Chapter 11

Hello there, readers. Today, you'll accompany me on one of my "behind the scenes" adventures. I don't want to show off too much, but if you're still here after some of the other things I've told you, you're most likely trustworthy. The statute of limitations has probably expired on the more exciting bits, anyways.

Oh, and if you get any funny ideas, know that I've been watching you, too.


That's the sound of me tapping on the boundary between us. I see you, naughty readers!

Just kidding. Haha. But you really should be careful what you say on the Internet. Especially about my friends.

Hmm, what's that? Oh, you can say whatever you like about me. I won't get upset. Promise.

At the moment, I was working on the case of Mister Randall "Randy" Pierce. Emma and I had an unspoken agreement. She wouldn't inquire too deeply about what I did to keep her safe, and I would try to maintain a certain measure of subtlety and restraint. However, she had made an explicit request this time. How exciting. And with carte blanche, too. No admonishments to "be careful" or "try not to traumatize anyone." Just, "I want him gone."

A whole universe of possibilities awaited.

I couldn't go too crazy. I planned on having Sophia accompany me on this mission, so I'd need to feel things out first. I knew that she chafed against authority and oversight, but it was time to see just how much she was willing to bend the rules. If it went well, maybe we could go on little crime dates. The spice of the forbidden, as it were.

To be clear, I didn't usually commit crimes for recreational purposes. It just so happened that breaking the rules was sometimes the best way to pursue my objectives. Life is too short to let other people's concepts of propriety govern everything you do.

The information gathering phase was dull, so let's go into analysis.

Randy was a boring boy. He was crass and said prejudiced things, but he was too much of a coward to truly get involved with the Empire. That was saying something, since Neo-Nazis were not typically known for their courage and strength of character. However, Randy had superficial charm and his parents were somewhat wealthy, so a few of the more serious gang members let him linger in their orbit.

The most pressing issue, of course, was the threat he posed. After some digging, I determined that he was more bark than bite. While he was technically acquainted with some unpleasant characters, it was doubtful that he had the kind of pull necessary to cause Madison any real trouble. Regardless, he had made a threat, and I always took threats seriously. Even if all he did was to convince people to call Madison mean names, I would still be obliged to make an example of them all.

Rats should know to stay in their holes.

I had a plethora of ideas, some of them inspired by the inestimably devious Commander Calvert. He taught me to look at things from a broader perspective, to consider human relationships at multiple levels of scale and complexity. Where could you use the structure of an organization to your advantage? Where were the human flaws inherent in every human system?

I still had a ways to go before I reached Commander Calvert's level of vision, but for now I had a few serviceable plans. It was time to present them to Sophia.

Wish me luck!


Sophia sighed as she accepted the customary towel and water bottle that Hebert gave her after every practice. She couldn't help but be wary of the kind gesture, the same way she was suspicious of all the "nice" things Hebert did for her. Hebert had no reason to be so pleasant, given how Sophia had treated her.

Things had gotten out of hand, Sophia had to admit. At first, Sophia had just wanted to test Hebert. Sophia's gut told her there was something off about the other girl, and she wanted to know what it was. So she pushed, and pushed, but Hebert refused to react. No anger, no hurt, no resentment. Not even an attempt to ignore Sophia's actions. Just bland amusement.

That pissed Sophia off, to a probably excessive degree. She had developed an obsession with forcing Hebert to take her seriously, to provoke her into doing something other than giving a polite smile that seemed to ask "oh, is that all?"

As Sophia's attacks escalated, her justifications grew thinner, to the point that Sophia had to ask herself what she was doing. Hebert had an uncanny way of getting under Sophia's skin, but was it really okay to shove someone to the ground just because they looked sort of smug? Looking at it objectively made Sophia feel like one of those shit-bags who claimed their victims were "asking for it." Besides, Emma clearly didn't intend on ditching Hebert, so what was the point anymore? To soothe Sophia's ego? Was she so insecure that she needed to make some random girl cry in order to feel good about herself?

Then Hebert triggered, snuffing out the last of Sophia's obsession. Only the shittiest of parahumans would consider bullying a fresh trigger, and trying to intimidate a high-tier Brute was empty posturing at best. Now, Sophia and Hebert co-existed in relative peace.

It helped that Hebert had mellowed out somewhat. She was still a pain in the ass from time to time, but Sophia no longer felt that her blood pressure was in danger. Now it was just sort of like having a dog that had decided to follow her around. A goofy, stubborn dog that desperately wanted Sophia's attention for whatever reason.

In a dusty corner of Sophia's mind, a vague notion coalesced.

Does she have a crush on me?

Sophia's pulse raced. It was a terrifying thought, and completely ridiculous on the surface. Their relationship, if it could be called that, was made up almost entirely of provocations and insults. Real life didn't run on romance novel logic. Bitter enemies rarely turned to lovers.

But does she think of you as her enemy? A small voice asked. Sophia rummaged through her memories for a single instance where Hebert had lashed out at her.


No, come on. I was pushing her into walls and tripping her and shit. She had to have gotten annoyed, at least.

Sophia thought harder.

Hebert smiled as Sophia grabbed her by the collar.

Hebert blushed as Sophia pinned her against a wall. No, that had to be her face getting red in anger, right?


Oh, Jesus. No fucking way. This isn't kindergarten where you pull on a girl's pigtails to try and get her to notice you. She can't have misunderstood me that badly, right?

And yet, everything made a sick kind of sense under that assumption.

Hebert situated herself next to Sophia on the bleachers. "Good work out there today," Hebert said. Sophia eyed her sideways. "What? Is there something on my face?" Hebert asked.

"No. It's nothing." There's no way. We've been hanging out practically every day for months now and she's never shown any interest in me that way.

"Okay. Um, are you free this weekend?"

Oh shit, oh shit. "Why?" Sophia asked.

Hebert twiddled her thumbs. "Well, I have a… project I'm working on, and I was wondering if you might want to join me."

"Spit it out. What kind of project?"

Hebert blushed. Why are you blushing, you bitch? "Um, do you know Randy Pierce?"

Okay, I officially have no idea where this conversation is going. Sophia considered Hebert's question for a moment. "Not really. Slimy little fucker. Hangs out with the Hitler Youth crowd." She scowled as she scrutinized Hebert's bashful face. "Don't tell me you want to ask him out." Why did I ask that?

"No!" Hebert reached out to grab Sophia's shoulders. "I would never." Sophia froze in Hebert's powerful grip and Hebert paused, carefully releasing her. Damn super strength. "Sorry. But that's… absolutely not the case. He's… not my type. At all."

"I see," Sophia said, managing to keep her tone even.

Hebert took a deep breath. "So yeah. It's not that. He bothered Madison, so I'm thinking he needs to take an extended leave of absence, so to speak."

Sophia raised an eyebrow. "You mean—?" She drew a finger across her neck illustratively.

Hebert laughed. "Don't be silly," she said, gently slapping Sophia's shoulder. Hebert's face went abruptly flat. "But he does need to be taken off the board. I have some ideas, but we could brainstorm together."

Sophia took a long drink from her water bottle, then she waved a hand. "Hold up. You said he bothered Madison? What does that mean?"

Hebert shrugged. "He threatened her. I'm not sure of the specifics."

Sophia whistled. "Dumb motherfucker." She was almost impressed. Anyone with half a brain had already gotten the message that their friend group was not to be fucked with. If Randy — and wasn't that a goofy-ass name — thought that his Empire buddies would keep him safe, he was hilariously mistaken.

"It does speak to a certain lack of survival instinct, doesn't it?" Hebert said with a half-smile.

"So what are you thinking?" They had to send a message somehow, but Sophia was curious how far Hebert was willing to go.

"Does that mean you want to join me?" Hebert asked, her face weirdly hopeful. Why does she have to make everything weird?

"Let's hear your plan first."

"Right, of course." Hebert pulled a folder out of her backpack. "Here's his dossier, along with his known associates."

Sophia took the folder, flipping through it. She snorted. "You're nuts. Why did you do this much research? This guy's a chicken-shit; we could probably rough him up and he'd never even look at Madison again."

Hebert raised a finger. "I admit that it might be satisfying to go that route, but I have some more permanent solutions in mind. I've put the outline for my top three ideas on page twenty."

Sophia rolled her eyes and turned the page.

What the hell?


It seemed that I had miscalculated. Sophia was fine with most forms of physical violence, but was oddly squeamish about more indirect methods. She actually gave me a lecture, which was a delightful new experience. I was aware of punishment play as a concept, of course, but I had never had the pleasure of experiencing it firsthand. A bully might say that I "deserved" my treatment at their hands, or that I "didn't know my place," but those were shallow rationalizations. For example, Sophia had initially targeted me because in her eyes I was a "loser" and a "freak," unworthy to stand by Emma's side. I'd classify those more as emotional value judgments, rather than ethical ones.

In this instance, however, Sophia was verbally disciplining me for an abstract moral reason. Did that even count as bullying? Perhaps not by the strictest definition of the term. However, I still enjoyed the scolding immensely. Perhaps I could find a way to take advantage of this new discovery?

I'd need to be careful. Tempting as it was, even I could predict that an escalating series of intentional wrong-doings was likely to turn out poorly. Maybe I could slip in a clueless little "oh, I wasn't supposed to do that?" every once in a while.

Anyways, we were in the midst of restructuring the plan. I decided to do a little more information gathering in the meantime. For that, I consulted with Greg.

Ah, yes, it's time to introduce Greg. Please be patient with him, readers.

How to describe Greg? He was, to put it politely, a bit much. He was passionate and energetic, but had a poor sense of when to hold back. This meant that he often got into pointless arguments and generally rubbed people the wrong way. I took pity on him because he reminded me of myself, albeit much less cautious. He was a tad obnoxious at first, mistaking my kindness for romantic interest, but he became much more tolerable once I firmly established boundaries.

Despite his shortcomings, Greg was clever and hardworking, at least in regards to the things which interested him. One of those things was computer skills. With some encouragement, I had managed to steer him away from wasting his talents digging up "evidence" for conspiracy theories. It was almost sad how little attention he needed to get him motivated. Just an occasional "that's interesting, Greg" or "good job, Greg" was enough to fire him up for days. That might sound manipulative, but he now had some skills he could actually put on a resume.

We also chatted from time to time regarding our shared interests in reading material. There's no need to go into detail about that.

After a quick conversation, Greg directed me to the tools and methods I'd need to get better acquainted with Randy's online presence. I didn't use anything overly complex; you'd be amazed how careless people are with their Internet hygiene. With one careless click of a shady link in an email, Randy unknowingly installed a piece of software which snagged all of the passwords he had saved on his web browser and sent them over to me. Since he didn't have two-factor authentication enabled, I was able to log in to his email and social media accounts and download all of the messages he had ever sent.

I organized everything into a neat report to show Sophia.


As I mentioned earlier, compromises are vital in a long term relationship. In this situation, there were three people whose needs had to be balanced. Emma, who wanted Randy gone quickly and permanently. Sophia, who wanted to engage in justifiable violence. I, myself, just wanted to organize a fun date.

Sophia and I had a small disagreement about what "permanent" meant. She was of the opinion that beating Randy up and scaring him would suffice as a solution. However, I didn't believe that would be enough to prevent him from ever coming to school again as Emma had requested. We went back and forth until we came to an acceptable compromise. Sophia agreed to a subtler plan for Randy, so long as we found some other Empire targets to handle in a more "fist to face" fashion. Luckily, Randy's message history had unveiled a smorgasbord of ethically-challenged individuals who we could hit repeatedly without feeling bad.

Here, I let Sophia take the lead. I had read the manuals on combat tactics and such, but I had no flair for it. Sophia, on the other hand, came to life when she explained how to cut off gangsters' escape routes or demoralize them with psychological warfare. We had perhaps exceeded our mission's original mandate at this point, but Sophia was having so much fun that I didn't have the heart to stop her.

"What?" Sophia demanded.

I blinked. "Huh?"

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like…" she said, gesturing at me vaguely, "that. With that dopey grin on your face."

"Oh, sorry. I'm just glad you're enjoying yourself."

"What?" She shook her head. "Never mind. Anyways, what are we going to do about Randy? We never decided."

"Ah." I examined my nails. "I'm thinking I'll implicate him as a police informant after we hit these targets." That would tie everything neatly together, but I doubted Sophia would go for it.

It's an extreme solution. Aren't you going to scold me for it?

Sophia stared at me. "Just like that, huh?"

"He's a coward. It's not much of a stretch to think that he might turn on his friends."

"That's not what I mean, and you know it. You do that, he's dead meat. The skinheads don't just let snitches walk away."

"Then maybe he should have been more careful about his choice of acquaintances." Come on, scold me. I've been a bad vigilante. I'm out of control.

Sophia laced her fingers behind her head and leaned back, staring at the ceiling. She sat in silence for several seconds, then sighed. "Fuck it. Let's go back to Plan Two."

"Oh? I thought you didn't like that one."

She glared at me. "I don't, you crazy bitch." Nice. Glare plus insult. Spicy. "It's horrifying. Why do you want this guy dead so badly?"

"Randy doesn't die in Plan Two," I protested, still internally relishing her disdain.

"Oh, fuck off. I'd be shocked if he didn't kill himself." Sophia sighed. "We're making some changes. He's an asshole, but he doesn't deserve that."

I loved seeing this side of Sophia. Her outward persona was brutal and merciless, but on the inside she held a strong sense of fairness. She cared deeply about what people deserved. I smiled. She really did have a romantic soul at heart. "Whatever you say."


To begin our first date, I penciled in some brutality against the Empire rank and file. Sophia seemed to be having fun, so I marked it as a success.

A guy swung a baseball bat at me. My super strength was not the centerpiece of my power-set, but being roughly as strong as a gorilla was no joke when it came to fighting normal people. I swatted the bat away with one hand and pulled him casually into a sleeper hold with the other.

Imagine a bulletproof gorilla has you in a choke-hold. What do you do? I'll give you a hint. If your answer was anything other than "pass out, ideally without soiling yourself," you were wrong. Well, the soiling part is optional. No judgments here.

I took my time putting restraints on my new acquaintance, letting Sophia enjoy her fight with the remaining thugs. I didn't like it when she put herself in danger; even an untrained gangster could get lucky. But keeping Sophia from fighting would be like keeping a sheepdog in a crate.

One of the upstanding gentlemen developed a brain cell and decided to run instead of trying to punch the selectively intangible cape. I grabbed him and tossed him back over to my partner.

What a beautiful roundhouse kick. She's so graceful.


Sophia got her outright Nazi-beating fix, so we got back to work on the job. I had to accelerate the timetable because Sophia had insisted on making a clean sweep of Randy's associates after seeing some of the evidence I found.

Gosh, my girls are so needy. Beat up this guy. Get rid of that guy. Busy busy busy. I giggled.

The new deadline was tight, but I was nothing if not adaptable.


Mason flipped his "work phone" closed with a sigh. He was used to "putting in work" on petty shit, but it had gotten even worse since Mason started pushing for full membership. His boss in the Eighty-Eight seemed to take special glee in giving Mason the most annoying grunt work possible. What was Mason gonna do? Say no? There were a dozen other guys with their hands up, just waiting for a chance to prove themselves. If you wanted to advance in the organization, you did what you were told. Period.

As of last month, Mason had been put in charge of recruitment at his school. Finding the suckers and the latchkey kids who could be convinced to take Mason's place on the low end of the totem pole. Mason wasn't very personable — and his boss knew it — but he had no choice but to do his best. Luckily, there were a lot of kids who were primed to buy into the pitch.

Look at how poor your family is. Look at how shit the economy is. Look at how much crime there is. What can you do about it? Join our club, and we'll give you all the answers. You'll make a bunch of friends, and if you're willing to put in some work, you can make some money too!

Mason didn't really buy into the political ideology of the group, but if you were poor in this city you stuck with your people. Otherwise, you were easy meat.

Mason forced a smile on his face as he picked up another of the promising new recruits he was going to drop off at an Empire affiliated party. It was Mason's job to make sure that they had a fun and safe experience and thus developed a good impression of the "Empire community."

Basically, it was like being a designated driver, but worse.

The residential street was already packed with parked cars, so Mason had to circle around to find a spot. He took a deep breath and prepared himself mentally for a long night.

As he led the gaggle of new kids down the street, he strained out some small talk to keep them relaxed. Headlights flashed behind him and he stepped onto the sidewalk. A white van pulled past, then stopped in the middle of the road. Mason had a second for his instincts to scream before a figure leapt out of the vehicle, rushing at him. The kids screamed.

Mason cursed and pulled his knife, wishing he had an actual gun. The figure didn't falter at the sight of the blade, and as they drew closer Mason could see that they were wearing a bright yellow smiley face mask and a flak jacket.

A cape? What would a cape want with me?

He hesitated, and that was all that the cape needed to reach out and press their fingertips almost gently against the sides of his neck. Mason lashed out with his knife, but the cape ignored his wild attacks and slowly increased the pressure.

Within seconds, darkness fell upon him.


Mason woke with a groan, squinting at the bright light above him. His head throbbed. He tried to put a hand to his temple and found that he was bound to the chair he was in.

"Hello, Mason," an electronically garbled voice said. "I'd like to have a discussion about your future."


Sophia and I managed to wrap up the whole "Randy and Company" business ahead of schedule. I'll spare you the details. It was a challenge to find enough quick-dry concrete on such short notice, but my dad was helpful in that regard.

Anyways, you don't care about that tedious stuff, right? The important takeaway was that Sophia and I got to know each other on a more intimate level.

Let's move on to the next part.


Sophia and I sat on a rooftop a good distance away from yet another Empire target. I was getting a surprising amount of mileage out of this date idea. It was awful that there were so many Nazis, of course, but if they were going to be evil anyways I figured I might as well take advantage of them.

I offered Sophia a wrapped chicken salad sandwich out of my insulated lunch bag.

Sophia gave me a scandalized look. "You were carrying a fucking sandwich around? On a mission?"

"I was carrying two sandwiches," I said, pulling out another one.

Sophia scowled. "This isn't a picnic."

"They're made from that rotisserie chicken you liked."

Sophia grumbled but took the sandwich. I took the binoculars with one hand while bringing my sandwich up to my mouth with the other.

"You think a cape will show up?" I asked.

"Maybe. Somebody important is probably going to be there. Gotta make the baby Nazis feel special on their big day." Sophia's glove creaked as she tightened her first. According to some intelligence that we had gathered, there was an Empire initiation scheduled for tonight. It was an open secret that initiation as a full member demanded the vicious beating of a non-white person.

Diligent superheroines that we were, we arrived early to scope out the venue. Men in Empire colors were beginning to trickle into the abandoned warehouse, and a few of them were setting up an honest-to-goodness stage. Lighting, speakers, all of it.

Disgusting. My ability roused in response to my revulsion, turning the binoculars in my hand into a Weapon of Power. I pulled it back. Not yet.

Another half hour passed before the guests of honor started to arrive. A man in a military outfit and gas mask stepped out of a black SUV, flanked by more seriously armed thugs.

Krieg. He might be a problem.

The details of Krieg's power were ambiguous, but it was generally agreed upon that he had some sort of short range telekinesis or kinetic manipulation. Blows against him were weakened or deflected while his own attacks were amplified. Depending on how it worked, it could be a poor match-up for me.

I felt a twinge of… indignation. I wasn't one of those people who thought that parahuman abilities were sentient, but I could've sworn that my power had opinions, sometimes. Right now, I had an inexplicable urge to Smash the villain into a wall and prove my Brute dominance. Was that my power prodding me?

Well, okay, power. I guess I was planning on doing that anyways.


Uh-oh, I'm talking to my power now. Can I really afford another wacky personality quirk?

Another set of goons piled out of a truck, a pair of them dragging a bound man between them. A bag was over his head, but I could see dark skin on his arms. They led him over towards the warehouse.

I put away the remainder of my sandwich and handed Sophia the binoculars. "I think that's tonight's victim," I said.

Sophia took a look and growled. "Alright, let's fuck these guys up."

"Call it in first?"

Sophia glanced at me. "We can take 'em."

"Probably, yes, but the victim might need an ambulance." Sophia responded poorly to what she viewed as challenges to her competence, but she had a pragmatic side I could reliably appeal to.

Sophia sighed. "Fine, do it. But we're going in, green light or not."

"Of course," I said. I tapped on my helmet and activated my Wards communicator. Luckily, Missy was on console duty and took my report without unnecessary questions. After a brief exchange, she transfered me to Armsmaster.

"I'm accessing your helmet feed," he said without preamble. A lot of my coworkers considered Armsmaster to be too brusque, but I had no issues with his focused style of heroism. There was a brief pause before he continued. "How many on site?"

"About fifteen to twenty. Krieg is the only cape that we've spotted, but there are a few heavily armed normals."

"Understood. I'm en route, ETA ten minutes. Hold position until I arrive. Krieg is a skilled fighter and we have few known specifics about his power."

"Sir, I'm afraid that if we wait, they might harm their prisoner."

A brief pause. "Alright. But if any other capes show up, I want you to pull back."


"Be careful. I'm on my way."

I nodded at Sophia. "Ten minutes. Let's do it."

Sophia leapt from the roof, slowing her descent by going shadow. I stepped off to follow her, bleeding off momentum with a roll. I could have just dropped, but my damage threshold was high enough to sprain my ankle.

We ran side by side on the street. As we approached, Sophia broke off at an angle, looping around towards the building from the side. As much as she liked to be in the thick of it, even she had to admit that I was a superior candidate for hitting things head on.

I hid behind a car as I watched Sophia creep along a side alley. She paused, peering at the thugs out front, then made an agile leap into shadow form. In the night, her Breaker state was almost impossible to see. Her silhouette drifted through a window into the warehouse.

A few seconds later, a text popped up on my helmet HUD.

I'm in. Eyes on hostage. Go.

I stood and unlimbered my spear, breaking into a brisk jog. A few armed men lingered by the front entrance, doing a poor job of standing guard. They were smoking in a circle and chatting even as I approached them in the open. One of them saw me and cursed, dropping his cigarette as he fumbled to bring his weapon to bear. The rest hastily followed suit.

"Wards ENE! Drop your weapons!" I yelled.

They glanced at each other, wavered, then dashed for the door. Three of them made it, and in an inspiring show of solidarity they slammed the door in the face of one who straggled. I swept him out of the way and battered down the steel door with a quick poke of my weapon. A couple thugs that were too slow to get clear were sent sprawling by the impact.

