The Arklay Murders (Now Open)

I'm here. Still recovering a bit from the brain surgery, but doing much better and got 1/2 a bill of health from my doctor, just got to check witht he neurologist. I'll be able to keep going here, but might be a little iffy as I'm taking up a bit of rest to deal with my health. It should be clear by December hopefully.
@Sushi I'm afraid not. I wish you all luck though.
Thanks for responding, appreciate all your writing and efforts!

I'm here. Still recovering a bit from the brain surgery, but doing much better and got 1/2 a bill of health from my doctor, just got to check witht he neurologist. I'll be able to keep going here, but might be a little iffy as I'm taking up a bit of rest to deal with my health. It should be clear by December hopefully.
Oh gosh please don't even worry about RP stuff, door is always open for you when you want in. I hope you're fully better soon.

Name: Laura Rios
Age: 31
Rank: Corporal
Birthplace: Raccoon City, Arklay County, United States of America.
Assignment: Bomb Squad
  • US Navy EOD Technician (1985-1993), USS Avenger (MCM-1), disarmament of Iraqi-placed naval mines and handling of unexploded ordnance.
  • Raccoon City Police Department (1994-Present)
(High Concept):
EOD Expert with Something to Prove
(Trouble): I don't have to trust my team, my team has to trust me.
Too Loud To Think
High School Robotics Club President
Gulf War Veteran

Refresh: 3
Fate Points: 3
Physical: 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ]
Morale: 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ]
Consequences: X

Personality & Bio: Laura Rios grew up in Raccoon City. Born to an immigrant, Mexican father and an American mother, this mixed woman would soon know exactly what she wanted to do. An upbringing in a relatively strict household paved the way for Laura's school life. In school, she did very well and has shown interest in electronics, mechanics and overall all-things-engineering. Consistently achieving good grades across the board, Laura became a president of her high school's Robotics club, in which she expanded upon things that she learned during education. It wasn't long until Laura figured out what she wanted to do. At the age of eighteen, Laura enlisted into the United States Navy, and not a whole lot later, she powered through the Navy's Explosive Ordnance Disposal school. Following the conclusion of the school, Laura had a falling out with her parents, who claimed that such work is below her and that she shouldn't be playing with explosives and should just stick to tinkering with electronics and robotics like she had been doing up until now.

Naturally, Laura wanted to hear none of it and had something prove. To her parents, and to herself. Deployment to the Gulf War came shortly after, during which she participated in removal of Iraqi-placed naval mines and handling of unexploded ordnance in order to make it safe. Working through what felt like countless pieces of explosives and getting home safe, Laura decided she's had about enough with being around in a desolate sandbox, so she made her way back home to Raccoon City. Undergoing the police academy, the choice of her going for the Bomb Squad was more than an obvious one.

+5 Electronics
+4 Investigate, Crafts
+3 Physique, Resources, Fight
+2 Rapport, Shoot, Will, Notice

Steeled Instincts:
Specialist training allows you to detect explosive devices and traps without having to roll, and your equipment is designed to defuse a variety of common explosive devices. Additionally, your intense training makes you quite adept at working in a machine shop, and you gain a +2 to making improvised tools or weapons, and have an easier time lockpicking or repairing fine hardware.
Demolitions: You are an expert with explosives. +2 to attack rolls made with Crafts against a target structure whenever you have time to prepare and place charges at its exact weak points.
Sentry: You have the ability to wait, devoting your full effort to watchfulness, for hours on end. +2 to defend with Notice whenever you are tired

Describe your prior Experience.
I've spent a lot of time handling a variety of unexploded ordnance and disabling naval mines. After coming home from the Gulf War, I decided for a more secure and steadier career for the long term, opting to go for the Police Department in my home town.​

Describe your current Job.
People call me when they don't want things to go boom next to them. I go there and I make things go boom safely or make them unable to go boom. Really simple stuff. It's actually really complicated, but that's for another time.​

