Ten Pounds of Gold: A Pro Wrestling Quest

It's been a while, so I could easily be way off about this, but as I recall we are doing alright on money.

Let's prioritize trying to get more famous, no need to penny punch with merch.

But Merch is about fame. It's about control of your image. If you don't want to penny pinch, then the obvious demand to drop is the one involving the travel restitution.
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But Merch is about fame. It's about control of your image. If you don't want to penny pinch, then the obvious demand to drop is the one involving the travel restitution.

I'd vote:

1: Priority clause for 100SW. We expect to be getting pushed there, what with Hugo leaving, and we seriously don't want to have to reschedule title matches.

2: Final veto over merch for us specifically. We want this stuff to fit our brand.

3: If both us and our tag partner hate a merch piece made for our tag team, we should be able to veto it together.

4: Ability to submit our own concepts/designs for show merchandise to Creative, who will consider them seriously and get back to us with an accept/reject. Rejects should come with feedback. If they like them, we'll liscence them to ADC for a token royalty, say .5%.

If they end up liscencing a bunch of our designs, then maybe we'll talk about making it an official back-of-stage position for Tommy. If not, only time's been wasted.
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[X] It's promising, but there're several things you have a problem with. (Write in negotiations. DC varies. Failing the DC could cause the contract to be rescinded or Tommy signing for worse terms.)
-[] Cover Travel Expenses, Priority Exception for 100SW, Approval on Tommy-Centric Merch (cumulative DC50)

If we get this, we're pretty much set for money for two years (assuming nothing terrible happens) and we have a solid set of regular XP rolls coming in.

We also get to keep our commitments with 100SW without problem, and have a good amount of creative control over our merchandise. I expect this control will be relatively easy (narratively) to expand into giving us a chance to influence our merch.

@Vesvius Is there any limits or precedence for a wrestler working with a promotion to design merch? Is it something that can/does happen? Essentially, I'd think it would just be Tommy working up designs and sending them to the merch team and/or Tommy making notes on things they send to him for approval.
By the way, do keep in mind that ADC is a larger promo, which might mean a lower cut of more merch still nets us the same amount as before.

Also also keep in mind that stable merch means we make money off of other people's great matches.

@Vesvius: How big is ADC compared to the other places we've been wrestling so far? Twice as large, four times as large, ten times as large?
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@Vesvius: How big is ADC compared to the other places we've been wrestling so far? Twice as large, four times as large, ten times as large?
I will answer this by explaining a bit about how I rank promotions.

Basically, when I come up with a new company, it's assigned to one of five tiers. They are as follows:

Tier One: The Global companies. The biggest of the big. These promotions have worldwide penetration and if you were to mention their name to a guy on the street, he'd at least have a vague idea of who they are. U.W.C and W.P.W would fall into this tier.
Tier Two: The National companies. The mid sized dogs in the fight. They're not as well known as their global competitors but they're still your higher tier wrestling. Any wrestling fan who does more than just sit and watch know them, and the Global companies keep a keen eye on them both to poach talent and try and punch em down if they show any signs of getting bigger. N.L.W (No Limit Wrestling) and the Australian Melbourne Wrestling Federation both fall into tier two.
Tier Three: The Regional companies. Small boys who have a devoted fan base, steady cash flow, and basic name recognition. It'll be difficult for them to get to tier two, but it's not impossible. And unlike the smaller tiers, they're not in any danger of going out of business any time soon. A.D.C falls here, as does SUPERIOR, Lucha AZTECA, and the British Excalibur Wrestling Company.
Tier Four: The local companies. The minuscule companies that have some small support and a cadre of beloved local heroes, but operate on a shoestring budget. N.E.W, 100SW, ARC Fight, and the like are all here.
Tier Five: Your True Indies. The smallest of the small, the fact that these companies are still here is a shock to us all. S.W.F and Duncan's Danger both fall here.

Hope that answers your question! And remember everyone, DISCUSS DISCUSS DISCUSS!
are we going to try and get Leah some in-ring matches as well? It seems like something Tommy would at least try to do
We definitely need to get Leah some in-ring matches, but I don't feel like OUR contract negotiation is the place to do that. The company won't like it, it's messy.

Leah should definitely try to negotiate her contract (if she's interested in signing) and I'm open to offering to help her do so. If she does, I'm sure she would negotiate for at least part-time as a wrestler, not just a manager.

Besides, if we're part of this big stable, it's almost inevitable that there will be a match where the female hangers-on for the stables face off. It's almost a staple of stable feuds. So she'd be easily capable of stepping into the ring for those.

