The Book of Time (Word Building Riot Quest)

essentially, in greek myths( if im not misremembering/butchering this) the protogeni/primordial tartarous was the embodiment of the pit, being he was simultaneously a god walk around and so stuff/ have kids with gaia, while also being the giant Pit/Hell underneath existence, he was both at the same time, just like Gaia was both a women and the earth she was walking on, and uranous was both a guy made of stars walking on the earth to visit gaia to conceive the titans while also simultaneously being, like, the entire sky

so the concept of the act, of gods emboding actual physical locations in the spirit world, sorta brought that to mind to me.
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so the concept of the act, of gods emboding actual physical locations in the spirit world, sorta brought that to mind to me.
Ah, yeah. This makes sense.

Also, Information dimensions feel like something linked to cognitohazards and other weird information, but I cannot grasp it really. Maybe I just need some rest.

Edit: Or some help from conceptualisation engine in form of AI.
Information can be thought of as the content or knowledge that is conveyed or processed. In a hypothetical scenario where information is treated as a dimension, it could be represented as a continuum of varying complexity or patterns. Visualizing this may be challenging, as information is abstract and doesn't have a physical form.

Similarly, energy can be understood as the capacity to do work or cause change. If energy were to be considered a dimension, it might be depicted as a spectrum ranging from low to high energy states. Again, visualizing this in a physical sense might be challenging, as energy is not something we can directly perceive with our senses.

If we consider moving through a dimension of information, it might be akin to traversing a landscape of knowledge or patterns. Similar to moving through physical space, you could encounter different levels of complexity or information content. It might be imagined as navigating through a network of interconnected ideas or concepts, with various paths and connections.

Moving through a dimension of energy could be conceptualized as experiencing different levels or intensities of energy states. It might resemble traversing a spectrum, where you encounter regions with higher or lower energy levels. This could be analogous to moving through a landscape with varying levels of activity, vitality, or intensity.
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I love this. Having the physical universe essentially separated in two realms makes it even more fun. The Devorer Star's Prison potentially becoming some sort of Hell due to the increased attraction + Purity + Karma + Curse would be awesome. A dark place where the first murderer was cast, where cursed sinners fall into is rad as hell (pun intended).

[] The Higher
Too terrible is the limitless suffering of those tortured forever in the darkness of the curse, but worse, it is terrifying to even contemplate that such a fate is nigh inevitable in time; that this stain cannot be removed, that it will spread hopelessly, even if only fueled only by the misery brought on those innocent undeservedly born into it.

Thus, to match the singularities of curses, this singularity of blessings shall also be born. Where the Karma of evil punishes, the Karma of good rewards- then this place shall become the untainted heaven of hopes and dreams, forever out of reach of the Curse, for this is a domain where no wrongdoing may tread. It is a philosophical construct; as far above reality as the physical realm is above the spiritual plane, reached through an epiphany to virtuous thought and action, a realization that transmutes the Gate to Imagination from the Mark of Envy.

This place is not metaphor- from it springs power diffuse, the Will of all beings with shared understanding, infused with the power born of desire for change, gathered as vapor and shared freely to grant wishes. This energy, Vaporwave, is weak and inefficient when used on its own- but in large enough quantities, it possesses the special potential of Apotheosis; to uplift those who are of rich imagination and strong character to a closer position to The Higher, to bring them literally closer both physical and mentally to their ideals.

This is a gradual process, and as one advances down the golden path and approaches The Higher, one becomes more and more like a perpetual motion machine of good karma, emanating positive energy to the point of even slightly cleansing the Curse from the world around them. However as one reaches the very end of this road, they manage to reach The Higher and disappear from the Physical and Spiritual worlds, now only witnessed now through the Gate of Imagination by those others who follow their footsteps.
I think, I start to understand how Informational Dimention might look like...