What is your greatest Strength?
I'm very patient. Maybe a little bit too patient, sometimes. I can kneel and work it for hours...​

What is your greatest Weakness?
...but it can be a bit tough to focus when things around me are loud and hectic. I try to space out, but it can be tedious sometimes.​

What are your Goals as part of the Taskforce?
I want to make the world a less combustible place, even if a little bit. I also enjoy the prospect of a steady future.​

Any Special Requests?
I'd like to have a robot for EOD duties, but them lil shits are expensive as fuck so don't worry.​
Last edited:
I can do some things at the momement, just might be a bit slower than usual.
It is up to you. If you know your situation and it would make you feel better or be a good distraction to write with us, you're welcome to, but just as well if you feel you're not 100% there's a spot for you here if you end up wanting to join later.

Name: Laura Rios
Age: 31
Rank: (Provided by GM)
Birthplace: Raccoon City, Arklay County, United States of America.
Assignment: Bomb Squad
  • US Navy EOD Technician (1985-1993), USS Avenger (MCM-1), disarmament of Iraqi-placed naval mines and handling of unexploded ordnance.
  • Raccoon City Police Department (1994-Present)
(High Concept): EOD Expert with Something to Prove
(Trouble): I don't have to trust my team, my team has to trust me.
Too Loud To Think
High School Robotics Club President
Gulf War Veteran

Refresh: 3
Fate Points: 3
Physical: 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ]
Morale: 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ]
Consequences: X

Personality & Bio: Laura Rios grew up in Raccoon City. Born to an immigrant father and an American mother, this mixed woman would soon know exactly what she wanted to do. An upbringing in a relatively strict household paved the way for Laura's school life. In school, she did very well and has shown interest in electronics, mechanics and overall all-things-engineering. Consistently achieving good grades across the board, Laura became a president of her high school's Robotics club, in which she expanded upon things that she learned during education. It wasn't long until Laura figured out what she wanted to do. At the age of eighteen, Laura enlisted into the United States Navy, and not a whole lot later, she powered through the Navy's Explosive Ordnance Disposal school. Following the conclusion of the school, Laura had a falling out with her parents, who claimed that such work is below her and that she shouldn't be playing with explosives and should just stick to tinkering with electronics and robotics like she had been doing up until now.

Naturally, Laura wanted to hear none of it and had something prove. To her parents, and to herself. Deployment to the Gulf War came shortly after, during which she participated in removal of Iraqi-placed naval mines and handling of unexploded ordnance in order to make it safe. Working through what felt like countless pieces of explosives and getting home safe, Laura decided she's had about enough with being around in a desolate sandbox, so she made her way back home to Raccoon City. Undergoing the police academy, the choice of her going for the Bomb Squad was more than an obvious one.

+5 Electronics
+4 Investigate, Crafts
+3 Physique, Resources, Fight
+2 Rapport, Shoot, Will, Notice

Steeled Instincts: Specialist training allows you to detect explosive devices and traps without having to roll, and your equipment is designed to defuse a variety of common explosive devices. Additionally, your intense training makes you quite adept at working in a machine shop, and you gain a +2 to making improvised tools or weapons, and have an easier time lockpicking or repairing fine hardware.
Demolitions: You are an expert with explosives. +2 to attack rolls made with Crafts against a target structure whenever you have time to prepare and place charges at its exact weak points.
Sentry: You have the ability to wait, devoting your full effort to watchfulness, for hours on end. +2 to defend with Notice whenever you are tired
Looks good! I think you'll fit right in. You would be a Corporal, then.
@Terran Imperium btw, if you're still around, I was thinking of giving you a scene that helps introduce @Rassvet to the main story, but it would be slightly delayed since you guys are separate from the big fight going down at the house. Is that cool?
@Terran Imperium @DB_Explorer @Kensai @Aliexster @Wizard_Marshall @PanzerWaffles @Floom @AlphaD @Rassvet

Hi all, we've finally got an update out.

