The Book of Time (Word Building Riot Quest)

[ ] Mantas of the skies

This gigantic mantas fly through space, uncaring of their size and weight. Born the size of a montain, the biggest and oldest of them attein the size of a small moon. Each one of them collect life found on their travels, developping unique ecosystem on and in themselves under their care. When two mantas meet, they share some of their ecosystem, before separating. To birth a manta, several mantas gather and sing one into existence. They give some life to the newborn, then depart. Mantas spread life in all its forms through the world.
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Who knows though, the point of them is that they're bizarre, eldritch doppelgangers that spread mayhem and chaos wherever they go until they eventually die.
Huh, I wonder how much chaos the Shadows of the Gods would cause. Would they technically be gods with their own afterlofe realms too? Anti-Gods? Demon Lords? Would they have worshippers too? Some nice Eldritch cultists?

the site of a montain, the biggest and oldest of them attein the size of a small moon
Just noticed now that... I don't think we have moons?

Hmnn, should we make moons now? They would have to be some sort of lifeform because of this age theme.

Might consider it, moons being created shortly after the stars are all trapped is some nice symbolism. "From the age of the Stars to the age of the Moon"
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[-] Brockengespenst
The shadows of powerful spirits, primordials of flesh, awakened dungeon cores, and more, all come alive under rainbow halos. These ultimately mysterious beings, lanky giants of physical twilight, are each of distinct character to their origin; lesser, mutated reflections of their progenitors, essentially similar in nature, but uncanny even so. The Brockengespenst are short lived compared to their sources, expending themselves in chaotic frenzies of unleashed Will, their relative strength of being inversely proportionate to how long they have left before dissolving into naught.

Each of them brings with them their own unique aberrations to the natural order in their presence, and where they travel, strange, unnatural weather follows, and all that lays inanimate remembers that it, too, lives, as spirits spring eternal even from death. Those creatures born in the wake of the specters are twisted in some way by its strangeness. New Brockengespenst are born when fragments of their rainbow halo, shattered and spread wide by their deaththroes, find again a shadow great enough to rise as a terrible giant of its own.

I like that they create new life wherever they pass. Do the new Brockengespenst have this power too?
[] Springs of Blood
Pools continually springing blood appear. Particulates in the blood clump together, forming lesser flesh which then form into the creatures. Numerous creatures of all kinds emerge from the blood springs; insects, rodents, lizards, and fish crawl out of the crimson pools. The longer a bloodborn one remains bathed in the blood, the bigger and more complex they may become, but many emerge smaller and return to the blood occasionally or steal blood from others.
Okay, fantastic update. I don't have time today, but I have a great idea for a race, so please give me some time. I'm it will be worth it.
Huh, I wonder how much chaos the Shadows of the Gods would cause. Would they technically be gods with their own afterlofe realms too? Anti-Gods? Demon Lords? Would they have worshippers too? Some nice Eldritch cultists?


Just noticed now that... I don't think we have moons?

Hmnn, should we make moons now? They would have to be some sort of lifeform because of this age theme.

Might consider it, moons being created shortly after the stars are all trapped is some nice symbolism. "From the age of the Stars to the age of the Moon"
I think the Mantas can serve as the equivalents of moons in any case.
So, what do yall prefer?
Personally, while I like the eyeless choir I would suggest going with the Molten Vermin.

Anyways, here is my updated Titanomachia act. What do you all think? Better? Worse? Neutral?

[X] The Titanomachia
- The Titans, born from fragments of immortal flesh, are sculpted grand bodies of elements by the Wills. When these colossal beings meet their end, their bodies will fall upon the desolation and become lands of new life. From their flesh, a myriad of non-sapient beasts arise, each carrying a fragment of the Titans' elemental essence within them. From the organs distinct humanoid races are born, each intimately tied to their respective Titans. Each humanoid race is fluent in a language unique to their Titan, becoming the Third Language of mortals which can only be learned by mortals.

