Symphogear MHX - There's Nothing Left But To Pick Up The Pieces...

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Fourteen years ago, the Noise attacked. Aliens without faces or voices, squeaking along like the...
Prologue One: All Quiet On The Home Front


Moderates Moderately Mondays
Fourteen years ago, the Noise attacked. Aliens without faces or voices, squeaking along like the endless march of death. Where they went, people turned to ash. A single touch could carbonise a man instantly, and they would scream as they burned out from the inside. No one knew when or why they appeared, what or why they are, but they appeared and they destroyed.

It's been a long time since humanity had to hide from the monsters. But these days, it's just one thing after another.


There's nothing left but to pick up the pieces…


Prologue - All Quiet On The Home Front

The streets of Hamburg are quieter than they should be, even in the middle of the night. Everyone's gone to bed, now, and no one's wandering the streets. There hasn't been much noise since that light overtook the city and most of the population disappeared.

Unfortunately, a city this big still attracts attention. And with the world in disarray, it attracts the wrong kind of attention. Which, unfortunately, is why you're here. Peeking out from the balcony of some hotel with the lights off, trying to be more inconspicuous than you are.

"Alright, ladies, we don't have long before they finish the deal." The Major's voice is gruff as usual, something only made worse by the static. Communications have been awry ever since that incident in Tokyo. Ever since a whole lot of people disappeared for no apparent reason. "Hit them hard and grab the manifest. Copy?"


"Got it."

"Aye, Major,"
you respond, trying to keep the thumping in your chest, and the fact that you keep thumbing the crystal on your new necklace, out of your voice.

Another voice cuts in, more gaelic and less gravelly. "Sofia, Ilya, keep the new girl alive."

"Aye, Captain,"
says Sofia, understated as ever. You don't see her, but you know she's a few kilometers away providing overwatch, in an old church tower on the outskirts of this village whose name you definitely remember.

"Why do we have to babysit her?" Grumbles Ilya. "She's a grown woman, she can handle herself."

"Because you're too good at your job,"
says the Captain simply. "Anything else, Lady Schliestein?"

"...Can we get scalded knackwurst later? I wanna try it out."



the Major says firmly. "We have nuclear missiles on the line and very little time. Let's see what Caliburn can do, eh?"

Right… Right, that's your cue.


You go through the briefing in your head one more time. Actually, several more times. This is the first time you're doing any of this, if anything you should be more thorough. In fact, it might be good to start from the beginning.

Firstly… who are you that you got involved with a multinational European task force that operates bloody Symphogears?!

[] Write-In
- [] Bonus: Write-In Appearance

[] Noise Attack Survivor: You were there at ground zero, several years ago, when the Noise appeared in the middle of London out of nowhere. Somehow, through your wits and sheer blind luck, you survived; not fully intact, but better than most. But in the process, they found out you had a rare ability. Some people might call it fate; you're too busy freaking out.

[] Promising Idol: You were a young girl dreaming of the stars, to be a celebrity who could compete on the world stage and have her name written in the history books. But apparently, you are such a good singer your voice can activate ancient technology. Ugh, you knew you shouldn't have been humming in the lab...

[] Dynastic Scion: It all comes back to the family, doesn't it? Yours isn't as storied as the Schliesteins or the Kazanaris, you just happen to have an ancestor or three who was a knight or something. Apparently, back in the middle ages, knights were also wizards. And none of your relatives told you about it.

Right… Right it's coming back to you now. And somewhere along the way you were found to have compatibility with a relic, ancient heretical technology that some people are now saying is actually no-shit magic. Or Alchemy. Something like that honestly you're not interested in that right now. More interesting is just what the relic is.

The Sword of Selection, Caliburn.

It's probably just coincidence that you're british. Right? Right.

No you're not freaking out about diving headfirst into two groups of heavily armed men dealing with nuclear weapons shut up brain.