"The parasites that-" Krieg's booming voice cut off abruptly as I made my entrance. He turned his gas-masked head to stare at me from up on the stage. The rest of the crowd was frozen in shock.

I pointed my spear at the villain. "You're under arrest." I didn't really have to read him his rights or anything. Cape law was a little more fluid than the "regular" justice system.

To his credit, Krieg was only stunned for a moment before he addressed the crowd. "Gentlemen, I will entertain the young heroine. Everyone else, leave. Quickly but carefully."

They scattered like quail. I let them. The skinheads that were holding the hostage hesitated, and a pair of bolts streaked out of the shadows to fell them. Sophia came forward, reloading her crossbows and eyeing the fleeing minions. After a split second of uncertainty she moved to aid the victim, taking off his restraints and pulling him away from the imminent cape fight.

Krieg hopped down from the stage and bowed with a flourish. "Good evening, miss." His voice had a bare trace of an accent, or maybe it was just distorted by his mask. "I don't suppose it would be possible for us to go our separate ways without further violence?"

I gave a pointed look at the man who had been slated to be beaten to a pulp for no reason other than the color of his skin. "I don't think that's in the cards, no." I circled, putting myself between the villain and Sophia.

Krieg shrugged. "A shame. I do hate to fight children, regardless of how misguided they might be. If only—"

I made a probing swipe at his shoulder which he nimbly back-stepped to avoid. "Oh, sorry, were you still monologuing? I thought this was the part where I hit you."

"Very well," he said, getting into a more serious fighting stance. "I gave you a chance to walk away."

I snorted and stepped forward, flicking a few thrusts at his torso. He dodged and tried to close the distance, but I adjusted my grip and brought the other end of my weapon across, forcing him to jump back again. A bolt flew at him just as he got his balance, but it slowed dramatically as it came within a few feet of him, letting him sway to avoid it. I heard Sophia snarl in frustration behind me.

I stepped up the pressure. Armsmaster was on his way, but some of the escaping Empire goons had no doubt contacted their superiors about the fight. I didn't want to get swamped by more capes. I threatened Krieg constantly from multiple angles, mixing it up to try and force him into an awkward position. Knee, head, ankle, midsection. Sophia shot a couple more bolts at him, but his power slowed them down too much. The projectiles Krieg threw at me were likewise futile. He had an extensive selection of knick-knacks. Hammers, ball bearings, even a baseball. They all glanced off my pseudo-invincible armor.

Finally, he dodged a thrust towards his chest and grabbed my weapon, trying to pull me off balance towards him. My strength warred against his kinetic manipulation, but wasn't enough to win the tug of war. So as I felt myself being yanked forward, I planted my front foot and twisted my hips, turning a "pull" into a "strike." It wasn't much, but I felt my power grudgingly acknowledge the motion as sufficient to activate a miniature Smash. Nonsensical force filled the weapon and tore it out of Krieg's grip, throwing him onto the ground.

He was quick to recover but I capitalized on his fall immediately, throwing a thrust as fast as I could. I felt an odd sort of resistance, but my strike cleaved through the effect and sent Krieg sliding along the floor until he crashed into a wall. Brick dust bloomed from the impact.

Triumph. Superiority.

Not now, power.

Krieg stood, a little unsteady on his feet but otherwise seemingly unhurt.

Okay then. No more safety Smashes. Let's give him a real one.

I raised my weapon again and approached. Krieg took a step back, then turned to flee.

"Hey!" I yelled, giving chase. I paused to peek over my shoulder at Sophia, who had taken cover behind a pillar along with the victim.

"Fuckin' get him!" she cried.

I nodded and resumed my pursuit. Krieg was fast, and had made it across the street by the time I ran out the front door. He was about to slip around a corner when a blur of blue and silver zoomed past, the purr of a powerful engine rattling my bones. Armsmaster took the corner smoothly and cut Krieg off, pointing his signature halberd at the villain. Krieg lunged at the hero and was met with a shower of pellets that burst into a cloud of thick orange gas. Krieg took another step then fell to a knee, clutching at his mask.

"Your gas mask won't help," Armsmaster said. "I made this formulation specifically to counter you."

Krieg crawled forward a couple feet before crumpling face-down onto the pavement.

Armsmaster was really good at his job.

"Villain secured," he said. He looked up at me. "Where's Shadow Stalker?"

"With the victim, in the warehouse. The rest of the henchmen took off."

"Understood. Help me get Krieg on the bike, then we'll meet up with her and get out of here."


Madison wasn't sure how to feel. On one hand, the threat was gone. Not only Randy, but his whole goon squad too. There was a lot of gossip going around, most of it nonsense. When she asked Taylor, all the other girl had said was that "the situation was handled."

Are my friends a shadowy crime syndicate?

She derived a guilty pleasure from imagining that her friends had executed some sort of clandestine operation in order to "take out" the people that had bothered her. She liked knowing that they cared for her.

On the other hand, she couldn't help but be uneasy. Was it her fault that her friends had done something that was likely illegal? Could she have just kept her mouth shut and prevented the whole situation? She didn't want to be the weak one, the one who always needed to be protected and saved. Taylor and Sophia were Wards, for God's sake, putting their lives on the line to fight the gangs, and Emma was extraordinary in her own way. Madison couldn't even muster up the courage to admit her feelings.

My feelings.

Madison rubbed at her eyes. She had to handle that, one way or another. At the moment, she was leaning towards quashing it. Mostly because she was scared. Randy and his friends were gone, but his actions had been an unpleasant reminder that "abnormal" relationships were a huge risk in Brockton Bay. Even a rumor of a gay relationship would be enough to put everyone involved in danger.

Cold fear settled in her stomach as she imagined what might happen to Emma if Madison's careless words caused her to become a target. Then the image was replaced by the would-be attacker getting the absolute shit beaten out of him by Sophia and Taylor, and Madison snorted. Emma wasn't helpless, and she wouldn't let some jumped-up skinheads scare her.

Madison took her seat opposite Emma on one of the weird stone tables set up in the Quad. She liked the first break in the school day. For about five minutes, she and Emma could sit together, alone, before Taylor and Sophia showed up. It wasn't like Madison disliked the other girls' presence, but it was nice to have a little time all to themselves.

"How are you?" Emma asked.

"Hmm?" Madison shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts.

"Are you doing okay? You know, after the whole Randy thing. It must have been scary."

"I'm fine. I know you'd never let anything happen to me."

Emma smiled. Madison may have imagined it, but in that moment it seemed to her that the sun caught Emma's hair just right so that it glowed, like it was smoldering with some inner fire. "Of course. You can always—"

"I like you," Madison blurted out.

Oh, shit. What did I just say?

Emma's smile turned brittle for a moment before recovering. "I like you too."

"That's not what I mean. I…" Madison couldn't stop the words now, like she was running downhill, flying, her feet barely touching the ground in her abandon. "I love you. I don't even know why I'm telling you this. I don't expect an answer. I just had to say it. So… there it is. I love you. Like, so much it hurts." She squeezed her eyes shut, trying fruitlessly to keep tears from escaping. She sniffled and got up to leave. "I'm sorry."

Emma caught her wrist. "Stay." Madison instinctively obeyed, sitting back down. "Look at me." Madison brought her gaze up. A corner of Emma's mouth pulled up in a tiny smile. "Good. Now relax. Deep breaths. Take as long as you need."

"I don't—"

Emma raised a finger in front of her lips. "Calm down first. Then we can talk."

Madison nodded and took a slow, shuddering breath. Emma rubbed her thumb on the back of Madison's hand. Madison took another breath, and another, until the frantic desire to flee left her.

"Okay. I'm okay now."

"Good. Are you ready to talk about it?"

Madison winced but nodded. "Yeah."

"So, you love me? Romantically?"

Madison tensed. "Yes. I didn't want to make things awkward, and I know it's weird, but— "

Emma laughed, and Madison flinched. Emma took Madison's other hand, squeezing it. "Oh, no. I'm not laughing at you. It's just…" she bit her bottom lip, "that's probably the least weird thing I've heard in a long time." She laced her fingers in between Madison's, and Madison's breath caught in her chest. "It's not weird at all," Emma murmured.

"S-so you don't hate me?" Madison asked in a small voice.

Emma's eyes narrowed, and a jolt of something ran up Madison's back. Fear? Excitement? Both? "Hate you? Is that how you thought I'd react?"

Madison swallowed. "Um, not exactly? I was just afraid, and, well, you know…"

Emma hummed. "I see. Well, I guess I need to put your fears to rest." She turned Madison's wrist over, studying it closely. Emma's breath tickled her skin. Then Emma's heavy-lidded eyes rose to meet Madison's own, and Madison squeaked.

"It's a little too public here," Emma said, "so this will have to do for now." Emma pressed her lips softly against the inside of Madison's wrist, right on the pulse point. Madison stopped breathing entirely. Warmth spilled from her arm and rioted through her chest. Emma smirked. "Do you feel reassured?"

"Uh, um, so that does that mean that—?"

"Hmm, I guess not. Let's try again." Emma planted another kiss on Madison's wrist, this time more aggressively. Madison desperately tried not to make inappropriate noises. It felt like every nerve in her body was firing at once.

"E-Emma," she hissed, "I get it! I get it. Somebody might see."

"Do you really get it, though?" Emma asked, her eyes shining with predatory glee. "Have I gotten my feelings across?"

"Yes," Madison said, a grin spreading unbidden across her face.

"Good. But just to be clear," Emma said, leaning in to whisper in Madison's ear, "I love you too."


Shout out to @argentorum and @iolande for beta reading, and @somnolentSlumber for SPAG assistance.
Last edited:
Chapter 12

Hi there. Taylor here, back at it again. Before we get started, I'd like to address some concerns that readers expressed after my last chapter. Mainly, I want to clarify that I don't go around killing people, even if I find them personally offensive. I would have thought that would be self-evident, but I saw a distressing number of comments expressing something to the effect of "Taylor totally just murdered that guy" or "I'm reporting this as evidence of a crime." I beg your pardon? Where is all this suspicion coming from? I thought that we had developed a measure of trust.

Alright. I admit that I may have said some unsavory things in order to elicit more scolding. And I'm not claiming that everything I did during my mission to neutralize Randy was entirely legal. But come now, readers. Even if you doubt my integrity, Sophia was by my side for the whole adventure. Are you insinuating that she would be a party to cold-blooded murder? I should hope not. Despite her peccadilloes, she is a dedicated heroine at heart. I will not tolerate baseless slander of her character.

Oh, and I haven't released this story in any universe where I could get in trouble for it, so the whole issue is moot in any case.

Have we come to an understanding? Yes? Good. Back to the story.

The after action report for Krieg's arrest was blessedly brief. I was a touch worried that Director Piggot would consider our independent patrol to be "off book," but she didn't seem to care. We called in the situation, saved the civilian, and captured a villain. All with minimal explosions and/or dismemberment. As far as the Director was concerned, that constituted a resounding success. However, interpreting her praise more carefully, it was likely that she gave us leeway in light of the results we attained. If we bent the rules without anything to show for it, we probably would be having a different conversation.

Sophia split off and I followed Armsmaster to his lab. He cleared some space off a workbench and gestured for me to take a seat across from him.

"I appreciate you making the time to meet with me," I said.

He nodded and removed his helmet, running a hand over his close-cropped hair. "I'll preface this conversation by saying that I will be acting in an advisory role only. As much as I'd like to make equipment for the Wards, I simply don't have the time or resources to add another project."

I nodded. "Understood. Did you review the list of ideas I sent over?"

He pressed some buttons on his wrist-pad and a document appeared on a screen on the far wall. "I've consolidated your list with my existing file." He made a gesture and the screen filled with blueprints displayed side by side. "Excluding weaponry, I believe that Vista would benefit most from gear focused on mobility. There are a variety of solutions, but I would recommend flight."

"I see," I said, scribbling down notes as I looked over the designs. "Flight, huh?"

Armsmaster nodded. "Yes. Since her ability is restricted by the presence of living beings, it is unreliable as a means of mobility in combat. A flight rig would allow her to stay out of reach and give her an unobstructed view of the battlefield. However, she'd also pose a more tempting target to ranged attacks, so I would recommend improved armor or shielding." His eyes unfocused slightly as he manipulated a design on the screen. "Weight and space constraints could become an issue with more complex defensive modules. Although, since the device would be for Vista's use, she might be able to ameliorate some of those concerns. I'd have to run some tests to verify the functionality of altered components." He tilted his head and opened one of the blueprints into an exploded view.

I had been around Chris long enough to recognize oncoming Tinker tunnel vision. I cleared my throat. "Are you interested in working on the project?"

He grimaced, tearing his eyes away from the screen. "Ah. Unfortunately, no. It does seem to be a worthwhile idea, though. Perhaps you can ask Kid Win."

"Do you think this is something he can make?"

Armsmaster stroked his beard. "Possibly. He's made power suits and flight systems before. However, he's been having… difficulties, lately."

I paused. Chris hadn't said as much outright, but I had surmised that his relationship with Armsmaster was strained. The Protectorate leader had exacting standards and little patience, so I could imagine a few reasons why they might not be getting along. "Well, I'll ask him," I said carefully. "Would you be open to troubleshoot if he needs help?"

Armsmaster sighed. "I can't promise when I'll be available." He closed his eyes for a long moment. "But if he asks for help, I'll do my best to make time."

"I think he'd appreciate that," I said. I hoped I wasn't pushing them to reconcile before they were ready. "Thank you. You've been very helpful."

He gave me a curt nod. "Of course. I'll forward you simplified versions of the designs I have listed here."


I smirked at Emma.

She glared at me.

I leaned a little closer, raising an eyebrow.

"Cut it out," Emma said.

"Cut what out?"

"I know that you know, okay? You don't have to be so smug about it."

I gave her a one-armed side hug. "I'm happy for you two. Really."

"Thanks," she grumbled. "I'm glad she and I worked it out." A content smile blossomed on her face, and I was struck by a mixed wave of happiness and irritation.

I cleared my throat. "Took you long enough."

Emma's eyes narrowed. "Are we having a discussion about honest communication in relationships?" I paused, then made a "zipped lips" gesture. "That's what I thought."

"So, who confessed first?" I asked, holding my chin in my palms as I listened attentively.

Emma looked away. "She did."

I cackled and poked her in the side. "Chicken! You made poor little Madison take the initiative. I'm ashamed to call you my wife."

Emma grabbed me by the ear. I couldn't take much damage at once, but let me tell you, it doesn't take a lot of pressure on the ear to be painful. "You're talking big, huh? How much progress have you made with Sophia?"

"We went on a date!" I protested.

Emma scoffed. "Beating up criminals doesn't count as a date."

"That's awfully close-minded of you. People communicate their love in different ways."

Emma pulled me in closer. "So if I went and asked Sophia right now, she would agree that you two have been on a date?" I whimpered. She snorted and released me.

I rubbed at my ear and pouted. As you can see, readers, attraction is dependent on context. If Sophia bullied me so viciously, this would have been a heart-pounding moment. As it was, the situation was simply cruel and unfair.

"I'm just saying," I said. "You're supposed to be the one, you know, making the moves."

Emma raised an eyebrow. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Wait, are you serious?" I smirked.

"Are you actually giving me the smug face right now?" Emma asked, an edge in her voice. "Tell me what you mean. Now."

I shivered, and not in the good way. "Okay, okay. You're the, um, decision maker in the relationship. The dominant."

Emma rolled her eyes. "Taylor, I know that you enjoy that kind of thing, but not every couple works that way."

"Oh, come on. You honestly haven't noticed?" She gave me a dubious look, so I continued. "Okay. When was the last time that you asked Madison to do something, or suggested something, and she didn't follow along?"

"I… well, that doesn't prove anything. So what if we don't argue? We get along. We're compatible."

"Yes. You are," I said, rubbing at my forehead. "Because you like to tell her what to do and she likes to do it."

"What? You make it sound like I'm a controlling bitch. That's not how it is."

"No, of course not," I said, hugging her again. I paused for a moment to get the phrasing correct. "Dominance isn't just about force and tyranny. You're not pushing Madison around or forcing her to do things she doesn't want to. You just like to give her guidance, and she likes to accept that guidance because it makes her happy to make you happy. There's nothing wrong with that."

Emma put her palms together in front of her face and took a deep breath. "Fuck. You're right. Fuck."

"Are you okay?" I honestly meant for this revelation to be a silly bit of banter, not whatever existential crisis Emma was seemingly experiencing.

"Yeah. I mean, I don't have a problem with that kind of stuff, obviously. Otherwise I wouldn't hang around you, you weird bitch."

"I love you too."

Emma smiled and squeezed my wrist. "But, well… ugh. This is going to sound stupid." I nodded and waited. "I don't want to be a bully," she said.

I squinted at her. "You're not."

Emma laughed. "Thanks, but I don't think that—"

"Emma, who do you think you're talking to right now?" I asked. Emma opened her mouth and I cut her off. "Who is the undisputed expert on bullying here? Me, or you?"

Emma snorted. "You."

"Then let me make the call on this. You are not a bully. At best, you have a few bully-adjacent skills. But if you think that raw talent is enough, then you're looking down on real bullies. Do you know how much effort Sophia put into bullying me for the first couple weeks? She pushed me up against the—"

"Alright, alright," Emma said, pressing a hand over my mouth. She rolled her eyes. "You just had to make it weird, didn't you?" I smiled. Emma took a deep breath. "I just… do you remember Tamara?" She removed her hand.

My smile widened. "Ah. Her." Of all the bullies I had had the pleasure of knowing, Tamara had been arguably the most vindictive. I didn't even need to feel remorse for making her play my game.

"Yeah, her. Turbo-bitch. And even after everything she did, she played the victim. Tried to make me look like the bad guy when I took her down."

"She was a narcissist," I said, shrugging.

"Yeah. I guess. I probably went too far, though," Emma said. Her mouth twisted in distaste.

"I'm… I'm sorry," I said. Tamara would never have been what you'd call a nice person, but she certainly didn't benefit from my encouragement of her more unpleasant traits.

"It's okay. I didn't… I don't regret it. I don't know. Maybe that says something about me. I liked taking her apart, the same way I did with the others. All those horrible bitches." Emma shook her head.

"I don't…" I trailed off.

"I know, I know," Emma said, waving me down. "They don't bother you. But I can't help but get pissed off when they insult you, or spread rumors about you, or whatever. Because how fucking dare they, you know?"

Emma bit her lip. "But that's not really the thing. It's that when the time comes, and you're done… doing your thing, I'm not really thinking about you. I just want them to suffer. I want to burn them up. So I do. I make their lives hell, every day, until they just… give up." Emma gave me a wry smile. "I enjoy it. More than I should, probably."

"I'm really sorry," I said, my shoulders slumping.

Emma tipped my chin up. "Hey, I'm not trying to make you feel bad. It's just… when you say that I'm the one who makes the decisions, it makes me wonder if I'm the right type of person to be doing that. I like—" Emma paused and shook her head. "I love Madison. I don't want to hurt her. She's been hurt enough."

I sighed. "I get that you're worried, but I don't think you're giving Madison enough credit. She's tougher than she seems. And if she didn't want to be with you, she wouldn't have asked you out." I paused. "Excuse me. I meant to say that she wouldn't have been forced to ask you out, because you're a big chicken."

"Taylor!" Emma said, slapping my shoulder. "We were having a moment here!"

I laughed and caught her hand. "Sorry. But really, I get it. You're second-guessing yourself. 'Am I a good enough person to be with her? Will she hate me if she sees who I really am?' That sort of thing. I never really thought about those questions before Sophia, but I worry all the time now."

Emma sighed, then laughed. "I hesitate to ask, but what do you do when you have those kind of thoughts?"

I tapped a finger against my lips. "I've been trying to be more honest, like you said, and that's helped. It feels more… meaningful? It sounds kind of cheesy, but it's true." I paused, considering my words. "I think that if you just go to Madison and be honest with her, it'll probably work out. Like I said, she's tougher than she seems. You don't need to tiptoe around the point."

Emma nodded slowly. "I guess you're right. And I can't be a chicken, can I?" She gave me a rueful look and I averted my eyes.

"Yes, well. Let's just say we both have room for improvement." I cleared my throat, still looking away. "If you're interested, I have some literature you can look at. About, you know… the kinds of relationships we're in."

Emma winced. "Okay, yeah. Thank you." She sagged in her chair. "Why do our love lives have to be so complicated?"

I shrugged. I had given up asking myself that question. "At least our girlfriends are cute."


If there was one good thing that Sophia could say about Hebert, it was that she didn't hesitate to take care of business. She had the killer instinct, the drive to see things through. However, there was a fine line between tenacity and obsession. Yeah, Randy Pierce was an asshole, and yeah, he had needed to get fucked up for threatening Madison. Sophia had no objections to laying a beat-down where it was deserved, or even going further if the situation called for it. As far as Sophia was concerned, if you wore gang colors on the street — Empire especially — you accepted the possibility that you'd be going to the emergency room. Live by the sword and all that.

But while Randy Pierce was a slimy little fucker, he was a wannabe at best. A groupie. If you started dropping every high-school dipshit who thought that saying the n-word made them cool, the bloodbath would never end. So Sophia had made an executive decision on how to deal with him. He was still probably wondering why the universe had decided to take a shit on him all of a sudden, but it was a downright mercy compared to Hebert's original plan. The girl had been hiding a hell of a sadistic streak.

Worryingly, that discovery implied a much larger problem. Sophia liked to think she had an eye for people. Her instincts weren't perfect, but they had rarely failed her the way that they had repeatedly done with Hebert. Sophia had assumed that Hebert was weak, but she had a spine where it counted. Sophia had assumed that Hebert was oblivious, but she could be devious and razor-focused when she wanted. That meant that Sophia also had to rethink the possibility that Hebert had some sort of a crush on her. It seemed ridiculous, but so had all the other things that she now knew to be true.

Sophia took a deep breath. The first question was if it mattered. Even if Hebert was secretly madly in love with her, Sophia was a pro. She could suck it up and pretend not to notice the other girl's feelings if it meant that they could continue working together effectively.


Sophia snarled, then took a deep breath. When in doubt, Sophia always tried to tackle uncomfortable things head-on. Anyone could do the things that they were good at, but those who wanted to be strong had to push their limits. Ignoring the problem would be a weak move.

But what to do, then? The obvious answer was to press Hebert outright, but… no. Sophia wouldn't be able to survive the shame if she turned out to be wrong. And if she were right, then what? Sophia winced but pressed on. Pushing your limits meant asking yourself difficult questions. How were you fucking yourself over? Why were you afraid to think about that topic?

