February 20, 2011
Brockton Bay, MA
I'm going flat out, singing for all I'm worth. It doesn't take long for me to find the source of the explosion. The hoodie girl ended up chasing the rollerblader into an abandoned parking lot, and now she's using her power to blast craters into the asphalt when they try to leave. I stop singing; I've got enough gain to fight for a little bit, and I can always start again if hoodie girl goes after me instead.
Oh fuck. That
is Jess on those rollerskates. Shit. I have no idea if the hoodie girl is a hero, villain, rogue, whatever. I don't recognize the powerset at first, then my heart sinks a bit. Madison, that had better not be you…
I think Jess is losing. They're throwing fireballs, and holy FUCK I'm glad I have the visor because the flash-comp just kicked in. They flashbanged the hoodie girl! Nice. She's stunned, walking around slowly with her hands over her ears, trying to find Jess.
"YOU BITCH! WHERE ARE YOU!?" she yells.
Fuck, that's Madison! She's
pissed. I fly in, intending to confront her, when she hears my engines and rockets towards OH SHIT
She's tackled me, her arms locked around my waist, and I'm flying. Like, really flying. Madison's hanging on for dear life, and as much as I try to flare my boots and get out of it, I'm not doing much more than move our trajectory slightly. Which is really fucking bad, because the ground's coming up so fast…
Pain. My back slams onto the ground and my Symphogear is buffeted by an explosion, like I held a block of C4 to my chest. It's a testament to this armor that it just stuns me. The pain is already fading, and I'm grabbing onto her, ready to punch her. (stop that Taylor! chill out!) She looks up at me from her hold on my torso, and squeaks. I drop my fist, then push her off of me gently, bringing myself back up to my full height.
She takes a pose, raising her fists warily, but her stance is all off. I can see Jess running, their rollerblades held in their hands.
Fuck it. She saw me in the armor already. Unless Madison is completely and utterly stupid, she knows that the mysterious magical girl who saved her is Taylor Hebert, teenage delinquent. I release the visor, but don't dismiss the armor. I wouldn't put it past her to attack me again.
"What the fuck do you think you were doing?" I ask her, annoyed.
Madison paled, and then in a shaky voice, said "I… I… I'm a hero! I was pursuing a thief!"
"Does that mean
blow them up? What did they steal, anyway?"
"She… he… she? She did a smash and grab! Stole a briefcase!"
"And that's a problem because…?"
"Because stealing is wrong!"
"Assault with a parahuman power and battery aren't wrong, then, either? What about destruction of property? I hate to admit it, but somebody owns this useless lot of asphalt. Well, it's even more useless now that you've blown several holes in it, including the level ramp, and the guardhouse gate. Some people care about that shit, Mads."
"It's Skipper!"
"Skipper? That's your cape name?" I'm about to mock her for it, but… actually, it's a really good name. And her weird brunette-Barbie aesthetic when she actually bothers to dress up… kinda matches. "Huh. Not bad."
"Thanks. But…" She draws herself up, some of her old indignation returning. "She was stealing!"
"They, Skipper, they. I know them by name, and I know Circus uses singular they when they're not wearing a watch."
"Oh, they. But, they smashed up an expensive car to get the briefcase!"
"Again, why is that a problem? Why is that your problem?" Who fucking cares if Circus steals themselves rent money?! If you're not getting the drip-feed from the Protectorate, you have to pay rent to some asshole, and even if you squat, you still have to pay for power, your cell phone, all kinds of shit. Being a cape who doesn't steal doesn't pay.
Oh god, this girl is in way, way, way over her head. At least I had Kat and Rachel to explain all this stuff to me along the way - she's got nobody to help her with this shit. At this rate she'll get conscripted or killed when she pisses off an actual group. Between me and Kat, maybe we can intervene before that happens.
"I can't believe you, Ta-! Ugh! What's your name? Do you actually
have one yet?" She's seething! It's kinda cute, actually.
"Synth. My cape name is Synth." I sigh internally. "Look, the Protectorate, or at least the PRT, are going to be here any minute. You didn't actually collar Circus, and thank fuck for that, but you did fuck up a parking lot. They don't like that shit. We can talk elsewhere, or I can drop you off somewhere safer."
