You screamed your lungs out. You scratched against the metal of your steel coffin until your finger bled. You kicked and thrashed and generally tried to make noise, to get attention, to get help.
No one helped.
You're pretty sure you passed out at some point. But between the vomit, the blood, the bugs, and everything else, you could never be sure how long it took you to do so. All you know is that when you woke again the hallways were quite, it was cold, and it was darker than before. You tried to move, but your limbs wouldn't respond. You tried to say something, but your throat burned, and your voice caught.
You thought you were going to die, then and there, alone and forgotten.
Something broke.
Choose A Color:
[] Red - The Color of violence, passion, power. Strike your enemies with rending claws, reap their lives with deadly blades, take their blood with daggers and knives a plenty. Then sketch from their vitae rituals most foul and obscene, to empower yourself, and to inspire fear in your foes. No flames shall burn you, as you are their master, let any who doubt such try and match your power, for they will lose.
[] Orange - The Color of creation and command. Create for yourself minions and weapons to fight your wars. Raise from the world around you creations of stone air and sea to obey your every whim. Call the elements towards you and direct them as you please, and though you may not be as great as a true master of a certain element, quantity is a quality all of its own.
[] Yellow - The Color of Speed and storms. Be faster than any being before you, block strikes before they have been made, think up a five minute plan in five seconds. Summon the storms to do your bidding, lightning is your minion and you are its mistress, the power of the storm will forever be at your call.
[] Green - The Color of healing, nature, and luck. Help your comrades in arms by tending to their wounds, or reinforcing them so that they may never be wounded in the first place. Call the planet to your aid, for nature is yours to command. Plants grow at your touch, and animals bow their heads at the passing of their queen. Win the game by never playing in the first place, every piece and pawn is already where it is needed to be, all you simply have to do is tip one domino, and all will fall into place for you.
[] Blue - The Color of logic, leading, and the water. The center of chaos, the eye of the storm, you are that which everything informational revolves around. Your plans will not fail, your theory's are ironclad, if someone knows something, you likely do as well. The oceans call, and you answer back, the tide obeys, and water flows uphill at your command. Ice turns to liquid turns to gas turns to ice, all at your will.
[] Brown - The Color of force and the earth. You are force made manifest, you are the unstoppable object and the immovable wall, if you hit something, it will not get back up. The earth sings to you, and you sing back, forge for yourself a set of the toughest armor straight from the ground you stand on, crush your enemies with hammers made of raw iron, or the very earth that supports them. Blades, hammers, war clubs, it matters not, if it is made of the earth you can make it. You are the master of the earth, and it shall answer when you call.
[] Pink - The Color of movement, manipulation, and magic. The most acrobatic of acrobats, twist yourself into spaces not even a cat would be able to fit, You always land on your feet, and your feet never stray from their path. You know people, you love people, you know how to talk to people, you love to talk to people, you know how to manipulate people, you love to manipulate people. Runes, spells, cantrips, magic, it all calls to you. Become one with the world of magic and dive deep into your spells, learn all that you can and eventually, become all that you can as well.
[] Purple - The Color of cutting, motion, and illusion. You are a blade, and a blade is meant to cut. See the strings tying everything in reality together, and learn how to cut them. Sever life from death, death from life, and the world from itself, and eventually, you will be able to cut anything. You see the ways trough, you see the strings that connect everything, so it makes sense that you should be able to use those strings for yourself. Travel upon those strings, cut distance between places, cut a hole into reality and step through, cut time to make it so that you never left or were always there, cut cut cut. Bring into the world falsities, entwine strings to make something else, make your own strings to let others believe what they will, or replace a string entirely so that you falsity is made truth.
[] Black - The Color of stealth, shadow, and control. You are the dagger in the dark, the blade in the night, the assassin in the attic, and if you want to get somewhere without anyone finding you, you will. The shadows listen, the shadows obey, you are the shadows, and the shadows are you. Step from the dark into the dark into the dark, and become the monster that people fear in the night, for you are the shadows, and nothing can stop you. You can bring forth to serve you creature from the dark, beasts from the black, and demons from the abyss, or you could more simply place your shadow upon the minds of unsuspecting humans, and have them do your bidding instead.
[] Gold - Power. Power overwhelming. Reach out and take it, for it is yours.