You dont even think, the chapel is the appropriate place to go. You had a rather uneventful journey since crossing the . The fact the silverflow. The fact that more than half of your equipment, including your horses, was destroyed in that flood, was devil influence, if even related to the divine-floods are within daikar's domain after all, not some god
You smile, "a chapel, of course, thank the gods for good journey"
Ignoring Vilix moan, you focus on the laughing guard:
"Chapel, ha, that good. In Cindar, the home to the greatest cathedral of the north, the white stone! And you lady wanna go to a chapel!!
You stretch your face scales a bit, a gesture parallel to blushing for dragonlings. How could you treat the Capital like one of Mother's little town
But you show nothing else to the guard, your face a mask of pride as you explain yourself:
"I am new to the capital. I am the daughter of lady Dinetel of house Dilmeil, and my mother's land, though vast, are mostly rural"
The guard pales a bit, "I meant no disrespect my lady" than he continues at a slightly more normal pace "I am sorry to forget myself in front of you, and beg for your forgiveness. Please let me compensate you."
"No compenation neccesary", you say with a stern look, "just dont do it again. I dont like appreciate disrespect."you dont really care, but having the guard make fun of nobles nobles wont do, and some other lord might have him flogged for this. "Now what is the direction for the cathedral?"
"Right this way, my lady, says the guard", bowing just to be sure.
You arrive on the cathedral alone. You understand Vilix. As a star marked elf, human clerics are uncomfortable with him, and the feeling, you know, is mutual. Rorix, on the other hand, was quite strange. He is usually reluctant to leave you even for the bathroom, but this time, he had really insisted on going, saying there is something he has to do.
You aproach the building carefuly. True to both its name and glory, the pure marble of the cathedral glimmers in the sunlight seventy meters tall, and its white arched doors, though stretching five meters, are less than one of twenty of the front wall. A monk greets as you enter "welcome devout knight. I am monk vashak, your humble servant. Where are you headed? The cathedral and its enclave are quite large, as you could probably see"
I am headed to dumin's shrine, to thank her for my good journey"
"A devout knight indeed, than. This way" he says with a smile
you travel the halls, passing no less than 3 praying halls, before reaching dumin's own altar. You kneel before your goddess statue, whispering a prayer. But as you go through your prayer, the ground shakes. You get up immidiatly, finding yourself surrouonded by 3 ghosts. You quickly draw your sword, as an orb of black power is flang at you. You try dodging, but the orb is just too fast, and you feel deathly power toucing you.
Another ghost follows, a spear of darkness forming in her arms as it lunges, and hits your arm. The blow isnt physical, as the is only dark mist, yet a strong hiss sounds as your left arm freeze in coldness. The last ghost, misses, as the sharp pain awakes you from your shock. You exploit its opening, a quick slash and its gone. You follow up on the last one, destroying it too, than spin around to dodge black lightning flang at your way. Than your spin turns into a quick step, and your sword continues the path and pierces the ghost, just as vashak enters the hall
" what happened? We heard qukes and combat sounds"
"Ghosts", you matter "three, two taking the force of soldiers and one with some dark powers"
He seems shocked. "You should talk to the archbishop" He says at last, than turns, motioning for you to follow
Archibishop banak is very short. Very short, and thats the first thing you notice. He clearly isnt a halfling, certainly not a dwarf, yet he barely 1.3 meters, and seats on a heightened seat behind his elegant table
"Monk vashak, how can I help you, and who is our guest?", he asks,somehow sounding both kind and stern
"Ghosts have attacked this lizardwoman, just now, at dumin's altar"
"If so, another purification is needed. We thought the last one, ten years ago, dealt with them, but it seems not"
He turns to you, and smiles mysteriously. "The crypts below this cathedral are ancient, dating back before even the city. And unluckily, some of the dead there havent used to be especially kind, nor good aligmed or harboring any good intentions toward us. We would have destroyed them and stsrted new crypts, but the gods dont appreciate disturbing the dead, so we ignored it. A mistake, as they grew in strength, and 10 years ago, an army attacked. They were stooped at last, and held a purifying ritual. But it eeems we missed some"
We would need to make another ritual, he declares. Brother vashak, ho prepare the neccesary materials. And my guest, would you go with him? If there were ghosts, there might be more, and I dont want Vashak alone there.
[]I will go.
-[]call Vilix and Rorix
-[]go prepare a few hours, you have time
[]"I truly am sorry, but I have important things. A paladin will be more for this" finish your prayer, then go to:
-[]find an inn to stay at
-[]a pub.
-[]the baths.
-[]the market.
-[]a close manor.
-[]the nearest training yard.
[]Demand more information
-[]What to ask? Write in
[]Demand appropriate equipment
[]"And in return?"
[]Write in