That Time I Got Transported to a Fantasy World With a Waifu Gacha System

From what I can get, the two are dreaming only they are Dreaming. Adam might not be exactly 'present' the entire time whilst Ce Calli is. As for what this is, due to Adam absentmindedly muttering this:
Adam just stared at her a few times before he exclaimed in his own language, "Bikini?!"

What an odd thing to say.
Adam drew the new world's attention to what was/is/could be the path the world goes down. So now Ce Calli is getting a glimpse at where Adam came from and why some of his beliefs are the way they are, along with a glimpse at his Gods (as she would see them). That probably triggered by this:
Watching Adam as he worked to clean and dry his gear on a wooden platform near the stream of freshwater that fed into the salty pool below, Ce Calli also got the distinct impression he would have objections. She had no exact reasoning for this feeling, but she had a gut feeling that he had a different relationship with the cycles of life, death, sacrifice, and rebirth.

Or put more simply, Adam drew a moment of his world to him by mentioning 'Bikini' due to what Ce Calli was wearing, which due to the reasons behind that name when combined with Ce Calli wondering just what his beliefs and relationship with life, death, sacrifice and rebirth are triggered a Vision Quest of a sort sharing some of the things behind those beliefs and the context. Which uh, absolutely terrified the divine spirits that were working with/aiding/watching Ce Calli it seems.
Or put more simply, Adam drew a moment of his world to him by mentioning 'Bikini' due to what Ce Calli was wearing, which due to the reasons behind that name when combined with Ce Calli wondering just what his beliefs and relationship with life, death, sacrifice and rebirth are triggered a Vision Quest of a sort sharing some of the things behind those beliefs and the context. Which uh, absolutely terrified the divine spirits that were working with/aiding/watching Ce Calli it seems.

This more or less hits the nail on the head. I'll be using these sorts of Dreamings to explore and flesh out some of the metaphysics and the nature of the magic here. Some of the lines shed light on why both he and Ce Calli were chosen for their roles.
Adam was having trouble sleeping, his rest disturbed by unsettling dreams he couldn't remember. It had been quite the day so it wasn't exactly unexpected, but it was still unwelcome to be unable to rid his body of the fatigue that afflicted him. From what Ce Calli had been able to explain through their pidgin, everyone had essentially been forced to do a speed run of the smallpox infection with the damage shared somewhat equally. Or at least that was what he had put together given how his inoculation wound had scarred and everyone who hadn't been so close to death that the shock of the magic killed them had their own scarring.

While he was intensely glad that he wasn't going to have to gamble on his crude variolation process working, he was also slightly annoyed that this was going to make spreading the technique a bit harder in some ways. Thankfully Ce Calli had figured it out enough that she could explain it with some authority, but the more mundane elements would be trickier to get across, and they no longer had a good source of infection to work with.

At least most of his injuries from the fight with the conquistadors had also been cleared up by the spell, so the extent of the damage was mostly just in feeling tired.

Also, he supposed that he also finally got to appreciate the stars above him. The nights had all been spent in motion, so even during break periods he hadn't really been able to look up at the sky and enjoy the stars with absolutely no light pollution. He noted that his appreciation for the stars and moon set him a bit apart from the people around him. Everyone appreciated the beauty of the night sky, but a culture that held that the moon and stars were trying to kill everything added a different flavour to that appreciation than someone who came from a culture where the stars were other suns and fundamentally places that one could theoretically go and explore.


Also, Adam was from a culture where going out and exploring places had romantic ideals of discovery for the sake of pure knowledge, which wasn't really a concept for an agrarian society in the process of being fucked over by a culture where exploration was for the acquisition of vast wealth obtained by fucking over whatever locals you found.

He really wished he could communicate with these new people better, because he still had yet to try to explain what he did in any great depth due to the fact that the idea of a university student in academics was hard enough to convey, let alone the fields of archaeology and anthropology. Especially since they were really hard to explain without sounding like a grave robber, necromancer, or some sort of weirdo slaver. To be fair that was because archaeology and anthropology unfortunately had their roots in grave robbing and slavery justifying "scientific racism", but that was an explanation for after a solid foundation in philosophy, humanism, and the liberal arts had been established.

For his own selfish reasons Adam also wished he could communicate better so he could satisfy all of his questions about how these people lived. They were clearly a bit weirded out by how interested he was in how they accomplished everyday tasks, but Ce Calli had managed to impress upon them that he was Just Like That and his interests were both practical and harmless. The whole 'saving them from having their skin fall off' thing alongside the fact that he was clearly trying to learn where their social boundaries were and was apologetic for all of his transgressions on etiquette went a long way towards smoothing over any missteps.