Hell, she might even get poached by the WPW (like Allie) since good female wrestlers are fewer and further between and the big names are probably keeping at least a bit of an eye on the regionals (though not as much as the Nationals).
Leah can take care of herself, right? Us trying to negotiate on her behalf would be odd.

Wait, isn't she still with Caleb? Keep their names out our mouth, we don't need the drama.
Leah can take care of herself, right? Us trying to negotiate on her behalf would be odd.

If negotiation is via e-mail (which is suggested by the update), we can help her without negotiating on her behalf. If it's over the phone, we can help her practice her technique and/or strategy.

There's plenty of ways to help her negotiate without plopping our ass across from the other party and taking control.
I know, I'm saying, instead of helping her in those ways, don't do that.

She is not a child. We are not her rescuer. Let Leah take care of Leah.

I'm concerned that one day Caleb will prevail upon her to destroy our career. I don't trust her. We should be drifting apart, not growing together.
I disagree. Leah is a decent girl, and Caleb is using her. I'm not saying we need to break them apart (though I think it's likely to help her if it happened) but I am saying that she's a genuinely good person to have around.

She's a good companion for Tommy, she works very well with him as a manager, and being her friend will screw over Caleb. I can't wish him pain enough. Fuck Caleb.
By the way, we should start socializing with our new partner (part of me kind of wanted to see if we could get on SUPERIOR with them but since we area pair specifically made for this company then it might piss them if weuse it with another big company, since if they push us down we might have issues getting over in DLC)
Remember to vote people!

And when you do, make sure your vote includes all negotiation points. Because the Tally only picks up the line with the X on it. If it's separate from the X, I ain't getting it.
[X] It's promising, but there're several things you have a problem with. (Write in negotiations. DC varies. Failing the DC could cause the contract to be rescinded or Tommy signing for worse terms.)
-[X] Cover Travel Expenses, Priority Exception for 100SW, Approval on Tommy-Centric Merch (cumulative DC50)
[X] It's promising, but there're several things you have a problem with. (Write in negotiations. DC varies. Failing the DC could cause the contract to be rescinded or Tommy signing for worse terms.)
-[X] Cover Travel Expenses, Priority Exception for 100SW, Approval on Tommy-Centric Merch (cumulative DC50)
[X] It's promising, but there're several things you have a problem with. (Write in negotiations. DC varies. Failing the DC could cause the contract to be rescinded or Tommy signing for worse terms.)
-[X] Cover Travel Expenses, Priority Exception for 100SW, Approval on Tommy-Centric Merch (cumulative DC50)

Just to be sure my vote counted. Vote early, vote often!
[X] It's promising, but there're several things you have a problem with. (Write in negotiations. DC varies. Failing the DC could cause the contract to be rescinded or Tommy signing for worse terms.)
-[X] Cover Travel Expenses, Priority Exception for 100SW, Approval on Tommy-Centric Merch (cumulative DC50)
[X] It's promising, but there're several things you have a problem with. (Write in negotiations. DC varies. Failing the DC could cause the contract to be rescinded or Tommy signing for worse terms.)
-[X] Cover Travel Expenses, Priority Exception for 100SW, Approval on Tommy-Centric Merch (cumulative DC50)
[X] It's promising, but there're several things you have a problem with. (Write in negotiations. DC varies. Failing the DC could cause the contract to be rescinded or Tommy signing for worse terms.)
-[X] Cover Travel Expenses, Priority Exception for 100SW, Approval on Tommy-Centric Merch (cumulative DC50)

I had considered priority exeption for NEW but it is a women promotion and we are a guy. Even if they have something planned for us, it won't be a big thing.
[X] It's promising, but there're several things you have a problem with. (Write in negotiations. DC varies. Failing the DC could cause the contract to be rescinded or Tommy signing for worse terms.)
-[X] Cover Travel Expenses, Priority Exception for 100SW, Approval on Tommy-Centric Merch (cumulative DC50)
I do not care about travel expenses. It's one expense and if we're going to renegotiate I'd rather try and make sure we don't miss out on other bookings.

[X] It's promising, but there're several things you have a problem with. (Write in negotiations. DC varies. Failing the DC could cause the contract to be rescinded or Tommy signing for worse terms.)
-[X] Priority Exception for 100SW, and N.E.W. Approval on Tommy-Centric Merch (cumulative DC50)

N.E.W. is a paying job that lets us hawk our wares. We get the money for the job, the merch, and XP for the match. It seems straight up better than travel expenses. If the DC is scary, I'd say drop Tommy Merch; keeping in the loop with N.E.W. keeps us in contact with Kennedy who is one of our better connected Social Links.

Assuming both add DC20, N.E.W. looks better in every way when compared to Travel Expenses, unless I'm missing something here.
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