First, the Flame Titan turns to ash, giving birth to the fierce orcs whose very blood carries the essence of flame. Among them, those born from the heart wield an innate power over fire. Then collapses the Titan of Storm, unleashing humans upon its demise—resilient beings with quick and electric minds. Though all humans feel the flow of the storm within, only those born from the brain can manipulate it. Towering above all, the Metal Titan births the dwarves, golem-like people endowed with earth's affinity and a mechanical perspective. Dwarves born from the veins of the Titan wield the ability to shape and manipulate metals. The majestic Nature Titan rots, birthing beastmen, animalistic man and women who are attuned to the natural world. Among them, those born from the stomach hold a greater connection to nature, nurturing their bond with the flora and fauna that surround them. The elegant Ice Titan shatters and gives rise to the serene and literally glacial elves. Elves born from the skin of the Titan are blessed with even longer lifespans than the other long lived elves.

Edit: I didn't even realize the vote was open.

[X] Mantas of the skies
[X] Sky Isle Turtles
[X] Chimeric Shifters
[X] Cardinal Lotuses
[X] The Births of Phoenixs
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[X] Brockengespenst
The shadows of powerful spirits, primordials of flesh, awakened dungeon cores, and more, all of them shall come alive under halos of rainbows.

These ultimately mysterious beings, lanky giants of physical twilight, are each of distinct character to their origin; lesser, mutated reflections of their progenitors, essentially similar in nature, but uncanny even so. The Brockengespenst are short lived compared to those who cast the shadows they're born from, and they tend towards expending themselves rapidly in chaotic frenzies of unleashed Will- their relative strength being inversely proportionate to how long they have left before dispersing into mist.

Each of them brings with them their own unique aberrations to the natural order with their presence; wherever they travel, strange, unnatural weather follows them, and all that lays inanimate stands up and remembers that it, too, lives- as spirits spring eternal. even from death. Those creatures born in the wake of the specters are twisted in some way by its strangeness. New Brockengespenst are born when fragments of their rainbow halo, shattered and spread wide by their death throes, find again a shadow great enough to rise as a terrible giant of its own.

Supported: One TBD
[X] Chimeric Shifters
by @jj1111fg33

[X] Springs of Blood
by @MangoFlan

[X] Cardinal Lotuses
by @Feather_Up
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[X] Springs of Blood
Pools continually springing blood appear. Particulates in the blood clump together, forming lesser flesh which then form into the creatures. Numerous creatures of all kinds emerge from the blood springs; insects, rodents, lizards, and fish crawl out of the crimson pools. The longer a bloodborn one remains bathed in the blood, the bigger and more complex they may become, but many emerge smaller and return to the blood occasionally or steal blood from others.

[X] The Titanomachia
[X] Brockengespenst
[X] Mantas of the skies
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[X] Chimeric Shifters
The first Chimera are little more than mobile lumps of protoplasm with a weak instinct to consume, but not for long. Chimeric Shifters are obligate shapeshifters, truly embodying the idiom "you are what you eat". Consumption of inert matter such as stone, air, or water does alter them, with stone hardening the body, water granting fluidity, and air mobility. Still, they require the consumption of other life to both self-sustain and grow in complexity. At their base level of intelligence, they have no control over how they shift when they consume, but high enough intelligence grants the ability to control how they change and even if they do. Their intelligence is generally determined by the form they have taken, mimicking the instinct and mental capacity of their component forms. Control is partial at the level of intelligence of an animal, shifting according to their own preference and to their betterment, while full control is attained at sapience, such as that of species descended from the Titanomachia. Consuming a sapient practically ensures sapience in turn, but tends to leave the shifter disgusted with themselves for some time, now burdened with the knowledge of what they've done and the morals and partial memories of the individual consumed. No matter their form, Chimeric Shifters can always interbreed and communicate, but they often prefer individuals of similar form to their own. They must beware, however, of overspecialization. Should a chimeric shifter glut themselves of a single form of prey or refuse to change for too long, they begin to lose the ability to shift, becoming almost a member of the species they appear to be, even capable of reproduction with them. Offspring of such pairings are similarly Overspecialized Chimera, though this offspring may not even know it. When two Chimera reproduce, the result is a chimera with a base appearance between the two, with Overspecialized Chimera only producing Overspecialized offspring when reproducing with either another Overspecialized or with the race they are overspecialized as. This means that Chimera can unexpectedly spread throughout a population of another species over a few generations, neither party even realizing what has occurred.