For example, he had managed to figure out that even though these people gave him Nahuatl names they were actually all Mixtec speakers, and he was actually encountering a particular social fashion that either had never occurred in his world or had been lost forever when the Spanish took over. Essentially these people had a 'public' name that was their tonalpohualli name in Nahuatl, and then a 'private' nickname in Mixtec. Adam suspected the practice had arisen sometime after the Mexica vassalized the Mixtec. He had tried to find out if Ce Calli wanted him to use a different name, but apparently his pronunciation was sufficiently bad that she seemed to have decided that it was now his nickname for her, which was both funny, embarrassing, and sweet.

His musing was interrupted by Ce Calli herself wandering over, looking a bit worse for wear. Plopping down next to him, she just sighed theatrically, prompting Adam to ask, "Bad dreams?"

Ce Calli proclaimed matter-of-factly, "Bad dreams." After a moment of thought she said, "Tlaloc... maybe?"

Adam nodded at that, which made sense. Ce Calli had spent much of the afternoon discussing what to do next, and finding items of power associated with Tlaloc to revitalize the magic of the cenote had been a recurring point. It sounded like they were probably still headed for Tututepec, but they might also detour to the north to check out a spring first. Maybe. That discussion had got into theological weeds that were entirely in Mixtec and way over Adam's vocabulary level.

Then she leaned over into Adam's side and let out another sigh, "Just... hurt," Ce Calli added on after a moment. "Hurt nowhere, hurt everywhere."

They hadn't exactly talked about deeper personal things since the cave, but the past week or so had got them past a number of barriers, and as such Adam felt confident in draping his arm over Ce Calli's shoulders and bringing her in closer. She shifted to get closer to him, leaning her head more against his chest than his arm and shoulder.

The adrenaline and confusion fuelled frenzy of that first night was absent, but in its place was a deeper longing from both of them, as well as a better understanding of each other. Adam started rubbing soothing circles on Ce Calli's arm, and soon enough she was sitting in his lap so he could massage her neck and shoulders. Then her tunic was pulled off for better access to her back. As hands made strong hurling shovelfuls of dirt propelled fingers delicate enough to handle centuries old relics worked at the knots in her back, she made her enjoyment at the relief known through soft moans and by grinding her butt into his crotch.

She reached around behind her to place a hand on the bulge in his pants her actions had generated, and even by the starlight Adam could see the playful expression on her face, which he returned with his own broad grin. Cheekily, he slipped his hands around to her front, grabbing onto her breasts from behind and pulling her in tight to him with a delighted squeak on her part. So close now, her ears were in prime nibbling distance. Her squeals, giggles, and moans only drove him onward as he cupped her breasts and rolled her nipples between thumb and forefinger while gently attacking her earlobe with tongue and delicate bites.

He shifted his grip on her, his left arm now supported both her breasts while the right hand began to wander lower down her torso, stopping to give a teasing preview of future intentions by running his middle finger around the circumference of her belly-button. Before he could torment her for too long though her hand took his by the wrist and guided it lower. The cotton of her loincloth did little to insulate the heat coming from between her legs, and from Ce Calli's actions with her hands it was clear that she had intended Adam to join her in removing the fabric from consideration entirely. Instead he slid his hand beneath her underwear, fingers running across the curly hair hidden beneath as they sought the top of her pussy.

The sudden tension of her body when the pad of his middle finger made contact with her clit made him immediately pause, but after a second of hesitation Ce Calli switched from trying to get him to pull off her loincloth to gesturing for him to continue with a little kettle-wail sigh. Making careful little circles over the slippery nub and hood, he soon resumed his play with her nipples and earlobes. Her ears in particular received careful attention from his tongue to let her know what else he could do.

When he gently took her clit between his thumb and index finger and began to apply pressure through the hood to the base while slowly moving his fingers up and down, that was clearly too much as Ce Calli began to shudder and shake, incoherent sounds escaping from her lips while Adam just held her and let her ride it out. As she calmed down, he whispered in her ear even though she wouldn't understand, "Damn girl, you must have been pent up."

By the light of the stars Adam could just make out that she had gone slightly cross-eyed. She mumbled something that was probably nothing at all before she closed her eyes and just leaned into him. Within a few seconds she was snoring and Adam had to struggle to keep from bursting out laughing at the role reversal. Eventually he managed to get it under control as he held her close while she slept.

He hoped that she would wake up enough that he could reposition without fully waking her up and he could go relieve himself elsewhere, but he knew in his heart that he was just going to have to ride out the blue balls, probably until morning going by his recent string of luck.

