Taking My Turn With the Matches (RWBY/Warcraft)

Salem is going to be concerned about the high-end mages. Isn't she under the impression that She's the only one left who has magic?
Salem, Oz and the Four Maidens are the only ones who have magic in Remnant.

Qrow and Raven counts too I guess even though their magic amounts to turning into birds.

On the other hand, it will surprise everyone of the Alliance's visit on Remnant and it's gonna be fun.
Chapter 4
Shorter chapters until that family emergency is over with.


Ruby stared at the horse in confusion, finally asking, "That's a demon?"

"A wrathsteed," Rose said, "the greatest creation of Lord Hel'nurath of Xoroth. I stole it from his general, Arax'ath, and bound it to me. It was a ritual that took the entirety of the Seven to perform."

"The seven?" Ruby asked.

"The leaders and greatest Warlocks of the Council of the Black Harvest. As I said, I am the First. The others are Kanrethad Ebonlocke, Ritssyn Flamescowl, Jubeka Shadowbreaker, Shinfel Blightsworn, Kira Iresoul and Zinnin Smythe-" Blake snorted, "What?"

"Just, all these ridiculously over the top names and then "Smythe " and "Rose"."

"People on Azeroth, unless they're nobility, aren't usually born with last names. We pick them based on how we want to present ourselves, the Council are proudly Warlocks, so we use names that advertise that fact. If I wasn't attached to my last name, I could go by Ruby Neatherlord, or Ruby Felrose, or any other name I wanted."

"Doesn't change that they're ridiculous," Blake said.

"I wouldn't tell them that though. That's a good way to get cursed," Rose said.

"Cursed?" Weiss scoffed.

"To a Warlock, all manner of dark magic is open to wield, including curses," Rose said, "Curses that keep you from speaking any language other than Eredun, curses that corrupt the flesh, that wither the soul, it's all open to us if we're willing."

Wither the soul?

"That sounds like evil magic," Ruby said.

"Many people would consider anything that has to do with Fel evil," Rose agreed, "it's dark magic, I won't deny that. But the actual use of it depends on the person using it and their strength of will. A weak willed warlock will be consumed by Fel long before they become a master Warlock, but a master Warlock is just as skilled as any Archmage, just in the darker. Curses, demon binding and summoning, fire magic."

"Demon binding?" Blake asked.

"Some demons serve willingly, others have to be made to serve," Rose said .

"You enslave them?"

"You can put it that way, yes," Rose said, and Blake glowered at her, while the rest of the group jerked back, "don't give me that look, they'd be doing far worse if we didn't."

"Like what?" Blake snapped.

"Destroying worlds," Rose said, "That's what the Legion does, finds worlds and burns them to cinders, enslaving anything they don't kill and turning them into demons themselves to be used in the next conquest. That's what we were fighting, why I would do anything to stop it. I know why you're angry, Blake, but sometimes there's no choice. I would have done anything to save Azeroth, protect my loved ones from the Legion, and if that means you hate me for it, fine. They mean more to me than you."

"We have to have standards, otherwise we're no better than what we're fighting!" Blake snapped. Why was she so upset? Ruby didn't like what Rose was saying either, but she wasn't getting this angry.

"And I do have standards, the standards that all the people of Azeroth deserve the right to not be tortured, killed or worse because the ruler of the Legion wanted Azeroth for himself! The Legion is wholly evil, it isn't like what you're thinking about, Blake. There are no moderates among the Legion. If they ever existed they died hundreds of thousands of years ago."

Ruby loped forwards alongside the other Worgan as the demon moved through the Fel lava. Varian leapt onto her back, just for a second, before kicking off and flying the rest of the way to the demon, spinning Shalamayne into an icepick grip and driving it into the demon's face before tearing down and landing on the ground in front of it, grabbing a shield from a footman and using it to block the claw strike from the demon.

