For Almanacs of all approved claims. Remember to keep your Almanac updated for the Mods.
Head of Faction:
Government Type:
Capital Sector:
Current Point Total: Fleet - Please show how many Fleet Points you have from Sectors here, not the amount left over after spending them on your Fleet. Manpower -
Elite Manpower -
Recruited from the hardiest of the tribal levies. The Armeija is equipped with a standard flak Armour and las rifle. The flak and the las rifle are colored a light grey and are individualized according to the individual and the regiment they belong to. All of the Armeija have some sort of melee weapon, be it knife, sword, axe or mace. Fenrisian runes and talismans are a common sight on all vehicles and equipment of the Armeija. Overall the Armeija seems to project the air of an ill disciplined force when they are anything but. While it has no set combat doctrine the Armeija tends to favor shock and awe tactics as well as close quarters combat.
The name of elite units: The Vlka Fenryka or the Rout. Though they are more commonly know as the Space wolves or the Sixth.
Spent points: 2485
Is this right?
Faction: Latverian Principality Head of Faction: Victor I, Lord Doom
-Lord Doom utilizing both Power Fist Technology and Sorcery, Demonstrating his mastery over both Magic and Science
Government Type: Absolute Monarchy Capital Sector: Latveria Prime
-Latveria Prime, with the Hive City of Doomsdadt and the Major Factories and Shipyards is the Industrial and Administrative heart of Latveria.
Current Point Total: Fleet - 2485/2500
Manpower - 15,000,000 MP Divided into 300 Corps of 50,000 Each
Elite Manpower - 100,000, Divided into 4 Divisions of 25,000 Each.
The Royal Army of Latveria is a highly mechanized force with troops in fully sealed Carapace Armor supported by IFV and Armored Vehicles, along with flights of attack craft. From Baneblade and Fellblade Tanks to Chimera APC's, to Thunderhawk Gunships and Lightning Interceptors, each Corps of the Army Carries enough vehicles and artillery to operate as a self contained combined arms unit.
-Typical IFV of the Latverian Royal Army here in Desert Camoflauge.
The typical trooper is armed with a Hellgun, Hot Shot Las, or Meltagun for range and a power bayonet for close quarters fighting.
-A Typical Trooper of the Latverian Royal Army with a Hotshot Las Carbine, seen here in Void Camoflauge.
They are supplemented by Servo-Guard Drone Troopers, Fighting Robots controlled from command APC's or bunkers at the rear that carry bolters or volleyguns and can rend apart a man in armor with their power claws. The Servo-Guard Drones are not Autonomous and must recieve programming and commands from the Controllers behind the lines. Nobody Wanted a repeat of what happened with the Iron Men.
-A Servo-Guard Drone Trooper, this is the standard model with Power Claws for melee Combat but they can be fit with shoulder mounted bolters or shoulder mounted Volley Guns depending on Mission Type.
Elite Forces: The Doomguard
The Elite Forces of the Latverian Royal Army are the Doomguard. The Doomguard are selected from the most highly effective troops in the Latverian Royal Army, they then undergo gene resequencing to produce peak human specimens, followed by cybernetic upgrades. The result are post-human super soldiers, drilled constantly, equipped in light powered armor, and fanatically loyal to Doom. Supplemented with vehicles, walkers, and Sorcerers from the Scholarum. The Doomguard are highly effective troops.
-A Typical Doomguard Member running Obstacles in Training with his Hellgun
Kig'dak ships look as below, the only way to tell the difference between ships is the size and armaments used.
The Battleships are currently the Largest and most dangerous, wielding a mixture of energy weapons and macro-cannons and allow large scale boarding actions against ships they are fighting. The boarding is initiated from one or many of the "Limbs" that make up their ships. upon breaking into the ship they open up several entrances along the "limb" to allow the inhabitants to invade from. The limbs are usually opened around the critical systems needed to keep the ship moving, and whatever systems allow the ship to remain operational, such as Life Support, Power Systems, the Bridge, or the crew quarters.
Cruisers are considered the primary meat of the fleets offensive actions, while they cannot allow boarding actions to take place, they do make up this flaw with more weapons where possible. Their primary doctrine is to concentrate fire on the bigger threats in space, such as ships with specialized weapon systems or ships that pose an immediate threat to the overall fleet. A damaged ship or boarded one will be targeted less than one that is fresh and fully operational.
