That bit where Amy "couldn't even get mad at Taylor for going OUT of the window" really made me chuckle.

It's like all those who learned how to manage her, have this kind of "punchcard" for her behaviour in their brain but if they failed to program the punchcard properly, they can only be mad at themselves if it does stuff a certain way.
she looks so innocent there. too innocent. *squints suspiciously*
no, I got it as I've watched the anime. but Taylor looks more wide-eyed and innocent, the yandere hands only give away a tiny hint of what she's about. XD
Rule 6: Acceptable Content on SV -- Links include sexualized images of minors. Please take care. -Apocal
ah yes, there's that bit of maniacal gleam in her eyes. she's still innocent looking, but there's something about that wide-eyed stare that makes you feel uncomfortable. perfect. XD

edit: btw, if you want to use some more Yandere templates besides Yuno, can I suggest the three girls from the "My Yandere Harem is Yandere Hell" game? they got some awesome unhinged-looking pictures.

Edit: turns out that some images in the galleries I linked to might have some things that were very much against the rules and I honestly didn't notice until it was pointed out. I'm sorry if I made anybody uncomfortable. you can search the images at your own discretion.
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