Lady Carlisle may have a point but… You didn't want to accept such extreme view without checking on it first. The view was rather pessimistic and flew in the face of everything you've ever learned about nobility and knights. Your head swam with questions. Did apply to one group more than the other? If it applied to knights, then what good where the codes of chivalry? You had to know. You needed to know. To that end you decided to ask…
[ ] Father
[ ] The king
[ ] Rodrick
[ ] Morgana
[ ] Someone Else(Write-In)
After some consideration you decided that Kay wouldn't fault you pursuing your own education. Your face twisted up in thought over what you'd like to learn. In battle being disarmed was a real possibility so better training with Hand-to-Hand was a must. For a close range weapon you needed to play to your strengths. You were best at wielding a sword especially good with a longsword and a greatsword. Ultimately you decided focus on the longsword over the greatsword. It wasn't because the king, your personal idol, was best known for wielding a longsword it was just happy coincidence. Honest.
Making your last choice on weaponry was a bit harder. Arming swords had a much wider versatility on battle fields as it could be duel-wielded with another weapon or with a shield. On the other hand lances were devastating on the battlefield plus training with a spear and lance were a must for knights. Decisions, decisions, decisions. Well you desperately wanted to be a knight soo… Lances then.
"Sir Emrys, I'd like to learn more about longswords, lances and fighting with my hands." You said as you turn to pick up the training weapons.
"Alright, Arthur let's get started then." He said as he passed you picking up the corresponding training weapons.
Lessons were very different now there was no more lessons on how to hold the weapons or how to move in combat. It was all hands on experience you sparred with Sir Emrys, Huw and Kay every lesson. Spars with Kay changed in that you were always fighting with one of three weapons rather than a rotating group of weapons. With your favored weapons used for the spars you pulled much farther ahead in your one-upmanship with Kay. (Skill rank up) The spars with your teachers were different too as you no longer were defeated handily. You were able to force them to work for their victories. The training was helping you gain the measure of warriors by simply watching the way they moved. (Ability rank up) The constant battles were giving you much better head for battle and you could sense the flow of battle better with each and every fight. (Ability rank up)
Deciding what you're going to research ended being much easier then you'd expected. You wanted desperately to make Gao your familiar. Not only would it make it much easier to understand you friend but it had so many advantages from a practical stand point. It'd increase your understanding of phantasmal creatures, a better understanding of mysteries and putting aside your friendship with the lion it'd would bind a divine spirit to your side.
Sadly however it was slow going you had to work on several outside factors as you tried to devise a whole new familiar ritual. As a divine spirit Gao interacted weirdly with the rules of magecraft as you knew them. Between Gao's magic resistance and divinity getting any spell good or bad to affect him was very difficult usually requiring you to brute force the spell. He seemed to operate outside of some rules of magecraft while obeying other rules seemingly without rhyme or reason. Therefore you had to work it out by trial and error. You would have made almost no progress at all if it weren't for Morgana who happily shared the observation she had made on him in her own free time.
Another project you continued to work on was your own unique mystery tentatively named Invisible Air. This progressed much faster than the Gao-Familiar Ritual as Merlin joined you when you worked on the mystery more often than not. Although you hadn't finished the mystery together you made remarkable progress. Initially you tried to conceal spell based on the idea of using mana to bend light away from a person rendering them invisible but while successful this proved to mana intensive for practical use as obscuring a dagger you had procured was difficult even for you. At Merlin's suggestion you decided to start looking into using the air itself to obscure the weapon which you thought held some promise.
Finally you decided to work on a few mysteries to enchant the shield you gave to Kay. You started by looking into runic based mysteries as from your studies you knew were very good at enhancing objects. This proved much easier than Invisible Air or the new familiar ritual as you started at the basics of enchantment rather than jumping into the metaphorical deep end. Already you were able to create a promising runic array that would increase the holder's resistance to elements while simultaneously increasing their physical strength. With how much progress you made in only a year of on and off work you were sure that you could create a truly powerful shield for your brother in no time at all.
You walk up to Morgana instantly noticing a few splotches of ink on her face. She was busy taking notes on Gao so you waited for her to notice you. You ended up waiting for a long time as she never noticed you as she was far too engrossed to notice you. Eventually you cleared your throat to get her attention. You guess she didn't even notice someone else was in the room since she eeped and literally jumped in her chair.
"I uh… didn't uh see you Arthur." She muttered suddenly found her lap very interesting. Her ears started to turn pink and she looked very embarrassed. It took most of yourself control to not start laughing at her as it was a smile spread across your face.
"Obviously." Ahh shoot. Your amusement leaked out a little. The poor girl looked even more embarrassed now. Whoops.
"Ah sorry didn't mean to embarrass you. I wanted to talk to you." You say, she perked up and the pink on her face faded.
