Taylor Kills Nazis (aka “Taylor Discovers She Hates Nazis More Than Her Bullies And Does Violence About It”)

Muddying the waters and getting Bakuda in trouble by association is hilarious. 'Oh, it was a bomb? Can't be a regular person, gotta be the bomb tinker. Case closed.' Hopefully it heads off future shenanigans with people keeping a closer eye on her.
Yeah that was both convenient and irritating for them! (mad props for the Dimension 20 reference)
'Pretended?' 🤔 Nah, your girl is as toxic as the news media think Sarin is.
What, Hebert? No way, she's just pretending to be a loser to eliminate suspicion. She isn't capable of emotions besides grim satisfaction. That'd make her weak, and Sophia doesn't associate with weaklings.
Well, they're sure as shit not getting out of there by boat. I'm sure it'll be a fresh, gold morning of shiny happy people welcoming the new with open arms.
Ooh, love the video, thanks for sharing!
Honestly the way you're slowly planting the seeds for Sophia's entire worldview to possibly get fucked is just beautiful. Like dead Nazis is always fun and a sight to see but adding the substance of a deep character exploration of one of worms most hated characters and making the readers question if she's gonna get a redemption of sorts? It's a priceless combo. And the fact they're so directly connected is fantastic.
12. Slipping New

12. Slipping


"What the hell are you smiling at, freak?"

Oh. Taylor must have let her mood affect her expression. She was getting sloppy, hadn't expected to see Emma waiting for her outside of the school—that was usually Sophia's tactic. She quickly resumed her normal emotionless neutrality that served as her civilian disguise, hoping Emma would let it slide.

Of course, being Emma, she did anything but.

"Oh no, you're not trying to hide something from me, are you? We go way back. I know you better than that. That's why I know that nothing in your pathetic life should ever make you happy. Not your terrible grades, your complete lack of friends, your sad sack of a father, and your miserable, useless—don't you walk away from me!"

Taylor had turned away from her to check a message, shielding her phone from Emma. It took all her self control to keep from smiling again. But the distraction cost her.

Emma lunged and grabbed her phone.

"Let's see what could possibly… research project? Key figure? Who would ever want to work with you?"

Taylor tried to shove past Emma's flunkies, but unless she wanted to draw attention to herself by starting a physical altercation (much less drawing a knife, and she didn't even consider using her power), all she could do was grapple with them ineffectually. For all that they were clearly unused to violence, there were three of them—god, she couldn't even bother remembering their names—between her and her phone. At least there was nothing identifying or incriminating on the device, and it was eminently replaceable, but—

"I know this number."

Ah, shit.

"Taylor—why the hell is Sophia texting you?"

The gobsmacked expression on Emma's face was almost worth the lapse in infosec.

She could see her scrolling through messages, although there wasn't much to see—she wiped it regularly—but enough to indicate that this was not a one-off situation, and probably to surmise the tone is not hostile at all, if not particularly friendly.

At least Tattletale's messages she always deleted immediately after reading.

"You… I… what did you do to Sophia? Why has she been telling me not to bother with you? Do you have blackmail on her or something? Tell me!"

The desperation in her voice, along with her rather embarrassing attempt at physical intimidation—her grip on Taylor's shirt was weak, her stance off-balance, her attention split—was enough to get her flunkies to let go of her.

She leaned into Emma's grab, viciously stomped on her foot. The redhead—so unused to violence—almost crumbled right there, which only made the knee that Taylor shoved upward into her gut practically fold the girl in half, eliciting a muffled wheeze of pain and shock. The sharp twist brought Taylor's elbow in contact with the side of Emma's face, instinctive, probably overkill.

Emma dropped like a sack of potatoes.

In the stunned and sudden silence, Taylor carefully reached down, plucked her phone from where it landed on the concrete. She texted an affirmative back to Sophia's query, then put the device back in her pocket.

The gaggle of teenage parasites, horrified, did nothing to stop her.

Taylor looked down at the groaning form of something that used to be her friend, and was now merely a hurdle to overcome. She thought of all the things she dreamed of saying, when she dared imagine herself in this position. Taunting her, perhaps. Giving her a taste of her own medicine, losing a friend, being betrayed by those she cared about and trusted.

Maybe telling her that she was the pathetic one, in the end. A worm, writhing on the ground, desperately trying to catch her breath after Taylor knocked it out of her. That Taylor was actually doing things. Important things, things that mattered, that made a difference, more of a difference than Emma's shallow, vapid plans and aspirations could ever dream of doing.

But Emma just didn't fucking matter enough to talk to.

