Ten Pounds of Gold: A Pro Wrestling Quest

[X] Plan VanRopen

Getting in early on Spot Show could be useful if they mange to become a fixture of the area we could end up with a place that's guaranteed to always be willing to book us if were in town. And if it doesn't well it didn't really cost us much and we got a paycheck out of it, i call that a win win situation.
[X] Plan VanRopen

Getting in early on Spot Show could be useful if they mange to become a fixture of the area we could end up with a place that's guaranteed to always be willing to book us if were in town. And if it doesn't well it didn't really cost us much and we got a paycheck out of it, i call that a win win situation.

We didn't actually get an effective paycheck out of it. In one we break even, in another we lose money pursuing it.
We didn't actually get an effective paycheck out of it. In one we break even, in another we lose money pursuing it.
Exactly and the one we lose money getting a booking at is Thunderpunch the one both plan's have us going to, not spot show. Spot show is the one that's close and doesn't cost us money to set up a booking at, see.
[] Take a Booking (Spot Show)- Jack stumbled on a flyer from some promoter who doesn't really know what he's doing. His inexperience is your gain, and there's a spot open on the card. That is, of course, if you want to take it. (Financial Change: None.Gain booking at Duncan's Danger!)

[] Take a Booking (THUNDERPUNCH)- Allie stumbled into a booking with a local indie group, THUNDERPUNCH. They're not much higher on the totem pole than the SWF- actually, they might be on the same level. And they're definitely a bit out of your way. But wrestling is wrestling. (Financial Change: -1 Expense. Gain booking at THUNDERPUNCH!)

Besides i doubt were going to lose money in the long run regardless of what show we go to since once we have confirmed were being booked we will negotiate how much we are being paid.
Posting the current tally. Sadly, couldn't do what I did last time because one of the plans didn't X everything, so their votes don't count towards singles. If that's changed by the time I close the vote, I'll go back to tallying everything up individually.

Vote Tally : Original - Ten Pounds of Gold: A Pro Wrestling Quest | Page 46 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.5

[X] Plan VanRopen
[X] Go to Work
[X] Look for Work (Wrestling)
[X] Take a Booking (Spot Show)
[X] Take a Booking (THUNDERPUNCH)
[X] Veg and Relax
[X] Set up an Online Presence
[X] Get back to Horizon Academy
-[X] Brawling
-[X] Brawling x2
No. of Votes: 8

[X] Plan Prep
No. of Votes: 5

[X] Plan Solid Foundations
[X] Look for Work (Wrestling)- You're calling yourself a professional wrestler. In order to keep doing that, you need to, you know, wrestle. Professionally. (DC60 check. If passed, Tommy gets some leads and might be able to talk his way onto a show. If failed, nothing Tommy does pans out, at least for now.)
[X] Set up an Online Presence- At the end of the day, you run a small business that has exactly one employee. What do all small businesses need? Accessibility and advertising, and there's nothing better for that then the internet. Set up a twitter, a professional facebook, and a few other things. Maybe a blog. (On success, Tommy establishes himself in the cyberworld. Fans can interact with him, and people can contact him directly without having to give out his phone number. This action cannot be failed.)
[X] Hang out with Allie- Your punk friend is right at home here, which is just great; you could use the help. You'll set aside some time and go do some shit together. New experiences are always better when shared. (DC40 check. If passed, Tommy and Allie go out and do something cool, with possible encounters. If failed, both Allie and Tommy are too busy to hang. Action wasted.)
[X] Hang out with Jack- It looks like Jack is going to need some help adjusting to his new surroundings, even more than you do. You'll set aside some time and go do some shit together. New experiences are always better when shared. (DC40 check. If passed, Tommy and Jack go out and do something cool, with possible encounters and a possible relationship increase. If failed, both Jack and Tommy are too busy to hang. Action wasted)
[X] Hit the Gym- You're a professional athlete now, and you're going to need to maintain yourself and improve your body. There's nothing better for that then heading to the gym. A membership'll cost you a little a month, but it's well worth it. (Cost: 1 Expense per month. Results: +1d20 for power and cardio. Possible encounters)
[X] Go to Work- You're now gainfully employed as a… whatever-the-hell-you-do at UR Shipping. Archie, your boss, seems nice, and your only coworker seems like… she exists. Get over there! It's time to make that money. (No check. +1 expense. Possible gains with Archie and Charley. If not taken, DC80 check must be passed to avoid being fired.)
[X] Take a Booking (Spot Show)- Jack stumbled on a flyer from some promoter who doesn't really know what he's doing. His inexperience is your gain, and there's a spot open on the card. That is, of course, if you want to take it. (Financial Change: None.Gain booking at Duncan's Danger!)
No. of Votes: 3

Total No. of Voters: 16
Vote Tally : Original - Ten Pounds of Gold: A Pro Wrestling Quest | Page 46 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4
[X] Plan VanRopen
[X] Go to Work
[X] Look for Work (Wrestling)
[X] Take a Booking (Spot Show)
[X] Take a Booking (THUNDERPUNCH)
[X] Veg and Relax
[X] Set up an Online Presence
[X] Get back to Horizon Academy
-[X] Brawling
-[X] Brawling x2
No. of Votes: 10
Plan: ◈VanRopen

