The Bird Of Hermes [Worm alt power/crossover Hellsing Ultimate]


Following at the heels of the fleeing Tinker in his wheelie suit leads us into an ambush, impressively hidden. I start laughing before they are even in sight. I get what some of these damn ornaments do!

The tiara... provides a wide band spatial awareness.

I wouldn't have even realized, if I hadn't spotted demolition charges below the floor... as I looked at the floor itself. It looks like they are spaced to demolish that entire section. I look around curious, and see more in the roof. Oh, tricky snake. Trying to crush me again.

I hold up a hand to Marquis.

"Just a moment. Go back to the stairs." I ordered.

I waited until he seemed far enough away. Then happily stepped into the trap with a perky smile. I looked for the bait. Hmm. Oh, hello. A monitor flickered to life.

"Hello Vermin." I responded, as his masked appearance appeared in view.

"Now that isn't nice, why don't you calm down and talk this out?" The reptile tempted.

"I don't know? Tempt me snake, show me the fruits of your wisdom of good and evil." I chuckled.

"We don't have to kill each other, I'm willing to leave you and Lung your piece of the city." He offered.

"Hmm. Not good enough. I already have that." I replied tapping my lips with a metal covered finger.

"Money, influence... capes and mercenaries." He added.

"You're sounding a touch desperate there." I pointed out. "Perhaps if you offered me something a bit more interesting."

"What do you demand...?" He asked, apprehensively.

"Oh, poor little sneaky Snakey. I don't want your treasures and riches, your soldiers or your land. What I want is more abstract." I explained. "I want this." I held my arms out and spun on steel heels. They are alarmingly second nature to the me who would never be caught dead in heels.

"What do you mean by 'this'." He asked trying to understand, using logic. No wonder he is so terrified and confused. Vampires don't work on logic.

"I want all of this, the experience of destroying your empire and all you scheme, taking from you the men, lands and treasures you possess just because it is there! To see you squirm and wet yourself in terror. To taste your blood on my tongue and your soul as it wails, one of countless others locked within me." I chuckled. "Tonight is my night, so dance for me snake! Dance as the city is reborn in flames and waves of blood!"

He pressed a button he held hidden in his fingers and then just stared in shock.

"Oh dear, you were expecting maybe an earth shattering kaboom?" I asked grinning. The bombs are in my shadows. I'm sure to find a use for them tonight.

Coil looked queasy.

I pulled out poor Hookwolf's bald head from the darkness. "But don't worry little Snakey! You will have so many friends inside me! Look at Hookwolf here, his smile says it all, he loves it! Everyday in my soul is your Ellisburg!" I smiled as he reCoiled. "I had such a good sample of your soul from your tricks I want the whole thing!" I said with all the glee of a child looking at a chocolate bar. "And not just you but everyone else here!" I laughed maniacally as he fumbled trying to cut the camera feed. "Hooky and Cricketbat were just appetisers!"

Now... how to do this... I know!

I skip back to Marquis, heels digging into floor tiles like ice-picks into well... ice. Hey, the puns can't all be funny. That would mean they weren't puns.

"Wait a few minutes and then follow me up. I'm going to clear the place quickly." I explained vaguely as he stared at me.

"You remind me more and more of that thing that called itself Alucard." He replied.

"I know, isn't it great?!" I asked with glee. "It took me digesting more than a thousand people to get this strong! Who knew there were so many evil people in the world for me to eat?!"

I spread out into a swarm of crawling venomous insects. I drew on Emma's powers and expanded to overflowing. Then I surged in all directions, endlessly generating more parts of me. I filled the R&D section and further up to the next floor, falling on soldiers and parahumans in my way. Scorpions, black widows and centipedes engulfing the human elements.

Existing as an amorphous shape, much like a larger mist form I slowly engulfed that floor sending humans fleeing to the higher floors. Those that tried to go down ran into Marquis and the ghouls, neither offering an escape.

By the time I had chased all of the humans into the Penthouse/Boardroom/Executive Office of the top floor I had taken some twenty floors and covered them in my swarm. Where the insects failed to enter, shadows and telekinesis could.

I enjoyed tearing off the pressure sealed doors and engulfing the fools inside who thought it made them safe from my wrath.

The final floor was luxurious and festooned with Nazi paraphernalia.

I loitered outside blanketing the torn open doors in pitch black carapaces of crawling death. You know, the creatures I become are similar in diet to myself. The juices of our victims. To ensure that the trapped humans know how deadly serious I am, I spit out the remains of the dozen men who failed to escape being overwhelmed by the swarm. Bleached white bones, looking polished clatter from within the swarm to pave my entrance.

Walking out onto the bones, crushing them underfoot I look at the terror and laugh happily. "There is no escape. There is only death and me." Keep their focus. Make them stupid and reckless.

I feel good. Stronger than ever. My swarm still exists... the extra, generated parts anyway, holding the doorways with their dark bodies. They emit a faint thunderous sound as they rub and scrape against each other's carapaces.

"So turn over the parahumans, anyone in costume and you lackeys will live." I chuckled. "Or alternatively I make this room a mausoleum."

The big Tinker, in his steam powered-armour charged at me, with a screech of a whistle. Thudding footsteps shook the building as he came at me. But my feelings were confident. I tensed, then with a mighty leap crossed the distance between us in an instant, driving my gauntlet into his groin. The pock-marked face deformed in a scream as things metallic and other softer things broke under my fist.

