That Nostalgic Summer Rain (Bleach/Kara no Kyoukai)

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It was on the eighth of August, when the corpse was discovered.

Kurogiri Satsuki, the teacher...
Update 1


Embrace your inner lunatic. Fun times guaranteed.
Under a rock.
It was on the eighth of August, when the corpse was discovered.

Kurogiri Satsuki, the teacher. Only a few months ago, he had replaced Hayama Hideo, after he was fired and subsequently disappeared.

The girl sat on a bench in Reien Girl's Academy, as her fellow students around her talked about the tragedy.

'"It's so sad." One of the fellow students muttered to a friend. "He was so nice..."

"He didn't really seem like much." Someone else said. "But... He only just started. And now he's gone."

The girl didn't feel too much about the victim. It wasn't that she was uncaring. It was tragic that someone had died, and even if the girl had barely known Kurogiri, it was still sad. But currently, there was a bigger question on her mind.

Kurogiri had been the supervisor of Class D, and less than a week ago, that class had been involved in another incident. The girl hadn't given it much thought, thinking it was just a rumour, but she should have known better. She, at least, knew that a rumour wasn't necessarily untrue. The whispers of her name behind her track were more true than anyone else thought.

As the rumour went, Class D had awoken in the old school dormitory six days ago, in the middle of the night. Nobody remembered how they had gotten there, and as the rumour went, some of them had lighters on them. A usually innocuous thing, until one remembered why the old school dormitory was out of commission.

The incident over where Hayama Hideo had been fired had been a fire, in that dormitory. A student had been unable to escape the blaze, and had been killed. A student in Class D.

Tragedy seemed to follow that class, it would appear. After the fire, the class had slowly deteriorated. Their grades had dropped, and they appeared to grow more paranoid over time, until the incident. And now their teacher had been killed.

Perhaps the girl was wrong, to let it distract her from the tragedy, but it had seemed too interconnected to be mere chance.

No, it was more than that. Before the incident in the old school dormitory six days ago, there had been another oddity which had concerned the girl. She had dismissed the connection earlier, because nobody had died until the oddity had passed, but if it was all connected, then perhaps that dismissal had been a mistake.

Kokutou Azaka had introduced Ryougi Shiki to Reien Girl's Academy.

Such a thing would, in most circumstances, be easily dismissed. That name is one most thought nothing of, apart from the fact that the Ryougi were a rich family. And that was note overly of note in Reien Girl's Academy. Wealthy families enrolling their daughters in the Academy was hardly new, and with the Student Council President demonstrating enough sway with the staff as she had, the monetary sway most of the well-off students had wasn't as impressive.

No, the name Ryougi Shiki would not mean much to most students in Reien Girl's Academy. But to those such as the girl, who knew who Ryougi was, the fact that she had been here was a disturbing thought. To most, she was simply a distant, perhaps rude figure. But the truth was, Ryougi Shiki's presence was an ill omen. From what the girl had heard from Ryougi, she was not easy to motivate, and from what the girl had experienced personally, what did motivate Ryougi was not safe for anyone else.

Asagami Fujino had seen firsthand, the extent that Ryougi Shiki would go to for the sake of killing another person. She would not be interested in a safe person as a victim, but with a suitable target, she would stop at nothing. The fact that Ryougi Shiki had come to Reien Girl's Academy had been a sign of danger to come, and Fujino had been a fool, to think otherwise.

Ryougi had already left by the time Kurogiri had been killed, so whatever her involvement had been, it had already ceased. Perhaps the incident six days ago had been what she had waited for. But as of the current moment, it was unlikely to have been Ryougi's hands who had killed Kurogiri. Even still, the involvement of that woman...

Fujino repressed a shudder, as she continued listening to the people around her.

"I wonder how Ouji's taking it..." Another girl said. "She was fond of Kurogiri, wasn't she?"

"Was she? I don't think I ever heard her talk about him."

"They'd meet together all the time. And of course you wouldn't have, Ouji doesn't gossip idly. Not since the fire..."

The girl tilted her head to position her ear towards that specific conversation. The student council president had been effected by the fire as well? She hadn't been part of Class D. Was this another connection which she had overlooked?

"The fire? You mean where-"

"Yes, that one. Tachibana had been Ouji's friend, you know. She hasn't been the same since, really."

Tachibana. That was the girl who had died in the fire. She was close to Ouji? In that case, perhaps it was her that tragedy was following, if she was also fond of the teacher who had been killed.

"Has anyone seen Ouji?" The conversation continued. "She's not here, and I don't think I've seen her around..."

