My choice would be to research either the Lamp Shards or the Moths, to give us at least one supernatural tool at our disposal. I'd also pick Enoch's Names to try and get us another member and probably pick Alexandria the Furthest or else the other Tigerlily option, if for no other reason than the name comes up a lot. Willing and waiting to see other people's ideas though.
I can't see the lamp among the options
The Lamp shards seem to be the most reliable source of arcane power we can harness soon without major strings attached - that we know, of course. But it looks like they served the Lampmen well against more conventional foes, and the Moths are much less threatening once you know what to look for.
So many things I would like to do, it's gonna be tough to make a decision. At the very least, I say we except the Boreal Order's offer of patronage.
So many things I would like to do, it's gonna be tough to make a decision. At the very least, I say we except the Boreal Order's offer of patronage.

I disagree, while we would get a stipend from the group as well as a few guards for the headquarters, we are still a relatively young group and we wouldnt be able to deal with the type of enemies they have gained through their existence.
First, reactions:
13 huh? I get the feeling that we're lucky that we didn't get as much as we could have but also that we didn't get enough to know how bad Suspicion is. I'll take it.
Jackson Harcourt: A former soldier with years of experience and an ability to expertly wield all forms of firearms, he can gather to himself a group of very deadly and well-trained men. Not experienced in the occult -- but he will soon learn. The wholly mortal horrors he saw in Verdun will stay with him. (Horror: 50/200) (Special Trait: Men of Fortune: Harcourt, upon being picked for an expedition, can gather or hire a group of old comrades from the war to assist in the expedition if the option is voted in.)
Oh my. An adventurous marksman who is basically brings Muscles for free. A keeper. On the other hand 1/4th tank full of Horrors is uh....bad?

Well, I did reason that he'd be expendable in the grand scheme of things.
The Lampshards: Made to protect the Lampsmen of old from the terrors they sought to face, these glittering shards provide some small benefit in trying times. Their edges are sharp and angry, as if they remember what they were. (+1 to all rolls on Expeditions)
Oh my. This is great. This is just so worth it. Any bonus we can eke is wonderful to keep everyone safe until their demise :V
The Boreal Mysteries: The Knights of Prussia live a frozen unlife, neither quite dead nor quite living. They have an affinity for snow and frost, for dew-crystals and bone. They are pale, and their chests do not rise or fall. Their touch is silence, and winter, and an ending that does not quite end. Boreas weeps.
The Boreal Order: The Teutonic Knights of the Order of Prussia, as they are formally called, are one of the oldest occult groups in the world. For centuries they have protected Germany from occult threats and gathered powerful artifacts and treasures from around the world. Their hidden base, the Cobalt Lodge, is thought to be one of the greatest repositories of occult knowledge in the world, exceeded only by the Morris Collection. They have many ties among the old nobility of Europe, and their age and influence means that their reach is worldwide. The Knights of Prussia live a frozen unlife, neither quite dead nor quite living. They have an affinity for snow and frost, for dew-crystals and bone. They are pale, and under certain stars their chests do not rise or fall. Their touch is silence, and winter, and an ending that does not quite end. Boreas weeps.
Gee, Boreas is such a sad lad. Lemme guess, Orithyia ditched him? She got killed?

More seriously, these lads are serious business and the heaviest hitters we know. They extract heavy price but give plenty in return as well. I am deciding on the side of 'let's not' for these lads. We got good mileage from knowing them already. Let's not get pulled in deeper.

Hidden mileages are also granted. We learn more about Isadora now:
(Lady LeBlanc: Trait Revealed: Noble Bearing)
Noble Bearing:
This character is not easily shaken. If they feel fear, it does not show, and they conduct themselves at all times with the dignity required of their station.
(Lady Leblanc: 10 Horror Gained)
For one, yay. We learn the trait. So she is unflappable....but that does not mean resistance towards Horror. I guess Minor bonus to not getting Horrified but Major bonus to keeping it cool regardless?

For two...
With a European refinement, he drew out one of the bone-white chairs for Isadora, and gestured. "Please, sit. We have much to discuss. First, let me say what an honor it is to be visited by one of your great lineage. You need not fear the stars, and for that I cannot help but envy you."
... Some other stars - I wager one of them is the Southern Wind Notus - hate the Boreal. The Order fear those but why wouldn't everyone else? So it comes to reason that for one cause or other, Isadora does not fear the so-called rulers of the occult. Simple deductive reasoning then, would suppose that the LeBlanc is one with the Stars themselves.

Which is a whole can of worms that we need to know deeper.

Speaking of the Stars:
The stars. The stars the stars the stars the stars.
The stars are wrong.
The stars are wrong.
The Stars: There is a power in the stars. They burn, they roar, they live, they hate. They are the mightiest of the signs, for as the moon rules the tides, the stars rule the occult. Their arrangement allows for certain rituals, and the power of certain entities waxes and wanes with their alignment. It may come to pass in certain times that the stars are wrong. You may notice troubling shapes in the heavens and unsettling signs in the sea. When the stars are wrong, you will see all things as they truly are, and even gods may be slain. It may one day come to pass that the stars are right. Pray that that day is not within your lifetime.
So uh, Amplified Mongrel + Dreaming Portents. That's....well, interesting. This needs to be exploited, as per all Portents.
Apart from this, he has bound a few dozen spirits to aid the society members in their various tasks, which should prove useful in the coming months. During his summonings, he raised as well a few of the spirits who have died in these crimson halls. They were bound to this place by the suffering that ended their lives, and it was an easy enough task to bind them into our service for a time. Their deaths were violent and red, and so too shall their unlives be violent. They stalk the halls where they once bled, and their wails chill the soul. They kill for you, and they will die a final time for you.

This is as many summoned creatures as the society's magical powers (i.e, himself) can handle at a single time, Stephanus warns.
So the Mammon Place has its share of blood-based debaucheries. Interesting. That's not the full picture of what happened but it'll do for now.
Birch has returned from the City of Angels with a strange tale: the Japanese ship truly does hail from another time and another place. They speak of a great war between the Emperors of Qin and the Men of Glass, where the emperors in the East were forced to harness all their occult might and strength to hold back a power that had decimated the rest of Earth. They say there is a world where dragons soared the sky against an Enemy like no other. They say the dragons lost.

They say all worlds will lose, in time, to the Men of Glass.
Lore Encountered: The Men of Glass: There are histories and skins other than these, stories other than this. There are certain histories where there arose on Earth a power called the Men of Glass. These histories are all silent now, and the Glass-Men seek new ones. They walk shining through the worlds, and history burns at their touch. They are not human. Not anymore.
So it's not about the American Emperor. On the other hand, I am not exactly feeling very enthused about a bunch of history-eaters. Frak.

There are more to them than meets the eye. I'll discuss what those things are in a moment.
A Dragon-Mirror: Forged in a different China in a different time, this beautifully filigreed mirror does not reflect the face of the holder, but rather shows images of a mighty war that never happened, or is yet to happen -- or may have happened in another history.
So a pseudo-scryer with a chance of Horror if we use it? Looks like something that gives a +1 to things. Might want to hand it over for Yasir to peruse.

Speaking of things to peruse:
The world, as we know it, is a lie. [...] This is the Hidden History, and it rules all other mysteries, for it is the truth to the lies we have told to hide them all. The travel diary is fully decrypted, and it provides tantalizing clues to certain locations which it indicates may be of occult import.
Expedition Unlocked: The Lake
Expedition Unlocked: The Mausoleum
Expedition Unlocked: The Black Hills
Expedition Unlocked: Alexandria The Furthest
Expedition Unlocked: The Clock Tower
Expedition Unlocked: The River People
Discovery Unlocked: Thebes
Discovery Unlocked: Where It Fell
Discovery Unlocked: The Ten Thousand

Okay, so Travel Diary ended to be a very much more impressive book than we imagined. Of course, a good number seems to be too strong for us but hey, that's why we use the Portent accordingly. Let's sort them out one by one by the order given and I will list off their points of interests and my feelings to doing them at the moment:
[] The Lake: A frozen lake in the north of Europe. Here, Enoch says, is where the Worm first came to Earth, and where they slew it a second time. Its bones lie beneath, but be wary, for its children swarm the water. Crack the ice and see the Worm in all her glory.
Lore: The Worm-Fed
Danger: The Worm-Spawns
Potential Gains: Understanding on Worm-Fed. Worm Artefacts.

These are very good stuffs but I think a bit too high level atm for us to figure out without even the first scraps of Understanding in this Lore. It's doable I think, once we know what exactly the type of danger the Worm-Spawns inflict on us. But that's not now. ON HOLD.
[] The Mausoleum: There is a place in the desert where the Mughal rajas buried their honored wives. One in particular, Enoch says, was honored here. They demolished the temple, after, but the catacombs still run deep beneath the sand. Strike the earth, and you may find what they loved and feared.
Lore: ???The Worm-Fed??? ???Iremic Mysteries???
Danger: Occult in Nature. Potential Wraiths?
Potential Gains: Understanding on the above Lores, furthering Yasir's plotline.

Well then. Seems like something mid-level. Again, not one that I would wish to go for. ON HOLD.
[] The Black Hills: The Romans killed many when they conquered ancient Gaul. What they murdered in these black hills took three legions to kill. Go to the place where they fell, and you may find where it died. Targarung roars.
Lore: New Lore! Targarung?
Danger: ???
Potential Gains: ???

The most mysterious of the options at this moment. The description implies that the three legions died and inflicted a mutual kill... on something that might not die if it was killed. Spooky and appeals to me. RECOMMENDED.
[] Alexandria The Furthest: In some histories, Alexander the Great made it as far as China. In some histories, the city he founded there grew to become the mightiest of all cities. In some histories, they worshipped a vain and mighty god indeed, and conquered the world in his name. Something of their history bleeds into ours, Enoch suggests, like fresh paintings running together. Go to the place where it would have stood, and you may catch a glimpse of the Dragonfly, called also in our world the Tigerlily.
Lore: The Tigerlily, The Men of Glass
Danger: The Tigerlily, The Men of Glass
Potential Gains: Understanding on both Lores. Artifacts on Both Lores. Furthering Birch's Storyline

Ho boy. Remember when I said we'll come back to these men later. Here it is.
They say there is a world where dragons soared the sky against an Enemy like no other. They say the dragons lost.

They say all worlds will lose, in time, to the Men of Glass.
The two lores are most assuredly connected, in what way, we do not know yet but understanding in one might well lead to the other. This is something that I HIGHLY RECOMMEND. I will post the reasoning for this when I end up making the plan. In short though, the current Portent makes this more than worthwhile.
[] The Clock Tower: There is a dilapidated old clock tower maintained by a quiet and reclusive group of abominable monks. It is counting down, Enoch insists, to the day when the stars are right. Slay the monks and what lives within their skin, and you may know which clocks tick to the rhythm of the Men of Glass, and why.
Lore: The Men of Glass, The Tigerlily?, Star-Related
Danger: Inhuman Monks, Occult Traps?
Potential Gains: Furthering Isadora Plotline, Chronological Artefacts, Understanding on the above Lores

Gee. How thematically appropriate. The moment we learned about the matter of the stars being wrong, we get this as an option. And gee, also in the most opportune time after we get things that we can murder with impunity with little to no guilt (pending) with either physical or occult means. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
[] The River People: In the dawn of mankind, there lived a certain people on the banks of the River Indus. Their very names have been scoured from history ten times over, and their crimes will never be forgiven. Something of them still remains, however. Dig the earth and find their cities, and you may learn of the sin that so offended both the Dreamcrow and the Dragonfly.
Lore: The Tigerlily. New Lore!?? (Dreamcrow) Dreamscape-related?? Iremic??
Danger: Curses? The Attention of Greater Powers???
Potential Gains: Understanding on the above Lores, Furthers Yasir's Plotline.

This strikes me as a mid-high level Expedition. This is something truly old. We would need to throw someone even more expendable for this with an entirely different skillset for Archeology of this sort. ON HOLD.
[] Thebes: There stood in Greece in ancient times a city called Thebes. There stood in Egypt in ancient times a second city, called also Thebes. Enoch says there stood in ancient times a third Thebes, and the other two feared it mightily.
Lore: The Hidden Histories
Potential Gains: ???

I got nothing. This is the vaguest mystery box option and not even that appealing compared to whatever Targarung might end up. Though to be fair, this is Discovery instead of Expedition. I think we can shelve this for later. ON HOLD.
[] Where It Fell: A star fell to Earth in the time of the Roman Emperor Elagabalus. They say it bent the world and shone with the light of the gods. In some histories, mad Enoch tells you, the emperor swallowed it and became a star himself -- some say the very star that fell. Where it fell still burns.
Lore: Thee Darke Artes
Potential Gains: Furthering Stephanos' Plotline ???

Well, if there's something that could burn the magician's bones, it would be this one :V This one seems to be something pertaining to pacts. There's no way a simple mortal - Emperor he may be - could do so much as eat a star without certain, say, Artes. This will be interesting to learn. RECOMMENDED/ON HOLD
[] The Ten Thousand: In antiquity, the elite spearmen known as the Ten Thousand Immortals served the Shahs of Iran. Their name, some irreputable histories tell us, was not an exaggeration.
Lore: The Worm-Fed
Potential Gains: What else :V

Self-explanatory, innit? ON HOLD.

That's all for the reactions. Plans (yes, the plural is intended) will be made when it's not 3 AM in the morning :V
The stars. The stars the stars the stars the stars.
The stars are wrong.
The stars are wrong.
so is this the outer god variation of "This Chair?"
Go to the place where it would have stood, and you may catch a glimpse of the Dragonfly, called also in our world the Tigerlily.


True, It may have been too tenuous for me to have been confident, but I FUCKING KNEW IT.
Also partial to taking up the Boreal offer. Also partial to no benefactor, as it appears we can afford to wait. Perhaps monetizing our space could be worth a look. We reside in a place that is of keen interest to the rich and powerful, why not get that up and running again?
The worms are the inspiration of Norse Dwarves. Their origins come from the body at the bottom of the lake, just like the Dwarves who came from Ymir's body as maggots.
At the moment I'd rather not take the offer. I don't feel like we actually need the extra cash, it's not limiting us at the moment. What is limiting us is our knowledge and artifacts/overall ability to combat supernatural threats, and pairing with the Boreal Knights will prematurely expose us to threats we can't defend against.
[X] Laying Foundations

[X] Reject their offer. You need no aid from these wintry ghouls.

[X] Rumors abound -- there is a tortured poet who speaks in strange tongues. In moments of lucidity, he claims there are worlds in his skull. (Hearsay)
--[X] Isadora LeBlanc

Thebes: There stood in Greece in ancient times a city called Thebes. There stood in Egypt in ancient times a second city, called also Thebes. Enoch says there stood in ancient times a third Thebes, and the other two feared it mightily.
--[X] Mr. Yasir

[X] Study The Dragon-Mirror: What lies through the mirror may have passed, or may yet come to pass. Studying it may yet provide insight.

[X] Study A Moth-Riddled Tome: This book is useless now as a book. As a study of what destroyed the Lampsmen, it may yet prove useful.
-[X] Mr. Stephanos

[X] Magical Warding: Stephanus has thrown up a few basic detection wards, but with time he could daub the walls with blood-infused runes that repel any but those the Society has chosen to let enter. This will take time. (-1 Arcana)(Takes 2 Turns)

[X] Enoch's Names: There are certain people now living named in Enoch's travel diary who were not yet born when he died. If you use the Diary as a map and track them down, who knows what you may find. (Medium Chance of discovering potential recruits)(???)(Takes 2 Turns)

This option focuses on further laying the foundation for the organization. While it's great the Knights offered their patronage, I believe the Society can go without for the moment.

The Hearsay was chosen as it sounds awfully similar to one of the potential members we could have chosen in the beginning. This could be an opportunity to acquire a new recruit. If not, something else of consequence will be discovered.