How would you react if Hebert asked you out?

Sophia wasn't disgusted by the idea of a girl liking her. If she were forced to answer at gunpoint, she'd say she was bisexual. Well, to be more accurate, in that situation she would probably say "take your best shot, bitch."

But while she could have thoughts, on the rare occasion that she found someone worth a damn, she had never seriously considered getting into a relationship. She didn't have time to waste on that kind of thing.


Sophia cleared her throat. Hebert had grown on her a bit. That wasn't too painful to admit. She was interesting, and reliable, for a certain definition of the word. Sophia didn't mind spending time with her as… colleagues. But that was all she was willing to accept for now. If Hebert asked her out, Sophia would turn her down. She wouldn't be a bitch about it, but the answer would definitely be a firm "no."

Sophia nodded, satisfied that she hadn't flinched away from the question. She wouldn't go out of her way to ask Hebert about her suspicions, but she would be ready to reject her properly if the subject came up.

For now, Sophia had actually important things to discuss. Her "independent patrol" with Hebert had gone shockingly well. A civilian rescued and Krieg captured, without a single casualty? Piggot couldn't even muster up an excuse to give Sophia the usual "toe the line" speech.

But while Sophia couldn't complain about the results, she had barely contributed to the fight. It left her itching to do something, to prove herself.

"Hey, Hebert," Sophia said, nudging the girl with her elbow.

Hebert turned and her face lit up. "Oh, hi Sophia!"

Sophia squinted. "Hi. Would you be down to hit more Empire targets?"

Hebert put a hand over her heart. "Are you asking me out on another patrol?"

"Yeah? Why'd you put it like that? It's a patrol, not prom."

"Of course not. Prom isn't until senior year." Hebert pursed her lips. "There probably aren't a lot of soft targets so soon after Krieg's arrest. We could do some prep work, though."

"Prep work?"

"Yes. There are quite a few minor tasks that need to be done in order to prepare for success in the master plan."

"Seriously?" What's with her and the master plans? I guess I should be grateful she's not a villain.

Hebert laughed. "Well, we can't destroy the Empire overnight. It's going to be a long-term project."

Sophia rolled her eyes, then blinked as Hebert's expression remained completely flat. "Christ. You're not kidding, are you?"

Hebert's eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. "Why would I be kidding?"

"I don't know… maybe because they've got like a dozen capes? And that's not even considering the normal goons."

"Yes, yes, lots of work to be done. That's why we should get an early start."

"You're insane. Listen, I'm all for sticking it to the Nazis, but there's only so much we can do by ourselves. Just because you're a fuck-off high-tier Brute doesn't mean they won't find a way to take you out if you become a big enough problem."

Hebert's dismissive expression fell, and she gave Sophia a warm smile. "I appreciate your concern, Sophia. It means a lot to me."

Sophia growled. "Tay— Hebert, don't change the subject."

Hebert put her hands up. "Sorry, sorry. But… I'm worried for you, too." Her eyes unfocused. "There's a whole organization that wants to hurt you just because of how you were born. That's unacceptable."

Sophia snorted. "No shit. I don't know if you've cracked a history book lately, but racist assholes are a bigger problem than just the Empire."

Hebert frowned, then shook her head. "All the more reason to tidy up our little corner of the world, then."

"Whatever," Sophia said, sighing. "As long as we keep busting skinheads without making it into a suicide mission, I'm in."

Taylor clapped excitedly. "Great! Don't worry. The plan is solid."

"You see, when you say shit like that, it makes me worry more."


Sophia rapped her knuckles on Missy's door. "Yo, shrimp, time to go."

Missy glared at her. "Are you ever going to run out of immature ways to call me short?"

Sophia smirked. "Not today, half-pint." Hebert had bitched about Sophia "being mean" to Missy, but a little banter was still fair game as far as Sophia was concerned. It wasn't as though Sophia really wanted to hurt the littlest Ward's feelings; it was just easy to get a rise out of her. Besides, Missy could defend herself just fine.

Missy rolled off her cot, grumbling. Then her face twisted into a smug smile. "Say, Sophia. Have you checked PHO lately?"

"What? No. Why would I want to watch dumbasses argue on the Internet?"

Missy snickered. "You should. Dennis shared a video I think you'd like."

Sophia's eyes narrowed.


Dennis gleefully inflamed the ongoing discussion. He had a lot of practice skirting the line of inappropriate behavior on PHO, and his irreverent hero persona meant that PR mostly left him to his own devices with social media posts. He chuckled to himself as he re-opened the video that he posted to start the conversation.

The words "Knight Stalker" faded onto the screen in loopy cursive text, and soft acoustic guitars played in the background.

"Let me be your hero…" a singer sensuously whispered, and Dennis cackled as the infamous image of Taylor holding Sophia in a bridal carry appeared. As the song progressed, so did a slideshow of pictures and short clips of Avalon and Shadow Stalker in various positions that could be vaguely construed as romantic.

He started wheezing about a minute in as the line "Hold me in your arms tonight. I can be your hero, baby" coincided with a shot of Taylor leaning in closer as she held Sophia in her arms. Shipping maniacs on PHO always put so much effort into these things; it was incredible. The fact that Sophia was well-known as being surly and standoffish only fed the fires. There were now two firmly entrenched factions of "Avalon x Shadow Stalker" and "Shadow Stalker x Avalon," each with disturbingly enthusiastic arguments why their view of the imaginary relationship was more accurate.

"Hey Dennis," Sophia said from the threshold of the break room. Dennis hastily slammed his laptop shut.

"Uh, hey, Sophia," he said, grinning.

"What were you looking at?" she asked mildly. Too mildly.

"Just a thread on PHO." He didn't expect her to have learned about the video just yet. She was vocal about PHO being a waste of time.

"I see. You doing alright? You look nervous."

If he weren't nervous before, he certainly would be now. Sophia did not, as a rule, inquire after anyone's wellbeing. "No… I'm fine."

"Nothing to be nervous about, huh? That's nice." Sophia smiled, and a chill settled into Dennis' gut. He had been ready to accept Sophia's retaliation. When you made a joke at someone's expense, that was the cost of doing business. But he had expected a burst of rage followed by a smack or two. Not this… patient, empty smile. It reminded him of the few times he annoyed Taylor. She never got angry outright, instead hiding her irritation until she could take revenge in some indirect yet terrifying way.

Sophia stared at him for a few more seconds, then turned to leave. "See you around, Dennis."

That's probably not good.


"And so if you don't want to be my girlfriend anymore, I would understand," Emma said.

Madison blinked. "Wow. Um… okay. I don't really know where to start." Emma looked away and Madison clicked her tongue. "Alright, first off, I'm not breaking up with you. It's been what, a week? Are you fucking kidding me?"

Emma laughed and Madison glared at her. "Sorry," Emma said. "I just don't hear you curse that often."

"I save it for special occasions. Like when my girlfriend is making excuses to break up with me right after I bust my ass to admit my feelings."

"That's not—"

"Nuh-uh, no more talking. My turn." Madison took a deep breath, seeking patience. "Yes, I know that you can be scary when you want to be. But that doesn't mean you're a bad person. Do you plan on hurting me?"

Emma's eyes widened and she reached out to take Madison's wrists. "Of course not! I would never."

"So why should I be afraid of you? Because you're tough? That doesn't bother me. I like that about you. You're strong, and decisive, and you're always looking out for me." Madison interlaced her fingers with Emma's. "I feel safe with you."

Emma grinned, a blush dusting her cheeks with red. "I'm glad. I just… I want to be good, with you. I don't want to hurt you or push you around."

"I don't think you'd ever hurt me. At least not on purpose." Madison averted her eyes. "And, um, you don't have to be worried about… pushing me around." She cleared her throat, heat rising along her neck and face. "I don't mind."

"Oh?" Emma said, a teasing glint in her eye.

Madison pouted. "Yes, alright? I like it when you… take charge."

"I can do that," Emma said slowly. "But I don't want you to do everything I want just because I say so. If you're uncomfortable, I need you to tell me."

"Sure, yeah," Madison said, her head bobbing in agreement. "I wasn't thinking of anything crazy. We can... take it slow."

Emma smiled, kissing the back of Madison's hand. "Slow works for me." Emma met Madison's gaze. "Was there anything specific you wanted me to do?"

Madison bit her lower lip. "Uh, now that you mention it, there is something I wanted to try. It might sound a little weird, though."


Sophia and I sat together on the bleachers after another day of track practice. After a few minutes of resting in silence, the summer air was cut by the cheerful ringing of a bicycle bell.

Ring-ding! Ring-ding!

We craned our necks to look towards the street.

Sophia squinted. "Is that…?"

It was. Emma and Madison cruised along the road on a tandem bike, the drive chain whirring as they pedaled together. Emma steered them carefully through a turn.

"Look at those fuckin' dorks," Sophia said, with what I could have sworn was a touch of grudging affection. I chuckled and pulled out my phone to take a picture.

"Let's go faster!" Emma shouted.

Madison giggled. "Okay!" She whooped as they picked up speed and rolled around a corner out of sight.

Sophia and I looked at each other.

"You got a picture of that, right?" she asked.


"We're gonna give them so much shit tomorrow."




The SMV (shipping music video) song:

This chapter is a bit jumbled, but I've been stuck for a while and I really wanted to get something out to start building momentum again.
Chapter 13

As a frequent recipient of female social aggression, I have experienced a creative panoply of rumors, distortions, and outright slander of my character. Gossip, in other words. I don't mind it as part of a balanced bullying campaign, but I find it rather gauche when a girl uses it as their only strategy. Perhaps it's my bias speaking — my Sophia prefers a more direct approach — but can you really call yourself a proper bully if you can't muster the wherewithal to engage with your target face to face? It seems so cold and impersonal.

However, boorish as it may be, gossip will always remain a cornerstone of non-physical bullying because, well, it's easy. As social animals, we are compelled to discuss the affairs of others. We can't help ourselves. Who likes whom? Who hates whom? We want to know what others in our "tribe" are up to, and we're more inclined to pay attention to bad news than good. In short, that means nasty rumors practically spread themselves. And if a rumor-monger has two brain cells to rub together, they'll distance themselves from potential blow-back by claiming they "just heard it" from a nebulous third party.

Anyhow, let me bring the narration back on track. Why are we talking about gossip? Well, after I regrettably lost my composure during my conversation with Battery, I had grown curious about the truth behind her relationship with Assault. And as you may have inferred from my saga thus far, I am not one to leave stones unturned. I could have begun the investigative legwork from scratch, but I firmly believe that one should leverage the talents of others when one can. This was where my familiarity with gossip came into play.

If any of you dear readers have worked in an office environment, you'll know that there's almost always an individual who is "up in everyone's business." Their motivations vary; some are moral busybodies, while others derive sadistic glee from knowing their coworkers' woes. But regardless of their personality, these people are reasonably easy to draw out if you know what to look for.

Michelle Watkins worked in the accounting department, and at first glance she appeared to have precisely the kind of dry and methodical temperament one would expect of someone drawn to that profession. However, after I dangled a few tempting tidbits about the romantic lives of our co-workers, her mask slipped.

While Commander Calvert valued secrets for the power they gave him, Michelle treated them as if they were puzzles to be unraveled. She did not act as a "traditional" gossip — that is, she did not derive pleasure from spreading unsavory news. She simply enjoyed digging up and possessing information that others would rather keep buried.

"Assault and Battery, huh?" she said, glancing up from her Sudoku. "I'm surprised you figured out that they're married. They keep that pretty close to the chest."

"They do, yes. How did you figure it out?"

Michelle smirked. "It wasn't too hard. They tried not to leave at the same time — to hide that they were living together — but they always staggered it fifteen minutes apart. There was some other stuff, little things. Patterns add up."

"Have you considered becoming a detective?" I asked, grinning.

Michelle shook her head. "I considered getting into forensic accounting, but I didn't want to turn my hobby into a job. Work is work. I prefer it that way."

"Fair," I said. "So, do you know anything about how they got together?"

"Ah, well, that's a tougher question. No one really knows. But if I had to speculate, I'd say they knew each other before they got partnered up."

I leaned forward and rested my elbows on her desk. "Why do you say that?"

"Well, Bryce from HR said he heard Battery screaming at Assault in the cafeteria just a few days after Assault was assigned here. Bryce didn't catch the whole conversation, but apparently Battery said something about 'you always do this.'" Michelle raised an eyebrow. "Does that sound like an argument between people who'd only known each other for a week or so?"

"I guess," I said. "But maybe they just really didn't get along. Got under each others' skin."

"Right, could be. But then there's the question of Assault's background. Pretty much as soon as he was posted here, he was paired up with Battery. Why? And where did he come from? He clearly picked his hero name to complement hers, so it's doubtful he was a transfer from another Protectorate department. That means he's probably a re-branded vigilante or villain."

I nodded. "I can see that. So is there any way to find out what his old persona was?"

"Probably, yeah, but I never bothered looking into it," Michelle said, shrugging. "The turnover on indie capes is ridiculous. They're constantly moving, dying, re-branding. You'd have to ask an actual analyst if you wanted to run it down. Or PHO, if you're willing to wade into that swamp."

I frowned and fiddled with a pen on Michelle's desk. "I see."

"Why so curious? Is there another betting pool I don't know about?"

"No, nothing like that. I had a… disagreement, with Battery, and I'm trying to figure out if I should apologize."

Michelle shrugged. "Battery is pretty patient. She has to be, married to that guy. I think she'd forgive you for whatever it is."

"Yeah, probably. I just want to know more about what's really going on before I talk to her again." I disliked going into a conversation where I couldn't predict how it would flow.

"Good luck with that." She scribbled into her Sudoku puzzle and pumped her first in victory. "There. Got it." She set it down and looked at me directly. "Anyways, how've you been? I hear the Wards are preparing for the PR event."

"Oh, yes. The costume department is preparing special armor for me so I don't sweat to death playing sports."

"Fun. I think the most exertion I get is when I go bowling," she said. "Are you excited?"

"I suppose. I don't mind these meet and greet events, but they drain me after a while."

"Ah, the life of a socially inclined introvert. I feel your pain," Michelle said with a wan smile. "You do a good job keeping up a friendly face, though. I hear that Image is having a field day with you and Shadow Stalker. It's an interesting contrast to see how you two deal with the public."

"Shadow Stalker is a very focused person," I said. "She feels strongly about using her time in a productive way." I tapped my chin. "You know, I think she might actually have fun at this event. She acts like it's going to be horrible, but I think she's secretly excited to beat people at the games. She's so competitive," I said, smiling.

"You two get along, huh?" she asked, resting her chin on her hand.

"Oh, of course! She's a bit abrasive, so most people don't bother to get to know her. Once you get past the gruff exterior, she's a loyal friend." And oh so passionate. I sighed happily. I glanced at Michelle and froze. She wore a polite smile, but her sharp gaze gave me the unsettling feeling that my words and expressions were being cataloged and analyzed as part of one of her interpersonal puzzles.

Gah! Is this the power of a natural love detective?

"Well, uh, thanks again for your help, Michelle. I have to go meet with Kid Win now," I said.

"Have fun!" she said, giving me a tiny wave goodbye.


"Huh. Cool idea," Chris said, clicking through the file I sent him.

"Please make this happen," Missy said, folding her hands in front of her in a pleading gesture. "I've always wanted to fly."

"Are you really hurting for mobility?" Chris said, laughing.

"Taking shortcuts with space isn't the same as flying, Chris. Isn't that why you made a hoverboard?"

"I mean, yeah," he said, scratching his forehead sheepishly. "And it looks cool," he said under his breath.

"So what do you think?" I asked. "Can you do it?"

Chris manipulated the blueprint on his laptop. "Maybe? I'm gonna need more materials, that's for sure. That means I've gotta go through the whole proposal and requisition process."

"Budget problems?"

"Ah, well, sort of. It's more that I need to convince the money guys that the project will give a good return on investment. That means I need to have a breakdown of the parts and stuff, and then explain why it'll be useful."

I folded my arms. "You don't think they'd go for it?"

He pushed the laptop away from him and sighed. "I don't know. Maybe if I could put together a solid design, but, uh…" He trailed off, hanging his head.

"Sorry," I said, putting a hand on his shoulder. "I don't want to pressure you."

"It's fine." He picked up a screwdriver and tapped it against the bench. "I just can't… focus. I can start a project, and it goes fine for a while, but then I get distracted with something else." His grip tightened on the tool in his hand. "I'm not just trying to make excuses, I swear. It might help if I knew what my damn specialty was. I really hope it's not 'half-completed designs.'"

"That sounds frustrating," I said, falling back on the active listening tips I had forced myself to pick up. "It must be stressful trying to figure that out."

Missy winced. "Yeah, sorry, Chris. I didn't mean to put you on the spot."

Chris took a deep breath. "No, I'm the one who should be sorry. I really wish I could do this for you. I tried talking to Armsmaster about my… problems, but his tech and mine just don't jive."

"How hard is it for Tinkers to work together, usually?" I asked.

Chris shrugged. "Depends. Most of the time, Tinkers can at least get some sort of inspiration from seeing another Tinker's work. But when I looked at Armsmaster's gear, it just bugged me. Something about the layout, or the design? I'm not sure."

"Could it be helpful if we got a hold of some other Tinker tech? Something more in line with your style?"

Chris leaned back and nodded. "I mean, sure. Good luck getting it, though. Your average Tinker is pretty protective of their work. Even heroes. And there actually aren't that many Tinkers in this town. There's me, Armsmaster, Leet, uh, and that one lady who makes crazy vehicles. I don't remember her name."

"Squealer," Missy said, her nose crinkling with distaste.

"Yeah, her. So unless you can convince one of our resident asshole villain Tinkers to share, we're out of luck."

"Leet, huh?" I said, stroking my chin.


"Take a seat, Avalon," Director Piggot said. I nodded and relaxed, slipping into the chair across from her. The PRT was not technically a military organization, the Wards even less so, but the Director appreciated shows of discipline. That meant no slouching, fidgeting, or speaking out of turn. "What can I do for you?" she asked.

"I'd like to request permission to speak with Leet, ma'am."

Piggot's eyes narrowed. "Explain."

"I'm aware that he has declined offers to cooperate with the PRT before, but I believe that I may be able to convince him."

Piggot snorted. "I do hope that you literally mean 'convince,' Avalon. With words."

I put on an innocent face. "Of course."

"Right. I know that you have personal feelings about those two idiots, but keep them in check." She tapped her finger on her desk. "Why Leet, specifically?"

"He has the weaker personality, ma'am. Especially without his friend to back him up."

"And you make this judgment, how?"

"Intuition, ma'am." One does not navigate the realm of bullying without a solid grasp of strength and weakness.

Piggot stared at me. "Fine. What are you hoping to get out of this conversation?"

"Ideally, to secure his cooperation with Tinker projects. His power is useful, if limited. If not that, then I would like to at least… temper his enthusiasm for villainy." If he accepted my offer, we could begin to put bygones behind us. If not, then I would need to emphasize that he had already transgressed past the point of tolerance.

A corner of Piggot's mouth quirked upwards. "I see. I'll allow it. However, Armsmaster will be monitoring the conversation and he will shut it down if it begins to become… unproductive."

"Certainly. Thank you, ma'am."

The Director nodded. "Consult with the analysts if you need help making your pitch."


Two PRT agents brought Leet in, his hands bound with special manacles that prevented him from using his fingers. Tinkers were a nightmare to keep prisoner; short of keeping them immobilized entirely, few countermeasures were sufficient to prevent them from building something that could aid in their escape. The agents attached his shackles to the table and departed.

Leet's eyes darted as he tried to avoid my gaze. "What do you want?" he asked. "If you want an apology, I already said I was sorry. I couldn't predict a power interaction like that."

I deliberately laid my hands on the table, restraining my power as it energized the piece of furniture as a "weapon." Sophia's scream echoed in my mind. I shook my head. "No, no. I don't think we want to talk about that, now do we?"

Leet leaned back in his chair. "Okay, so what's up? Hope you're not here to give me the 'turn away from villainy' speech. You're wasting your time."

Ah, empty bravado. A favorite tactic of weak people trying to act strong. "Oh? Why's that?" I asked.

"Because the PRT is a joke. Same with the Protectorate. No offense," he said, shrugging.

"None taken. Explain, then. Why is the PRT a joke?" Not that I cared about his half-baked philosophy, but it would be best to get all the bluster out of the way.

"Well, they're acting like the government's still in charge. Like they can control capes and put them into neat little boxes. They can't." He shook his head. "Don't get me wrong, I've got nothing against heroes, really. It's just… they don't want to understand the reality of how things are today."

"And what's that?"

"The short answer?" he asked. "Capes are too strong. They can do too much damage, and there's no good way to keep them locked up, especially if they're past a certain power tier. You either throw them in a hellhole like the Birdcage, or you take them out. So high-tier capes basically do whatever they want until someone kills them. Think about the Slaughterhouse Nine. They've been around since what, the nineties? Just rolling around North America, killing people for fun. Nobody stops them. Does that sound like the government's got things under control? Hell no."

"So how does that translate into what you do? You're a villain because it's everyone for themselves? Might makes right?"

Leet shrugged. "Listen, I'm not one of those cape supremacist assholes, okay? I'm barely even a villain. I'm just enjoying my hobby and using my power how I want, on my terms. I don't need some suit telling me what to do."

"And for the people who you hurt while you 'enjoy your hobby'?" I asked softly.

Leet froze and swallowed. "Hey, accidents happen, okay? I said I was sorry about that."

"Hmm. And the sex workers you beat? Were they accidents too?"

"That… was a mistake. We just wanted more views, you know? Controversy and shock value can bump your ratings," he said. I stared at him and he licked his lips nervously. "But, uh, I understand that was a very wrong thing to do, now. We'll never do anything like that again."

I shook my head. I had intended to flatter him a little before pressing him, but the more he spoke the less inclined I was to treat him nicely.

"Let me be honest," I said, sighing. "I don't like you, Leet. I don't sense any real remorse from you at all. It might be easy and fun to treat people like… NPCs," I said, leaning on the game knowledge I'd picked up from Greg, "but I promise, you will not like where that road leads you in the end." I drummed my fingertips on the table. "Since we fought, I've done quite a bit of research on you and your friend. Tell me, why do you think your channel is struggling?"

"We're doing fine," Leet said, though he broke eye contact. "Subs are down, but we've got some marketing stuff lined up."