"I…" She glances around, taking in the parking lot - the craters, the smashed guard shack, the damaged fences, the knocked-over light poles… Madison abruptly starts laughing, a sort of hollow, anxiety-laden laugh. Shit, she's having a panic attack. She must've been on a knife edge. "Oh
shit. Oh, god. Shit! I'm screwed. I'm so fucked! Why did I do this?"
"We can blame people later. We need to move right now."
I point at another parking lot. I close my visor, and use its zoom function to check it out. The Stagea's there, and Diana's helping Circus into the van. Kat's already walking back to my car.
"Okay. I can get there. I don't have to explode, after all."
"Alright. Find a spot that's hidden. I'll meet you there." I boost for it, and Madi-
Skipper launches herself into the air. The system's already calculating her trajectory… and she made a perfect landing, under cover of darkness.
I guess she can be sensible when she wants to be.
I boost over to her, then dismiss the armor, taking out my cell phone.
synth_butch: hey
synth_butch: we need a pickup
burnout44: k
burnout44: i see you two
The Stagea starts up and rolls towards us. I walk over and get into the passenger seat, and Madison gets into the back seat, looking forlorn and anxious.
"Why did you bring her with you?" Kat asks, easing my car out onto the loop.
"I needed to talk to her?" I said.
"Shit, hang on." Kat pulls out their phone and texts somebody. "There. Rachel knows to hurry home now."
Madison's looking at us, wondering what we're going to do to her.
"You're not in trouble. Much trouble, anyway. Taylor wants to talk to you. I want to talk to you, for that matter. You're the one who attacked Circus, right?"
"That's their name? The skating jester?"
"Yep." Kat said, popping the P. "Why did you do that?"
"They were stealing a briefcase from a Mercedes." Madison frowns. "It looked pretty expensive - the briefcase and the car."
"Okay, and why is that your problem?"
"Why wouldn't it be?"
I have to laugh at this. "Oh, you sweet summer child."
Kat isn't amused. "Because it doesn't matter. Because worrying about that shit is for cops. You're. Not. A. Cop. And thank Christ for that."
"But… stealing is wrong!"
"Stealing is a crime."
"That's what I said!"
"No, there's a difference. The law and what's right are two different things." Kat's clearly warming to the topic. "Sometimes they're aligned. Sometimes there's grey areas. Sometimes they're opposed. The two things aren't very related, you see?"
"So what's more wrong - a vulnerable person on the streets, or survival theft?"
"Them… being on the streets? I think?"
"So there are greater evils and lesser evils."
"…Yeah, I suppose. So they're on the streets? How come? I thought crime was supposed to pay." Madison's looking a little shaky, but I'm not sure if it's her anxiety or a movement compulsion - or both?
"Because their landlord sold the building, then the new owner kicked them out for being a 'godless satanic deviant'. Because work is hard to find in this shithole of a city, even if you are a cape. And not all capes trust the Protectorate, nor should they. If you're not one of them and you're not a Tinker, or have corporate or team backing? Our response as a society is 'tough luck, do crimes then, also fuck off and die'. That isn't the foundation for any sort of trust, that's a gun to your head."
"I… shit. I want to be a hero, but…"
"That's not so easy, is it?"
"No… not really. I just wanted to do the right thing."
"The right thing… that's for you to determine. And that's another thing. How much do you know about capes?"
"Powers through trauma… I got that much," she says wryly.
I speak up. "Kat."
"What is it?"
"You mind if we take a loop on the highway?" Madison seems to relax a bit more at this.
"Uh… oh. Oh! Sure, sure, we can do that." Kat slews the wagon onto 123 and heads for the interstate, doing a couple of pulls on the way.
"Where are you taking me?" Madison asks.
I tell her the truth. "Nowhere."
"Yeah. Look, we can turn around and go wherever you need. Home, my hangout place, Fugly Bob's, whatever. But… you have movement powers, don't you?"
"How long have you been using them?"
"Uh… never? Not until tonight - and when I did the power testing for the Wards, but they didn't exactly have room for me to do much. I got to test my explosions way more than my movement."
Kat sighs. "Shit. They didn't warn you?"
"About what?"
"You have to use your powers, or… you get compulsions. On some level, I have to tinker with stuff, especially if it relates to my affinity. Rachel has to bond to cats. And I suspect you've got to move… Powers really mess with you on some deep level. I don't know why; people have been studying this shit for years."
"What about Taylor?"