The marvellous thing was, I was completely unharmed. As I moved to attack with full force the right gauntlet and my heels spread their steel along my limbs, reinforcing them at the key moments. All the joy of possessing a high level Brute rating without the maiming injuries! They aren't a defence, they're an exoskeleton!

The ugly Tinker slammed into a window and flew out, into the darkness to meet the streets face first.

Tiny Wheeled Tinker cowers in a corner as my gaze passes him.

Purity is there but more focused on the far corner, where a baby is held by a masked man.

A brief minute of normality adjustment gives me time to take the baby from Coil and place her with her mother. I escort the pair to the window and let my power lapse.

"Go on, take the kid and leave. I don't care about your opinions, but if you ever join a gang of criminals you might meet me again. I won't be impressed." I suggested, shoving the pair out the window. The glowing woman clutching her child disappearing into the night, a streak like a flare in the sky.

Still I counted a few parahumans in here.

A stick thin figure in a jester costume edged closer, trying to look harmless. He/she swung an inordinately large hammer at me, plucked from empty space. I blinked and laughed as I was hit for a homerun out the window.

Taking the form of a giant bat I swept back inside a moment later, hissing, crouched on my wing pinions. I screeched in a tone so high and loud humans could only feel it as it tore their eardrums apart. Dozens clutched their bleeding ears as I stalked inside and caught hold of the clown. It breathed fire at me, scorching my skin and face. I took flight and soared out the broken window, carrying my victim.

The soldiers and sundry looked confused as I winged away, until the clown returned, launched like a projectile through the open window to fly out the other side howling. I landed hard, laughing in the disturbing way only a six-foot tall vampire bat can.

"Watch that first step...!" I called out.

I shifted between various forms, noting the terror it brought on those who dared look at me. Stormtiger was so terrified when I found him he just begged me for mercy. Hookwolf's death was all it took to smash his confidence. I snapped his neck in a moment of mercy. Sappy of me, I know.

I looked for my main target. Here Snakey...

Taking only a moment to identify that the masked man was in fact a double, I peered around and found him.

Walking to a wall, I sensed his mind beyond it. Steel walls, a secure empty space. A panic room for Nazis. I casually walked through the wall.

"Tom, a pleasure to see you in the flesh for real." I stated as he jerked back, in surprise. I looked down, noting I was coming out a security monitor. "What do you know, the camera adds ten pounds... and the exercise equipment Ads remove it."

"I'll give you anything you want! I'll turn myself in! Just let me live!" He begged.

I cocked my head. "But what I want is your life, that offer makes no sense."

He drew a pistol blathering on about funding and Cauldron and all that nonsense. Life is about living in the moment, you know? All his ridiculous plans and schemes simply didn't account for very much wriggle room. Without an army what is he really? Pitifully human.

The gun fire was accurate as any marksman I'd faced. It took out my eyes, struck the metal plates around my heart... but was futile. As he re-aimed, trying to put the next bullet in his own skull via the palate I snatched it away from him.

He finally used his power and I beat him bloody over and over, in simulation and reality. Each time he reached for the lost weapon, seeking a clean end. But I had a long memory. I remember all of those people he sacrificed to give himself opportunities. I hurled him around the room, from one steel wall to the next, painting the walls with his fluids as he gasped and begged.

I could forgive a lot of things, people try to kill me so much it is ordinary. Knowing he tried to kidnap kids, his plans for them and all the sick things he used the powers in his head for on his downtime... I took my time.

Several minutes later I emerged, floating like a wraith out a wall had quite an effect. No one had any doubts they were facing imminent death.

The Tinker kid squealed and tried desperately to hide as I found him cowering.

"Stupid child, playing with psychos and monsters. Go back to playing with toys in your mother's basement." I hissed, pointing for him to leave. He hesitated. Until the swarm parted at my orders. Then he flinched, turns out Marquis and my ghouls were already here. Time flies when you can too.

The soldiers were in a frenzy, terrified out of their wits. At gun point they herded the remaining parahumans out for me. "Good, good." I nodded at their submission.

I looked from one to the other. One was dressed like some idiotic edge-lord, black with black. His mind was all kinds of crazy, even by my standards. The next a girl with an exposed mouth and finally Coil #2.

I shrugged and pointed at the fake parahuman. "I just killed the real one, why do I need the cosplayer version? Get lost."

The female looked at me with a glimmer of fight left. "Who are all of you parahumans anyway? Do you even realize how many of you Coil has killed as bait? At least seven by my count." I pointed out. I sampled her thoughts and really... she wasn't worthy of death. Just a new trigger, needing money. Really just one more example of how the PRT fucks with the parahuman problem. Ironically she was actually hired by one of their Directors...

I shook my head. "Just leave with the rest. You're not cut out for this kind of life."

It took a moment to recognize the last one, with his hood and sunglasses.

"Greg Veder?" I asked, mind blown. "What the fuck?"

"Taylor my Taylor. NocTUrNe. JiaNgshi! BLOOD GODDESS." He mouthed in at least five voices. "Weaknesses: Sunlight, concentrated. Blood, contaminated, drained. Mind, destabilized. Articles of Faith and True Belief."

Oh, this explains so much.

"You're the one who told Coil everything, huh?" I flinch, looking at the tangled mess in his head. "What did he do to you? Drugs? Mind rape? Force you to watch the worst Adam Sandler movies of all time?"