Escorts are allowed minor boarding action against ships one size larger than it. This is only true however unless the Kig'dak ships outnumber the enemy ship 10-1 and allow them to swarm the ships. In times of great need or infiltration purposes, they can board any ships but this is rarely done. The ships themselves while being the smaller excluding fighter craft, carry a moderate amount of weapon stations on their hulls
Defensive abilities of the ships are not considered a priority when building them. All ships do not have access to shielding that can last prolonged combat, they will go down under sustained fire from several ships, so to make up for this the three ships each have a type of defense different from each other type of craft.
The Battleships are heavily armored and reinforced to take shot after shot until they physically cannot and are such destroyed. Their primary doctrine is to take those hits if needed, otherwise, find shields in the form of other ships. The shields vary from situation to situation, so they can be escorts or cruisers or even enemy ships that have been boarded and captured.
Cruisers use a limited amount of their weapons to intercept physical weapons fire, while exotic weapon types that can't exactly be blocked like this are instead blocked by "False Cruisers" that are just rocks with enough mass to block one hit, each cruiser only has enough room to have a single decoy in a battle. Though, should the need arise they can use smaller craft that they can load and fire, these ships are usually boarded and cleaned of all life first before they are used as decoys.
Escorts attempt to use speed to avoid dangers, primarily moving out of effective range or too close to risk being fired upon. They will intercept some damage from larger ships before charging back into battle doing whatever it is they are ordered to do. This can vary from Boarding actions to bringing in hazards to be used against the enemy forces, such as Asteroids.
Army: The Kig'Dak Expansionary Forces Name of Army, Name of Elite Units, etc
The Skittering (Main Infantry - Composed mostly of the Second type of Kig'dak, the Drider Expys) [Use primarily Melee and speed to overwhelm the Enemy, there are times where they carry ranged weapons or other instruments but this usually happens in a prolonged conflict, or if the unit has a great deal of experience.
Empty Ones (Elite Specialists - Infiltration and Shock Troopers - Composed Mostly of the First Type of Kig'dak, The Spiders) [Main Duties are to infiltrate enemy bases and cause as much death and destruction they can before disappearing. Alternatively, they are also used to break defensive spots and morale of enemy forces at key locations.]
Hollow Ones (Heavy "Armor" - Armored Kig'dak, Made up of either type of Kig'Dak) [Heavy Infantry that can take more hits than others, made to counter heavy ordnance and draw fire away from the other forces. They have little offensive ability outside of melee, they are also very noticable]
The Kig'dak grew up near the Darkhold Sector, considered nothing but beasts for ages by the colonists on the planet. When the Warp went mad with the birth of Slaanesh the colonists were proven wrong.
The Centaur Kig'dak are what happens when they are fed another creature or part of one when they are young. They take on physical features from their food and it becomes more pronounced as they age.
The Kig'Dak are human-sized arachnids. They have two distinct types of their species, with differing abilities. There is the Eight-legged 12 eyed arachnid species who are primarily in charge and provide the majority of commands in the nests. Then there are the twelve legged arachnid species which has an upper body with four arms. The upper body itself is varying from each individual to another, some appear more human while others appear more alien.
Posting slightly incomplete, I feel like I could add more, but I'm a bit too tired and unsure if I did this right
Faction: The Empire of Iron
Head of Faction: Lord Perutrabo
Government Type: Absoulte Dictatorship with democraticly apointed advisory council
Capital Sector: Olympia
Current Point Total: Fleet - 2500
Manpower - 15,000,000
Elite Manpower - 100,000
Navy: The Iron Fleet (Ferrum Classis) Fortresses: Black Citadel (free)
Battleships: 0
Battlecruisers: 0
Grand Cruisers: 2 (460) (The Peacemaker and The Agincourt)
Cruisers: 4 (740)
Light Cruisers: 5 (575)
Frigates: 6 (240)
Destroyers 14 (490)
Army: Name of Army: The Iron Guard (150 regiments of 100,000 manpower points)
The Iron Guard is the primary defense force of the Olympia sector. They are well equipped with vehicles, armor and artillery as well as being exceedingly well drilled and disciplined. Like their brothers in the Iron Sentinels they excel at attritional, siege and defensive warfare. They use their general supremacy in artillery to shatter enemy formations before mechanized fists crush what is left.