And besides, interpreting the code in Sophia's message, she wanted to hunt down Kaiser before he could skip town. How could Taylor say no?

So she stepped over Emma and moved on with her life.
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Taylor had turned away from her to check a message, shielding her phone from Emma. It took all her self control to keep from smiling again. But the distraction cost her.
You're not your mom, Taylor. You shouldn't check your phone when you're doing something important.

The sharp twist brought Taylor's elbow in contact with the side of Emma's face, instinctive, probably overkill.

Emma dropped like a sack of potatoes.
'What did I learn from dealing with the Empire?

There's no such thing as overkill.'

Maybe telling her that she was the pathetic one, in the end. A worm, writing on the ground, desperately trying to catch her breath after Taylor knocked it out of her.
Take that, you worm!
Do we think Kaiser will have anyone (capes or kids) with him? Will it necessitate a change in Taylor's methods, have Sophia reveal her powers, or 'reveal' them ('What, those were secret')? Are they going to come to a parting of the ways if Sophia decides the way to end the Empire forever is to pull it up from the roots?

Yeah that was both convenient and irritating for them! (mad props for the Dimension 20 reference)
In all the world of Christendom Worm Fic, there's precisely one fic I know of, sadly dead or dormant, that crosses over with D20.

'She taught something precious to each of us.' That's why I only text and drive at the red lights, instead of everywhere, like I do with my tweets. Why, I'm tweeting right now, cruising down the ejkerkj

No greater insult to be ignored, to some people.
What are you, my crippling despair at the state of the world the Genophage?
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The fact that Taylor did this without saying a word is the best part. No explanation, no reasoning for Emma to try and understand. Taylor just let her actions speak volumes and laid her out in front of everyone.

Exactly like Sophia would have done.
13. Revelations New

13. Revelations


Things were going smoothly. A casual, slow drive around various neighborhoods, checking possible safe-house locations off the list. Hebert taking notes. Comfortable. Familiar. A different kind of excitement than her solo patrols, the physical thrill of using her power to enact righteous violence on the deserving, but still anticipatory, eager.

Hebert normally only spoke to give directions, or occasionally describe a murder in great detail. So she was surprised when she said, out of the blue, "I ran into Emma today."

Well that could only end one of two ways. "...Yeah?"

"Instep, solar plexus, elbow to the temple. Went down like a chump."

Despite herself, Sophia let out a little snort of amusement. Yeah, Emma was her best friend, for all that they hadn't spent that much time together anymore, but the girl was a little obsessed, and she couldn't say she hadn't considered slapping the crazy out of her before herself. And hey, clearly Taylor had been paying attention to her combat lessons.


She looked satisfied with herself.

Sophia would probably be catching an earful about it later. Or maybe she already had, her civilian phone was on silent, like her work phone, while she was patrolling. At a stoplight she reached in her pocket for her cell—

"Something is wrong—"

Sophia looked up at a sudden crack to see the empty street in front of her suddenly had two costumed figures, a crackle of lightning tracing over them. She recognized motherfucking Kaiser immediately; the other one was in a tech harness, blonde, visor, a Tinker, the new trigger. Sophia was already unbuckling her seatbelt when spikes of metal erupted inside the cabin, aiming for her face. She dove out of the way, yanking the car door open and tucking into a roll, reaching for her knife. Kaiser was there, heavily spiked gauntlet reaching for her, and she didn't phase immediately, she was out of costume—

Her hesitation probably saved her life. Lightning crackled all around them, a pulling sensation in her gut, blinding lights.

She was suddenly in a warehouse, strewn with junk, half-disassembled heavy machinery, the humming bones of some Tinkertech framework circling the four of them. Kaiser released the front of her jacket and shoved, and she stumbled back, still stunned by the abrupt teleportation. She shook her head, trying to get the spots out of her eyes, bumped into Taylor.

"Excellent work, Auxiliary."

As her vision gradually returned, Sophia could see the blonde boy nod. He was aiming some sort of ray gun at them both. She tried to memorize the details—he wore a harness, metal and black tubing, unpainted, clearly Baby's First Tinkering. Unidentifiable boxes, pieces of glass, tubing, LEDs, it all made Kid Win's lab look organized by comparison.

"Thank you, my Kaiser."

And he was either a serious fanboy or actually had a German accent. She'd heard enough bad fake ones to think he was the latter.

"What do you want with us?" Hebert's voice was mostly calm, only an undercurrent of tension betraying her stress.

