Teen Saiyan Quest [DBZ/Warhammer][PbtA]

[X Plan not getting fucked by chaos
-[X]The Empire
-[X]A soldier/warrior
-[X]To the North
-[X]Resisting the powers of Chaos
-[X]Hiding your tail
[X] Plan Everchosen
-[X]A soldier/warrior
-[X]To the North
-[X]Write-In: Venerating the powers of Chaos
-[X] Fighting with your bare hands

What? Saiyans and Khorne go together like bread and butter.
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[X]Someone else. [WRITE-IN]
-[X] A Damsel of the lady.

^- They are priestess of the Lady of the Lake.

[X]To the North

[X]Understanding the winds of magic
[X]Resisting the powers of Chaos
[X] Cathay

[X] Martial artist temple monk

[X]To the West

[X]Fighting with a particular weapon (unarmed combat)
[X]Resisting the powers of Chaos
Got to go with ghost king.

[X] Cathay

[X] Martial artist temple monk

[X]To the West

[X]Fighting with a particular weapon (unarmed combat)
[X]Resisting the powers of Chaos

Also I don't see why people want to serve chaos. I know Khorne represents a decent part of saiyans. But let's be honest no True Saiyan Warrior have masters.

Bardock rebelling against Frieza

Vegeta broke free of Babidi's magic when it didn't suit his need.

Broly killed Pargus for controlling him.

Goku being Goku.
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Hey guys while I doubt we'll ever reach either of these forms but which one would you rather have.

SSJ4 - Primal Savagery Personified


SSJB - A Godly Ascension

Keep in mind this more a cosmetic preference question if anything.
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[X] Cathay

[X] Martial artist temple monk

[X]To the West

[X]Fighting with a particular weapon (unarmed combat)
[X]Resisting the powers of Chaos

Hey guys while I doubt we'll ever reach either of these forms but which one would you rather have.

SSJ4 - Primal Savagery Personified


SSJB - A Godly Ascension

Keep in mind this more a cosmetic preference question if anything.
why don't we do both?
why don't we do both

Because it would be as Broken as it is Badass.

But on a more interesting note. I don't think its possible for the two forms to come together naturally. I mean SSJ4 is everything SSG stands against.

Originally the only way to become SSG was a ritual involving 6 pure hearted saiyans coming together and give their power so that one of them may ascend. Doing so is completely rejecting the saiyan way. Saiyans usally relies on their own power and relish in combat. And the SSG ritual is to go agasint that very nature.

SSJ4 is the complete opposite however. Instead of rejecting their nature they inbrace it! To become a SSJ4 a saiyan must not only combined the Primal might of the Oozaru and Super Saiyan form, but must also keep one's sense of selve to achive this form. In this form they represent what Saiyans truly are. A warrior race who true powers lies in the strength they gain on thier own.

But that just what I think.
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Because it would be as Broken as it is Badass.

But on a more interesting note. I don't think its possible for the two forms to come to gather naturally. I mean becoming SSJ4 is everything SSG stands against.

Originally the only way to become SSG was a ritual involving 6 pure hearted saiyans coming together and give their power so that one of them may ascend. Doing so is completely rejecting the saiyan way. Saiyans usally relies on their own power and relish in combat. And the SSG ritual is to go agasint that very nature.

SSJ4 is the complete opposite however. Instead of rejecting they inbrace their Saiyan nature completely. To become a SSJ4 a saiyan must not only combined the Primal might of the Oozaru and Super Saiyan form, but must also keep one's sense of selve to achive this form. In this form they represent what Saiyans truly are. A warrior race.

But that just what I think.
you could go Super Saiyan god and then do the the Super Saiyan 4 Transformation, think of achieving both as bringing balance, Embracing their heritage while retaining their individuality, though that might take a lifetime
I should note that no bonus to a roll can be higher than a +4. This is for balance, because in PbtA, he only way to truly grow is to fail.

Either that, or there's a challenge level system which states certain opponents have opposing attributes, which decrease yours.

What do you think?
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[X] Cathay
[X] Martial artist temple monk
[X]To the West
[X]Fighting with a particular weapon (unarmed combat)
[X]Resisting the powers of Chaos

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[X] Cathay

[X] Martial artist temple monk

[X]To the West

[X]Fighting with a particular weapon (unarmed combat)
[X]Resisting the powers of Chaos
Because it would be as Broken as it is Badass.