[] The Noosphere

This is a dimension of Information that reflects the data that exists or interacts with reality, encrypted in the patterns of the Language. This dimension has an unlimited number of possible directions, similar to the dimension of space. Movement in this space is achieved by interacting with information: memorization and forgetting, analysis and synthesis. Depending on the modality of information, the movement takes place in different axes and in different ways. Some information leads to movement in a straight line, some allows one to turn, some has other effects, and so on.

How can one move in this dimension? To do this, it is necessary, as in ordinary space, to throw something somewhere to gain momentum. But throwing means taking the information you have inside yourself and working with it or with what is closely around you. You can disassemble your data into parts or combine incongruous things together. Or you can throw something away, forget it, in order to gain acceleration in needed direction. Or you can grab onto the nearest cluster of information (via memorizing something from this dimension) and drag yourself in that direction. This usually means changing one's own memories or structure, which is very dangerous. And orientation in this dimension is insanely difficult.

For example, someone wants to find specific information. To do this, they need to move in this dimension, which means changing the information they have or acquiring new information, which is likely to be useless and encrypted with the Language trash. They can discard some of their memories to accelerate in the needed directions, like forgetting a specific name or smell. Or they can combine their memories, creating a strong bond between them and possibly becoming psychologically traumatized in the process. They can also use the information of their body, such as their own genes. And all changes will be reflected in their essence and body, but they will also be reflected in things that have received new data in this dimension.

One can find information that describes some object and then inject their piece of information into it to change its physical or spiritual incarnation. It's like editing files in a video game. However, it must have the correct format - written in the Language. Therefore, usually the information that one loses in this dimension to move is safe; it is not presented in the form of the Language. Instead, it simply becomes part of the endless white noise. But how to enter this dimention?​
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oooh i really like the Higher, probably gonna vote for it

and ive been thinking, and if you do go for flatlands andre, id prefer the physical world only version/your version over the the version i thought of, because on second thought i like that one better.
and ive been thinking, and if you do go for flatlands andre, id prefer the physical world only version/your version over the the version i thought of, because on second thought i like that one better.
I am a bit torn between two things now. I think, I was able to conceptualize dimension of information well enough. And I like it. But I also like the physical world - it's simple, clear and also interesting, even if I've done something similar before.

Also, remind me, what did you want to try? If anything.
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i like the first one, love the idea of land in this universe just being the fucking humongous flat plane of matter on top of a evetn horizon/the devouring stars prison stretching across the entiriry of existince

okay so just to make sure i have to first one right in make head, if ti passed the layout of the universe would be

phyiscal world
cloud sea and stars and shit
event horizon/frozentime
devouring stars prison/the curse
more event horizon/frozen time
more flatland, except in the spirt this time
the spirit world

and the spirit gates would let you go between the spirit and the physical and bypass the flatlands

thats what i came up with reading your flatlands act, but you had a different version in mind that was all physical that on balance i like a bit more
as in, thats i thought you would lay the flatland/ flat world out as
It doesn't look like a place, but rather an attempt to write a new law into reality. In addition, it immediately opposes two other laws already written down, namely the point that greed lives in all hearts, and the curse spreads wherever there is suffering.
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thats what i came up with reading your flatlands act, but you had a different version in mind that was all physical that on balance i like a bit more
I meant, did you propose some your act idea, which I missed. But ok.
Not sure, if there is a meaning to work with Energy Dimention (even if I start feel some interesting way to make it), because I am probably not going to use it.​

[] The Ischyosphere (basis of idea)

This is a dimention of energy. It works like a wheel of colours, where everyone of them represents a different type of energy, a different physical field. There are two directions in this dimension: intensity and modality. The first is determined by the energy density of the object - the movement up or down is carried out by the acquisition or loss of energy. The second allows one to move around the wheel of colors and uses the transformation of one energy into another for movement, their combinations in certain proportions - like a mixture of different colors.

