[X] Before Fujino could think of how to speak, Urahara raised a suggestion of his own. "I might have an idea. It's more important to be safe than to go back, right?"
Asagami turned her head to face towards the shopkeeper as he spoke up, and waited for Urahara to continue.
"Stop me if I've gotten something wrong here." Urahara began. "But as far as I can tell, the main issue here is that Ouji's not in a state where she can be trusted to look after herself, right? Or, at least, could use a hand with that?"
Fujino nodded slightly, hoping Ouji wouldn't take it the wrong way. She had started accepting Fujino's reasoning, but Asagami didn't want to risk offending her.
"And on the other hand, Ouji's deal is a bit complicated." Urahara mused. "I'm not entirely convinced she's given up right now, just that she needs help. So she needs some kind of emotional support, maybe some evidence that we're telling the truth and resurrection's off the table, and heading back to your academy might not help here mindset much. Am I making sense here?"
"I see the point you are making." Fujino said. "Ouji's mental state is more important than her returning to Reien, yes. Where are you going with this?"
"Just an idea." Urahara replied. "But this place has a spare room. Ouji could stay here."
"What?" Ouji's voice sounded confused. Had she not expected that suggestion.
"It's an idea." Urahara repeated. "I've got all the books on the theory that can prove what is and isn't possible. Supervision to make sure you don't try some risky ritual based on a misunderstanding. Nobody here who you've tried to kill, so you've got nothing to feel guilty about.."
"Arisawa." Ouji replied.
"She doesn't live here." Urahara pointed out. 'You'd never have to see her again, if you didn't want to."
"And what do you get out of it?" Misaya asked, the suspicion heavy in her voice. "People don't just do nice things for people for no reason. What do you want?"
"Not everyone has an angle." Urahara defended himself.
There was silence for a moment.
"Okay, fine." Urahara relented. "I did a little bit of digging when I heard about your story and I found a name that explained a lot. Kurogiri Satsuki. Your mentor, I presume?"
Ouji didn't reply, so Fujino did instead. "Misaya had mentioned his name at one point."
The sooner Urahara got to the point of this, the sooner they could discuss his solution.
"See, he's a real scary name to hear in certain communities." Urahara continued. "I don't know much about the guy, but I know what he's capable of. You know about his Universal Language stuff, right?"
"...He mentioned it once." Misaya said. "But not what it was."
"That's probably for the best." Urahara mused. "But see, problem is, the fact that he was here at all is a bit of a problem. From what I do know about the guy, he tends to trade in favours. If he's Japan, that's because someone called him in. I know a few people who might want to deal with the kind of things he can do, and if any of them got any kind of information on his Universal Language stuff? That'd be a problem."
"So what do you want me here for?"
"Not much." Urahara shrugged. "It is mostly just altruism. It's just that you did spend some time around good ol' God's Word. Keeping you close at hand is useful, in case you suddenly recall him talking about anything important. Or have anything of his."
"...There was a journal full of notes." Misaya said. "I didn't understand it, it was in too many different languages. It's in the abandoned hospital, now. That's all I have from him. Everything else was the fairies."
"Alright, then." Urahara nodded. "Then we're back to altruism, then. Stick around as long as you need."
"I don't…" Misaya began, before trailing off. "How do I know I can trust you?"
"I suppose you don't." Urahara shrugged. "It's better than just living in abandoned buildings and not eating, though. And if you can't stomach going home…"
"The last time an old Magus offered me help without strings attached, it was a trick." Ouji said, though the tone of her voice sounded like she was talking to herself more than anyone else.
"I get it." Urahara replied. "Trust issues. No surprise. But it's your choice, in the end. Most I'll ask you to do is answer questions about your old teacher and maybe help with the chores when the kids are slacking. If you don't believe me when I say that, you're free to leave. I'm not interested in forcing anyone's hand."
"Misaya." Fujino spoke up. "I don't know if this helps, but I trust Urahara. He had invited me to warn me of the dangers of Hollows before he even knew you were a problem. I do not think he is the sort of person who would take advantage of you."
"Thank you for the vote of confidence, Asagami." Urahara said. Fujino didn't reply, instead leaving the opportunity for Misaya to speak.
She was still silent for some time before she spoke again.
"...I can change my mind, right?" Misaya asked. "I don't… If this doesn't work, if I want to leave, can I..?"
It wasn't a complete question, but it enough for Fujino to know where it was going.
"I don't see any reason why not." Fujino stated. "Assuming you're in a good enough state to look after yourself, or you have something prepared. As long as you stay in contact with people so they can make sure you're okay. Right, Urahara?"
"I'd probably get yelled at if I let her go off on her own like this, but if she was good enough to go, I don't see the issue."
"Well, Misaya?" Fujino asked. "Is this okay for you?"
Misaya took some time to give her reply. "I… Let me think. I need to think about it."