"Not since yesterday." Someone else continued. "She was looking for some scissors just after class, I think she said?"

"I hope she's okay. She's been through a lot."

...She has, hadn't she?

Fujino kept her grip on her cane as she kept that train of thought.

Ouji Misaya was relatively well known in Reien, but Fujino had never given her too much thought. Now, the girl wondered if she should have paid more attention. Maybe Ouji was merely running late, but with a second person she cared about dying in only a handful of months...

Turning her head so as to look to another nearby group of students, Fujino adjusted her cane to tap along the edge of the bench to ensure she knew how far down it she could go, and slid down. The conversation around her faltered for a second as the cane tapped, Fujino noted. It was disappointing, Fujino mused, that she stuck out as abnormal now. But at the very least, being blind wasn't as bad as everyone knowing what she had done.

"Excuse me." The girl asked, smiling. "Has anyone seen the student council president?"

There was silence for a moment, before someone in the group responded.

"I heard a rumour that her dorm mate didn't see her last night." A girl whose voice Fujino didn't recognise began. "Apparently, all of her things were still there, but Ouji herself never turned up."

"I see..." Fujino muttered under her breath. "Everything was still there?"

"That's not what I heard." Another girl said. "Apparently, there was some things missing. Tachibana's old things, I think? Maybe Ouji was feeling sad and went to go somewhere to relive old times? Oh, that sounds almost romantic..."

"Tachibana's things?" A third voice asked. "I thought it was that the dormmate was missing a map, not that Ouji's old friends belongings disappeared as well."

"No, no, that's not it." The second voice said. "The map had been moved, but not taken. Someone had traced a location-"

"Hey guys." Another voice interrupted, sitting down next to Fujino. It took the girl a moment to recognise the voice. Seo Shizune, Azaka's dormmate. "What's up?"

"We're talking about Ouji." One of the girls Fujino was talking to replied. "I don't think anyone seen her since-"

"She's going to Karakura Town." Seo interrupted.

There was silence following her declaration, so Fujino took it upon herself to start the conversation again.

"Ah... How do you know what, Seo?"

The other girl hesitated for a moment, before she replied.

"I... Have a friend in the city, who saw her yesterday." She decided, eventually. "She said that Ouji was buying a train ticket to Karakura town, without even changing out of the Reien uniform. She seemed like she was in a hurry? I don't know, but they haven't been wrong about this before."

Seo did this often, Fujino reflected. She always seemed to know things and then give an unconvincing response as to how she knows, but always ended up right in the end. Maybe she was secretly sneaking out, or had a lover in the city she didn't want people to know about. But, if it was Seo saying it, then it was probably right.

But, why would Ouji be heading to Karakura town?

"Thank you, Seo." Fujino replied, smiling. "I was wondering where she was. Honestly, I was getting worried about her."

Maybe the rumours were accurate again, in what was missing. Maybe Ouji had run away with Tachibana's old belongings. Maybe Ouji wasn't doing too well, right now.

She didn't know the details, but she did know that Kurogiri's body was only found this morning, and he hadn't been seen after classes yesterday. Perhaps Ouji stumbled across his body before anyone else had, and ran away in a panic afterwards. Chances were, she wouldn't be feeling too good about herself right about now.

Perhaps Fujino was jumping to conclusions, making an assumption when she shouldn't, but it didn't sound as if Ouji was in the best state, right now. And Fujino had been going off of less evidence, when Risu was mourning her friend. If Fujino hadn't intervened then, then a classmate of hers would have died months ago.

Withdrawing from the conversation for a while, Fujino took a moment to think about it.

It would be easy enough, to get away from Reien. If she told the staff she was feeling concerned about her health, they would be obligated to let her leave the academy for a while. And if she was caught going to Karakura, she could just claim she was heading somewhere nearby to find a new doctor for a second opinion, just to be safe.

She did feel bad, honestly, about lying like that. But Fujino had made up her mind. She had done something terrible in the past, and yet when retribution came upon her, she was spared. Fujino had to prove that her survival wasn't a mistake, and if helping her classmates did that, then that would be what she did.

...No, more than that. Fujino did not have to prove that it was right for her to continue to live, she had to ensure that she atoned for the sins she had committed. Humans carried their sins with them forever. If Fujino wanted to be able to bear her burden, she had to continue to help others. A minor inconvenience like having to lie and missing a few days from school was nothing. With the sins she was bearing, such a thing was a merciful price, to lift that burden for but a moment.

Tonight, Fujino decided. She would go to Karakura town tonight, and find Ouji Misaya. If she needed help, then Fujino was here for that.

The hardest part about it was convincing the staff that Fujino would be fine on her own.

