The Crawling Chaos [Worm] [SI]

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Prologue: Interlude 1-1; Coil

It was a mystery that left a sense of confusion within Thomas...
Prologue: Interlude 1-1 [Coil]


[Verified Girl]
Prologue: Interlude 1-1; Coil

It was a mystery that left a sense of confusion within Thomas Calvert mind; for he simply could not understand. What had just happened?

For many years he believed he could control destiny, he of the tall, lanky form and double lifes. For now, despite his cunning intelect and sharp mind, he could barely grasp the new understanding of his powers.

Once more, for the umpteenth time and despite his throbbing headache, he simply split his timelines and went out into the chilling winter night.

One of him, stood besides his computer, on his cozy suburban house. The other went to work as the mysterious and elusive supervillian known Coil.

He entered his office, managed today's affairs to send most of his men to gather some information in ways not meant to let be recorded in a true timeline, and waited for the next step towards the new understanding of his new power.

Privately, however, he frowned and muttered darkly about the horrors that he was to perceive. Of the sense of mounting dread for the welfare, of both his body and soul.

He still wasn't quite sure what had caused the change of Noelle Meinhardt into that thing. Or how it affected his own powers, but if he managed to survive past that point in the timeline (possible in a few simulations) and manage to seduce her to his service (not possible so far) his power would be forever changed.

He had always believed he only had two options. To split the world, and choose one or another. Now he could choose none.

And he had to find out after looking at the being that Noelle Meinhardt had become. The being made of multiple fractals and infinite dimensions, of impossible angles and bubbling possibilities. It was then, that with the unholy cry of 'Tekeli-li' the abomination emerged. Its chant, even more maddening after so many times he heard it, was next.

He shuddered, and called the Undersiders into the Bunker. They did not last, and Tattletale only managed to become a quivering wreck, like he himself became after witnessing the being true form.

Every time he managed to take a glimpse of Noelle Meinhardt true form he felt his soul whimper, and his body be ravaged apart. It was as if the blasphemous being simply devoured both timelines at the same time, and then he woke up six hours in the past, screaming and muttering of things men is meant not to see, and capable of trying relieving this fate one more time.

He commandeered his troops to capture her to no avail, and only managed to wreck the Bunker before looking at the abomination once more. He tried to talk to her through a proxy, but the thing had a contempt for him that he could not understand. He tried bribing her, threatening her, the travelers, and every single method of cohesion he could think of. Nothing worked, and on one timeline he even managed to glimpse at the utter destruction of Brockton Bay and the Triumvirate at the hands of the Abomination.

Coil now feared something more than any Endbringer.

It was after the three-hundred, seventy two time he split realities that he could no more. His head ached with a throbbing pain, and his sanity felt ravaged and about to break. And thus that day he let Noelle Meinhardt go unmolested. Leaving only a cadre of disposable goons to show her the exit as quickly as possible.

He knew perfectly what the thing was capable of after all, and it could not be let free, else he feared the fate of mankind.

The rest of his men had a single mission at the moment, keep an eye on the abomination. If he was still alive then, he would user her visage for his purposes after he was rested.

After all his affairs were taken care of, Coil picked up his phone, and made a single call. Not a moment later he went to sleep, and dreamt of the Crawling Chaos.
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Shoggoths always make everything better.
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The Lovecraft nature interests me, but the intro was too disorienting. Like, who is this guy? An SI? Why should we care about him/her/it? What are their motivations? Why is the first thing that comes to their mind was how to "win the game" instead of trying to return home, like a decent person who has something to care for in their original world? Why free Bonesaw and Panacea? Why does the SI(?) care about them? Which point of time was this anyway?