He hoped her dreams would be more pleasant rather than whatever woke her up.
Ce Calli woke up after dawn, much to her extraordinary mortification. She had no idea a man could know such things! Was he a disciple of a deity of sex? Was his apprenticeship to discovering new things in discovering new ways to make women's legs shake? Gods, she was torn between the desire to hog Adam all to herself and the desire to show him off to every other woman she met.

Stumbling back into the pilgrim's camp from where Adam had left her to rest, she found him quietly watching and helping out with the preparation of the morning's breakfast where he could. While the pilgrims were more than a little weirded out by this, they had come to the conclusion that he was simply like that. Thankfully for everyone comfort someone had realized that if they simply asked him to do a man's tasks like breaking up wood for the fire he would do it without complaint and thus spare them the discomfort of a man trying to learn how to make a camp tortilla.

Yei Ollin, Proud Turtle, the man who had sort of settled into the role of the leader of the surviving pilgrims, approached Ce Calli and said, "Lady Little Flute, how goes?"

Ce Calli bit off her first snippish response that she wanted Adam to publicly finger her to wake her up and demonstrate how men should behave around women, but instead said, "Lord Adam and I shall head for Tututepec and the temples there to seek how to best revitalize the sacred spring and others like it, as well as spreading his defensive magic against the diseases of the Outsiders. What decision have you all made as to where to go next?"

Proud Turtle nodded at that and said, "Singing Coyote and Smiling Jaguar are both Knights Jaguar and skilled hunters. They and Coyote's wife have agreed that they will stay here to tell the tale to future pilgrims, including that the magic is gone for now and that they should seek out your aid. Most of the rest plan to return to their own homes. My son and I are willing to either follow you or race ahead to serve as your heralds to Tututepec." The man let a sad frown cross his face at that, for his wife had passed before Ce Calli and Adam had arrived. "We don't have many other places to go."

Ce Calli nodded at that and said, "When it is time for Lord Adam and I to leave, we will tell you the path we will take and decide whether it is best for you to follow or for you to race ahead to Tututepec."

She hadn't actually brought up the question of the path to take with Adam yet, although she also knew that he would probably just follow her lead. Well... actually, he might advocate for taking their time to hit up villages along the way to offer aid and spread knowledge of his protective spell, if only to help people. It sounded like the blistering disease hadn't reached Tututepec yet, but then again people with it had come to this sacred place so if it hadn't arrived in force along the trade routes yet then it was simply a matter of time, so dallying could pose problems.

Deciding that she needed to wake up and clear her head, Ce Calli decided to go wash up using the underground fresh water stream that fed the cenote. No one was going to stop her, and in fact most would probably consider the water that touched her body to be at least slightly blessed. Actually, she might consider collecting the water that she washed her womanhood with and distributing as an aphrodisiac.

No... no the sacred spring needed the magic more.

Sitting under the trickle of cool water, Ce Calli observed the sacred spring. By decree the region had been protected from major construction, although decorations upon the stone had been done to commemorate the works of the gods. It was a most peculiar place, with warm salt waters fed by cold fresh waters, and even the slumbering of the magic of this place had not negated these properties. She wished she understood more, since it would help her structure her spells better.

For a single heartbeat she felt that strange mantle settle over her shoulders, a cold wind blowing thoughts straight into her mind, telling her of the waters being heated by the fires of the Underworld and steaming away just enough water that the stream could not fill the cenote completely.

And then the moment was gone. Ce Calli had thought that she had expended several days of that mantle's power, and yet...

Again, for but a single heartbeat of a handful that she could access in a day, the tattered phantasmal cloak settled upon her shoulders and let her peer at the magic. This was a much harder question to comprehend, but Ce Calli could feel that her night with Adam had restored the powers somewhat, although the answer suggested that she could not simply have unlimited sex with him.

She also had the presence of mind to watch her wrist this time, and she witnessed that ghostly bracelet manifesting again. Or rather bracelets. One bracelet had charms of a rubber ball, an obsidian jaguar claw, and a tiny rubber figurine of a woman in those weird clothes that hung off the same loop as the rubber ball. There were also a trio of bits of tattered cloth hanging off this bracelet, with one looking like the smell of sex. She wasn't exactly sure how something could look like a smell, but that was what her mind told her it looked like.

The second bracelet had a tiny yellow charm on it, a miniature version of the one she had found in the Giant Skull Mortar, which confirmed that it and this new mantle were somehow related. There was also a loop that maybe pointed towards a second charm being strung there one day.