That wasn't even that difficult, all things considered. It had been several months, and Fujino had adapted to her new blindness well enough. Nowadays, she didn't even need to cheat, with how well she had remembered Reien Girl's Academy's layout. The train to Karakura Town was more than capable of accommodating Fujino, and she was able to reach the small town fairly easily indeed.

After that, getting out of the train station was a bit of an ordeal, but one Fujino had grown accustomed to. People gave her space when they saw her cane, asking for guidance was easy enough, and even if she disliked moving so slowly, she had managed to leave the station and get into the city proper before long.

Now it was just a matter of finding a place to stay, for however long it took to find Ouji or hear that she was alright. A hotel of some description. Fujino knew it would be easy enough to simply ask, but...

Well, perhaps part of her wanted to do it the other way. The part of her Fujino should probably be ignoring, but which she could see the logic behind this time. She was in a new city, and an understanding of it's layout would make it easier for her to move. And besides, there was something about this town that was giving her the chills. An instinctual gut feeling, that it would be better this way.

It took some walking to manage it again, but the girl was able to get away from the station before long. Once that was done, and Fujino could no longer hear a crowd around her or cars moving through the street, she closed the eyes that kept opening reflexively without reason.

She knew she could do this without hurting anyone around her, she had done it before, but it was best to avoid the potential situation in which she was wrong. It was as easy as flicking a switch, really.

One moment, there was only darkness. The next, Fujino saw all.

This power of hers, the ESP she possessed, was a coincidentally useful ability. The blind, with the ability to see everything around them...

Ah, if only she could properly trust herself to use her ability constantly. But even if she had done this safely before, she couldn't trust her own thought process to understand when she goes too far.

No, it was better that she only used her power on rare occasions. In fact, thinking about it, the excuse she had come up with to do this now didn't even sound convincing to her. Perhaps she should-

The bird's eye view granted to Fujino through her power presented to her a sight that interrupted her mental progression.

How unexpected. Some kind of monster.

It was lurking in the shadows of an alleyway, laying in wait for something. What, Fujino wouldn't have been able to tell. The monster appeared to have some kind of mask fused into it's body, and a hole through what looked vaguely like a chest.

...What exactly was this? Fujino knew that the supernatural existed, but she had never encountered something like this before.

The monster in the alley three blocks behind peaked out of the shadows for a moment, then skittered back into it, vibrating slightly in anticipation. Shifting her clairvoyance, Fujino took a moment to observe why.

A human was walking down the street, towards the point where the alley began, where the monster would be. They appeared to be ignorant of the threat they were walking towards, even now.

Perhaps it was time that Fujino intervened, then? It would hardly be fitting, for her to simply overlook a situation in which someone is in danger, when she could so easily stop it.

She turned, using her cane to established the area around her body, which she was no longer watching, and made sure to swing it in a wide arc on the ground as she walked to ensure that anyone who happened to wander by would notice her distraction.

The monster was there, and by the second, the potential victim was drawing closer. As she closed in herself, Fujino took a moment to take a look at the person walking down the street.

[X] A boy with orange hair, looking around nervously as if worried that someone might see him.
[X] A girl with black hair, an annoyed expression on her face as she muttered to herself.
[X] A small girl, seemingly oblivious to the world around her.
[X] A girl with black hair, an annoyed expression on her face as she muttered to herself.

You know, normally you need a minute amount of prodding to make a terrible decision.
[X] A boy with orange hair, looking around nervously as if worried that someone might see him.
[X] A girl with black hair, an annoyed expression on her face as she muttered to herself.

In Nasuverse, talking is not a free action.
[X] A boy with orange hair, looking around nervously as if worried that someone might see him.
[X] A girl with black hair, an annoyed expression on her face as she muttered to herself.
[X] A girl with black hair, an annoyed expression on her face as she muttered to herself.
[X] A girl with black hair, an annoyed expression on her face as she muttered to herself.
[X] A boy with orange hair, looking around nervously as if worried that someone might see him.
[X] A girl with black hair, an annoyed expression on her face as she muttered to herself.

~go go fujinon~
[X] A girl with black hair, an annoyed expression on her face as she muttered to herself.
[X] A small girl, seemingly oblivious to the world around her.

I know basically nothing about Bleach but I'm pretty sure the other two are main boy and main girl so let's go with the third door.
[X] A boy with orange hair, looking around nervously as if worried that someone might see him.
[X] A small girl, seemingly oblivious to the world around her.

I'm hopeful for Yachiru
[X] A girl with black hair, an annoyed expression on her face as she muttered to herself.