[X] The Urahara Shop
As the two girls walked, the only sound was that of Arisawa muttering directions. Her voice came softer over time, with her instructions coming slower and further apart over time. Somehow, nobody noticed the two girls walking. Or, at least, if they did, they weren't acknowledging them.
On the one hand, that did mean that there wasn't any difficult questions asked. On the other, with the state Arisawa was in, difficult questions were the last of her concern.
Arisawa's weight shifted suddenly on Fujino's shoulder, and the blind girl stopped moving, waiting for the other girl to confirm she was able to move without falling over. As it was, it felt like the entirety of Arisawa's weight was leaning on Fujino's shoulder, and her attempts to push away were weak.
Did Ouji Misaya know, when she set the Hollow on them, that Arisawa would be hurt this badly? Or did she not care? It was clear from the conversation that Misaya considered the incident she had been involved with to be a regretful one, and her actions were motivated by her guilt, and that was simply from almost killing innocent people. But then, Misaya barely seemed to be in the right mind, during that conversation.
She said she hadn't eaten since coming to Karakura. Had she slept at all during that time? If she wouldn't take the time of her day to eat, would she want to waste time sleeping? She was certainly acting self destructive enough that Fujino would believe she would think that was a good idea.
It occurred to Fujino that Arisawa had stopped trying to shift her weight, and hadn't said anything in a while.
"Arisawa?" Fujino asked. "Are you okay?"
Arisawa didn't respond, nor did she move. So she'd finally lost consciousness, then.
This was a problem. Fujino was blind, and didn't think she could carry Arisawa while moving, let alone while using her cane to see. So if Arisawa couldn't help move, then Fujino was stuck.
In that case, Fujino needed to get help. Her choice, then, were to either wait for someone to notice them, and let Arisawa bleed, or to use her Clairvoyance and try to find someone who knew about the supernatural. Kon, or Karin, or Urahara or anyone like that.
Closing her eyes, Fujino let her clairvoyance activate again.
Ignoring the slight pain in her arm, likely just her muscles straining to hold Arisawa's weight, Fujino shifted her gaze to see if anyone was nearby.
Oh, that was convenient. They were only around the corner from the store where they had talked with Urahara. Looking inside, Fujino immediately noticed the two children in the front of the store. What were their names again? Hanakari and Tsumugiya, wasn't it?
She'll draw their attention first, then.
The boy, Hanakari, was holding a broom in one hand, and holding a box under her shoulder with the other. He tapped on a label on the box, as he said something to the girl, Tsumugiya. Fujino really wished that her ability would let her understand what they were saying, since the only clues she had in that regard were the way the boy shook his head and tapped the box again, whenever the girl spoke.
Well, she didn't need to know what they were saying right now. It would be nice to know so she would know if they were coming, but she needed to get their attention more than another.
Fujino looked at the broom the boy was holding, and picked the point furthest from the two children.
Repeat the phrase enough, and it becomes a curse.
The end of the broom with the brush cracked, and then snapped, some wood splinters scattering across the floor as it did so. The two children looked towards it, and the boy dropped his broom suddenly, as well as the box in his other arm. When the box hit the ground, it must have made some kind of noise, judging by how the boy flinched.
Oh. Was there something fragile in there?
Well, that should get their attention, at least.
The boy looked at the broken broom and box on the ground for a second, before looking up and shouting something. The girl, meanwhile, turned away, and started walking towards what looked like another broom.
Was she just going to clean up? That wasn't what Fujino needed right now. Focusing her gaze on the other broom-
The thought was interrupted with a sudden movement, which Fujino saw, upon refocusing her vision, to be a door opening. Tsukabishi Tessai walked through the door, looking around.
Oh, good. He was smart enough to put information together, from what Fujino had seen. He should be able to tell that the reason things had been snapped were Fujino trying to get someone's attention, and then he could come and get Arisawa-
On reflection, it occurred to Fujino that Tsukabishi had no way of knowing where Fujino was, other than 'Around.' And she doesn't think she ever demonstrate her ability in front of any of the people in that room. They might not know she is responsible. This was not a well thought out plan.