"Sure! What do you want to talk about?" She chirped as the energy you had come to associate with Morgana returned.
"I was wondering if you could tell me about your family." She lost a little bit of her energy. Wow she was all over the place. Was this a touch subject? Best tread carefully then you decide as you wait for her to start talking.
"You've met Father, right?" Morgana asked turning to look at Gao but she clearly wasn't looking at him.
"Once when you arrived." You had yet to spend any major time with the man in person yet. She took a deep breath before she started to talk.
"I love my father but he's… intense to say the least. He spends most of his time doing whatever kings' do." She said in a frustrated tone and you could hear the undercurrent of anger in her voice.
"Since he's busy so often I spend more time with tutors and caret takers then with him. As for mother I don't really remember her. She abandoned us when I was little." She started picking at her dress a forlorn expression on her face. "Mother was a magus named Mordon. She betrayed father and tried to take the throne so I don't really remember her much since I was little at the time but all I can remember was that she was very kind with impossibly long hair." She clenched the hem of her dress in one hand. Morgana looked sad and drained. She lost what little color remained in her face and her hands had a slight tremble. You decided to…
[ ] Comfort her by…
- [ ] Hugs! Hugs always make you feel better
- [ ] Change the subject! To Gao he's here and she loves talking about him.
- [ ] By doing something else (Write-in)
[ ] Ask a follow up questions about…
- [ ] Write-in
Merlin was clearly busy with his… thing you guess. Not entirely sure what he was experimenting on or what he was casting on the occupant. You didn't want to disrupt whatever he was doing so you just opened up your mystic senses and immediately regretted. Owww…. Instinctively shut down your mystic senses. It was basically the magical equivalent of looking into the sun. The combo of alchemy, runic array and some sort of greater ritual that you didn't recognize. The combo wasn't overwhelming in terms of power but the sheer complexity of the array he had set up actually make your head physically hurt. Trying to understand it was like trying to solve a Gordian knot while bind. Definitely want to find out what he's doing because that looked amazingly interesting.
You kind of wanted to poke around Merlin's workshop but doing so was probably very dangerous. His workshop was sure to have several traps and bounded fields that did who knows what. Probably something crazy like switch genders or made insides outsides. Best get comfy and wait to talk to him. There were no chairs other than the one Merlin was occupying soooo…. You made yourself comfy on floor by using Gao and his crazy soft fur as a pillow. Gao gave you an irritated look until you reached out a hand to scratch his chin. Then he started to purr the ham. All things said you were fairly comfy here which was good because it took him a while to finish his experiment and his notetaking.
Finally though he looked up and you immediately started to giggle. He looked really silly since his long hair was a mess and had flecks of ink in it. Actually he had flecks of ink all over him. Plus he looked fairly tired like he hadn't slept for a while. He had a look of surprise on his face. "Ah Arthur you're here. I uh… wasn't expecting you. This evening I mean I usually see you during the day." Wow! He really was tired as he was speaking in slow manner and was being weirdly wordy. Well now was your time too…
[ ] Ask him what he was doing.
[ ] Ask him about his past. Specifically…
- [ ] Write-in a topic
[ ] Ask him for more help on one of your ongoing projects.
- [ ] Invisible Air
- [ ] Turning Gao into your familiar
- [ ] Researching magical resistances
- [ ] Researching Divinity
- [ ] The mysteries for Kay's shield
[ ] Something completely different (write-in)
Ultimately you decided to ask the king about forging his own kingdom. Although it took a while to find a time to talk to him. You were very busy with your tutors plus he seemed to be keeping a very odd schedule you only saw him at meals and he left as soon as he finished. Eventually though you did literally bump into him as you were leaving Merlin's tower. You were nose deep in your notes on your projects and didn't look up as you left the tower so you ran straight into the king. Being much smaller than him you naturally fell on your butt and the notes in your hands went everywhere.
At first you couldn't think of anything to say and instead stared dumbly up at him. He looked every inch what you imagined a king to look. He was tall and handsome with sharp features and blonde hair a shade paler than yours. He had a thick beard that had been trimmed carefully unlike most men you had seen. He was dressed immaculately in shining plate armor with dark green tabard emblazoned with a red dragon.
After a second you realized what was happening and a small eep sound escaped your lips before you could stop yourself. The situation was made even more embarrassing as Gao decided now would be a good time to investigate the king. He leaned forward to sniff the king's greaves and you had to shoo the lion away from the king. Them you all but threw yourself on the ground to collect your notes hoping to cover your embarrassment. You sent up a silent prayer to whatever deities might be watching that he ignored you. Of course that didn't happen as the king bent to help you. Your face turned an even deeper red as he handed you the rest of the notes. The whole time he never said a single word even as he turned to leave. You couldn't leave it like this! Say something!