Now, every Symphogear manifests their powers in a different way, regardless of what the original relic itself is. You know that Sofia's original relic is a spear, yet she has a sniper rifle with a bayonet. You know that Caliburn was a sword, but what you wield is…

Armed Gear:
[] ...Still a sword. It's authentic, it's accurate, it's sharp and terribly well-balanced. You have idle thoughts about firing beams with it. (Melee)

[] ...A bow. You're not sure how you get from a sword to a bow but you're also not sure how Sofia went from a spear to a sniper rifle so maybe you're just fucked up. (Ranged)

[] ...Well, you're getting there. Hopefully. Until then you'll just have to use your bare hands, and maybe the M4 that the Captain said he found off a russian. Probably not the M4, now you think about it. (Unarmed)

[] Write-In: What is the shape of your Armed Gear? (Examples: Twin Knives, Bladed Gauntlet(s), etc)

Beyond that, every Symphogear has their own speciality, too. The user - officially Sacrist but who cares - is someone exceptional, a rare person who can synchronise with their Relic and call out the armor that lets them fight the Noise, wield tremendous power, and generally be a modern day valkyrie. You're new to all this, and it shows, but your talents are in…

Favored Attribute:
[] Power: You've always been handy in a fight. Like, always. Scrapping may have been for the boys, but you were better than them. And wow would you look at that you're in a fight.

[] Aura: You're a smoothtalker. People listen to you, and while you're reasonably sure it won't matter with voiceless aliens or terrorists with guns, you're in a team now. It helps to get along.

[] Spirit: You've got spunk. You're freaking out now, but when the going gets tough you get tougher and get going faster. You've got the will to see things through, and this is a thing and a half.

[] Synch: You're spectacularly in tune with your Symphogear, even by the standards of people who can use Symphogears without drugs. It's simply intuitive to you, allowing you to push harder.

Traits: Pick Two
[] Tiny: Okay fine you're short who cares? It just means that you have trouble reaching high places, and you get lost in crowds a lot. But you're also at perfect dick-punching height.

[] Tall: You're tall for a girl. Some might find it attractive, others find it weird. You're happy that you can look dudes in the eye and not stand on your tiptoes. Also, you can reach high places.

[] Nerd: You like to read. You like learning. And you like anime. None of those things are bad things… But you're not as well-read on things like fashion and celebrities as most people.

[] Beautiful: You have to admit, you're a good looking girl. Guys give you the time of day - and their number - and girls ask you for fashion tips. But man, people don't ever take you seriously.

[] Plain: You blend into crowds even when there are no crowds around. People think they've met you for the first time at least twice before wising up. But the people who do know you, listen.

[] Fierce: You've got some bite on you. It's something of a problem when your temper gets out of control, but at least people listen when you've got something to say. Even if some take it as a challenge.

[] Meek: You're unassuming and harmless, so everyone's happy to be your friend. But when you need to say something and take charge, people don't always listen or take you seriously.

[] Orphan: One or both of your parents are dead, and you've had to deal with that baggage whether alone or with your siblings. You still have relatives, but you were forced to grow up young.

[] Hero: You have dreams of being a superhero, putting your life on the line and fighting villains and saving the day with a smile. This can be good and bad, but it's generally painful.

[] Write-In: Traits give dimension to a character, and are never all-good or all-bad. Make it interesting!
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Symphogears of the Special Threats Service
Lyra Morgan - CALIBURN
Age: 19
Relic: Caliburn, the Sword of Selection


- Casual photo in 'disguise', circa. 2014


From a young age, Lyra Morgan has had a gift for music, and she's wanted to be famous for it. With her voice she had a dream of being famous, and wealthy - and to use that fame and wealth to help people. Now she's a Symphogear, and she helps people by fighting monsters with the power of music and fists. It's still pretty cool.

Don't tease her height, though, or you'll get kicked in the dick.

Power: Baseline (0/500xp)
Lyra's as fit as a young woman is expected to be. In other words, not nearly enough for a Symphogear.

Aura: Capable (0/1000xp)
When there's a will, there's an audience - and Lyra's built a life chasing that audience. With her voice she can charm hundreds, and with her personality she's immediately likeable. Not quite the charisma of a king… but she'll get there.

Spirit: Capable (0/1000xp)
It takes courage to do the right thing. It takes strength to stand on a stage. Lyra's done both. She might take a while to stare death in the eye with a smile on her face, but give her time and she'll do it.

Synch: Legendary
In a world where only one in millions possesses enough compatibility with a Symphogear to not die of LiNKER overdose, Lyra Morgan is tuned enough with Caliburn to not even need it. With a synch ratio in excess of 99%, she's exceptional even amongst Harmonizers. Only two people exceed her in the world - and with training, it might just be only one.