"Come on, Leet. I've seen the numbers. You're bleeding subscribers. That's why you've been getting desperate. Ambushing Wards? You had to know what kind of heat that would bring you. But you had to do something. The only subscribers that are sticking with you are the ones that want to mock you and see you screw up. Why? Your content might not be my cup of tea, but I can tell that it's well produced, relatively speaking. So why is your channel in decline?"

Leet winced. "My power is—"

"No," I said, leaning forward. "That is incidental. You're not weak, or stupid, so don't act like you are. Yes, your power has limitations, and you become more restricted as time goes on. But it's still useful as long as you're creative. So again, what's the problem?" Leet ground his teeth and glared in silence. "You don't know? Then let me take another approach. Why is your channel about video games?"

Leet straightened, back in his comfort zone. "Because video games are a criminally underrated art form. They should be considered the same way as novels or paintings, but most people treat them like they're just for dumb kids. My power lets me show everyone how amazing games can really be."

"You admire game creators, then?"

"Well yeah, of course. They put a lot of work into making something awesome and fun."

"Right. That's what most people would consider a good game creator, right? But aren't there also quite a few companies that make the same game over and over, or include a bunch of micro-transactions just to make money?" Again, I could thank Greg and his rants for this line of argument.

"Sure. There are always soulless corpo devs like that. What's your point?"

"Soulless. That's a good word for it. You hold them in contempt because they have no soul. Their work provokes no thought, pushes no boundaries, carries no lesson. They're not performing the duties of an artist. Would you agree with that assessment?"

"Uh… yeah. That sounds right."

"Okay, good. So let me ask you one more thing. Do you think that you are fulfilling your role as an artist?"

Leet winced. "I mean… I'm an entertainer. I'm not trying to make a thought-provoking masterpiece or whatever."

"Ah, let's not back-pedal," I said, raising a finger. "You said you wanted people to see the artistic value of video games. I think you believe that, on some level. But on another, you're afraid. Afraid to try, to commit. You told me that you live on your own terms, right?"

"Y-yeah," he said, tensing.

"I don't think that you do. I think that you want the perks of being a villain with none of the downsides. You pursue selfish desires, but you're not willing to put anything on the line to achieve them. That makes you lukewarm," I said, holding my hands out palm up and raising each of them in turn, "neither hot nor cold. You draw viewers because of your novelty, but after a while they can sense that you're not invested in your own vision. You're just ripping off old games and hoping that'll be enough to tread water. Where's the 'soul' in that?"

Leet sagged. "I don't…" he said, shaking his head. "What do you want, huh? Did you come here just to shit on me? Call me a fucking sell-out or whatever?"

"No. I came here because despite how much I dislike you, I believe that you have the potential to do more than use shock humor to eke out a living. Am I wrong?"

"The fuck do you want me to say?" he said. "My power hates me. Even if I wanted to do something more ambitious, I'd probably blow myself up."

"Your power hates you?" I asked. It sounded absurd, but given that I felt positive emotional feedback from my power, an adversarial relationship might also be possible.

Affection. Reassurance.

…Thanks, power. Love you too.

"Figure of speech," Leet said, sighing. "I swear I can feel it when it's about to try and kill me with another backfire."

"Maybe you should consider what your power wants, then." My power seemed happiest when I smashed things, but it also appreciated when I acted creatively. For some reason, it had been especially tickled when I tried a yo-yo as a weapon. That particular day's events also led to the institution of the Avalon Sticky Hand Ban.

"What, seriously? It doesn't want anything but to make janky deathtraps."

"Suit yourself. But it doesn't seem that you have much to lose by trying, does it? Meditate on it. At worst, you'll do a little introspection about how you use your ability."

"I mean, yeah, I guess," he said, pursing his lips. He narrowed his eyes at me. "Why are you acting so helpful all of a sudden?"

"Like I said, I think you have potential. More than being a two-bit villain, at least."

"There it is," he said, sneering. "The old 'live up to your potential and be a hero' spiel. For a minute, I thought you had something original."

"Did I say you should be a hero?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "I won't lie; I think you could be a great help as a hero. But who am I to tell you what to do? Maybe you're doing the best you can. Maybe you'll leave this conversation fired up to be a nastier villain. I don't know. But I do hope that you'll take my words to heart."

"Fine, whatever. Message received. We done?"

"If you want to be," I said. I held up a folder full of documents. "This is an offer to you and your partner to cooperate with the PRT on a case-by-case basis as independent contractors. Legal stuff mostly; you'll need to look over it yourself."

"Yeah, yeah. Send it to my cell."

"Sure." I paused. "Before I go, I'd like to remind you of something," I said, folding my hands in front of me on the table. "We're not talking about heroes or villains anymore. I'm speaking to you as one person to another. Are you listening?" I asked, leaning over to look him in the eye. Leet bobbed his head in a hasty nod. "Good. Now, because of your negligence, your carelessness, you hurt someone that I care for very much. I find that… unacceptable. That means you, and your friend, have a shadow on you now. One that will follow you no matter what you do. So whatever you choose, I would recommend that you choose carefully."

Leet shrank back, his face mottled and pale. He swallowed hard before responding. "Right. Yeah."

I smiled and stood. "Thank you for hearing me out. I'll have the agent take you back to your cell."


Hebert fidgeted. "Um, Sophia?"

"What?" Sophia said, eyeing the girl sideways.

"You and I have been getting along pretty well for a while now, right?"

Sophia took a deep breath. "Maybe. Why?"

"Well, I wasn't planning on asking you this before, but it feels like we've started to develop a certain level of trust, so, um…" Hebert looked away.

Sophia's jaw tensed. "So what?"

Hebert exhaled slowly, then turned to meet Sophia's gaze. "I'm going to take care of the people who attacked Emma last summer. Would you like to join me?"

Sophia blinked and shook her head. "Wait, what? You mean those ABB assholes I saved her from? I already kicked their asses."

"And I appreciate that very much," Hebert said, smiling warmly as she put a hand on Sophia's shoulder. "But is that all they deserve? For almost mutilating our friend?" She shook her head. "No. I don't think they've even begun to pay for that."

"Okay… so what do you want to do, then? I told you, I won't kill anyone unless they're trying to kill me."

Hebert chuckled and slapped Sophia's elbow lightly. "Of course not! Come on, Sophia. From the way you talk, you'd think I was constantly chomping at the bit to murder people."

"Well, maybe if you stop being so fucking creepy I'll stop assuming that you wanna stab someone."

Hebert blushed, for God only knew what reason, and looked down at her feet. "I, um, I understand that I'm asking a lot of you. Like I said, I was hesitant to even bring it up. I just… you know what, I'm sorry. Forget it."

Sophia rolled her eyes and tipped Hebert's chin up with two fingers. "What were you planning?"

Hebert froze, wide-eyed. "Um. What?"

"What are you planning on doing to those ABB fuckers?" Sophia said, a little louder.

"Does that mean you want to help me?" Hebert murmured.

"Well, it's not like I can leave you to do it alone." Sophia let her hand drop. "Who knows what kind of crazy shit you'd get up to?"

Hebert bit her lower lip. "Thank you, Sophia," she said, her voice breathy and low. "I knew I could count on you."

Sophia coughed, prickling heat rising up her neck and into her ears. "R-right. Anyways, let's focus. What's the plan?"


AN: You can thank @Elpis for harassing me to stop rewriting this chapter to death and just post it. He's got a hoity-toity avante garde art quest called This Quest Starts at the End which he wrote a chapter for in exchange for this installment.
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Chapter 14

"So," Taylor said, leaning across the cafeteria table, "how have things been going between you and Emma?"

Madison bit her lip and looked around before responding. "Um, fine? We're good."

Taylor made a steeple with her fingers. "Elaborate. What are you working on?"

"I'm not sure what you mean by 'working.' We're hanging out, spending time with each other. Doing… other stuff, sometimes." Madison averted her eyes, a tingle rising in her chest. "It's nice."

Taylor shook her head, sighing. "Madison, Madison, Madison. I thought you understood. A romantic relationship isn't something you passively experience. You have to work at it. Make plans and execute them."

"I don't…" Madison said, closing her eyes. "On one hand, I get what you're saying. I want to… I don't know, take things to the next level, or whatever. But Emma said she wanted to take things slow, and I feel like I should respect that. I don't want to ruin everything by pushing her or playing games."

Taylor winced. "I'm not saying you need to be manipulative. But you have to be proactive sometimes." Taylor tapped her chin before continuing. "For example: you confessed your feelings first, right?"

Madison's heart quickened at the memory and she nodded. "Yeah, I did. I blurted it out without meaning to, really." She smiled wryly.

"Well that's just it, isn't it? You were scared, and it wasn't part of your original plan, but you knew in the moment that you had to make a move. That's what I'm talking about. Just because you're in the… receptive role doesn't mean that you should just wait for everything to come your way. If you see an opportunity, you take it. And if you see problems further down the line, you eliminate them, with prejudice."

Madison forced out a chuckle, her throat a little dry from the intense stare Taylor was leveling at her. "Um, I'm sure Emma and I can work out any problems we have, together."

Taylor gave Madison a condescending smile. "I have no doubt. But the obstacles you encounter aren't always internal to your relationship. Do you think that Randy was the first parasite I've had to deal with?"

"W-what do you mean?" Madison asked, morbid curiosity drawing her in.

Taylor sighed and rubbed at her forehead. "Emma is… magnetic," she said. "She always has been. She's beautiful, and clever, and kind. People are drawn to her. And among those admirers there are always those who presume, the way Randy did with you. It's not just classmates, either. Grown men started hitting on her when she was twelve. Making comments, looking at her with their repulsive eyes." Madison flinched, remembering a few unpleasant experiences of her own.

"So what am I supposed to do?" Madison asked. "I'm not strong enough to just… destroy people the way that you and Sophia can."

"Destroying someone is easy," Taylor replied, with a small smile that made Madison shiver. "You don't need to be strong to do that. Sure, I've been getting a little more hands-on lately, because of Sophia, but do you really believe I've been fist-fighting these creeps up 'til now? Think, Madison, think!" Taylor pointed to her temple, her eyes glittering with fervor. "Even the frailest girl has her mind and her words, and you have other weapons besides. Do you have any idea how much damage I could do if I were as cute and harmless-looking as you?"

Madison shrunk back from Taylor's terrifying enthusiasm, but a part of her couldn't help but be fascinated. If she had mastered Taylor's methods of social warfare back in middle school, could she have beaten the bullies who had tormented her? Could she have swayed the fickle opinions of her classmates and brought them onto her side?

She was sick of being weak and helpless. Maybe this would give her a way to defend herself, and Emma as well.

Madison straightened her back. "What do I need to do?"


Sophia had reached a tipping point where so many bizarre things happened on a regular basis that she could no longer react to each of them individually. For example, apparently Hebert had just woken up one day and decided that the Empire needed to go. No hesitation, no nothing. Hebert simply found their existence unacceptable and started working on how to get rid of them. Just like that.

The idea was futile at best. Not only did the Empire have more capes than the rest of their competition combined, they also had connections with all sorts of other skinhead groups. Even if the Protectorate decided to go at them full-bore, it would be a slog to root them out. Trying the same thing with two people? No way.

And yet, somehow Sophia couldn't muster up enough fucks to give in order to protest. She chalked it up to "just another absurd thing Hebert was doing" and that was pretty much it. It didn't help that Hebert had an insidious way of making her "master plans" seem entirely achievable.

Seriously, what's with her and the master plans? I guess I should be grateful she's not a villain.

Hebert's unflappable confidence spoke to the part of Sophia that longed for the triumph of justice over evil. Because while she told herself that she was content indulging her desire for violence by beating down street-level shit-heads, in truth she was tired of meaningless wins. Sophia had never given up the fight, of course, but in her heart she had begun to accept that she was simply delaying the inevitable. Easing the symptoms of a terminal disease. She was tired of cycling through disposable thugs while the real threats, the capes, operated with impunity.

So while Sophia still had her doubts, the fact remained that Hebert had a plan. A concrete strategy to accomplish something other than gradually giving ground. Sophia found the girl's clarity of purpose… attractive. The temptation for clean and complete victory was too appealing to ignore.

Besides, could Sophia really pussy out while goofy-ass Hebert went gunning for the Nazis? Hell no. She'd never be able to live down the shame.

The first step in the plan was to plant bugs at some of the Empire-affiliated locations they had learned of during the "Randy Neutralization Project." Eager as Sophia was to lay some hurt on skinheads right away, she acknowledged the value of gathering intelligence. Her early attempts at vigilantism had taught her the risks of impatience.

Their first target was a house. A nice house. Some people had a vision of the Empire as meth-peddling dumbasses who ran around throwing out the Hitler salute and beating up minorities, but the unfortunate truth was that many people involved with the Empire were "normal" citizens, or at least not open criminals. There were "militia" types, and political activists, and a bunch of other people who were nicer to put in front of a camera than some whack-job screaming "sieg heil." They had normal jobs and normal houses. They didn't want to kill minorities, oh no. They were just concerned about the burden that immigrants were putting on their communities, or they thought that American culture was under attack, or whatever other bullshit they could cook up to avoid outright saying that they were looking for an excuse to hurt people a different color than them.

That being the case, Sophia wasn't surprised that some suburban yuppie was hosting Empire meetings at their unnecessarily big house. She doubted that any actual crimes would take place there, but Randy's messages suggested that the Empire used it for social events and such. Since it wasn't as well-guarded as some of their business fronts, it was low-hanging fruit to place bugs and hope for useful chatter.

Hebert adjusted her baseball cap and pulled on some thin gloves. It was the middle of the day, and while the PRT gave them a lot of slack when it came to independent patrols, breaking into a private residence without a warrant would be crossing the line. So instead, Sophia and Hebert were relying on basic disguises just in case some nosy neighbor spotted them. Both of them were dressed like they were on a run, and Sophia had tied her hair back and wore sunglasses.

"You ready?" Hebert asked. Sophia nodded. "Alright, let's go."

Hebert jogged across the lawn and up to the gate into the backyard. She tried the gate, found it locked, and pulled herself over the top of the fence without hesitation. Not to be outdone, Sophia vaulted over as well. They hustled along the side of the house, gravel crunching under their sneakers as they skirted the disgustingly well-kept landscaping. They turned the corner and came up to the back entrance, a windowed wooden door that led onto a patio. Locked again. Luckily, doors were more of a formality for Sophia. She began to reach forward and paused as Hebert pulled out a pair of lock picks.

"Seriously?" Sophia asked. "Do you even know how to use those?"

Hebert smiled sheepishly. "A little. Your way is probably faster."

"Think you can do it in under ten seconds?" Sophia challenged.

Hebert gave her a thumbs up and slipped the picks into the lock.

Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven.

The door swung open.

Sophia gave Hebert an incredulous look. Hebert shrugged. "Must've been an old lock." She gestured into the house. "Ladies first."

Sophia tried not to growl at the childish provocation. Hebert got under her skin with the stupidest stuff, somehow. Sophia shook her head and stalked into the house. They hadn't found any alarms when they cased the place, but better safe than sorry. She peeked around the corners. "Clear."

Hebert stepped into the kitchen next to her and shrugged off her backpack. "Okay, let's make this quick." She slipped a toolbag out and hurried to the far side of the kitchen. "One here, one in the living room, and one in the master bedroom upstairs." She withdrew a screwdriver and dismounted the faceplate of the electrical outlet next to the sink. Then, with smooth and practiced motions she attached a gadget that looked like a tiny circuit board to the wiring.

"Where did you get that from, anyways?" Sophia asked, keeping one eye on the street through the window.

Hebert hummed. "Secret."

"The queen of over-sharing is keeping secrets?" Sophia raised an eyebrow.

"A lady must maintain an aura of mystery," Hebert said, making a flamboyant gesture at herself.

Sophia snorted. "A lady. Right."

"Okay," Hebert said, carefully reseating the power outlet cover. "This one's set. Living room time."

They made their way down the hall and into the living room. Sophia tensed as they entered, the smug suburban aesthetic radiating from the obsessively arranged collection of white, beige, and light blue furniture and decor. To compound the horror, the owners also had some sort of nautical fetish, sprinkling every available surface with starfish and sailboat shit.

"Hold on a second," Hebert said. She took out her phone and snapped a few pictures of the room. "Alright. Let's do the one… behind the couch." She glided over and pulled the furniture aside with one hand. Fucking Brutes. Hebert lay down on her side and got to work.

"You really think we're going to get anything useful out of this?" Sophia asked.

"Hard to say," Hebert said. "That's surveillance for you, unfortunately. Most of it is a waste of time, until it isn't. Hey, can you hold this?" Hebert asked, waggling a penlight. Sophia rolled her eyes and obliged, squatting down to point the light at the outlet. "Great, thank you," Hebert said. "So, yeah. It might take a while, but it only takes one careless person saying something they shouldn't. We'll wire up a few more places over the next few weeks. Cast the net wider."

"Uh-huh. And if I asked why you seem to have so much practice at this…"

"Mystery," Hebert said, wiggling her fingers and grinning.

"Fuck off." Sophia huffed. "You almost done?"

Hebert stuck her tongue out in concentration as she twisted together a few more connections. "And… done!" She reached out her hand with a mischievous look. "Help?"

Sophia stood and grabbed Hebert's forearm, pulling the other girl roughly to her feet. "Don't fuck around. We're on a mission."

"So mean," Hebert said, a bizarrely satisfied smile on her face. She took out her phone and opened the photos of the room. "Okay… couch goes… here. Side table goes there, at that angle. There. Does that look right?"

Sophia leaned over to look. "That ugly-ass throw pillow is off. It was on the other side of the couch." Honestly, who needed so many useless pillows?

"Ah, good eye. I bet you're good at those 'spot the difference' games," Hebert said, carefully resetting the pillow to its original position.

"Yeah. My mom got me a bunch of those 'I Spy' books as a kid." Sophia shook her head. "Who cares about that? Are we good or what?"

Hebert took a last glance between the photo and the couch and nodded. "Everything back in its proper place. Like we were never even here," she said, snickering and rubbing her hands together gleefully as she made her way to the stairs.

This fucking dork, I swear.

"Keep an eye on the street, would you please?" Hebert said. "I'll be down shortly."

"Yeah, yeah. Go," Sophia said, waving dismissively.

Hebert saluted and hurried up the stairs, her footsteps eerily silent.

Sophia posted up by a window with a view of the road, scanning the cul-de-sac for threats. After a minute, an SUV circled around, and Sophia's eyes narrowed as she waited for it to pass. It didn't. Instead, it pulled up right into the goddamn driveway.

"Hebert!" Sophia whisper-yelled. "We've got company! Get your ass out of there!"

"Still working!" Hebert called back. "Go out the back. I'll meet you outside."

Sophia hissed and hustled down the hallway, locking the back door and shadowing out just as she heard the front door open. She dashed through the backyard, cursing as the gravel crunched with obnoxious loudness at every step. She peeked through the slats of the gate before pulling herself over the top.

Sophia jog-walked up the sidewalk, trying not to look like someone fleeing the scene of a felony. She bent down as if to tie her shoe, glancing furtively at the side of the house as she waited for Hebert to come out. After an agonizing minute, she spotted one of the second-floor windows opening. Hebert poked her head out, waved to Sophia cheerfully, then pulled herself out onto the roof. She shut the window behind her and hopped off, breaking her landing with a roll.

"Let's go, let's go!" Hebert said, grinning as she ran up to Sophia.

They took off together down the road.


Sophia cleared her throat. "So, uh, you're pretty good at sneaky shit, huh?"

I smiled. "I suppose you could say that. Thank you."

Sophia rolled her eyes. "Right. Well, I wanted to ask you something. A favor," Sophia said, her jaw tightening. I could tell she was really struggling with the idea of asking for help, so I quashed my natural instinct to needle her.

"Of course," I said. "What do you need?"

Sophia took a deep breath. "You know how Dennis shared that stupid shipping video with the two of us?"

With a herculean effort of restraint, I kept my expression neutral. I would like some praise here, readers. No one else will ever know how hard I had to struggle in order to keep from smiling like a fool. But I had to be strong. For my Sophia. She wanted this moment to be serious, so thus it would be.

"Yes, I saw that," I said with elaborate nonchalance.

Sophia folded her hands together in front of her face. "I want payback. Normally I would just smack his dumb fucking head, but that's not enough this time. I want something… diabolical."

"And so you came to me. Because you trust me to do this for you."

Sophia sighed and closed her eyes. "Yeah."

I suppressed a squeal of joy and nodded solemnly. "I won't let you down."


Emma rubbed a small circle on Madison's shoulder. "You alright?" Madison had seemed on edge lately, scrutinizing everyone as if expecting them to become a threat at any moment. It was the way she used to act, back when she had to worry about being the target of petty bullying every day.

None of Madison's old bullies should have had the nerve to even look at her sideways; Emma had made it excruciatingly clear that Madison was hers. Only the most willfully blind girls were able to cling to the delusion that Madison was out to steal their boyfriends, or whatever other jealous bullshit they had cooked up. And even among those stubborn few, Emma doubted they would do anything more than grumble.

Then again, Emma had also doubted that Jennifer would ever return to her bitchy bullying ways after what Taylor had put her through. Some people were just too dumb to avoid repeating the same mistakes.

If someone was bothering Madison, Emma would teach them a lesson that stuck. She wasn't feeling particularly merciful in the wake of the Randy and Pals Purge.

Madison took hold of Emma's fingers and squeezed gently. "It's nothing. I'm fine."

"Really?" Emma asked.

Madison hesitated. "Well, I mean… it's not that big of a deal. I just realized that I don't really know any of your other friends apart from Taylor and Sophia."

Emma raised an eyebrow. "I'm not really that close to anyone else I hang out with at school. Most of them are just people I talk to in class."

"Not even… what's her name, Julie? Julia? That girl with the bangs, in Algebra."

Emma blinked. "I guess? I don't know her that well, though. What's this about? Are you worried about what I said about keeping our relationship discreet? I'm not ashamed or anything. It's just not… safe, to be totally out." Even after removing Randy and his buddies from the school, the Empire's presence in the city was still too pervasive. Sophia and Taylor couldn't be around all the time to protect them.

"No, it's not that," Madison said, shaking her head. "Although I'm still not happy about that. Why should we have to hide? It's bullshit."

"I know," Emma said, pulling Madison into a hug. "I'm sorry. It's not fair."