"Erpsky." Dammit Arthur that's not even a word! Still it got his attention as he turned back to you. He bent down so he could look you in the eye.
"Are you alright, Arthur?" He asked and now you've made the king concerned! Wonderful job Arthur.
At least you found your voice as you nod and answered. "Fine, just embarrassed."
He gave you a warm smile though and patted you on the back. "Don't be believe it or not but this is not the worst thing to happen when someone meets me for the first time in person."
He stood and turned to go up the stairs when you remembered your question. "You're Majesty! I was wondering what it was like to make your own kingdom." It spilled out far faster than you met it to and your face turned red again. The king paused at the first step his head cocked slightly to the left and was clearly lost in thought. Your gaze left the king and your feet were very interesting and you really couldn't bring yourself to look at the king for unrelated reasons. Certainty not because you kept embarrassing yourself in front of him!
"Easier than you'd think actually." You looked up and he had an odd look on his face. Was this what nostalgia looked like?
Well at least you didn't have to repeat yourself. "Easy?" You parroted back.
He nodded his hand coming up to scratch his beard. "Conquest is easy never let anyone tell you otherwise. Actually ruling and doing it well is the hardest thing to do." He paused for a second and was clearly considering his words carefully. That much was obvious to you although why he was putting so much effort into answering your question so thoroughly was a mystery to you. "Being a king is the loneliest thing in the world. You are the paragon that the common people aspire to yet if you are too perfect then they cannot relate to you and if you are too like them then they grow to hate you."
He trailed off for a moment and you were struck by how sad he looked. "Ruling is a responsibility that supersedes all others and it is one that must be done alone. Even being a father must be set aside if one wishes to be a great ruler. Everything must be given to the kingdom… I'd tell you more but I must speak with Merlin but if you'd like we can talk about this more later." (Relationship status revealed)
He didn't wait for you to respond however instead turning to walk up the steps. You watched him go unable to think of something to add. You stood there looking up the stairs unsure of what to make of this conversation. The king had put forward a lot of effort to answering the question of a bastard. It struck you as strange and made you think of Lady Carlisle's words from the year before. Why was he telling you all this? It felt more like an impromptu speech then an answer. (Ability rank up and Skill Rank up) You were broken from your thoughts by Gao nudging you from behind. Together you turned to leave but you decided to…
[ ] Talk to him again before he leaves.
[ ] Not talk to him again. Something's not right but you're not sure what.
And you decided to…
[ ] Bring this up with someone…
- [ ] Write-in who
[ ] Not tell a soul about this conversation.
You needed to help Gao and quick just because he wasn't being hurt by the intruder right now didn't mean it was going to stay that way. You spied the upturned chair and plan formed in your head. First you opened your magical channels flooding them with mana as you performed reinforcement to strengthen your body. Then you leapt form the bed crossing the chamber in three strides you grasped the leg of a chair and retched it free. With alteration you changed the shape of the chair's leg making it far shaper than what could be possible with tools. Then you reinforced it to the absolute limit. It took you only a few seconds to turn the chair leg into a sharp weapon.
Then you rushed forward using a mana burst to go as faster than you could run you tried to get behind the intruder. The cloaked man saw you and tried to turn towards you but having a thirty five stone lion hanging from his neck and who was literally disemboweling him made it impossible for the intruder to follow your quick movements. The instant you got behind him you used drove the mana enhanced spike into his left leg aiming for his hamstring. You were out from behind him before the man even began to fall backwards no longer able to support Gao's prodigious weight.
The two tumbled into the moonlight illuminating the intruder. He face was pale as death and had sunken features. His eyes glowed a brighter green color in the light of the moon. His clothes were in terrible shape caked in blood and far more entrails then should be possible. Even though he was covered in blood you saw no open wounds. Something was definitely wrong with is man there's no way a normal person could take these kind of injuries or support Gao's weight.
Gao's belly was crimson as was his legs and face. The man tried to rise again somehow able to put weight on his leg despite being hamstrung moments before but Gao took the opportunity to pin the man best he could. No matter how the man buked and twisted Gao held him there. You decided to…
[ ] Get help. Gao's got him pinned the intruder not going anywhere.
[ ] Stay there. The man's pinned but their might be more in the castle.
[ ] Integrate him! Someone tried to kill you and you want to know why.
- [ ] Write-in how
[ ] Something else entirely. Write-in what you want to do.
Character Sheet updates:
Stat Changes:
Strength Increase
Skill Rank Up:
Politics: C-
Longswords: C+
Lance: C
Hand-to-Hand: D
Ability Rank Up:
Discernment of Warriors: C
Discernment of Nobility: C-
Instincts: C
Relationship Revealed:
Uther (Well Liked)
Ongoing Project Updates:
Gao becoming your Familiar: 65%
Invisible Air: 40%
Kay's Shield Improvements: 40%