Ten Pounds of Gold: A Pro Wrestling Quest

16. Two Weeks Left
"Yo!" you call across the ring. Allie pauses where she is, getting ready for another springboard attempt, and looks at you questioningly. "Do you mind giving me some pointers? It just doesn't feel right."

She shoots you a blinding smile. "'Course! Just… just gimme a minute." With that said, she launches herself into the sky one more time, letting out a loud peal of laughter as she does a three-quarters flip in midair. Allie lands in a perfect senton, back and shoulders crashing against the dummy.

You move across the ring to offer a hand but it's unneeded. Allie coils her body, legs over her head, and springs off of the ground in a textbook kip-up. "Alright!" she says, face glowing. "Let's see what you're fucking up!"

The two of you head back to the apron and before you even take off, Allie has correction after correction for you. Your legs aren't spread far enough apart. Your grip needs to be a bit looser on the rope. You need to bend your knees a little before you start to flex your legs for the jump.

You nod in thanks. None of this would've really occurred to you beforehand, but it all seems to make sense. You prepare, standing in the perfect position, and jump-

Only for Allie to force you back down to the apron with a hand on your shoulder. She tsks at you, smiling as she does it. "Nu-uh, Eager. You try, but you land on the rope, and then hop down. Nothing else."

Huh? Isn't the whole point of learning to springboard… springboarding? But you asked for her help, and you're not stupid enough to turn it down now that it's here. You do as she asks, jumping and landing on the rope before hopping down, landing on your feet. Allie stares at your feet, shaking her head.

"We've got a lot more to go over." she says with a sigh.

The corrections keep coming after you make the attempt, one after the other without pause. You need to put both feet firmly on the rope. You need to adjust your body weight this way and that. Again, your knees are all out of position. Some of her advice doesn't sit well with you, doesn't mesh with what you know of your body, but you take it as best you can.

Finally, finally, two minutes before your usual ending time, Allie decides you're ready to make an attempt. An actual one, not an aborted one like you've been doing. You stand as directed. You hop once, twice in the air, and then leap-

-you land on the rope-

-and you fly through the air in a springboard splash.

It's not beautiful. It's not a work of art like Allie's. Your arms and legs are flailing a bit, and whatever noise you're making isn't the laughter she lets out, but it doesn't matter. You fly through the air and come crashing down on the dummy just like you wanted to. And while you weren't laughing in flight, you definitely are now.

You hop up. The pains of the day are irrelevant. You just did a fucking springboard splash! You spin, arms outstretched as you let out a cry of victory! Jack's watching you with an amused look on his face but fuck him, you got this! This is yours! Nothing is going to-

Allie soars through the air and lands on the dummy in a reclining position, arms behind her head.

She raises one eyebrow at you. "Don't get cocky."

...Alright. Maybe you have more work to do.

And work you do. There's only a month left in your training, and for the next week and a half, you devote yourself to the air. You do all of Daybreak's lessons, you absorb all of her teachings like a sponge, you study tape, take notes and trade gimmick ideas. But whenever you can, you're either flying off the top turnbuckle or springboarding yourself through the air, Allie either cheering you on or popping your ego when you get just a little too proud.

The two of you aren't alone. Once she resigns herself to the fact that you're going to keep doing 'stupid shit', Daybreak chimes in with a few tips that neither you or Allie would've figured out on your own. And Jack… while your friend has no interest in flying high- what's wrong with him?- he proves to be an excellent base and a good target.

Even if he's not entirely pleased with that last role.

"Come on…" he groans out. "Do we really have to do this again?"

You nod from your usual spot on the apron. "Yeah. Sorry man, but we need to get this down if we want to have any hope of using it outside Horizon. So we need the practice."

Allie seems much less reluctant from her position opposite you, on the other side of the ring. "Practice makes perfect!" she chirps. And without any further buildup, she springboards through the air, barely touching Jack as she rolls through a somersault senton. She doesn't stop with one roll either, continuing on until she's out of the way of your way. The whole thing takes maybe five seconds.

You're too busy to count; you're already in the air as she gets out of the danger zone, arms spread wide as you springboard into a splash. Gotta focus here. Arms and legs braced just so. You need your limbs to take the impact so that Jack barely gets touched- and you can't make it look like you're doing it. To an outside observer, it has to look like you're crushing Jack beneath your weight.

The mat rushes up to you and you barely register that Jack's face is perfectly motionless and his eyes are screwed tight. It wouldn't be the first time you've gotten this wrong and he's taken all the impact. But not this time. Not this-

You land with your limbs spread just a bit too wide, and Jack takes the impact to his gut. "Motherfucker." he grunts out.

Shit. You did it again. But hey, it looks like you did it better this time. It looks like he's only winded. A smile breaks out on your face.

"Oooooh." Allie groans. "So close, but so far away. You can do better. Let's go for it one more time and then-"

Daybreak's ringing tones cut through your practice. "Hey, minions! Finish it up and come here!"

You obediently hop off of Jack and offer him a hand up, which he takes gratefully. He leans on you for a moment as he collects himself. You must've hit him more than you thought. But he recovers quickly and the three of you make your way over towards where Daybreak's sitting at the monitor. There's a match frozen on the screen- the Poison of Man vs. the Dynamite Dudes from XPC: Shockwave, unless you miss your guess. Naomi has the remote in her hand, and she's gesturing at the screen, explaining something to Chloe.

The rest of the class joins you shortly. Nick and Caleb finish up their headlock-takeover drills, and Leah wraps up the promo she's cutting in front of Angelina. Daybreak gets up out of her seat as the last of them parks themselves in the plastic chairs. You glance behind you, seeing the rows and rows of empty seats. So many of you gone.

Daybreak grabs your attention with a brisk clap, taking her usual place in front of group. "Alright kiddies." she says, rubbing her hands together. "No more ring training today. We've got final exams to prep for."

Whatever mumbled conversations that were going on fade into silence. Final Exams. You knew they had to be coming; there's no way Daybreak would let you claim that you graduated from her school without proving that you were competent. But you had no idea what form they were going to take. And with only two weeks left of Daybreak's promised twelve weeks of training, you were starting to get antsy.

But the wait is over. Daybreak looks from person to person, wide smile on her face as if she can read your minds. The silence grows and swells like a physical thing. Daybreak milks it for all it's worth. Part of you is annoyed, but most of you is appreciative; Daybreak's a pro wrestler to her core, no matter what she says.

Finally she claps once more. "Okay. So final exams. You've got two of 'em."

"First. How many of you are familiar with the local scene?" She asks. A few people speak up, Jack among them. Daybreak nods and goes on, "And how many of you have heard of the 'SWF'?"

No one answers that. Daybreak barks out a laugh. "Just like I thought. The 'Supreme Wrestling Federation' is a local indy. A micro-indy if that's even possible. They draw maybe thirty people a show and have maybe ten regular workers. They pay chump change, and the entire thing exists because the owner likes to pretend he's champion of something."

"And in a few days, you're gonna make your debut for them!"

Her words draw a small rumble of conversation from you all. She cuts it off with a slashing motion over her throat. "Uh-uh, don't get too excited. You're going to be making your debut there. You're sure as shit not gonna win. I've got an agreement with the boss there; I let my students get their first taste of an actual crowd in his ring, his guys get some wins."

"But still it's your first actual match. That's the first part of your final. Go to the SWF, do a good job, don't get hurt, and you're good." Daybreak gives you a few moments to let that sink in.

"Since you're heading into an actual locker room there're a few lessons I want you to pick up. These have nothing to do with actual in-ring shit. Hell, you'd probably figure them out yourselves in a few weeks. But what's the point of having a teacher if they're not going to tell you what to do."

Daybreak holds up one finger. "First: every time you go into a locker room, you shake everyone's hand, introduce yourself, and thank them for letting you be on the card. It doesn't matter how big a deal that person is. You shake their hand, you introduce yourself, you thank them. Every. Single. Time. You only stop when they start getting sick of it. Every person in that room is your senior until they're not. Show them some respect. Even if they suck."

Another finger. "Two. You're gonna wind up drinking with these people. If you don't drink, get ready to be called a pussy. But if you do, keep a thumb on your beer. It's fucking hilarious to slip a sleeping pill in a bottle and watch a green rookie stagger around a room. If they're not nice, it's gonna be stronger than a Nyquill too. So unless you like getting drugged, thumb on the beer."

"Three." She says, looking around the group at all of you. "Your money. Count it. Every time. Some promoters are good guys and they wouldn't even imagine trying to fuck a worker over. Most aren't. Count your money right there. And when you find out you're twenty short, smile, and say you're sure it's an accident. You'll get your cash, and the fuckwad will know not to try that again. At least for a while."

A final finger. "And fourth." Daybreak's smile grows to shark-like proportions. "Every once in awhile, a fan's going to try and hop in the ring. Maybe he's so into the match he wants to help. More likely he's a drunk bumblefuck who wants to prove he's a tough guy. Some bosses'll tell you to let em go and let security handle it. But if they're in the ring, they're a danger to you, the guy you're working with, and everyone else. Fuck em up. If they get in the ring, their ass is yours. Be ready to handle it."

Daybreak waggles the four fingers at you all again, emphasizing each of them. "Those're my four commandments. Follow em, and maybe you won't get fucked over too bad." With her lessons done, she turns and moves to walk towards the stairs.

Her steps are slow though. She's waiting for something. After a second you realize what it is and hold in a smile. Daybreak's a showman to the core. "But boss," you ask, voice pitched to carry. "You said that that was only the first part of our final. What's the next?"

She spins so quickly you know you guessed right; she was just waiting for someone to ask. "I'm glad you reminded me, Fanatic!" She near-giggles, marching back to the front of the room. "Part two is my favorite part!"

"After your fun time at the SWF, there's going to be six class days left. For the first five, you're going to do whatever it is. Skip class. Work on a hole in your game. Whatever. I'm at your disposal. And on the sixth?"

"You have your second match, right here, in that ring." She points at the very familiar ring in the middle of the basement.

No one answers that for a moment. Leah finally speaks up. "Uh, boss? Who's working with us?"

"Excellent question, Dollface!" Daybreak answers. "You're gonna work a very, very special opponent. So get on whatever gimmick you're practicing, figure out what you want to do, and prepare to bring what passes as your A game. Because you're going to be working with me."

Again, no one speaks. Nick eventually raises one hand. "Um, boss?" he asks tentatively. "We work with you every day."

Daybreak snorts. "Not like this you haven't." She looks each and every one of you in the eyes. "Because on the last day of class, you're not the only ones gimmicking up. And I've never had a shit match when I'm painted up. Never. I had a good match against a green as shit fitness model when I had a bum leg and a dislocated arm. I can have one with you fucks."

"So if we have a shit match? It's on you. You're the one piece of chickenshit I can't make chicken salad out of. And in that case, you fail part two of your final."

With that, she turns and walks away from the group. For real this time.

Class breaks up soon after that. Your trio is too caught up in the idea of your first matches to even think about your usual extra practice. The three of you head out when everyone else does for once, heads together as you start planning your match against Daybreak. You talk during the jog to the motel and continues when you get into your room.

It's not just that it's your first and second matches. It's that your second match is against Daybreak. Not the woman, the actual character. The being you saw on your screen when you were a kid, smashing women and men alike into quivering husks of their former selves with nothing more than an attitude and the occasional lead pipe. One of the toughest motherfuckers to ever get between the ropes. You train with her every day, you took her and her daughter out for ice cream, but still there's something almost mythical about your teacher when you imagine her with her hair spiked up and her face painted that black and gold.

You, Jack, and Allie talk for hours about it, throwing out ideas for matches and finishes. It's only when the sun is well below the horizon and you can see the stars through your window that Jack brings up your first match. "How about the SWF?" he asks. "Who do you think we're going to work there?"

You shrug. "No idea. But it doesn't sound like it's going to be anyone that good. And it's hard to plan without actually meeting the guy you're working."

"Or even what kind of match you're going to have." Allie chimes in.

Jack scoffs. "It's going to be a straight match." he says. "There's no way Daybreak would have us do anything more complicated than that for our first match. If we wanted to learn with thumbtacks and fire, we should've gone to Philly."

Allie throws your pillow at him to your annoyance. That's yours! You brought it from home! But she doesn't acknowledge you besides flipping you off as she talks. "Not like that, dumbass. I mean if we're having a singles or what?"

You grab your pillow to protect it from any further abuse. "You think she'd put us in a tag?" you ask.

She shrugs. "I don't see why she wouldn't if we asked. Chloe and Naomi were talking about it when we left. Daybreak'd probably have us do whatever kind of match we asked for."

Jack nods slowly. "Yeah. Makes sense." He looks at Allie and then at you. "You guys want to do singles or what?"

Hmm. This needs some thought.

What kind of match do you want to ask for at the SWF show?
[] A singles match. You want to get in the ring with no one else to depend on and no one else relying on you.
[] A tag team match. You want to team up with one of your friends and show whatever crowd shows up what you can do as a unit.
-[] You'll team with Jack.
-[] You'll team with Allie.
[] A trios match. You, Jack, and Allie have come this far together. You don't see any reason why the three of you shouldn't make your pro debuts at the same time.
Mechanic Changes

Skill Change
Aerial: Mediocre 221/250 -> Average 346/500
Trait Change
Major Trait: Aerial Enthusiast levels up to Core Trait: Natural Aerialist:
In addition to the standard bonuses (see mechanics), Tommy gets an additional 75% XP every time he works on his Aerial Skills!

Relationship Change

Allison Gray: Friend -> Ally.
17. Welcome to the SWF
Vote Tally : Original - Ten Pounds of Gold: A Pro Wrestling Quest | Page 27 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.5

[X] A trios match. You, Jack, and Allie have come this far together. You don't see any reason why the three of you shouldn't make your pro debuts at the same time.
No. of Votes: 24

[X] A singles match. You want to get in the ring with no one else to depend on and no one else relying on you.
No. of Votes: 7

Total No. of Voters: 31
You think carefully for a moment. Honestly, you've never really pictured yourself being a team guy. Every single fantasy you've ever had of your success in wrestling- and there've been a lot of them- has had you standing alone atop the mountain, being lauded as a world class singles star. And you know that team wrestling and singles wrestling are very, very different animals; what works in one kind of match won't necessarily work in the other. By that logic you should be jumping at the shot for a one-on-one encounter.

But you just can't bring yourself to say that. You've come this far with Jack and Allie. Honestly it just feels right to have your first match with them, all of you on the same team. And you think that part of you has been plotting that for a while now. Why else would you be practicing tag team moves in your spare time?

Yeah. The more you think on it, the more sense it makes. You'll do this together. If, of course, they're willing.

You look at Jack, and then back at Allie, mind whirling. How should you phrase it to them? You know Jack's been studying old singles matches so he'll probably be a harder sell. Hell, for that matter, Allie may have just been working on those synchronized dives for shits and giggles.

Hey, if they say no, you still get a singles match. No sense wondering. You open your mouth-

Only to cut yourself off as the others do the same thing at the same time. Your mouth slams shut to let them go first, but they all do the same. The three of you wait, looking back and forth to see who's going to talk first.

Fuck it. You groan and lean back. Looking straight up at the ceiling, you say, "We're all about to ask the same thing, aren't we."

There's a brief, pregnant pause, and Allie pipes up. "Yeah. I think so."

Jack sighs. "So we're good?"

You lazily raise one fist into the air. "Rah-rah," you say, deadpan. "Go team go."
The next few days go quickly. You go through your normal training, practice your normal moves, but at the end of the day you carve off a slice of time for getting down some triple team moves. Nothing hugely flashy, but you don't think it's anything that anyone else will be doing. Definitely not any of your classmates; Leah and Chloe are teaming up, as are Angelina and Naomi, but with Caleb and Nick both deciding to fly solo, no one else is forming a trio.

Not that any of your classmates are surprised. When Daybreak asks for everyone's plans for the show, Jack's announcement is met by a chorus of fake gasps and Leah letting out a loud "A-DOOOOOOY" sound from behind you. Daybreak just scratches something on a small piece of paper and shoves it into her pocket.