It seemed that while she could manifest many aspects of Itzpapalotl's nature, she also could manifest this other god, although she honestly had no idea who it could be. Tezcatlipolca? But when she donned this strange mantle her hair went red, which didn't feel at all right for the Black Tezcatlipolca. Xipe Totec maybe? But the magic felt wrong for the Flayed Lord.

If only she could strengthen...

For the third time the magical mantle flared, and she was able to feel the natures a little bit, and how they had tones like rocks struck by hammers. The rubber ball was seduction, the claw predation, the sex-smell ribbon was not just sex but sex still resonated with it, and the yellow charm was very much about magic. Doing things that reinforced their nature felt like they could strengthen them.

"Ce Calli?" Adam asked, wandering over and looking concerned while staring at his own wrist. After a moment's recollection she realized that repeated manifestations of her mantles would also cause Adam's version of them to flare.

Deciding not to waste a precious heartbeat just to demonstrate something, Ce Calli instead donned the mantle of the Seducer, causing their bracelets to flare.

Ce Calli's eyes bugged out though when she realized that Adam had five. Rushing over to him, she flickered over to the Predator to see that along with two that corresponded exactly to her two, he also had two others with one empty loop and one bracelet with an empty loop and a tattered ribbon. Grabbing Adam's wrist, she exhausted her ability with the magician for the day to observe these new phantasmal bracelets. The empty loops she couldn't get a reading on, and she felt that she shouldn't get a reading on the ribbon as it was too weak yet, except for the fact that she innately resonated with it.

It was a shard of divinity from a healing mantle.

Ce Calli was going to have a big conversation with Adam over how they were going to be travelling, because she the things they did along the way could have a very big impact on what would happen when they arrived at Tututepec.
Gamer Girl bath water secret origin story revealed!

Glad someone caught that ;)

Anyway, as mentioned on, there is a Premium Ticket (+2 quality level gacha roll) if anyone can figure out the identity of the magic deity that Ce Calli is using on the first try, and a Rare Ticket (+1 QL roll) if it is figured out not on the first try. There have been details seeded that might let one be able to take a stab at it.
Glad someone caught that ;)

Anyway, as mentioned on, there is a Premium Ticket (+2 quality level gacha roll) if anyone can figure out the identity of the magic deity that Ce Calli is using on the first try, and a Rare Ticket (+1 QL roll) if it is figured out not on the first try. There have been details seeded that might let one be able to take a stab at it.
I'll take a stab at a guess, but I'm not 100% positive on it: Quetzalcoatl. The yellow charm makes me think of Venus, along with the mentions of a 'cold wind,' the association he has with wisdom and the West, along with his relationship to Tlaloc, puts me in mind of him. Along with the fact that she dismissed the Black and Red Tezcatlipolcas, that's the one I feel strongest in guessing. The big problem though is that I can't see how Ce Calli wouldn't have thought of him already - he is an important god, and with her knowledge she should be aware of him, at least to an extent.

But yeah, that's my guess.
I'll take a stab at a guess, but I'm not 100% positive on it: Quetzalcoatl. The yellow charm makes me think of Venus, along with the mentions of a 'cold wind,' the association he has with wisdom and the West, along with his relationship to Tlaloc, puts me in mind of him. Along with the fact that she dismissed the Black and Red Tezcatlipolcas, that's the one I feel strongest in guessing. The big problem though is that I can't see how Ce Calli wouldn't have thought of him already - he is an important god, and with her knowledge she should be aware of him, at least to an extent.

But yeah, that's my guess.

Good guess, but sadly that is not correct. Perhaps try going back to review all the clues.

I am adding +1 standard gacha pull for engaging with the challenge, because conversation and interaction helps keep me going.
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Good guess, but sadly that is not correct. Perhaps try going back to review all the clues.

I am adding +1 standard gacha pull for engaging with the challenge, because conversation and interaction helps keep me going.
I got nothing then, sorry. I don't know too much about Aztec religion, and afaik there's no one who is the god of 'magic' so to speak.
Adam had originally been leaning more towards heading towards Tututepec directly to make contact with a large population centre – incredibly vulnerable to European epidemic disease – with many prominent priests who could be convinced to follow along, but Ce Calli had become incredibly excited about the opportunity to take some time to attempt to improve the various mantles she had or could have. As such it had fairly quickly been decided that they would do a tour of the local villages along the way to test this theory a bit more.

With the pilgrims intent on heading out they had decided they would leave that day with the first couple and accompany them to their village, which they should theoretically be able to reach by sunset if they set out before noon and followed the roads at a good pace. With Ce Calli able to provide guidance in the dark they felt comfortable risking arriving at night, and they would provide both introductions and help carry the crate of supplies. The local pilgrims had gone a long way towards turning the crate into something sturdy and easily carried by one or two people.