"That's okay." Asagami assured her. "You should probably take some time to think about it anyway. Rest, make sure you're thinking clearly, all of that."
Misaya let out a heavy breath, and Fujino waited to see if she was going to say anything else.
"...Can I be alone, please?" Misaya asked, her voice wavering. "I… Really want to be alone right now."
"That's fine." Urahara replied. "Are you going to eat that food, though? If you don't like that stuff, I can go get some bread or something."
"I'll eat." Ouji promised.
"Then I'm satisfied." Urahara replied. "If you've come to a decision, knock on the door a few times, I'll come over as soon as I can."
"I'll see you soon, Misaya." Fujino replied, as she turned to leave the room."
Misaya didn't reply, and as Ouji left, Urahara only a step behind, she felt a pang of worry. Ouji should okay now, at least in terms of whether or not she would try to escape, but emotionally, she must still be hurting. Was it really okay to leave her as she is? She wanted to be alone, and she didn't seem like she was a risk to herself or others, but Fujino still felt some doubt.
But at this point, I don't think this was something Fujino could change. She was going to be worried about Misaya a lot. If Misaya was going to stay in Karakura Town instead of returning to Reien, then Fujino would probably be worrying about Misaya a lot.
For now, Fujino had other things to deal with. Right now, for instance, she should go and see Tatsuki.
"Which way did Tsukabishi take Tatsuki?" Fujino asked.
Urahara took a moment to think, before tapping Fujino's left shoulder. "Turn that way and walk. Straight ahead, you'll find a door. They're in there."
"Thank you." Fujino stated.
"Oi, Fujino, can I ask a favour?" Urahara asked. "I want to head off to the abandoned hospital and grab that book before anyone else thinks to poke around in their. If Ouji starts knocking before I get back, mind talking to her for me?"
"Of course." Fujino replied.
"Good, good." Urahara hummed. "Tell Tessai I've gone out. Bye."
Urahara went on his way before Fujino could say anything else.
It might be impolite to think, but he seemed rather odd. He had been extremely helpful across these last few days, but he was still odd.
As Fujino made her way towards the door where Tatsuki apparently was, it occurred to her that it had only been a few days since she had come to Karakura Town. It was the Eighth of August when she first heard about Misaya going missing, and it was only the Eleventh now, wasn't it?
It was good that things had been resolved so quickly, so that Misaya didn't waste away and, less importantly, so that Fujino didn't get in trouble for being away from Reien for too long. But it was strange. It felt like it had been longer than just a few days. She had really bonded with Tatsuki quickly, hadn't she?
Fujino's cane tapped against the door ahead of her, and realising she had reached her destination, Asagami knocked.
A moment passed, and then a door opened.
"Oh hey, Fujino." Tatsuki's voice was cheerful as she saw her. "Good timing, Tsukabishi just finished up. My arm's good, so he just dulled the pain a little."
"That's good to hear." Fujino smiled as she entered the room.
"How'd things go on your end?" Tatsuki asked. "How's Ouji?"
"She's listening to reason." Fujino explained. "I don't think I can say she's okay, exactly. But she's listening to people, and we're making arrangements."
"Like what?" Tatsuki asked.
"She said it would be painful to go back to Reien." Fujino explained. "So Urahara offered to let her stay here while she works through her problems. She's thinking it over."
"Well, I'm glad that she's alright." Tatsuki noted." I mean, I don't really know her, but she did seem kinda messed up when we did meet. Vindictive, but I get it. I hope she's okay."
A thought occurred to Fujino at this point.
"Misaya said that she didn't want to see her almost-victims, as part of the reason she didn't want to return to Reien." Fujino mused. "And when Urahara brought up how she didn't have anything to feel guilty for here, she mentioned you."
"She did?" Tatsuki asked. "Why?"
"She did set that Hollow on you." Fujino pointed out.
"...Oh. Right." Tatsuki realised. "Kinda forgot about that. I was out of it for a while and I think I was more concerned about blowing your first shot at talking to Misaya. How'd that slip my mind?"
The voice of Tsukabishi spoke up, from the back of the room. "That happens sometimes, with those unused to magical healing. The lack of lasting consequences makes it easier to forget physical harm when it coincides with mental or emotional damage."
"Oh, are you there, Tsukabishi?" Fujino asked.
"I didn't want to interrupt, my apologies." He said. "I was planning on leaving, but you are presently blocking the door."
"My bad." Tatsuki said, moving aside. Fujino followed the sound of her footsteps and bowed her head apologetically in Tsukabishi's direction.
"It's no issue." Tsukabishi said. "I'll leave the two of you alone."
"Oh, Tsukabishi." Fujino spoke up. "Urahara told me to tell you that he's left the building. Misaya mentioned the notes she had in the abandoned hospital and he went to go secure them."
"I see." Tsukabishi mused. "I should watch the store, then."
He made his way out, and Fujino heard the door close.
