The adventure of once again

Well, no one came up with a plan, so I will try to cone up with some plans of my own

[]plan honor knight
[]You came to join the famed warrior vonz dor ark in his quest to slay the dragon dunurik that terrorises the countryside
[]fighting captain
[]fill in two subjects you are intrested at, reasonable for the character
[]"I follow jarx, god of heroism, bravery in battle and just war"
[]your lifelong teacher, the sage Pirix
[]your childhood friend, the elven mage Vilix
[]the nearest training yard. You need to get in touch with the srmy and the knighthood, and shsrpening your skills a bit more cant hurt

More will come soon, I am currently on phone so I cant write much
I will close the vote in 12 hours, I will be happy if some more people will vote

If there is no more votes, I will finish the build on my own, and you will head to a random place with a random mission

I edited the weapons to give more details about each choice. The choice isnt locked, too, you may learn other weapons as you grow, and this is merely your starting weapon. Other than that, the choice of god is something that will mostly be narrative, without mechanical effect, unless you take a divine class as multiclass. The choice of studies is also mostly roleplay, with small mechanical bonus for knowledge checks related to what you choose. Your mission and where you go will impact the story only, and not your starting character, though you may gain things where you go, depending on your actions
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[X] Plan Oshha
-[X] You came to answer the call of the high wizard, liorin bright hat, to help quiet the rising dead
-[X] dragonling(locks a feat)
-[X] "fighting captain"(one soldier level, two captain levels"
-[X] Ancient History
-[X] Magical Theory
-[X] "I follow dumin, goddess of justice and just rule"
-[X] your childhood friend, the elven mage Vilix
-[X] your guardian, the dwarven soldier Rorix
-[X] greatsword(greatswords focus on striking heavily. Their heavy damage supported by feats that help get the most from each strike, they feature less mobility but may have reach, and are great at holding your ground)
-[X] the closest chapel, you thank the gods for your journey
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[X] Plan Oshha
-[X] You came to answer the call of the high wizard, liorin bright hat, to help quiet the rising dead
-[X] dragonling(locks a feat)
-[X] "fighting captain"(one soldier level, two captain levels"
-[X] Ancient History
-[X] Magical Theory
-[X] "I follow dumin, goddess of justice and just rule"
-[X] your childhood friend, the elven mage Vilix
-[X] greatsword(greatswords focus on striking heavily. Their heavy damage supported by feats that help get the most from each strike, they feature less mobility but may have reach, and are great at holding your ground)
-[X] the closest chapel, you thank the gods for your journey
You have 2 friends with you, so vilix and one more
Adhoc vote count started by Blademaster on Sep 15, 2020 at 6:33 PM, finished with 8 posts and 2 votes.

  • [X] Plan Oshha
    -[X] You came to answer the call of the high wizard, liorin bright hat, to help quiet the rising dead
    -[X] dragonling(locks a feat)
    -[X] "fighting captain"(one soldier level, two captain levels"
    -[X] Ancient History
    -[X] Magical Theory
    -[X] "I follow dumin, goddess of justice and just rule"
    -[X] your childhood friend, the elven mage Vilix
    -[X] your guardian, the dwarven soldier Rorix
    -[X] greatsword(greatswords focus on striking heavily. Their heavy damage supported by feats that help get the most from each strike, they feature less mobility but may have reach, and are great at holding your ground)
    -[X] the closest chapel, you thank the gods for your journey

Vote closed. I will finish on character sheet, and since fantasycraft is pretty unknown system, I think a general rules explanation might be in order

I will try to finish it today, and the update tomorrow
Well, rules explanation, for anyone who wants a better understanding of what is going on, and I will post the update in a few hours.

