Western Ways of Knowing
"So what's your plan?" Athena asked

"I'm going to hang out outside his window and take over all his shit, take a look through to make sure I'm not just randomly attacking some dude because the SSR said so, and figure it out from there." you said. "I know they want him so they can pick up his friends, but my main concern is getting whatever it is that he stole so that people don't get laser murdered."

Athena had, of course, helped herself to a vast amount of SSR data in the time she'd spent in their systems, and you'd read up on Wakanda and whoa boy. Practically nothing was known about their culture, economy, or politics, but their foreign policy was a staunch isolationism enforced with technology that was both terrifying and awe-inspiring. The current theory was that the country was built around a crashed alien spacecraft or something, and that they had some kind of cloaking field over the entire country to hide it from view. When you checked the coordinates on Google Maps, it sure just did look like an underdeveloped part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Their rules were simple: you cross the line they put in the sand, you die. You mess with their agents abroad, you die. You try to smuggle their technology, you die. Everything the SSR had seen indicated they had the technology to back up that threat and more.

The current cover story was that the area was so full of landmines it was impassible, but the SSR had interviewed people who lived on the periphery of it who knew the story was bullshit but were fucking terrified of saying anything else. When you thought about it, you sort of went back and forth on if their isolation was totally understandable given the last few centuries of African history, or if they were jerks for ignoring it all and hiding away with their fancy toys. You were way to white to make that judgement.

"Right. And you don't want to study the super secret awesome technology or anything in the brief time you have it." Athena said.

"I never said that. Of course I'm going to study it. It's probably going to be really cool." you said. Even if you only had it for twenty minutes or so, you could do a lot of understanding in twenty minutes. Took you about eight hours to build a better arc reactor, after all.

You landed on the side of the hotel and started moving down the wall, looking for a wifi signal. There we go. Took you a few seconds to get the guest list and find a room, and then you were off.

"... honest question, would that be cultural appropriation?" Athena asked, as you rounded the top of the roof and headed down toward your target balcony.

"I... don't think so? Like, if I rebuild it and then claim I invented it without help, I think then it might be, but just studying it?" you said, very unsure.

"It's that book you were reading though, the stuff about Western ways of knowing and stuff?" Athena said. She hadn't read the book herself and sort of only had a second-hand read of it, as you'd picked the book up from a used bookstore (Peggy's Books!) and she'd not been able to find an online copy. "You think this might be, like... commodifying the sacred?"

"Well, I'm not going to sell it. And furthermore, like... isn't treating African supertechnology like it has to be some kind of sacred ritual, when we don't do that for other stuff, a form of Orientalism? Like, we studied the hell out of Thor's hammer, was that only okay because it's a Norse thing and they're white?" you pointed out.

"I honestly don't know."

"Fuck." you said, resting just outside the hotel window. Smart TV, his phone (burner), his watch (used), his smart-glass, all of them surrendered their secrets, and all of them were boring. Recently purchased or purged, a man on the move with few connections. You could feel him moving around through the kinetic sensor on his watch, back and forth inside the room, pacing. Nervous.

And in the middle of the room was something your tech-sense had never felt before. Something tasty.

"Damn, this guy's wound up, huh?" you muttered, "I'm thinking maybe I should talk to him before I do any swinging or anything. I can make sure his phone doesn't send any panic signals and, you know, try to have a conversation."

"What if he has a gun, Liv?" Athena pointed out. The simpler objects got, the less control you had, and electricity seemed to be a big component, but it wasn't absolute. Your power seemed to find connection almost in the primordial concept of technology: you'd felt the pistons on combustion motors work and you're pretty sure you managed to mentally induce a jam in a mobster's pistol once, though it might have been a coincidence.

"Then I web it out of his hand, or dodge it, or he shoots me and the silk stops it and I have a really big bruise tomorrow. I'll be fine." you said.

"... I think I'd feel safer if you took him by surprise."


What kind of hello is this?
[ ] The casual kind. Be friendly. Neighbourly. Spider-ly. See what his deal was.​
[ ] The kind where you web first and ask questions later. Which is a thing you can do because webs aren't bullets.​
[ ] Write In​
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[X] The casual kind. Be friendly. Neighbourly. Spider-ly. See what his deal was.
[X] The casual kind. Be friendly. Neighbourly. Spider-ly. See what his deal was.

He's in a hotel room, right? So, there's only one exit/entrance. With Liv's webbing and stuff, I doubt he's getting past her if he tries to run.

I'd like to avoid gunfire if possible. Liv could probably dodge or survive a bullet, but I don't want bullets to go through the wall and hit someone else.

Let's start nice and see how he reacts. We can always escalate later.
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[X] The casual kind. Be friendly. Neighbourly. Spider-ly. See what his deal was.
-[X]Talk to him through his phone first, let him warm up to you before you walk in on him.

If we're going to be a super cop, then I don't want to be the kind of cop who assaults someone just because it is safer for me personally, especially when there is no indication they are actually a threat. Even guys with a violent history will usually surrender if you just talk to them.

Edit: credit to Twei
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[X] The casual kind. Be friendly. Neighbourly. Spider-ly. See what his deal was.
-[X]Talk to him through his phone first, let him warm up to you before you walk in on him.
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I was going to vote casual, but on reflection this guy is really on edge and is probably armed if the story we have been given is mostly accurate. Even if he doesn't hurt Liv, the noise of a gunshot will drastically reduce the time she has to work with before events move out of her control.