Name of Elite Troops: The Iron Sentinels (100 chapters of 1000 marines)
Coat of Arms of the Alliance, Tona Tiuh depicted in the centre
Head of Faction: Tona Tiuh the Feathered Serpent Government Type: Hegemonic Federal Union of city-sized Military Dictatorships Capital Sector: Atzlán
Chicha-Baque, Capital of Atzlán
Current Point Total: Fleet - 2,500
Manpower - 15,000,000
Elite Manpower - 100,000
Navy Systematic:
The Red Fleet(stationary sector defense)
1 Sunship (the Rolo Tona) Commanded by Ilhutoani Ata Stargazer
2 Dragonshards (the Tlalorand Ocelot) Commanded by Citlatoanis Tupac Junglestalker and Amaru Peakstormer
9 Warplumes
The "Rolo Tona" in flight, made to overawe and erradicate opposition
The Blue Fleet(explore and expand)
1 Sunship (the Azuna Tona), Commanded by Tona Tiuh
1 Dragonshard (the Opochta) Commanded by Citlatoani Simoc Biuliva
7 Warplumes
A "Dragonshard" made for controlling battlefield chokepoints
The Jaguar Teeths (support and intel)
1 Dragonshard (the Cuauht) commanded by Cuato Eaglerider
3 Warplumes
A "Warplume", made for evasion and maneuvering
Navy (Summary):
2 Battle Barges (Sunships) 900
4 Grand Cruisers (Dragonshards) 920
19 Destroyers (Warplumes) 665
Total: 2485
Reason for Purging: Orkiness Character Flaw: Orkiness Background:
When the Digga scavengers, their green warpaint shielding them from the burning sun the beat down on the world of Duzguzak, sped their ramshackle buggies towards the crash-site, they had no idea how much what they would find would change their world. Escaping before the Orks who dominated the world could arrive, they would take what scav they could from the ruined craft, but it was the child they found in the wreckage who would grow to take the human tribes of the world to glory.
Given the name Grimgarg, he would grow with fantastic speed, demonstrating immense strength, his skin remaining tinged with green even without warpaint, and his teeth developing into tusk-like protrusions.
With a seemingly innate understanding of technology, he would often venture alone into the ancient deep catacombs, where most Diggas feared to go, to return with wealth of scav to fuel his tinkering habits. It was after one such journey that he would craft the archeotech weapons that would become his symbol, the twin Blood Axes, from a lustrous crimson metal of unknown origin.
Inevitably, Grimgarg would come to head his band of Diggas, arming them with his creations, and honing them as more effective warriors, to unite all the Diggas of Duzguzak into an army that would no longer merely fend off the Orks, but conquer them.
In the end, the surviving Orks of Duzguzak would hail Grimgarg as the Chosen of Gork and Mork and would follow him as their Warlord, becoming part of his Blood Axe Klan.
It was only with the arrival of the fleet of his sons about his world, tusk-visaged, lesser reflections of himself, that Grimgarg would understand his true heritage, a Primarch, creation of the Emperor of Mankind, but one infused with a portion of the genetic inheritance and vitality of the Orks.
Not even Grimgarg is precisely sure how these mighty power weapons truly function, his forging of them being undertaken in a fungus-fuelled trance that lasted weeks, but it is undeniable that the crimson, energy-dripping fields that clad the axe-heads can extend beyond the physical limits of the weapons themselves, and even be launched to cleave distant enemies.
Government Type: Tribal ruled by Warlord Capital Sector: Grimgarg's Sector (Segmentum Tempestus)
Current Point Total: Fleet - 2,500
Manpower - 15,000,000
Elite Manpower - 100,000
Navy: 2475 Spent
1 x Space Hulk "Da Big Red Wun" (1000) = 1000
1 x Retribution Class Battleship (345) = 345
4 x Furious Class Grand Cruiser (230) = 920
3 x Cobra Destroyer/Ravager Torpedo Ship (35) = 105
3 x Gladius Frigate/Onslaught Gunship (35) = 105
Army: Elites
The genetic descendants of Grimgarg, sharing the mix of superhuman and Orkish characteristics infused into him by the Emperor.
Originally recruited from the polluted and decaying lowest levels of the Albian tower cities, during the Unification Wars, they were known as a ferocious assault legion, but one with a talent for improvisation and an ability to operate apart from direct Imperial logistics support, ingeniously turning captured battlefield salvage to their own purposes to sustain their warmaking.