Fantasy craft is similiar in the base woking to d&d, 3.5 has the greatest resemblance. However, there are a quite a lot of differences, and the characters im themselves work much differently

action dice(AC):Each character has a pool of dice,called action dice, whose size, as well as the dice type, changes w8th the character level and expertise. In your case, you have the minimal pool for a pc, which is 3d4. Action dice are used in several ways, two of which are commonly available, and some are granted by various abilities and classes.
The first way, is enchancing rolls. When rolling any type of d20 roll, unless specifically mentioned, you can use a single dice after you rolled, to roll it and add to the total. If you get a 1 on the die, you can roll again and roll both, and continue doing so as long as you get a 1.
The second way is enchancing crits. When you crit, you can use up to 3 action dice, each adding to the crits. Fot example lets say you roll stealth to sneak into an enemy fort and crit. With a regular crit, you automaticaly succeed, and might even find some good hiding places inside, in addition. In 1 action dice enchanced crit, you might find a map detailing some of the fort by chance. In 2 AC enchanced crit, you might stumble upon a secret conversation. In 3 AC crit, you might find a secret passage of importance, which gives you a major advantage. You may also use 1 AC to enchance an enemy critical fail, and enemies can do so to you

Error and threat ranges: each check you make, have a threat range and error range. Each range is a series of following numbers. A check falling in error range is a crit fail, while a chwck falling in threat range is a crit. Threat range starts from 20, and error from 1. Effects can increase the ranges or reduce them, adding the folowing amount of numbers to the range, or taking numbers from it. Your threat and error ranges always contain 20 and 1, respectively

Armor and defense: a character defense is built of two main stats, defense and DR. Defense is the character ability to avoid being hit, mainly dictated by class levels(base defense) and dexterity. DR(damage reduction) dictates the character resistance to damage, and its value is deducted from any damage a character takes. Armor is the nest source of DR, but it could reduce defense, especially heavy armor. Other ways to get DR could be magic item, features like the fighter's fortunes of war, or races with hide(like the dragonling lizardman you are playing)

Vitality and wounds: unlike d&d, your character in famtasy craft has two health pools, vitality and wounds. Vitality represents your ability to avoid the brunt of an attack or doing a last minute dodge, resulting only in scratches or bruises. Once your vitality is gone, your character worn out, and damage is taken from wounds, represeting heavy wounds. Your vitality grows with experience, but your wounds is only dictated by constitution and size, and is relatively small, as your ability to withstand damage doesnt increase much, while your ability to avoid fatal wounds . Vitality heals with a few hours of rest, unless special conditions apply, but wounds could take some long time to heal, and low wounds could result in injury penalty, or even permeanant injury in some cases. So taking damage from wounds is something to be avoided

Special and standard NPCs: NPCs in fantasy craft have 2 categories: special and standard. Standard NPCs are basicaly minions. They are the main body of people, and in combat, they will usually fight in numbers. The guards patroling the street, the blacksmith in the shop, the villagers you visit, or the orcs raiding that village, all are standard NPCs. They are generally weaker, and use a differnt, save based,health mechanic , as they are easier to kill.they can still certainly provide a challange, but they are not heroes . special NPCs are the important and skilled character.they are The guard captain, the orcs elite fighters, the wandering mage, or the great sage. They have their own vitality and wounds, action dice, and are comparable to pcs in abililties.

Scenes, adventures, and milestones:
Each part of the quest is scene. Scene is something like a single dungeon raid, a military attack on a fort, or things similiar in size. Many abilities can be used a certain number per scene, and vitality immediatly replenish at the end of a scene. Scenes are many times seperated by downtime of at least seceral hours, or a journey, and are grouped in adventures. Adventures are whole stories and quests in of themselves, though they are usually psrt of a larger campaign. Completing adventure grants XP and sometime reputation, and some powerful abilities can only be used a few times per adventure. In addition, you may complete milestones, important achievments or advances in the story. Milestones will give XP based on your performance, and replenish your action dice pool

XP: you gain XP for competing plots, doing important things, and completing milestones and adventures. Resolving personal missions and such can also earn XP, as well,as developing your character through votes, and by discussion. You need 1000 XP to level to 2nd level, and 500 hundred more for each level after. So for the nextblevel, 4th level, you need 2000 XP, and to level from 10 to 11, you need 5500 XP

This is basic explanation of the rules. Please let me know your thoughts on them, and tell me if something is still not clear
You dont even think, the chapel is the appropriate place to go. You had a rather uneventful journey since crossing the . The fact the silverflow. The fact that more than half of your equipment, including your horses, was destroyed in that flood, was devil influence, if even related to the divine-floods are within daikar's domain after all, not some god

You smile, "a chapel, of course, thank the gods for good journey"

Ignoring Vilix moan, you focus on the laughing guard:

"Chapel, ha, that good. In Cindar, the home to the greatest cathedral of the north, the white stone! And you lady wanna go to a chapel!!