"Actually... he cracked about a week ago and triggered." A soldier offered.

"Really? Tell me more." I said eagerly.

"He was rushed to a psychologist for an emergency session." The soldier said. "I was guarding him." He explained. "Apparently he triggered due to extreme internet addiction withdrawal symptoms. The funny thing is, the boss kidnapped him a week earlier as a precog and kept him in isolation!"

I burst out into hysterics, laughing insanely. Wiping tears of blood from my eyes I eventually choked out: "That's Greg. Never ceases to surprise in the most idiotic ways!" I clapped the soldier on the shoulder. "Okay, you can live for sure!"

The building rocked with an explosion like a grenade. I looked to my new best friend.

Unfortunately he exploded in a hail of gunfire. It came from the window.

The Butcher peered inside, with a smile as she levelled her minigun at the crowd. "I don't know what the flying fuck is going on here with all the gunfire, but all of you seem like wonderful targets!" The Butcher declared. "Look at all the fucking Nazis... and is that Coil I see?"

I collapsed sobbing, cradling the leaking body of my soulmate... "Funny guy! Nooooo!" I screamed. "He only had one week 'til retirement!"

"How long you got, Red Bitch?" The Butcher sneered.

I smiled back. "Longer than all of you do, crammed in that head, fit to burst."

I moved through shadows to reach for the Butcher's arms, but she reacted instantly avoiding me by leaning and as she did so turned the gun in my direction, as her gun barrels spun up to the required speed whining. I took a face and chest full of bullets in those few moments, blasted out the building and as I was still regenerating, fell all the way to the ground. Then I had to regenerate that damage too. Annoying.

I shook off the impact that pulped me and blinked at the shadow looming over me. However it resolved into a puzzled looking Gavel.

"Hey there. Needed a breath of fresh air." I said. "Ignore how this looks." I am currently a human spider, with all my limbs broken oddly.

He rubbed his bald head confused.

"Just go back to watching the doors. Some soldiers and parahumans will come down in a few minutes." I added.

He wandered back ten yards to the doorway muttering about shit jobs.

Aleks landed softly on her snowboard at my side. "What happened? Base-jumping without a parachute?" She joked.

I spat out several dozen bullets. "Nope. Minigun."

"Ow!" She joked. "That had to hurt."

"You'd think so, but still better than that time I tried waxing my legs. Far less burning." I replied.

Coil's Powers...

Timeline A

I hug Aleks, because she's cute.

Timeline B

I pull Aleks into a hug because she's adorable.

Timeline A

I cancel this timeline to pursue another line of inquiry.

Timeline C

Hug Aleks. Soft and tiny.

Timeline B

This timeline is now rendered useless, I cancel it too.

Timeline Z

Aleks cute. Hug. Cavewoman Tay-Lor like!

Aleks: Why are you just standing there with a goofy smile?

Taylor: Just running through the millions of ways I love you.
Once a mighty Vampire slew a Tinker and a Creep
And a smallish Wolf who had teeth plus three,
Skinned them and tanned their hides...and kept them on a closet shelf.
You fight the Jiangshi, while I climb the tree.

Couldn't put in my usual effort. Too full of D'awwwww.
Disappointed. I cheered when Taylor killed Purity, but then Coil unkilled her. Quite frankly, I think Aster would be better served by guardians that aren't a racist bitch or a megalomaniac.

On the other hand, Taylor's gonna have fun with Coil's power. I can tell.

Next on the menu: The Butcher. This'll be fun.

Anyway, enough day dreaming. Well, maybe one more.

I pull Aleks into a hug, using my current experience of several thousand variations to find a nice one. She melts slightly, nestling against me and her breath becomes ragged but unfortunately exploration of my preferences will have to wait... not to be a prude or anything (even if I am only fourteen and the narrator in my head is trying to keep the romance rated PG) I have a rather pressing situation taking place in the tower.

Now I don't particularly care about the fate of random Coil thug #109 or his friends but I did drag Marquis into that mess and he is technically muscle offered (and sourced) by Hellsing... and also apparently Amy's Dad. So I'd feel bad about getting him killed before they got to meet. I'd sort of feel sorry for Greg too. Maybe. A tweak? A twinge?

Hang on, I'll check.

Timeline A

Greg is killed by trying to take the elevator. The one rigged with explosives. Okay... kind of funny. He makes that generic storm trooper death scream as he is vaporized.

Timeline B

Greg lives. I didn't try to save him, just incidentally? Not terrible... so far. I'm sure it has horrible ramifications I'm missing but... meh. What's the worst that can happen? Okay even I know I'm tempting fate with that one.

I'll go with option B, mostly because it actually requires effort to reach A. Sure it's funny, just not enough to bother. With option B he simply goes with the flow and escapes with the crowd. No effort required.

Really I'm surprised I've put this much thought into his very existence considering how much he bugs me. Let's just forget he exists, he was always nothing but a headache. Speaking of headaches... I have a handful of lead still in my cranium. It doesn't hurt exactly, just rattles a little if I turn too quickly.

Okay... enough navel gazing. Back to... work? my hobby.

"Bamf!" I shout as I swarmport into the Penthouse. The Butcher stares with beady, stupid eyes as I stand there in the echoing silence. She drops a handful of Fake Coil's guts and grits her Teeth. Have to ask about why her gang has such a stupid name. Note for later.

"HI!" I say in ever cheerful mode. "I was just going to visit you when you decided to drop in unannounced. Speak of the Devil. Go on, I dare you." I threatened cheerfully.