Thebes was chosen due to Yasir's probable relation and familiarity with the subject.

When going through the Study section, I noticed that the Dragon-Shard option didn't have an option to assign a member. @Telamon, was this intentional? If not, I chose to have both it and the Tome be studied. The Dragon-Shard in preparation for a probable expedition to the Dragonfly, and Tome to better know the Lampmen.

Working on further warding our base is never a bad idea, hence why that was chosen.

Researching Enoch's names may net us new members or other rewards.

The options was made with the eye towards building the organization out along with readying it for a possible expedition the next turn.

Edit: Looking forward to other ideas
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I want to finish at least one lore, so i'll vote for a plan that have these two:

[] Study A Moth-Riddled Tome: This book is useless now as a book. As a study of what destroyed the Lampsmen, it may yet prove useful.
-[] Assign A Member

[] Moth-Secrets:
Now that you have deeper knowledge of the lore of the Moths, it may be possible to figure out more, and perhaps even bend this lore to your own ends. This will require research and study, however.
-[] Assign A Member

- why these two? If are ever investigated by mundane men, we might be able to use moth-lore to make them forget and possibly have said investigators target our rivals
The stars are wrong.
The stars," he said apologetically, "are wrong."
I have winter, I got snow,
I got things that Jon would not know!
And I've got friends on the other side...
(We've got friends on the other side!)

The stars, the stars, the stars are all wrong!
The past, the present, the future is gone!
The stars, the stars, just look at me

Take our offer, it lasts indefinitely...
... Some other stars - I wager one of them is the Southern Wind Notus - hate the Boreal. The Order fear those but why wouldn't everyone else? So it comes to reason that for one cause or other, Isadora does not fear the so-called rulers of the occult. Simple deductive reasoning then, would suppose that the LeBlanc is one with the Stars themselves

Alternate interpretation: the Knights "fear the stars" in that, as we saw in this very update, when The Stars Are Wrong their true forms are revealed. Meanwhile LeBlanc - who is not entirely human herself - is subject to no such unmasking. Whatever her family did, it lacked certain pitfalls to which the Knights' methods are subject.
We've been laying foundations for five turns now. Let's actually do some things.

[X] Plan: That Flighty Temptress Known as Adventure

[] Reject their offer. You need no aid from these wintry ghouls.

[] There is a church which preaches something that might be called heresy. They worship an enigmatic being called the Tigerlily, which is something that might be called a god. (-1 Wealth)(-2 Arcana)(Finished in 1 turn)
--[] Mr. Stephanos

The Clock Tower: There is a dilapidated old clock tower maintained by a quiet and reclusive group of abominable monks. It is counting down, Enoch insists, to the day when the stars are right. Slay the monks and what lives within their skin, and you may know which clocks tick to the rhythm of the Men of Glass, and why.
--[] Mr. Yasir
--[] Jackson Harcourt
-—[] Men of Fortune
--[] Take The Lampshards (+1 to Expedition Rolls)
--[] Send the Wraiths: Red and hungry, the wraiths will kill until they are done.

[] Study The Starry Organ:
This organ beats with an otherworldly strength. It's light is not of this earth. It's heat is not of these stars.
--[] Lady LeBlanc

[] Moth-Secrets:
Now that you have deeper knowledge of the lore of the Moths, it may be possible to figure out more, and perhaps even bend this lore to your own ends. This will require research and study, however.
--[] Mr. Birch

[] The War-Words: As every occultist knows, there are rituals for those going to battle. Dance the dance and speak the words, and fill your hearts with a murderer's flame. These are the war-words. (+3 to all combat rolls for the selected Society member next turn. -1 Arcana)
--[] Mr. Yasir

[] Canvass Students: You search among the young and fresh-minded students of Bringham University for potential recruits to the Society. The University has a certain way of attracting people. (Low chance of discovering potential recruits)
[] Enoch's Names:
There are certain people now living named in Enoch's travel diary who were not yet born when he died. If you use the Diary as a map and track them down, who knows what you may find. (Medium Chance of discovering potential recruits)(???)(Takes 2 Turns)

We were talking about doing the Tigerlily just the other turn and I think it will be a good idea to do it and get an idea of what it is before we do any of the Expeditions re: the Tigerlily. Stephanos does it because he's all about seeing amazing powers that dwarf humanity.