[X] The Titanomachia
[X] Sky Isle Turtles
[X] Mantas of the skies
[X] Brockengespenst
[X] Cardinal Lotuses
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[X] Mantas of the skies

This gigantic mantas fly through space, uncaring of their size and weight. Born the size of a montain, the biggest and oldest of them attein the size of a small moon. Each one of them collect life found on their travels, developping unique ecosystem on and in themselves under their care. When two mantas meet, they share some of their ecosystem, before separating. To birth a manta, several mantas gather and sing one into existence. They give some life to the newborn, then depart. Mantas spread life in all its forms through the world.

[X] The Titanomachia
[X] Springs of Blood
[X] Brockengespenst
[X] People of Desolation.
[X] Sky Isle Turtles
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[X] Sky Isle Turtles

Massive turtles that can swim through the sky. The back of their shells often accumulate materials to create islands on their back. They are extremely long lived beings, capable of living for 2,000 years and only really showing signs of aging at 1,000, they heal at an astonishing rate, capable of regrowing their giant limbs in only a few months, and have a practically impenetrable immune system. They passively feed on the ambient energies of stars and the cosmos.

[X] The Titanomachia
[X] Mantas of the skies
[X] Brockengespenst
[X] People of Desolation.
@Andre Chaos
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Ok, let's create something non-humanoid and relatively simple.


[X] People of Desolation

In many different, most suitable for life locations of the Desolation born species adapted to these harsh conditions, but not distorted by trials into something cruel and insensitive. Quite the opposite. This species is consist of many races, which were divided into different tribes and placed in various parts of Desolation. Each tribe was given its own language, very different, but somewhat similar in words to other tribes, to other races. This species called Equinoxians and they soon begin their journey into this world. These creatures able to resist, repel the Curse, while they have a good Karma. They also can safely absorb excess, exhausts Curse and turn it into something neutral. However, Curse exhaust makes Karma go toward neutral faster.​

Name: Equinoxians

Physical Appearance:
Equinoxians, a non-humanoid sapient species, bear a striking resemblance to mythical horses and deers from folklore and fiction. They possess magnificent coats and flowing manes and tails. Their bodies are graceful and streamlined, adorned with intricate patterns and markings that are unique to each individual. Equinoxians have strong, muscular legs and hooves that allow them to traverse a variety of terrains effortlessly. They have relatively petite and compact stature. Equinoxians have a graceful and agile build, with gentle movements that are reminiscent of playful creatures. Equinoxians have soft, fluffy fur that comes in an array of different colors, ranging from dull pastel hues to more normal brown, white and gray shades. Their large, expressive eyes, filled with curiosity and warmth, are a prominent feature that instantly draws attention.

Social Structure:
Equinoxian society is organized into herds and tribes, mirroring their natural inclination towards unity and cooperation. Within these herds and tribes, social status is determined by a combination of wealth, skill, and social connections. Equinoxians who have amassed significant wealth or possess exceptional skills are often regarded as leaders or influential figures within their communities.

Equinoxians also place a strong emphasis on physical and mental well-being. They engage in various physical activities that not only keep their bodies fit and agile but also serve as a means of connecting with nature. From hiking and climbing to swimming and dancing, Equinoxians embrace movement as a way to nourish their minds and bodies.

Community plays a vital role in Equinoxian lifestyle. They value close-knit relationships and foster a strong sense of belonging within their communities. Equinoxians come together for celebrations, ceremonies, and gatherings, strengthening their bonds and supporting one another through both joyous and challenging times.

Equinoxians lead a nomadic or farming lifestyle, depending on the resources available in their surroundings. Some Equinoxian tribes roam vast landscapes, following seasonal migrations and relying on the land for sustenance. Others have settled in fertile regions, cultivating crops and tending to livestock. They have a deep connection with nature and prioritize sustainable practices, harmoniously coexisting with the environment.

Attitudes and Traits:
Equinoxians are known for their empathetic nature, capable of reading and understanding the emotions of others fairly well. This ability allows them to foster strong bonds within their herds and tribes, promoting unity and cooperation. They are a hardy race, adapting to various climates and environments with resilience and endurance. Equinoxians, despite their magical abilities, are somewhat uninventive, often relying on traditional methods and practices. Equinoxians possess a sense of alarm, always vigilant and cautious of potential threats or dangers. However, they maintain a humble and welcoming demeanor towards other sapient races, embracing diversity and fostering peaceful interactions. Because with sapient one it is possible to talk about problems to solve them with minimal waste of life.