The Butcher reaches out a hand and tries something. I wail and clutch my chest. "Oh! You got me!" I exclaim, staggering.

She looks at her hand, the thugs in the room, then me again. "Do you even have nerves?" She asked.

"Nope. Died over almost a month ago." I knocked on my head, accidentally sounding like a set of maracas. "Nothing living in here. Plenty dead though." I walked over to a massive table and pulled out a luxurious chair. Leaning over the headrest, seated backwards I got comfortable. "To put it in terms you'll understand, I have a whole bunch O'dead people in me noggin. They're really noisy ain't they? I understand you have a similar problem? Think we should start a support group? I mean I know two people just like me and Glaistig Uaine has similar, if not more obvious issues with hers. Also if I'm not mistaken Burnscar is another potential member? What do you think of this for a group name, The Horde? Wait, look who I'm asking. You named your gang the Teeth? What, were the better body parts taken or is it the requirement for joining? You've got only one tooth, get lost poser."

The Butcher turned her dim, angry gaze on me. "Shut up, noisy Red Bitch!"

"Ooooh. Them's fightin' words!" I remarked. "God you're dumb. I mean I have thousands of people screaming everything they can think of in my ears at every second of the day but at least they are semi-coherent. You're clearly the polar opposite, idiot savant."

"Don't you mock the Butcher! No one mocks the Butcher!" She roared.

"Do you refer to yourself often in the third person? It seems an irritating personality trait." I added. I gestured at her. "I mean you're a good looking woman, if you got rid of that whole headhunter/serial killer vibe people might dare to walk the street opposite you... maybe even talk to you in proper English beyond stammering? I mean look at me, people are too busy trying to work out if I'm a serious threat or just some ditzy, rambling bimbo."

The crazed female killer, that was not me, drew a compound bow and placing her hand on a displaced bone belonging to Fake Coil, formed a pair of arrows.

"Now I don't think therapy is for everyone, or even myself but you look like you could use a good deal of work on..." I circled beside my head with a finger, indicating insanity. "...your 'issues'."

"Shut up, babbling crazy girl!" She snarled, launching an arrow at me. I didn't bother to dodge.

I looked at my new piercing. I gave a thumbs up, since it was through my throat. "I like it." I rasped. "It adds a certain elegant tone of mortality. I sound like a throat cancer survivor."

She readied the other arrow.

I began to tap the William Tell overture on my chair.

I gestured subtly with shadow for a piece of wax fruit. Placing the apple on my head as the arrow took me in the eye. "You missed." I laughed. "Also... sound like Yoda I do, yes."

I reached up to the arrow in my skull and jiggled it a little, before pulling it out. Then shook out the extra shrapnel in there, sounding like a very meaty piggy bank.

The Butcher blinked at my casual disregard, before just becoming more enraged. Did I call her an idiot savant? My mistake. Pure idiot if she can't see I'm just playing with her. Sure, I'm sandbagging... mostly because she has nearly as many powers as I do... in theory. I did do some research. Most of her notable 'powers' were super strength in various flavours.

The danger sense she has is a real pain in the neck... oh wait that's the other arrow.

Regardless, she's quickly slipping from my list of viable threats into my joke list. I mean as much fun as it usually is to tease a mentally damaged, powered individual... again not talking about myself... the Butcher is... boring. A rather bland mix of powers and psychoses. Where's the mood swings and random fun? It's disappointing. Like having your hopes raised by that big shiny thing under the tree at Christmas... only to find out it's dull, stupid and after hours of anticipation you will never find it interesting again. I'm looking at you Armsmaster undies, joke gift extra-ordinaire.

I pause to fetch a random mug from my head and pulling out the arrow in my neck, I lean forward to decant a glassful of the better red stuff. I put the arrow back in when I'm done, have to stopper the bottle after all.

I swirl my glass of blood, letting it breathe, one of the many things it doesn't get to do inside me before taking a sip. Delightful, as always. Clearly I am a superior vintage. I look at the Butcher staring at me.

"So, if I understood you correctly, you are trying to kill me?" I took another sip. "Good luck with that."

Marquis started to move but I glanced at him. Stay. I said through force of will. Oh wait, I have telepathy... how silly of me. Keeping track of all these crazy powers is hard.

{Yo Marquis, my man! Just keep back, I'm perfectly happy like this. See about herding the various lackeys out when I convince the idiot to leave.} I thought/spoke to him with a wink.

Back to the Butcher.

{Kill the Red Bitch...} I whispered in her head.

Hey, I want to fit in. Peer pressure and all that.

She shook her head and looked confused. I listened intently to her insanity... ah soothing. Compared to my average it's like a baby snoring. Oh wait, I get it. They're all guys. Ewww.

{Disgusting, you're getting a headjob from thirteen guys at once?} I mean, while the gender ratio is uneven in me by at least 3:1 I actually have girls in here. Suck it Butcher... or not. Preferably not.

"Did you just..." She said in shock.

{You better believe it toots. The Simurgh and I have a ton in common.} I replied. {But if you're thinking we should date, I'm spoken for.}

"You intruded our sacred presence, The Butcher kill you." She snarled.

I noted the capital 'T' with 'The Butcher' just spoken. That was their version of the collective 'We' huh? Mom would have been interested... and horrified. Just as the name says, she butchers English too.