The Clocktower expedition because I'm interested in knowing more about these Men Of Glass, knowing how long we have until their invasion strikes me as useful knowledge and its a reletivley simple expedition. Sending Harcourt because he's A) good at killing things and B) expendable. Yasir goes along too because we need an artefact expert on site and takes the Lampshards and the Wraiths as a 'just in case'. He also gets War Words because Yasir isn't expendable and the war words should mean he doesn't die at least.

LeBlanc studies the stary organ because it was hinted that the stars don't affect her in this update so she's probably the safest person to study it at the beginning.

Birch tries to make a real Lore out of the Moth Secrets because he's the person with the most familiarity with them, per the Roster.

Finally, more people means more actions which is automatically useful. We can canvass for students for some more expendable agents and track down Enoch's names for a better chance of discovering some useful recruits.
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We've been laying foundations for five turns now. Let's actually do some things.

[X] Plan: That Flighty Temptress Known as Adventure

[] Reject their offer. You need no aid from these wintry ghouls.

[] There is a church which preaches something that might be called heresy. They worship an enigmatic being called the Tigerlily, which is something that might be called a god. (-1 Wealth)(-2 Arcana)(Finished in 1 turn)
--[] Mr. Stephanos

The Clock Tower: There is a dilapidated old clock tower maintained by a quiet and reclusive group of abominable monks. It is counting down, Enoch insists, to the day when the stars are right. Slay the monks and what lives within their skin, and you may know which clocks tick to the rhythm of the Men of Glass, and why.
--[] Mr. Yasir
--[] Jackson Harcourt
--[] Take The Lampshards (+1 to Expedition Rolls)
--[] Send the Wraiths: Red and hungry, the wraiths will kill until they are done.

[] Study The Starry Organ:
This organ beats with an otherworldly strength. It's light is not of this earth. It's heat is not of these stars.
--[] Lady LeBlanc

[] Moth-Secrets:
Now that you have deeper knowledge of the lore of the Moths, it may be possible to figure out more, and perhaps even bend this lore to your own ends. This will require research and study, however.
--[] Mr. Birch

[] The War-Words: As every occultist knows, there are rituals for those going to battle. Dance the dance and speak the words, and fill your hearts with a murderer's flame. These are the war-words. (+3 to all combat rolls for the selected Society member next turn. -1 Arcana)
--[] Mr. Yasir

[] Canvass Students:
You search among the young and fresh-minded students of Bringham University for potential recruits to the Society. The University has a certain way of attracting people. (Low chance of discovering potential recruits)
[] Enoch's Names:
There are certain people now living named in Enoch's travel diary who were not yet born when he died. If you use the Diary as a map and track them down, who knows what you may find. (Medium Chance of discovering potential recruits)(???)(Takes 2 Turns)

We were talking about doing the Tigerlily just the other turn and I think it will be a good idea to do it and get an idea of what it is before we do any of the Expeditions re: the Tigerlily. Stephanos does it because he's all about seeing amazing powers that dwarf humanity.

The Clocktower expedition because I'm interested in knowing more about these Men Of Glass, knowing how long we have until their invasion strikes me as useful knowledge and its a reletivley simple expedition. Sending Harcourt because he's A) good at killing things and B) expendable. Yasir goes along too because we need an artefact expert on site and takes the Lampshards and the Wraiths as a 'just in case'. He also gets War Words because Yasir isn't expendable and the war words should mean he doesn't die at least.

LeBlanc studies the stary organ because it was hinted that the stars don't affect her in this update so she's probably the safest person to study it at the beginning.

Birch tries to make a real Lore out of the Moth Secrets because he's the person with the most familiarity with them, per the Roster.