Equinoxians have a family structure that is deeply rooted in strong family ties and is influenced by their herd-like social structure. Equinoxians generally have large families, with multiple generations living together and sharing a close bond. They value the interconnectedness of their family units and the support that comes from having a diverse range of individuals within their familial network.

Equinoxians have a psychological makeup that is slightly different from humans, contributing to their family structure. While they may still experience some possessiveness and territorial urges, these tendencies are less pronounced. Equinoxians understand the importance of personal autonomy and respect the individuality of each family member, fostering an environment of acceptance and understanding.

Within Equinoxian families, responsibilities are shared among family members based on their abilities and interests. They recognize the value of collaboration and cooperation, working together to ensure the well-being and harmony of the family unit. Equinoxian parents play a vital role in the upbringing of their children, imparting important values, knowledge, and skills.

Equinoxians have a unique culinary culture that reflects their diverse dietary preferences, resource limitations, and unique physiological traits. As omnivores, Equinoxians consume both plant and animal-based foods. However, different races within the Equinoxian species may have varying inclinations towards either plant or animal foods. This diversity adds richness to their culinary traditions, with each race contributing their own unique flavors and preparations.

Living in a harsh world with limited food variety, Equinoxians have developed a remarkable skill for creating tasty dishes even from ingredients that may not be inherently flavorful or appealing. They possess a culinary ingenuity that allows them to transform ordinary or less tasty ingredients into delicious meals through creative cooking techniques and flavor combinations.

Equinoxians have a notable sweet tooth, perhaps due to the desolation of their world and the scarcity of indulgent treats. They have a high tolerance for sugar and can consume large amounts without experiencing harm. This preference for sweetness is reflected in their desserts and confections, which are often rich.

However, Equinoxians have a relatively low tolerance for alcohol. Due to their unique physiology, they can become intoxicated quickly with small amounts of alcohol. This sensitivity to alcohol has influenced their drinking customs, with moderate consumption being the norm to avoid overindulgence.

Equinoxians are not known for being prolific inventors. Rather than focusing on creating new technologies, they excel in utilizing and repurposing existing tools and resources to meet their needs. They have a deep understanding of their environment and have developed innovative ways to maximize the utility of available materials. They more tend to develop and improve skills, not new tools.

Their slow expansionist nature is reflected in their approach to technology. Equinoxians are not driven by a desire for resource accumulation or conquest due to the desolation of their lands and innate tendencies. Instead, they prioritize sustainability and harmony with their environment. They are mindful of the limited resources available and strive to use them responsibly, avoiding unnecessary exploitation.

Magic Powers:
Each race of Equinoxians species possesses a distinct and yet interconnected magical ability, derived from the Laws of Reality. These powers are still need to be explored and honed by the Equinoxians, as they continue to learn and unlock their full potential. Whether it be the ability to manipulate elements, heal wounds, or communicate with nature, each Equinoxian race has a unique magical gift waiting to be fully understood. Gifts are pretty weak in their base form and has some limits to overcome some day.​

[X] Chimeric Shifters
By @jj1111fg33

[X] Brockengespenst
By @Zipf

[X] Springs of Blood
By @MangoFlan

[X] The Births of Phoenixs
By @Curufinwe

[X] The Flaracopithan Tribes
By @Qudrim8054
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Also, how big the physical world in diameter? I didn't think about it, when was creating Flatlands. Also, I hope it has atmosphere to breathe.
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[X] Cardinal Lotuses

A strange species of plant seemingly unbound by gravity. Formed of six petal-like leaves around a golden core, these plants feed off of gravitational force itself. The species possesses regenerative ability strong enough to regrow from a single lost petal and indeed this process is the primary means by which they reproduce, separated fragments growing into whole flowers. Despite lacking intelligence or much ambition, the lotuses will invariably try to turn their faces towards the pillar at the center of the world. As they come closer to the pillar they emit a louder and louder hum.