Madison hugged back tightly for a few seconds, then sighed. "Anyways, it doesn't matter. I just wanted to know more about the people around you. Taylor said—" Madison tensed in Emma's arms. "Never mind. It's nothing."

Emma's eyes narrowed and she turned Madison around, plastering on a warm smile. "What did Taylor say? You know you can't always take her seriously, right?"

Madison bit her lower lip, averting her eyes. "She just gave me some advice. It's… whatever."

Emma took Madison's face in her hands. "Madison…" Emma said, working her fingers gently into Madison's hair, "tell me what Taylor said."

Madison's eyes fluttered closed and she hummed contentedly. "Okay."


Dennis took the elevator with Taylor down to the Wards area, his mind flicking through the patrol for anything noteworthy to write down in his report. The evening had been uneventful, as usual. The typical Wards patrol routes didn't take them deep into gang territory, and the occasional petty criminals they came across were rarely dumb enough to stick around when they saw capes coming. Fortunately, Dennis got along well enough with Taylor that they could make conversation and break up the monotony. It was doubly fortunate since the eggheads in the strategy department had decided to pair them up more often.

The higher-ups usually liked to pair Taylor with Sophia, which was a no-brainer since the two of them were a natural comedy duo. Put them in a room together and they immediately started acting like an old married couple. Their dynamic was great for generating sound-bites to make the Wards seem like a fun youth group that definitely wasn't about fighting super-powered maniacs and felons.

However, the strategy folks had determined that Dennis and Taylor constituted the overall most effective pair of Wards from a combat perspective. Dennis' power was incredible for capturing villains, but apart from his Striker ability he was a squishy mortal like anyone else. Taylor's ability to grant others her weird form of invincibility canceled out that weakness. All they had to do was have Dennis hold onto Taylor's shoulder, and he could stroll up and freeze the bad guys at will. Thus, the powers that be insisted that they patrol together on a regular basis to build up their teamwork.

So far Dennis had managed to push back against the "optimal" solution that the strategy team had come up with, which was apparently to put him in some sort of god-awful baby harness thing that would hang from Taylor's torso. Because yeah, it would work… but at what cost?

They stepped out of the elevator and Dennis started to head to the boy's locker room.

"Hey, Dennis?" Taylor said, her voice slightly muffled by her helmet.


"I know it probably wasn't your intent, but you've helped me make significant progress. Thank you."

"Um… you're welcome? Not sure what you're talking about, though."

"Oh, I know. But I'm grateful nonetheless." Taylor sighed. "Which is why I'm conflicted about what I have to do next." She patted Dennis on the shoulder. "Please understand that none of what's coming is personal." The armored girl nodded curtly and walked away.

Dennis stared at her departing form for a few long seconds, then shook his head and wandered off towards the locker room. He warily checked the corners before entering.
Chapter 15


Hello there, readers. I apologize for the delay. I noticed quite a few of you clamoring for violence in the story, so I figured I'd include my adventures in handling Emma's attackers. However, the moderation team for the site I'm posting this story on flagged the passage as "torture porn." How rude. It's not like I hurt these people for some kind of sick gratification. It was an entirely wholesome revenge scene. It's not "torture porn" when Simba tosses Scar to the hyenas.

Also, I'm a "fictional character." Is it really so unacceptable for a "fictional" person to enjoy their "fictional" payback?

While we're on the subject, could you readers please make up your minds about what's morally acceptable? When I started posting, it was all "Taylor is dangerous" and "she needs to be stopped before more people get hurt." Now every other message says something like "Taylor should kill that guy" or "I can't wait to see how Taylor will crush them."

What gives, people? I don't understand what you want. Has my core audience changed? Maybe I'm trying too hard to pander to trends.

Anyways, I've made some tweaks to adhere to the site's content policy. Hopefully the spirit of it still came through. Here we go.

Emma had been attacked by five people, and all of them had been arrested. With Sophia's help, getting their names and addresses hardly posed a challenge. Four men in their early to mid twenties, and one girl near my age. Interesting. Evil truly did come in all shapes and sizes.

Fortunately, all of them were all out on bail, so no prison-breaking was required. Hooray for the American legal system.

We stole a van from another ABB goon, because why not, and began the evening's festivities. Miss Contessa's Quick and Easy Abduction Method came in handy here. Just toss a big burlap sack over them, close it up, and pop them in the vehicle. Don't try this in real life, kids. I'm a professional with super powers.

I'm going to omit the actual kidnapping sequence, because honestly it wasn't that eventful. The most exciting part was planning the logistics to get everyone in one evening. As far as execution went, it was just grab and go.

Oh, one of them got a little squirrelly and I hit him with the Nerf bat. At "low" power, of course. He settled down pretty quickly after that.

Surprisingly enough, the girl, Yan, was the feistiest. She kicked and screamed in her Tactical Capture Bag the entire time we were driving her around. The actual thugs gave up after a few minutes. I guess they had a keener sense for futility.

Sophia and I brought our captives to an abandoned warehouse and tied them all firmly to chairs. I had a more elaborate setup in mind, but Sophia said that I was "having too much fun with it." Again, what is with the taboo against fun and violence? Sophia certainly seemed to delight in putting Nazis in the hospital, even permanently crippling them sometimes. And yet, somehow a bit of light crucifixion was taking things too far? Why? Was it the fact that these people couldn't fight back?

I supposed I could understand the distaste for hurting helpless prisoners, but honestly, all unpowered people were helpless against me. It didn't really make a difference if they were tied up or not.

In the end, I think it came down to differing mindsets. Sophia valued combat in and of itself, as a challenge and a way to prove herself. I saw violence as a means to an end. A chore that needed to be completed. Are you disappointed if your toilet doesn't put up a fight when you clean it?

Compromises, compromises. A bit frustrating, but oh well. Working within restraints just made the work more interesting.

Heh. Restraints.

I pulled off our party-goers' head-bags and slapped them to attention. I wore an especially creepy clown mask, as was tradition, and I loomed over them for full effect.

"Good evening, everybody! I've brought you all here because I heard you gentlemen, and lady," I said patting Yan on the shoulder, "like to play games. Would you like to play with me?"

The thugs stared at me sullenly. Yan growled and mumbled through her gag. I took her head and nodded with it vigorously. "So eager! Okay then, let's get started." I turned Yan to look at me. "So, I heard that you were excited to join the ABB. Is that right?" I reached to remove her gag and paused. "Just to warn you, I take a very dim view of rudeness. Okay, here we go." I took the gag off.

Yan worked her jaw slowly and took a deep breath. "What do you want?" she asked, her words slightly slurred.

I shrugged. "I want to get to know you better. Please answer the question. Are you excited about joining the ABB?"

She glanced over at the thugs, who eyed her in return. "Yes," she said colorlessly.

I clapped my hands together. "Fun! Have you completed your initiation yet?"

She glared at me. "No. What's this about?"

"I'm sure you'll figure it out. Now, since you haven't gone through your initiation, I figured I'd give you another way to prove yourself. Show that you're management material and all that." I gestured at the thugs. "The name of the game for tonight is choice. Here's the first one for you. Do you want to be my Game Master, or do you want to play with the rest of your friends?"

Yan had been pretty full of bravado, but I guess something about my tone tipped her off. Her voice quavered a little as she responded. "Um, what does that mean?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out. You've got to choose."

She looked at the thugs again and took a shuddering breath. "I won't… I won't turn on my people."

I laughed. "Oh, don't worry. You'll be playing either way. I'm sure your pals won't hold it against you." I raised a finger. "And if you aren't the Game Master, then I'll make all the choices. Although I guess leaving it up to me is also a choice."

Yan bit her lip, then nodded. "Fine then. I'll do it."

"Do what?" I asked, cupping my ear at her.

"I'll be your stupid game master."

"Great!" I said, clapping my hands together. "I'm sure you won't regret it."

I wandered over to the bound thugs and pointed at each of them in turn. "Now, I know you're all jealous that Yan gets a special role. However, you still have very important parts to play. I'm going to hand each of you a little quiz remote. Try not to drop them." I pulled the remotes out of my bag and snugged them into their hands.

"Okay, so, as you can see, these remotes have six numbered option buttons on them. You will be number one," I said, pointing at the thug on the far left. "You'll be number two," I said, pointing to the next one. "Number three, and number four." I pointed to the others in turn. I craned my neck to look at Yan. "Yan, you're number five, but you won't be playing in the first round."

I walked back over to stand at Yan's shoulder. "Alright, Game Master. Why don't you go ahead and pick a finger for us?"

"A what?"

"A finger. Pinkie, ring, middle, index, thumb. Pick one."

Her eyes widened and she leaned back as much as she could, bound as she was. "Hey, listen, I don't know what this is about, but I'm sorry, okay? You don't need to do this."

I hummed. "Scary, isn't it? Knowing that you're at someone else's mercy. Knowing they could hurt you and there's nothing you can do about it. Spooky."

"Please, I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

"You mentioned that. Pick a finger. Or I'll use you for illustrative purposes."

"Oh my God… um, shit. Fuck. Pinkie?"

"An excellent choice, Game Master. Pinkie it is." I swept my arm to indicate the thugs. "Now, you boys have your quiz remotes, and your numbers, so vote wisely. You have thirty seconds. Remember, the finger of the round is pinkie." The thugs looked left and right, sizing each other up. "Oh, and if you don't push a button, you'll forfeit your vote to Yan here."

I watched on my app as two votes flashed on my screen. I heard a clatter and glanced up. One of the thugs had thrown his remote on the ground and jutted his chin at me challengingly.

"Tough guy, huh? Let's see how that strategy works out for him," I said cheerfully. A third vote popped up on my screen. "And… time. Okay, let's see the results." I turned my phone to face them, then Yan. "Looks like it's a three-way tie on our first round, everyone! Three votes cast, one for number four, one for number two, and one for number one. And since you, sir, have forfeited your vote to our Game Master, she will now decide." I pointed at Yan. "What say you?"

Yan licked her lips. "Um, what happens if I vote for Lao? I mean, number three. Wouldn't that still make it a tie?"

"Thinking strategically, I see. Clever. In the case of a tie at the end of a round, everyone takes a penalty." I waggled my finger at her. "So I'd suggest that you push the tally over." Her eyes darted to the thugs, and I tapped her on the nose. "No, no. They had their chance. It's your turn. Consider it a test of your decisiveness."

"Um, number one, then. Sorry, Sugita," Yan said, wincing. Sugita grumbled around his gag but otherwise sat still.

I rang a little bell that I brought. I could feel Sophia's glare on me from the shadows. She had to let me have some fun. "Alright then! Number one it is. Number one, you now have your choice of left or right pinkie. If you don't choose, I'll assume that you want to pick both."

Sugita took a deep breath, then lifted his left hand.

"Decisive. I can respect that in a criminal," I said. I made a gesture. Sophia stepped forward and went snicker-snack, as Lewis Carroll would say, and Sugita howled through his gag.

See, this was why Sophia was so amazing. Well, one of the many reasons why. Despite her reservations about the mission, she was still unflinchingly supportive.

I promptly dressed Sugita's mysterious wound which I won't describe in any sort of detail. All I'll say is that if these goons were so attached to their hands, they should have kept them away from my friend.

I strolled back over to Yan. Her breath came shallow and fast, her eyes glassy.

"Okay, onto round two!" I said, resetting the vote tally on my app.

"Why are you doing this?" Yan asked, tears cutting down her face.

What a farce. Second-rate bullies are always so predictable. This girl didn't have any problems acting like a hardened criminal when she had the upper hand and a bunch of low-lives at her back. But now that she was in a pinch, it was all waterworks and self-pity. Pathetic.

"Who knows?" I said, tapping the chin of my mask. "It seems so senseless, doesn't it? Now, I want you to pick another finger. Keep in mind that you're going to be in the voting pool this round. As a reminder, Yan is number five," I said, projecting my voice to the others.

"Please," Yan gasped. "I'll do anything. Please."

"I bet you would," I said. "But there's only one thing I want from you."

I tucked a remote into her hand.



Hebert hummed to herself as she tossed their darkly stained gloves and shoe coverings into a trash bag. She paused and turned. "Hey, Sophia?" Sophia grunted in acknowledgment and Hebert fidgeted. "I'm sorry for being so dismissive about your way of doing things. I didn't think that traditional violence would be… sufficient, but you've really opened my eyes to new horizons. I appreciate how patient and supportive you've been through this whole adventure."

Sophia glared for a moment at Hebert's vaguely horrifying nonsense, then sighed. "I don't—" She shook her head. "Don't mention it, Hebert."

Hebert beamed. "It goes without saying, but if there's anyone in your life who needs a little, you know," Hebert said, curling her fingers into a "strangling" gesture, "then please confide in me. I won't ask any questions. Your enemies are my enemies. I'll crush them all for you." Her smile took on a savage edge as she made a fist.

A confusing mixture of emotions washed over Sophia, and she froze while her heart raced to catch up. She fumbled for an appropriately cutting reply, but her contempt and sarcasm fizzled, swept away by feelings she couldn't name. The snide words died on her tongue.

All she could say was, "Alright. Thanks."

And it wasn't so bad.


I had just finished up practice with my relay partners and was reaching for a water-bottle when I sensed a spike of harmful intent. Some people might say that I'm taking dramatic license here, but I swear that I had developed a sort of sixth sense when it came to ill will directed at my person. It was like I had become some sort of hyper-specialized predator that had adapted its perceptions to an ecological niche. Or maybe I was the prey. I don't know. Sophia is better at these animal kingdom metaphors.

Anyways, I turned my head and found that my instincts had not betrayed me. Emma approached, her eyes full of wrath.

I hopped off the bleachers and started back-pedaling. "Uh, hi Emma. How's it going?"

"Why are you running, Taylor?"

"You look angry, and I'm scared," I replied.

Emma narrowed her eyes at me. "Don't make me chase you, bitch."

"Yes, ma'am," I said, promptly taking a seat.

Emma took a deep breath and took firm hold of the place between my neck and shoulder. "Do you know why I'm upset, Taylor?"

"No?" There were several possibilities but no benefit in admitting them.

"Really? Not a clue?" Emma asked with a poisonously sweet smile. I shook my head mutely. Emma's mask dropped and she stared at me with dead eyes. "Alright, then. What do you think you're doing, filling up Madison's head with all that weird shit about manipulating people?"

Madison, you treacherous bottom, I thought, cursing the weakness of our kind. Of course Madison had spilled the beans to Emma. That was normal. However, I still resented the inevitable betrayal.

"I'm just trying to help her," I said, holding my hands up in surrender. "She wanted to learn how to defend herself."

"Defend herself?" Emma asked, her brows pulling down incredulously. "How? By stalking people until she finds weaknesses to exploit?"

I raised an index finger in objection, then paused. "I may have possibly… gotten carried away with my advice."

"You think?" Emma shook her head. "Listen, I know that your heart is in the right place." She paused. "Sort of. You want to protect me, and I appreciate that. That's why I've never asked too many questions about the crazy shit you get up to. But you cannot get Madison involved. I'm pretty sure she's the only one in our group who isn't some kind of psycho, and I mean to keep it that way."

"Well, actually, Madison's got a bit of a—"

"Ah!" Emma said, raising a finger in warning. "Shut it. Madison is an adorable, perfect angel. I won't have you infecting her. Is that clear?"

"Well, sure. But I don't think you're doing her any favors by babying her."

"Oh, shut up. She can learn how to stand up for herself without you taking her on as an apprentice in your bizarre… things that you do," Emma said, gesturing ambiguously.

"I wasn't going to make her an apprentice," I mumbled. "She would have developed her own style."

Emma pointed an menacingly sharp nail at me. "I'm serious, Taylor. I'll make you regret it." I cracked a tiny smile, confident in my resistance to girl-based cruelty. "Oh, you think that's funny, huh?" Emma asked.

"I mean… a little," I said, snickering.

Emma folded her arms. "I see. You think I'm an idiot."

"W-what? No! Emma, come on."

"I'm not one of your bullies, Taylor," Emma hissed. "I know you. If I decide to make you suffer, we won't be playing your game. You'll be miserable for real. Understand?"

I leaned back, biting my lower lip. "Emma…" I breathed.

Emma blinked, then her face went blank. "Taylor, don't you dare enjoy that threat."

Oh God, she's really pissed now. This is incredible.


"I'm… not?" I tried. My heartbeat thundered in my ears.

"Bullshit. You're blushing. A lot. Cut it out."

"I'm sorry! I can't!"

"Taylor, we're having a serious conversation," Emma said flatly. "Control yourself."

"That tone isn't helping!" I cried, covering my face with my hands.

Emma glared at me for a few more seconds, then sighed and sat down next to me. "Taylor, calm down. I'm not going to do anything to you."

"O-okay. Sorry." I took a few deep breaths.

"It's fine. Just… please don't corrupt Madison. Alright?" Emma said, patting me on the shoulder.

I pursed my lips. "Not even to give her more fashion tips?"

Emma raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"You remember the thigh socks?" I asked.

Emma nodded, a faraway look on her face. I waited for her to think for a moment, then she stared at me. "You told her to do that?"

I grinned. "I know you, too."

Emma's eyes narrowed. After a few seconds she sighed. "Don't corrupt her too much."


AN: Thanks to @Elpis and @somnolentSlumber. You people know what you did.
Chapter 16

I nodded at Greg as I took a seat across from him at the library table. He flashed me a nervous half-smile, running a hand through his shock of messy blond hair.

"Hey, Taylor. What's up?"

I shrugged. "Not much. A bit busy. How've you been?"

Greg bobbed his head. "Fine. Been doing some 3D modeling. Oh, and I read that series you linked me."

"Nice," I said. "What'd you think?"

"It was pretty good. The art was dope." Greg bit his lip. "I felt bad for the childhood friend, but I knew there was no way she was going to…" Greg paused and glanced around, evoking a flutter of pseudo-parental pride in my heart. Scarcely a year ago, he wouldn't have even considered the social repercussions of loudly blurting out whatever came to mind. Now he was introspecting, and thinking before he acted. What a world.

He leaned forward and lowered his voice. "She was never going to beat Lydia. I mean, come on. Buff succubus nun? How are you supposed to compete with that? I'm glad she got together with the Nephilim lady in the end, though."

I nodded. "I think they suited each other better, honestly."

Greg grunted. "I guess. So, uh, anyways," he said, spreading his hands, "what's this project you messaged me about?"

I cleared my throat. "Right. You mentioned that you were thinking about making a webcomic, yeah?"

"Maybe," Greg said, wincing. "I can draw, but I don't know if my writing is good enough."

I nodded. "Alright. Take a look at this and tell me what you think." I slid a folder across the table and he picked it up.

He flipped through the documents, blinking owlishly. "I mean, the premise isn't bad. And it's a rare pairing." He glanced up at me. "Are you into this sort of stuff? I thought you were more…" he said, making a vague gesture at me. "You know."

I shook my head. "It isn't for me, exactly, but I do need it made. And I need it to be as high-quality and engaging as possible."

Greg hissed a breath between his teeth. "Uh, well, I do owe you for that thing, so I'll do it if you want me to. But like I said, this isn't my… area of expertise. I doubt that I could do the story justice."

I leaned forward and made a Commander Calvert finger-bridging pose. "I have a specialist in mind for the writing; I just need you for the art. Can you do it?"

Greg hesitated, shuffling the papers, but after a few moments he nodded. "I'll do my best."

I smiled. "Glad to have you on board."


Sophia lounged on the Wards' break room couch, tossing a phased baseball into the air and re-solidifying it at the peak of each throw. She preferred to get up close and personal in a fight, but armor-piercing projectiles were too useful of a tool to neglect. The key to using her ability this way was timing, especially with things like tranq bolts. Stop the phase too soon, and the bolt wouldn't penetrate. Stop it too late, and the bolt could pass through the target without delivering its payload.

She caught the ball and examined it. Could she pick and choose parts to phase? She hadn't really considered the possibility before, but she'd need every trick she could come up with if she wanted to keep helping Hebert with her insane crusade against the Empire. Sophia's power was nowhere near as strong as Hebert's in a straight-up fight, but she refused to be a sidekick. She would hold her own.

Sophia took a breath and focused, willing only the top half of the ball to fade into smoky shadow. The entire ball flickered like a candle flame, seemingly hesitating at the border between substantial and… not. Sophia frowned and re-doubled her efforts. Only the top half. The top half will phase, the bottom half won't. Do it. The ball flickered more erratically, patches of solidity blinking across its surface before rapidly fading away. Do it. You're my power. Do what I say.

The bottom portion of the ball condensed and began to swirl more sluggishly than the top, but stubbornly refused to give her the even split she demanded. She glared. Sophia could feel that what she wanted was possible. She just had to build up the muscle memory — or whatever the cape power equivalent of that was — to get it right.

After a few more seconds, she lost patience and her focus wavered. The ball snapped back to full solidity. She growled and winged the ball across the room, nearly clipping Hebert in the head as the girl walked in from the kitchen area.

Hebert casually plucked the ball out of the air with one hand and raised a bagel to her mouth with the other. "Are we playing fetch?" she asked, blinking slowly at Sophia.

Sophia made a lazy "give it" gesture and Hebert trotted over to obey. She handed over the ball and knelt down beside the couch, her eyes shining expectantly. Sophia snorted. "Go away."

"So mean," Hebert said, her lips twisting into a weird pout-smile. She promptly laid down on the floor right next to the couch and continued nibbling on her bagel.

Sophia sighed. Seeing Hebert act her usual idiotic self almost made Sophia doubt her memories from a few nights ago.

The gritty feeling of steel biting through bone. Muffled screams and oozing blood. Hebert humming to herself as she neatly dressed another wound.

Sophia closed her eyes. She didn't know why these thoughts kept bothering her. She had done worse than chop a few fingers off gangsters. So what was the problem? Was it because she had hurt people who couldn't defend themselves? Sophia shook her head.

Truly violent criminals came in basically two flavors: the ones who used violence as a tool, and the ones for whom hurting people was the whole point. Assholes like the ABB thugs who attacked Emma, who tormented others just to get off on their suffering, didn't deserve social contract privileges. Welcome to the jungle, motherfuckers.

Sophia winced. Now that Emma was her friend, Sophia couldn't help but consider how poorly things might have gone if she had waited any longer for the girl to prove herself against her attackers.

Sophia took a deep breath and released it slowly. She needed to get her head back on straight. With a sigh, she got up off the couch, narrowly avoiding stepping on Hebert's face as she did so. The girl made an odd whining sound and Sophia glanced at her.

"I'm going on patrol," Sophia said.