It was better than just doing nothing, she supposed, but it was still troublesome. Which, Fujino mused, seemed to apply to a lot of the actions she was taking lately.
She'd just have to hope that, whatever happened, it worked out. Hopefully before Arisawa lost too much blood.
Speaking of which, the weight on Fujino's shoulder was growing uncomfortable. The sensation was one Fujino wasn't used to, and she enjoyed the fact that she could feel it, but it was distracting.
Focusing again, Fujino watched as Tsukabishi waved his hands around the room. As his hands stilled, the broken shards of the broom formed together again, and the two broken sticks fixed each other. The two kids watched, and the door behind the group opened again.
Urahara, Kurosaki and Kon stepped out. So they had managed to talk, then? That was good. Urahara said something, Tsukabishi said something, and Fujino decided she may as well stop paying attention to who's mouths were moving when she couldn't understand them anyway.
So instead, Fujino simply observed the group, up until Urahara tapped his cane on the ground. Nothing happened for a moment after that, until a shiver ran down Fujino's spine. Urahara's cane was suddenly raised and pointed in Fujino's direction, and Kon ran out of the building.
Whatever that was, it was convenient.
Once she had confirmed Kon was on his way, Fujino shut off her clairvoyance, and waited. Footsteps echoed around her as sensation faded away, and after a moment, the soul in the borrowed body arrived.
"Asag-" He began, before cutting himself off. "Tatsuki!"
"Hello, Kon." Fujino began. "I don't suppose you could carry Arisawa for me?"
"What happened?" Kon asked, his voice getting closer as he spoke, and the weight on Fujino's shoulder being removed as he concluded his question.
"It might take some time to explain." Fujino replied. "I think it would be best to take her to Urahara, first. He has some healing ability, right?"
"I- Alright." Kon replied. "Are you hurt? Do you need help getting there?"
"It's only around the corner." Fujino replied. "And I'm fine. It'll just take a minute."
"I'll see you there, then." Kon finished, before leaving. Taking a moment to feel around with her cane, Fujino set off towards where she remembered Urahara's store being.
Left to herself as she walked, Fujino had more time to think. Inevitably, her thoughts drifted once again, to what had happened.
Ouji Misaya was motivated by guilt. The feeling that what she had been doing was wrong, and she needed to do something to make up for it. She had compared herself to Asagami, and it wasn't an inaccurate comparison, either. Why had Fujino come to Karakura Town in the first place? Why was she looking for Ouji? Because it was something she could do, however inconvenient and difficult it was, and doing something to help someone like that was something Fujino felt she had to do.
Of course, the two girls weren't exactly the same. Ouji Misaya was trying to assuage the regret she felt over nearly killing a class full of students to avenge her friend. She had killed Hayama, and considering how poorly she had reacted to the name and what she had said he had done, it wouldn't surprise Fujino if Kurogiri's death was her doing as well. But Hayama's death had been an accident, and considering that Kurogiri had apparently enabled Misaya during her attempted massacre, his death may not have left her with much lingering guilt.
It was a weird thought, to think that someone who had died recently might have enabled murders. That someone who had been a teacher at the school Fujino attended would be that kind of person. But she could dwell on that later, if at all. For now, Fujino wanted to consider Ouji's circumstances some more.
As far as she could understand, it was the near-massacre of her classmates that filled Misaya with the most guilt. None of them had died, but Fujino could understand how the actual circumstances of the victim mattered less than what was going through her head while planning the killings. Looking at her own victims objectively, the vast majority of them, as well as the one who had escaped, could be said to have brought it on themselves. Fujino had been able to justify her actions until her encounter with Ryougi, after all.
The reason Fujino felt the weight of her sins, and the reason Ouji felt hers, wasn't because of the end result. Rather, it was what she wanted to do. What she had thought.