I've moved all of the players who are currently at the forest house together to the living room:
William Lowell (@DB_Explorer)
Marv Lucas (@Kensai)
Robin Cirillo
Mitch Cainte (@Wizard_Marshall)
Jack Stryker (@PanzerWaffles)
Jonathan Chu (@Floom)​

Sgt. Conway and Sgt. Calhoun and other NPCs are not currently present for sake of simplicity.

There is some thumping against the wall from deeper, on the north side of the house. Possibly some survivors?

For the time being, a pack of large, violent hounds is poised to attack the party. You're welcome to react IC, discuss options and make plans here. You have a few options aside from just opening fire available to you, so feel free to get creative.

If @AlphaD @Aliexster and @Flameal15k are still interested and want to be in. Please let me know.

I will also introduce @Rassvet at a slightly later time with @Terran Imperium.​

Thank you!
@Terran Imperium @DB_Explorer @Kensai @Aliexster @Wizard_Marshall @PanzerWaffles @Floom @AlphaD @Rassvet

Hi all, we've finally got an update out.

I've moved all of the players who are currently at the forest house together to the living room:
William Lowell (@DB_Explorer)​
Marv Lucas (@Kensai)​
Robin Cirillo​
Mitch Cainte (@Wizard_Marshall)​
Jack Stryker (@PanzerWaffles)​
Jonathan Chu (@Floom)​

Sgt. Conway and Sgt. Calhoun and other NPCs are not currently present for sake of simplicity.

There is some thumping against the wall from deeper, on the north side of the house. Possibly some survivors?

For the time being, a pack of large, violent hounds is poised to attack the party. You're welcome to react IC, discuss options and make plans here. You have a few options aside from just opening fire available to you, so feel free to get creative.

If @AlphaD @Aliexster and @Flameal15k are still interested and want to be in. Please let me know.​
I will also introduce @Rassvet at a slightly later time with @Terran Imperium.​

Thank you!
Still interested. Just give me a moment to revise my sheet.

Okay, here's my sheet!

Describe your prior Experience.

Abigail has spent one year as a game warden in Wyoming, trying to preserve the native animals and the environment, as well as chase off those who would try to make off with some…hidden treasures.* She has been serving in the RPD for half a year now.

Describe your current Job.

'Abby' as her teammates call her is an Animal Control Officer. Most of her calls have involved homes being assailed by dangerous animals (bears, rabid raccoons, the occasional angry deer), though she was recently involved in breaking up a dog fighting ring.

What is your greatest strength?

Abigail has incredible focus. She's likely to pick out the smallest of details, be it in a cluttered room, an expansive forest, or combat situation.

What is your greatest weakness?

Abby hates being in crowds, both due to paranoia and just how strange people can act. She's unofficially been removed from any investigation that requires arresting/confronting suspects in heavily crowded areas for this reason, unless animals are involved.

What are your Goals as part of the Task Force?

In order? Protect the people, keep the peace, expose the truth.
Name: Abigail Price


Age: 24

Origin: Nogales, New Mexico

Experience: Three Years as a game warden. Two years at RPD

Assignment: Hostage Rescue and Negotiation

High Concept: Conflicted Police Negotiator

Trouble: Paranoia


Conspiracy Theorist

Animal Lover

Talented Markswoman

Refresh: 3

Fate Points: 3

Physical: [] [] [] []

Morale: [] [] [] []

Consequences: 2/4/6

Personality and Biography: Aloof to most, Abigail has few friends in both the force and the daily life – and frankly, she likes it that way. It's not that she doesn't mind company, but being the youngest of five siblings and the most responsible of them has left her with a distaste for large groups. She's fine working with animals, though, and actually seems to be more at ease in the presence of beasts rather than humans. Which would probably explain the amount of pets she has in her house (At least, before most of them were moved out). One word of advice, though – the few friends she has are people she would move Heaven and Earth for.