Hebert perked up and rose to a kneeling position. "Sure! Meet you by the elevator?"

Sophia shook her head. "Think I'm going solo tonight."

Hebert drooped in disappointment, sending a bolt of inexplicable guilt through Sophia's gut. "Oh. Uh, okay," Hebert said. "Have fun."

"Yeah, sure," Sophia said gruffly, turning away. She made her way back to her room and geared up. Securing the straps on her armor, she nodded.

Time to kick some ass.


Sophia glided from building to building, abusing her Breaker form to squeeze out extra distance from her jumps. From the ground, her silhouette was nearly invisible against the night sky.

Tonight, she hunted Nazis.

She and Hebert had scored a win by capturing Krieg, but the work was far from done. The Empire had been swinging dick to try and show everyone they were still top dog; their capes had been patrolling in force, and thugs had vandalized a few "ethnic" storefronts on the furthest outskirts of the gang's territory.

While Sophia wasn't dumb enough to go after an Empire cape patrol on her own, she could sure as hell show the rank and file skinheads that they couldn't harass innocent civilians with impunity. She began a looping route along the northwestern edge of Nazi-Land, keeping an eye out for anything a white trash goon might consider an acceptable target.

She cleared a gap with a small phase-jump and carefully materialized onto a window ledge. She phased a pair of climbing stakes into the brick facade of the building and with a rhythmic flickering of effort, she scaled the wall. Phase in, solidify, pull up, phase out. She hauled herself over the edge of the roof and rose to a crouch.

Her vantage point gave her a clear line of sight to a few potential targets, so she flicked on the police scanner built into her mask's HUD and settled in for a stakeout. If nothing happened in the next hour or so, she'd move on.

After about ten minutes of nothing, Sophia dug into her pack for something to see if she still had anything to eat. She frowned as she felt an unfamiliar plastic container in her bag and fished it out.

It was a Tupperware container with a folded piece of paper rubber banded to the lid. Sophia's eyes narrowed and she opened the paper. She groaned as she read the message neatly written on it.

Good luck fighting crime! Don't forget to eat something healthy now and then! :)


She opened the container and sighed. Inside were blueberries and a handful of sliced strawberries, neatly separated by a divider in the center. They didn't even have the decency to look unappetizing. So with practiced diligence, Sophia disregarded how Hebert managed to get the container into her bag — along with the blatantly domestic nature of the situation — and ate the damn fruit.

Sophia patiently kept her vigil on the rooftop for a while longer until a notification popped up in her mask's interface, a police dispatch call for an address about four blocks away.

Let's see… vandalism, possible fire? Could be Empire. And the cops'll probably take their sweet-ass time responding in this neighborhood.

Sophia made a few roof-hops then dropped to the ground, a quick shadow-flicker breaking her fall. She took off at a run and checked her map as she made her way to the crime scene.

Fuck, I wish I had a motorcycle like Armsmaster and Militia. The skinheads will probably be gone by the time I get there.

She quickened her pace. After a few minutes, she hustled around a corner and spotted smoke billowing out of a storefront, its street-facing windows all shattered. A few Empire tags and poorly drawn swastikas littered the ground, but there was no sign of those who did it.

Sophia glanced at the signage. A barbershop. A completely inappropriate urge to laugh bubbled up inside her.

Working hard protecting the white race, you pieces of shit. Can't let minorities have a fucking barbershop. Give them that and it's a slippery slope to the Great Replacement.

Sophia snarled and took off down a side alley. The fuckers could still be nearby. She was just about to exit on the far side when the pop-crack of gunshots echoed across the street. Sophia bared her teeth and started running. As she vaulted a chest high chain-link fence, she heard a metallic crash, followed by screamed profanities.

She skidded around a corner, crossbow drawn, to see Glory Girl holding a guy by the throat. His feet dangled from the ground as he futilely clawed at the heroine's grip. Sophia pushed down a pang of envy. She would never admit it, but she sometimes wished she had the strength to just effortlessly haul someone off their feet like that.

One time, Hebert choke-slammed a guy one-handed like she was spiking a volleyball. If Hebert hadn't used her weirdo damage-threshold thing, Sophia was pretty sure the guy's spine would've snapped. Sophia smiled. Honestly, Hebert needed to chill out. She couldn't fly off the handle every time someone called Sophia a mean name.

Sophia blinked and shook her head as Glory Girl turned to her, the heroine's stupid emotion aura blasting outwards.

Wow, she's so strong. And she looks fit. I wonder how she works out. And…

Sophia growled and compartmentalized the shit out of those thoughts and feelings.

"Cut it out with the mindfuck," she snapped.

Glory Girl's eyebrows rose, then she laughed and the intrusive feelings faded away. "Oh, hey Stalker. Would you mind sitting on these two? I'm gonna go run down the last one."

Two? Oh. Sophia spotted another skinhead halfway behind a dumpster, groaning as he clutched an arm against his chest.

"Fine," Sophia said. "Don't fuck around."

Glory Girl winked and tossed the thug she was holding onto the ground before zipping away. Sophia rolled her eyes and tranqed the one with the busted arm before searching them. A couple of knives, wallets, phones. Nothing too interesting. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a twisted piece of metal on the ground. She picked it up gingerly and turned it over. A gun, or what was left of it.

Sophia sneered. "You idiots tried to shoot Glory Girl?" she asked, kicking the conscious one in the ribs.

"F-fuck you," he gasped.

"Guess you're lucky I'm here to save your sorry ass," Sophia said, making a "wiping away tears" gesture against her mask with a closed fist. "Otherwise she would've bounced you all the way down the street."

The skinhead tried to spit defiantly but only managed to drool on himself a little. "Eat shit."

Sophia crouched down, smirking as she noted a darkening spot on the front of his jeans. "Aw, did the big bad cheerleader make you piss yourself? Guess you're not the master race's bravest soldier. Still, you should show some courtesy. When someone does you a favor, you say 'thank you.' So go on. Say, 'thank you, Shadow Stalker, for saving my pathetic waste of a life.'"

The skinhead just glared at her, rubbing at his throat.

"Nothing? Figures." Sophia shrugged, stood, and shot him. With a tranquilizer bolt, of course.

In short order Glory Girl hovered back into the alley, dragging a cursing man by his ankle. "Got him! He was pretty squirrelly. He did, like, some parkour flips towards the end there."

Sophia rolled her eyes and tranqed him. Glory Girl gasped. "Hey! I was going to interrogate him!"

"You mean choke him out and yell questions at him?" Sophia said, punching in a request for prisoner pickup into her communicator. "Waste of time." She had grudgingly come around to Hebert's point of view on the topic of "field interrogations," at least in terms of their value at gathering intelligence.

It was definitely fun to slap around random mooks, but it rarely provided information usable in the long term. There were far more effective ways of gathering intel.

Glory Girl huffed and tossed the freshly tranqed Nazi on top of the others. "Fine, whatever." She glanced towards the street. "Where's Avalon?"

Sophia narrowed her eyes. "She's back at HQ. Why?"

Glory Girl shrugged. "Oh, no reason. I just thought you two were, you know…" She looked at Sophia and cleared her throat. "Never mind."

Sophia scowled, refusing to unpack that exchange. "Whatever. I called for pickup on these idiots, so we can leave as soon as they get here."

"Sure, sure."

Sophia folded her arms and looked away.

Fucking Glory Girl.

The New Wave girl represented almost everything Sophia despised about "heroism," with her flashy costume and attention-seeking celebrity attitude. The only reason Sophia tolerated her was because they shared a hatred of Empire Eighty-Eight and a willingness to use violence when necessary.

"So, did you actually see these dipshits fleeing the scene?" Sophia asked.

Glory Girl nodded. "Yep. One of them was tossing a spray paint can. And this genius," she said, lightly kicking one of the goons, "tried to shoot me when I chased them down. So even if seeing them running away isn't enough, we should still be able to get him on attempted murder. Or assault with a deadly weapon. Something."

Sophia shrugged. "Works for me."

The police showed up and took the prisoners. They actually bothered to take a statement and write it down before fucking off, which was about the best you could expect from cops.

Glory Girl hovered a little closer. "Well, nice working with you. You gonna keep at it?"

Sophia scoffed. "Empire's all over the place right now. We can't afford to—" Sophia's phone buzzed and she paused. "Hold on." Glory Girl shrugged and gestured for her to take it.

Sophia pulled out her phone. A text message from Mom.

When are you coming home?

Need you to watch your sister.

Sophia scowled and punched in a reply.

On patrol.

Can't Terry do it?

A pause, and then:

Don't take a tone.

Family comes first.

You don't need to be doing this thing of yours every night.

Sophia restrained herself from throwing her phone across the alley.

Why the hell do you think I'm out here? I'm protecting our damn family! Every one of these fuckers that I take off the street is one less that can hurt us.

She took a deep breath before responding. Can't come home. Figure something out.

Sophia forcefully jammed her phone back into her pocket and turned to Glory Girl. "You down to fuck up some more Nazis?"

The other heroine grinned, her expression almost feral.


I examined myself in the reflection of a window as I stood on the doorstep of the Hess household. I didn't have quite the level of fashion know-how as Emma or Madison, but I knew how to dress to give a particular impression. Some bullies fixated on clothing as a way to establish social dominance over their victims, while others could be more effectively provoked if their targets dressed "above their station," as it were.

It all depended on the situation. Did I want to look cocky? Harmless? Madison provided an excellent natural example of the latter. Her "cutesy" style put her at odds with jealous mate-guarders who thought she was trying to manipulate or "steal" boys with a childish persona.

Dedicated as I am to the art of bully-baiting, I've still never gone for the angle of inciting romantic jealousy. That sort of thing has a tendency to get out of hand. And, well, boys are… fine, and I can appreciate them aesthetically, but pretending to be seriously attracted to them is another matter entirely.

In any case, we've wandered afield of the scene. For this interaction with Mrs. Hess, I had decided to wear a calf-length skirt with a subtle plaid pattern, topped with a light button-up sweater and a pair of slightly larger than normal glasses. I looked like a librarian; that was the image I wanted to present. Serious. Bookish. Reliable. Someone who you could count on to babysit a young child and potentially also marry your bewitchingly sadistic daughter in the future.

Satisfied with my appearance, I squared my shoulders and pressed the doorbell. After some muffled thumping and rustling from inside the house, Mrs. Hess threw open the door. Her gaze fell on me, her eyes a touch wild, and she put a hand to her chest.

"Oh, Taylor. Thank you for coming. Come on in." She took me by the shoulder and shepherded me inside with maternal efficiency. I followed, somewhat bemused. I knew that Sophia and her mother didn't get along, but I hadn't really gotten to know Mrs. Hess that well. I had initially been focused on handling Stephen. Fortunately, he had since separated from the Hess family of his own accord.

Yes, really. Not everything is some sort of sinister plot, readers. As far as I knew, Stephen had simply decided to move on. Some people have no conviction when it comes to matters of the heart.

Anyways, if I had to describe Sophia's mom from a first impression, I'd have to call her "matronly." No nonsense, focused, self-certain. She seemed exhausted, but in a… determined way. As Mrs. Hess sat me down and explained my duties as an impromptu babysitter, she left me with no doubt that she had a particular way of seeing and doing things. I could see how that might rub Sophia the wrong way.

Mrs. Hess patted me on the shoulder. "Thank you again for doing this on such short notice, honey. I asked Sophia, but…" She shook her head and sighed. "I don't know how to get through to that child."

I perked up, unable to resist discussing my favorite topic. "There are a few ways. How did you phrase your request?"

Mrs. Hess blinked. "Beg your pardon?"

I cleared my throat. "Well, as you probably know, Sophia doesn't respond well to demands or appeals to emotion. If you want to get her to do something, you usually have to make her feel like it was her idea in the first place."

"I don't…" Mrs. Hess shook her head. "I shouldn't have to trick my child to get her to do what she ought to be doing anyways."

I shrugged. "I understand your frustration, but pushing her will only make her dig her heels in. She's independent. Proud. If you come at her from a position of authority, she'll treat it as a challenge."

Mrs. Hess folded her arms and fixed me with a stony look. "I'm her mother," she said, in a tone as if she had just invoked scripture. "I am an authority."

I held out a hand reassuringly. "I'm not suggesting otherwise. All I'm saying is that Sophia is very sensitive to matters of respect. She's…" I paused, tapping at my chin. "Sophia is like a cat. You have to respect her space. Let her come to you. Otherwise, she'll feel cornered and lash out," I said.

Mrs. Hess opened her mouth, no doubt to protest, so I cut her off. "That doesn't mean you have to let her do whatever she wants. It just means you have to approach interactions with her in a certain way." I made a beckoning gesture. "Can you show me an example of a conversation you've had with her?"

Mrs. Hess' brow crinkled. "What, like texts?" I nodded. She gave me a skeptical look that reminded me of Sophia when she suspected I was messing with her. "Why?" she asked.

I considered providing her with a palatable lie, but her aura of maternal scrutiny made me hesitate. The truth, then. Or at least something that resembled it.

"I… care for Sophia. Greatly," I said, wringing my hands a little. "I find it unfortunate that you two are at odds, and I'd like to help if I can." My neck prickled and I resisted the urge to scratch it. Was I allergic to honesty?

Mrs. Hess stared at me for several agonizing seconds, her expression unreadable. Then she sighed and fished her phone out of her purse. She unlocked it, tapped the screen a few times, then handed it over to me.

I read the text exchange and smiled wryly. "Ah, I see. You've made a few common mistakes. Understandable, given how Sophia responded, but you have to keep a cool head even when she gets like this." I raised the phone up and indicated a message. "See, when she snapped at you here, there were a few ways to deflect her aggression and retake your position. Sophia will only—"

A text message came through and I handed the phone back to Mrs. Hess. She read the text and grimaced, hastily stuffing the device in her purse.

"I've got to go," she said. "Work." She glanced at me over her glasses. "You have everything you need?"

"Yes ma'am," I said, nodding. "I'll take good care of Abby."

"Thank you," she said, sighing. She turned to leave and paused, looking back at me. "Would you mind if we continue our, uh… conversation, later?"

I smiled. "I'm always happy to help."


"Come on," Glory Girl said, hovering closer. "I know it's a little embarrassing, but it'll be so much faster."

"Hell no," Sophia said. She stepped back and jabbed a finger in the other girl's direction. "Keep your damn hands to yourself."

Glory Girl rolled her eyes. "You're not gonna be able to keep up with me on foot. Quit being a baby and let me carry you."

"Fuck off," Sophia spat. "It's not happening. Period." If someone posted a picture of another heroine carrying Sophia like a goddamn blushing bride, her rep would never recover.

Glory Girl sighed. "Whatever. Split up, then?"

Sophia glared for another couple seconds before shrugging. "Fine." She pulled up a map on her Ward phone and indicated a few areas. "I'll head up this way, come around the west side. You circle around the opposite side." She held out an earpiece and pulled it back as the other heroine reached out. "This is so we can keep in touch. Don't lose it. Or break it."

Glory Girl rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah. I won't break your toy."

Sophia scowled. "You're not the one who'll get bitched at for 'mishandling government property' if it gets busted."

The blonde snorted. "Believe me, I get plenty of lectures about property damage from my mom."

Sophia grunted and handed over the earpiece. "Tap the side when you want to—"

Glory Girl waved her off. "I've used one of these with Gallant before."

"Good. If you see something, hit me up. Otherwise, we'll go block by block and meet here, in the middle." Sophia pointed at a major intersection on the map. "Then we'll move on to the next sector. Alright?"

"Sounds like a plan," Glory Girl said, floating up a few feet. "Try not to keep me waiting too long, huh?" she said, smirking.

Sophia flipped her off and jogged away, pointedly not rushing as she made her way to the west side of the search area.

I'm getting a fucking motorcycle. I'll steal one from the gangs if I have to.

Unfortunately, it seemed that the roaches had gotten the memo to skitter back to their nests, because every street Sophia searched was conspicuously quiet. She gritted her teeth and finished her grid search, making her way to the meeting point.

As she came up the street, Glory Girl waved at her from atop a street light. "Hey! Took you long enough."

Sophia ignored the childish provocation with practiced ease. Hebert could be far more aggravating just by saying "good morning." She cleared her throat. "Didn't see anything?"

Glory Girl shrugged. "Nope. You neither?"

Sophia exhaled, considering. "No. Pretty sure the skinheads got word out about us. We're probably not going to find any more of them fucking around on the street."

Glory Girl tapped her chin. "Well, I guess that's good? Got 'em running scared."

Sophia scowled. The girl had a point, but Sophia hadn't done anything tonight beyond mopping up goons who had already been captured. She refused to just go home without actually fucking up some skinheads with her own hands.

"I might have a line on a few places we could hit," she said slowly. Sophia would never admit it, but Hebert had been onto something with all the bugs they had been planting. Over time, they had yielded some surprisingly useful intel.

Sophia couldn't imagine combing through all the useless shit in the recordings like Hebert did, though. You'd think that violent criminals would lead exciting lives, but it turned out that they were even more mind-crushingly banal than "normal" people.

Glory Girl nodded and glided down to the street. "Well then, what're we waiting for?"

Sophia paused. She was supposed to hit those locations with Hebert, but what difference did it make? Nazis needed to get hit sooner or later; Sophia was just leaning towards "sooner" for these ones.

"Alright, follow me."


"So from what we've gathered, this is a major stash house. I scoped it out and confirmed ten guys inside." Sophia said. She pulled up some blueprints on her phone. It was a standard residential building, so they weren't hard to get her hands on. "Here's the layout of the building. You'll go in through this entrance, while I—"

"Whoa, you seriously have blueprints?" Glory Girl asked, leaning over.

Sophia scowled at the interruption. "Yes."

"Huh. It's just a two story residential, right?" Glory Girl pointed at the screen. "Only points of ingress are… front door, back door, and windows. No basement. Nothing too complicated."

Sophia nodded. "Right. I didn't see any capes, so it should be pretty straightforward. A few of these guys are probably strapped, but that shouldn't be a problem for you, right?"

The New Wave heroine visibly hesitated. "Uh, yeah. I should be fine."

Sophia narrowed her eyes. "You sure? I'm not gonna ask about your powers, but—"

"It won't be a problem," Glory Girl said firmly. "We just need to hit them fast and take them down before they know what's happening."

Sophia grunted, but let it go. "We can do that." She looked Glory Girl in the eye. "But no bodies. I don't care what else you do, just leave them breathing. I'm not gonna have the PRT on my ass over dead Nazis. Got it?"

Glory Girl smirked. "No problem. If we get a little too enthusiastic, my sis can patch them up before they bite it." Sophia side-eyed her and the heroine chuckled awkwardly. "Just kidding. I'm not a maniac."

Sophia sighed. "Whatever." She pulled the phone back up. "Most of them are in the family room here," she said, pointing. "You should be able to just come in through the front door and hit them all right there. I'll take the back door and snag anybody who rabbits. Then we head upstairs and clear the top floor. Alright?"

Glory Girl bobbed her head. "Yup, sounds like a plan." She gave a sloppy salute. "On your signal, captain," she said, drifting away towards the sky above the street.

"Why do I always have to be the adult?" Sophia muttered under her breath.

She looped around the block and crept through a backyard adjacent to the target. The idiots guarding the stash hadn't bothered to post any lookouts outside. Understandable, considering that these guys had no reason to believe that anyone even knew about the spot, let alone that they might be attacked by capes. However, they'd still be paying for their sloppiness.

Sophia phased through a fence and made her way to the back door, staying low to avoid the windows. She crouched against a wall and flicked on the improved vision lenses on her mask.

Armsmaster had built the original lenses into her mask to highlight electrical currents, but Chris had added a few extra features. Full x-ray, infrared, night vision. He even included a mode that detected sound vibrations on glass and translated it into speech.

Sophia didn't know why Chris had suddenly taken an interest in her gear, but she suspected Hebert's involvement. She had hoped that Hebert would just forget about their bet, but deep down she knew that wasn't going to happen. The girl was obsessive, and bizarrely resourceful when it came to pursuing whatever she got in her head.

If Hebert really put her mind to revamping the Wards, Sophia knew it would only be a matter of time. And then…

What'll she ask me to do when she wins?

Sophia shook her head. She didn't have time for pointless speculation. Switching over to x-ray mode, she scanned the hallway and rooms closest to the back door. Kitchen clear, main office clear. Only one guy in the downstairs bathroom.

Wait. Is he…

Sophia snickered. She knew that these guys were sloppy, but she didn't expect to literally catch one of them with his pants down.

The rest were in the family room, as expected, watching TV. She couldn't see up into the second floor, but by process of elimination the rest had to be up there.

She tapped her earpiece. "I've got eyes on one in the downstairs bathroom and six in the family room. Three unaccounted for. Guessing they're upstairs."

After a moment, the speaker crackled. "Alright. Ready when you are," Glory Girl said.

Sophia snapped open her baton and readied herself near the door. "Hit it."

A thunderous crash sounded from the far side of the house, followed by screams. Sophia phased through the door and briskly made her way over to the bathroom. The unfortunate Nazi hadn't even fully risen from the toilet by the time she reached him.

Inspiration struck her, and she stepped forward with her baton extended. She phased her weapon through the bathroom door, and with a careful flicker of effort she solidified the end of the baton right into the skinhead's knee.

Physics protested the two objects occupying the same space, and Sophia's x-ray vision gave her a clear view of the Nazi's kneecap giving way. He screeched and collapsed, banging his head on the bathtub on the way down.

Huh. It worked. That's one.

Sophia paused for a moment to ensure that the man wouldn't get back up, then stalked further into the house.

Another massive thud from the family room, along with shouted curses and the crunch of breaking glass.

The thumping of hurried footsteps pounded towards her; she was ready and waiting when a heavily tattooed man rushed down the hallway, his eyes wide with terror.

Knee, elbow, collarbone, and the man was down. She jabbed him with a tranq arrow before moving on.


Another set of footsteps approached and Sophia readied herself again. However, as soon as the skinhead came around the corner, a flying armchair crashed into his back and face-planted him into a wall. He slid down to the floor with a weak groan.

"Have a seat," Glory Girl's smug voice said from the other room.

Sophia rolled her eyes and stepped out into a disaster zone. One goon laid motionless under a shattered flat-screen TV, while the others were strewn about the room, a couple with their limbs at unnatural angles. One unfortunate skinhead was even bent double over the stair banister.

Glory Girl met Sophia's gaze and beamed. "Hey, Stalker. I think I got 'em all. You catch the stragglers?"