I shake my head. "Nope, nothing like that." It's the truth. All my friends who know about my cape status have been watching me for use compulsions. From what I can tell… I'm lucky, I don't have to worry about them.
Madison frowns at that. "So I have to skip. Fuck. This is nothing like the movies."
We start laughing at that, and Madison joins in after a bit.
Once I calm down, I remember what we were originally talking about. "Anyway. All this is telling me that you don't know much of anything about the cape scene. Right?"
Madison stares. "There's a scene?"
Kat says, "More like a bunch of gangs, and then some independent teams, and finally, independent capes."
"Oh. What gangs?"
I nod to Kat, and they elaborate. "Well, there's the big four. ABB - the Asian Bad Boyz. Pretty much a Yakuza branch with looser recruiting requirements. Their leader is their heavy hitter, Lung. Don't mess with him. Seriously, don't. For that matter, don't stir up shit with the ABB if you can help it; it never ends well." They take a breath and continue, tapping their fingers on the steering wheel. "Then, you've got the Archer Bridge Merchants. Bunch of fucking losers. They could be something, but they're usually too fucked up on their own shit to do anything with their capes. Next, the PRT."
Now Mads looks confused. "How are they a gang?"
"From your perspective, they're the government capes, but really, they control both the adult and the kid teams they run. As for why I'm counting them as a gang, it's because they hold territory and wear colors. The fact that they're state-backed is a minor detail. But, they're like super-cops; mostly useless unless they want to fuck up your life. If they haven't press-ganged you into the Wards yet, they'll do their best to now."
"Fucking figures." She's scowling now. I suspect she's got a grudge already. I thought it'd take her longer.
"Last but certainly not least, the Empire 88. Nazi assholes. They don't give a single shit about the masking code, honor, unwritten rules, the cops-and-robbers game. They play for keeps. The only reason they haven't killed gov-capes yet is because that's a fucking stupid idea, but with those clowns all it'll take is one bad night and the Protectorate will declare war on them. I'm not holding my breath on that."
Madison lets out a shuddering breath. "Me either. So… that's not everybody, right?"
"Nope. There's the smaller groups, the ones that don't hold much if any territory. There's the Ambassadors. Accord runs them out of Boston, but they have dealings here. If you're lucky, you'll never have to worry about them. If you're not, keep in mind that Accord expects anyone in his presence to be sharply dressed and on their best behavior. Personally, I hate having to dress up? But they're very insistent on this. I think Accord just has a formalwear fetish." Kat sounds a bit irritated now, being reminded of the time they had to put on a formal dress and heels just to visit Accord.
I scowl in sympathy. The one time we met with his group, I was sketched out as hell by them. Nobody looks that fucking put together unless they're an asshole - or under the thumb of one. At least everybody agreed I looked good in a suit. "He's a control freak."
"That too."
Madison speaks up. "What about the other groups?"
Kat takes up the thread again. "Okay. There's Faultline's merc crew. She mostly has metaforms in her crew - so-called Case 53s. People who drastically and permanently changed from getting their powers. They've got a very solid rep, but they typically run ops outside of town. She doesn't like to shit where she eats, is her reason. They recently came back from Val Verde, augmenting Guatemalan capes during the recent 'police action'." They briefly make air quotes with their free hand.
"So I likely won't run into them?"
"Probably not. Then you've got the Undersiders. They're basically an infiltration merc team, led by Grue. His power is to emit waves of darkness, and Tattletale, his second, is a social thinker. She claims to be psychic, but I've seen her shtick before; she's just got amazing intuition, to the point that it's a power. Circus has run with them before. Not a lot of muscle, but they usually hire it as needed. If you want to be a villain, I can give you an intro; I'm sure they wouldn't mind having you hench for them. Odds are you won't meet them unless you're a rogue or a Ward, though."
"I'll pass, thanks."
"Okay. That's fair. Then you've got Uber and Leet. It's not just those two anymore, but they're the core of the team. You probably remember their GTA episode."
That one was hilarious. Leet tried to attack an escort, because of course that's how boys play GTA. Unfortunately for him, in this town, sex workers tend to travel in packs and hire security. Streetwalking is too dangerous otherwise - the Empire hate crime spree last year made sure of that. So, one of her friends took exception to this and cracked Uber over the head with a baseball bat, and their hired goon shot Leet in his armor vest three times. It flailed his chest, and then the escorts gave them a boot party. Half with platforms, half with stilletos.