"Hey, I can understand you being reticent about the imposition into your intellectual mindscape." I replied to the mad minds piloting her.

"Speak English Red Bitch, The Butcher not understand!" The souls whined.

"You hate sharing a mind with others." I simplified.

"No, stupid Red Bitch!" She howled.

I took a third sip, as I massaged my eyes in frustration. Since one was an empty socket I may have given myself a minor lobotomy. Eh, nothing of value lost. I think?

"Look you idiotic mess of maniacs. I am done trying to be reasonable." I pulled out my phone and dialled Sarah. "Hey it's me, green bean."

"No, I don't know your code system, I was just being cute." I explained after catching unexpected flak from her. "Look I was wondering if the Butcher's kill order came through yet? Oh? Really?!"

I turned off the phone.

"So I have an opening at seven thirty if you would like to schedule your execution." I explained to the Butcher. "Or we can just say any time after eight? I'm quite good at it, if you want to know. I'll make sure it is good enough for someone of your illustrious reputation, after all how often does someone get to kill fourteen people in one body? If it helps the accommodations in my head get a consistent rating of three stars by the residents."

"Die Red Bitch, Die!" The collective Butchers shouted, drawing a damn imitation katana. Lee is burning with unexpected rage. Ah, cultural miss-appropriation is disgusting isn't it?

She exploded into existence beside me, slashing down at my neck. I became the swarm for a moment, then reformed to finish my glass of blood.

"Rude!" I scolded. "How would you like it if I tried to cut off your head in the middle of a conversation?!"

"Worthless weakling, The Butcher..." I slashed out with darkness. The Butcher dove aside, barely avoiding the angled slash at her torso. It would have taken off her head... and her arms and chest, et cetera...

"I missed that? You were saying something about how you like interior decorating?" I asked.

"Paint the wall with your brains!" She snarled.

"I kinda beat you to that with Coil a while back." I replied, shrugging. "It's been done."

"Rip out your tongue first!" She roared, pouncing at me.

"Now you're speaking my language!" I laughed, catching the steel edge against my gauntlets. As she strained with all of her... admittedly mid level Brute strength... I drew back my other fist and punched.

She disappeared before I could rip her head off. Shoot.

She reappeared back at the broken window. With another explosion.

"You know, I feel sorry for you." I said as she glared at me, looking for an angle of attack.

"WHY?" She growled in hatred.

"You suffer from a major flatulence problem. Are you forced to wear adult nappies too? Don't worry I won't blab about it. Outside of PHO." I sneered.

She screamed in pure animal rage. She reached to her shoulder and withdrew a shotgun-like weapon. I flinched as I saw it and the scarce handful of people still trapped screamed and ran for their lives. It was a grenade launcher.

"Hey, not cool." I growled.

She grinned as she levelled it at me. I moved into shadow and moved to flank her but she followed my movement despite this, firing.

I moved again, reaching the door to the stairs only to find the grenade curving in mid-air to follow.


I moved toward her, grabbing her by the right wrist.

She laughed as she turned, lifting me bodily into the air and placing me in the path of that stubborn grenade as it followed on my heels, even as I shattered her arm into splinters of bone in my fingers. Her touch made my skin blister and weep as my flesh rotted under her powers.


The explosion was deafening at such close range.

Gavel and Aleks...

Gavel: So you two a couple, then?

Aleks: Uh... yes.

Gavel (nodding): Good for you. It took me a bloody long time to get to the root of me problems in prison. The lack of me missus really screwed up my life. Hope it works out for the two of you.

Aleks: You had a... missus? A... girl?

Gavel: Sure did. Aye, she was a beaut. But we had a barney somethin' fierce. Screwed me up and I lost control of meself.

Aleks: I don't think you're talking about a purple dinosaur... so a barney is?

Gavel: A blue. A dust up. A bleedin' fight.

Aleks: OH!

Gavel: Yeah. I got a bit agro after that and may have hit a few bad guys too hard? I mean I didn't get why everyone was so angry, they had it coming.

Aleks: Huh. You know my... girlfriend I can't believe I called her that has similar problems. Impulse control issues.

Gavel: What? I don't have impulse control issues!

Aleks: But didn't you just say...

Gavel: I just bleedin' hit 'em too hard!
Somebody's Butcher, by the side of the road.
Somebody's psycho who forgot the vampire code.
Someone's favorite head voices, that ran clean out of luck
When they burst into the room, when Jiangshi didn't give a fuck., it's just not the same if it isn't to Waltzing Matilda. And with the Birdcage emptied the best opportunity to use Son of a Scoundrel has already passed me by. New South Wales...needs Scion to go nuts on either Britain or Australia so I can be lazy with the lyric twisting.

Goddamn that hurts. How many times am I going to regenerate significant amounts of my body mass tonight? Thank goodness I still have telekinesis. I managed to buffer the hit a bit at close range, but damn. Military grade explosives an inch away from your head do not provide good feels.

In fact I think most of my brain is leaking out of my eye-socket right about now. Dammit, I just got that eye thiiiiis close to healed. Also my ears and nose are leaking blood, but it might just be because I popped my cork... uh... I mean the shaft in my throat got loose... No sexual innuendo here! Nope.

I'm still blind and deaf when I feel a decent kick... and I'm falling again. Okay, this sucks. Still it didn't go all the Butcher's way. I'm still holding her wrist, too bad it's not attached to the rest of her.