Later on she has more to say though. Not about your decision; that, she seems to have expected as much as everyone else in the class. But about your in-ring team work. She watches your triple team spot with a critical eye and has some harsh words that have you trying again and again. It's still not where she wants it to be by the time you have to load up into her van and head out to the show.

And it's an actual van Daybreak pulls out of her garage this time, and thankfully she drives it herself. You don't think that you could be the wheelman this time; you're too busy sitting in the middle row, heads together with Jack and Allie, figuring stuff out.

"Okay." Allie says, tracing a pattern on the seat with her index finger. A dark square is ruffled in the fabric, and he starts putting numbers to the side of it. "Remember. Timing is important. I'll be in the air as Jack is hitting the spinebuster. You've got to be rolling the moment the guy takes the bump."

You nod, adding "And you need to roll through on the senton. I'm going to hit the springboard right as you're connecting. If you're not out of the way-"

Jack claps his hands together. "Squish." He stares down at the diagram thoughtfully.

"How about if I do a scoop slam instead of a spinebuster? Think that'll work better?"

"Hmmm…" you think out loud, stroking the stubble on your chin. "It might. I mean, depends on the size of the guy. If you can hold em up for a few seconds it'll buy us some time to get in position and let you milk the crowd. But-"

"But then the escape'll be harder for you." Allie finishes. "A spinebuster is real easy to get out of. Drop em and go. But a full slam adds a second or two before you're out of the drop zone, and that'll cut some of the impact out."

The three of you continue debating the fine points of the one spot the entire way to the site of the show with rising excitement and growing volume. You're sure you'd be yelled at any other time for the noise you're making, but everyone else is in the same state you are, going over ideas for their match either amongst themselves or bouncing ideas off of Daybreak. Hell, Nick gets desperate and starts begging Delilah for advice, and her ideas- that all add up to "Hit em in the face!"- are louder than anything you can muster.

The excitement is starting to bubble up inside of you all. It may not be glamorous, and it's not going to be in front of ten thousand people on national television, but fuck it, you're going to make your debut as an honest to god professional wrestler. You've never been happier to see a high school gym in your entire life.

Not everyone shares your enthusiasm for the location though. Leah gawks at it with an open mouth. "...here?!" she gasps. "I thought…"

You look at her, eyebrow raised. You have to know- what exactly did she think? You knew the size of the show you were going to. It was going to be a gym of some kind or some hole in the wall that has wrestling next to the bar to distract people from the mob meeting in the back. When you look at the two possibilities, the home of the Eagle Point Warriors looks downright hospitable.

But you never find out what Leah thought. Daybreak herds you all forward with ruthless efficiency that speaks of years of practice with gawking rookies. You're marched through a side door and through abandoned hallways, past the Saturday ESL class and into an all too familiar high school locker room.

Looks like you're the last to arrive. A group of people are already milling about the place, either changing or hanging out. One guy's smoking a cigar underneath a smoke detector that's had it's batter ripped out and is playing cards with a guy dressed up in a full nun's habit. Another guy is doing some last minute curls with a dumbbell. There's a guy standing in the tiled bathroom with a bottle of baby oil, starting to rub himself down.

You hold in a shudder. It's not the oil that's the problem, it's that the guy looks like he's not planning on shaving his chest first. You can't imagine many worse things than wrestling a greased up guy with a hairy chest.

Daybreak draws your attention back from the horrifying sight with a snap of her fingers. She meets your eyes and jerks your head at the room. Right. You're not forgetting Daybreak's commandments. Slowly, you make your way through the locker room with a head outstretched and a greeting on your lips.

"Hey." You say every time. "I'm Tommy. Thanks for letting me on the show tonight."

And every time, the wrestler you meet shakes your hand with a tinge of boredom. They know as well as you do that they've got nothing to do with you being on the show tonight. If they protested, the boss would probably just shrug and find some other warm body to wrestler. But it's part of locker room etiquette, and it's a good habit to learn. If you're any good, eventually you'll wind up somewhere where the wrestlers have some stroke and can keep you off cards, and a little manners goes a long way.

You make your way around the room making sure not to miss anyone. Some of them greet you with a wry smile and introduce themselves with their real name. Some just say their gimmick name. One guy doesn't do anything except shake your hand. The only one that looks happy to see you turns out to be the promoter- why he wears a nun's habit, you don't know.

"Hey!" he says, vigorously pumping your hand. "Good to see you! Thanks for coming out! Can't wait to see what Lucy's been teaching you guys! If it's anything like her last crew then we're in for an eventful show."

The way he says that doesn't make it sound like a good thing. Behind you, Daybreak groans. "I told you last time what his limits were. You're the one who decided to book the four hundred pounder in a twenty minute match."

The man-nun waves Daybreak's words off. "Meh. It was entertaining!"

"He threw up for an hour afterwards."

"Details, details!" he replies. "I'll make sure that that doesn't happen this time. Gotten way better at timing these things. Anyway, the sheet's over there. Lemme know if you need anything." From his tone, you figure you should probably avoid needing things.

The promoter turns back to his card game, and his opponent gives you an easy shrug. He looks like he's about to say something but stops when his eyes focus behind you. "Motherfucker!" he yells happily, springing to his feet. "I knew you wasn't bullshittin!"

You can barely make out a whisper from behind you. "Oh fuck hide me." Wait, was that Jack?

It's definitely Jack that the man's walking towards. "And here Jasper thought you just wanted some of my sweet shirts!" he bellows. "But naw, you were actually telling the truth!"

There's a story here, and you're sure you'll hear about it sooner or later. Actually, Jack might've told you already- you vaguely remember him having to work the merch table at the show he went to back when you were at the convention. But now's not the time to double check.

A quick look around the room helps you figure out where to get changed. You spot a girl coming out of a shower stall with a bag over her shoulder, strapped up in athletic tape, elbow and knee pads, and a one piece bathing suit. You hop in the stall afterwards and put on the generic gear Daybreak threw at you yesterday.

You change quickly and leave the stall to free it up for someone else. There's a full length mirror set into the wall and you stop to look yourself over. Small, black trunks. White knee pads, white elbow pads. Your own pair of boots that you started with. You're actually in pretty decent shape, definitely better than you were when you started at Horizon. There's some muscle definition there that you've never had before, and your coloring has evened out. No more farmer's tan for you. You should've gotten a haircut though. At least the brown stubble on your face looks like it's on purpose.

Fuck. You actually look like a wrestler.

With that out of the way you head towards the sheet the promoter mentioned. There're a few people clustered around it already, all looking for their name. Not that it's hard; there's only a few lines on it. You scan it quickly.

Opener: Sunshine vs. Sun/Kigin: 10 minutes, Sunshine over.
Ivan vs. Leaver: 6 minutes, Ivan over.
Birds vs. Wolfe/Lucas: 12 minutes, Birds over. Birds promo.
Outlaw vs. Graham: 12 minutes, Outlaw over. Outlaw promo.
Chaos vs. Gray/Martin/Silvia: 15 minutes, Chaos over.
Mary vs. Scott: 20 minutes, Mary over. Promo send them home happy.

Well, that's pretty straight forward. And it looks like Daybreak was right; every single one of you is scheduled to lose. As expected. Not important though. You look around for your opponents. "Hey," you ask one of the other guys looking at the sheet. "Do you know who 'chaos' is?"

The man nods, his elaborate jewelry jangling. "Yeah." He points towards a corner of the room. "You want those three."

Those three turn out to be two men and a woman, just like your team. But there the similarities end. Your team has a uniform look, mainly because it seems that Daybreak buys these tights in bulk. Your opponents couldn't look less unified. One's wearing ripped jeans and a heavy chain, one has a full-body spandex unitard on, and the girl looks like she's just wearing a normal sundress.

The guy in jeans greets you. "Yo. We working with you tonight?"

You nod. "I think so. You're Chaos?"

The girl shrugs. "Well, I'm Chaos. Don't know why they just put me on the sheet."

You introduce yourself again, and this time get names back. The guy in jeans with the mustache is Lenny, ring name Sammy Screwdriver. The guy in the unitard is Kevin aka Bloodsong. And the girl is Carly Chaos, who as it turns out, isn't actually a wrestler.

She shrugs when you look at her disbelievingly. "Yeah. I'm just the ring announcer. But Uncle Mark said we're the closest thing to a three man team that we've got."

Jack and Allie join you a few moments later, and you get the whole story. As it turns out, the SWF doesn't really have a three man group. They only really have two tag teams; the Sunshine Sisters and the Birds of a Feather. But Lenny and Kevin had been working a love triangle feud for a while, with Carly being the manipulative object of their affections. So Mark- that's the man-nun's real name apparently- decided to throw them together as a trio to add some extra drama.

Allie studies Carly and you can sense the annoyance rolling off of her. "So… have you trained at all?" she asks, fighting hard to keep a level tone.

Carly nods a little, ignorant of Lenny shaking his head behind her. "Yeah. A little. I can fall and junk."

Kevin speaks up. "Look. It's probably going to be easier if we work this like a handicap match. Me and Len'll do the lifting, Carly'll come in the for a few spots but that's it." What he doesn't say is the loudest part of the sentence- it's probably not a good move to put in the untrained promoter's niece for too long.

Lenny nods along with his friend. "Yeah. But anyway. You guys got any thoughts?"

Do you ever.

Time to lay out the match!
Author's Note: The match mechanics are still very much in flux. Sooner or later, I'll have them hammered down to a format I'm happy with. So until then, here's what's going to happen.

Below are X options that you'll pick. These are the details of the match. Pick whatever options you want to do and put them together in a plan format. Mix and match to your heart's content. Bad choices will lead to a lesser quality match, which leads to worse relationships and lesser XP gains. Good choices will lead to a better match and more XP. Your opponents and partners will have suggestions to; sometimes you won't have any choice but to follow them, but this time, whatever you say goes. Lenny's the veteran here, and he's more then happy to let you guys get your first taste of putting a match together.

After the plan is selected, I'll roll for the match itself. Later on, for other matches, more rolls will be required. The more successes, the better the match.

Do you want to work Heel or Face?
Lenny: You newbies should probably work face. Everyone already hates us. And the heels usually guide the match anyway.
[] You want to work Heel. Being a villain just make sense, especially if you're basically working a handicap match.
[] You want to work Face. These guys are all established villains, and it should add to the match.

Who do you want to get the heat on?
Lenny: Whoever's going to get worked over is going to be in the ring most of the match. They've gotta be good at selling. If you guys're faces, pick your best. If you're heels, I'd say go with Kevin. He's the best seller.
[] Tommy gets worked over.
[] Allie gets worked over.
[] Jack gets worked over.
[] Kevin gets worked over.
[] Lenny gets worked over.
[] Carly gets worked over.

Who do you want to make the comeback?
Lenny: This is gonna mostly come down to who's working face. If we're working baby, I'm the best at showing fire. If you're face, pick whoever's the most exciting to watch. Just make sure it's not the same guy we're getting the heat on, okay? That'd look stupid.
[] Tommy makes the comeback.
[] Allie makes the comeback.
[] Jack makes the comeback.
[] Kevin makes the comeback.
[] Lenny makes the comeback.
[] Carly makes the comeback.

Any moves you want to get in? (Pick as many as you'd like)
Lenny: We don't have much time, so you're not gonna be able to get all your shit in. Pick a few good spots and we'll work em in. Pick too many, and you're gonna be shoving twenty pounds of shit in a ten pound bag.
[] Lenny's got a signature series of punches. Work those into the match.
[] Lenny thinks he'll get some mileage out of a big jumping knee.
[] Kevin's been working at a submission hold. Some kind of bending twisting thing.
[] Kevin swears he's got a good shooting star press. Sounds like something that should be in the match.
[] Carly wants to dance. That's it. Give her some dance time.
[] Carly's been having some success slapping wrestlers. Let her give you a couple.
[] Your triple team move. You haven't been practicing that for nothing!
[] You're Daybreak's students. You've got to get a good pose in there somewhere.
[] Allie's got a real nice tornado DDT. Build around that.
[] Allie wants to work in a diving elbow.
[] Jack wants to work in his fall away slam.
[] You should focus on Jack's mat wrestling. He's the best at that.
[] If there's one thing you can do, it's a missile dropkick. Work on that.
[] You've had some ideas for a finisher. You think you'll start it off here.
-[] A springboard Leg Drop
-[] A jumping kick
-[] A fisherman's suplex

Who is taking the pin?
Lenny: Pick whoever you want.
[] Tommy gets pinned.
[] Allie gets pinned.
[] Jack gets pinned.

Who's getting the pin?
Lenny: No matter who's doing it, it'll move our story along. We'll figure something out.
Kevin: I could really do with a win, actually.
Carly: I think I should get it.
[] Kevin makes the cover.
[] Lenny makes the cover.
[] Carly makes the cover.

Character Sheets for All Involved
Brawling: Disappointing
Hardcore: Untrained
Mat Wrestling: Disappointing
Submission Wrestling: Horrendous
Aerial: Average
Showmanship: Mediocre

Basics: Mediocre
Psychology: Mediocre
Safety: Average
Consistency: Mediocre
Selling: Mediocre

Athleticism: Disappointing
Power: Mediocre
Cardio: Disappointing
Toughness: Impressive
Resilience: Impressive
Brawling: Horrendous
Hardcore: Untrained
Mat Wrestling: Average
Submission Wrestling: Mediocre
Aerial: Horrendous
Showmanship: Mediocre

Basics: Average
Psychology: Mediocre
Safety: Mediocre
Consistency: Mediocre
Selling: Average

Athleticism: Disappointing
Power: Average
Cardio: Impressive
Toughness: Impressive
Resilience: Disappointing
Brawling: Horrendous
Hardcore: Untrained
Mat Wrestling: Horrendous
Submission Wrestling: Horrendous
Aerial: Impressive
Showmanship: Average

Basics: Mediocre
Psychology: Disappointing
Safety: Mediocre
Consistency: Average
Selling: Mediocre

Athleticism: Elite
Power: Disappointing
Cardio: Mediocre
Toughness: Disappointing
Resilience: Disappointing
Brawling: Impressive
Hardcore: Average
Mat Wrestling: Mediocre
Submission Wrestling: Disappointing
Aerial: Horrendous
Showmanship: Impressive

Basics: Average
Psychology: Average
Safety: Mediocre
Consistency: Average
Selling: Mediocre

Athleticism: Average
Power: Average
Cardio: Impressive
Toughness: Elite
Resilience: Mediocre
Brawling: Disappointing
Hardcore: Horrendous
Mat Wrestling: Mediocre
Submission Wrestling: Horrendous
Aerial: Mediocre
Showmanship: Mediocre

Basics: Average
Psychology: Disappointing
Safety: Horrendous
Consistency: Mediocre
Selling: Average

Athleticism: Impressive
Power: Mediocre
Toughness: Average
Resilience: Average
Brawling: Horrendous
Hardcore: Untrained
Mat Wrestling: Untrained
Submission Wrestling: Untrained
Aerial: Untrained
Showmanship: Untrained

Basics: Untrained
Psychology: Mediocre
Safety: Untrained
Consistency: Untrained
Selling: Horrendous

Athleticism: Average
Power: Horrendous
Cardio: Horrendous
Toughness: Horrendous
Resilience: Horrendous
Last edited:
18. First
You sit there silently for a moment, thinking, as Lenny watches you all. The mustachioed veteran studies you all closely. "Any thoughts at all?" he asks again. When no one speaks up, he shrugs. "Fair enough. We should-"

"Umm…" you break in. "I've got some ideas. Do you mind if…?"

Kevin snorts. "Had your chance." he grumbles. "Now we'll-" But Lenny cuts him off with an upraised hand. The two exchange a long look, and finally Kevin sits back, a frown on his face. You watch the byplay with naked interest; no question who's in charge of this pairing now.

Lenny turns back to you, and gestures at you. "Alright rook, hit me."

You take a deep breath, and begin to tell them about your ideas for the match. The ideas become an outline, and before you know it you're sketching out the details of an entire fifteen minute match on the bench in front of you with a pencil.

It's a fairly straight forward match, nothing too complex. Carly starts off with Allie and gets in her face, only for your friend to shut her down and be impressive. After a minute or two of that, everything breaks down into a giant free-for-all and winds up with Lenny and Jack in the ring. Lenny works him over for a while, and eventually Allie gets the hot tag back in against Kevin. She runs wild, the three of you hit your triple-team spot, but eventually she gets overwhelmed. Finally, you get in, do some cool stuff, but get distracted and hit with a nut shot for the win.

