Senji becoming the go-to smith for the top mercenaries in Night City.
This could change everything.
But let's face it; there is a chance, however small, that Rogue, Santiago, Thompson, Johnny and others may attempt to control and/or restrict Senji, out of fear of him working for their rivals, competitors or enemies (I am not forgetting that in Canon, Johnny was a Militech asset whether he wants to admit it or not)
They may not know that he is the Ghost, but just the presumption that he is one of the Ghost's apparently very few contacts/buyers could be enough.
They may currently be working with him against Arasaka Corp, who is so evil and monstrous that it is doing its best to unite the whole city against it, but who knows how long that would last.
I'm now imagining Senji speaking (remotely or otherwise) to the Streetsmart Scavenger who tells him that trusting a mercenary, any mercenary, will just get him killed or abandoned.
Also, I suspect that one particular borough of Night City - the one currently under the protection of the Crusading Homeowner - may remain largely untouched by past, present and possibly future events elsewhere in the city.
The weapons and armor created by the Ghost may be a concern for them, as such weapons may one day find their way into the hands of the borough's enemies.