This dimention corresponds to reality. By adding different colors one can achieve different effects. It is possible to strengthen some energies and suppress others, to use certain forces in one place or another. But this requires work with energy: its receipt and transformation, its loss. And it can be very difficult and also dangerous. Because changes in physical fields lead to unpredictable consequences, especially due to ignorance of the complex rules for mixing local colors. But how to get into this place? Maybe Scion could give some good advice?​
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i interpreted it more as a sorta heaven typed place place, real nirvana vibe tbh, really dig the enlightenment stuff too, think it would lead to buddha/ stars which would be awesome

EDIT: ohh, no i havent proposed anything yet, still thinking lol

im thinking some sorta floating library, big old library of Alexandria type place for the stars and flesh and spirits to all meet and congregate
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It doesn't look like a place, but rather an attempt to write a new law into reality. In addition, it immediately opposes two other laws already written down, namely the point that greed lives in all hearts, and the curse spreads wherever there is suffering.
It is, literally, a place; one that people draw power from and then eventually travel to if they can manage to reach enlightenment.
Also, yes, it does oppose the Curse, because I think the curse needs some counterbalance at this point as there's no real way to get un-Cursed if you get affected by it, which is kind of shitty. However, it does not oppose Envy in my opinion, you'll need to clarify that point for me.
[ ]Transmutative Net - A great construct spun of myriad energies in impossible yet neigh-unbreakable harmony and cemented with condensed spacetime, this web connects and ties the world together, an ethereal thread through each border region of diffuse and impure power. While this does benefit the world's stability, its true purpose lies in a rather special property: while any energy can be directed into or from the Net, the contents are always equal by type and in balance, converting between types as needed. The net is limitless in capacity and contains all energies present in the world. It does not, however, generate any power of its own, though can lie inert if drained fully. Any material passed through the net is spontaneously transmuted to another material of equal rarity or power, from air to earth, earth to water, and water to air. Of note, however, is that any material which contains energy has that energy replaced with a balanced mix like that of the Net, destroying artifacts and denaturing special materials. From this net is born the first materials totally solid, the winds of the cloud sea passing through it becoming a continuous sheet of porous stone with rock where air once was and pockets of air where droplets of mist were once suspended. The diameter of each thread of the net is based on the energy contained within.

My idea was to use the Transmutative Net to basically make tubes/strips of earth across the universe formed around the Net's threads, with the energy of the thread providing a pseudo-gravity by pulling on the energy of surrounding life and material. Tubes of earth wrapped around leyline-like threads of Power shrouded in the cloud sea with more extreme regions in the "skies above" subterranean flows of cloud sea material replace volcanism, with any seas leaking back down to join new cloud sea material at the thread at the core and some becoming air and earth, then the result bursts out in the form of wet sand, clay, and gravel to expand the tube. Light is either provided by wandering stars, pools of starlight pulled to the tube illuminating caverns, or by regions of extreme power producing one kind of glow or another.

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I think, there are too many acts, which only look like places, but are the new laws at thier core. I will just create banal Flat World, because this setting is complex enough for now. Just solid ground under the feet - nothing epic, nothing complicated. This is what our reality needs, before it became too complicated and weird to work with.

Edit: But now I need to get some sleep. My schedule is horror beyond mortal comprehension already.
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However, it does not oppose Envy in my opinion, you'll need to clarify that point for me.
About the first one, perhaps you are right, it's up to the author to decide. But I will note that you described the actions of this place on the world but left the place itself without a description, this in my opinion is an essential indicator of the direction of this act of creation.
Secondly, this act simply should not work because of its categoricality, since it directly collides with the previous laws, which means it will always be prigryvat if the force is not equal to 10 (curse) and 9 (envy).
But I will note that you described the actions of this place on the world but left the place itself without a description
I did though? It's transcendental heaven. But you do have a point about the number of votes required to make it work. Well, if Andre is going with Flat World, I guess I'll throw out the idea and make the Anti-Flat World or something.
[] The First Library: Amidst the drifting winds of the cloud sea, a sprawling complex of towers, courtyards, debate, study and lecture halls comes into existence, shaped out of purees gemstones, diamond and ruby, sapphire and emerald, quartz and topaz, all seamlessly fused together to make up walls and roofs and windows. The Library is altered to me an optimal learning environment for any that wish to use it- be they Star, Flesh, Spirit, or God or Mortal yet to come, the Library is able to shift and warp to insure they may walk its halls and learn form its wisdom with no barriers or harm. its shelves and archives are malleable, able to be added to by any visitor to the library, such that they my, using only simple exercise of Will, add a copy of any memory or tale they wish to volunteer to the library's shelves. in addition, the Library is altered such that it gains a copy of any and every piece of written word as soon as it is created. However as it stands, the library shelves are empty, for there are not any written languages yet, save for the First Tongue, though are no works written in the language.