This resilience was exemplified when they were sent alone to tie down the powerful techno-barbarian kingdom of Hy Brasil so that the Emperor could focus the majority of his forces on pacifying Eurasia.
Taking positions in the mutated jungles the Brasilians themselves considered uninhabitable, they would engage in a prolonged campaign of raids to grind down Dalmoth Kyn's armies, crippling infrastructure and scavenging the green-scaled armour and vehicles of the defending Brasilian Dracos to reinforce and intensify their assaults.
Such was the effect that when the Emperor turned his attentions to the region, the Brasilians were desperate to negotiate to cease the relentless onslaught of the Boars.
Like the other Legions, when the Emperor disappeared, the Boars were seized with a surpassing urge to set forth into the void, following a powerful call they could not understand, until they stood before their Primarch and Progenitor, Grimgarg.
While still predominantly of Terran stock, they have begun to recruit amongst the Klan's Diggaz, their harsh background ideal for producing tough and aggressive candidates.
The Legion have also begun making use of some of the more unusual weapons created by the Klan.
The human natives of the planet Duzguzak, once restricted to scavenging the underground caverns for the means to fend off the larger stronger Orks dominating the surface, the coming of Grimgarg has seen them rise to predominate his Blood Axe Klan, Orks forming a minority alongside the organised and well-armed Digga Mobs.
- Made up of Ork yoofs who have taken to Grimgargs new ways with great zeal, equipped with Rokkit Packs of the Warboss's own design to carry them across the battlefield.
More of a Fink Armoured Brigade actually. The novelty of a Mek-Warlord, pushing new and interesting devices rather than slapping them round the ear for having stupid ideas, appealed greatly to many of the Ork Meks of Duzguzak and they were some of the first to defect to Grimgarg's Klan in large numbers.
Their frenzy of experimental construction now serves Grimgarg as a combination mobile laboratory and combat formation, from which he can pluck concepts to develop and refine for dissemination to the Klan.
Faction: The Khaganate
The Horde of Jaghatai
Head of Faction: Jaghatai Khan,
The Great Khan, The Warhawk Government Type: Meritocracy
Capital Sector: Chogoris
Current Point Total: Fleet - 2,500 Fleet Points
Manpower - 15,000,000 Manpower Points
Elite Manpower - 100,000 Elite Manpower Points
Battleships – 1 (345pts) (Swordstorm)
Cruisers – 4 (740pts) (Tempest of Fury, Lord of the Heavens, Wrath of the Khan, Warrior of the Plains)
Light Cruisers – 6 (690pts)
Frigates – 10 (400pts)
Destroyers – 9 (315pts)
Total - 2490pts
Points Spent -
Army: The Kharash Tumen
15,000,000 Manpower
Split into Tumen of 10,000
The White Scars, Legion V
100,000 Elite Manpower Points
Split into Brotherhoods of 1,000
The military of the Federation-in-Exile is officially the Armed Forces of the Terran Federation, and is split into independent but cooperative combat arms, compromised primarily of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps. Although significantly degenerated from the military that once defeated the Iron Men, they remain technologically stable (some would say stagnant) and competitive with other powers. The Army and Air Force are part of Planetary Command, while the Navy and Marines report to Void Command, the twin commands of the overall force. Local garrisons, including both planetary defence forces and system monitors, are not the purview of the AFTF.
The Army equips its troops with basic and rugged albeit high quality wargear, such as flak armour and lasrifles for the standard infantry, and a plethora of basic but effective STC vehicles, the Myths. Including the Scylla Scout Walker, Charybdis Main Battle Tank, Hydra Flak Tank, Basilisk Self-Propelled Gun, Manticore Missile Launcher, Chimera Armoured Personnel Carrier, Hellhound Flame Tank, and Colossus Bombard among others, alongside a handful of specialist designs not deployed in significant numbers such as the Hades and Gorgon. Countless variants of these have been theorised, and many deployed in some amount of number, preparing the Army for any situation. When heavier support is needed, the Federation Army may utilise its hundreds of superheavy tanks, consisting primarily of the Baneblade and Shadowsword pattern. These vehicles are expensive but exceedingly powerful, and may serve as the centrepiece of any mass assault. Although records of even larger combat vehicles exist, the Federation sadly does not currently have the means to produce these titans of war.