[X] Sky Isle Turtles
[X] Mantas of the skies
[X] People of Desolation
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[X] Molten Vermin
Vermin native to Desolation. Made of flesh far removed from its primordial origins, these creepy crawlers are weak in both body and mind. Integrating into themselves the curse of the land, the Molten Vermin became a representation of this harsh wasteland. Nevertheless, their continued survival can only be attributed to their relentless reproduction and faint hive mind they share.

[X] People of Desolation
[X] The Titanomachia
[X] Brockengespenst
[X] Cardinal Lotuses
[X] Nightmares.
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[X] Nightmares.
Nightmares are terrifying creatures born from the fear related to a specific object or concept, like darkness or heights. The power and intelligence of a Nightmare reflects how much people fear the concept that it was born from, with those spawned from more common fears being a lot more powerful than those that represents less common fears. Nightmares can be killed, though it can be very difficult depending on its strength and a new one representing the same fear will inevitably be born somewhere in the world at a later point. Now it would be easy to think that all Nightmares are inherently malicious, though that is not actually the case, as fear by itself isn't inherently a bad thing, which means that some Nightmares can in their own way be somewhat kind and helpful, though that doesn't make them any less terrifying.

(Any thoughts)

[X] The Titanomachia
[X] Chimeric Shifters
[X] Springs of Blood
[X] Cardinal Lotuses
[X] Molten Vermin
Okay, time to start writing. I hope many of you will like it.

Authored Act:
[X] The Flaracopithan Tribes

From fire and blood they are born, in muscle, flesh and fur they are wrapped, in emotions and will they awake. The Flaracopithans are a race of monkeys, sharing of the traits of animal and humanoid races that are separate into 3 distinct tribes: Chimps, Ape, Gorillas. Each has distinct appearances, attitudes and powers, yet they all share the same cores of what makes the Flaracopithan race.

The race itself is known for its strong will and overwhelming passion, one so hot that it allows them to create fire! All three tribes values freedom and passion the most. "one can desire whatever they wish and are free to chase however they want" is what their elders would say to a youth before letting them leave on an adventure.

In terms of appearance, they all look like monkeys. Just different types of monkeys. They all have something humanoid in their facial muscles, as they can express themselves like humans. Their fur is a bit longer than it should be at places, especially on the head, where it seems like the fur at the top of the head rises to form the shape of a large yet control fire.

They love to advance and develop themselves, mostly physically but sometimes mentally. They always seek someone to spar with to push their physical and magical abilities to the limit, or they seek to where they can gain the most knowledge, showing unabashed, endless enthusiasm.
Even if they form a society, it will only take a few generations before massive changes occure, for they cannot live in stagnation.

The Flaracopithan Tribes are omnivore, as they are capable of eating fruits, vegetables, pulses and meat of various kinds. Like other humanoid races, each individual has their favorite kind of food: one can like eating bugs the most, one can like fish the most, one can like sour fruits the most etc.

Flaracopithans talk through their actions and wear their emotions on their sleeves. When they have an overwhelming desire and will, they tend to develop an ambition and do whatever it takes to fulfil it.
However, it doesn't mean that they are evil. All tribes are born with a sense of right and wrong, but they will always go through with their actions in the most chaotic way, whether its out of good or bad intentions.

As for society, they all live in the form of tribal communities, each of the three types of Flaracopithans have different traits to them, such as Gorillas' tendancy towards isolation or the Apes' tendancy towards traditionalism and ritualistic-focused lifestyle.
At the top of each tribe is the chief, a title that isn't inherited by bloodline, but by those who are the most passionate, knowledgeable and powerful. Beneath the chief are the Elders, sages who pass on information and knowledge to the youth. Beneath the elders are everyone else, their freedom to follow their desires without being withheld.

Chimps are the wildest, most numerous of the tribes. They stand between 3'9 to 4'2 feet tall, along with a small tail that is half the length of one of their arms. Their fur ranges between orange, red and crimson. Their head is slightly larger in proportions to the rest of their body, which includes slim but well-toned arms and legs. Despite their slim build, they're not weak as an average Chimp tribe member is about 1.5 times stronger than the average human.
A male Chimp tribe member lives up to about 30 years old while a female lives up to about 35 years old, giving them the shortest lifespan of the tribes. When giving birth, a female will always birth between 2 to 4 children, which is why they are the most numerous.