But on a more interesting note. I don't think its possible for the two forms to come together naturally. I mean SSJ4 is everything SSG stands against.

Originally the only way to become SSG was a ritual involving 6 pure hearted saiyans coming together and give their power so that one of them may ascend. Doing so is completely rejecting the saiyan way. Saiyans usally relies on their own power and relish in combat. And the SSG ritual is to go agasint that very nature.

SSJ4 is the complete opposite however. Instead of rejecting their nature they inbrace it! To become a SSJ4 a saiyan must not only combined the Primal might of the Oozaru and Super Saiyan form, but must also keep one's sense of selve to achive this form. In this form they represent what Saiyans truly are. A warrior race who true powers lies in the strength they gain on thier own.

But that just what I think.
SS4 is taming beast, obtaining control over the monster inside them.

There's nothing about it that's really incompatible with the SSG and SSB transformation paths, it's simply an alternate method of getting past the SS3 ceiling.
The Super Saiyan 2 and Super Saiyan 3 forms seemed to be based on the idea of overclocking. While with training a saiyan can master the super saiyan form to the point where they can spend weeks in it with no issues, as Old Kai mentioned they still can't stay in it permanently because the strain the transformation puts on the body would shorten their life spans. The SS2 form and especially the SS3 form continue this, even more power then the SS form but the strain is increased to the point where the saiyan simply can't sustain the transformation for an extended length of time, particularly for the SS3 form. The SS3 form is basically the limit, its the highest peak a saiyan can push their body, the highest the super saiyan transformation can go without finding a work around for the dealing with the strain generating and handling all that power puts on the body.
Super Saiyan 4 is method number 1 for working around the limits that stop the standard super saiyan transformation line from going past 3. It's basically a hybridization of the super saiyan transformation with the oozaru transformation. A big difference between the super saiyan transformation and the oozaru transformation is that while the SS transformation provides a huge boost to one's ki and over all physical capabilities, it doesn't really change the saiyans physical body outside of some hair and eye color changes and some minor musculature increase, and as mentioned by Whis in DBS and demonstrated by both Whis and Krillin(the rock to the face incident in the Cell Saga) the transformation doesn't make the body any tougher. Take away the forms Ki and a super saiyan's body is no tougher then any other saiyans(when they aren't being boosted by ki). The oozaru transformation in contrast is an extreme level of physiological change for the saiyan along side a much smaller ki boost, even without ki an oozaru will still be a stupidly tough, ridiculously strong, giant rage monkey. In Super Saiyan 4, the oozaru half of the transformation seems to be used for the purpose of strengthening and toughening up the body, and thus allow the super saiyan half of the transformation to generate even more ki then the SS3 form while still having far more stamina. Dealing with the strain of having that much power via having an all around tougher, not as "fragile" body.
The way a Super Saiyan God or Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan Blue gets around the SS3 power limit is a bit more esoteric. One of the reasons gods like Beerus, the Kais and Whis are so much stronger then mortals(or most mortals in the Kai's case) is that they don't use normal, regular ki. They use something special called God Ki which packs a lot more bang for its buck then regular ki(in addition to other benefits like being impossible to control or influence via magic or being impossible to be sensed except by someone with God Ki themselves. Interesting tidbit there is that Dende was able to sense Beerus so there may be more to the Guardian of the Planet gig then just a title and flying palace). The whole ritual to become a Super Saiyan God seems to work by either giving the recipient Saiyan a massive charge of God Ki, or by turning their regular ki into God Ki for a limited amount of time. When Beerus was complementing Goku about how even after the transformation had worn off he(Goku) was still much stronger then he should have been and seemed to have absorbed some of the Super Saiyan God power, he meant that Goku had somehow learned to start using God Ki himself just from that sole experience, though he was by no means an expert.

However that ritual is not the only way a saiyan can learn the trick for God Ki, Vegeta did it by(in a mind blowing example of character development) asking Whis for training(that's right, Vegeta asked someone else to train him rather then go it alone, utterly amazing). Naturally whether you use the ritual or undergo the training, learning how to use God Ki causes your base forms PL to jump through the roof all by itself and when you master(or at least become sufficiently able with) God Ki you unlock the Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan form(Super Saiyan Blue for short) which is really just the regular super saiyan transformation but with God Ki instead of regular ki.
Neither are all that incompatible with the other, especially as the SSB form is just the super saiyan form with the addition of God Ki brought about by extreme ki control, so there's no real reason why a saiyan with SS4 unlocked wouldn't be able to create a "Blue" SS4 form.