This, Fujino mused, was the one major difference between herself and Misaya. Misaya had been enabled and manipulated, from what she had said. For Fujino, her actions were her own. Her desires were her own, without any outside influence. Ouji sought to mitigate the guilt of one planned action. Asagami sought to mitigate the guilt of her own existence.
Even if Asagami could understand Ouji's point of view, she couldn't accept it. In the end, Fujino had done far worse than what Misaya had done. If Misaya had set her sights on a goal as impossible as resurrection as the one thing that could make amends for her action, then what hope would Fujino have, of ever being able to justify her life?
Well, perhaps that was a selfish way of looking at it. And perhaps Fujino's conclusion was selfish as well. But at the end of the day, she didn't think Misaya deserved to suffer. She had lost a friend, accidentally caused a death, and then someone came along to convince her to go further. That shouldn't be comparable to someone who wanted to kill because they felt happy to use their power to end a life.
Though, right now, Fujino should stay focused. Arisawa was injured, and Misaya wasn't here.
Reaching what she presumed to be the Urahara store, Fujino knocked on the door.
A moment passed, before it opened, and Kurosaki Karin spoke.
"Asagami." She began, her voice moving as she stepped aside. "What happened?"
"We found Ouji." Fujino replied. "We talked. She's responsible for the fairies, by the way."
"The girl you're looking for?" Kurosaki asked. "Why?"
"I'd rather not divulge all of her personal issues to a stranger." Asagami replied. "I promise I'll have the situation resolved soon."
"So how did this lead to Tatsuki being injured?" Kon asked, from the other side of the room.
"Ouji didn't want to come home." Asagami replied. "So, as far as I can tell, she took control of a Hollow and set it on us. She ran in the confusion and Arisawa was hurt."
"That... Doesn't seem good." Kon noted. "You're not just saying everything about her, so I presume she didn't come across as a bad guy when you were talking with her. I don't suppose you'd be able to share what her motive there is?"
"I doubt Ouji fully understood what the consequences would be." Fujino explained. "As far as I can tell, she's not in the right mind. I have my doubts she's slept since she came to Karakura, and she outright said she hadn't eaten. From what I understand, she simply wanted to leave, took the easiest path to keep us distracted, and didn't realise that someone could have been hurt."
"...Sounds rough." Karin muttered. "You better hope you're right. If she did want to hurt Tatsuki and you're giving her the benefit of the doubt, that could be you, next."
"Uh, also." Kon spoke up. "Tatsuki was leaning on you for a while, right? And she was bleeding pretty bad."
What did that have to- Oh.
"My clothes are all bloody, aren't they?" Fujino asked.
That could be a problem. Fujino would need to go back to the hotel to get more clothes, and there would be people who notice that there's blood in her clothes.
"Also your face a bit." Kon noted. "And your hair."
She couldn't let people see her covered in blood. Especially not somewhere where she'd have to come and go a few more times before she could leave Karakura and go home.
Another door opened, and a small voice spoke. Tsumugiya, Fujino remembered. "Asagami."
"Hello." Fujino replied.
"Urahara will be with you shortly." She said. "Once Arisawa has been healed a bit. Is there anything you need?"
"Is there a shower around here?" She asked. "I might need to get this blood out of my hair. If you have spare clothes that would fit me here somewhere, those would be nice."
The girl took a moment, before she replied.
"There's a shower in the basement." The girl said. "There might be stock of clothes somewhere around here. Do you have a preference?"
"Not really." Asagami replied. "Nothing too revealing or attention grabbing, but otherwise, nothing."
"Okay." The girl said. "The shower is this way."
The girl started moving away from the door, and Asagami followed.
Once she has cleaned up the blood, what should Fujino focus on during her talk with Urahara?
[X] Misaya's goal, resurrecting her dead friend. That didn't seem possible, but understanding why might help talk Misaya down.
[X] What Misaya had done when controlling the Hollow, and how to prevent people near her from being hurt by similar situations.
[X] Neither- Arisawa should be regaining consciousness soon, and Fujino would prefer to talk to her immediately when she does so.