Most infantry receives plentiful heavy and special weapons to complement the lasgun, including grenade launchers, Heavy Gyrojets, plasma guns, meltaguns, various types of sniper rifle, mortars, and flamers. Almost every line squad also has a Squad Support Las, a slightly modified lasgun that's larger and heavier but notably more capable of high-output sustained fire, although any Citadel Pattern Lasgun can perform a suppression role if needed. Army troops are not uniformly equipped, of course, with some units expected to fight in urban terrain having carapace inserts and carbines while those expected to march and fight on the open plains may instead have regular flak and rifles. The most extreme outliers are the special forces of the army, including commando infiltrators equipped with cameleoline cloaks and High-Frequency knives, as well as shock assault stormtroopers armed with full carapace armour and hellguns. The most elite of these may receive equipment ordinarily reserved for the true elite of ORDER (detailed below): for example, a veteran mechanised force may be augmented with Raider IFVs, a unit of true ghosts might receive Refractor Fields, and the stormtroopers in the thickest of fighting may have suits of powered armour.
The Navy is perhaps the most important and influential arm of the military, controlling all Warp-Drive equipped warships, space to surface dropships, interstellar military transports, and carried fighters. It is a highly bastardised version of the old Iron Men navy, lacking the key nano and quantum technologies that shaped it, yet is still mostly viable. It exclusively uses energy weapons such as plasma broadsides and laser turrets for its macro-batteries, and also makes extensive use of lances. Destroyers and Light Cruisers focus on ordnance, with Destroyers being similar to the Viper while the Light Cruiser design is equipped solely with a Lance and hangar bays. Meanwhile, the Frigates and Cruisers have a front-line focus, eschewing torpedoes and hangars for powerful turrets, broadsides, and prow-mounted lances. The Battleship is a slow moving block of guns and armour that anchors the fleet against all comers. Thus, any foe must advance under a withering hail of long range firepower, only to encounter a vanguard of deadly particle beams before they can alleviate the problem.
So far, deviations from this doctrine have been minimal, aside from the addition of the torpedo destroyer design to the fleet, but as the Navy is tested in battle it is expected that some sizeable multipurpose vessel will come into service, such as a Battlecruiser. Federal ships are blockier than Imperial equivalents, with blunter prows, and are unadorned. Thus, they perhaps most resemble the ships of the Martian Mechanicum, although they are far from identical to those vessels. Current strike craft in use include interceptors, bombers, and assault boats, with each carrier possessing a select few squadrons of the mighty Thunderhawk, one of the most advanced pieces of military hardware the Federation still possesses.
The Air Force is in charge of maintaining and operating all atmospheric strike craft. These range from large cargo transports to reconnaissance craft, heavy fighters to strategic bombers. As with the Imperium of the more familiar 41st millennium, the most commonly seen strike craft are the Lightning, Thunderbolt, Marauder, and Valkyrie. The Air Force also has a small amount of Thunderhawk Transporters, although those elite vessels are more commonly seen integrated into the ORDER command structure.
The Marine Corps use carapace-equivalent Void Armour alongside high-power shotguns and "Hot-Shot" lasweapons as standard, along with short range specialist weapons such as meltaguns. They're trained primarily for both offensive and defensive boarding actions, and are extremely proficient in all forms of close quarters combat. As with the Army, the most elite formations of the Corp may receive advanced equipment, such as powered armour or Refractor Fields. Melee weapons are common, with many units eschewing the standard bayonet or combat knife in favour of full chain or power weapons. Although the Marine Corp is part of Void Command, due to their unique training and heavy equipment they are often tapped by Planetary Command to secure beachheads in hostile landing zones or conduct urban warfare.
In addition to VOCOM and PLACOM, there is also Special Operations Command, which operates in all environments. As well as overseeing the special forces of the other Commands, SOCOM also independently operates the elite ORbital Dauntless Eradication and Reconnaissance Teams, otherwise known as ORDER Marines, or simply ORDERs. ORDERs are made using recruits from the best of both the Infantry and the Marine's special forces. Prior to induction, ORDERs undergo a process of subtle yet extreme physical enhancement including both genetic alteration and subdermal cybernetic implants, gaining increases in physical attributes and mental clarity, including swifter movements and a faster reaction time. Organised into heavy void-infantry formations, ORDER Teams are trained and equipped to take on both void and surface combat, as well as transition between them in hostile conditions.
