immerse myself in the stories and get to love the books. To form a link with the object, so that when I pick it up, it will be easier and char the book's magic less. I think I spent around three days cooped up in my garage after that, I really wasn't sure. But I managed to acquire so many noteworthy items and upgrades!

To start with, I concentrated on improving myself, my powers: I managed to pull out and analyze some Norn-Queen, Sliver and Zerg larvae. And God, oh God. You wouldn't believe how much I managed to reverse engineer from their biology. There was a lot of trial and error, and some items, like the Tyranid's muscle based guns were simply impossible without magic, but the Biological railguns? The Zerg Adaptability? The Sliver power-sharing? The monomolecular biological forging process? The Tyranid gravity warping? Those, amongst many others, were complete successes. And If it weren't for my human mind whispering to me that maybe, just maybe, it was a bad Idea to create and release an horde of galactical murderbeasts without even having a copy of Queen Administrator, I might just have created a hive right then and there.

Then, I opened the Library of Babel. It seemed that DC comics and Marvel do exist in Earth-Alef, but not on Earth-Bet. Pity. Acquiring a copy of "Supergirl: The Novel" I set myself to work, and started reading. I actually read the whole thing before starting to work; as I opened a portal to Cadmus Labs. In a few moments, I had a small case containing the Kyrptonian samples used to create Galatea next to me. I then opened, and carefully inspected it for a moment. I immediately noticed a small tissue sample on a petri dish, and then proceeded to catalogue the rest: A few blood vials, hairs, cotton swabs, saliva, spinal fluid, and urine amongst other miscellaneous samples.

Opening all the samples at the same time, I created a mass of tendrils out of a finger, and touched them.

Kryptonian physiology was all but impossible. I could see how light was absorbed, amplified, and turned into enough energy to power whole cities, I saw how it created it's telekinetic field, I saw how eye-lasers were possible. But most of those systems were impossible with real biology. The samples next to me only worked by the power of the collective belief of billions of souls believing they worked, through magic. Still, they were a great insight into how to make powers work. I already had a lot of ideas coursing through my mind on how to make organs based out of those samples. Then I started playing around with the idea of solar energy. It wasn't really that easy, I did not manage to get anything remotely near the power output the samples provided. But it was process towards that direction.

In the end, Eye-beams were the first thing I did, it was the easiest to do, and who doesn't want laser-vision after all? I only managed to get an equivalent of "Ice Breath" after that, with a clever reverse engineer of Tyranid plasma generation organs as a base, again, Kryptonian physiology was bullshit.

Afterwards I was getting tired, magically speaking. Every time I reached a book with my magic I could hear whispers on the back of my mind, and they were becoming louder. So I concentrated on acquiring just three more items; The Love Magnet from the Road to Oz, another Bag of Holding, and a simple, small watch-like object resting inside my cranial cavity.

A Time-Turner.

The sheer possibilities this little item granted me were staggering. I dared not to think what this could do if it fell into the wrong hands, and that's the single reason why I kept it inside me. I would not let anyone get any funny ideas.

After that, I grudgingly separated myself from all my books, stored them in the Bag of Holding, and simply left the house. I'd rather not have the temptation after all. The whispers on my mind where the first symptom of Libromancy overuse. Afterwards then came the voices, and then came the possession. Possession by an evil, crazy, mad character from a book. Thankfully, resting for a few days should be enough. I was just being overcautious anyway, I still could use Libromancy if there was a need to do so.

For a moment I wondered what to do.

I had no friends, I knew no people here… Maybe getting a job? I had no lack of resources… Maybe I should even try to get into school again, attending college would be better than doing nothing. Maybe medicine? Thinking about it, I gave some merit to the idea and started walking. But well, for now I could always try to improve myself. I didn't even had a identity to register anywhere yet.

Walking into a nearby alley, I turned the Time Turner three times and reached into the past. It felt strange as time literally rewound around me, but quickly covering myself in concealing clothes, I walked out into the streets and started heading away from home. Looking at the rising sun in the sky, I wondered, where could I find some capes at this hour? I had no doubt I could acquire and reverse engineer any shard-based power after all.
First things first: Since Zion is probably the only one on Earth Bet who can kill you, and since he'll destroy at least 26 different Earths if he isn't stopped, you will need a Sting-equivalent power to deal with him. Should probably get Part VII of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure from the Library of Babel; Super Spin is explicitly capable of breaking through dimensional barriers... like the one hiding Zion's true form...
First things first: Since Zion is probably the only one on Earth Bet who can kill you, and since he'll destroy at least 26 different Earths if he isn't stopped, you will need a Sting-equivalent power to deal with him. Should probably get Part VII of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure from the Library of Babel; Super Spin is explicitly capable of breaking through dimensional barriers... like the one hiding Zion's true form...
Comic books and other media that are more based on pictures than words don't work

Thanks you, but isn't Alef the Hebrew pronunciation?
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Maybe the library has a novelization of the story in it?