Sophia grunted and pointed upwards. "Gotta clear upstairs."

The New Wave heroine nodded. "No problem. I'll handle it," she said, zipping up the staircase before Sophia could stop her.

"Fucking… ugh." Sophia booked it after her, drawing her crossbow. She caught up with the girl just in time to see her smashing into a side room. Booming gunshots rang out and Sophia instinctively went shadow.

Glory Girl screamed in rage, followed by splintering crashes. Sophia made a split second decision and moved to clear the other rooms rather than assist her partner. She leveled her crossbow and flicked her x-ray back on.

Sophia spotted a skeletal outline with its back to her, crouched over and facing the wall. She phased through the door and deactivated her lenses. A shirtless man paused in the act of trying to awkwardly clamber out the window, a duffel bag strapped to his shoulder.

He stared at Sophia.

Sophia shot him.

He gave her a baffled, almost indignant look, then slumped over, his left leg still hanging out the window. Sophia snorted and turned back to make sure Glory Girl hadn't curb-stomped some guy through the floor.

The other heroine met her halfway in the hall, clutching at her shoulder. Sophia blinked.

"Are you hit? How did that…" Sophia said, trailing off as Glory Girl grimaced and looked away. Most capes were understandably secretive about their weaknesses; Sophia sure as hell wouldn't want her vulnerability to electricity getting around.

She pulled out her med-kit and motioned for Glory Girl to come closer. The other girl hesitated, then glided over, pulling her hand off to reveal a shallow but still-bleeding wound high on her shoulder. Sophia wordlessly cleaned and dressed the injury, then cleared her throat.

"I didn't see anything," Sophia said, meeting the heroine's gaze. "Alright?"

Glory Girl took a shuddering breath. "I… thank you," she said. Sophia inclined her head. "Did you get the last guy?" Glory Girl asked, clearly forcing a casual tone.

"Yep," Sophia said. She scoffed. "Here, come check him out." She led her partner over to the other room. As they entered, she inhaled sharply. The guy was gone.

She rushed over to the window and stuck her head out. She scanned the street feverishly, and…

"Oof," Glory Girl said from right next to her. Sophia glanced at her and the heroine pointed straight down. Sophia followed her finger and spotted the man's motionless form sprawled out below in some shrubbery. Cash and drugs from the duffel bag lay spilled out atop him.

"Aw, shit," Sophia said. She looked to Glory Girl. "Go check if he's still alive?"

Glory Girl stared at her, then snickered. "Yeah, sure." She glided out the window and descended to the ground floor, bending over to check the man's vitals. After a moment, she looked up to Sophia and gave her a thumbs up. "We're good!"

Sophia put a hand to her chest with relief. That would've been embarrassing. "Bring him up so we can put him with the others," she called.

Glory Girl saluted and obeyed, pulling the man up with perhaps a little less care than should have been given to someone whose unconscious body had just fallen out of a second-story window.

In short order, the two of them piled up the skinheads and restrained any that still looked capable of moving, then stacked the hidden drugs, cash, and weapons from the stash into neat little piles.

Glory Girl called the cops, then dusted off her hands and nodded at Sophia. "So, uh… you wanna get some pizza? I'm kinda hungry."

Sophia narrowed her eyes. "You're buying."


Sophia sighed with relief as she noticed her mom's car was still absent from the driveway. She really didn't want to get into another argument about family responsibilities right now.

She made her way to the front door and eased it open quietly. Abby was a notoriously light sleeper, and if Sophia woke her up by coming in late, her little sister often got out of bed to come and greet her. Sophia crept down the hallway, carefully avoiding the squeaky floorboards.

She rounded the corner to the family room and blinked. Fucking Hebert, of all people, was sitting on her couch, reading by the light of a dim table lamp. Sophia opened her mouth to loudly demand an explanation, then closed it as she noticed Abby sleeping with her head on Hebert's lap.

Hebert put a finger against her thin lips and smiled. "I technically ought to have put her to bed by now, but she seemed so comfortable that I didn't have the heart," she murmured softly.

Sophia huffed and padded over to the couch to sit at Hebert's side. "My mom called you over to watch Abby?" She leaned over Hebert and gently brushed a lock of hair off her little sister's face.

Hebert hummed contentedly. "Mm, yes. Always happy to help. How was your patrol?"

Sophia felt a pang of… something, and hesitated for a second before responding. "Uh, fine. Busted a few Empire assholes."

Hebert nodded. "Did you have fun?"

Sophia shrugged. "Yeah, sure." She gave Hebert a once-over and snorted, plucking at the fabric of the girl's long plaid skirt. "What the hell are you wearing? You look like a damn librarian."

Hebert smirked and gestured to herself. "Do you like it? I wanted to make a good impression with your mother."

Sophia grunted. Hebert did look surprisingly nice dressed like this, not that Sophia would ever admit it. "Good luck. She's not exactly easy to impress."

Hebert chuckled. "Oh, I think we'll get along just fine."

Sophia paused and bit her lip. "Well, anyways, thanks for taking care of Abby. I just… I had to go out tonight."

Hebert patted Sophia's knee. "Of course," she said. And that was it. No questions, no pressure, just… acceptance.

They sat together for a while longer in warm silence until Sophia dozed off.


Shout out to @Ridtom for giving me a hand with Glory Girl character consultation, along with the members of the Gaylor Convention Center who gave me general beta help.
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Chapter 17

Hello, readers, hello! It's a lovely day to be me. Last night, Sophia cuddled with me. Voluntarily! She seemed exhausted, so one could argue that she merely slumped against me without intimate intentions, but still. Progress! Sophia has the sort of attitude towards physical affection that many guys are unfortunately indoctrinated into, where even giving a hug is seen as some sort of weakness of character.

I weep for these people, truly. It's one thing to not be a touchy person, but entirely another to be railroaded into bizarre cultural standards where you're ostracized for indulging in social bonding behavior that's hard coded into our DNA.

Speaking of, and I'm not certain how to put this delicately… I believe that I'm developing physical attraction to Sophia. I can imagine your dumbfounded faces, readers, so let me explain. I've been attracted to Sophia since the moment I laid eyes on her. That's not in question. However, the nature of that attraction has up until this moment been more… abstract.

I am firmly oriented towards the fairer sex, so there must be some sort of physical component, but I rarely feel the sort of carnal fixation that so many people describe. I don't find my eyes wandering to look at the bodies of random girls as they pass.

The closest I'd come up until now was with Emma. I love Emma. She's beautiful and I love to touch and be close to her. She makes me feel complete. Yet somehow, with Sophia, I've… it sounds terribly tacky, but I've awoken to something I've never experienced before. Something as terrifying as it is irresistible.

I'll admit something to you here, readers. I'm exhilarated to be entering this sparkling new world, but also somewhat frustrated. Why does it take this bizarrely specific set of circumstances for me to feel the same feelings that most of my peers take for granted? Why was I made this way, a strange and twisted thing with no map to guide me?

There's no use in complaining, I suppose. I've stumbled onto this new path on my own, and all I can do is follow it as far as it takes me.


I approached Emma and Madison during lunch. They were, as usual, adorably snuggly together, though not so much that a teacher could upbraid them for an excessive Public Display of Affection. Honestly, it was hilarious to see them struggling to restrain themselves. Anyone with eyes could tell that they were still in the throes of a sappy-sweet honeymoon phase.

"Madison, may I speak with you alone for a bit?" I asked.

Madison glanced at Emma for approval, which she received in the form of a smile and a nod.

"Sure," Madison said. "Where to?"

"Let's go to the library. It won't take long," I said.

I began to guide her away, shrugging off a rather unfair "I'm watching you" gesture from Emma as I did so.

We entered the library and headed over to the far corner table. The graphic novel aficionado contingent had already claimed the quiet nook, but handed it over to us at my polite request. Let's just say that I enjoy a level of popularity from cliques that would typically experience a higher degree of bullying and abuse in a high school without my presence.

Madison took a seat across from me. "So, what's up?"

I pulled out my project binder that contained my outlines, notes, and now a few character design sketches from Greg.

"I understand that you have an interest in writing fiction," I said.

Madison paled and chuckled nervously. "Uh, what? What're you talking about?"

I smiled. "Oh, it's quite alright. There's nothing to be nervous about. I'm a fan of your work, Miss Protagonist."

Madison made a frantic hushing gesture, her eyes darting to and fro. "How do you… I never told you about that!"

I shook my head with a wry look. "Of course not. But did you really think I'd let you date my wife if I didn't know everything about you?"

Madison's eyes widened even further, if that were possible. She covered her mouth. "So you know about the…" she paused, making a weak gesture.

"All of it, yes. Even your alt accounts for your truly outré material." I tapped my lips with my index finger. "I must say, it's fascinating how many racy stories involving the Simurgh are out there. Maybe the taboo nature of it increases the appeal."

Madison slumped in her chair, the light leaving her eyes. "What… what do you want? Are you blackmailing me?"

I laughed. "Of course not! The only person who gets to push you around is Emma." The joke didn't seem to revive her, so I reached across the table and patted her arm reassuringly. "Don't worry. Like I said, I have nothing against your work. In fact, I was hoping you could help write something for me."

Madison's eyebrows rose. "You want me to write you, an, uh… you know?"

I chuckled. "No, no. It'll be rather tame by your usual standards. Here, let me show you." I opened the binder and pushed it across to her.

On the page I had opened it to, Greg had drawn and colored an image of Gallant and Clockblocker standing face to face, their helmets removed so you could see them staring soulfully into each other's eyes. Clockblocker was running his hand down Gallant's breastplate.

I could see the influences of Greg's preferences; both boys were depicted as gorgeously androgynous, with perfect flowing hair and delicate bone structure. However, that in no way detracted from the fantastic job he did. With some solid writing behind it, I had no doubt that Knight Time could be a breakout hit.

Madison gaped, leaning over to examine the art more closely. "This… don't you, uh…" she glanced around surreptitiously before continuing, "don't you work with these guys?"

I nodded, smiling. "Yes. This is a… call it a friendly prank among colleagues."

Madison nodded slowly as she leafed through the binder. "This seems like a lot of effort for a prank."

I hummed. "Yes, well, I don't want it to be shallow mockery. That would be crass and wrong, and the shipping community can spot that sort of thing a mile away." I shook my head. "No, no. It has to be a labor of love, with the quality and passion to make it a genuine success."

Madison flipped to the outline I had made and grunted. "It's not bad. A better ship than Gallant x Aegis. Some people have the most boring taste."

I hid a smile. "So no Gallant x Glory Girl, then?"

Madison met my gaze, her eyes deadly serious. "Canon and het ships have no place in my fics."

I raised my hands in surrender. "Sure."

She dropped her gaze and turned back to the cover, studying it. "I can work with this."

"Really? You'll do it?"

"Yeah." She stood, closing the binder and putting it in her backpack. "I'll want to meet your lead artist no later than next week. I'll have a draft of the first chapter by then." She nodded to me and walked away.

I blinked.

Well, okay then.


A bit before the Wards Day at the Park event began, I dragged Amy out of her house to meet my friends. I hated being one of those busybodies who tried to 'rescue' introverts, but at this point I knew Amy well enough to know that she was prone to brooding when left to her own devices.

"This is a bad idea," Amy said.

"You'll be fine. My friends are really nice."

Amy grimaced. "Nice?"

I laughed. "Is that a problem?"

Amy folded her arms. "In my experience, 'nice' means naive, self-righteous, or two-faced."

"There, there," I said, giving her a tolerant look. "Let's not give up on genuine human kindness just yet."

Amy flipped me off. "Shut up. Even if they are… nice, trying to force me into your friend group is gonna be awkward."

"We're not forcing anything; I'm just introducing you to some new people."


Amy started to sulk in earnest, so I shook her shoulder gently. "You know I'm not doing this to harass you, right?"

Amy scowled. "That'd be a fun change of pace."

I chuckled awkwardly, looking away. Amy certainly knew how to hold a grudge. "Right, well. I'm not harassing you now, is what I'm saying." She turned her nose up at me and I sighed. "Alright, listen. You're like me. You obsess."

Amy opened her mouth then closed it, grumbling. I waved a hand at her. "You know it's true. We both… fixate. That wouldn't be a problem if we were focused on, I don't know, model trains or something. But we're not, and if we don't keep our obsessions under control…" I winced. "Well, you know. That's why we need people to keep us grounded."

Amy glanced at me. "And you think your friends will help me with that?"

I shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not. I assume you're going to want to make your own friends at some point." Amy got a sour look on her face so I waved her off again. "I'm not saying you have to be a social butterfly. Just find people you can tolerate talking to on a regular basis. Don't get stuck in your head all day."

"Fine. I'll try."

"Thank you. Oh, I almost forgot," I said, raising my left hand. "You might be tempted by Emma because of how beautiful and mean she looks, but she's off limits. She's my wife, and she has a girlfriend now."

Amy blinked. "Say what?"


"This a really fuckin' good muffin," Amy said. She had initially worried about being "proper" with Taylor's friends, but the conversation naturally gravitated towards a more relaxed and irreverent atmosphere. She supposed that anyone who willingly spent time with Taylor would need to be easy-going.

"Thank you," Madison said. "I've been experimenting with the recipe and I think I've got it where I want it."

"It's perfect," Emma said, smiling warmly as she put a hand on Madison's arm.

There's the girlfriend. Probably. Taylor had refused to clarify after dropping the whole "wife" thing, leading Amy to second-guess every interaction between Taylor and her friends. She felt like one of those lunatic PHO "shippers" who dissected any polite conversation for romantic subtext.

She was almost certain that Taylor was fucking with her. However, Emma and Madison were awfully cozy with one another, and a surreptitious glance at Emma's left hand revealed that she and Taylor did indeed have matching rings.

There's no way that they're actually married. They're in high school; that would be ridiculous. But then again…

Amy looked at Taylor, who gave her a dopey grin that practically screamed "I do ridiculous things and nobody can stop me."

You know what? Fuck it.

"That's a nice ring you have there, Emma," Amy said.

Emma paused, then her eyes flicked over to Taylor. Taylor gave a tiny shrug, her brows raised with feigned innocence. Emma sighed. "You know, it stops being an inside joke if you tell everyone."

"Ah!" Madison said, pointing an accusatory finger at Taylor. "She told you they were married, didn't she? With the rings."

"Yeah," Amy said, glaring at Taylor. The perpetrator smirked back at her.

"You suck!" Madison cried, swatting at Taylor's shoulder. "You did it again! Liar!"

Taylor leaned away from the indignant slaps, giggling. "It's not a lie," she said through her laughter. "Emma and I are married in the spiritual sense. Joined by a platonic life partnership."

"Well, if you don't stop using it to play pranks on people, I might ask for a platonic divorce," Emma said.

Taylor gasped. "You wouldn't."

Emma sipped her drink. "Try me, weirdo."

Amy shook her head, dazed by the barrage of quasi-flirting. "So, uh, it was a joke?"

"A bad one!" Madison said. "Taylor can be such a jerk."

Amy snorted. "Yeah, I gathered that."

"I apologize on behalf of my stupid not-wife," Emma said.

Taylor fidgeted, her face reddening. "W-why is everyone ganging up on me?"

Amy squinted. Is she…

Emma cleared her throat and shot Taylor a meaningful look. Taylor blinked and straightened in her seat.

"Fine," Emma said. "Maybe 'stupid' was a little much. Let's say that you're… willfully perverse."

"That's…" Taylor said, pausing briefly, "fair."

A black girl in exercise clothing jogged up to the table and Taylor visibly perked up.

This must be Sophia, then. Shadow Stalker.

Probably-Sophia gave Amy a casual up-nod of acknowledgment before turning on Taylor.

"Come on, get your ass moving. We've gotta suit up," the girl said.

Taylor smiled warmly and nodded. She turned to look at Amy. "I've got to get ready for the event now. Are you going to be okay on your own?"

"What? I'm fine," Amy said. Taylor pursed her lips, her expression a mix of doubt and concern. Amy scowled. "I'm not a child. Go."

"Alright, alright." Taylor paused and smirked. "Madison, please be sure to give Amy a juice box before her nap."

"Fuck off!" Amy snapped. Taylor giggled as she ran off. Probably-Sophia gave Amy a weird look before following.

"I really do apologize for her," Emma said, with the air of someone accustomed to repeating those particular words.

"It's fine," Amy said. "I'm used to it."

Emma snorted, then covered her mouth. "That's… okay, then. Let me know if she gets to be too much to handle. She means well… usually," Emma said, wincing, "but you have to set boundaries."

Amy blinked. She'd thought that Emma would be like one of the queen bee bitches who clashed with Victoria in the Arcadia social scene, but she actually seemed pretty down to earth. Amy felt a little shitty for making assumptions based on her appearance.

"I'll keep that in mind," Amy said carefully.

Amy braced herself for awkward silence, but Emma skillfully picked the conversation back up on her own. She even managed to somehow coax Amy into talking about her interest in art, which was generally not something she liked to bring up.

"I used to draw, but ever since…" Amy paused, wincing. Victoria's shirt covered in blood, her every breath a shallow wheeze. "Um, I'm more into sculpting these days. But it's just a hobby. I'm not that good."

Madison smiled, and Amy almost flinched back at the bright earnestness emanating from the girl. Even as someone who spurned the appeal of "girly" things, Amy couldn't deny that Madison was… painfully cute. "I won't pressure you, but I'd be happy to talk about that with you, if you'd like."

Amy cleared her throat, still unable to look at the other girl directly. "Um… okay."


The Wards Day at the Park event proceeded without incident. It was actually quite a bit less awkward than I thought it would be. I had assumed it would be like the Wards Tours, where the public would come to gawk at us like strange animals in their natural habitat. However, it was a much more casual affair, with each of us roaming and speaking with people at our leisure.

I engaged in a variety of feats of supernatural athleticism, but amusingly enough, the one that garnered the most positive reaction was simply Smashing food items into oblivion.

"What's next?" I asked.

A couple of younger boys hustled over with a huge watermelon. "This one, this one!"

"Alright." I gripped the fruit one-handed, digging my fingertips into it to keep my hold. I made a few experimental tosses into the air and I motioned everyone back. Once I was confident that the onlookers were clear, I lobbed the fruit straight up, about fifty feet. As it descended, I charged the softball bat in my free hand and swung.

With a loud splash, the watermelon was replaced in an instant by a spray of pink mist. The crowd went nuts, seemingly just as excited as the first ten times I had done this. They chattered amongst themselves, and an argument quickly arose as opinion split into two camps. Eventually, a compromise was reached and I was handed a golf club and a… rotisserie chicken?

I shrugged and put the chicken on the ground. I made a show of checking the wind speed and making some practice swings, then proceeded to send a rain of poultry stock across a frankly ridiculous range. The crowd oohed as a rogue piece of wing sailed into a treetop off in the distance.

After that, I bowed out and joined some of the other events. Chris was doing some hoverboard tricks over by the skate park, Dennis was carefully freezing soap bubbles for kids, and Missy was playing dodgeball. Alone. Against a dozen people.

For someone who was grumbling all day yesterday about this whole thing being a "stupid PR circus," Missy sure seemed to relish hitting the general public in the face with rubber balls.

Carlos and Dean didn't really have any "spectacles" they could show off with, so they simply engaged people in conversation and generally played host.

I bypassed our Protectorate contingent, several of who were arguing over the barbecue. Apparently, both Armsmaster and Battery had some strong opinions regarding the optimal cook time for pork ribs.

I eventually managed to track down Sophia, who was taking a break between sessions of putting in way too much effort to win badminton against random civilians.

A young boy, maybe eleven or twelve years old, was looking up at Sophia and babbling animatedly.

"And then you shot him from like, a hundred feet away in mid-air," he said, making a "shooting" gesture with both hands. "That was amazing!"

Sophia fidgeted, clearly unsure how to handle such earnest praise. "Uh, thanks, kid."

The boy nodded vigorously. "And there was the time that you—" He paused as he noticed me approaching. "Oh, hi Avalon," he said, with notably dimmed enthusiasm.

"Hi there," I said. "It's nice to meet you. What's your name?"

"Billy," he mumbled.

"Are you a Shadow Stalker fan, Billy?"

His eyes lit up. "Yeah! She's the coolest Ward, by far." He seemed to sense my eyebrow rising under my helmet, because he stuttered a little. "Y-you're cool too."

I nodded. "Don't worry, I agree. She is awfully cool, isn't she?" Sophia froze at the sudden compliment and I smirked, pressing the offensive. "What do you like about her?"

Billy bit his lip. "Uh, well, first of all, she's the only Ward that worked as a vigilante before she signed on. So she was out there fighting crime all by herself." He paused. "Also, her costume and weapons are awesome."

I muffled a laugh at Sophia's clearly growing struggle to not preen at this child's hero worship. "True, true. So, what's your favorite Shadow Stalker fight?"

Billy's gaze sharpened. "When she took down a dozen Empire soldiers by herself in a Downtown safehouse."

I hummed. "Really? Why that one in particular?"

Billy wrung his hands. "Well, most people only care about fights between capes. I think she's underrated because she has a lower than average villain takedown rate. WardWatch has her in C Tier, which I think is really unfair."

Billy started pacing. "You can't just say, oh, she probably couldn't beat most B Tier villains in a straight fight, so she's C Tier. No! She's not a duelist, she's an assassin. Now that you're tanking for her, I think she has a lot more room to play to her strengths."

I smiled at his overflowing enthusiasm. "I'm glad to hear that."

Billy bobbed his head. "You have to look at how effective she is as a hero overall. Look at her arrest numbers. Look at how many violent crimes she stops. Look how consistent she is. That's why I love the Downtown fight. It's not fancy or anything, but she was just super solid in how she took them down."

I blinked. I was pretty sure he said all that in one breath. "Wow. You really know a lot about her, don't you?"

Billy nodded gravely. "I'm her biggest fan."

I chuckled at his audacity. "Well, I might have to disagree with you there. I'm pretty sure that I'm her biggest fan."

Billy scowled. "Do you have her figurine with the misprinted mask that makes it look like a smiley face?"

"Of course," I said, scoffing. Honestly, who did this kid think he was talking to? "Along with all of the action figures."

Billy waved me away. "Everyone has the action figures. How about her first edition rookie Ward trading card?"



I paused. "No."

Billy snorted. "Casual."

I turned to Sophia. "Stalker, could you please sign your trading card for me?"

She gave me a flat look and shook her head.

I looked back to Billy and pointed at my uncooperative partner. "That doesn't count. She's biased against me."