At that point, Lung showed up, took a statement from the escorts, found Uber and Leet's getaway van, and burned it down to the frame. Then after the duo escaped, he hauled them in and gave his one warning. They've been scrupulously avoiding anything like that ever since.
I'm snickering just thinking about it.
Madison's snickering, too. Oh, yeah, she remembers.
"Anyway, they hire occasionally, if you want some extra money. I'm sure they can find a game that'd fit your powerset. Or you could play into their hands and end up fighting them to a theme. It's happened before. Finally…"
I groan. Here it comes.
Kat ignores me pointedly. "New Wave. They're a hero group, more or less a family outfit. Many of their powers fit a specific theme, with the exception of Panacea, also known as Amelia Pelham. Her healing power is bio-control, and she's a passable biotinker as well. Charges quite a bit if you're not PRT or she's not doing a charity shift at Memorial. The rest? Lasers, shields, things like that. Glory Girl tends to be the one newbies run into - be glad you didn't take her on, because she can seriously fuck you up with her Alexandria package. She's also got some sort of awe or fear power."
I interject. "Look, you've seen most of New Wave - as in the team - before. I'd be very surprised if you didn't know about them."
Madison shrugs. "I know about them, yeah. Not, like, how to fight them or anything, but I know about them."
Kat clears their throat. "So yeah, that's all the groups. There's also Parian - she's a fashion designer and seamstress with some sort of projector module that lets her fight using stuffed animals and music."
"Projector module?"
My eyes go wide. Another Symphogear user? Why haven't I heard about this?
"It's not quite like Taylor's. Parian doesn't talk about it, whatever it is. Taylor, I'll tell you what I know, later, okay?" Kat's clearly wondering about something now.
I nod. "Okay."
Madison frowns. "Wait. I know there's a group you're not mentioning. A mechanic and a cat girl who makes cats bigger, who sometimes fight Noise but mostly stay to themselves. From what I remember on PHO, they have a new member, some sort of … Blaster…"
Kat looks a little annoyed. "I was building to that. Taylor?"
It's time for me to tell her who we are. "We're the Others. We're a rogue group, mixed cape and baseline. The demigirl driving us around in my station wagon is Burnout. They/them pronouns, so please don't be rude. Rachel isn't here, she's the cat girl who makes cats the size of super-bears. Jammer, she's our software and hardware hacker, wants to drive a giant robot some day, is really cute,
anduhmovingon… And I'm the newbie who makes the music happen with my powers. Synth."
Madison's eyes are wide. "Oh, wow. That explains a lot. Were you all out here looking for me?"
"No? You were the one who dropped in on us. I would've been really pissed if I'd run you over… and trashed the front end in the process." Shit, I shouldn't have said that.
"How convenient I skipped away in time, then," replies Madison dryly.
"I… shit. I mean, I'm really glad I didn't run you over. And I'm glad my car didn't get trashed the first time I got to drive it in months. That's what I meant." I'm blushing furiously.
"It's okay."
"So…" Gods, this is awkward.
Madison is looking better, just a bit uncertain. "So. Um. I'm feeling better. Is there anywhere we could go and just, you know, talk things out?"
Kat answers for me. "Sure. Like I said, we can take you home, or to the warehouse, or even to Fugly Bob's or something. But I kinda need to take care of things back home, so…"
Madison thinks for a second. "Warehouse. It's where you live, right?"
Kat nods. "That's right. Synth hangs out there most nights, but Rachel and I are, well, the only two that stay permanently, after my friends' polycule moved out. Not sure what Circus plans to do, but that's what I need to talk to them about."
"Okay. Let's go, then."
About thirty minutes later, we pull back into the parking pad outside the warehouse, and the garage door opens to reveal Rachel, with Brick in her hands. I get out of the car, walking over to the driver's side.
Kat's using their Mom voice on Madison. "Stay here, Skipper. I need to talk to my girlfriend first."
I hear Madison mumble her assent as Kat gets out and leaves me the driver's seat. I get in, but don't buckle up - I'm only going to be pulling it in. I can hear them talking, then Rachel walks away with her cat, looking a little distressed. I can't blame her.
Kat walks back over, and I roll down the window. "Okay, she can come in. Skipper, are you going to attack my people?"
"W-what? No! No, of course not!"