The Chimp Tribe lives usually in grasslands, plains or at the edges of forests and are incredibly rowdy. They are the most passionate of the tribes, giving them their fire the most destructive force, allowing them to spit out powerful fire breaths, coat their fists and kicks in extremely hot fire and manipulate whatever fire they create into powerful spells using their will.
Because of this, they are also very bubbly and hyperactive... and mostly friendly.

Chimp Flaracopithans are highly volitile (with even the most tempered and calm elder being a hothead) who act rashly on their emotions and only according to their morality, making it hard for them to not cause trouble to whoever pisses them off.
While they live as nomadic clans, many times they disperse into the winds as families or individuals searching for something new for themselves, which is why most races would think of them when asked about the Flaracopithan Tribes.

They are dexterous, agile and excellent climbers and fighters. One should not trifle with them, for their heated passion will melt all who stands before them.

Gorillas are the least passionate of the tribes, but are also the least chaotic and the most distant. They are known for their muscular physique that consists of meaty arms and legs that makes them look buff... but they also stand at 5'0 feet tall maximum, making they look silly yet intimidating, even though they do not possess a tail. They are the physically strongest of the Flaracopithan tribes, with an average adult gorilla being 6 times stronger than an average human.
A Gorilla, both male and female has an average lifespan of about 50 years old, making them the longest living tribe.
Their cool and allof attitude that they carry affects the color of their furs, which are usually either dark-blue or purple.

The Gorillas are more calm and aloof than the Chimps and Apes, yet that doesn't mean that they don't have the same type of desire for freedom and having emotions. They are just better at not showing their emotions, as their faces are mot very expressive, unlike their bretheren.
They are quick to act upon cold furry or comforting compassion, yet their actions are more subtle and delicate. Out of the three tribes, they are known for being the most honorable.

While they are also very malable to change when it comes to their society, the Gorilla tribe tends to isolate itself within forests or frozen tundras, where they are far away from other civilizations. Thus it is rare to see ambitious conquers coming from this tribe, but they still can show plenty of will, passion and ambition.

Gorillas has great physical strength, are the most durable and possess the most stamina out of the Flaracopithans, but their control over fire is relatively weak, as they can only cover their fists and kicks with blue, chilling fire that causes ice burns. They are also not as agile or dexterous as the Chimps or Apes.

The Ape Tribe of the Flaracopithans is the most willful of the three tribes, which causes the most trouble whenever they are faced with a change from the desires of the younger generations.

Apes themselves stand at 5'2 to 5'5 feet tall and despite not being the tallest, they are considered "lanky" by Flaracopithan standards, with long and well-tones arms and legs, with a very long and meaty tail filled with muscles that is so long that it can wrap itself around their entire torso. Overall, they are physically 2 times stronger than the average human.
Because of their greater will, their fur has a wide range of variety to its possible colors, whether it be brown, black, pink, cyan or even green.
The average lifespan of an Ape, both male and female is around 40 years old.

Apes are different to the other two tribes, as they live more commonly on mountains and hills rather than forests or plains or grasslands, though its not unheard of the have an Ape tribe live in a forest.
They are not as hotheaded or mischievous as Chimps but not as stoic as Gorillas. Apes are known for being more the most rational and seekers of knowledge, in comparison to their smaller cousins the Chimps who more commonly seek combat.

Despite not being as physically strong as the Gorillas or as passionate as the Chimps, they are the most willful. Their spirit and willpower is greater per the average Flaracopithans among the tribes, giving them a different kind of control over fire compared to the destructive capabilities of the Chimps.
While the power of their offensive flames are nto overwhelmingly powerful, they have the most control over its mature, turning a fire breath spell into a shielding web of flames that blocks an attack from an enemy, or they can turn their fire white to heal someone who is injured. Their versitility with fire is based only on their imagination and the will to bring it into reality.

In terms of physicality, they are in-between the Chimps and Gorillas, being a Jack-of-all-Traits. All in all, they are just as dangerous, passionate and willful as the as other tribes.