You stretch your face scales a bit, a gesture parallel to blushing for dragonlings. How could you treat the Capital like one of Mother's little town

But you show nothing else to the guard, your face a mask of pride as you explain yourself:
"I am new to the capital. I am the daughter of lady Dinetel of house Dilmeil, and my mother's land, though vast, are mostly rural"

The guard pales a bit, "I meant no disrespect my lady" than he continues at a slightly more normal pace "I am sorry to forget myself in front of you, and beg for your forgiveness. Please let me compensate you."

"No compenation neccesary", you say with a stern look, "just dont do it again. I dont like appreciate disrespect."you dont really care, but having the guard make fun of nobles nobles wont do, and some other lord might have him flogged for this. "Now what is the direction for the cathedral?"

"Right this way, my lady, says the guard", bowing just to be sure.

You arrive on the cathedral alone. You understand Vilix. As a star marked elf, human clerics are uncomfortable with him, and the feeling, you know, is mutual. Rorix, on the other hand, was quite strange. He is usually reluctant to leave you even for the bathroom, but this time, he had really insisted on going, saying there is something he has to do.

You aproach the building carefuly. True to both its name and glory, the pure marble of the cathedral glimmers in the sunlight seventy meters tall, and its white arched doors, though stretching five meters, are less than one of twenty of the front wall. A monk greets as you enter "welcome devout knight. I am monk vashak, your humble servant. Where are you headed? The cathedral and its enclave are quite large, as you could probably see"

I am headed to dumin's shrine, to thank her for my good journey"

"A devout knight indeed, than. This way" he says with a smile

you travel the halls, passing no less than 3 praying halls, before reaching dumin's own altar. You kneel before your goddess statue, whispering a prayer. But as you go through your prayer, the ground shakes. You get up immidiatly, finding yourself surrouonded by 3 ghosts. You quickly draw your sword, as an orb of black power is flang at you. You try dodging, but the orb is just too fast, and you feel deathly power toucing you.

Another ghost follows, a spear of darkness forming in her arms as it lunges, and hits your arm. The blow isnt physical, as the is only dark mist, yet a strong hiss sounds as your left arm freeze in coldness. The last ghost, misses, as the sharp pain awakes you from your shock. You exploit its opening, a quick slash and its gone. You follow up on the last one, destroying it too, than spin around to dodge black lightning flang at your way. Than your spin turns into a quick step, and your sword continues the path and pierces the ghost, just as vashak enters the hall
" what happened? We heard qukes and combat sounds"

"Ghosts", you matter "three, two taking the force of soldiers and one with some dark powers"

He seems shocked. "You should talk to the archbishop" He says at last, than turns, motioning for you to follow

Archibishop banak is very short. Very short, and thats the first thing you notice. He clearly isnt a halfling, certainly not a dwarf, yet he barely 1.3 meters, and seats on a heightened seat behind his elegant table

"Monk vashak, how can I help you, and who is our guest?", he asks,somehow sounding both kind and stern

"Ghosts have attacked this lizardwoman, just now, at dumin's altar"

"If so, another purification is needed. We thought the last one, ten years ago, dealt with them, but it seems not"

He turns to you, and smiles mysteriously. "The crypts below this cathedral are ancient, dating back before even the city. And unluckily, some of the dead there havent used to be especially kind, nor good aligmed or harboring any good intentions toward us. We would have destroyed them and stsrted new crypts, but the gods dont appreciate disturbing the dead, so we ignored it. A mistake, as they grew in strength, and 10 years ago, an army attacked. They were stooped at last, and held a purifying ritual. But it eeems we missed some"

We would need to make another ritual, he declares. Brother vashak, ho prepare the neccesary materials. And my guest, would you go with him? If there were ghosts, there might be more, and I dont want Vashak alone there.