Corvo Montés
Novus Ordo Mundi
Pandemonious Ivy
The Dave
Van Ropen
[X] Plan Solid Foundations
[X] Look for Work (Wrestling)- You're calling yourself a professional wrestler. In order to keep doing that, you need to, you know, wrestle. Professionally. (DC60 check. If passed, Tommy gets some leads and might be able to talk his way onto a show. If failed, nothing Tommy does pans out, at least for now.)
[X] Set up an Online Presence- At the end of the day, you run a small business that has exactly one employee. What do all small businesses need? Accessibility and advertising, and there's nothing better for that then the internet. Set up a twitter, a professional facebook, and a few other things. Maybe a blog. (On success, Tommy establishes himself in the cyberworld. Fans can interact with him, and people can contact him directly without having to give out his phone number. This action cannot be failed.)
[X] Hang out with Allie- Your punk friend is right at home here, which is just great; you could use the help. You'll set aside some time and go do some shit together. New experiences are always better when shared. (DC40 check. If passed, Tommy and Allie go out and do something cool, with possible encounters. If failed, both Allie and Tommy are too busy to hang. Action wasted.)
[X] Hang out with Jack- It looks like Jack is going to need some help adjusting to his new surroundings, even more than you do. You'll set aside some time and go do some shit together. New experiences are always better when shared. (DC40 check. If passed, Tommy and Jack go out and do something cool, with possible encounters and a possible relationship increase. If failed, both Jack and Tommy are too busy to hang. Action wasted)
[X] Hit the Gym- You're a professional athlete now, and you're going to need to maintain yourself and improve your body. There's nothing better for that then heading to the gym. A membership'll cost you a little a month, but it's well worth it. (Cost: 1 Expense per month. Results: +1d20 for power and cardio. Possible encounters)
[X] Go to Work- You're now gainfully employed as a… whatever-the-hell-you-do at UR Shipping. Archie, your boss, seems nice, and your only coworker seems like… she exists. Get over there! It's time to make that money. (No check. +1 expense. Possible gains with Archie and Charley. If not taken, DC80 check must be passed to avoid being fired.)
[X] Take a Booking (Spot Show)- Jack stumbled on a flyer from some promoter who doesn't really know what he's doing. His inexperience is your gain, and there's a spot open on the card. That is, of course, if you want to take it. (Financial Change: None.Gain booking at Duncan's Danger!)
No. of Votes: 8
Plan: ◈Solid Foundations

The Laurent
Zeitgeist Blue
[X] Plan Prep
No. of Votes: 4
Plan: ◈Prep

Echo 101
Total No. of Voters: 22
It's not by plans. So I actually have no idea what actually won.

Also, while it doesn't matter since Van Ropen won anyways, I'm going to say 'I told you so' if this winds up being a problem.

Because the Thunder-whatnot is a money loser, and that's one of the big problems with not having plan votes.

Imagine, for a second, you have Plan A. It does a lot of things, and one thing it does is spend a lot of money on Option X, which for instance might put everything close to bankruptcy. So then someone gets together and creates Plan B, which is similar to Plan A but doesn't have Option X.

When not doing a plan tally, the end result of a close run vote in which Plan B wins is that Option X gets done anyways.
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Individually I think Hang out with Allie gets put into VanRopen's plan, with either Veg out or Go to Horizon getting bumped off. Go to Horizon has a lot of votes but gets split pretty badly by the subvote.
Next time, for simplicities sake, I'm just going to say no plan votes. Individual votes all the way.

For the record, winners are: Online, Work, Look for Wrestling Work, the Spotshow, THUNDERPUNCH, Horizon (Brawling x2), and Allie.

Eh, whatever. I really don't get the bias against plan voting when you're voting on resource management.

Because from my experience, I've noticed that when its explicitly plan format, it quickly becomes a nonvote. One of two things happen. 1: one person makes a plan, plan is voted on without opposition, plan goes through. Boring vote for all involved.

Or 2 (and much more likely) one plan is made, and another plan copies it except for one or two actions. That second plan never catches on due to the bandwagon effect, and because people are ok either way. Again, a vote is had without discussion.

By focusing on individual votes, I'm hoping more people will have an impact on the direction of the quest, and also to encourage discussion about the lesser actions (vegging out vs. hanging out this last turn, for example).
Because from my experience, I've noticed that when its explicitly plan format, it quickly becomes a nonvote. One of two things happen. 1: one person makes a plan, plan is voted on without opposition, plan goes through. Boring vote for all involved.

Or 2 (and much more likely) one plan is made, and another plan copies it except for one or two actions. That second plan never catches on due to the bandwagon effect, and because people are ok either way. Again, a vote is had without discussion.

By focusing on individual votes, I'm hoping more people will have an impact on the direction of the quest, and also to encourage discussion about the lesser actions (vegging out vs. hanging out this last turn, for example).





What are you doing?

This isn't how things go.

You're not supposed to talk about the conspiracy.

Don't make yourself a martyr, Ves.

Don't walk alone against us.

Otherwise, you'll just become...

Another Victim.