Across from them, a wind picked up as Thrall raised one hand into the air. Sylvanas and her Dark Rangers nocked their arrows, letting them fly into the demon's back in explosions of shadow magic. Ruby drove the other blade of Shalamayne into the demon's cheat, tearing the elven sword out as bolts of lightning came from the shaman on both sides of the divide between Horde and Alliance. Bolts of ice flew from the mages, striking the demon, and druids tore miniature stars from the sky as they rained beams of sunfire and moonlight on it. Blasts of Light and Shadow erupted from the Priests and, in the former's case, Paladins.

Ruby was barely solid, just enough to repeatedly stab the demon with Shalamayne as she went higher and higher, fel blood leaking out of the demon as she did until she finally reached its throat, her clawed hand digging into the flesh and tearing out the demon's throat. Landing on the ground as Jaina created a pair of bridges for the Alliance and Horde to meet up on the other side of the lava, she called, "We've almost got him! Push forwards, for Azeroth!"

"You heard the General!" Varian called as they surged across the bridge, passing Tirion to Thrall, water coating the shaman's hands as he lifted the Highlord with wind, heading back towards the wyvern waiting across the bridge, "Alliance, push forwards!"

"We'll hold the ridge," Sylvanas said, shooting down a felbat as she did, "good luck, Varian."

"Thank you, Sylvanas," Varian said.

Glynda watched the older Ruby Rose approach on a burning steed, flying next to the Bullhead carrying the students back to Beacon. She landed first, sliding off the horse to walk towards Ozpin and Glynda, "Professors."

"Neatherlord, was it?" Ozpin asked.

"You were listening, then?" Rose asked, "That'll keep me from having to repeat myself."

"We had to be certain you weren't a danger to our students, you understand," Ozpin said.

"Of course," Rose said, "My men tend to be old enough to take care of themselves, but I would do the same for them."

"May I ask why you've come back to Remnant?"

"Abstaining from a war the best I can. I know I'm not the only one who's doing it."

"You still believe in the principles of peace among nations, then?"

"I've fought in wars when necessary, Ozpin, I just don't think this one is a good idea for anyone. We just defeated the Burning Legion, now should be a time of peace, not war."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Miss Rose, nobody should have to fight a war," Ozpin looked older as he said that, but Rose just shrugged.

"Sometimes, there are things worth going to war against. Deathwing, the Iron Horde, the Legion. Mindless destruction and conquest must be fought. But I've seen, time and time again, that the Alliance and Horde are most powerful when there's peace between the two, so I refuse to fight a needless war between them. Unless something happens to make me change my mind, I'll be staying on Remnant until the war ends. If you'll excuse me, I have some loved ones to summon."

"May we watch?" Ozpin said, "it is sure to be illuminating."

Thoughts, questions, opinions? Good? Bad? Meh?
Uh, other things I'm curious on people's opinions on that slipped through the gaps. 1) I'm using the Mercenaries from Hearthstone to fill out the roster. 2) Anduin is a Hubter mixed with a Priest, as a call back to the comic where he was being built as a Hunter.
Uh, other things I'm curious on people's opinions on that slipped through the gaps. 1) I'm using the Mercenaries from Hearthstone to fill out the roster. 2) Anduin is a Hubter mixed with a Priest, as a call back to the comic where he was being built as a Hunter.
i know what hearthstone is but otherwise have no idea what you are talking about so.... 🤷‍♂️go ahead
Uh, other things I'm curious on people's opinions on that slipped through the gaps. 1) I'm using the Mercenaries from Hearthstone to fill out the roster. 2) Anduin is a Hubter mixed with a Priest, as a call back to the comic where he was being built as a Hunter.

Honestly it didn't even occur to me that you were using them so it didn't bother me at all. Anduin not being a full priest is a bit weirder but it isn't too surprising that he picked up some warrior/hunter skills considering his father. Lorewise characters aren't as single classed as player characters anyway.