Just before they set out Ce Calli took the time to dip the Giant Skull Mortar in the waters of the cenote, which after observing for a time Adam was fairly certain was a low flow hydrothermal vent fed by an underground stream that was in near equilibrium. While the act was one of simple faith, both were slightly surprised when the water turned to mercury and then evaporated. What was left in the large bone bowl was a quartet of shotgun shells, binoculars, and an intricately carved butterfly made of obsidian and strung upon a sinew lanyard.

At first they wondered if the butterfly was going to dissolve and appear on Adam's wrist, but it seemed stubbornly solid, so Ce Calli decided to simply wear it as a necklace. Everyone they showed the binoculars to was intensely fascinated by their ability to magnify distant objects, although Adam quickly took ownership of them as he was the only person who actually knew how to properly handle them. Finally, while three of the shells were the standard red plastic containing buckshot, one of the shells was green and it felt unusually dense. Adam wasn't exactly an expert in modern military items, but from the markings he got the distinct feeling that the payload was explosive.

He wrapped that one in padding and stored it away.

And then they were off, setting an absolutely brutal pace that Adam would have been totally unable to sustain if not for the combination of the prior week of bushwhacking through the forests and then getting a day to rest. As it was being able to follow the roads and trails, rotate the crate carrying duty, and knowing that there would be fresh water waiting for them meant that they could keep the pace through the heat of the day without significant worry of heat stroke.

Ce Calli also fairly quickly realized that Adam was going to be too tired for sex by the end of the day and put on a hilariously overwrought pout after taking a look at him in the late afternoon. She didn't say a thing, she just knew that her decision meant that she would have to wait for round two.

Over the next few days they fell into a rhythm of heading to a village, making contact with the locals, Ce Calli providing medical treatment, and wherever possible taking anyone showing signs of smallpox and performing variolation on the rest. Thankfully among the villages the disease was only "just" starting to spread, which was good in that they could get ahead of it and they had access to patients they could obtain smallpox samples for variolation from. Given that the majority of the population was in the interior highlands or along the Gulf coast and these villages were relatively isolated from the main trade routes, this also had apocalyptic implications for the spread of the disease in more populous and interconnected regions.

Ce Calli was also deliberately pushing herself with the weird mantle. There was something that was familiar about it, but since she could only use it for a few seconds each day and it was hugely draining to do anything significant with it they didn't have much time to examine it. The only significant clue other than that the mantle was about 'magic', which was pretty vague, was the fact that Ce Calli's hair turned red. The exact shade of red seemed to vary from day to day, from a rusty shade of black to an almost blonde tone of the sort people with naturally black hair could get when bleaching.

They'd fairly quickly ruled out Tezcatlipoca, Xipe Totec, and Quetzalcoatl since the powers and signs didn't line up with them. Ce Calli found this lack of understanding extra frustrating since by the time the pace of running between villages had slowed enough she had been exerting herself enough that she was simultaneously horny but also too tired to actually want sex. It was simultaneously cute and hilarious how annoyed she was at having to turn down anything more significant than a back or foot massage despite being the initiator every time. Once they got a chance to rest Adam was going to enjoy putting his pussy eating bootcamp experience to work.

The summer between first and second year had been weird. He was glad that Monica got off on being serviced while her girlfriend used her drill instructor training to scream critique of Adam's technique, but after a month everyone involved with that polycule had mutually agreed that it wasn't healthy for Adam to keep trying to make it work.

It was on the sixth day into their tour of the villages when their luck on people's reactions to their presence hit a snag. The local villages were probably still fine, but the dozen or so scarred, gaunt, and angry looking men who suddenly appeared on the road surrounding them clearly had significantly more violent intentions towards them.

Armed with spears, javelins, and clubs while wearing gambesons that had clearly seen better days, the obvious bandits made their demands known. While Adam's Mixtec was still fairly basic, he was able to follow along that their demands amounted to "Hand over everything and we'll keep the woman as a sex slave and then ransom the man back to the Spanish instead of slowly torturing you both to death."

While Adam suspected that he would probably get skewered in the time it took him to unsling his shotgun, that also presumed that the bandits would be directing their attacks at him. For her part Ce Calli was just staring at them all darkly while clutching at the obsidian pendant for some reason.

Even though his adrenaline was spiking, Adam also knew that this fight was already over, and the only real question was how much he was going to participate and how much he was going to try to rein Ce Calli in. If he even could rein her in, which aside from asking nicely he honestly couldn't.
Obsidian butterfly pendant?
I've read enough Exalted quests to guess what's about to happen next. On top of knowing Ce Calli's general powerset.