"No more big guns and arrows for you at least!" I yelled as I fell several stories. "Go back to meat cleavers you mor..." And I hit ground floor.

"Hey, still having fun?" Aleks asked.

I raised a broken hand with a bent thumb raised.

"Okay, try not to over do it." She offered as advice.

"Yrrrrrrs." I groaned.

Okay, I can see again. Double vision I think. I assume since I see two of Aleks.

I smile faintly as I pull myself together. "Sorry I'm showing you my less attractive side." I murmur as my body swarms with insects to repair itself. That rot power of the Butcher's really gets under my skin. It takes an age to heal in comparison to regular flesh wounds.

"Hey, you didn't mind my flaws when we met, I'm not that shallow." She replied, reaching out to hold my hand as it reformed.

"Just promise me, if I ever get too far out of line... you'll make me understand if you can or stop me if I'm too far gone. I'm losing touch, I think." I replied. "But as long as I have you and Dad I'll always have someone to keep me... me."

She shook her head. "No way. I'm with you to the end. I'll know if you are ever not you."

"Okay, I just scare myself sometimes." I sighed.

She squeezed my hand in reply. I got the message loud and clear.

I took a deep breath with eyes closed. Trying to centre myself. Then a piercing sensation made me snap into awareness. I dove to the side and pushed Aleks out of the way as the Butcher's minigun sprayed at me. Aleks was under illusions, yes, but that hardly means invulnerability.

Telekinetically I pushed back. Hundreds of hands swatting bullets like flies. I've had enough of this getting to know you crap. How is she even using that thing with one hand? Oh... she's manipulating an artificial one, like she makes arrows. Oh, that bitch!

"You're making me angry, Butcher." I snarled. The Butcher dies now, I decided.

"Die already!!!" She screamed in reply, teleporting. Apparently two very different minds can think alike, occasionally.

Cheating I kicked back, smashing her knee. Tactical Thinker power aside, the danger sense only works if she can move to react. When she teleports, she's open to attack for a moment. I can read her mind. I see her plans and counter plans, trying to think of ways around me being inside her head.

But if it was an easy thing to do, the Simurgh would be a lesser threat.

She's treating me like I have a higher Thinker power, which works to a degree but shutting off tells and micro-expressions don't mean shit to my ability. She's coded her plans using some system the voices in her head know. Some kind of randomly assigned military cypher.

I can still read her reactions and impulses but longer plans are a haze of jargon.

Still I only need to act in the now and guess at any traps coming my way. But I've decided to stop sandbagging. So instead of scraping through the battle I take it to the next level. Because screw the Butcher, no one takes a shot at my girlfriend! Even by accident. I clapped my hands and drew on the connection I had developed over the battle in the Medhall building. I grinned with malice as I used Ziggurat's gift with my shadows.

The Building shuddered and then transformed. Subtle at first flowing and darkening, then into Gothic spires and black, sleek walls. It is MY tower now. I've shed the blood of enemies and spilled my own in it's halls. It changes form to a bell tower of all things. The massive iron bell ringing out a warning toll that echoed across the city as hideous gargoyles glare in all directions.

Bats in a massive swarm swirl around the tower, I have bats in my belfrey! As the tower is tainted in my anger the grounds around it change. Gardens die, paths twist into worn stone. Deep underground the garage becomes a crypt. I feel the stamp of feet in unison and the clawing of hands on soil as the dead rise up.

But these things aren't ghouls!

I'm actually shocked as skeletons stand up from the soil. I blinked, realizing they were formed from the same black stone as the Tower.

"What? It actually produces it's own defenders?!" I asked in surprise.

They gather and kneel before me, unarmed but numbering in the hundreds. And more are emerging from the depths.

The Butcher finally decides this is too much to deal with by herself and retreats.

I sneer. As if you get to escape now.

It's my night. I unload a CUI battalion's worth of weapons for my minions. Wow, I wasn't expecting to need to use all of those any time soon.

"Arm Yourselves My Servants. We Take This City. Slay My Enemies!" I was dimly aware I had already become a slightly nicer version of Nilbog. But I didn't care. If the Protectorate had a Nilbog of their own they'd abuse the heck out it. I'm Hellsing affiliated. Until Integra says no, I'm under their wings. "The Butcher And Her Cronies, Put Them In Their Proper Place, Graves! I Want To Feed On Their Lifeblood!!" The silent stone constructs stomped in reply, sounding like thunder.

Gavel just stares, not sure where to begin understanding how I'm doing what I am doing. Aleks is more impressed by the scale of it, than anything. She floats over and elbows me.

"Should I work on my curtsey, your highness?" She joked.

"Don't make me Rapunzel you in my tower." I replied, winking.

"Oh god no, I hate my hair long. It's too hard to keep clean." She retorted. "So I guess I'd be stuck with no escape... except my powers."

"Shoot. It seemed like such a good idea when I got jealous, too." I laughed.

"So you were jealous of Sarah! I knew it!" She crowed.

"...of course not. I think I'll just go over there with my skeletons and... see if I can find a closet big enough to hide them all." I said, awkwardly evading the accusation.

Marquis was finally at the exit of the building, herding his terrified charges. He looked at the tower and then me...

"So do your sort do massive, insane stunts like this a lot?" He asked.

I shrugged. "It's smaller than the prison I stole."

He actually seemed to calm down after that, knowing I wasn't using my A game. I think he's just accepted I'm a version of Alucard just with a different personality and sex. Which faintly annoys me. I'm a self made monster!