[]I will go.
-[]call Vilix and Rorix
-[]go prepare a few hours, you have time
[]"I truly am sorry, but I have important things. A paladin will be more for this" finish your prayer, then go to:
-[]find an inn to stay at
-[]a pub.
-[]the baths.
-[]the market.
-[]a close manor.
-[]the nearest training yard.
[]Demand more information
-[]What to ask? Write in
[]Demand appropriate equipment
[]"And in return?"
[]Write in
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Essence and form
philosophers claim, that anything in the world, and the universe awhole, is made of two things. Essence, and Form. Essences are many, matter and energy, fire wster earth and air, time and space and divine.but essence is itself is just a jumbled mess, like the world before creation. No, the world, the gods, the people, and amythibg else, are not just combination of essences. They are essence given form. Forms are many, beyond count, infinite, and are shaped all time. When the woodchopper chops a tree, he changes its tree form to something else. When the carpenter than makes a table of it, he gives it the form of table. Not every change to form is so casual of course. When the gods created the world from the non divine essences, they gave it form, not one they decided, though influenced, but the very form of a world, predetermined. When divine essence mixed with worldly, mortals were created through forms, which sometimes were changed by gods. And everything, from the sky to the earth, and all between, and even gods and the celestial, are made of essence and given form

A first piece of lore, granted by your magical theory studies. I added it to the lore page. Let me know what you think
Oh, details, details
A few details went missing, I would like you to vote on them:
[]what is the name of your house: write in
-[]you rule over swamps mostly. Rather poor lands, but reach in herbs and strange creatures, whose export is your house msin income
-[]you control ports and fishing villages on the western shores. You are on the far border, but many come to trade exotic goods coming from across the sea, and fish are plentifull
-[]you have many mines and quarries on your hills. The north is dangerous, as many barbarians and monsters come from the tundra, but the ores and huge herds make for it
-[]you sit closer to the capital, on the main road to the southern kingdoms. Many markets towns, and the kingdom breadbasket, belong to your family, but little cities
(You are short on cities anyway, but there will be some)

as a star marked elf, Vilix has been chosen for magic since age 14. But who trained him?
[]wandering masters came 2 times a year to teach him, explaining things and giving goals for him for self learning
[]your family court mage, though human, spent time explaning things, and even teaching him spells sometimes
[]his father/mother(choose), though not starmarked, had some magical
Affinity. He helped his son grow his magical knowledge

Also, your retainer (granted by your class) has finally got his character sheet!
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[X]what is the name of your house: Beaconhill
-[X]you control ports and fishing villages on the western shores. You are on the far border, but many come to trade exotic goods coming from across the sea, and fish are plentifull

[X]wandering masters came 2 times a year to teach him, explaining things and giving goals for him for self learning
[X] what is the name of your house: Beaconhill
-[X] you control ports and fishing villages on the western shores. You are on the far border, but many come to trade exotic goods coming from across the sea, and fish are plentiful

[X] wandering masters came 2 times a year to teach him, explaining things and giving goals for him for self learning
descent into darkness, part one
You find Vilix, after quite a search, at the elven quarter near the shrines. You never thought your friend was admired, but this might be because of the lack of elves near him, since the young elf stands among a crowd. surrounded with questioning children and curious adults, your friend wears a very strange expressionand seems torn between anxiety and joy at bieng appreciated. His face nevertheless lightens as you advance in the crowd. "Shal! is everything alright?, we were supposed to meet already?"
<you are not late, but I need you" you answer