Lenny looks at your outline with a furrowed brow. "Simple." he says. "But not too simple. Not bad rook. Now let's flesh this out." Lenny looks around the circle at you all. "Anyone got shit they want to get in?"

Kevin looks invested for the first time since Lenny shut him down earlier. "I'm not crazy about the finish. Howabout I do the nut shot, but then I hit a Shooting Star for the win?"

You stare at Kevin with a blank expression. The Shooting Star Press is… it's not an easy move. To do it, you jump from the top rope- or another high place you guess- and curl your knees into your chest, performing a full backflip in midair and landing chest-to-chest on a downed opponent. It's pretty common, but then again, so are injuries caused by fucking up the flip and landing on your head. You don't want to believe in stereotypes or anything, but by Kevin's build, you guessed he was more of a mat-based wrestler.

You're not the only one doubtful. Carly snorts from where she's been sitting quietly. "You gotta give that up, Kev." she replies. "You want to kill yourself fine, but do it outside Uncle Mark's ring."

"Come on!" Kevin whines. "I can do this!"

"No you can't." comes Lenny's blunt response. "Finish is just a nut shot. Any other suggestions?"

Everyone, as it turns out, has a few. Allie wants to work a diving elbow in for her comeback, which Kevin's got no problems taking, and Lenny has no issues with Jack's fallaway slam. For their part, Carly just wants to dance, so you pencil that in for after the match, and Lenny wants to work in…

"Wait." You say, cutting him off. "You want to punch to… what?"

Lenny chuckles. "Really? This surprises you?"

"It doesn't surprise me." You protest. "But… punches to 'We Will Rock You'? How does that even work?"

Lenny demonstrates by clapping his hands to the famous song. "Left-Left-Right! Left-Left-Right!" he chants. "Over and over. Finally either you block, or I nail an uppercut for a near fall."

It doesn't take long for you muster up a response. "I've seen way weirder. But isn't that more of a face move? Getting the crowd into it and all that?"

Lenny shrugs. "Doesn't seem to matter to them one way or another." No real response you can give that. You pencil it in.

By the time the show starts, you've got an outline you're pretty happy with. Everyone else shares your sentiments it seems, though Kevin still doesn't seem happy with his friends that they're not letting him flip off the top. Lenny punches you in the shoulder as he leaves to finish changing into his gear. "Not bad. You've got an eye for these things."

He's gone before you can reply. But it's just as well; you've got matches to watch.

The first match is already in the ring by the time you get to the curtain that's been strung up over the locker room exit. You find Daybreak in a chair slightly to the left of the curtain, giving her a clear unobstructed view of the ring. Luckily, you can get just as good a view of the top of her head.

Naomi and Angelina are in the ring with the two beach bunnies in bikinis you saw in the locker room. As you watch, one of the blondes grabs Naomi's arm and twists with a simple arm-wringer. Naomi scrunches her face up in pain and drops to one knee. In front of you, Daybreak clucks her tongue.

"Her selling's weak." she says without looking back. "Anywhere else and the crowd would be checking their phones right now."

"Oh?" you ask, looking over the crowd. A quick headcount shows maybe fifty people in steel chairs surrounding the ring. "These people a forgiving group?"

Daybreak just nods. "There're maybe fifteen, twenty people that are here because they bought a ticket. The rest are all someone's family and friends. They all know a guy that's on the card, so they're going to be as nice as possible."

You think about that for a moment. "Wow. The promoter… really kinda sucks, doesn't he?"

Your teacher snorts. "Yep. But that's why we're here. Get you a debut in front of the nicest and smallest crowd you'll ever find." She lapses into silence after that, and the two of you watch the rest of the match, ending with one of the blondes spiking Angelina with a jumping chop to the skull of all things. It wasn't a bad match, but it wasn't very good either. True to Daybreak's words though, the crowd is very polite and cheers Angelina as she gets up from where she was pinned.

The pattern repeats itself during the next match, with Nick getting squashed by the big hairy man, who's apparently called Ivan Von Strongson. You can't help but flinch as you watch this one; not because of the work, but because you're pretty sure Nick accidentally got some of that guy's oiled-up chest hair in his mouth when he was selling a side-headlock.

The third match is by far the best so far, with a pair of elaborately bejeweled and feathered people billed as 'The Birds of a Feather' going up against Chloe and Leah. The Birds are a man-woman team which adds an interesting dynamic to the match as Leah works over a man twice her size. It should be preposterous, but between the booing crowd, some too-realistic gasps of pain, and the look of anger and determination on Leah's face, comes off as completely natural. When the woman Bird makes the hot tag and eventually pins Chloe, the crowd actually seems to get into it for some reason besides wanting to be nice.

Daybreak slaps your knee as she stands up. "Head back to the Locker Room for now." she tells you over the sound of Chloe announcing intermission. "Finish your prep, get warmed up. If you go in cold, you'll regret it." Daybreak shoulder a large cardboard box you know is full of T-shirts and heads out towards the ring.

No sense in ignoring good advice. You head back to the locker room to find it a much emptier place then it was when you left. Everyone who's already had their match is either in the showers or out selling merchandise with your teacher, along with the SWF regulars who haven't gone yet. You can't see either Kevin or Lenny, and you know Chloe's already out there.

There are only four students from Horizon left in the room. Caleb is sitting off to the side, mouthing the words of the thick book he's reading outloud. Jack's decided to do something a little more physical; you spot him at one of the benches, feet on the wood, doing pushup. Allie, on the other hand, doesn't seem to want to move that much. She's sitting with her eyes closed in a corner, earbuds in, blasting some song with blaring guitar that you can hear even from the entrance.

Allie looks like she's getting in the zone, Jack doesn't look like he could hear you through his raw focus right now, and you've been a bit leery around Caleb since he tried to ease his way into your plans a couple weeks back. So instead of approaching any one of them, you take your own spot near a bench and start stretching.

You've finished your stretches and gotten through a few of Daybreak's warm up exercises by the time people start flooding back into the locker room. You don't let it break your concentration, but as you're punching the air you nod at your classmates who've gone. "Good work guys!" you say, ducking and throwing a bodyshot to an imaginary opponent. "Nice matches!"

A small round of applause follows your words, and your classmates almost all blush from the attention. The only exceptions are Nick, who's spitting and grabbing at his tongue, and Leah, who looks like she's just sucked on a lemon.

Strange. From what you saw, Leah gave by far the best performance of any one of your classmates so far. She should be happiest of all. You jog over to her and knock on the locker to get her attention. "Seriously," you say, voice pitched low, "You did good. You really pulled off that 'terrifying asskicker' thing."

The small girl snorts at that, and looks over her shoulder at you as she starts putting her long hair back up in it's usual ponytail. "Thanks, I think. Could've done better though. I shouldn't have bumped for that one kick. Rex barely whiffed me. They really should've let us work face, too. No one-"

She's cut off as a thud on the other side of her announces Caleb's arrival. He nods in greeting at you before turning his attention squarely on Leah. "Don't beat yourself up about it." He says, voice gentle. "It was your first match, babe. No one's going to remember this but you, and it'll just drive you to work even harder."

The annoyance that was thick in Leah's voice melts away. "You really think so?" she asks plaintively.

The former factory worker just shakes his head slowly, reaching out and gently touching Leah under the chin. "Baby," he says. "I'm just glad that there was that intermission between our matches. Otherwise I had no chance of following you."

You feel like you're intruding- and not even on anything pleasant. The interplay makes you a bit queasy. After a few more pleasantries, you make your exit and head back to Jack and Allie. Jack's moved on to clapping pushups, and Allie's stretching herself out now even if she hasn't removed her earbuds. You shake your head to clear it. Caleb and Leah's relationship is none of your business. You've got a match to prepare for.

Caleb himself is next to go, along with Jack's cigar-smoking friend. You can't watch their match, busy with your own preparations as you are, but from the crowd reactions you hear it isn't bad. Hopefully someone's taping these so you can study them later.

After what feels like forever, the two come back to the locker room, sweaty and tired looking, but pleased. And then it's your turn. You trade looks with your friend. "We ready?" you ask.

"Rah-rah." Allie says, echoing your words from before. "Go team go."

The crowd seems a lot bigger from this side of the curtain.

You know what Daybreak said. You know these people, even if they didn't have family and friends on the show, want to be entertained. They've got no agenda, no reason to turn on you before your career truly begins. Hell, they seem to be in a good mood; Caleb and 'Outlaw' Skyler Sheriff apparently put on the best match of the show so far, and the crowd's eager to see what you have to offer.

But still. The butterflies in your stomach become birds who become enormous leather-winged beasts that gnaw on your insides and almost make your teeth chatter. You seize hold of them and crush them without mercy. No. You're not going to let your fucking nerves ruin something you've dreamed of your entire life. This is just another audience. Just another group of people you happen to be in front of.

You've been part of enough plays to murder all of your stage fright with cold, brutal efficiency. If you can get through your adaptation of Twelve Angry Men, you can get through this. You just have to remind your guts of that.

Your internal struggle distracts you all the way down the entrance way, where you, Jack, and Allie walk out to the murmur of the crowd and nothing else. No entrance music, not even an announcer- you'd decided that Carly would announce you all later when she announced that she was part of the match. You pull yourself from your thoughts and step through the ropes into the ring for your first, actual match.

The focus of the crowd is squarely on the three of you. You trade glances with your partners and as one, as if you had practiced it (and you did), you all raise your right fists into the air, saluting the crowd. The gesture is met with a dull rumble of appreciation, but overall they don't sound invested. The only actual interest is coming from a small voice chanting "LET'S GO JOBBERS!" at the top of it's lungs from somewhere in the second row.

You barely hold back a glare- that won't do much to endear you to the crowd. Besides, you know who's chanting that, and you'll definitely make her pay for it later.

Then the chords of some sludgy guitar blast out over the staticy sound system, pulling the attention away from you. You turn, sit down on the top turnbuckle, and watch as Lenny-as Sammy Screwdriver- makes his entrance.

All of the laid-back charm Lenny had in the back is gone. It's replaced by a villain that could have come out of a children's coloring book. He stops to argue with a fan on the way out, gesturing with his trademark screwdriver as if he's going to stab the man. You watch in admiration as the fan shrinks back and Screwdriver continues on to the ring.

It's fascinating how near everything about Lenny's been rewritten to make the crowd hate him. From the slow way he walks, to the way his arms hit the fans as he swings them widely, to the gum he's chewing, to the music-

Wait. You glance down at Allie. Yep, your friend is visibly fighting not to press her fingers to her ears. That's Nickleback alright.

Soon enough, Screwdriver gets to the ring and the music stops. It's not off the speaker for ten seconds before a new song crackles to life. There's no guitar at all in this one, just quick piano. It plays for a few seconds without an accompaniment before the rest of the song kicks in to life.

You stare at the entryway, unable to keep the confusion off of your face. You know this song. That one channel always used to play it when they still played music. But it's all about love, and refusal to give into societal demands. Why the fuck is Kevin using it as his entrance music.

You get your answer when you get to the chorus.

"You mean well… but you make this haaard. Oooon. Meee. I'm not gonna write you a BLOODSONG. Cause you asked foor it, cause ya need it, ya see, I'm not gonna write you a BLOODSONG cause you tell me, it's make. Or break."

Slowly, you feel your mouth drop open. Did.. did he replace the name of the song with his ring name. Just… just why? It doesn't even make any sense!

But regardless of how you feel about it, the crowd is booing. So it works at least. Kevin makes his way out from the curtain in the middle of the chorus, conducting the boos with his two index fingers. They don't stop even after he gets in the ring. Kevin continues conducting the crowd with the widest shit-eating grin on his face, as if he's just thrilled he can illicit such a reaction. He probably is. Being a good heel is it's own reward.

Soon enough the music fades out and Kevin turns to stare down Lenny. The two of them glare at each other with an intensity you're sure is only partly feigned; the two honestly didn't seem too fond of each other back in the locker room. They're only broken up when Carly elbows in between them. She doesn't move as she starts the pre match introductions.

"Introducing first, across the ring from me. Weighing in at a combined weight of Five Hundred and Forty Six Pounds! From Horizon Academy! Allison Gray! Jack Silvia! And Thomas Martin! They are the three looosers!"

The crowd cheers you, but boo's Carly's announcement, as planned. Carly doesn't pay them any mind. Instead she turns to her team. "And on the winning side! First, from the ATL! Weighing in at Two Hundred and Forty Seven pounds! Sammy! Screeeewdriver!"

Lenny yawns, and Carly moves on. "And his partner, from Pompeii, Italy! Weighing in a One Hundred and Eighty Six pounds! Blooooooodsong!" More boos, and Kevin makes his little finger-conducting motion once again."

"And finally! Their partner! From Baltimore, Maryland! Weighing in a phenomenal ninety-six pounds! Carly! Chaaaos!"

The booing intensifies as Carly announces herself as the third and final member of the team- but they gasp as she immediately drops her mic and sprints at you all. She grabs Allie by the head and pulls her into the center of the ring, for all intents and purposes looking like she'd taken advantage of the element of surprise.

Screwdriver and Bloodsong charge you and push you out of the ring, following you quickly. The bell rings, and just like that your first match is underway.

After a few token punches, the heels leave you alone, heading back to their own corner. You shake your head to clear it and hop back on your own part of the apron, Jack seconds behind you. In the ring, Allie's already turned the tables. She's gotten free of Carly's hair pull and has taken her down with a side-headlock. She's yelling as she does it, berating Carly for trying to jump her. The crowd cheers along with her every word.

It only takes a few moments of in-ring action for you to understand just how bad Carly is. She wasn't lying when she said she wasn't a wrestler. Hell, you're pretty sure you were more prepared to step in the ring on your first day at Horizon. But Allie doesn't risk putting her in any place that she can fuck up. She wrestles her to the mat, pressing down on her with all her weight, only rising to push off the ropes for high stomps.

The stomps look great, and you stare at them with naked appreciation. You'll have to rip that off some time. But Carly's selling is atrocious. Most of the time it doesn't look like she really registers that Carly's stomps are supposed to be hitting her, and sometimes she oversells to a comical degree. It's all you can do to keep from throwing your head against the turnbuckle in frustration.

The match plays out in front of you and soon enough, Carly makes it to her corner. The leather-winged butterflies return. It's almost your time to get in the ring for the first time. All that needs to happen is-

Carly stretches out and tags both Screwdriver and Bloodsong. They leap into the ring, charging Allie at top speed. That's your cue.

Jack ducks through the ropes and you vault over them, the two of you meeting the heels in the center of the ring. The crowd roars its approval as the four of you trade punches. You quickly find yourself paired off with Kevin and make a key discovery- Kevin is a big fan of making his punches look as good as he can by just hauling off and punching you.

Fair enough. You shrug off his blow, a fist to the side of your head that makes your ears ring. You can do that. You haul off and deck Kevin right in the face so hard he stumbles back. Before he can recover, you tackle him and the two of you roll out of the ring.

Out of sight, out of mind. The crowd quickly stops paying attention to you to focus on the ring again. When you're sure no one's watching you separate, barely patting Kevin on the shoulder to let him know there's no hard feelings, and make your way back to your apron.

As you hop up you catch sight of Jack with Lenny in his arms, carrying the man around like he's a baby. The rough and tough heel is begging for mercy, waving his arms and legs back and forth as best he can. The crowd's eating it up. Jack's got a huge smile on his face as he walks around the ring. He presents Lenny's squirming body to each side, asking the question "Should I throw 'em?!" Every time, the answer is yes.

So he shrugs and looks down at Lenny. "You heard 'em!" With that said he falls backwards, throwing Lenny over his head in a perfect Fallaway slam. Lenny bounces off the mat, getting so much distance that he almost hits the ropes. He arches his back in pain. Jack forces himself to his feet and looks around, eyes finding his opponent. Lenny doesn't move from where he's landed.

Jack goes over to him. "Hey, are you-" he starts, only to be cut off by two fingers to the eyes where everyone but the referee can see it. And the heat is on.