Supported Acts:
[X] The Titanomachia
By @Redikai

[X] Chimeric Shifters
By @jj1111fg33

[X] Mantas of the skies
By @LotusPocus

[X] Sky Isle Turtles
By @ShieldCrown

[X] Nightmares
By @deep sea god

So what do you guys think of my idea?
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Yeah, not every ideia needs to be super complicated, there are a lot of simple lifeforms we don't have. Most mundane animals, plants that arent trees or lotus, most bugs.
Most mundane animals, plants that arent trees or lotus, most bugs.
Well, there are some acts, which should bring great variety of new life and ecosystems. But we don't have many specific living things. Like, fully desribed, created by hand.​

How about fusion of cat and moth? Or maybe hybrid of cat and owl? Or cat and... Something else? I like cats.

Edit: Or maybe dog-sharks for the Sea side! Dogs are fine too!

[] Pets for Everyone!

Sea Hounds, also known as Dog-sharks, are indeed marvelous and fascinating species. They are a unique type of shark that exhibits intriguing characteristics and behaviors. One of the most captivating aspects of Sea Hounds is their appearance. They have a sleek and streamlined body, similar to that of a typical shark, but with some distinct features. Another remarkable characteristic of Sea Hounds is their social behavior. Unlike many other shark species, Sea Hounds are known to form tight-knit social groups or "packs." These packs consist of individuals that cooperate and work together during hunting and defense. It is quite possible to domesticate them and use as dogs.

Introducing the adorable hybrid creature known as the Cath-Moth. This charming and whimsical fusion combines the endearing features of a cat with the delicate beauty of a moth, resulting in a truly captivating creature.This delightful hybrid also possesses the graceful movements of a moth. It can navigate with agility, fluttering its wings gracefully and hovering effortlessly in the air. Its moth-like wings are lightweight and covered in soft, velvety scales, giving them a gentle shimmer when they catch the light.

Owlcat - a captivating fusion of a cat and one familiar bird. This wild species combines the grace and agility of a feline with the wisdom and allure of an owl, resulting in a truly remarkable and enchanting creature. The Owlcat possesses the sleek and agile body of a cat, adorned with soft, plush combination of fur and feathers that comes in a variety of colors and patterns. Its eyes reflect the piercing gaze and wisdom of an owl, with large, expressive orbs that seem to hold ancient secrets and understanding. One of the most striking features of the Owlcat is its magnificent wings, resembling those of an owl. These wings are covered in soft, velvety feathers, providing the creature with the ability to glide silently through the night. The wingspan of the Owlcat is impressive, allowing it to effortlessly navigate its surroundings and explore its habitat with grace and precision.​

Edit: you can use my ideas, if you want. I already have something, I want to create.
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[X] The Births of Phoenixs

From the pools of light created by the Stars, the Wills reach forth and shape great avians of ever-burning fire and living light. These avians come in a thousand and one forms, from ravens and hawks to eagles and condors, and each one is sapient, blessed with a great Will and a innate sense of Karma, as well as a thirst to explore and wander, similar to that Stars whos light they were born from. Phoenix's are ageless and eternal beings immune to the ravages of disease or age, hunger or thirst, and they are in turn granted a further boon- Immortality. whenever a Phoenix meets its end- whether at the machinations of a servitor of the Devouring Star, undone by another of their kind, or willing allowing them self to burn out to escape a Hell or the Curse- they revive a choice once they meet Death, to move on, or to return to life, being reborn anew and unharmed somewhere else in the universes in a burst of healing flame and light that nourishes and rejuvenates whoever is nearby to witness there rebirth.

However, there is a limit to this Immortality, for every time a Phoneix chooses to defy Death, it saps at them, perantly weaking their Will. Those of the firebirds with the greatest of Willpower can return again and again for hundreds, perhaps tohusands of times- but eventually the toll will grow too much, and wearied, they will pass on to rest.

Whenever a Phoenix dies their final death, the site of their final death bursts with cleansing light and flame, healing all present and purifying any Curse nearby. when the flames and light die down, the sight of the fire-bird's final death will have become home to a newborn Phoenix, born from the flames of their elders death.

[X] The Titanomachia
[X] Springs of Blood
[X] Mantas of the skies
[X] Sky Isle Turtles
[X] The Flaracopithan Tribes
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