Finally, more people means more actions which is automatically useful. We can canvass for students for some more expendable agents and track down Enoch's names for a better chance of discovering some useful recruits.
Your plan is using Yasir twice or I'm wrong?
I want to finish at least one lore, so i'll vote for a plan that have these two:
While I'd like to finish a lore myself, the QM did mention that learning too much of a single one can be damaging. Now, Horror gain is literally unavoidable, but its something to consider when studying.

On a related note, do characters get debuffs when Horror rises a certain level? I forget if that's mentioned somewhere. I ask because our new agent is 1/4 of the way to madness, and if that has any effects it's probably worth knowing.
[X] Plan Moving Upwards
[] Accept their offer, taking on the Knights as a benefactor.

[] Rumors abound -- there is a tortured poet who speaks in strange tongues. In moments of lucidity, he claims there are worlds in his skull. (Hearsay)
--[] Mr. Stephanos

[] There is a church which preaches something that might be called heresy. They worship an enigmatic being called the Tigerlily, which is something that might be called a god. (-1 Wealth)(-2 Arcana)(Finished in 1 turn)
--[] Ms. LeBlanc

[] Alexandria The Furthest: In some histories, Alexander the Great made it as far as China. In some histories, the city he founded there grew to become the mightiest of all cities. In some histories, they worshipped a vain and mighty god indeed, and conquered the world in his name. Something of their history bleeds into ours, Enoch suggests, like fresh paintings running together. Go to the place where it would have stood, and you may catch a glimpse of the Dragonfly, called also in our world the Tigerlily.
--[] Mr. Yasir
--[] Mr. Harcourt
--[] Men of Fortune

[] Divination: Bargain with something not quite dead and not quite living for a glimpse of what might be. (-2 Arcana, +5 to all rolls for a turn)

[] Study The Dragon-Mirror: What lies through the mirror may have passed, or may yet come to pass. Studying it may yet provide insight.
--[] Mr. Birch

[] Take A Contract: Moorham and Sons has many opportunities for an enterprising occultists to make money, if they're willing not to ask too many questions. Ask them to send over a list of their current contracts.

[] Enoch's Names: There are certain people now living named in Enoch's travel diary who were not yet born when he died. If you use the Diary as a map and track them down, who knows what you may find. (Medium Chance of discovering potential recruits)(???)(Takes 2 Turns)

The personal actions are designed to give us the best possible base going forward. The occult actions are all designed to explore more sources of tigerlily & hidden histories lore. Divination was chosen for general utility, I thought about also including the War-Words, but that left us with no arcana which seems bad
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[] The Clock Tower: There is a dilapidated old clock tower maintained by a quiet and reclusive group of abominable monks. It is counting down, Enoch insists, to the day when the stars are right. Slay the monks and what lives within their skin, and you may know which clocks tick to the rhythm of the Men of Glass, and why.
--[] Mr. Yasir
--[] Jackson Harcourt
--[] Take The Lampshards (+1 to Expedition Rolls)
--[] Send the Wraiths: Red and hungry, the wraiths will kill until they are done.

I believe you need to explicitly take Men of Fortune as an option if you want Harcourt to bring his buddies along, based on his description (relevant section in red):
(Special Trait: Men of Fortune: Harcourt, upon being picked for an expedition, can gather or hire a group of old comrades from the war to assist in the expedition if the option is voted in.)

@Telamon can you confirm whether this is the case?

(of course if the exclusion was intentional then my bad, fair enough, but this looks like a situation where well-armed backup would be helpful to have)
I believe you need to explicitly take Men of Fortune as an option if you want Harcourt to bring his buddies along, based on his description (relevant section in red):

@Telamon can you confirm whether this is the case?

(of course if the exclusion was intentional then my bad, fair enough, but this looks like a situation where well-armed backup would be helpful to have)

Yes, that is the case. Harcourt won't call his buddies together unless you specifically ask him to.
I believe you need to explicitly take Men of Fortune as an option if you want Harcourt to bring his buddies along, based on his description (relevant section in red):

@Telamon can you confirm whether this is the case?

(of course if the exclusion was intentional then my bad, fair enough, but this looks like a situation where well-armed backup would be helpful to have)
Thanks for pointing that out - edited in.