It's your first chance to watch Lenny work without having to be in the ring. If there was one word to describe him, it'd be… rough. Some of his moves lack impact, and a shitton of them botch in minor ways. He misjudges the distance on a stomp and hits the mat instead of Jack. He clamps on a chin lock with enough space around Jack's chin to drive a truck through. His punches get the crowd clapping along, but halfheartedly, as if they're only doing it because they know it's expected of them.

You catch a glimmer of frustration pass over Lenny's face. He's not having a good night and he knows it. The next stomp he delivers has a bit more force, but it hits Jack square in the chest. With that out of his system he grabs your friend and turns him to the corner, setting him up for Carly to slap him across the face.

Fuck. That means it's almost time for stuff to happen again. The edge was taken off your nerves with your earlier action but they're starting to beat their wings again. Your foot taps the apron unconsciously.

It's not just you though. Allie's got the same look of sick anticipation on her face. Surprising. The next section relies on her heavily, but she was already in there. She's going to be fucking great.

You say as much when you grab her shoulder and lean in. "You've got this." She grins at you, and you feel your own nerves retreat as well. After all, why're you nervous? If Allie's got this, so do you. You went through the same training she did, and while she's a better flier, you're better then her in different things.

Fuck nerves. You've got this.

Your resolution hits you at just the right time. Jack scrambles through Kevin's legs and scurries to your corner, slapping Allie's hand with a loud cracking noise. And then she's in the air, flying high with a springboard crossbody.

The crowd erupts as your friend soars through the air, crashing into Kevin. Bloodsong catches her and goes tumbling to the ground. Allie rolls to her feet and delivers a pair of forearms to Carly and Lenny, sending them sprawling from the apron. With them dealt with, she lets out a roar and springs to the top turnbuckle, coming down with a glorious flying elbow for the first actual pin attempt of the match.

The referee slides into position. The crowd counts along on the edge of their seats. "One...two...th-ohhh!" they groan as the pin is broken up by a desperate Lenny.

But his interference brings you into the match. You vault over the ropes and deliver a running forearm of your own, sending him crashing and burning from the ring, emptying it save for Kevin and your team. You meet Allies eyes and allow a wide smile to grow on your face, looking up to let the whole room see it. A buzz picks up amongst the people as they figure out you've got something planned.

The two of you march back to your corner, with you hopping back over the ropes to let Allie officially tag you in. But rather than leave the ring, she runs and jumps over the ropes on the other side, landing on the apron directly across from you. Jack pulls himself from the mat where he was lying, selling, and stalks across the ring towards Kevin's still prone form.

He pulls your opponent up and marches him across the ring. With only a brief pause to murmur something in his ear, Jack whips Kevin across the ring. The Heel run across and then back as if propelled by the cords of steel and and rubber. Jack scoops him up around the waist and spins, depositing him in the center of the ring with a spinebuster. The crowd pops for the big move, but you're not done yet.

By the time Kevin's shoulders hit the mat, Allie's already in the air. She soars through the sky into a somersault, landing shoulders first on Kevin in a senton splash. Allie rolls through, getting out of the drop zone. You can't blame her. If you were flying through the air at you, you'd get the hell away as fast as you could too.

And flying you are. The crowd seems to go silent as you launch through the sky with your own springboard, bouncing high up into the air with a speed they didn't expect from a man your size. You land on Kevin as best you can, arms and legs braced to absorb the impact so Kevin doesn't. But the crowd only sees you squashing Kevin like a pancake. They scream their approval.

The ref slides down again. "One...two...th-ohhh!"

Again, the pin is broken up, again by Lenny diving across the ring and pushing you out of the cover. The two of you lay on the mat, heads together as you let the action sink in with the crowd. "Good shit rook." You hear him breathe out. "Let's go home."

Obediently, you stagger to your feet, clutching your ribs. No point in doing high-impact moves if people don't think they hurt you too. You push Lenny out of the ring with your feet before turning your attention back towards Kevin. The ring is empty save for the two of you, and you look wildly from person to person, absorbing the cheers.

"One more time!" You bellow, pointing straight up. The roars encourage you, and you scale the top rope one more time.

Hm. Now what should you do here? Your outline calls for you to get a little more in before the finish, to have another visual pin before Carly distracts you. But you never actually planned out what it would be. Another splash would be an anti-climax, and an elbow would be ripping off Allie.

...fuck it. You want to do a missile dropkick. "Come on!" You yell at Kevin. "Get up and face the music!"

It takes a second, but he figures out what you want and pushes himself to his feet on trembling legs. He faces away from you, and from the crowd's reaction, you're pretty sure he's selling confusion. But then he turns around and you push off, flying at him feet first.

Nailed it. You want to spring to your feet, but you haven't gotten the kip-up down yet. So instead you just stand as fast as you can, fists raised in the air-

Only to be distracted by a loud whistle. You spin, looking for the source of it-

And the finish comes. Kevin punches you in the balls while the ref is looking the other way- a bit harder than you'd prefer, but nothing that won't fade in a few minutes- and pulls you down in a schoolboy cradle.

"One! Two! Three! Awwwwww!"

You stare up at the lights at that annoying music starts again, and Carly announces herself the winner through panting gasps. You don't get up as the three of them start to celebrate, rubbing their victory into the crowd's face; instead you roll to the side, getting to the apron and out of the way.

Allie's pulling herself up by the apron when you get there. She leans in as you roll to a stop. "That went well." she whispered. She can barely hide her jubilation under the loser's mask of shame.

You grunt in agreement. "We're not out yet."


The celebration leaves the ring as Carly finishes up her dance, and you hear some squabbling resume. Lenny and Kevin must be getting back to their storyline. "Yeah," you whisper. "We've got to get out of here."

Allie meets your gaze. "How do you want to play it?"

So? How do you want to play it?
[] You were just pinned. Have Allie and Jack help you to the back while you sell the nutshot. (+1 Selling Roll)
[] Jack spent most of the match getting worked over, and Allie had the most ring time. You'll help them to the back while they sell the match. (+1 Psychology Roll)
[] You've just had a good match. You're going to stand in the ring and wave to the crowd, soaking in their cheers. (+1 Babyface Roll)
[] You just lost a match. No one expects you to be in a good mood. The three of you will just sulk to the back and get out of sight. (+1 Acting Roll)
[] Write-In
Mechanic Changes!

Skill Changes

: Disappointing 81/100 -> Mediocre 231/250
Aerial: Average 346/500 -> Impressive 538/1500
Selling: Mediocre 119/250 -> Mediocre 211/250
Psychology: Mediocre 237/250 -> Average 409/500
Cardio: Disappointing 76/100 -> Mediocre 100/250

Trait Gained
Minor Trait- Works Stiff
: You're not going to go out and punch people for real if you don't have to, but you will if it makes the match look good. You're prepared to accept some punishment and give it in return.
Last edited:
19. Lessons of a DIfferent Kind
A/N: Change of plans.
You make a snap decision. "Sell like you're exhausted. I'll help you two out."

There's not enough time for Allie to question you if she wanted to. She immediately slumps down on the apron, looking for all the world to see like she's barely holding herself up. You stumble to your feet a moment later taking extra care to look around the ring as if you're not sure what had just happened. A second's glance shows Jack feigning- hopefully- complete unconsciousness on the other side of the ring.

The crowd applauds as you rise to your feet but you pay them no mind. Instead you roll out of the ring and throw Allie's arm over your shoulder. The two of you stagger over to Jack. You pull him up and put him on your other side. He goes along with it mutely, but his eyes are alert. Good, he was just selling. With one last look at the crowd, some of whom are still applauding, but most are checking their phones, you pull your teammates back down the entryway and behind the black curtain.

Daybreak hasn't left her seat. She looks up at you with a raised eyebrow and a wry smile on her lips. "Not bad," she says. "For greenhorns."

Jack and Allie free themselves from your grip, and the three of you all stop and stare at your teacher. Not bad? You guys just had- in your opinion at least- the best match on the show! Shouldn't there be a little more feedback than 'not bad'?

But Daybreak just goes back to looking at her phone and typing something into the notes. She glances back up at you all after she finishes her words. "What?" she asks mockingly. "What do you want? A medal?"

If that didn't take the wind out of your sails, the reaction you get back in the locker room does. Almost no one watched your match. The veterans have mostly just been hanging around, and your classmates were going on and on about their own debuts. Only Jack's friend- the Outlaw- greets you all when you come in, and he comes over to give your partner a noogie that you know is going to piss him off later.

You sigh as you head towards the showers. You didn't expect a parade or anything, but some nice words would've been appreciated. You guys killed it! At least, you're pretty sure you did, and you might be biased. Maybe you weren't as good as you thought you were in there?

Your elbow pads and knee pads are dropped in your gym bag and you're fighting to remove your boots when Lenny approaches you. 'Screwdriver' has already changed out of his ripped jeans and pads back into something more street appropriate, and he smells like he's going to be skipping the shower. But when he sticks his hand out to you, you take it without second thought.

"Thanks for the match brother." he gravels out. "Nice little showing tonight. No real thanks to me, but you guys did great."

You chuckle. "Thanks, man. I thought it wasn't half-bad, and you did good."

Lenny shakes his head, knowing you're just being nice but not willing to push it. "Fair enough. See you around."

He's barely gone for a moment before he's replaced by Kevin. Bloodsong looks a lot less happy than Lenny did, and the skin beneath his eye is turning an angry red. He stares at you unblinking for a long moment. You stare back at him with a bored expression on your face covering up your speeding heart rate.

"You fucking decked me." he growls out, gesturing at the spot. You study it with interest. You got him good.

You shrug. You're going to have some bruises of your own tomorrow. "Man, if you want to lay it in that's great. I can take it. But don't start whining when I give it back to you." With that said, you deliberately turn your attention back to your boots. You don't see him walk away, but you hold in a sigh of relief when he does.

One quick shower later and you're changing back to your regular clothes. As you're pulling on your T-shirt, you feel eyes on your back. You turn curiously to see Caleb and Leah coming up to you. The scar-covered factory worker's got a wide smile on his face while Leah doesn't seem as pleased.

They stop only a few steps from you, Caleb offering his hand. You can't see any way out of it without being rude; you take it and put up with that awkward chest-thump back-pound that Caleb's fond of. He's grinning wider when he lets go. "Nice job, bro!" he says, pounding you on the back. "Way to make us look bad!"

"It wasn't that good." Leah scoffs. You look at her questioningly and she flushes as she meets your eyes. "Not that it wasn't good!" she hastens to add. "Best match on the card! But there's always going to be room to do better, right?"

You can't really argue with that. You nod agreeably. "Thanks guys. Sorry I couldn't catch yours, Caleb. Did anyone tape the show?"

Caleb waves your words away and looks over at his girlfriend with a look that can only be read as 'can you believe this guy?'. "Bro. Seriously. Call me Cal. I swear I've told you that a dozen times. But yeah, pretty sure the show's being taped. Daybreak's kid's got a phone and I'm pretty sure I saw her watching my match through it. We'll probably go over it all on Monday."

You nod at that. "Well, thanks." Neither of them moves. You try again. "I'll see you around."

They get the hint that time. Caleb departs with another friendly wave, while Leah lapses back into a frown of concentration and barely acknowledges you again. You shake your head as you finish packing all your stuff into your bag. You don't think you'll ever be comfortable with Caleb- he's just too friendly.

Jack joins you a second later, finally having freed himself from the 'Outlaw' Skyler Sheriff. He contents himself with getting changed and not saying a word, seemingly grateful for the silence. As he finishes toweling off, he looks over at you. The only thing he says is "Nice."

The two of you bump fists and trade matching grins. Fuck, it might not have been exactly what you always dreamed your debut match would be, but it's official. You made your debut. You're a professional now.

Wait. You are getting paid for this- right? That's what makes you a professional. Daybreak wouldn't get you on the card and not get you a payday, right?
A few words to Daybreak teaches you that no, you're not getting paid for this. The free workers are the only reason 'Sister Mary' lets Daybreak use these shows as a testing ground. Daybreak delivers the news with the wide grin and eager eyes of a child on Christmas morning; you decide not to give her the satisfaction of an annoyed groan.

Some of your other classmates don't share your determination when you get back to the van. Nick in particular seems beside himself. "Hair." he says with a shudder. "Two hours of cleaning my mouth and half a bottle of Listerine. All for nothing."

Daybreak snorts. "Let this be a lesson to you: always get a price up front."

The van lapses back into silence while you digest that. It can't stay that way for long though. Soon you're all back to talking eagerly about your first match, describing things to each other blow for blow, rambling about the little things you did to draw out a crowd reaction. Everyone seems to love your triple team in particular; apparently someone was judging the crowd, and they decided that that drew the loudest pop of the night- even louder than the Main Event.

Angelina's in the middle of talking about how she had to figure out how to sell a beach ball to the face when Daybreak pulls the van into a parking spot. You look around in confusion. This definitely isn't the motel, and it sure isn't the house. Where's Daybreak taken you?

You're about to ask when your teacher turns around in her seat, whistling to draw your attention. She doesn't say a word about the random place you've stopped though. Instead she just nods slowly. "You've all had your debuts now," she says slowly. "And some of you're feeling like hot… fudge. But now it's lesson time."

Slowly and thoroughly, Daybreak proceeds to tear apart each and every match she just saw. Angelina's selling was just awful. Naomi thought about everything too much. Nick's head got out of the game quickly. Leah and Chloe did nothing as a team- it might as well have been two singles going on at the same time. Caleb did everything way too fast, not letting the audience react.

Finally she turns her attention to the three of you. "Punky, you didn't sell any of your own offense. If that high-flying stuff hurts them, it's got to have some effect on you. Monk, your power spots weren't believable. You've got to bulk up if you want any hope of anyone taking those seriously. And Fanatic-"

Daybreak stops as she looks at you. "The match was fifteen minutes long. You were in there for maybe three, including taking the pin. When you put a match together, making sure it's a good match is the most important thing, no doubt. But the second thing is making sure you come out of it looking better than you did if you go in. You didn't do that."

She stares at you for a long time as if trying to will you to understand. You nod once, and she claps her hands briskly. "Alright you fudges." Daybreak says. "You've done the work. Now it's time for the play."

"Mary or Mark or whatever the hell he wants to call himself runs this place for his day job," she says, waving her hand out the window where you can see a dimly lit restaurant. "After every show, he takes the entire crew back to eat. Shit's not free, but it's the best you're getting at this time of night. The whole SWF bunch takes him up on it, and you guys are too."

"You all've picked up some good lessons tonight, so let me add a few more. This job's as much social as it is physical. It's all about who you know. So whenever you get a chance to hang with your coworkers, you take it."

Daybreak looks at each of you individually. "Some of the best lessons I ever learned didn't come from the ring. It came from a conversation at three AM after six shots and a debate about whether the Twilight Zone was awful or not. This might not really be your scene- in that case, tough. Figure something out, or you're going to be that guy that no one talks to. And if no one talks to you, they can't bring you up if a promoter's asking if anyone knows a guy who wants to work."

"Got it? Good. Now go have a good time. I ain't picking you up though- head three blocks down till you hit Somerset and then hook a right. About three miles that way, on your left, is the motel. Now chop chop!"

Obediently, the van empties. You're stuck in the middle of the middle row, so you're the last one to leave. You make your way to the door, but Daybreak whistles again, drawing your attention.

"Hey, Fanatic." she says softly, smiling at you. It's not a smirk or a shit-eating grin; it's a small, genuine smile. "Seriously. Good job out there today."

When you get out of the van, you're almost skipping. Actual honest praise from Daybreak is worth more than whatever the hell the SWF didn't pay you today.

The van peels away and you turn from it, joining up with Allie and Jack again as you head into the restaurant. Sure enough, the doors are open, and you can see the SWF regulars all hanging out at the bar. The promoter's dropped his nun's habit and is standing behind the counter, dishing out shots as fast as people can order them. The rest of the crew is scattered here and there in small knots of people.

Your classmates disperse amongst them almost instantly, meshing in with their opponents or their friends. You look over the scene with a small smile.

Alright. Have a good time. Spend the night out. Nothing hard about that.