The standard ORDER soldier is equipped with a suit of Reinforced Void Armour, superior in protection to conventional carapace suits, with fully enclosed life support and sufficient powered assistance to support its own not-insignificant weight. A Hellgun with back-mounted power unit manufactured with advanced nano-scale components serves as the primary rifle weapon, boasting superior reliability and performance across the board to the 'ordinary' Hellguns issued to Stormtrooper units. Officers and specialist units such as the ORDER Vanguard may make use of 'true' strength enhancing power armour, though this is still not in the same class as Space Marine Armour, even the primitive Mark II Crusade Pattern. These units are often also equipped with Refractor Fields, however. Heavy directed energy weapons such as lascannons, meltas, and plasma are fielded at the squad level, and specialist units may be equipped with light assault cannons and power melee weapons as appropriate.
Although ORDER Teams are notably inferior on an individual basis to the Astartes Legions of the galaxy, between their notable augmentation, extreme training, and superior equipment, they remain a cut above any conventional force the galaxy has to offer, and are also significantly more numerous than any one legion of Space Marines. To supplement this, they use vehicles manufactured to the highest standard, including a near monopoly on anti-grav vehicles, Assault Rams, Predator Tanks, militarised derivatives of the RH-1-N-0 Exploration Vehicle, and the RA-1-D3-R Superheavy Infantry Fighting Vehicle.
SOCOM also oversees the Psy Corps, the Psykers of the Federation willing to join the military. The Psy Corp is a troubled organisation with a painful past, for as with all worlds Citadel did not have an easy time of the psychic explosion that struck humanity and helped cause the Age of Strife. Studied with curiosity rather than fear, Psykers for the most part were integrated into society, and small but careful steps were taken to try and understand the confused mess of the Warp. Of course, just as things seemed almost out of control, disaster struck. During late M27, a particularly powerful Psyker was born, and turned mad by the laughter of thirsting gods. Swiftly creating a cult, before authorities could respond they used their powers to cause a mass sacrifice, bringing forth aberrant warp-borne xenoforms that slaughtered their way across the planet, including what seemed like mutated aliens and a towering creature of nightmares that corrupted all that gazed upon it or tried to record it. From what is said by those who encountered it, it boasted of being an ascended being come to reclaim its rightful place in reality, but before it could do too much, a shining figure was said to have appeared that emitted a harsh yet soothing light upon all who gazed upon them, and struck down the Daemon and its bodyguard into screaming ash, closing the primary rift. It aided in the counterattack that exterminated the Daemons, but before it could be found and thanked it was gone.
This attack caused significant population and infrastructure damage despite the brief time it occurred over, and set back the recovery of civilisation on Citadel perhaps a thousand additional years, but a significant part of that was not in loss but in redirected effort to controlling and containing Psykers. Without a proper ground in the real underlying metaphysics of the Warp, without a willingness to experiment with that terrible realm, and with nobody to guide the way, the Federation was forced to struggle along with the shallowest of trial and error. In the end, a system was made to detect and rank the psychic potential of all citizens from birth, primarily using the extrasensory abilities of specialised Psykers. Less precise than the Imperial Assignment, the Psy Corps ranking ranges from P-0 to P-12, ranging from the extremely rare individuals with a notable personal resistance to psychic powers to equally rare Psykers of such immense power that they can tear apart superheavy vehicles with telekinetic force or control the minds of thousands. There are also theorised P--1s that are totally immune to psychic phenomena and P-13s, but no such individuals have ever been recorded.
The vast majority of Federal citizens are P-3, possessing neither psionic potential nor resistance beyond the norms of human will. The lowest rank that the Psy Corps cares about is P-6, equal to the Imperial Iota through Eta ranks. These individuals, as well as P-7s, P-8s, and P-9s are taken in for extensive and highly careful training, primarily to suppress their powers and defend against possession but also to use them if they show remarkable willpower and an interest in service. P-10s through 12s, equivalent to the Imperial Gamma, Beta, and Alpha Ranks, are instead medicated to suppress their powers. This naturally has a significant effect on them, as the Federation is attempting to suppress the very soul of the individual. For P-10s, the required dosage only causes occasional headaches and dour moods while leaving them still able to use their powers at around the high P-6 level, but for 11s and 12s the higher dosage causes wild mood-swings, severe pain, and chronic depression, while completely cutting off their psychic abilities. This is considered extremely unfortunate, but such individuals are so rare that it is not considered a high priority.