[X] The kind where you web first and ask questions later. Which is a thing you can do because webs aren't bullets.
[X] Call him on his burner, then hijack the Smart TV and talk to him through it

I think I can add more to this. The guy's really feeling twitchy and has a gun on him. Being in the same room with him while wearing a mask seems like a quick way to get shot at.
Edit: Talking to him through the Smart TV means there's a huge visual distraction he can focus on, in case we need to crawl inside the room all sneaky like.
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"It's that book you were reading though, the stuff about Western ways of knowing and stuff?" Athena said. She hadn't read the book herself and sort of only had a second-hand read of it, as you'd picked the book up from a used bookstore (Peggy's Books!) and she'd not been able to find an online copy. "You think this might be, like... commodifying the sacred?"
Oh hey, Peggy's descendants. That's a future plotpoint. Also, when you turn science into technology into religion you need to accept some concessions. Pay your respects and be inoffensive to the Panther Goddess of Wakanda when applicable, because with dieties like this it's as much about being respectful to a nation's leader as it is respecting another's culture and religion, but other than that it's open season. The Wakandans certainly don't view Vibranium as purely religious. They're aware the Vibranium Mound is highly mutatenic. But part of controlling the induced mutation to become Black Panther is being chosen by the Panther Goddess.
"What if he has a gun, Liv?" Athena pointed out. The simpler objects got, the less control you had, and electricity seemed to be a big component, but it wasn't absolute. Your power seemed to find connection almost in the primordial concept of technology: you'd felt the pistons on combustion motors worker and you're pretty sure you managed to mentally induce a jam in a mobster's pistol, though you might have just imagined it.
... oh now that's straight up Tech-Priest magic-machine shenanigans.

[X] The casual kind. Be friendly. Neighbourly. Spider-ly. See what his deal was.
[X] The casual kind. Be friendly. Neighbourly. Spider-ly. See what his deal was.
-[X]Talk to him through his phone first, let him warm up to you before you walk in on him.

I like this, he doesn't seem any happier that he's moving this tech than we are. If we make it clear that we personally don't wanna hurt him, maybe his survival instincts will kick in and he'll ditch it, especially if he's read-in on what the Wakandans can do. Mostly relies on him being more scared of Wakanda than the nazCIA and Liv's persuasiveness, but it's not like he could outrun us trying to escape or destroy the tech or anything.
[X] The casual kind. Be friendly. Neighbourly. Spider-ly. See what his deal was.

Well, we're actually discussing the main conceit of Black Panther movie, where he decided that yes, helping other nations on the continent and expatriates in other countries is worthy and worthwhile.

So, in this corporate dystopia I expect something like "It's too much resources and effort better spent elsewhere, sorry lol."

So, if we're keeping with the villain-swap theme, this would imply interesting things about the potential appearance of Killmonger in this quest.

And maybe provide an answer to the long-standing question of which Black Panther was inspired by the other. :V
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[X] The casual kind. Be friendly. Neighbourly. Spider-ly. See what his deal was.
He's in a hotel room, right? So, there's only one exit/entrance. With Liv's webbing and stuff, I doubt he's getting past her if he tries to run.
As an addition to what Night_stalker said, there's a window if he's feeling desperate, too. Though I don't think the post specified what floor the room is on besides 'not the first floor' since it has a balcony?
[X] The casual kind. Be friendly. Neighbourly. Spider-ly. See what his deal was.
-[X]Talk to him through his phone first, let him warm up to you before you walk in on him.
[X] The casual kind. Be friendly. Neighbourly. Spider-ly. See what his deal was.
-[X]Talk to him through his phone first, let him warm up to you before you walk in on him.

Oh yeah, phones. Phones are good.
I mean, going the window route and making things vertical isn't going to really help against Liv, unless he has a pretty impressive mobility power.
[X] The casual kind. Be friendly. Neighbourly. Spider-ly. See what his deal was.
-[X]Talk to him through his phone first, let him warm up to you before you walk in on him.
Peter was the chosen of a Spider-Totem, so it could also be supposed that Liv was also chosen. All her powers are magic, you see just as peters were. The internet is also called the web, which is a place where spiders are most at home. This is the year 2030, in which the 'Web of Things' is even more entrenched then it is now. If it's a web, its in the domain of the spider-totem. The Internet is made of code, even smaller then that it's made of binary, so as the spider understands even the smallest vibration on its web does Liv understand code.

So, because the idea of technology and the web are so interconnected in this age the spider-totem can work on less complex stuff? (Side note, most cars being built now are as much computer as they are mechanical, there's systems in the that monitors carbon output and rpm, so it makes sense that Liv can feel cars even if my wild supposition doesn't pan out.)

It's all speculation, but its fun speculation

[X] The casual kind. Be friendly. Neighbourly. Spider-ly. See what his deal was.
[X] The casual kind. Be friendly. Neighbourly. Spider-ly. See what his deal was.
-[X]Talk to him through his phone first, let him warm up to you before you walk in on him.
[X] The casual kind. Be friendly. Neighbourly. Spider-ly. See what his deal was.
-[X]Talk to him through his phone first, let him warm up to you before you walk in on him.