What group do you join in with?
[] The group clustering around the bar. You can see Mark, the promoter, dishing out the drinks to Leah, Caleb, the hairy russian guy named Ivan, and one of the bleach blondes from the opener.
[] The group sitting near the window. Naomi and Angelina are hanging on Lenny's every word as the older man tells some kind of elaborate story that involves a lot of gestures with his hands.
[] The group over at the jukebox. Looks like 'Outlaw' has found Jack again, and pulled him to join with his friend, who you're pretty sure is one of the Birds of a Feather without all his jewelry.
[] The group off to the side. Allie and Carly look like they're talking about something pretty intensely, with one of the blondes from the opener and the woman from the Birds of a Feather chiming in. There seem to be diagrams involved.
[] The group near the dartboard. Kevin's playing a round with Nick and Chloe; winning too from the sounds your classmates are making.
Stop: Stop
Because Hell is overrated for people like him. I hope he has the Lou Gehrig's disease while flesh eating bacteria kill him inside out.

stop Violent revenge fantasies like this or Jean's earlier chainsaw post would be unacceptable directed at fictional characters, let alone other users.

He has received a major infraction under Rule 2 as a result.
20. Lay of the Land
Vote Tally : Original - Ten Pounds of Gold: A Pro Wrestling Quest | Page 32 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.5

[X] The group sitting near the window. Naomi and Angelina are hanging on Lenny's every word as the older man tells some kind of elaborate story that involves a lot of gestures with his hands.
No. of Votes: 15

[X] The group clustering around the bar. You can see Mark, the promoter, dishing out the drinks to Leah, Caleb, the hairy russian guynamed Ivan, and one of the bleach blondes
No. of Votes: 6

[X] The group over at the jukebox. Looks like 'Outlaw' has found Jack again, and pulled him to join with his friend, who you're pretty sure is one of the Birds of a Feather without all his jewelry.
No. of Votes: 5

Total No. of Voters: 26
With beer in hand you make your way over towards the window. Lenny's sitting with his feet up on another chair, chewing an unlit cigarette in his mouth, telling some kind of story. Across from the table are Angelina and Naomi; the two seem to be hanging on his every word. As you get closer, you start hearing some of what the veteran's saying.

"-and then he goes 'watch the slam buddy.' and grabs me by the throat. And fuck, if that guy decides he wants to chokeslam you, you get goddamn chokeslammed. So I jumped off the grab but-"

He spots you and raises his glass in salute. You slide into a chair on one of the unoccupied sides, greeting the three of them. Lenny doesn't waste any time getting back to his story. "I jump, but the fucker's wearing these leather gloves and I'm sweating like a motherfucker, so I slide out of his grip when I'm in the air! I just hang there for a good two seconds like I'm that goddamn coyote before Jace realizes I'm not where I'm supposed to be anymore."

Naomi's listening with an eager grin on her face. "How'd you get out of it?"

Lenny snorts. "I didn't. Went straight down, landed high. Pretty sure I got my bell rung on that one. And Jace, he's greener than gooseshit so he doesn't know what to do. I've got to tell him to give it to me again. But what're you gonna do?"

You three students all wince in sympathetic pain. That… that doesn't sound pleasant.

It's Angelina who speaks up this time. "Did anyone notice?"

"Yeah," Lenny says around a mouthful of something fried. "But Parker called it like a champ. Swore that it was Brachius' 'horrifying blood lust' that made him slam me again. Got out of there with the match intact and a nice little bonus for being a pro."

From the name he just dropped and a few of the details, you figure out the part of the story you missed. Looks like Lenny's done a few jobs in the bigger leagues. Sounds like he's been at it for a while too, if he was jobbing when Brachius- the Bloodstained Killer of the UWC- was new. After he takes another swing of his drink, you ask "How long've you been doing this?"

Lenny strokes his mustache in thought. After a moment, he starts counting off on his fingers. "Twelve years. Way longer than I thought I'd be," he answers. "I always thought that I'd have quit or made it big by now. But nope. Can't do either."

He seems to sink in on himself for a second, thinking carefully about what he just said. "But still!" he finally says. "It's a good gig. I work a few shows a month, the crowds are good, and the money's passable. Nothing like what I'd be making if the EPC deal had panned out, but hell, you can't dwell on things that might've happened."

"So." he says, glancing between the girls. "I told you the Brachius story. How much've you heard about Drake Croft?"

The next few hours pass in a similar vein, with Lenny drinking and telling you more stories from over the course of his career. Nowadays he seems like he mostly spends time in the area, working Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio, and Virginia. But before that he traveled the country, working at any show he could find, and losing to the best of the best. Or maybe he's just pulling out the biggest names he's worked to sound better; you're not sure.

After a few more beers he stops telling stories. "So," he asks, looking from face to face. "You guys planning on making a living out of this?"

Around the table, no two answers are the same. You nods yes before even thinking about it, while Angelina shakes her head no, and Naomi just kind of shrugs. Lenny chuckles, looking at the girls. "If you're not planning on doing this then why're you here?"

Angelina shrugs. "Not really sure myself." she rasps, as if she's spent the last eight hours smoking. Lenny just waves his hand, gesturing for her to go on. "I'm four months out of the Army." she finally adds. "Had no idea what I was going to do and had some cash saved. I saw Daybreak's ad and figured why not."

"Shiiit." Lenny says appreciatively. "You do that kinda thing all the time? The whole fly by your pants thing?"

"Why'd you think I decided to do the army thing in the first place?" A roar from the group around the bar distracts you all before you can say anything to that. A glance over shows Caleb dipping Leah and trying to- apparently- eat her face. You shudder and turn back to your table. Lenny hasn't looked up from his crab legs and Angelina's just shaking her head.

Naomi's still staring at the scene wistfully though. You watch her and feel the urge to rub your temples. Eventually she turns back around and blanches when she sees you all staring at her. "What?" she says defensively. "It's okay to want a man!"

You're just going to let that one slide. Lenny, on the other hand, doesn't. He just chuckles. "Wow. Your school's way different than mine was if you're that hard up." At your questioning look he twirls one finger in the air. "Ever hear the stories about dudes at the Olympics? Yeah. They didn't have shit on Carl Cannon's gym."

Naomi flushes. "Can… can we just move on?"

It looks like Lenny wants to reminisce about his own training days from the look on his face, but honestly you'd rather talk about any- no, everything else. So you set your mug down on the table with a loud click, grabbing his attention. "So, how long've you been in the area?"

Lenny shrugs. "A while now. I'm not too good with dates."

"Do you just work for Mark?" you ask. "Or is there anyone else that promotes in the area?"

"Hmmm." Lenny drawls. "There're a few that put on steady shows. Some pay more than others. You planning on staying around after you're done training?"

"Maybe." You say, not elaborating. It's an idea you had- you don't have the money to move to one of the bigger wrestling areas and live there full time. Just the idea of what rent would be in Fort Lauderdale or a decent part of El Paso sends shivers down your spine. Staying in Baltimore's one of the thoughts you had had.

Lenny waits for you go on, but shrugs when you don't. "Well anyway, yeah. There're a few good promoters. You got a car?" You shake your head, and he lets out a tsking sound. "Yeah, that's gonna have to change if you want to get booked with any kind of frequency. But there're a few places around that'll hire you if you show up. Don't expect to make more than fifty bucks a show though- and that's if you're lucky."

He kicks back and lights his cigarette finally. "You know about Mark and the SWF. He'll put on a show every month or so if he can afford it, but the missus cuts him off every little while. So there'll be droughts between trips to Eagle Point High. You can't count on him for regular income- and that's if he paid a living wage a show."

"There's also the brats." he says through a thick cloud of smoke. "Not sure if they're still going but-"

"Excuse me?" Angelina breaks in. "The brats?"

Lenny snorts. "Yeah, the brats. A group of high school kids that watched too much WPW and ignored the 'don't try this at home' part. They got an old boxing ring, set it up in their backyard, and just started doing stuff. A couple of them honestly aren't half bad, especially after they ponied up to get a few actual lessons."

"Their stuff's all on Youtube if you want to check it out; call themselves…" Lenny looks around and clears his throats, "THUNDERPUNCH. Yeah. Just like that. All caps. Lately they've been hiring actual workers and putting on spot shows. Nothing regular, but look for a flea market and you'll probably find 'em."

Interesting. "That's different." you say, topping off your beer with the pitcher on the table. "But they don't sound like steady gigs."

Lenny holds out his mug and jingles it back and forth. You obediently refill his glass too and his takes an appreciative swing. "Yeah, if you're looking to make a steady living at this, you're gonna have to look hard. Besides Mark and the brats, there're a few other small timers around. PCW- that's Patomic Championship Wrestling- runs fairly regularly, but they're in the same boat as Mark I hear. Haven't actually been booked there myself. And if you can get it, some lawyer guy named Barker pretty much sells shows to anyone who wants to put one on. I've got a friend who gets booked by him- pay's decent, but not regular, and you wind up working a lot of birthday parties."

"If you really want to get paid and you stay in the area, you're gonna want to hook up with Superior. 'Superior Professional Athletics' if you want to use the full name."

Naomi snorts. "Sounds… humble."

Lenny lets out a bellow of laughter that shakes the light fixture. "You don't make it far in this business if you're humble. And name aside, Superior puts on a decent show. Heavy on tag wrestling- not really my thing. They're the only one around that puts on steady shows though."

Now that sounds a bit more promising. You lean forward in anticipation, only to be waved off. "Before you ask, no, I can't get you booked there. I've only done some jobs for em. It may lead to something down the line, but right now I don't have the stroke to get anyone in. Best thing to do is put together a solid body of work and get some buzz."

For the rest of the night you hang with Lenny, Naomi, and Angelina, talking shop and playing with the deck of cards that Naomi pulls out of her pocket. It's only when Naomi baits Lenny back into talking about his training days with something far deeper than casual interest that you decide it's time to go.

You bump fists with Lenny as you stand up and wave to Naomi. "Time to hit the hay." you say. "See you around."

Lenny nods, tipping an imaginary hat to you. "See you round, Martin. Good shit today."

You and Angelina duck outside at the same time into the brisk night air. The two of you stand there for a second, letting the cold push back your buzz as you prepare to head back to the motel. "Well," she says. "See you Monday!"

You wave and she trots away. You're about to follow her when the door opens again, and Allie pushes her way out after you. "Yo." She says. "Heading back?"

"Yeah. Figured I should get out before Naomi and Lenny started dry humping."

She snorts. "Well at least they had fun tonight."

You raise an eyebrow at that. "Not you?"

"Not so much. Not really my thing. I mean, Carly's nice, and she really wants me to teach her how to do some splashes, and Sandy and Kendra were cool enough. But if I wanted watered down beer I'd make it myself."

Allies sighs. "I'm gonna head back to the motel, get blitzed on Absinthe, and watch old westerns. You in?"

"Sounds great."

The two of you take a couple steps before you stop. "Wait. Where's Jack?"

Allie's tinkling laugh is your answer. "We're not all joined at the hip you know. But I think he's been grabbed by that friend of his. From what I saw, he's going to be in rougher shape than we are on Monday."
As it turns out, Allie is a prophet.

On Monday morning, when you head out for training, Jack drags himself from his room as if he hadn't been recovering for a full day, pouring coffee down his throat like it was plain water. You watch him with concern. "You alright?" you ask.

"If fucking Skyler Sheriff ever decides he wants to party with you," he pants out. "Just say no."

And that's all the information you get from him.

It's just as well. You have all the information you can handle to process once you get to Horizon. Daybreak decides to skip the usual morning training, and instead puts on some very familiar footage to dissect. As it turns out, yes, Delilah was recording the entire show, and the class sits down to watch the tape.

Though you watch it on mute. Delilah decided to do running commentary over the whole thing that's very distracting. You almost fall out of your chair laughing when she starts calling Nick with a mouthful of Ivan's chest hair like it's an actual move.

"Can I get a copy of this?" you gasp out.

"Can we all get a copy of this?" Naomi echoes, a sharklike grin on her face.

Nick watches the tape, mouth set in an expressionless line. "I'm good." he says.

"Now now," Daybreak chides him. "Way worse than this is going to happen to you if you keep wrestling. All of you. So be glad you got the whole humiliation thing out of the way so quick. The rest of these chucklefucks're gonna have to look forward to the pleasure."

With the tape muted, it's a lot easier to watch. You wince when you see yourself making some mistakes you'd made fun of other people for on tape- hooking the wrong leg, not holding the tag rope, and your pinfall attempts look hideous. Overall, you can't help but be proud of the match you had.

But still. There's work you can do. And you still have five days of training before your match with Daybreak, and your 'final exam' at Horizon Academy.

What do you want to work on? (FINAL TRAINING ROLLS)
[] Your fundamentals. There's no such thing as being too good at the basic building blocks of professional wrestling. (+1 Psychology Roll, +1 Basics Roll, +1 Safety Roll)
[] Your promos. There's no way around it- your talking needs work. If you want to get anywhere you'll need to hone your gift of gab. (+1 Charisma Roll, +1 Cool Roll, +1 Microphone Roll)
[] Your in-ring work. You weren't awful in your first match, but you've got some ideas that you need more work on if you ever want to be able to pull them off. (+1 Aerial Roll, +1 Brawling Roll, +1 Showmanship Roll)
[] Your body. You've spent almost all your time at Horizon honing your professional wrestling skills. But it doesn't matter how much you know or what moves you've practiced if your body physically can't do them. (+1 Athleticism Roll, +1 Power Roll, +1 Cardio Roll)
[] You... have some other ideas. (Pick 3 Skill Rolls)
21. Sunrise
Vote Tally : Original - Ten Pounds of Gold: A Pro Wrestling Quest | Page 34 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.5

[X] Your promos. There's no way around it- your talking needs work. If you want to get anywhere you'll need to hone your gift of gab. (+1 Charisma Roll, +1 Cool Roll, +1 Microphone Roll)
No. of Votes: 15

[X] Your body. You've spent almost all your time at Horizon honing your professional wrestling skills. But it doesn't matter how much you know or what moves you've practiced if your body physically can't do them. (+1 Athleticism Roll, +1 Power Roll, +1 Cardio Roll)
No. of Votes: 10

[X] Your fundamentals. There's no such thing as being too good at the basic building blocks of professional wrestling. (+1 Psychology Roll, +1 Basics Roll, +1 Safety Roll)
No. of Votes: 9

[X] A character. You came to Horizon Academy because of it's great success in churning out great characters. While you have Daybreak and Delilah, two of the more honest and harsh critics you know, create a gimmick that will grab people. (+1 Acting Roll, +1 Microphone Roll, +1 Heel Role)
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 35
The basement seems too crowded for the number of people that are in here.

It's strange. Right now, there are only eleven people in the room. You, and all of your fellow classmates, sitting on folding chairs around the ring. Brad, standing in the middle of the ring wearing a striped referee's shirt. And Delilah, sitting by a table with a bell on it, only allowed in here because of her mother's explicit and grudging permission. Still, it feels like the basement is far more full than it was at the start of training.

Maybe it's that everyone is in some kind of costume. Naomi has her face painted with warpaint, Nick has his arms wrapped with technicolor tape, Caleb is wearing bright red suspenders and baggy red pants for some reason. Your own circle isn't immune; Allie's got on a purple and black slashed headband and finger-less gloves, and Jack's manage to find a robe that's such a dark red it's almost black. Even you have your badass leather jacket on over your trunks and pads.

Or maybe it's the decoration of the basement. It's usually a fairly bare place; just what you need to train and a couple posters with Daybreak's most well-known graduates on them. But now banners have been thrown up, each dubbing this 'the Main Event'. A fog machine is near the door, humming as it warms up. The lights are dimmed low, as if in anticipation.

But it's probably both of those things and neither of them at the same time. What really crowds the room is anticipation. It's your last day of training. Only one thing, one match, is left to do before you're a full graduate from Horizon Academy, and all of you can feel it.

And this match isn't with just anyone. It isn't with a random person in the SWF. It isn't with one of your fellow trainees. It's with your teacher, your mentor- no.

No, it's not. Your mentor is a woman named Lucy, no matter what you call her. A tough woman. A hardcore woman. A skilled woman. But just a normal person. You've been in the ring with Lucy countless times over the last twelve weeks and she's taught you so much.

You've never been in the ring with Daybreak before.