In battle, Federation Psykers are usually part of the Army, Marine Corps, or ORDER, but P-4 and 5 individuals are found in all branches while those with less direct powers can be found on ships and air bases, assisting with coordination and targeting. They are notably less powerful than their equivalents in other polities due to deliberate suppression, a lack of permissible personal experimentation, and somewhat inept training, but they are highly stable and unlikely to randomly have their heads explode.
The armed forces of the Xrax Aristocracy is highly centralized with there being no real "ground" army, with plantery forces being a sub section of the Royal Navy. They form more of a defense role as marines when not in combat and when in any theoretical assault on a hostile world will be under the guidance of the Admiralty, while this does leave a slight problem in ground tactics it makes administration much easier then having to deal with two entirely different organizations.
Standard weapons are very similar to other counterparts although pulse weapons are particular favorite of the marine core. The most prominent addition is a weapon mount on their tail usually as a heavy weapon meaning almost any soldier has some form of anti-armor weaponry. Battlearmor is very advanced but more focused on helping the soldier offensively as being hit is usually fatal and the natural carapace of the Xrak is capable of shrugging of weapons when aided with the limited defense armor provided.
Armor support is something the Xrak use differently then most others, as their composed of walkers that most commonly have similarities to normal scorpions, but also in the field of AI or rather remote controlled AI. Most large armor support is directly controlled by an single AI that is linked to a powerful central computer allowing for massive coordination and amazing feats of intelligence for a non sentient machine.
The elite of the elite of the Xrak army are known as the Xatun and act as the royal guard of the royal family as well as engage the foes that the Xrak rely on their royalty to defeat. The Xatun are AI warriors that were once great Xrak fighters who impressed the royalty with their skill, their brain waves were then downloaded and copied to make an AI. Building true artificial intelligence has been beyond the scope of Xrak technology but instead of making them from scratch they mold a organic mind into one, to create them.
This allows them to think and process information beyond organics, as well as being immune to the corrupting and mind affecting powers of the Warp. The Xatun AI mind will then be copied many times over essentially giving them immortality, and allowing for essentially an infinite army of powerful warriors once givin a body. Speaking of bodies their artifical forms are given the best possible equipment to compliment the advanced mind. They are capable of surpassing any of the Xrak species and given powerful sensors, any weapon suited for the task at hand, and much more. The Xatun are the mighty royal guard who will fight any foe to protect the family and at times of need be deployed as great marine troops to defeat mighty foes.
The Crusade Horde is the primary offensive military force of the Raderötch, made up of countless zealots, mutants, mechanized forces, and so much more. Using their massive numerical advantage to its fullest, the Crusade Horde operates on a mass-assault doctrine, going for sheer weight of numbers and firepower to win its battles. It does not care to much how much casualties it takes to exterminate the xenos, nor particularly restrained in what acts they will take. Only that they will win for the glory of their alien gods, under the radioactive wastes they love so much...
Meanwhile, there are two kinds of "elite troops" that can be considered as part of the horde. The first is the rad-abominations, horrors allied to the Raderötch that seem to stay in areas of EXTREME radiation. These abominations hold strange powers and horrid abilites, and the most powerful claim to have distant relations to the gods themselves. The other, less lovecraftian force is the Ajavar, essentially the warrior-caste of the Raderötch. Psykers like the priests that rule over the sapient cockroaches, the Ajavar focus far more on combat than more esoteric abilities. This order of warrior-psykers are a formidable foe, equiped with the finest weaponry forged and bargained for from the Raderötch. They are not a foe to be underestimated, wielding terrible powers built for war.