Clicking my fingers a small group formed and brought for me a chair. Huh. They follow orders without words. I tented my fingers. Interesting.

Seating myself on the chair I was hauled up onto the shoulders of a dozen skeletons, enshrined at their head I lead the march down the street. Marquis shrugged and followed. Gavel shouted something about guarding the Tower... as if it needed it. I had a reliable feeling unwelcome visitors became it's lunch. I left the ghouls behind, since they were more troublesome in the long run than even the skeleton army. Self replicating bio-weapons scare people.

Aleks pouted, as she followed floating on her board. So I offered her a seat too. Of course it was amusing to tease her, so I had a skeleton princess carry her. She crossed her arms and grumbled as we proceeded... for a half dozen steps. I had her tossed into my grasp and seated her on my lap, in my arms. Which made her snuggle closer, happily.

Over the phone I asked for Teeth locations, spreading my army out and as I did I noticed a growing awareness... they're linked to the Tower and offer me a view from the Tower of the city, the highest building in the city. An eagle's viewpoint over the Bay itself. Is this a side of Ziggy's power I never realized? Huh. I like it.

I pondered the skeletons.

"Do you have thoughts? Emotions?" I asked. They stared blankly, like they were asking 'are you an idiot?'. I pointed to one. "Do you have a name? Memories? Dreams? Goals?"

It nodded curtly... okay, that's weird.

"What was your name?" I asked.

It turned and looked at me, as if asking me if I was serious. How is a blank skull so expressive?

Then as if sighing it turned, marching backwards began to play goddamn charades with me.

"First word, first part... sounds like..." It pointed to it's head.

"Skull? Scully?" I asked.

It waved hands in the negative. It tapped the part of it's head. Where something should be.

"Ear?" I asked.

It nodded.

"Can I play too?" Aleks asked.

"Sure why not?" I replied.

Second part a single letter. Fingers and thumb at a right angle.

"L! Earl?" Aleks asked.

The skeleton pointed at her nodding.

I patted her on the head.

"Second word first part..." It made a moving decreasing gesture.

"Shrinking, tiny, small..." I said.

"Little?" Aleks asked.

The skeleton applauded her guess.

Second word, second part... something heavy?

"A weight? A measurement?" I asked, it nodded happily... if a blank featureless skull could hold emotions...

"Uh... a ton?" I asked.

It nodded again, clapping.

"Earl Littleton?" I asked. It bowed with a flourish.

I couldn't recall anyone with that name.

"When were you born? What year?" I asked curious.

One, eight, seven, two? 1872?!

Back then Brockton Bay was a thriving shipping town, I've seen photos of those days in our old family stuff. That's back just before the heyday of the Wild West. I looked at the skeletons. "Anyone born after 1950?" I asked. No hands. Wow. Did Medhall get build over the earliest cemetery in the city? Cool, I've got a haunted tower! "Anyone from even earlier?"

A few dozen hands raised.

"Do you know when?" Three didn't. "Did you know about Europeans?"

They shook their heads. Cool. Ancient haunted, Native American burial ground.

"I thank you all for joining me in this fight. Are you willing or forced?" I asked.

They decided to show their dedication by stomping during the march.

"Good. We have murderers, gunrunners and maniacs to kill. No mercy for anyone dressed with guns, ragged leather and tooth fetishes!" I shouted.

They responded by marching with a regular stomp like a drumbeat every three steps. Marching to war, huh? The rows of rifles looked intimidating. After all the main reason no one uses battle formations for infantry in the open field is casualties... these guys... people I amended... were dead already.

"What happens if you die?" I asked.

Earl shrugged. Don't know? Don't care? Or can't die?

Hmm. Perhaps they are connected to the tower and as such are able to survive as long as the connection remains? If any survive I'll have them transcribe any wills, knowledge or mysteries they know or want known after their deaths. How often do I get to converse with ancestors of a different time period... who aren't Alucard.

I grin as I thumb through my contacts list.

"Hey boys. Are you ready to go?" I asked Uber and probably by extension Leet.

"Good to go. Leet's finished his upgrades. Just tell us where you want us and we'll bring the fear of God down on those bastards!" Uber announced.

"How about the one in the old Merchant base near the Bridge in ten minutes? Ignore the army, they work for me." I added.

"Army...?" Was all he uttered before being cut off.

Five minutes later I could hear them. I face palmed. They really did play up the pop cultural references. As the CUI built and appropriated Attack Helecopter Gunship swooped overhead speakers on the wings belted out 'Ride of the Valkyries' by Wagner.

Greg's Powers...

Greg: Ugh... need to get home. Where am I, what happened?

Greg's Powers (through Greg's mouth): FOurTh StR3Et. AbduCT1on.

Greg (some hours later): Finally home. That cab driver sure looked at me funny. Finally to log on and become Void Cowboy once more! To help make the world a better place!

Greg's Powers (through Greg's mouth): Need for answers/logic fading...

Greg: PHO really is a mess without me, I mean look at this crap. Skeletons marching the streets? They don't even have skin, how are they walking?

Greg's Powers (through Greg's mouth): To tHinK thIs How It ENDs...

Greg: It's so good to have google and PHO back, there are no answers I don't have at the tips of my fingers or in my brilliant insight! Except one... when will I get powers and become the hero I deserve to be?