"Okay, had to ask. Come on in, then." Kat starts walking towards the loft, and I release the e-brake and let the clutch out, allowing my Stagea to roll into its space. Then I turn off the car, set the e-brake and line lock, and grab the laptop. Finally, I let her out of the car.
"Hey, Skipper? Follow me, okay?"
We walk up the stairs to the loft. The downstairs couch got… kinda mutilated by Princess hulking out and shredding the couch using it as a scratching post last week, so Kat's living room is now our only hangout area. I can hear Circus talking, rather animatedly. Soon, we arrive and I open the door into the living room.
"…and I threw a flashbang at her feet. Hoodie girl wasn't paying attention and saw it go off! Then Jammer texts me and tells me you've got a getaway van for me, so of course I split. Damn, that a was a good fight."
Rachel speaks up. "How's that a good fight?"
"I'm still here, aren't I?"
She nods. "Yeah, I get it."
Diana waves at me and Madison, and I lead her into the room. Circus looks up from rolling a joint.
Kat looks annoyed. "Circus, take that shit outside if you're gonna smoke it. We've got kids in here."
"Fine." They finish rolling it and put it away. "It was for later, anyway. Hoodie girl! That wasn't bad. I'd give you a six out of ten."
Madison flops into a recliner, and sputters. "Hoodie girl!? It's Skipper!"
"You're a Barbie? Nah, can't see it." While Circus teases her, I sit down on the couch and Diana presses herself up against me.
"No, no, that's my power. I skip around and sometimes I kinda explode! And I almost had you!"
"Almost doesn't count."
"I… I… aaaaaaugh!"
We start laughing at that, and then I decide to speak up. "Seriously, though. Why were you trying to kill Circus?"
Madison looks a bit grumpy. "I was
trying to capture them. You know, what heroes are supposed to do? Except apparently up is down and you're not supposed to do that."
I smile at that. "Well, no, not really. Besides, Circus could've taken you apart if they were of a mind to."
Kat chuckles a little. "Pretty sure you keep stuff way more lethal in your portals than a flashbang, right?"
Circus nods. "I wasn't sure how tanky you were, and my battle skates aren't good for that kind of dance, or I'd have totally tagged you with my rocket hammer." They casually open a portal and a five-pound sledgehammer with a tinkertech booster welded to the back drops into their hand. "Or I could've just shot you." They dismiss the hammer and a submachine gun falls out of their portal next. They point it at the ceiling, finger obviously away from the trigger, then drop it into a portal and sigh. "Point is, I could've ruined your night, permanently. I didn't. I'm no hero, but I'm not an asshole."
"…thanks, I guess. Am I really that bad at this?"
"Well, Skipper… your costume, if my guess is right, is a set of skater pads, jeans, hoodie and scarf. Your only real protection is the pads and the slight padding that heavy hoodie of yours gives you. Look, I get wanting to use your powers without outing yourself immediately, but I'm guessing you don't go hobopunching normally."
"No? I was just going to skip around the Boneyards for a while, but then I caught you stealing stuff. And I don't punch hobos."
"Riiiight." They're not quite buying it, but let it drop. "So you decide to fight me, and you make the first big mistake."
"What's that?"
Circus is definitely warming to the topic. "If you're going to do any sort of caping shit, you need to keep this in mind. Not everything is a nail for your power's hammer. Sometimes you can solve situations by just talking things out. And sometimes you need to resort to gadgets. I took you down with a flashbang. Just one flashbang, that I bought a box of fifty for like five hundred off of a fixer. I didn't have to use any exotic tinkertech or a gun. All I had to do was toss it and trust the flash-comp in my goggles."
Madison's quiet. Kat takes up the thread. "They're right. Most hero and villain clashes are more about the fucking 'cops and robbers' game we're playing than any motivation to help or hurt everyone. That's why we're rogues, because if and when I fight? I play for keeps. And my team, thus far, agrees with that."
"I don't know that it's a game…" Madison's gazing at her sneakers.
"It's not! Before you got powers, people like us, if we wanted, could walk all over you, victimize you, because no matter how badass you are as a baseline, a lot of powers can simply end you. And now you've got one of your own, and it turns out that your power kinda sucks. Sure, you can move very fast, but you also tend to do your explosion thing when you land, right?"