in order to encourage proper usage of the Library, it has been blessed by the Wills, such that those who use it find themselves learning faster. Those partaking in earnest, honest, and professional debate in the lecture halls find their words sharpening, their minds quicking, and their understanding of their opponents points coming faster and more completely. Those who commit them self to study of the words upon the shelf's, either for nothing but knowledge sake, or for the sake of Good and judged by Karma, find themselves learning faster, understanding more, and comprehending quicker. Those who wander the courtyards and aid others, lending a helping hand to their fellows in decphiring tomes, and understanding the lessons of their lecturers, find themselves growing in wisdom and good judgment. The effect of the blessings can be further enhanced by donating one knowledge to the shelves of the library, and can be doubled by volunteering to be part of the Librarys staff, weather that be as lecturer in the lecture halls, clerk in its archives, guard to its halls, or a tender to is many gardens and courtyards.

upon the walls and gates of the Library are placed plaques of solid black iron, onto which are emblazoned the rules by which the volunteer staff shall govern the Library, these rules are able to be read and understood by all, regardless of language or literacy.
1. Access to the Knowledge within these walls is free and the right of all that seek it, though it may only be removed from these walls by those that have given an amount of equal worth to its shelves, and must be returned
2. None may deliberately harm another within these walls, save for those that guard it, and only upon the occasion that those they harm have broken these rules
3. None may seek to block access to or deny other the right to access the Knowledge within these walls, save that they have broken these rules
4. None may deliberately harm the Knowledge contained within these walls
5. None may compel or force or influence another to donate knowledge to the Library or volunteer to join its staff
6. The purpose of The Library is to be a place of learning and wisdom, and it should remain neutral and aloof from the affairs of the world
7. The Staff of the Library, Being those that have volunteered and sworn an oath to serve knowledge and wisdom, and to uphold these laws, may add additional rules to this list, upon which following that they have met two conditions: A the rule won an unanimous, uninfluenced and unforced vote among est the entire staff, and B: that it does not contradict any of these 7 laws, it will add itself to these plaques and be counted and enforced the same as these 7.

To aid the Staff in their duty's, The Library was blessed, such that it was made immensely strong and durable, able to withstand almost anything in creation, and that any of those who volunteered to become Staff at the Library would receive a bond and connection with the Library's Spirit, allowing them to communicate with it and receive it knowledge and wisdom. In addition, it was made impossible to accidentally harm another being within the library's walls, or to accidentally harm the knowledge upon the library's shelves.

The spirit of the Library was then awakened, and gifted a great and mighty Will, a sense of Empathy, Compassion, and Wisdom, as well as thirst for learning, then charged to carry out the 7 laws that had been laid down, as well as any ones that were added by the Staff latter.

Finally, The Wills, knowing that a library with empty shelves was no library at all, decided to finish with a donation of their own, placing upon the First Library's shelves its very first piece of Literature- a treaties on Karma, its nature, and its rules, spoken into being by the Wills themselves. And much like the plaques, it too was capable of being read and comprehended by anyone, regardless of language barrier or literacy.