DC Universe - Look up Zatanna Zatara a homomagi (human subspecies born with magic) and Static (metahuman/bangbaby)

Have her look up Marvel Universe has many biological superpowers (mutants)
Those Slivers, are they True Slivers, or Retcon Slivers? Because there are some distinct differences in the biology of each.

True Slivers can only breed via the queen and only she could use Land Magic (it was even hinted that she was a potential planeswalker in her own right, before she was mutliated and mind fucked by Korn). So there may be some rather interesting genetics to mess with there, in particular her ability to control slivers on entirely different planes.

Retcons have a far more human biology and any of them could have potential to be mages. They have an interesting ability to turn other things into slivers too.

I would be interested to see if you could use Land Magic, as you already have magic of a sort (Libriomancy) that can bridge the gap.
There are artefacts that work as artificial lands and yet are still small enough to pull through a book. Obviously, magical artefacts continue to work as advertised when removed from the book, so could magic-generating devices also work?
Those Slivers, are they True Slivers, or Retcon Slivers? Because there are some distinct differences in the biology of each.
Yes. Really.
I would be interested to see if you could use Land Magic, as you already have magic of a sort (Libriomancy) that can bridge the gap.
There are artefacts that work as artificial lands and yet are still small enough to pull through a book. Obviously, magical artefacts continue to work as advertised when removed from the book, so could magic-generating devices also work?
Using the Artefacts might be possible, but I've ruled since the beginning that "learning" a complete new magic system (Since Libromancers can learn to become Sorcerers if they get enough magic power.), while possible, would definitely not be easy, and take time.

And yes, the Magic Generating artifacts should work. The question is; if your body can handle that much magic. Libromancy magic "Is like Electricity" The metaphor in the book is that: Passing a stronger current than the cord can handle, will burn it out.
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Just so long as Noel stays away from the Young Wizards series... while it would grant access to the source code of reality, it also brings the enmity of the Lone Power, and It makes Zion look like an ant in comparison...

My first thought was getting to Arcadia. I knew most of The Wards along Panacea and Glory Girl attended the school, and I really, really, wanted Glory Girl's absolute shield.

But then I realized two things. First; that suddenly arriving at Arcadia and asking for the local superheroines would raise quite a few flags with the local authorities. And second; that even if they were at school, I had no real reason to go there at the moment. Attempting to get a copy of their powers, in broad daylight, while they were on their civilian identities, just screamed bad idea. Especially since I needed to at least grow big enough engulf them (or –thankfully- a clone) and assimilate them.

Instead, I simply started walking around. I talked for a small while with the old couple at the Bookstore, I browsed around the Boardwalk and bought some furniture, amenities and electronics for my home (they would be delivered later), and once the sun reached its apex, started walking back home. But once I reached my domicile, I continued forward, towards the docks. I hadn't investigated that side of the city yet after all.

I was honestly wary. The more I advanced the more the city seemed to simply crumble. From the pristine sight of the Boardwalk, I reached a place where weeds grew wildly out of the asphalt, enormous potholes littered the streets, vagrants roamed on the alleys, and the dilapidated buildings seemed to be moments away from crumbling down. It was simply depressing.

But above all, the presence of a gang, the ABB –clearly recognizable by the countless graffiti- , seemed to grow almost exponentially the more I walked, until suddenly the poverty halted completely and the gang presence flared. I raised an eyebrow as I saw the highly opulent buildings around me, clearly oriental in design. The most eye-catching and biggest one was the "Rising Dragon Casino". But there were was a little bit of everything around the place, from restaurants and simple stores, to 'massage parlors' that at a simple glance were clearly brothels in all but name. It was a small China(Asian?)town completely dominated by a gang.

I continued walking, and headed towards the casino. Out of curiosity more than anything.

If I remembered correctly this was the one the Undersiders had stolen after all, and I kind of understood when I entered. The place was opulence personified. Red, gold and green decorated the place in extraordinary quantities, statues and fountains stood tall all around the place. And even at noon, the place seemed to hold a lot of people. Above all, I hadn't seen a single guard so far except two men at the entrance.

Shaking my head, I turned around and left.

I only received a few glares from –clearly- ABB members, but it seemed they were not brazen enough to mug someone in broad daylight. Especially if it might be a customer.

Not wanting to have to deal with any possible trouble, I hailed the nearest cab as I wondered where to go. Without purpose, and not knowing anyone in the city, I decided to just go home.

I slept for the first time since arriving to Earth-Bet. It was restful.

The next day, I received my new furniture, and finally received a delivery from my lawyers. My identity wasn't ready yet, but if anything, I knew Numberman was efficient. Quickly skimming the contents, I stored six checkbooks, and the matching debit cards inside my own Bag of Holding. It seems that while I have a single national account with enough money for my emancipation to look above board, most of my money was located in numbered foreign accounts. I didn't care that much to be honest.

Stretching a little, I decided to head out towards the Boardwalk, and decided to finally deal with my transportation Issue. Walking was nice, but unless I grew wings and started flying around, quickly reaching somewhere was going to be a pain in the ass.