Also the talk on enslaving demons reminded me of the similar conversation from your older fic "And Their Companion was the Grave" where Ruby was defending demons and arguing against demonic enslavement.
Also the talk on enslaving demons reminded me of the similar conversation from your older fic "And Their Companion was the Grave" where Ruby was defending demons and arguing against demonic enslavement.
I don't remember that conversation, but it also has to do with different circumstances, you knoe? Grave Ruby experienced slavery under the Scourge. She would hate slavery on principle there because she knows what it's like. This Ruby has no such experience, so she has no reservations in taking the extreme route when she has to.
I don't remember that conversation, but it also has to do with different circumstances, you knoe? Grave Ruby experienced slavery under the Scourge. She would hate slavery on principle there because she knows what it's like. This Ruby has no such experience, so she has no reservations in taking the extreme route when she has to.

It was in her lecture scene discussing the different types of magic. And yes I wasn't saying it was out of character for either I just found the contrast interesting between the two Rubys.

"Opposite Arcane is Fel, which is connected to a sickly yellow-green color. It is, comparatively easier to perform, but can also corrupt the user, changing their body. and has a much more corrosive presence than most other forms of magic."

"Those who use Fel magics, which is generally divided into three branches, Affliction, Demonology, and Destruction, are referred to as Warlocks."

"Affliction Warlocks attack the body and soul, wearing them down over time, through diseases."

"The soul? Like our Aura?"

"Yes, it is important to remember that, as a general rule of thumb, Warlocks are mages who wanted to take the easy way, and are not above attacking you like that."

"People do these things?"

Miss Rose stopped in the middle of her drawing to turn towards the student who asked it.

"If we had anything, maybe a rat or something, I would show you. I know a couple of Fel based tricks."

Magic isn't incompatible with other forms of magic. Possible to learn more than one type.

Turning back to the drawing she continued on, "Anyways, Destruction Warlocks prefer to use Fel enhanced fire to do similar things."

"Finally you have Demonology, studying how to transform into something known as a Demon, among other things, such as binding other Demons to them. They dance the line more than any other Warlock, because the change may be permanent, and," stepping back she pointed to the picture, "rather drastic."

It looked like a man, if you ignored the hooves, horns, wing, and needle like teeth.

"Other users of Fel Magic are Demon Hunters, whose name should be self explanatory."

Demons not liked by society?

A Faunus cut in, "Wait, these people get turned into things like that and they just get enslaved or put down? Why?"

"Most of the time they're too far gone. Demons are beings who have chaotic energy coursing through their veins."

"That's not right! You should be trying to help them!"

"I would like to point out that my only meaningful romantic relationship in years was with a Demon. So you're not exactly making your case to the right person."


She hiked a thumb at the picture, "Why do you think I'm able to draw that from memory?"

The boy settled down, pacified.
"I'm sorry to hear that, Miss Rose, nobody should have to fight a war," Ozpin looked older as he said that, but Rose just shrugged.
I wonder if Rose will eventually discover that Ozpin is a centuries-old body hopping immortal wizard and can help him with his ex-wife Salem.

That'd be interesting to see Fel power probably burning away the Grimm essence from Salem or even her regeneration immortality.
Chapter 5
Hopefully the last chapter before this emergency settles down.


Blake sullenly watched Rose carefully burn strange runes into the ground with green fire, Ozpin watching her with curiosity as she did. She expected them to believe there were no demons who wanted peace? That was ridiculous, they weren't Grimm. She was just trying to justify enslaving them!


"It appears that there's a certain method to what you're writing," Ozpin said.

"Eredun," Rose said, "the language of demons. Warlocks use it for Fel magic all the time."

"Hmm. To use the language of your enemies seems quite foolish," Ozpin said.

"Not every Warlock is an enemy to demons. The Black Harvest is the exception to the rule. Most Warlocks are power hungry, willing to make deals with demons for more power. Even the Black Harvest looks for ways to get stronger, we just draw the line at working with the Legion."

"May I ask why you joined them, then? You said you wanted to help people the first time we met, has that changed?"

"Of course not," Rose scoffed, "I was a demon hunter for years, I only took to Fel magic during the Legion Invasion. I still consider myself a demon hunter first and a warlock second. Warlocks are casters, they're squishy, I get right into the thick of it and fight alongside my magic. Now…"

Rose pulled the scythe off her back, the green eye like gem below the skull glowing.