"So, what were you saying?" Tatsuki asked.
Fujino took a moment to remember her train of thought.
"Misaya feels guilty about nearly killing a bunch of our classmates." Fujino explained. "And given she brought you up, I suspect she feels guilty about setting a Hollow on you. I was wondering. Do you hold that against her?"
"I guess not?" Tatsuki replied. "I mean, it kinda slipped my mind, so it's not like I hold a grudge."
"I see." Fujino mused. "In that case, could you try to talk to Misaya at some point? Or at least communicate that you don't hate her for it. She's dealing with a lot now, so perhaps the knowledge that you don't think she should feel guilty would help her."
"You think so?" Tatsuki asked. "I mean, sure, makes sense when you put it like that. But she got kinda pissed last time I tried to get involved. She might just not like me."
"Maybe." Fujino mused. "I'm not going to pretend that I can tell exactly what will happen. But you can be persuasive sometimes, Tatsuki."
"Can I be?" Tatsuki asked. "I didn't think I was."
"Remember this morning?" Fujino asked. "I wasn't exactly happy when you didn't care about my secret, and you managed to talk me into accepting your position."
"That wasn't really me, though." Tatsuki pointed out. "That was mostly you reacting to me being stubborn. Still, I'll see if I can talk to her, if you want."
"Thank you, Tatsuki." Fujino smiled. "It's nice to know that people are going to make sure Misaya is okay, when I leave."
"Oh, right." Tatsuki noted. "You were only here to find her, weren't you?"
"Indeed." Fujino replied. "Now that I have, I should return to Reien Academy soon."
"Reien's one of those fancy private schools with the different semesters and stuff, isn't it?" Tatsuki asked. "I guess you should stop skipping soon, ya delinquent."
"Stop that." Fujino huffed as she turned away from Tatsuki.
"Guilty conscience about truancy?" Tatsuki asked, mischief in her voice. "Worried that a truancy officer will be along to ask where you've been?"
"I'm not giving you the satisfaction." Fujino muttered.
"You're actually pouting." Tatsuki laughed. "This is amazing."
"You are a child." Fujino turned her head more to deny Tatsuki the view. The other girl laughed some more, and Fujino found herself suppressing a smile.
Perhaps it was just the knowledge that Tatsuki didn't seriously mean any of her teasings, but this was, somehow, almost enjoyable. Not that Fujino would ever admit that.
"...Still." Tatsuki shifted topic, her tone getting less cheerful as she spoke. "Leaving Karakura soon, huh?"
"Tomorrow, likely." Fujino replied. "It'll give me time to pack tonight, and let the hotel know I'm leaving."
"It'll probably be a while before we can meet again, in that case." Tatsuki sighed. "What with our school semesters not lining up. We should do something today, before you go, then."
"That would be nice." Fujino replied. "I'm planning to come back here before I leave anyway to see how Misaya is before I leave, but that'll have to be early so I can catch the train and make it back to Reien before class."
"You are the only person I know who wouldn't just take the excuse for one more day off." Tatsuki pointed out. "But anyway, if you'll be here tomorrow before you leave, I'll meet up with you before you go. Say goodbyes then and all. For now, let's just do something."
"A movie, I presume?" Fujino asked. "The last time we went, they did mention a few movies that had been dubbed and narrated so a blind person could enjoy them, and you did seem to be interested in some of them."
"You know what?" Tatsuki asked. "After this morning? A dumb cheesy action movie sounds good."
"Maybe." Fujino replied. "It's fair, I suppose. I did pick the last movie. Once Urahara gets back, we should go."
"Alright." Tatsuki replied.
The two of them fell into silence for a while again, and Fujino mused some more on how she would have to return home, soon.
She wasn't exactly fond of Karakura, not with the risk of ghost monsters still lingering, but it would still be strange leaving. Fujino had gotten close to Tatsuki, and it would be a shame to say goodbye, for however long it took to meet again.
And, if she were being completely honest with herself, Fujino had to admit that the repeated excuse to use her ESP, to be able to feel, had been nice. It wasn't a thought she wanted to linger on, not a temptation she wanted to cross her mind frequently, but Fujino didn't want to lie to herself by pretending otherwise.
It was strange, how much positive experience Fujino had with this place, considering the Hollows and the danger. But then, she had been able to convince Misaya to find somewhere safe to stay, while she worked through her issues. Having some fond memories of an experience wasn't exactly a bad thing, if it had all worked out in the end.
But perhaps she should think about leaving more tomorrow, when the time actually came.
Until then, Fujino should just enjoy herself. She didn't think it was wrong to do that, after all of this.
The day came and went, and far too soon tomorrow had come. One last time, Fujino returns to Urahara's store, to say her goodbyes.
[X] Arisawa Tatsuki was waiting in front of the store, alone, when Fujino arrived.
[X] On that particular day, Kurosaki Karin and Kon had coincidentally been at the location as well.