Daybreak, the most insane woman to ever lace up a pair of boots. Who once caused a riot in Puerto Rico with nothing more than a banana and her opponent's face and came out untouched because they were too scared of her. Who hit a fan who jumped into the ring so hard that he needed reconstructive dentistry. Who bullied her way into companies that had no women's wrestling and made them make her a star.

Just thinking about it makes sweat trickle down the back of your neck.

Did you prepare enough? Did you do the right things? Did you work hard enough? Maybe you shouldn't have spent the last week on promos. Maybe it would've been better to focus on your in-ring skills like Jack did, or on your actual body like Nick. There's got to have been something you could have done that could better prepare you for this. You should have-

No. No, there's no sense thinking like that. You worked damn hard and made some improvements over the last week. You're more comfortable in front of a crowd, more at home in this jacket. Hell, you cut a promo that Delilah rated 'not bad' when you ran into her as you were leaving. What you did will serve you just fine.

You pull your thoughts away from your self-recriminations and focus on the task at hand. Any minute, Daybreak is going to come down those stairs and step in the ring. She's going to call one of you and have a match. When that's done, she'll call another one of you and repeat the process. That's all you know. You've got no idea how long the match is going, what the finish is, or even who's working heel. You'll need to plan for everything possible.

You lean over to where Jack is sitting next to you, head bowed in focus. "What've you got planned?"

He shakes his head, not taking his eyes off the floor. "Working heel." he says. "Got nothing besides that right now."

You look over at Allie to ask, but she's in a similar state of focus. No sense in disturbing your friends any further. So you sit back in your seat and stare at the wall. You have preparations of your own to be doing.

Finally, after a handful of minutes of intense concentration, the lights dim even further. The fog machine belches to life, spraying gouts of milky white fog over the floor. On the monitor that you usually watch tape, a cued video comes to life, blasting out the familiar sound of a wolf howling before turning into the dark slow beats of Daybreak's WPW theme.

The door at the top of the stairs opens, sending a blast of light down into the basement, and Daybreak enters the room.

She wasn't kidding about going all out. Gone are the normal training clothes and the tennis shoes, replaced by dark reds and blacks and wrestling boots so dark they almost absorb the light. Gone is half her hair- the remainder spiked up with some unimaginable combination of hairspray and gel. Gone is her normal face. All that's left are white contacts and paint that divides it into two halves, the top black and the bottom yellow.

Daybreak takes her time entering the room. Her steps are slow and deliberate, and when she reaches the bottom of the stairs she doesn't make straight for the ring. Instead she prowls around it like an uncaged beast, glaring at a non-existent audience. She looks eyes with an imaginary camera and widens them deliberately, backing into the ring without blinking. The music crescendos as she stands and raises her hands, one forming a circle and the other cupping the first.

Daybreak stands that way for one, two heartbeats. Behind her, you can see Delilah sitting at the timekeeper's table, absolutely losing her mind. The girl's mouth is wide and she's cheering with all her heart, hands raised above her, copying Daybreak's sign. A particularly enthusiastic scream draws the first unconscious emotion from Daybreak you've seen since she came downstairs when one side of her mouth tugs upwards for a split second.

You can't say you're surprised; and it clears things up as to why Delilah's here. Daybreak may not want her kid to do what she does, may hate the idea and do everything possible to keep her away from it, but at the end of the day, you think every parent wants to be their kid's hero.

The entrance done, the lights come back up and the fog machine shuts off. Daybreak paces the ring for a few moments, glaring out at all of you as if daring you to step in the ring. Is she waiting for a volunteer to go first?

It turns out that no, she's not. Delilah regains her composure and stands up, holding a prop microphone. "The following!" she rasps out, barely holding back a cough. "Is scheduled for one fall! First, already in the ring, weighing in at One Hundred and Sixty Three pounds, residing in Baltimore, Maryland! She is the 1999 Femme Fatale, a three-time WPW Women's Champion and a two-time EPC Queen of the Endtimes! She is the total eclipse! Introducing! Daybreak!"

There's really nothing else you can do but applaud at that. The rest of the class joins in, only to be cut off as Delilah speaks again. "And her first opponent! From Colorado Springs, Colorado! Weighing in a Two Hundred and Forty Two Pounds! The Knockout! Nick Leaver!"

No one moves for a second as the announcement sinks in. Once it registers, Nick springs to his feet, pumping his fists. You applaud just as loudly for him as you did for Daybreak. He rolls into the ring, does a bit of brief posing, and the match is on.

What follows is a brief exhibition of skill. Not of actual in-ring technique, or even of character work. No, what impresses you the most is you can't actually see Daybreak calling the match. You know she is- she's working heel, which is the role that normally dictates the pace, and you know Nick wouldn't call half of the moves he does without her express permission. But you never see her lips move, never hear a word of the spots she's calling.

And the match itself is… it's good. It's clunky in some places and rough in others. But it tells a simple story of Nick fighting from underneath and trying to overcome the unstoppable force that is your teacher. Nick gets a little bit of shine at the start, running wild with lariats and clotheslines, only to get cut off when Daybreak picks his leg and starts working over his back. He gets a fiery comeback and almost puts her away with a spinning back fist and a running powerslam.

But Daybreak kicks out at the very last minute, arm reaching for the ceiling. Nick sits back dumbly. It's like he's not sure what to do- and you doubt he's acting. Daybreak just lies on the mat, selling for a moment, and some kind of signal has to get through to Nick. He reaches down and pulls her up by the spiky hair-

Only for her to boot him in the stomach and hoot his arms as he's bent over. You can't help but stand for a better view of what you know is coming next.

Sure enough, she pulls Nick straight up, flipping him over in a beautiful double-underhook into a backbreaker. Nick smashes across her knee spine first and lets out a yell of hopefully fake pain. Daybreak slides him off of her knee and makes the cover, hooking a leg and staring you all down as Brad slides into position.

"One… two… three! Ring the bell!"

The bell rings and you all applaud the match. Nick sells for a moment more before Daybreak pulls him to his feet and gives him a very out of character pat on the back. He nods in thanks and drops, rolling out of the ring. You keep your eyes on Daybreak, trying to use the information you just got to plan ahead.

At least you know the finish now. You don't think any of the matches are going to end any differently than that one, with a clean pin following the Setting Sun.

That's proven true in the next match, when Daybreak squares off with 'The Roughneck Ranger' Chloe Lucas. It goes much the same as Nick's match did, only highlighting Chloe's mat skills instead of the power spots Nick did. Shine, heat, comeback, and then a clean pin after the Setting Sun.

And after that-

After that you don't have any more time to plan.

Delilah stands on her seat and begins to announce once more. "And her next opponent! From Portland, Maine! Weighing in at Two Hundred and Twenty Three Pounds! Wildcard! Tommy Martin!"

You feel eyes on you as you rise, pulling at your jacket. Some of them are questioning- what does Wildcard even mean? Honestly you've got no idea. But it sounded cool, and it works with some ideas you've had percolating in the back of your mind for a while now. So when they asked for a nickname, you went with that one.

But you don't have any time to think about it anymore. You're in the ring with Daybreak now, and-


-and the bell's just rung.

You don't waste any time. The two of you meet in the center of the ring for a lockup. Your heads almost collide with the force of it. But neither of you pay it any attention. You flex and strain as if fighting to overwhelm your teacher. Your attention is all on her words, quickly whispered between cheers from the 'crowd'.

You can barely hear them, but you understand the. Whip, shoulder tackle, drop down, leapfrog. The most basic spot in pro wrestling. Obediently, you grab Daybreak's arm and whip her towards the ropes. She turns and takes them, running back into your shoulder tackle. No sooner has she hit the mat then you jump over her, running the ropes. Your path takes you over her then under her as she leapfrogs over, and then back at her.

Daybreak catches your ankle with her legs in a drop toe. You crash to the mat and she spins into a front face lock. "Power out." she hisses. "Big boot. Something flippy. Then heat."

Again, you do as you're told. With a roar you force her off you, pushing her back into the ropes one more time. As she comes back you meet her with an upraised foot, slapping your thigh where the 'crowd' can't see it for the dramatic sound. Daybreak falls like a domino. You stop, looking at her for a second as if dazzled by your own skill, before making for the apron.

Something flippy? You can't really do all that many flips yet, but you can at least nail the springboard splash. And you do so, hitting it perfectly and not even touching Daybreak. You hook her leg and Brad slides into position. "One...Two...Awww!"

Daybreak kicks out and you yell in frustration. You pound the mat near her head once, twice, for dramatic effect. And as you expected, Daybreak takes full advantage, grabbing your hand and forcing it out from under you. You collapse on the suddenly empty mat and find Daybreak behind you, pulling your arms back in a stretch.

The match goes on in a similar vein for a long time. Daybreak gets some heat and you fight back, getting two or three hope spots before getting cut off again. Your lungs feel like they want to escape your body with all the exercise you're giving them- you're in good shape, but there's a world of difference between running and having a match. If it wasn't for all the heat Daybreak was getting, you're sure you would've been reduced to a wheezing wreck four minutes in.

But Daybreak is working you over extensively, and giving you plenty of time to breathe. So when she calls for your comeback somewhere passed the ten minute mark, you're ready to go.

Daybreak stand back in the corner, clasping her hands together. She's prepping for her execution kick, the Starfall. With a bestial shriek she launches it-

And you lay back, letting the foot pass over you harmlessly. Daybreak windmills her arms as she fights for her balance- and you strike.

Punches. Kicks. Forearms. A lot and a lot of forearms. You knock Daybreak to the ground over and over again, and she gets up every time, charging at you to feed your comeback. You meet her with boots and a running forearm.

Alright. Almost time for the finish. One more big kick should lay her out, which will let you get in your big nearfall before she hits you with the Setting Sun. You wind up for a running big boot-

It's dodged. You freeze. Wait, this wasn't supposed to happen. Did you miss a spot?

If you did, Daybreak's not telling you. Instead she stands in the middle of the ring, unmoving. She glares at you and slowly, lifts her hands up, one a circle and the other cupping the first. Daybreak lets out a roar. "Let's see what you got!"

Yeah, this was definitely not planned.

How are you following this up?

[] You're going to nail a dropkick and then go up top to hit something cool from the air. Really show off what you can do. (Gain Trait: ???)
[] She's going to hit a pose and taunt? You can do the same. You'll pose and taunt before moving on to your nearfall. (Gain Trait: ???)
[] You're going to do what you always wanted a wrestler in this situation to do; you're going to walk over and punch her in the face. (Gain Trait: ???)
[] You're going to get an additional nearfall out of this and make it dramatic. She's distracted, so you'll hit a quick rollup before going on as planned. (Gain Trait: ???)
[] Write-In (Gain Trait: ???)
Mechanic Changes

Skill Changes

: Average 271/500 -> Average 317/500
Microphone: Disappointing 58/100 -> Mediocre 113/250
Cool: Disappointing 88/100 -> Mediocre 143/250
Last edited:
22. Sunset
Vote Tally : Original - Ten Pounds of Gold: A Pro Wrestling Quest | Page 36 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.5

[X] You're going to do what you always wanted a wrestler in this situation to do; you're going to walk over and punch her in the face. (Gain Trait: ???)
No. of Votes: 17

[X] You're going to nail a dropkick and then go up top to hit something cool from the air. Really show off what you can do. (Gain Trait: ???)
No. of Votes: 14

[x] She's going to hit a pose and taunt? You can do the same. You'll pose and taunt before moving on to your nearfall. (Gain Trait: ???)
No. of Votes: 6

[x] You pull your teacher into a deep kiss/rollup pin
No. of Votes: 3

Total No. of Voters: 40
A thousand and one ideas race through your mind as Daybreak holds up her hands in her signature taunt. Every move you know rushes through your head, and you dismiss it just as quickly as you think of it. Nothing seems just right. And you're running out of time. Every moment you waste is a moment she's standing there and-

Your fist launches out without a conscious thought and tags her in the face.

You pull it as much as you dare, but you still feel your knuckles make solid contact. Daybreak stumbles backwards, shaking her head. You don't let up. You rush in and grab her by the back of the head before you start laying in punch after punch. Hidden under the sudden noise from your fellows, you call your first spot of the match.

Daybreak murmurs something that you hope is agreement and you back away. Daybreak stands in the same place, wobbling back and forth. "Stay on her!" you hear someone yell from the crowd. No reason to ignore good advice. You move back in-

And she punches you in the face.

This time it's your turn to stumble back. She moves in and starts raining blows on you. But there's none of the almost-hitting and the light touches from your own amateurish strikes- for all you feel, you're walking through a mildly windy day. Damn she's good. No time to admire it now though.

You raise your foot and boot her in the gut, doubling her over. Daybreak gasps for air and you move in for the kill. You can hear the crowd gasp as you reach out and grab her arms, hooking one, then both, setting her up for her own finisher. You hurk her high into the air for the Setting Sun, ready to bring her crashing down on your knee-

And as planned, she counters beautifully, spinning on the way down and turning it into an armdrag. You're not even sure how you wind up on your belly, but you do, with Daybreak on your back sinking in a choke with one arm and pulling your leg back with the other. You thrash on the mat, reaching and stretching for the ropes.

Your fingertips brush them and the pressure suddenly goes away, Daybreak being pulled off by Brad the Ref. You stagger to your feet and meet your teacher's eyes. She inclines her chin a fraction of a millimeter. Perfect. Time for the finish.

You get a bit more of a flurry of offense, more punches, more forearms, followed by a kneelift and a running dropkick that you make a note to remember later. But the finish is the same as every other match; Daybreak counters something you did and hooks your arms, pulling you up into the Setting Sun.

"One… Two… Three! Ring the bell!"

The two of you lie on the mat, chests heaving with the exertion of what you just did. You don't have a watch on right now- obviously- but that has to have been over fifteen minutes. The trios match was over fifteen as well, but you were only in ring for maybe a third of that. This time it was all you, and no matter how many rest spots you got, your muscles burn and your lungs feel like they're on fire.

Daybreak doesn't look like she's in much better shape. But then again, as she's just proved, she's a pro. She's probably just selling the match. Sure enough, she glances over and winks at you. "Nice, Martin." she says. "Now get out so we're not here all day."

You hold up your hand in a sloppy salute and obediently roll out of the ring. Your chair seems further away than it was when you left but you make it, plopping yourself down into it to a hail of congratulations and backslaps. Chloe says something disparaging about her own match, Allie is giving you an enthusiastic whistle with two fingers in her mouth, Caleb shoots you a cheesy thumbs up, and Jack grabs you by the scruff of your neck, mock-chiding you for raising the bar for the rest of them. You take it all in with a weary smile as you shrug your jacket back on.

"Yeah, yeah." You say. "I'm wonderful. Now try and top it."

The six students who haven't gone yet take to the challenge with a will. Delilah calls for the next worker after a brief break, summoning Leah, the Fairy Tale, Wolfe to the ring. It is- in your opinion at least- not as good as your own match, but Leah puts on a game effort. There's a lot more stalling and a lot less action as Leah plays to her strengths, matching Daybreak pose for pose. After a good six minutes of the least-wrestling-wrestling you've ever seen, Daybreak no-sells a few punches and pulls Leah in for the Setting Sun.

If Daybreak got a breather with Leah, she gets the opposite with Angelina. Sgt. Sun, as she bills herself, challenges Daybreak to a submission battle. She's not very good at it, but to be fair, it doesn't look like it's in Daybreak's wheelhouse either. The result is the closest thing you've seen to a bad match this afternoon.

The same can't be said for the next match. Delilah calls 'Alternative' Allie Gray to the ring and your friend moves the fastest you've ever seen her, sliding into the squared circle before the words have fully come out of the girl's mouth. You watch the ensuing match with steadily widening eyes; you thought you'd been moving quickly. You were so very, very wrong.

There's rarely a moment in the opening part of the match that Allie isn't jumping off something. She flips, she dives, she dodges. It looks like Daybreak has to physically force her to the mat with sheer power to get the heat. And when Allie makes her comeback, straight back to flips and dives. Even the finish involves jumping; she goes for a springboard lariat and winds up caught in position for the Setting Sun.