Billy frowned. "Okay. Then… what's her favorite drink?"

I shook my head in disbelief. Challenging me in this domain? That went beyond audacity. "Cherry cola, light ice."

My foe grinned. "Nice try. It's chocolate milk."

My brow scrunched at the nerve of this little upstart, the sheer unmitigated gall, and I whipped my head around to look to Sophia for support.

Sophia stared at the both of us for several seconds, then shrugged. "I do like chocolate milk."

My jaw dropped. "W-what? You drink cherry cola every time we hang out!"

She shrugged again. "You keep giving it to me."

I felt ill. The world spun beneath my feet. Could I really have fallen prey to such an absurd lack of perspective? "Chocolate milk?" I asked, faintly.

She nodded. "From the mix." She looked at Billy. "I'm not gonna ask how you know that." The boy smiled sheepishly.

I took a deep breath, then looked back at Billy's triumphant face. Frustrating as this might be, I had to be the adult, graceful in defeat. I reached out my hand. "Well played."

His mouth drew to a line and he shook my hand firmly. "Thanks. Are you on Stalker Stalkers?" he asked.

"Of course." As if I wouldn't be a leading contributor on the top Shadow Stalker fan site.

He pulled a notebook out of his book bag and scribbled something on it. "Here's my username. We can chat if you want."

I smiled and took it. "Absolutely."

A frazzled-looking woman hurried over and took Billy by the shoulders. "I'm so sorry… Billy's just a huge fan. I hope he wasn't bothering you."

Sophia huffed out a laugh and stepped forward, extending a hand towards Billy and balling it into a fist. "No problem. Good talking to you, kid," she said.

Billy stared at Sophia's fist as it was a divine revelation, then tentatively bumped it with his own. His mother thanked us profusely and dragged him away, his face still frozen in awe.

Sophia glanced at me, then turned away. "I'm gonna… go." She strode off quickly before I could respond.

I wandered over to the basketball court, uncertain of what subtext I had clearly missed from that exchange. Sophia hadn't seemed overly bothered by the conversation up until that point. Was she embarrassed?

"Hey!" a voice called out. I turned to a blonde girl with a ponytail waving at me from the top row of the bleachers. My mind struggled in one of those out of context "seeing your teacher at the grocery store" moments, then I recognized her. Victoria Dallon. Glory Girl. I waved back and made my way up the stairs to greet her.

"Hello," I said, taking a seat beside her. I gave her a once over and noted that she was wearing a tank top and gym shorts. She was rather muscular for someone who ostensibly didn't need to use her muscles. "Were you playing?"

She grinned. "Yeah! I usually don't get a chance to, since I have an unfair advantage. But these people were all hyped to play against a cape, so I figured why not?"

"I'm glad to hear you enjoyed yourself," I said. I wasn't sure where to take the conversation from there, so I pivoted into something safe. "Have you seen your sister? I left her with my friends."

Victoria chuckled and shook her head. "She told me to give her some space today." She nodded at me. "I appreciate you going out of your way to introduce her to some new people."

I nodded back. "Of course. I think it's good for her to branch out a little."

Victoria eyed me with a strange look. "You know, we should hang out. We've never really gotten the chance to talk."

I could tell an ulterior motive when I saw one, but she seemed harmless enough. "Sure. That sounds good to me."

Victoria smiled. "Great! I'm down to hang in civvies, or we could also do cape stuff if you want. Bring Stalker along. She and I worked really well together last night."

I paused. "I beg your pardon?"


AN: Trying to keep momentum with posting, so this is mostly unbeta'd and unedited. Let me know if any errors slipped through.
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Chapter 18

Amy smiled as she manipulated the monstera deliciosa, twisting into a strange tower of fractal patterns and eye-bending shapes. She had originally meant for it to be a hippo, but her mind had wandered. It was surprisingly relaxing to just let her power loose and follow whatever whim struck her in the moment. There was nothing scary or dangerous about what she was doing; she was merely sculpting with an unusual medium.

She was just about to add a few finishing touches when her phone buzzed.

[Taylor]: Do you have time for a serious conversation?

Amy raised an eyebrow.

[Amy]: ominous

[Amy]: but sure, what's up?

[Taylor]: Do you mind if I we speak in person?

[Amy]: right now?

[Taylor]: Yes. May I come over?

Amy pursed her lips. Victoria had gotten a little weird about wanting to meet Taylor, and Amy didn't want to deal with whatever that was. However, fortunately, her sister was out at the moment.

[Amy]: sure, head down whenever

She put her phone down and was about to resume her plant-sculpting when her bedroom window slid open with a small squeak. Her second story window.

"Fuck!" Adrenaline jolted through her and she scrambled off the bed, holding her plant in front of her. Shit, what can I make? A knockout gas? Fast acting virus?

She stepped forward, and…

"Taylor?!" she hissed.

The girl in question waved at her with a smile, ducking through the window into her room and closing it behind her.

"Hi, Amy! Good to see you again."

"Taylor, what the fuck?!" Amy whisper-yelled, not wanting to alert the rest of the household to the fact that a girl had just snuck into her room. "Why are you crawling in through my window?"

Taylor frowned. "Is this a bad time? I thought you said I could come over."

Amy gritted her teeth. "That's not the problem. Why didn't you just come in the front door?"

Taylor nodded, her mouth making an "o" of comprehension. "I thought it'd be best if we kept this discussion discreet. Don't worry, I disabled the alarm on the windowsill." She tapped her chin. "Speaking of, you should really get a better security system. I can give you some recommendations."

Amy closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Set boundaries with her, Emma said. Set boundaries. "Taylor, I don't want you coming into my room through my window." Taylor opened her mouth and Amy cut her off. "For any reason. Just don't do it. Okay?"

Taylor shrugged. "Sure, Amy. No problem." She glanced at the plant in Amy's hands. "Nice plant. Power experiment?"

Amy stuffed the monstera into her closet and closed the door. "Yeah, something like that. Anyways, what did you want to talk about?"

Taylor blinked and nodded. "Right. You mind if I sit?"

Amy gestured to the armchair she had asked Victoria to put in her room. She'd told her family it was for reading, but in truth she just didn't want Taylor kneeling on the floor every time she visited. There would be no repeat of the Fuzzy Sock Incident.

Taylor sat down and Amy took a seat in her desk chair. "What's so urgent?" Amy asked.

Taylor took a deep breath and looked Amy in the eye. "Let me preface this by saying that I'm not trying to pressure you into anything. I'm just asking."

Amy reeled, her mind spinning out all sorts of wild possibilities. "Um, what? I like you, but I thought we were going to stay friends."

Taylor smiled wryly. "Of course. That's not it at all." She bridged her fingers in front of her face. "Amy, are you still opposed to the concept of entering a romantic relationship with your adopted sister?"

Amy's brain screeched to a halt. "That's… what?"

Taylor sighed. "I do feel a little guilty about asking, since I know you had already resolved yourself to moving past your feelings for her. But if there's any chance that you've changed your mind, you'd be doing me a favor. I can guide you, if you like."

Amy's mouth worked silently. She swallowed hard. "Guide me?"

Taylor nodded. "Yes. I've developed a step by step strategy to make her fall in love with you. All you'd need to do is follow my plan."

Amy's mouth went dry and she shivered. "You're insane… what are you talking about?"

"Let's just say that I'd prefer if Victoria were… preoccupied, if possible," Taylor said. "A new romantic partner would be ideal."

Amy threw her hands up. "What… why come to me, then? Why not Dean? You know, the guy who's actually been in a relationship with her?"

Taylor grunted. "He's indecisive. Milquetoast. I can't count on him. I need someone with depth of emotion. Conviction."

Amy laughed dryly. "What, and you think that's me? I told you that I was done with that. Haven't you been trying to distract me with other stuff so that I wouldn't obsess over Victoria?"

Taylor winced. "True, I'm contradicting myself. But I don't have time to search for another candidate."

Amy took a deep breath and held up her hands in a "stop" gesture. "Okay, back up. What the fuck is this all about? Explain from the beginning."

Taylor glanced at Amy and frowned. "Your sister is attempting to insinuate herself into my relationship with my girlfriend. I don't dislike Victoria, and you care for her, which is why I'm going to these lengths rather than simply removing her."

Amy choked. "Victoria is… what?" Amy didn't even think that her sister liked girls; now Taylor was saying that Victoria was trying to, what? Hit up Taylor and her girlfriend for a threesome?

Taylor sighed. "They already went on a date a couple nights ago. Nothing serious, but I'm a little upset that my girlfriend felt the need to hide it from me."

Amy's brows drew together. A couple nights ago? Wasn't that when Victoria busted an Empire safehouse with Shadow Stalker? "Wait, we're talking about Sophia, right? Shadow Stalker. Not Emma."

Taylor gave Amy an odd look. "Of course. Sophia is my girlfriend, Emma is my wife. I don't think Emma and Victoria even get along that well, to be honest."

Amy slumped in her seat and rubbed at her forehead. "Right, of course. Silly me. Let me try and translate this from crazy person speak." Amy raised a finger. "Victoria and Shadow Stalker went on a patrol without you, and you've decided to blow it way out of proportion. Does that sound about right?"

Taylor leaned forward, her eyes taking on a fey light. "Carelessness towards seemingly minor events like these is how you court disaster. Sure, it was just one patrol. But fighting crime with another person can be a surprisingly intimate activity. You have to trust your partner to watch your back. You get to know them as you spend extended periods of time together in the field. You feed them snacks and massage their sore muscles when you're back in base."

Amy stared. "That's not…" she paused and shook her head. "You know what? I'm not even gonna go there. I don't care. Okay?"

Taylor shrugged. "Yes, well… in any case, you can see why I'd like to nip this in the bud."

"No, I fucking don't," Amy said flatly. Taylor pouted and Amy sighed. "But I'll at least concede that this is something you're worried about. Why don't you talk to Victoria? Or Shadow Stalker?"

Taylor raised an eyebrow. "I can't just tell them. I'd sound insane."

Amy groaned, putting her hands on her face. "Right. And so instead, you're here, pitching me on this stupid matchmaking scheme."

Taylor frowned. "I'll have you know that it's a perfectly serviceable plan. I'm fairly confident I could have you in a full-blown romantic relationship with her before summer's end." Taylor met Amy's eyes, and the utter certainty Amy saw there made her hesitate. What if Taylor really could get her and Victoria together? It sounded ridiculous, but Taylor's existence seemed to warp the boundaries of absurdity and common sense.

So, what if…?

Long-suppressed fantasies crawled back up to the surface, casting Amy's mind into a reverie of wild imagination.

What if?

What if?

However after a few seconds, a vigilant part of her mind clamped down hard. Regardless of how feasible it might be to get her sister to love her that way, going down that path would most likely end with Victoria getting hurt. That was all that mattered.

"No," Amy said, her resolve building as she spoke. "I'm not going to manipulate my sister into becoming my girlfriend. I don't care how good your plan is."

Taylor blinked. "I'd hardly call it 'manipulation.' I think you two could genuinely make each other happy. But if that's what's bothering you, then…"

Amy cut her off. "I said no, you, you… romance demon," Amy said with a scowl. "You're just gonna have to suck it up and have an honest conversation with Shadow Stalker."

Taylor wilted, looking down at her lap. "I… yes, you're right. I apologize."

Amy glared at her for another few moments, then sighed. "It's… I'm not going to say that it's 'fine', but I understand. You're doing everything you can to avoid actually dealing with your problem. I get it. Just leave me out of it, alright?"

Taylor nodded gravely. "Yes, right. I shouldn't have tried to coerce you into doing something you were uncomfortable with. I've been a poor friend."

Amy rolled her eyes. "Yeah, well, join the club." She made a shooing gesture. "Now get the fuck out of here before someone sees you."

Taylor bobbed her head. "Of course. Again, I apologize. I'll get out of your hair." She stood and ducked through Amy's window, slipping into the night with eerie silence.

Amy raised a hand in protest, then lowered it, sighing. She hadn't told Taylor not to go out the window, after all.


Madison squared her shoulders and took a deep breath. This wasn't going to be an awkward conversation. It wasn't. It was a totally logical discussion to have at this point, and there was no reason to be nervous about it.

…And it had nothing to do with the fact that she had been reading steamy romance comics as "market research" for the last few days. Nothing at all.

It was just, well… Madison had agreed to take things slow, and she appreciated how patient and careful Emma was with her, but they couldn't do this little dance forever. Like Taylor said, Madison had to assume the active role every now and then. Emma might be "in charge", but that didn't mean Madison could just sit around and wait for Emma to do all the work.

The doorbell rang and Madison hurried to the front door, throwing it open. Then she had to take a moment, as she always did, to simply bask in the fact that the amazing, gorgeous creature standing in front of her was her girlfriend.

Ha! Fuck you, Kelly Jacobs! Fuck you, Jessica Anderson! Fuck all you skanks who tried to beat me down! Look at this goddess I'm dating! I've won! I've won at life!

Madison shook her head and stepped forward to pull Emma into a tight hug.

"Hi," she said, grinning into Emma's shoulder.

Emma laughed, and Madison shivered at her girlfriend's warm breath tickling her ear. "I'm happy to see you too, Maddie."

Madison squeezed Emma just a little tighter, then stepped back, gesturing into the house. "Come in, come in! I've got snacks set up in my room."

Emma smiled. "Of course you do."

Madison guided Emma through the living room towards the stairs. Her mom put down the book she was reading and nodded at Emma from the couch.

"Hello, Emma! Good to see you again."

"Hi Mrs. Clements. How are you?"

"I'm well, thanks," Madison's mother said, nodding. "Let me know if you girls need anything."

Emma bobbed her head. "Sure, thanks."

Madison took Emma's hand and started to pull her along, but paused when her mom cleared her throat pointedly.

"What, Mom?" Madison asked, fidgeting.

Madison's mother glanced at Emma, then gave her daughter a tiny smirk. "Keep your door open, sweetie."

"Mom!" Madison hissed. Her mother giggled and returned to her book.

Madison dragged Emma up the stairs and took her to her room. "I'm so sorry about that," she said, sitting on the bed. Emma sat next to her.

Emma snickered. "It's alright. She was just teasing. I'm happy that your parents are so accepting of our relationship."

Madison grumbled. "I guess. It's still super embarrassing." She paused. "Have you told your parents about us yet?"

Emma frowned. "Well… not yet."

"Sorry. I'm not trying to put pressure on you or anything."

"It's fine. I just haven't found a good time to talk to them about it. I'll do it soon."


Emma looked around, and Madison became abruptly hyper-aware of how childish and girly her room was. The four-poster bed with lacy pink curtains. The line of teddy bears on the dresser with various outfits and accessories she had made for them. The mannequin torso adorned by an elaborate frilly lolita dress.

"I, uh, sorry. My room's a bit… much," Madison said, wincing.

Emma hummed and scooted closer, taking Madison's face in her hands. "I love it. It's adorable, just like you." She leaned in and kissed Madison lightly on the nose.

Madison blinked, dazed. "I… okay. If you say so."

"I do," Emma said, grinning. "So, what did you want to talk about?"

Madison cleared her throat, trying to recover her equilibrium. "Right." She stepped over to her desk and pulled a sheet of paper out of one of the drawers. She handed it over to Emma. "I, um, filled this out. Could you please take a look?"

Emma nodded and looked the sheet over. "This is…?"

"It's a list of stuff I'd like us to do together, if you agree."

Emma smiled. "Of course. I'd be happy to…" She paused as she read down the page, her eyes widening. "Oh. Oh!" Spots of red appeared on her cheeks.

Madison's lips threatened to quirk up in a smile at putting Emma on the back foot for once, but she took a breath and kept a straight face. "It's just… I know it's not very romantic to have it all laid out like that, but I just wanted to make myself clear."

Emma stared at her for a few seconds, then looked back to the sheet. "That's… sure. That makes sense." She pursed her lips as she examined the list. "I feel a bit guilty. I probably should've been the one to take the initiative and set this up."

Madison chuckled. "It's okay. We're figuring this out together, right?"

Emma nodded and ruffled Madison's hair, then pulled up the paper, scanning it closely. "Hmm. I'm not sure I have the upper body strength to do that. And… what does this word mean, here?" She flipped the page around and pointed to a line.

Madison leaned in and squinted to read it. "Oh! It's, uh… it's probably easier to show you. Stand up," she said, rising to her feet.

Emma complied and Madison squared up in front of her. She craned her neck from side to side, then nodded sharply.

Emma chuckled. "Maddie, what are you—?"

Madison took an abrupt step forward and Emma backed up reflexively. Madison pressed on, keeping Emma on her heels until she had backed her girlfriend up as far as she could go. Then she slapped her palm on the wall, further cutting off Emma's retreat. With her free hand, she reached up and gently but firmly pulled Emma in for a kiss.

The kiss lit Madison up with warm and fuzzy feelings, as always, but being the one taking the lead was… different. Feeling Emma slowly melt into the kiss and cede control gave Madison a strange thrill she'd never experienced before. A hungry part of her demanded that she take things further, but she broke the kiss and leaned back.

She laced the fingers of both her hands together behind Emma's neck and took a moment to admire her girlfriend's flushed cheeks and disheveled hair. "You're mine," Madison growled, or at least did her best. Her voice couldn't go very deep.

Emma inhaled sharply, and the spell was broken. Madison chuckled nervously and took a couple steps back. "So, uh, yeah. Something like that."

Emma stared at Madison, then suddenly was looming right above her. "I think I need another demonstration," she said, her voice like silk gliding over steel.

Madison bit her lip and nodded.


Dean sighed with relief as he exited the locker room and made his way over to the break area. Walking around in a fully enclosed suit of armor could get a little rank, especially in warmer weather. If he didn't know what a rough time Chris was having trying to get his Tinkering in hand, he might have asked his teammate to install some air conditioning in the suit. As it stood, the best Dean could do was to take a shower directly after patrol.

He grabbed a bottled water out of the fridge and took it to the couch. He had just begun to settle in when Taylor came around the corner. He tensed. Dean was well-practiced at playing dumb, pretending that he wasn't violating people's privacy simply by looking at them, but Taylor sometimes made it… difficult. Because while she usually kept a polite, amiable expression on her face, her emotions were intense.

Notably, Taylor loved Sophia, to an almost terrifying degree. One would normally expect romantic attraction to start with powerful blind infatuation and then taper off into something more stable, but if anything, Taylor's love for Sophia had grown more zealous and unhesitating. To the point that Dean might call it obsession.

But… yeah, no. No way he was going to get involved in Sophia's love life. If she didn't kill him, Taylor probably would. Sophia could take of herself. She'd be fine.


Yeah, that's what he was going with.

Taylor took a seat on the other end of the couch and folded her hands on her lap. "Good evening, Dean," she said, smiling and by all outward measures simply giving him a friendly greeting. However, her aura had sharpened with… determination. "Determination" wasn't exactly an emotion, but he could extrapolate it from a lack of idle feelings. Taylor had a mission in mind, and she was pushing down emotions that might distract her.

"Hey, Taylor. What's up?" he said, smiling back and trying not to give any indication that he was unsettled. If he saw this aura on anyone else, he would suspect that they were readying themselves to attack him. With Taylor, it was just how she was. She was either completely focused or totally disinterested.

"Not much," Taylor said. She paused and made eye contact. "Dean, is it alright if I ask you a personal question?" she asked, her aura flickering to a shimmering yellow of anticipation.

Dean kept the smile plastered on his face. "Sure, go ahead."

Taylor nodded. "How are things with Victoria?"

Dean winced. "I, uh… we're taking a break right now." He glanced away. "Why do you ask?"

Taylor's aura flickered red with frustration and anger, then she reined it back in. "Well, I might be overstepping my bounds, but I believe I might be able to help you reconcile with her," Taylor said. "Is that something you'd be interested in?"

Dean frowned, looking back at Taylor. "Uh, well… I appreciate your concern, but I think Victoria and I are just going to have to work it out on our own. She'll come and talk to me when she's ready."

Taylor's aura darkened, something breaking through her determination. It writhed and roiled like bubbles rising in a muddy swamp. Dean needed a moment to recognize the color of the emotion. Disgust? No. Contempt. Poisonous, caustic contempt. Like she was looking at a heinous and unrepentant criminal.

How can she do that? Dean wondered, awestruck. He'd expect someone feeling that level of disdain to be practically spitting at his feet. Taylor had barely narrowed her eyes.

"Respectfully," Taylor said, and Dean had to repress a burst of hysterical laughter, "I believe that you may need to be more proactive."

Dean opened his mouth and Taylor sighed. "Enough of this charade," she said. Her eyes turned stony, and her aura flattened as she suppressed her contempt. "I need you to make up with your girlfriend, Dean." She reached into her bag and tossed a folder at him.

Dean caught it in his lap and opened it. "What is this?"

"It's a step by step guide that'll get Victoria to take you back. Use it."

Dean blinked and flipped through the pages. It was exactly as she said. An incredibly detailed guidebook for how to talk to Victoria, what to say and not to say, even the types of gifts she would appreciate. "How… why?"

Taylor folded her arms. "That's not important. You love Victoria, right?"

"Yes," Dean said, the word rolling out of his mouth without hesitation. That, he had never doubted. He and Victoria had their ups and downs, but they had never been due to a lack of love.

"Then you need to fight for her," Taylor said. "This world is cruel, Dean. You have to hold on to love when you find it. Hold on tight."

As she spoke, her aura swelled like a bird of prey spreading its wings. A tide of sparkling pink affection rose up, bolstered by a pulsing blood-red undercurrent of… rage? What could that even mean?

Dean swallowed, his throat suddenly dry. "I, uh… alright. I'll talk to her."

All at once, Taylor's… ravening love-rage snuffed out, replaced by the flat gold of contentment. "Oh! Excellent. I'm glad that you saw reason. Let me know if you need any more assistance."

"No!" Dean blurted. He cursed internally at his outburst. "I mean, no, thank you. This should be more than enough," he said, weakly raising the documents Taylor had given him.

Taylor smiled. "Certainly. Don't wait too long. You only have one life to live, after all." She sighed. "Which reminds me, I have an urgent conversation of my own to attend to. Good luck to us both." She stood, inclined her head at him, and departed.

Dean waited until Taylor was completely out of sight, then let out a slow, shuddering breath.



Brain Cell 1: "Hey, did we really need to have a whole scene of Madison kabedon'ing Emma? We're a little light on plot progression here."
Brain Cell 2: "Hehe, kissing is nice. :)"