Okay, heres my Library of Alexandria, cloud sea boogalo edition, hoping yall could give some feedback? thoughts? how do yall like it?
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[ ] Create the Trees
Trees take root on the earth, or take loose matter and make earth around their roots. The Trees open up their leaves to the skies above, and eat the light the stars exude, and make use of the light to power their Will. They claim a domain around themselves, shaping it to their liking, making mountains, lakes, and plains with the use of their Will. They wield their Will to drive out those they dislike, or to change them until they are in theme with their domain.
New idea. Decided to do something less conventional; minor horror elements maybe? But I tried to still make it a kindness of sorts.
What do you think?

[-] Weirding Corridor
A location which is as unnatural as anything this world has ever seen, it is like a window into something transcendentally alien. It is, at first glance, simply a translucent, twisting hallway, contorted like spaghetti in tangles and knots, that passes back and forth alternatingly through the Spirit realm and the Physical realm throughout its structure; confused as to its origin or destination, this hallway is itself animate and living, floating aimlessly where the Power of Change compels it.

Whatsoever passes through surface region of this 'hallway', be it of matter or energy, is 'reincarnated' after a fashion into something else, made 'other' by the experience- becoming an anomaly with unpredictable and mysterious properties to both sides, with greater changes the deeper one goes. It is not a necessarily harmful experience, and in fact will generally be greatly beneficial in unexpected ways, though results vary depending on what passes through it and how far into the Corridor they travel.

And yet, for all that the Weirding Corridor has many different entrances in both realms, it does not have any proper exit. Should something linger for too long or fall too deep through it's labyrinthine passages, unable or unwilling to escape, they might find themselves becoming merged with it- absorbed into the true form of this thing, the overall structure, a symbiotic super-organism where each part is composed of infinitely nested smaller parts, each of them alive and in communion, a colonial lifeform of an unfathomable and bottomless will.

This is a generosity. Truly, honestly, within this absurdity is perhaps something approximating paradise. In their joining, they are each of them given immense powers within the inner world of the Weirding Corridor. For in the depths, the Wills of the myriad are harnessed in their fullness- to create a place of surreal dreams, where each individual cell of its body crafts for each other out of their thoughts experiences of immaculate detail, to be shared for the enjoyment of the collective. Vast eons of simulated lifetimes may pass here, each of them a unique, all unknown to the outside; it's enough to erode the lingering ego of any weak willed individual caught by it into nothing, until all that remains is part of the whole.

This really is a blessing of sorts; it is evidenced by the fact that it produces good Karma that it is not a torment. Alas, the pain of Envy and the approach of Death is still felt. So does the Weirding Corridor produce a kind of 'waste'; as an autonomic process, elements which are in any way tainted by the Curse, or simply worn down by ennui from the ravages of constant Struggle that is life, are recompiled into a new, highly evolved organism, and then ejected as detritus through one of the entrances.
What about bringing in some form of the concept of crystal spheres? Bubbles in the Cloud Sea where planets could dwell to be populated by life.

Just a thought.

EDIT: My main question for the Flat World is, how will it react to the Law of Freedom? Won't the Devouring Star inevitably escape?
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I really like the Weirding Corridor. It is a source of new material and beings, which the universe currently lacks. At the moment, the world is clouds, light, space, flesh, spirit, and starstuff. Life consists of Spirits, Flesh, and Stars. It is surprisingly devoid of earth and solid materials or more mortal life. It is the same reason I came up with the Transmutative Net, but with less certain and more diverse results, handling life where mine handles Energy. Also, I would like to see what happens when the Devouring Star inevitably barges into it.

Create the Trees works for that too, but is much more... mundane, for all that it warps the world around it.
I think, there are too many acts, which only look like places, but are the new laws at thier core. I will just create banal Flat World, because this setting is complex enough for now. Just solid ground under the feet - nothing epic, nothing complicated. This is what our reality needs, before it became too complicated and weird to work with.
Congratulations! You took everything interesting from your act and turned it into Eternal Lands rip-off.