"What is that weapon? You called it evil?"

"It's actually two tools merged together, the Jeweled Scepter of Sargeras and Ulthalesh, a scythe known as the Deadwind Harvester. The scepter is bound to the very fabric of reality, the ultimate portal maker as it can unweave it at will. In the wrong hands it can, and has, destroy a world. And Ulthalesh… As I said, it's an evil weapon. It eats souls to strengthen itself and its wielder."

"Eats souls… Were you truly so desperate, you would descend to such depths?"

"In the face of extinction, and that is what we were facing, anything is worth it," Rose said seriously, "We think we broke the Legion at Argus, but if we didn't, pray they never arrive on Remnant, or you will know why I was willing to use such evil to win."

"How are you any better than them, then?" Blake asked icely, while the others stared at Rose in horror.

"Because I was fighting for the survival of everyone on Azeroth. I was far from the only person who resorted to evil weapons during those times. Uther the Deathbringer reforged Frostmourne, a sword just as evil as Ulthalesh. Now if you'll excuse me."

The gem on the scepter lit up brightly, and Rose swung the scythe up into the air, the smell of rotten eggs appearing as a green portal formed in the center of the runes. Out of it stepped five people, three women and two men.

The first woman was a short, dark skinned one wearing purple robes that exposed her navel. She stepped to the side to let the next one through.

The next one was a tall, lithe blonde with glowing green eyes, her hair in a ponytail that was threaded through the red hood she had on, and was wearing a red leotard with a long trailing clothe below her waist and a small window to her cleavage. On her hips were a pair of bone daggers that glowed green at the tips.

The next one through was a dark haired woman with hawkish yellow eyes and a hood over her brown hair. She wore a black, all leather ensemble, except for the cloak around her, a pair of sabers at her hips alongside a dagger, and a crossbow on her arm.

Fourth, stepped an auburn haired man with a small goatee, wearing a formal suit with one sleeve tied off, clearly hiding a missing limb. At his hip was an old fashioned pistol alongside a rapier.

And fifth was a short man with ash gray skin and glowing orange eyes wearing a suit of armor, a heavy hammer on his back.

"Kira, Valeera, Tess, Liam, Thaelin?" Rose's voice raised at the last two, a look of confusion stretching on her face, "I wasn't expecting you two."

The blonde stepped forwards, hugging Rose before pulling back and handing her a scroll, "From Anduin."

Blake took a step back. She sounded like… Like her mom.

Rose opened the scroll, eyes scanning the contents before flames lit the paper on fire. Her eye glared at it as it burned, and she growled out, "I will, of course, follow King Wrynn's orders."

Ruby stared at Ulthalesh embedded in the ground. It… It ate souls? A weapon that… What?

Why would she ever use that? Was the Legion really that bad? But, that implied they had souls, and something with a soul couldn't be that evil!

"If it makes you feel any better," the blonde woman said to Rose as she glared at the burning piece of paper, "He knew you wouldn't like it."

"It's a good idea," Rose said in a voice like she was pulling teeth.

"But you don't like it," the dark haired, hooded woman said, a more obvious version of Rose's accent in her voice.

"No, I don't."

"May I ask what you don't like?" Ozpin coughed, causing the group to look at him.

"Professor Ozpin?" The red head said, the same accent in his voice, stepping forwards and offering his one hand out in a handshake, "Ruby described you before. I am Prince Liam Greymane of Gilneas, and this is my sister Tess."

The amber eyed woman gave a half bow.

"I am Professor Ozpin, yes," the Professor took a hand off his cane and took the offered hand, shaking it firmly, "I assume whatever those orders were, were important if both a prince and princess were sent to make sure they were carried out?"

"We're here in case our father, King Greymane, dies in the coming war," Liam said, voice bitter, "I would much rather be at his side. King Wyrnn trusts Ruby to carry out his orders without us here. Though I'm sure she won't oppose Tess being around- oof!" The last statement was cut off by Tess elbowing Liam in the gut, who just laughed.