Madison nods. "It's not that I don't have any control, it's that… how to explain - I have to use it sometimes? And the more hops I do the harder it is to hold it off. Enough hops and I'd have to explode. I'm getting better about it, but…"
"Yeah. I mean, that's a pretty good offensive power against brutes and such. It's the kind of power you'd want to take on higher-tier capes, but you don't have the finesse to really hold back against unpowered gangers or capes lacking brute powers or other forms of protection."
She nods again, a bit more sadly. "So I've got a power that's suited for a villain."
"No. No, no, no, no! That's not it! Look, just because the government has the power to declare you a hero or a villain, that says nothing about what you are. Or how you use your powers. There's more than a few people in the Protectorate and even the Wards that are complete fucking assholes in uniform and out, but they're still called heroes. And there's more than a few villains who are good people at heart, but aren't in a position to be officially good. Me, I say fuck all that, this whole "capes are demons or angels" line of bullshit stuck in our culture. I'm a rogue, and I'm fucking proud of it! I don't call myself a hero, because you can't fix root causes by punching gangsters. I'm not a villain, either, because I haven't crossed enough people at the PRT to make them call me one. I just make stuff and people buy it. I do my best to vet who buys my work, because it's all custom, but I don't pretend that it isn't misused sometimes. But I don't play that game. The way I got my powers, it's a little too real for me to play the game like other capes do." Kat sighs loudly at the end and starts staring at their boots.
We're quiet, letting Madison process all that. After a couple of minutes, she looks determined. "So why do people play the game?"
"Because there isn't any way around it. Because it lets us use our powers and stir shit up without lots of dead bodies every time a gang lieutenant breathes funny. Because nobody wants to be responsible for a real cape war, like that shit down in Val Verde with their jumped up Contra fascists and their pet cape psychos."
"Oh. Is that a danger?"
I speak up. "My first girlfriend moved away because of the Empire. The only reason we haven't seen full-scale cape wars here in Brockton Bay is because Kaiser has kept the peace. So far he's played the game, and so have his capes. I'd say their baselines worry me a bit more, since they aren't bound by all the rules of the game. But… yeah. Anything could set that shit off."
"Huh. Well… everyone here's given me a lot to think about." Now that I think about it, Madison looks tired.
Circus looks up. "Hey, Kat, so about your offer, way back when… I think I'd like to take you up on it."
Kat thinks. "You mean joining us? I've got no objections. Anyone else?"
Both me and Diana shake our heads. Rachel shrugs and mumbles something noncommittal. Madison looks like she wants to say something.
Kat claps their hands. "Well, then! Circus, welcome to the team."
Circus smiles at this. "Thanks, Kat. Hey, Skipper, you want in too?"
Madison looks up. "Uh… what? Just… join you right now? I think I'm already committed to the Wards or something."
Kat interrupts. "Look, you don't have to decide right now, and I'm sure you've got legal shit to sort out. You're not officially in the Wards so your mom could withdraw your app, let you go to the PRT and formally join us. Circus has to do that anyway, but it might be a bit complicated for them."
Madison shrugs. "Um. I'd like to think about it? I wouldn't mind hanging out with you guys." Diana winces a little at that one.
I nod. "Sure. If you've got no objections?"
Kat shook their head. "I think she needs to go home now."
"I'll take her, then."
We pick up our stuff, say our goodbyes, I accept a hug from Diana and before I know it we're back at my Stagea. Damn, it's late. 10:40pm? Madison rattles off her address, and I put it in my phone and start driving there.
"Hey, Madison, you wanna come to the show I'm playing? It's this coming Saturday."
"Um… sure, Taylor. If I'm not grounded."
I smile at her. "Great!"
Tonight could've gone better, but… I've made a new friend. She used to be just an acquaintance I sometimes bailed out of sticky school situations, but when she's not being worked over by Sophia's goons, she's actually pretty cool. That, and she has powers. It's nice to have friends who understand that part of my life.
Things are looking up!
AN: So I watched Gundam 00: Awakening of the Trailblazer tonight. And I forgot to post the chapter. Still, with 36 minutes on the clock, it's still technically a day after.
1.6 was a very long chapter to write, back when I did it - a bunch of it was supposed to end up in 1.5 but it was running way too long, and a cliffhanger just felt right.
Next up is Emily Piggot's interlude/flash-forward, then 2.1. I'm still not seeming to make any progress on 2.2, but hopefully I'll be able to inch it forward tonight while I wait for my clothes to wash.