After retrieving my Love Magnet to ease the deal, a few thousand dollars later I acquired an old black F-150 from a nearby used car lot. Happily driving away, I headed home once again.

Today I felt like doing something good, to test my powers, and I certainly couldn't do it in my new car. Once I parked on the garage, I quickly browsed for a specific book, and in a short time found it. "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe." Stood by my hands as I leafed to the page I had folded earlier and started reading.

…-dial made of the juice of the fire-flowers that ... -ends are hurt, a few..." Whispers of Father Christmas started appearing inside my head, as I pulled out a small red cordial, before storing it safely inside my bag of holding. I shook my head, and quickly stashed all the books away.

I would certainly need to stop using Libromancy until the voices went away. Then I might get some fire-flowers from Narnia… they sounded promising.

Still, making sure that I was as ready as I could be, I walked to my back-yard and concentrated on the changes I wanted to do. To start with, I can't suit myself to scare people -as fun as that might be. I also don't think spandex is something I can even contemplate wearing. Some kind of Armor it is then.

In a few moments, silver, form-fitting armor started to grow around my body at the same time I improved all my muscles to support myself. Blue designs of bioluminescent micro-organisms worked to highlight my form and give a more heroic look, and my face became a helmet mostly covered in a reflective, light blue smooth surface. To avoid any trouble, I then picked up Doombringer from within me, and placed it on my back. Immediately my biological armor covered the sheath and stuck it in place. A small tendril then held the handle, just in case.

After looking at myself with a few tentacles, and deeming my look heroic enough, I did a last change. Carefully inspecting the horse-shoe shaped Love Magnet in my hands, I decided to place it against my torso. Creating a glowing omega (Ω) symbol on the middle of my chest. There, now I even have a logo for PR and Merchandising if that ever comes up. Any similarity to Cauldron is purely coincidental.

Flexing my fingers, and then stretching a little, I marveled at the complexity of the systems within the armor. It was not only a simple armor after all, no, my own tinker powers, along my study of alien biology, gave me lots, lots of inhuman improvements. Amongst them; To start with, I no longer had any organs I did not need. Which were pretty much all.

An array of microscopic filaments that gather sensory and spatial information through intermittent pulses covered my whole being, which then was fed into my central nervous system and then into my core in real time. It was weird being able to suddenly see, smell, hear, and feel with all your body at the same time in colors I had never seen before. But in a few moments I was able to control it and it felt natural.

Aside that, my heart and lungs stopped existing, as instead, I munchinked having access to unlimited biomass and biokinesis to sustain my body. In fact, my Bag of Holding now rested inside my cranial cavity next to my time turner, for now almost my whole torso was taken up by an enormous brain that should allow me to fly and do a myriad of minor psychic tricks, while subconsciously managing my bio-kinesis to keep the body at peak efficiency. The wonders of Tyranid and Zerg biology!

Finally, I twitched a mental switch, and my armor became a chameleonic carapace allowing me to leave unnoticed. Concentrating, I started slowly rising, until I suddenly was up in the skies! I was flying! I was freaking flying!

I could fly!

I wasn't really going that fast, for that I needed wings and a bigger body (something I needed to fix), but I was giddy! A turn here, a barrel roll there! The feeling of flying was simply freeing, it felt good!

I could not help but laugh as I flew over Brockton Bay and inspected the city. I felt powerful, as if I could take anyone and win. And I knew it was true! I felt like going and challenging Lung to fight. I knew that was a very bad Idea though, so I simply continued flying.

Calming myself a little after a while, I decided where to go next. To the Hospital. I needed to find how quickly I could heal, and in the way, I was sure the PRT and maybe Panacea would be called.

Lowering my camouflage, I flew towards the biggest hospital I saw on my earlier flyover as a silver and blue streak. It was time to work.


A.N. I don't like this chapter at all. I know where I want to go, I know how I'm going to get there. But I'm a lost on how to reach where I want to go... if you understand what I mean... For example, I already have a few chapters written after the Armsmaster Interlude, and I know what is going to happen in the Casino. I also have planned a few events in-between. But I'm missing what to do meanwhile and my muse isn't working.
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Alright, this looks very interesting so far. I have to admit I'm not holding my breath on this story lasting much longer (to be fair, pretty much every single CYOA story I've seen ended up abandoned after only a few updates), but I'll enjoy it while it lasts.

So far, the only criticism I have deals with spelling, grammar, and some of the parts being over the top. This and the previous couple of chapters haven't been too bad, but nearly every update up to that point (especially the Armsmaster interlude) had countless spelling and grammar issues. But, like I said, it's better now (did you get a beta?). Aside from that, I can't help but to roll my eyes while reading pretty much all the interludes (or anything from a different character's POV). The way everything is described is just so overly descriptive and seemingly desperate to sound like Lovecraft just makes it hard to read. That Armsmaster interlude in particular nearly made me cringe. Yes, we get it, the character loves to think they're Cthulu or something. Honestly, it felt almost pretentious at points.