Greg's Powers (through Greg's mouth):No words can express the irony...
Is it possible to feel sorry for a Shard? Cause I feel like Greg's shard is suffering something no one should suffer through.
I'm afraid L33t's is going through something simlair. That's why it's to commit hosticide.
Leet and Greg walking on street, just a normal day like any other, ghoul policeman taking care about traffic of Brockton Bay, while under watchful eye of black tower and it's guardians.

They pass and ignore each other, for what reason is there to pay attention? But their shards with eyes hidden in their heads... they recognise in each other a person sharing same kind of burden.

Since misery likes company, shards exchange shard-phone numbers... and start swapping ideas on how to get rid of host to find new one, since depressed Scion is ignoring their formal protests, demanding that he manually shift them to new hosts.
Hellsing closed due to moderation/compromised story
To all my loyal readers on this site, I am sorry to announce that due to moderator infractions being issued I have come to realize that this story clashes with the rules set out on the forum and that if I were to adhere to the rules I would compromise the essence of the stories I am trying to combine.
To be blunt, the violence inherent in Worm (S9, etc.) and the ultra-violence of Hellsing cannot be written without excessive and indeed gratuitous violence being commonplace.

I cannot see a way to continue updating on this site as a result, which deeply saddens me, since from early on I tried to make it clear through tags and warnings that the story would be excessive when it got going and my own (novice) knowledge of these rules.

So I will not be posting any further here. My other thread on Spacebattles will continue... however if a repeat of this happens there I will be forced to migrate still further. I have enjoyed the humour of my readers here and treasured our interactions.

This kind of censorship deeply grates against me as an author, especially as this story is as much an outlet for my own troubles as anything.

Thanks for reading,
Grey Dragon.
To all my loyal readers on this site, I am sorry to announce that due to moderator infractions being issued I have come to realize that this story clashes with the rules set out on the forum and that if I were to adhere to the rules I would compromise the essence of the stories I am trying to combine.
To be blunt, the violence inherent in Worm (S9, etc.) and the ultra-violence of Hellsing cannot be written without excessive and indeed gratuitous violence being commonplace.

I cannot see a way to continue updating on this site as a result, which deeply saddens me, since from early on I tried to make it clear through tags and warnings that the story would be excessive when it got going and my own (novice) knowledge of these rules.

So I will not be posting any further here. My other thread on Spacebattles will continue... however if a repeat of this happens there I will be forced to migrate still further. I have enjoyed the humour of my readers here and treasured our interactions.

This kind of censorship deeply grates against me as an author, especially as this story is as much an outlet for my own troubles as anything.

Thanks for reading,
Grey Dragon.
Have you tried QQ?
Speaking as a former reader, I'd like to say that there is the Ask a Private Question forum that you can post and have the mods look over your chapters before you post them. They can point out objectionable material and you can actually argue for artistic merit for its presence. If so, you get a little green check meaning your chapter's approved by a mod and thus won't get whacked for rule violations.

Note: This doesn't protect your readers.
To all my loyal readers on this site, I am sorry to announce that due to moderator infractions being issued I have come to realize that this story clashes with the rules set out on the forum and that if I were to adhere to the rules I would compromise the essence of the stories I am trying to combine.
So I will not be posting any further here. My other thread on Spacebattles will continue... however if a repeat of this happens there I will be forced to migrate still further. I have enjoyed the humour of my readers here and treasured our interactions.
Thanks for reading,
Grey Dragon.
can we get a link to the spacebattles thread for this story then? i do have a SB account though I do prefer SV when I have the option but moving to SB doesn't lose me as a reader and hopefully won't lose you to many of the others here
What makes me wonder is how she would adapt to eating a tinker or a blaster...
A tinker could allow for an alteration to her regenerating costume that gives it an adjustible hat.

A blaster could give her a powerful suction attack that pulls enemies right into her fangs to attack.

Even though you didn't ask, a changer could make her form flexible and spherical.

Further a Trump could make it so she can obtain the full set of powers immediately when she sucks an enemy in.
Enjoyed the story up to the point of chapter 3.6, but then:

The door opened and out walked an older woman. I was gobsmacked, for a moment until the scent underneath the perfume settled my assumptions. A man. Aleks herself didn't understand, until I asked my question. The transvestite stood there in equal shock, seeing a mask.

Really? Still demonizing trans people because Silence of the Lambs did it. Can this please stop? In favor of originality at least, if not only because the persecution of minorities of any kind is a bit gross. We are so much more likely to be victims of violence than perpetrators.
Enjoyed the story up to the point of chapter 3.6, but then:
Really? Still demonizing trans people because Silence of the Lambs did it. Can this please stop? In favor of originality at least, if not only because the persecution of minorities of any kind is a bit gross. We are so much more likely to be victims of violence than perpetrators.

I'm afraid you're looking for things that aren't there. It was not written to encourage intolerance or vilify, it is simply an event in their fictional universe. This was loosely a reference to 'Psycho', nothing more. Otherwise it is simply a random villain I created during a moment of free writing. To prescribe more meaning to it, is looking for things which do not exist. Looking at it like this does not make it a statement, any more than random Coil Merc A is a guide post for Workplace Health and Safety practices.
So I will not be posting any further here.

This kind of censorship deeply grates against me as an author, especially as this story is as much an outlet for my own troubles as anything.

Thanks for reading,
Grey Dragon.

Grey Dragon, I am sorry you had to migrate. Never fear though- I will continue to read your stories wherever you may put them! Your work is exceptional, and well done.