Too much question, not enough hook.
so the powers of jailbroken Noelle, Panacea and Bonesaw as well as Libriomancy. You reincarnated as Noelle so that threat is gone at least. Why you didn't try to snag Coil on the way out is beyond me if not to force him into his other timeline at least. If you took Man of Mystery like you should have you might have even gotten him too.
The Lovecraft nature interests me, but the intro was too disorienting. Like, who is this guy? An SI? Why should we care about him/her/it? What are their motivations? Why is the first thing that comes to their mind was how to "win the game" instead of trying to return home, like a decent person who has something to care for in their original world? Why free Bonesaw and Panacea? Why does the SI(?) care about them? Which point of time was this anyway?

Too much question, not enough hook.
I will post the Libromancy Rules and the CYOA later, but tl;dr:
When you use the CYOA the ROB pretty much tells you that if you survive ten years in Worm, when you die (after the ten years.) You can keep your powers and go home, or go to another world for 2 extra points.

Why not caring? Because as said below, it's a shameless self-insert who knew what he was getting into. And I must admit; Immortality and those powers kind of would make me happily go into Worm and not even consider coming back. Of course, I have the chanceto go back to the same moment I left, but with ALL THE POWERS!. But I must survive ten years first, and then die. Meanwhile, look below. I Have a life to Om nom nom more powers.

Be who you want to be man.

Unless you can be a magical girl/mew hybrid.

Then be that.
Is this Possession sue for.... Noelle?

:oops: Lately I've been unable to really do anything.
Been to busy doing many things, and my muse has been completely dead. Still, yesterday I was bored, and saw my list of all named capes (I'm programming the CYOA for my final project `:p)

"Meh, Let's see what happens." I said before rolling a 1d309. And thus I found myself with Echidna. playing around a little, I started making a build.
Random Snippet - #1 [CYOA: Reincarnation Edition] [0 points]
Reincarnation [1d309=89] [Noelle Meinhardt] [Free Twins]
Without a Map II - Coil Base [2 Points]
Geas: Your name is Noelle Meinhardt [1 Point]
Geas: Spoilers [1 Point]
Geas: Spoilers [1 Point]
Wanted: Coil [1 Point]
Wanted: Travelers [1 Point]
The Slaughterhouse 9 is hiring [2 Points]

Skitter Mode [10 Points]
Jailbroken Echidna [1]
Can control all aspects of the clone's creation.
Can assimilate absorbed beings for their skills, memories and powers.
Jailbroken Panacea [3]
Unlimited Biomass
Organic and Self Manipulation.
Twins: Bonesaw [2]
Apprentice [1]
Libromancy [1]
Man of Mystery [1]
Special Snowflake

That's when I said "Fuck it, I'm bored. Let's do a shameless, overpowered self-insert and just go with it." and that I did.

If I missed anyone it's because I'm in the middle of math class! Will reply to the others later.
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CYOA: Reincarnation Edition
can we get a link to that one, don't think it is one i have seen
As said above, I'm programming a CYOA (V4?) for my final project. I'm re-including the V1 methods of insertion (Endbringer, Self-Insert, Reincarnation) Reincarnation has several options extra. For example, you can get a Free Twins if you roll randomly, or you can get an extra point, or the memories of the body you are adquiring. You can also buy the memories for a point, and get a discount on it's respective twins.
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Shoggoths always make evrything better.
I completely agree.
so the powers of jailbroken Noelle, Panacea and Bonesaw as well as Libriomancy. You reincarnated as Noelle so that threat is gone at least. Why you didn't try to snag Coil on the way out is beyond me if not to force him into his other timeline at least. If you took Man of Mystery like you should have you might have even gotten him too.
The exact choices were posted above ^
Why didn't I try to snag Coil?
Because Man of Mystery makes me unable to use or be affected by Pre-cog. Because I didn't knew if Coil was there, because I just got the powers and wasn't really ready to assault a super villain liar even if I could probably wreck it, and because if I stay there, the worst case scenario is a Sundancer to the face.
I like this SI.

Immediately goes "Immortality! Fuck Yes!" with few fucks to give. Amusing. This is based on v1 of the CYOA? Like always I feel I have to say.