Honestly, you think the match might have been a bit too fast paced. Except for when Daybreak worked Allie over there was really no time for you to digest what you'd just seen. You jot the thought down on your phone, under the list of move you're going to 'borrow' from that. You'll talk about it with her later.

Allie's drenched when she slides back into her seat. Heedless of her sweat you pull her into a one armed hug. "Nice." you say, and she beams at you. The two of you trade a fist-bump and you look over at Jack. "One to go!"

Jack applauds Allie for a moment before his face crinkles in focus. "Yeah." He repeats. "One to go."

He is not the next to go, however. That honor goes to 'Fire Engine' Caleb Graham, who goes through a much more routine match than anything else that's been done. Except for the obvious clunkiness you'd expect and the momentary pauses where he's considering what to do next, the match wouldn't have looked out of place on any normal show you'd see. And after him comes the Warchief, Naomi Kigiri. Again, nothing dramatic or startling there. A plain meat and potatoes match with no real frills.

Jack gets the last match, the main event. And sure enough, when he locks up with Daybreak, he's the only one to work Heel. Daybreak falls into the face role seamlessly, getting a bit of shine at first before Jack starts working her over with the most basic moves in his arsenal. He gets more and more inventive as the match goes on, progressing to some honestly fascinating submissions around the twelve minute mark.

But Daybreak never seems out of it. Every few moves she fights back, even if it's just for one punch, and stays in the match. And when she makes her comeback, you feel yourself responding to it like you're in the front row of a fifteen thousand strong crowd. They trade nearfalls for a minute and then Daybreak hooks him for the Setting Sun and puts him away.

With the last match done, the class deteriorates into congratulations and cheers, backslaps and friendly jibes. Daybreak watches it all from the apron, wiping the paint off of her face with a towel. When she's fully clean she lets out a piercing whistle.

"Not bad, minions." she says, a weary smile on her face as she does a small golf clap. "Not a bad match in the bunch. You'll all get a copy of your sent to you. Make sure to study it- there were some mistakes you all made that you'll have to figure out for yourself."

It hits you. Training is… over. This was your graduation exercise, and you passed. The realization washes over you all at the same time. Some people chuckle while others seem stunned. Nick hangs his head in disappointment- right, this was a birthday present from his wife and kids. And now it's done.

Daybreak shakes her head. "Before we call your training officially over, meet me upstairs. I'm going to have a little talk with you all."

And so you towel yourself off as best you can and trudge up the stairs to a part of Daybreak's house you've never been to: her office. It's sitting at the end of a long, richly paneled hallway, decorated with framed championship belts. Daybreak leads the way and beckons Allie in first.

You don't have to wait long for your turn though. Once Allie leaves, clutching a small binder, Daybreak calls you in next. You head into the office and sit down opposite the heavy looking desk in front of you.

Daybreak studies you with watchful eyes. She's taken out her contacts, changing from the terrifying white eyes you saw today back to the usual muddy brown. She plays with a sheaf of papers in her hand and shuffles them back and forth absently. You decide to break the silence this time. "What up, boss?" you ask.

She smirks and throws the papers at you. "Your review, Martin. Everything I've taught you and a few things for you to work on yourself. There's some observations I've made of shit you can do better on and I'd damn well better see you working on it. Diploma's in there too. Get it framed. Hang it on a wall." Daybreak says, mouth twisted into a wry grin.

You flip through them eagerly. Sure enough, it's all here. Daybreak's character lessons, a few move descriptions, some of her ideas on how to put matches together. It's like a homework packet from high school, only far more interesting. "Thanks!" you say. "And before I go, I just want to-"

Daybreak cuts you off with an upraised hand. "Not done quite yet." She sits back and puts her feet up on the desk, taking a swig from a cool bottle of water. "There's one thing I should at least try and teach you that's not in the binder."

Again, she studies you, and again you wait. She doesn't say anything for a long moment. But then all the words come out in a rush.

"You're determined. I like that. You want this so much that I can taste it. And that's going to take you far. Half of them," she says, jerking her chin towards the door out of the office, "Aren't going to do anything with what I taught you all. They'll wrestle, they'll work, but within a year they'll decide it isn't for them and they'll move on to whatever else they wind up doing for the rest of their lives."

"But that's not you. You've got that drive in you. No idea where it comes from. But it'll take you a long way in this business- if you can reign it in."

You quirk an eyebrow. "Reign it in?"

"Yeah." Daybreak replies, her eyes piercing you through. "You love this- maybe too much. This business is… there's nothing else like it. But just as much as it gives, it takes. If you're not ready for it, it'll chew you up and spit you out like it's done thousands of times before."

"So you've got to know, Martin, when to walk away."

Before you can say a word, she raises her hand and continues. "You've got to be able to weigh and measure your future against what you're doing. There's going to be times you're hurt- consequence of the game. Smart thing to do is to heal, but you… you'll try and keep going. Keep wrestling even if your body's telling you you can't. And you'll get hurt again. And again."

"Wrestling will only be there for you when you're healthy. So you've got to know when to stop it. Both temporarily, when you need to recover, and when to just call it a career. Don't be that guy who needs to walk around with a catheter and eats pre-cut food at a d-grade convention. Just… just don't."

She stares off into the distance, seeing something that isn't there. Daybreak slowly shakes her head before she looks back at you. In firm tones, she says, "Have an exit plan. Pick up another way to make money. There's no promises in wrestling- you could shatter your leg and have to quit tomorrow. But even if you don't, even if your career goes on for decades, pick something. Pick a goal. Something that if you get there, will be the final proof that you've had a good run."

"You don't need to do it now. You don't need to tell me. But pick something."

You won't tell Daybreak, but you've had a goal in mind for a while now. What's Tommy's ultimate goal? What shows him that he's had a great career?
[] You don't want to be rich or famous. All you ever wanted was to be a wrestler, to travel the world and perform in front of crowds. Everything else is just gravy.
[] You want to be the best. You need to be the best. It burns at you every moment you're awake. People will look at you and say that you were the absolute greatest in your field.
[] You're going to be the centerpiece of a company. A top heel, a top face, whatever. Some company is going to take you and make you the axis on which everything else revolves, and your name will be synonymous with wrestling.
[] You love the business, but you need to provide for yourself. You will know you're successful when you've made money. Lots of money.
[] You want to come out of wrestling with more than you started. You're going to do what you love, grow and change as a person from the experience, and walk away healthy.
[] You want to impact the business itself and change it on some fundamental level. You've got no idea how, but one day, people will be able to look at the wrestling industry and divide it into two distinct eras: before Tommy, and after Tommy.
[] Write-In
Mechanic Changes

Trait Changes

Major Trait Gained- Timing is Key: Provides a minor trait bonus to both Psychology and Charisma.
Last edited:
23. End of the First Era
Vote Tally : Original - Ten Pounds of Gold: A Pro Wrestling Quest | Page 38 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.5

[X] You want to impact the business itself and change it on some fundamental level. You've got no idea how, but one day, people will be able to look at the wrestling industry and divide it into two distinct eras: before Tommy, and after Tommy.
No. of Votes: 20

[X] You want to come out of wrestling with more than you started. You're going to do what you love, grow and change as a person from the experience, and walk away healthy.
No. of Votes: 9

[X] You love the business, but you need to provide for yourself. You will know you're successful when you've made money. Lots of money.
No. of Votes: 3

[X] You want to be the best, like no one ever was.
No. of Votes: 2

[X] You want to be the best. You need to be the best. It burns at you every moment you're awake. People will look at you and say that you were the absolute greatest in your field.
No. of Votes: 2

[X] You're going to be the centerpiece of a company. A top heel, a top face, whatever. Some company is going to take you and make you the axis on which everything else revolves, and your name will be synonymous with wrestling.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] You don't want to be rich or famous. All you ever wanted was to be a wrestler, to travel the world and perform in front of crowds. Everything else is just gravy.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 38
Daybreak doesn't let you linger long after she puts the question in your mind. The two of you sit and talk for a few minutes more. She points out a few things in the binder she thinks you should focus on- mostly your cardio, your selling, and showing a bit more style with your moves. You make circles around those notes with her pen and nod thankfully. Every drop of advice you can wring out from her right now is priceless.

Finally she rises, and you do as well. Daybreak holds out her hand. "You're not bad, Martin. If you'd told me how you'd end up three months ago I would've called you a liar."

She smirks as you shake her hand. "I'm proud of what you've picked up- just don't let it go to your head."

You can't hold back the pleased flush from your face. "Thanks boss. It's been an honor and a privilege. Thanks for spending all the time you did with us, and I'll do all I can to make sure you're even prouder down the line."

Daybreak nods, once. "See that you do. And... " she trails off, and you wait eagerly. She's been so helpful during this meeting- you can't wait to hear what she's going to end with.

"And you've got three days to get your ass out of the motel or start paying for it. And trust me, you don't want that."

..Why did you expect anything different? Your face falls and Daybreak lets out a cackle of laughter. "Now move your ass, Martin. I've got more minions to tell about the cold hard world."

You trudge out of the office with the binder under your arm. The rest of the class is waiting outside. As you step out, Daybreak's voice comes over your shoulder. "Wolfe! You're up!" Leah slides past you and the door shuts again. Rather than take her freshly empty seat you move on and lean on the wall next to Allie.

Your friend is already paging through her binder, taping specific passages and mouthing them silently. You nudge her with your elbow. "Anything good?"

She shrugs. "Nothing I didn't already know. Still got to study it though. If she thought it was worth the time to point out-"

"-it's worth the time to fix." You finish with a nod, flipping open your own packet. But you barely get through a paragraph when a hiss draws your attention.

"Yo, Tommy!" Nick whispers. You quirk an eyebrow at him; why the fuck is he whispering? He jerks a thumb at the door- apparently he wants to make sure that whatever he's saying isn't disturbing the meeting going on. Nick continues, "After this we're all hitting the bar. Kind of a going away party for all of us. You in?"

After a second's thought you shrug. "Why not?" It's not like you have training to prepare for tomorrow, and while you never really bonded with the rest of your class like you did Jack and Allie, you do like most of them. There're worse ways to cap off the evening.

And so you wait through the rest of the meetings until everyone is done. Daybreak finishes up the last one, Chloe, and then steps into the office doorway. "Good job, everyone!" she repeats, voice full of cheer. "Now! Get the hell out of my house!"

You do so quickly, waving at your teacher and chancing her wrath by stopping to give Delilah a hug. The young girl clutches you eagerly, a far cry from her normally caustic attitude, and lets you go with a reminder to "Not suck out there." that makes you grin. With that last gesture, your time at Horizon Academy comes to an end.

The rest of your evening passes in a blur. The entire class comes to the bar to say their farewells, and even Brad makes an appearance to wish you all well. Contact information is traded, friendly goodbyes are exchanged, and you get to hear all about what everyone's going to wind up doing.

The only ones with concrete plans right now are Caleb and Leah. The two of them sit at the bar, his arm draped over her protectively, as they talk about the apartment they've found downtown. Leah's practically glowing when she talks about it. "Only nine hundred a month, on the boulevard! It's a steal!"

Caleb shakes his head, gesturing for her to calm down. "I keep tellin ya babe, you know something's gotta be wrong with the place. I really think we should keep looking-"

But Leah won't be deterred. "We're going there, mister! You liked it just as much as I did. And it's so close to everything! Bet we'll save a bundle on travel!" Caleb lets out a few more feeble protests, but your attention is dragged from them when Chloe lets out a loud belch.

"I figure I'll head home." she says. "It was nice getting away for so long, but the fish'll forget me if I stay gone much longer." She tips back another beer. "None of you be strangers now, okay? No excuses, even if you're leaving. And if you stay lemme know! I'll see if I can get you booked."

Now all of your attention is on Chloe. But it's not you who questions her, it's Jack. "You've got a gig already? And you've got some kinda pull?"

She waves off his incredulous tone. "Nah, nah. Nothing like that. But some indie runs out of the lodge in my park, and they told me that they'd put me on after training. If they're gonna go that far I don't see why they wouldn't bring you all on too."

Nick pulls a disappointed face. It looks completely absurd on his long features, and you can't help but laugh. "That's a shame." he says, looking around the room. "I'm gonna miss it. It's been cool hanging out with you guys."

"But I gotta head home." Nick continues. "Nora and the girls'll be missing me, and I can't leave the salon in my rookie's hands forever. If you guys're ever in Colorado Springs, look me up! I'll hook you up with a free- wait, nah. A cheap haircut." You have to laugh at that, and he raises his beer in a salute, welcoming the mocking insults that fly his way.

When that dies down, Angelina's the next to speak up. "Not really sure where I'll go." she says, shrugging. "Drifting's taken me this far. Might just get in my car and see where it takes me."

"Awww!" Naomi groans. "You should stay for a while at least. We can work shows together!" The two go back and forth, Naomi trying to guilt Angelina into staying and Angelina protesting with less and less effort as it goes on.

It's only when you start paying your tab that the others seem to realize you haven't given your plans yet. You shrug when Leah asks. "I've got some thoughts," You say, words deliberately vague. "But nothing concrete."

"Yeah." Jack echoes. "I can't head home yet or I'm probably not gonna be able to come back. Not sure what's next." Behind him, Allie nods in agreement.

Chloe looks between the three of you. She glances over her shoulder at Naomi, and then again at Angelina before letting out a sigh. "Fine." she groans out. "I'll ask."

She steps up closer to you. "Alright guys. Can you settle a bet for us?" Hesitantly, you nod. Chloe's entire face is bright red. "Are you all…?" she trails off, waiting.

Now it's your turn to trade confused looks with your friends. "Are we all… what?" you ask.

You were wrong. Now Chloe is bright red. "Are you all…" she says again, losing her words one more time. Finally she makes a circle out of her thumb and index finger before sticking her other finger through it again and again. You watch the gesture with slowly dawning horror.

Jack can't see what she's doing. "Are we all what?" he asks in exasperation.

From the front of bar, Leah sighs. "Are you all fucking?" she asks, shooting a withering glare at Chloe. "It's not that hard to say!"


That wasn't just you. Both Jack and Allie seem as horrified as you've ever seen them. If you were one of the onlookers, you'd probably admit that your faces were all hilarious, mouths open and eyes wide, blood draining from your cheeks in shock. Chloe flinches at your volume. "Okay!" she chirps, voice too high pitched to be natural. "That answers that. Thanks for-"

"No no no no no!" you say. "You can't just let that one go. You thought we were all… what, in some kind of threeway thing?"

"Well," Nick answers, a wide grin on his face. "Yeah."

"A… all of you?!" Allie sputters.

Naomi's the one to nod this time with a guilty shrug. "Well, yeah. What else were we supposed to think? You spend all your free time with each other. You finish each other's sentences,"

"You volunteered to work together in your first match." Angelina chimes in.

"You're so touchy-feely with each other it's like you're on a sitcom." That one's Leah.

"Honestly," Caleb finishes. "The only people who spend more time together are me and Lee, and.." he trails off, gesturing at his arm over his girlfriend's shoulders.

"But you weren't!" Chloe says in that high pitched tone of horror. "Not that there's anything wrong with you if you did! It's completely fine! It's the twenty first century! You can do whatever and whoever you want! Or no one! That's cool too! And it's no one's business but yours and-"

Naomi snorts. "Weren't you the one who spent twenty minutes wondering who filled the sandwich?"

Chloe stands frozen, trying to pale and blush at the same time. Everyone in the room watches her, some with wide grins, and some- you and your friends- with the same look of stunned surprise. The spell is only broken when Naomi taps her fingers to her lips. "What was your final conclusion? I think you said Tommy, right? After all he-"

"Nicetrainingwithyougoodtoseeyoubye!" Chloe yelps, sprinting out the door with a speed you never saw from her in the ring. The rest of the class files out at a more sedate pace, waving at you and giggling at your still stunned expression.

You look over at Jack and Allie. "Wait." you say. "They thought I was in the middle?!"
"Wouldn't…" Allie muses. "Wouldn't they have thought that I'd be in the middle? I mean, logistically. I'm just more flexible than you guys. It's like they didn't put the full thought into it."

"Yeah." you say. "Weird. Did you ever know they thought that?"

Jack shakes his head. "Nah. Never even crossed my mind. Honestly, all that stuff they said sounds ridiculous. So we teamed up. So what? And we're friends. Friends finish each other's sentences."