Faction: Craftworld Yme-Loc
Head of Faction: Farseer Tanvel
Government Type: Five Member Path Council (One Member each from the following paths; Command, Seer, Bonesinger, Mariner, and Artisan)
Current Location: Segmentum Obscurus, near Jaggafall
Current Point Totals
Fleet - 2500
Manpower - 15,000,000 Points
Elite Manpower - 100,000
Aspect Warriors 4,000,000: Hammer of Vaul (Focusing on Fire Dragons, Shadow Spectres, Dark Reapers, and Dire Avengers; avoiding Striking Scorpions, Warp Spiders, Phoenix Hawks, and Shining Spears)
Armor 4,000,000: The Shield of Vaul; A mix of grav-tanks, primarily Night Spinners and Fire Prisms
Guardians 7,000,000
Elite Army Manpower 100,000
Aeldari Titans: a mix of Revenant, Wraithknight, and Phantom Titans; alongside one Warlock Titan. 40,000 Elite Manpower Points
Engines of Vaul: A mix of Scorpion, Storm Serpent, and Cobra Super Heavy Grav-Tanks 40,000 Elite Manpower
The Covenant of Colchis
Legio XVII - The Word Bearers
Head of Faction: The Urizen, Lorgar Aurelian
Government Type: Divinely Inspired Theocracy Capital Sector: Colchis
Current Point Total: Fleet - 2,500pts Manpower - 15,000,000pts Elite Manpower - 100,000pts
Monasteries -
Battle Barges -
Battleships -
Battlecruisers – 3 - 750pts
Grand Cruisers – 1 - 230pts
Cruisers – 2 - 370pts
Light Cruisers 4 - 460pts
Frigates – 12 - 480pts
Destroyers – 6 - 210pts
Points Spent - Exactly 2,500pts
The Non-Astartes Forces of the Covenant are known as the Vakrah Jal or the Chapter of Consecrated Iron. Less of a truly professional fighting force and more a collection of cults and sects in armed service to the Covenant, overall control of the Vakrah Jal falls to the Gun-Deacon Prime, Axata.
The Legio XVII Word Bearers are the true force behind the Covenant. Although theoretically organised in the same manner as the other Legio Astartes, more often than not, the Word Bearers divided themselves up amongst Chapters and Sects, secretive groupings that have taken root amongst them since their arrival on Colchis. The most prominent of these Chapters and Sects are;
The Ashen Circle, a group dedicated to the destruction of all heretical texts and artifacts, which is currently led by the Grey Apostle, Zardu Layak.
The Gal Vorbak, an exclusively Colchisian formation best known for it's dedication to the Covenant and it's animosity with it's Terran equivalents, which is currently led by the Crimson Lord, Argel Tal.
The Harbingers of Death, the bodyguards of the Right Hand of the Urizen and White Apostle, Erebus, which is currently led by Nur Asoktan.
Faction: Craftworld Samm-Hain Head of Faction: Farseer Illanor
Government Type: Feudal Hierarchy Current Location: Segmentum Pacificus Near Colcha
Current Point Total: Fleet - 2,500 Fleet Points, Manpower -
Elite Army:
"The Wild Riders Of Khaine" 60,000 Elite Manpower Points (Lots of Jetbikes)
Exarchs and Autarchs 20,000 Elite Manpower Points
"The Fire of the Serpent" ( loads of Vypers) 20,000
Faction: XX Legion - Alpha Legion Head of Faction: Alpharius
Government Type: Primarchy Capital Sector: Terra (Temporary)
Current Point Total: Fleet - 2,500
Manpower - 1,500,000
Elite Manpower - 100,000
Faction: The Clans of Medusa
Legio X - Iron Hands Head of Faction: Ferrus Manus
Government Type: Meritocracy/Primarchy Capital Sector: Medusa
Current Point Total: Fleet - 2,500pts Manpower - 15,000,000pts Elite Manpower - 100,000pts
Unique -
Monasteries -
Battle Barges - 1 (450 pts)
Battleships -
Battlecruisers - 3 (750pts)
Grand Cruisers -
Cruisers - 2 (370pts)
Light Cruisers - 3 (345pts)
Frigates - 12 (480pts)
Destroyers - 3 (105 pts)
Points Spent - 2,500pts
As with the Legion that makes up the true fighting force of Medusa, the army is split along Clan lines. The people of Medusa serve under Astartes hoping that their children may prove worthy of joining the Iron Hands.
With the coming of the Storm Walkers to Medusa Ferrus received confirmation of his place in the galaxy. In a swift and brutal reshuffling of his sons and the people of Medusa the Primarch would proclaim the Xth Legion the Iron Hands, and give orders for the various captains to enforce their place as temporal and spiritual leaders of the clans through force of arms.
Faction: The Imperial Angel.
Head of Faction: Sanguinus, IXth Primarch.
Government Type: Primarchy
Capital Sector: Baal (included Drinsita)
Current Point Total: Fleet - 2 500
Manpower - 15 000 000
Elite Manpower - 100 000