"And were those the orders Rose are so unhappy about?"

"No," Rose said, "Anduin is using the fact that I'm a officer from a previous campaign to order me to establish a garrison here on Remnant to act as a training ground for new Alliance soldiers and as a bolthole for a government in exile if the worst happens. Is Forever Fall open?"

"I'll have to discuss it with the council, but I'm sure we have some place we can give this Alliance to build something between a garrison and an embassy. May I ask who the other three of you are?"

"Kira Iresoul," the dark skinned woman said, "Sixth of the Council of the Black Harvest."

"Thaelin Darkanvil, engineer and architect. I'm here to examine wherever we set up as the Garrison before the workers come in."

"Valeera Sanguinar," the pretty blonde said, "No titles of importance, other than Tess and Ruby's companion."

"I'm going by Rose here, by the way," Rose offered.

"Why-?" Valeera stopped as she followed Rose's finger to Ruby, deadpanning, "There's a younger you here."


"Oh, that's adorable," Valeera said.

Ruby huffed, she wasn't adorable!

Yes Ruby, you are indeed adorable. Also, almost hoping for some truly evil demons to show up now just so Blake and other naysayers quit with their castigation of something they don't understand.
Yes Ruby, you are indeed adorable. Also, almost hoping for some truly evil demons to show up now just so Blake and other naysayers quit with their castigation of something they don't understand.
As I said on spacebattles, this is one of those culture clashes I thrive on. Remnant teaches in the sanctity of the soul, and how any race that has a soul can't be pure evil. To them, the very fact that demons have souls mean they can't be pure evil, it goes against everything they've ever been taught. They'll learn as time goes on, but right now they're only a matter of hours from first contact.
As I said on spacebattles, this is one of those culture clashes I thrive on. Remnant teaches in the sanctity of the soul, and how any race that has a soul can't be pure evil. To them, the very fact that demons have souls mean they can't be pure evil, it goes against everything they've ever been taught. They'll learn as time goes on, but right now they're only a matter of hours from first contact.

I mean, do they? Demon's don't function on the standard life/death going to the shadowlands paradigm of Azeroth. They definitely have some kind of different soul structure to go back to the twisting nether instead. Still until actual uncontrolled demons get summoned or Blake has to go to a world the legion has torched (Or Rose shows her a vision of one I suppose) I doubt words will change her mind.
As is shown in the demon hunter campaign it is possible to compromise with certain demons (in that specific case the succubi/shivarra) due to there goals being slightly different from the legions as a whole. That of course doesn't mean they are good or even neutral just that it is possible to make them less of a threat.
As is shown in the demon hunter campaign it is possible to compromise with certain demons (in that specific case the succubi/shivarra) due to there goals being slightly different from the legions as a whole. That of course doesn't mean they are good or even neutral just that it is possible to make them less of a threat.
Even the Shivarra specifically state they came to the conclusion that if Sargares won, they wouldn't have anyone to torture.

ean, do they? Demon's don't function on the standard life/death going to the shadowlands paradigm of Azeroth. They definitely have some kind of different soul structure to go back to the twisting nether instead
Ok, this was addressed in an interview. All "Pure" beings (Nar'ru, Old Gods, Demons, Wild Gods, Titans) naturally go back to their realm of origin in the case of their death to reform at a later time. They still have souls, it's just that they are not, under any circumstances, supposed to go to the Shadowlands which is cosmic in nature (this is why I'm trying to figure out which afterlife fits Summer). Wild Gods and Green Dragons technically can if sufficiently corrupted, but they're immediately booted to Ardenweild to reincarnate info the Emerald Dream because they're so Life aligned they should NEVER enter the Shadowlands, and the thing that Broke the Machine of Death leading into Shadowlands is established to be Argus (the Titan World Soul) smashing into the Arbiter after the Dreadlords corrupted him towards death to the point he went to the Shadowlands. Since it was retconned the Dreadlords were not naturally demons, but inflitrators from the Shadowlands ordered to infiltrate every other Realm.