Due to being the designated prank target among her siblings, she has a dislike for pranks and a fair amount of paranoia. That being said, she still loves her siblings, and stood up for them when they needed help, her youngest brother especially, as he has been a repeated victim of hate crimes (he's homosexual, though he did have a daughter name Erica with a girl he dated while still in the closet. Both are very good friends with Abigail). Due to...concerns regarding wildlife in the Arklay Mountains, all of her pets have been sent over to her siblings' homes until things settle down.

Abigail is also something of a conspiracy theorist, but views using police resources to try and expose these conspiracies as a violation of trust with her fellow officers. That being said, most of her coworkers have picked up on her personal investigations into the obscure - she's still trying to examine reports of a giant alligator in the Raccoon Sewers (though to be fair, she often has to remove baby ones that ended up in people's toilets), and very few people have seen her in casual clothes (beyond what she arrives in when reporting for duty). And she really, really wants to keep it that way.

Side note: Abigail's conspiracy theorist tendencies have resulted in her investigating several cults and other illicit groups both before and during her previous time as a game warden. She has developed strong negotiation and manipulation skills as a result, though this has frayed her ability to form close friendships, in part because she has a tendency to enter "negotiation mode" out of habit when getting involved with people. Her siblings are of the strong belief this is why she has never gotten a boyfriend or girlfriend - and even though they still love her, they have told her that to her face.


+5 Deceive

+4 Empath, Notice

+3 Shoot, Rapport, Will, Craft

+2 Electronics, Medicine, Fight, Shoot

Attention to Detail: You can use Investigate instead of Empathy to defend against Deceive attempts. What others discover through gut reactions and intuition, you learn through careful observation of microexpressions.
Rules of the Wild: You view fending off wildlife as a key tenant of survival. When fighting wildlife, you may use survival instead of fight.
Versatile Disguises: You suffer no increased difficulty on Deceive rolls when disguising yourself as a person of different gender, height, skin tone, or age.

[Handgun]: 9x19mm Browning HP w/ SSIII Retention Holster
[Armor]: Second Chance Ultima NIJ II Vest
[Radio]: Motorola HT1000
[Baton]: Monadnock PR-24 Side Handle Baton
2 x 13-Round HP Magazine
2 x S&W Handcuffs
D-Cell Maglite
Pepper Spray
Folding Knife

Animal Control Rod

OOC: Modified sheet slightly to fill in negotiator role, couldn't tell if it was taken by now. Also, I'm leaving open Abigail's sexuality, but I wouldn't put her past seducing people of either gender to gain information.
I'm ready to get going. Do I have to redo Rico's sheet again, or would the updated one from a few months back suffice?
Right so... pack of aggressive wolves, likely sick with *something* given the eyes... eating the remains of a person most likely... ... I do belive standard procedure for this is *shoot them*

We're too close quarters to disengage, or be overly tactical given its an open room....

do I still have my shotgun? ...though an MP5 while rapid fire may not be enough to do much...well outside of volume of fire. *checks google for basic idea*... yeah even at short range you want like... well it seems 1750 joules is the minium energy for the bullets sites suggest... so yeah RIP sheriff with with MP5.

I'm requesting a BAR when I get back to HQ :V
Right so... pack of aggressive wolves, likely sick with *something* given the eyes... eating the remains of a person most likely... ... I do belive standard procedure for this is *shoot them*

We're too close quarters to disengage, or be overly tactical given its an open room....

do I still have my shotgun? ...though an MP5 while rapid fire may not be enough to do much...well outside of volume of fire. *checks google for basic idea*... yeah even at short range you want like... well it seems 1750 joules is the minium energy for the bullets sites suggest... so yeah RIP sheriff with with MP5.

I'm requesting a BAR when I get back to HQ :V
Barricaded suspect call, so I think a shotgun would make logical sense here. I'll give it to you.