Vilix forcefully waves his hand, wearing an annoyed face' and the crowd relucantly dispreses.
"you seem very admired here" you comment.
"star marked elves arent common' and can you really say that Ralox the court mage caused less of a fuss when going to the city? mages are quite rare" connecting it all
"no" you admit, "but people never admired him. they are curious and all but not, well, that" you say, waving your hands.
Vilix smiles." do you even know what starmarked means Shal? they arent just magical affinity. by legend, when the gods made the world from chaotic essence, Correlon, the father god of elves, spoke to Ilrin. he asked him to leave some of the essence of the world partially unformed. "some chaos is needed,he said, and a world all form wont stand for all the gods. Ilrin, seeing the need for some amorphism and occult in the world agreed. he gave to Correlon the edges of the world, the place between what was created and the celestial, and told him to do as he wishes with it. Correlon made there the night sky' creating them raw' unecided. yet he made points of power in it, form in that chaos. stars. he tied them to the light of Ilrin, as a way to honor him, and made that form in the chaos the crossroad between three things. the celestial beyond them, divine essence in definite, unchanging form. the forces of the world below them, form, yet everchanging and quite chaotic, and magic, connecting it all. he took the night sky and the sky as his domain.
as Correlon created the stars, his divine essence, like these of other gods, mixed with the essence of the world, creating the elves. Correlon took joy in the things born of him, and gave them knowledge and power from his own. some elves were born connected to the stars, whose creation is what created all elves, and whose signify the very boudary that is both divine and worldly, like the very mortals created. this is why the elves are somewhat otherworldly. their essence is of stars. but the elves connected to the stars, the starmarked, they are connected to the magic of all. mot Correlon made this, but the combining of forces at creation. those elves were connected to magic of the stars. so they are, for elves, our very essence, and deeply connected to our god and origin, and for that they are greatly appreciated. though I wish I was a better stotyteller. cant tell it like the elve n storyteller that came sometimes, or even like my father."

you smile " well you told it well enough, and in your, eh, way. but we need to go meet Rorix."
worthy of
since it is already the time you agreed to meet, you head back to the cathedral while filling Vilix in on what is going on. When you get there, you find mildly annoyed Rorix waiting.
"First you smelly lizard is gone like you were lost in a mine, and then hear you agreed to go to infested catacombs!" he shouts in a volume which half city must have heard. mildly annoyed indeed, for him.
"Do you even know what is it like, to get to fight an undead? you never done it, you spoiled brat only get training in a castle, never a real dive or field fight" he shouts a little quieter, about the volume of a battering ram. you smile, "I did fight a few undead" you answer
he grunts, then shouts" yet you insist on doing so again, with many more of them. Ah, how must I have sinned for Torax to deign me worthy of the terrible fate of being your guardian" he says,then head inside where Delton, your retainer, is waiting. the human, merely a few years older than you, is already one mother's best swordman. she assigned him to you two years ago, to help train and assist you, and he seems to be fond of you, though he is a bit formal sometime
"my lady, it is good that you came. Vashak here was waiting for you to come, and he was quite anxious anout waiting too much before descending. he said our mission is urgent"
"and it is, and quite frightening in other ways. I know how to fight, but I was never am aster of it, and warrior greater than me fell at these tunnels"

You start walking already, going to the stair shown to you before you left . drawing your sword and ensuring eneryone is following you, you start descending. you arrivein a large, round hall, whose diameter you can only roughly appraise as more than ten meters before 3 skeletons quickly form from scttered bones and charge at you. you slash two qickly before they can reach you, and Delton's sword goes through the last one's neckbone. ensuring there are no more such suprises here, you turn around searching., but dont find anything of not but what was clear before. the chamber is about 15 meter diameter, and has 3 exits, in addition to the staircase from which you came. those corridors are arranged in a way that for those entering from the staircase, two smaller squared one are on each side, and a larger arched one directly onward. near each corridor there are two sarcophagus on each side, and at the middle there is a strange altar,at the center of a 3 meter diameter pit.

where do you go?

[]to the left corridor , from which a faint sound of breaking sound every now and then
[]to the right corridor from which a strange breeze seems to bellow
[]to the arched corridor ahead where footsteps seem to lead in the dust
[]to examine the sarcophagus
[]write in
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