One transformation is about altering the body to it's ultimate peak in order to handle greater energy levels(from taming the Oozaru beast inside the hearts of U7 saiyans), the other's about either working with other saiyans(SSG) or extreme ki control(SSB). But doing one doesn't actually lock oneself out of the others(especially considering how Full Power Super Saiyan 4* is achieved). That said, it's not like it matters, SSG either requires there being more saiyans on this planet then just us, or like SSB, training from an Angel like Whis. Neither are the type of things that a saiyan on their own can develop.

[X] Cathay

[X] Martial artist temple monk

[X]To the West

[X]Fighting with a particular weapon (unarmed combat)
[X]Resisting the powers of Chaos
Did someone say Monkey King the Sage Equal to Heaven who devotees himself to fucking over Chaos. We could also try to conquer and unifie the various Temples as the ultimate Martial Arts Grand Master. Admittedly the Absolute One is based on the Murim which is different then Shaolin Monks but being like Alexander the Great and ruling over all the Martial Art Sects could be fun. Or developing the greatest Martial Art ever.
On the other hand if we go EverChosen we lead a army of Chaos Vikings and wrestle Daemons to praise the Dark God's.
Edit: I just figured out we would be leaving Cathy so never mind all that up top:whistle:
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[X] Cathay

[X] Martial artist temple monk

[X]To the West

[X]Fighting with a particular weapon (unarmed combat)
[X]Resisting the powers of Chaos

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[X] Plan not getting fucked by chaos
The best plans in my opinion are the being adopted by a Martial Arts Monk and the one where we become the Kung Fu Fighting. Everchosen. Each of these plans takes advantage of the best part of being a Sayian in Warhammer and that is in a primarly weapon and magic based setting doing combat bare handed and unarmed.

The Monk vote might have our adopted farther teach us Ki and definitely awesome Martial Arts that the West will cry bullshit at while the Everchosen one has us wrestling and batlling the Hordes of Chaos for supreme command over the Forces of Ruin or at least becoming the greatest Chaos Lord of Khorne there is. In comparison the not getting fucked by chaos vote is mudane and boring. But to each his own and all that
Current Tally
[X] Plan Journey to the West*: 5
[X] Plan not getting fucked by chaos: 4
[X] Plan Everchosen
: 3

*Yes, that's my name for it. What of it?
The Monk vote might have our adopted farther teach us Ki and definitely awesome Martial Arts that the West will cry bullshit at while the Everchosen one has us wrestling and batlling the Hordes of Chaos for supreme command over the Forces of Ruin or at least becoming the greatest Chaos Lord of Khorne there is. In comparison the not getting fucked by chaos vote is mudane and boring. But to each his own and all that

Actually, you're right. I hadn't thought of it that way, and had gotten confused on the same thing as you (thought we wouldn't leave Cathay).
In true Warhammer fashion we are blaintly taking and adopting things from other creative works. Also what does Indigenous mean for how we look?
I'm guessing like a person of Native American descent without anything to note a linkage to anything more specific? Idk.

Of course, we could just say we looks like a buff Native American teenage man who was adopted as a baby by Psuedo-Indian monks, which probably works as an apt descriptor.

Also, the chances we get anywhere close to Super Saiyan are laughable. Remember, we're in Warhammerverse, where Demon King Piccolo would probably be considered practically unbeatable by most things that are Not-Chaos. At least, from what I know.
I'm guessing like a person of Native American descent without anything to note a linkage to anything more specific? Idk.

Of course, we could just say we looks like a buff Native American teenage man who was adopted as a baby by Psuedo-Chinese monks, which probably works as an apt descriptor.

Also, the chances we get anywhere close to Super Saiyan are laughable. Remember, we're in Warhammerverse, where Demon King Piccolo would probably be considered practically unbeatable by most things that are Not-Chaos. At least, from what I know.
Kaioken and Ultra Instinct or warhammer versions at least are still in the offering though? Also Cathay is Warhammer Fantasy china.
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[X Plan not getting fucked by chaos
-[X]The Empire
-[X]A soldier/warrior
-[X]To the North
-[X]Resisting the powers of Chaos
-[X]Hiding your tail