"Don't try to pretend, Sarin." Well, shit. "You may not respect the rules of being a cape, but I know a rat when I see one. Auxiliary, disarm them. Be thorough. This pathetic saboteur relies on tricks and traps."

"As you say."

The cape moved the ray gun onto his shoulder, where it snapped onto a piece of tubing. The barrel focused on Taylor, even as he moved towards her, gestured for her to raise her hands. She did so, but her eyes were on Kaiser.

"What makes you think I'm Sarin?"

"Oh, I've been watching you for some time, you ambitious little fool." Auxiliary patted her down, but she ignored him, even as he pulled out two phones, three knives, a lighter, pepper spray, another rape alarm, several small plastic bags of unidentifiable powders from various hidden pockets… it was almost funny, honestly.

Meanwhile Sophia reached into her own pocket—

"Hands clear, mongrel." The ray gun on Auxiliary's shoulder was aimed at her, now. He was stock still, hands still grasping Taylor's calves, halfway through removing a fourth knife. "No sudden moves."

She squeezed the phone, pulled it out slowly. "Just trying to avoid getting groped, Hans. The fuck are you doing here with Kaiser, anyway?"

"Be silent, filth." Kaiser sounded like he was sneering at her behind his spiked helmet. "I'll deal with you after I've executed this race traitor."

Sophia was going to bark something back—she'd been wanting to mouth off to this loser for years—but Hebert made a gesture with one hand, still raised above her head in surrender. Fingers together, palm out towards her. Stop. Then curled one finger downward. Towards Auxiliary.

Ugh. Fine.

The Tinker finally finished with Hebert, then moved to her, taking the phone out of her hand and putting it on his belt with the others, including her civilian phone. He did not seem impressed with her hidden weapons, after the collection he'd gathered from Hebert. Only two knives, one at her back, one strapped to her ankle.

"Go and keep watch, Auxiliary. Keep up the good work."


As soon as he left the room, Hebert said, "Let her go. She's just my driver. I'm the one you want."

"How very noble of you. I'll consider it."

Hebert lowered her hands.

Looked Kaiser straight in the fucking eye.

And said, "It was the itching powder, wasn't it?"

Sophia heard a sound that might have been Kaiser's teeth grinding.

She slowly turned to look at Taylor.

"You didn't react to me ruining your expensive whiskey. Or bleaching your expensive suits. You just bought more. I don't think you gave a shit about your ex-wife. So I thought I'd get more personal."

Kaiser took a menacing step forward. "I'm going to enjoy tearing you to pieces."

Taylor didn't even blink. "I thought the minoxidil and the tadalafil would counteract each other nicely, but you really can't stop the former abruptly. It can lead to sudden hair loss."

"You bitch!"

Kaiser lunged at her. She didn't move, even as he grabbed her, stomping forward until he slammed her into the wall. She just made a small oof sound.

Sophia tensed, bending her knees, ready to move. She glanced behind her, found a small chunk of metal on one shelf, Tinkering supplies probably, and palmed it. Kaiser wasn't paying her any attention, and he wouldn't live to regret it.

But Taylor made that gesture again. Wait.

"You know the hard part about keeping my power a secret all this time, Kaiser?"

He shifted one of his hands til it was on her neck, and began to squeeze. "I suppose we'll never know."

And then from the fucking walls hissed a voice made of harsh buzzing, hissing and clicking noises. It was inhuman, barely understandable, but the words chilled Sophia to the bone, echoing and nightmarish.

"I never got to eat a Nazi alive."

And then Assault came crashing through a high window into the warehouse, a blur of red and shattered glass that stopped on a dime.

Kaiser immediately spun to put Taylor between him and the hero, freezing the latter in place. He and Assault shouted something at each other at the same time, Sophia couldn't tell what. There were muffled bangs and shouting coming from the other room, where other heroes were likely taking down Auxiliary, responding to the distress beacon she'd set off earlier.

No one was paying attention to her in the chaos.

She hurled the chunk of metal, using her power so that it unphased halfway through Kaiser's neck.
How dare Sophia murder such a helpless upstanding citizen, he was just expressing his free speech rights.

More seriously it's nice to finally see her getting some kills in after all the assists. The fallout for this is going to be interesting though.
Well time to see what the PRT thinks of all this.

Also really Kaiser I know you're a Nazi and thus critical thinking is not your forte but still. Ambushing the person who's been casually slaughtering all your men and then monologuing whilst in melee range is just foolish. For all you know "Sarin" could've been walking around with super-poison gas she was immune to on her.

Still, with Taylor. Real shame we never got to see a Nazi die like that one minion in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull