Tales from The Grid, Issue 1: Two Sides to Every Story (In-Character Thread)

"Okay, whatever. I was told to attack, so I did. Next time don't write someone off for being 'undead'."
"I think I had a revelation just now. Alright Spirit, I have an offer for you! I think if we do this right, we can use these weird... Star thingies to bring someone back! So if you could stop pestering my friend, I'm pretty sure I can bring you back. Consider this a true apology for all that has happened."
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"I'm going to have to ask you don't kill each other. A bother, I understand, but please stay alive long enough to get back to your proper reality?
"YoU lIsTeNeD tO a MoNsTeR!! iF tOlD tO kIlL yOuR mOtHeR, yOu'D dO It?! YoU MuRdEr OvEr HoNeSt MiStAKeS. yOu'Re A dAnGeR tO sOcIeTy."
"Stop yelling at him, are you going to accept my deal and let me try reviving you, or are you gonna keep floating there and badmouthing us?" [Annoyed Tree Monster]
The ghost is completely unaware of its surroundings outside of its murderer.

"I'Ll NeVeR lEt YoU sLeEp AgAiN."

(Accrovideogames: You may revive my character, but its ghost is single minded toward only one goal: tormenting the thief for all eternity.)