You snort. "Yeah. Strange."

The three of you have retreated to the place you've spent so much time over the last three months- your motel room. You're lying on your uncomfortable mattress, while Jack is seated in your chair with his feet up on your table, and from Allie's waving feet you think she's somewhere on the floor near the dresser.

You're still a little stunned by what the rest of your class thought- you've all spent so much time locking up and throwing each other around the ring that you're just not conscientious of your personal space. That's all. Touchy Feely your ass- but you force yourself to move on. You cast your mind around for the first topic that comes to mind. "So, what've you guys got planned?"

A pair of shrugs is your answer. "All I know is that I can't go home." Jack says. "I don't have the money to live on my own on the west coast, and Mom'll nag me until I go do dentist things if I even try and move back in with her. Maybe I'll stay around here for a while. Sheriff says he can get me some shows."

You quirk an eyebrow at that. "That guy sure seemed to like you."

He groans. "I wish he liked me less." he gets out. "But he's nice, and he's one of the more veteran guys around here. He can probably get me booked a few places."

"Nice." Allie grates out. "I wish I made a friend like that. But the only person around here that'll do that is Carly from SWF, and like hell I want to really be a regular there." But she pauses and shrugs. "But you've gotta start somewhere I guess."

"You're sticking around too?" You ask.

"Maybe." she says uncomfortably. "Not like I really got many places to go."

She stops talking and the silence edges towards uncomfortable. You jump in. "Well, not really sure where I'm heading. Mom and Dad said that my room is still open, so I could move back to Maine no problem. It'd be cheaper then getting my own place but I'm not sure I really want to do it. Want to make my own way and everything."

Allie laughs at that. "Tommy, you've got parents. That's great. Not everyone does. If they want to help you there's no shame in taking it."

You shake your head. "Yeah, I know. But it'd feel like I was taking advantage of them- plus if I did that, I'd have to deal with them… well, forgetting that I'm out of highschool and that I can't drop everything at their whim anymore. Even without that though, not really sure I want to head back to Maine. There's some indy wrestling there, but nothing huge. And I don't even have the 'connections' there that I do here."

"What I'd really like to do is move to one of the big wrestling cities. Chicago, El Paso, fuck, I've heard that Fort Lauderdale's starting to pick up. But there's no way I can afford to live there. Paying for training pretty much wiped out my bank account."

No one replies to that; they only make noises of understanding. You stare up at the ceiling, feeling warm in your guy. Part of it's the beer, but part of it is that you're just comfortable iwth your surroundings. "Hey guys?" you ask, eyes locked on the random graffiti. "It's been great hanging out with you all. If you weren't here then training would really have sucked."

Jack chuckles. "That's an understatement. If I hadn't run into Tommy first, I'd have thought that there was no one as into this whole thing as I was."

"And I probably would've dropped out six weeks in." Allie says. "This isn't something you really do without either loving it or at least learning to appreciate it. Thanks for teaching me that last part."

You lapse into silence once more; but this time it's more of a comfortable silence. It's really been great hanging out with Jack and Allie. The three of you click in ways you've never really connected with any of your old friends- something about shared interest and drive really made you mesh in ways that you didn't think were possible.

And then the idea hits you-

Why does it have to stop?

It's true. You guys mesh. None of you have any real concrete plans right now. Why don't you all stick together as a unit? Assuming they're cool with it at least. You could book yourselves out as a trio, or as three workers at a discounted rate if whatever card you're working doesn't do six man tags. And you'd get to stick with your friends- share bills, spread costs out among the three of you.

Sure, you'd all wind up living in some cheap hellhole, but you three practically all live in this motel room right now. What's the real difference? Maybe you'd have even more space.

But maybe you don't want to do that? Maybe you want to spread your wings and fly solo for a while. Jack and Allie definitely wouldn't be able to move in with your parents- even they've got their limits you think. And you've got to admit that you might find more work if you're not constantly trying to get your friends booked as well.

What are your plans for the future?

Do you stick with Jack and Allie?

[] Yes. The three of you are a unit.
[] Just Jack. You two would make a great team on the indies.
[] Just Allie. It's not conventional, but you know the two of you would be a great one-two punch.
[] No. You want to see if you can stand on your own.

Where do you decide to settle?

[] You'll stay in Baltimore. There're some good places around here, and you've made some connections. And if you play your cards right, you might still have access to Horizon and Daybreak.
[] You'll move back to Portland, Maine. It's a little richer area, and you'll be able to get to the rest of New England with little effort. And while you may not have made any real connections as a wrestler, there're some people that know you as a fan- you might be able to swing something from that.
-[] You'll move back in with your parents. (Cannot be taken with any option besides 'no' from the first question)
-[] You'll try and find a new place to live. (If anything besides 'no' from the first question is taken, Charisma DC60 will be needed to convince your future roommate(s))
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24. The First Day of the First Week of the Rest of Your Life
Vote Tally : Original - Ten Pounds of Gold: A Pro Wrestling Quest | Page 41 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.5

[X] Yes. The three of you are a unit.
No. of Votes: 22

[X] You'll stay in Baltimore. There're some good places around here, and you've made some connections. And if you play your cards right, you might still have access to Horizon and Daybreak.
No. of Votes: 22

[X] You'll move back to Portland, Maine. It's a little richer area, and you'll be able to get to the rest of New England with little effort. And while you may not have made any real connections as a wrestler, there're some people that know you as a fan- you might be able to swing something from that.
No. of Votes: 4

[X] No. You want to see if you can stand on your own.
No. of Votes: 3

-[X] You'll try and find a new place to live. (If anything besides 'no' from the first question is taken, Charisma DC60 will be needed to convince your future roommate(s))
No. of Votes: 3

[x] Just Allie. It's not conventional, but you know the two of you would be a great one-two punch
No. of Votes: 1

-[X] You'll move back in with your parents. (Cannot be taken with any option besides 'no' from the first question)
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 26
Apartment 3C of the Coventry Suites is not precisely what you were looking for when you started apartment hunting. The building itself is short and squat, as if it was a large skyscraper that some unimaginable force just squashed, and the only decorations are some truly horrible gargoyles that look like they should be off fighting for your nightmares. And the apartment itself is…

"Well," You say, dropping your bags in the tiled hallway that passes as an entry way, "It's roomy, I'll give you that."

Allie surveys the five rooms- one bed, one bath- with the same forced smile on her face that you know is on yours. "Yeah…" she drawls out. "There's that. And it's so… so unique."

'Unique' is definitely one way of putting it. The carpet is a dark and musty orange of all things, and the tiles in the kitchen make your motel room look ritzy. The walls have holes and studs from previous owners everywhere. The toilet is brown around the tank and the only window you have, that looks out on the street of course, looks cracked. The bars on the outside and the heavy lock on the inside look new at least. If only you could say the same for the concrete they're embedded in.

Behind you there's another thump as Jack drops his bag next to yours. "It's shit." he says without ceremony. "No way around it."

You shoot him an annoyed look. "It's not shit. It's… it's a fixer-upper. It-"

"It's shit." he flatly repeats. "Call a spade a spade, T. It's shit."

You throw up your hands. "Look at the bright side!"

"Oh, just because it's shit doesn't mean it's bad." Jack adds on. "I've-"

"That's usually what calling something shit implies." Allie breaks in. "When something is shit, it's bad. I know, I know, language changes so fast, but try and keep up."

You speak as if they hadn't said anything. "The bright side. Like that we could afford it. And that it's right next to a bus station- should be way easier to get places with that here. Plus it was open on such short notice. Did you want to see what would happen if we didn't clear out of the motel in time?"

No one's got a good response to that. Jack scans the ceiling with a wary eye. "This place is clean, right? I mean, bug free?"

Allie groans. "Fucking suburbanites. It's clean, or we can sue the shit out of Crazy Phil."

You don't know why, but you feel compelled to stand up for your new landlord. "Phil seems a bit off, but I wouldn't call him crazy. I'm sure he's got plenty of sane things about him that we just don't see."

"The man has a mullet, keeps snakes in a tank, and won't stop talking about 'that damned commie Carter'. If he's not nuts, I don't want to see what nuts is."

"I'm sure-"

But Allie's done with this conversation. She darts into the middle of the room. "Dibs on the bedroom!"

You're a half step behind her. "There's an actual bedroom in this place?!"

The apartment is completely unfurnished and bare. Nonetheless, Allie darts past a closet and takes a turn into a smaller side room. "If there was a bed, it'd be here. I need my privacy."

"Nope! If anyone's getting the room to themselves it's me." Jack argues. "I've got the most stuff here after all and-"

"Then put all your stuff around. Take the side room and make that your bedroom. I don't care!"

A frenzied debate follows, which loses all sense of civility fast. Somehow you manage to pull Allie out of the not-bedroom and convince her to do this the fair way: Rock Paper Scissors. Five hurried rounds later and Allie hops right back in to the not-bedroom with a cry of victory. At least you got the consolation prize- the side room is yours. Jack'll have to make do with the living room.

With your bedroom decided you unpack. It's easy- you empty your bags and pull out the sleeping bag you got from the sporting goods store. It's not as good as a full bed but it was cheap. You can always get a bed later once you figure out your finances.

Once everyone is situated you meet back up in Jack's living room to start getting all that figured out. "Alright." You start. "It's pretty simple. We all do a third of the rent, and we all get a shelf on the fridge. You buy your own food and if you take someone's something, you pay em back. Sound fair?"

Jack shakes his head. "Wouldn't it make more sense for us to all chuck some money in for food instead of doing the fend for yourself bit?"

Allie snorts. "If we did that, none of us would ever get to the store. If you don't want to do your own shopping just throw money at whoever is and give em a list. But you lose the right to whine if you don't get exactly what you want." Jack agrees to that with a grunt, but then pauses.

"We've only got one key. Who's going to keep it?"

This time it's you that snorts. "We'll make copies. One for each of us and a spare."

"But… didn't Crazy Phil tell us not to make copies?"

You and Allie trade looks and then stare at Jack. "So?"

He shakes his head. "Can't argue with that logic. So anyway. We need money if we want to stay in our 'luxurious' new digs. We've got this month covered, but after that I'm a little light. So we're going to need to get some bookings or get a job fast."

There's a thump from your side, and you glance over to see that Allie's thrown herself down to the ground. "Ugh." she groans. "An actual job. I thought I was getting into wrestling to not do that!"

You sigh. "I can't imagine that-"


You glance down at your phone, at your caller ID. "Shit. I gotta get this. It's my parents."

"Wait…" Jack mutters. "Did he set his parent's ring to the song from Law and Order?"

"I thought that's what that was…"

You don't pay your friends any mind. "Hey!" you say into your phone. "How's it going?"

Your dad's low baritone washes out of the speakers. "Yo Tommy. Sooo… what's this about not coming home?"

"Umm… well, you see…"

Shit. This is going to take some fast talk.

You have 3 expenses remaining. Rent is 2 expenses, due in four weeks.
Finances in the real world are complex, intricate things that honestly I don't have the patience for. So here's how money is going to work in this quest. Everything is broken down into expenses. One expense is enough to buy something small. A night out is one expense, a cab is an expense. The more expensive things are, the more Expenses they cost.

Little things, like normal clothes, laundry, and ordinary food are all purchased automatically as needed. They don't count as Expenses for gameplay purposes.

Make sure you have enough Expenses left to pay your rent and any recurring payments you set up at the end of the month. Or at least buy a car. That way you'll have somewhere to live if the shit goes down.
Pick Five (5) actions that Tommy will perform this week.
[] Explore the city- You haven't seen much of Baltimore before, but you're told it's a great place. Or at least, certain parts are. You want to look around and see what you can find. You never know when you'll find a good chinese place or something that really inspires you. (DC50 check. If passed, Tommy finds something cool. If failed, Baltimore remains as boring as a major metropolitan city can be.)

[] Figure out a gimmick (Team)- You're with Jack and Allie for a reason. Not only are they your friend and cost-reducers, they're your team. But anyone can just show up and wrestle in plain tights and boots. You three are going to sit down and hash out a gimmick. (Cost: 1 Expense+ (can grow with more complex gimmicks) for proper tights and boots. A design-a-gimmick choice will come in a later update if this is chosen)

[] Figure out a gimmick (Solo)- Anyone can wrestle in plain white boots and plain black tights, but you want to be a goddamn pro. For that, you need a gimmick, and there's a lot more to a gimmick than throwing on your jacket and calling yourself the Wildcard. Hash that shit out. (Cost: 1 Expense+ (can grow with more complex gimmicks) for proper tights and boots. A design-a-gimmick choice will come in a later update if this is chosen)

[] Get back to Horizon Academy- You've graduated from wrestling school. But who says you can't go back? Daybreak. Daybreak is who says you can't go back. But you're sure you can weasel her into letting you at least use the basement and the tapes. (DC40 Check. If passed, +1d20 in two skills of your choice (select when voting), interaction with Daybreak and Delilah. If failed, Daybreak wants you the heck out of her house for now. Action wasted.)

[] Hang out with Allie- Your punk friend is right at home here, which is just great; you could use the help. You'll set aside some time and go do some shit together. New experiences are always better when shared. (DC40 check. If passed, Tommy and Allie go out and do something cool, with possible encounters. If failed, both Allie and Tommy are too busy to hang. Action wasted.)

[] Hang out with Jack- It looks like Jack is going to need some help adjusting to his new surroundings, even more than you do. You'll set aside some time and go do some shit together. New experiences are always better when shared. (DC40 check. If passed, Tommy and Jack go out and do something cool, with possible encounters and a possible relationship increase. If failed, both Jack and Tommy are too busy to hang. Action wasted)

[] Hit the Gym- You're a professional athlete now, and you're going to need to maintain yourself and improve your body. There's nothing better for that then heading to the gym. A membership'll cost you a little a month, but it's well worth it. (Cost: 1 Expense per month. Results: +1d20 for power and cardio. Possible encounters)

[] Look for a Car- You need wheels. With public transit, you can get to very local shows without much trouble, but you'll struggle to get to anything outside of Baltimore itself. With a cheap used car, you get mobility. (Cost: Varies. DC 50 check. On success, a car that suits Tommy's price point and needs is found, and Tommy can haggle with the guy on a price. On failure, Tommy doesn't find anything that suits him. Action wasted.)

[] Look for Furniture- This shithole you live in can do with some decoration. You'll hit some thrift stores and see what's available to put in your room and the apartment as a whole. (Cost: Varies. DC20 check. On success, some decent, bug free, furniture is found and you can decide whether or not to buy it. Possible Encounters. On failure, Tommy can't find anything that's not infested with some new roommates. Action Wasted.)

[] Look for Work (Normal)- You've got to face it; you're almost flat broke. If you want to be able to keep supporting the rich lifestyle which you're surely about to become accustomed too, you need a regular job to pay the bills. (DC40 Check. If passed, you find and interview for a job. The higher the roll, the better your job. If failed, employment has nothing for you.)

[] Look for Work (Wrestling)- You're calling yourself a professional wrestler. In order to keep doing that, you need to, you know, wrestle. Professionally. (DC60 check. If passed, Tommy gets some leads and might be able to talk his way onto a show. If failed, nothing Tommy does pans out, at least for now.)

[] Set up an Online Presence- At the end of the day, you run a small business that has exactly one employee. What do all small businesses need? Accessibility and advertising, and there's nothing better for that then the internet. Set up a twitter, a professional facebook, and a few other things. Maybe a blog. (On success, Tommy establishes himself in the cyberworld. Fans can interact with him, and people can contact him directly without having to give out his phone number. This action cannot be failed.)

[] Veg and Relax- The outside world is overrated. Every now and then you need to relax and putter around your apartment while doing absolutely nothing. You'll do a bit of cleaning, try and scrub that color off the toilet, and just take some time to yourself. (+1d20 Resilience as Tommy recovers. Apartment becomes more livable.)

[] The Wrestling Times- The Wrestling Times is the premier source of wrestling news and gossip in the world. Coming out bimonthly, it's really the best way to keep up to date on the whole wide world of wrestling. It's not cheap, but it's worth it. (Cost: 1 Expense, monthly. Cannot be failed. Does not count against your action limit for this week.)