Skitter Mode is still for chumps. Powertrips are best done with the most OP of powers!
I like this SI.

Immediately goes "Immortality! Fuck Yes!" with few fucks to give. Amusing. This is based on v1 of the CYOA? Like always I feel I have to say.

Skitter Mode is still for chumps. Powertrips are best done with the most OP of powers!
Technically it's based on the V3. The V1 is pure bullshit anyway.
And I will be honest, I tried to go "Godmode" on this... but I couldn't find a way to write any history like that. Too much OP and too many powers. FFS, I already feel like I'm overpowered as frack like this, I am overpowered like this. See the next part:
The SI did not panic at the mere thought of being in a world where Zion is a thing. I applaud his ability to powertrip handle his new reality.
Zion is scary, but Nyaruko-Chan has so many ways to survive it's not even funny.

Let me put it like this. Ignoring Libromancy and all it's sweet, sweet toys that would allow one to survive the Golden Morning and even possibly kill Zion. Noelle touches Eidolon, creates a perfect clone (brain dead for easy swallowing), from that clone it creates another one and absorbs it for Eidolon's Powers... and then you will have Unlimited Eidolon Works as an army of perfectly loyal, jailbroken, and Improved Eidolons starts being spawned. Now, imagine doing that with the Faerie Queen on top. And then with the whole Triumvirate. And in worst case with Kephri, Doormaker and Clairvoyant. And of course, an army of Stings.

This Noelle is made of Cauldron's wet dreams. Instant endless (unlimited biomass) parahuman army, completely loyal and working in unison. With any powers.

And this is Ignoring any possible powers that may be absorbed till that point.
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what items from books pre-1980s [can't remember the date 1982 or 1986 i think] are powerful enough to kill Zion?
Since anything after that date gets warped by his introduction it isn't going to be the same anymore. Granted you might get some books from Alphe but do they send physical books or digital? does digital reprints that not many people read work?
what items from books pre-1980s [can't remember the date 1982 or 1986 i think] are powerful enough to kill Zion?
Since anything after that date gets warped by his introduction it isn't going to be the same anymore. Granted you might get some books from Alphe but do they send physical books or digital? does digital reprints that not many people read work?


Stormbringer or Mournblade probably could. Maybe Sheildbreaker or Farslayer too as the Twelve Swords were pretty conceptual. If the Twelve Swords are effective, Soulcutter would hit him in his weakspot for sure too.

If comics are doable then the Ultimate Nullifier was intro'd in 1966 and it can kill anything.

Ender's Game was written in '85, so it may not have been butterflied and that puts the Little Doctor on the table if you're able to get at Zion's body...

Eh... I'm too drunk to go searching right now, but fiction is full of ULTIMATE WEAPONS and it's not a new thing, so...
of those im only familiar with the little doctor so thats either good or sad, not sure which. dont know where those other items are even from. libriomancy would be so much better if it let you take powers from books also instead of just items. still wishing someone would add it to the superpower wiki so i know the rules of it.
what items from books pre-1980s [can't remember the date 1982 or 1986 i think] are powerful enough to kill Zion?
Since anything after that date gets warped by his introduction it isn't going to be the same anymore. Granted you might get some books from Alphe but do they send physical books or digital? does digital reprints that not many people read work?
  • Buy the Beauty and the Beast.
  • Get Access to Beast's Infinite library with every single book that exists, will exist, and could exist.
  • ????
  • Profit.

Endless as long as the shards they're connected to are working, because among your SI's many powers giving actual, inherent (shard-free) superpowers to the clones he/she makes isn't one of them.
*Cough* Libromancy *Cough* Panacea *Cough* Bonesaw
On one hand, Panacea and Bonesaw should easily be able of making some superpowers. Tinkers can study and create tinkertech based on other parahumans.
On the other hand, how hard would it be to get a sample of Superman or Supergirl's DNA from Cadmus Labs thanks to the DC Books?