TFRC (Squad A)

Away Team:
@munchkinomatic @BCK233 @erlking

It takes a moment for Arkady to spot the man through the crowd, and a second more to discern what the small, odd man is doing. He's clutching his brown coat around him in an odd manner, and certainly looks suspicious...
And then it hits Polozkov like a truck.
The man has wandered into the center of the packed bar, and appears to be clutching his coat tightly to himself yet the size of his torso does not seem to match his thin arms. He could be hiding something beneath the coat, like a weapon, or some body armor...

Or a bomb.

One of the waitresses begin to approach the agitated man.
Away Team:
@munchkinomatic @BCK233 @erlking

It takes a moment for Arkady to spot the man through the crowd, and a second more to discern what the small, odd man is doing. He's clutching his brown coat around him in an odd manner, and certainly looks suspicious...
And then it hits Polozkov like a truck.
The man has wandered into the center of the packed bar, and appears to be clutching his coat tightly to himself yet the size of his torso does not seem to match his thin arms. He could be hiding something beneath the coat, like a weapon, or some body armor...

Or a bomb.

One of the waitresses begin to approach the agitated man.
Polozkov freezes for a moment, before taking another drink and whispering, "Man with a bomb. Going to get him over here and away from the crowd. Distract the waitress. Don't want her to do anything that could set her off." With that he stands up, and walks over to the man as fast as he can without seeming suspicious.
Arkady forces himself to hide his fear behind a friendly smile before tapping the man's shoulder. "You'll be waiting all night for a table. A few of my friends couldn't make it, so we've got a seat open. Now c'mon, I'm buying."
Polozkov freezes for a moment, before taking another drink and whispering, "Man with a bomb. Going to get him over here and away from the crowd. Distract the waitress. Don't want her to do anything that could set her off." With that he stands up, and walks over to the man as fast as he can without seeming suspicious.
Arkady forces himself to hide his fear behind a friendly smile before tapping the man's shoulder. "You'll be waiting all night for a table. A few of my friends couldn't make it, so we've got a seat open. Now c'mon, I'm buying."

The man's eyes widen.
"W-what? N-no that alright....I'm... I'm okay standing thanks...."
He looks around, not making eye contact with Polozkov. The waitress addresses the man by his name, apparently knowing him.
"Jeremy?" She asked. "Jeremy thank whatever gods that be you're alright! When you went off with those-" The man, Jeremy, hisses at her, interrupting.
"Laurel! Leave now!" he hisses under his breath, then adds "Please just go." Then he turns back to you.
"And you! Leave me alone! you don't know why I'm here!"
The waitress reaches for his shoulder.
"Jeremy, what-"
He brushes her off.
"Laurel, go. Now. Please." The last word is spoken particularly desperately, pleading with her.
She looks to Polozkov.
The man feverishly checks his watch.