Yes, but who gives a shit about a crusade? A ton of the British nobility were basically robber barons and bandits made good - it was a major element of how Britain recruited enough hard-bitten fighting men to contend with the more prosperous and numerous chivalric classes of mainland Europe. Parliament was repeatedly petitioned in the 14th century to stop groups of Gentry like the Folville Gang from raiding the countryside, yet many of them, the Folville's included, ended up receiving pardons and dying as 'respectable' men, after accepting military service that allowed the king to harness their violence for the good the realm. There's a reason the story of Robin Hood resonates so strongly in Britain - it's the tale of so many real outlaws, reimagined and rehabilitated from murderous bastards out for themselves to wild men acting in the cause of their country and people.
Now, granted, Henry Tudor made efforts to bring the British aristocracy to heel, but all the same if you present this bunch of hooligans with the wealth of 42 C.E. Gaul, relatively quiet and lightly defended as it was, their eyes are going to light up as they all mutter excitedly to each other about all the swag they can nick, and before you can say, "hey, if you want to hop across the Channel and live out all those teenage Black Prince fantasies you had, go for it me old muckers," the great hall will be empty as everybody rushes off in their eagerness to put the Vikings to shame in the scale and prosperity of R A I D A N D P I L L A G E.