Symphogear Skills:
Armed Gear: Untrained (0/100xp)
Lyra can manifest an Armed Gear; in her case, it's just a sword. That's better than some (well, one) but she can't morph her weapon or summon more than one copy yet.

Gear Burst: Untrained (0/100xp)
With the explosive power of a Symphogear in her hands, Lyra can sprint at an olympic level and dent iron with her hands. She's got a long way to go.

X-Drive: Untrained (0/100xp)
Lyra doesn't know what this is.

Ignite Mode: Incapable (0/100xp)
Lyra doesn't know what this is.

Mundane Skills:
Singing: Skilled (0/800xp)
Lyra grew up chasing the dream of becoming a famous singer. That dream may have hit an obstacle or five, but she still has the skills. They'll come in handy as a Symphogear, probably.

Street Fighting: Student (0/200xp)
Lyra got into more than a few brawls as a kid, mostly because she doesn't like bullies and doesn't like being teased about her height. She won't be taking down professional killers, though… not without an edge.
Ilyasviel von Schliestein - RELIC UNKNOWN
Age: 20-ish
Relic: Unknown
Social Link: 1 (Friendly Acquaintance)


- Special Threats Service ID Card, circa. 2013


An energetic young girl, Ilya lives by the philosophy of living life to the fullest. Always looking for something fun to do, she is always up for stupid. This can make dealing with her difficult, as she always wants to be doing something; but she's not picky about what that something is, apparently.

Power: ???

Aura: Advanced
Ilya has a developed sense for dealing with people, both one-on-one and with crowds. So far she's managed to get a club fired up while singing with Lyra and Sofia, and her antics were a highlight in the recording that was later submitted to the internet.

Spirit: Professional
Ilya possesses remarkable strength of will, and shows zero hesitation in doing anything at all. From foiling bomb threats to singing at the top of her lungs while rip-roaring drunk, she'll do it while laughing like crazy. Nothing seems to faze her.

Synch: ???

Symphogear Skills:
Armed Gear: ??? Bow?

Gear Burst: ???

Mundane Skills:
Singing: Adept
Ilya can sing. She proved as much when she sang a classified song created by other Symphogears while slightly tipsy at a club in London. While not at a professional level, she's not bad. She definitely sings in the shower.

Other Skills: ???
Age: 21
Relic: Unknown
Social Link: 1 (Friendly Acquaintance)


- After an Op in Afganistan, circa. 2012


A quiet girl not given to expression or emotion, Sofia is at her heart a girl who wants to fit in. She finds public appearances embarrassing and strives to avoid any attention whatsoever, and with her remarkable stoicism it leaves her well-suited to a life with the Special Threats Service. Is a bit of a weirdo outside of that. Apparently, she's also killed five men naked before?

Power: ???

Aura: Baseline
Sofia is not a people person, and is very much a meek and demure woman in person. This does not really make her good at intimidation or speeches, and she freezes when she's in front of a bunch of people and not about to fight them. She makes her mark with a weapon, not her personal impression.

Spirit: Baseline
Despite her skills, Sofia appears to suffer when outside of her comfort zone. Fortunately for her, in her line of work she frequents battlefields, her comfort zone. However, even then she's quiet and uncommunicative beyond the professional courtesy. One gets the feeling she's just not good around people, unless she's disgustingly inebriated.

Synch: ???

Symphogear Skills:
Armed Gear: ??? Sniper Rifle/Spear?

Gear Burst: ???

Mundane Skills:
Singing: Student
Surprisingly, or perhaps not so surprisingly, Sofia has a talent for singing. While not a refined talent, she definitely has the ability to. Maybe she sings to herself?

Other Skills: ???

Note: Attributes follow this scale:
Baseline < Capable (500xp) < Advanced (1000xp) < Professional (2000xp) < Genius (4000xp) < Legendary (8000xp, ???)

Power: Represents physical ability, whether it be strength, speed, flexibility, or stamina. The benefits of being fitter are obvious, from improved quality of life to having a longer lifespan, but for a Symphogear superior fitness is both unnecessary and helpful for the operation of a Symphogear.

Broadly speaking, the Symphogear System provides all the power you will need in combat; the difference between two Harmonizers of differing fitness punching a wall is negligible. However, stamina is necessary for a Symphogear, who can expect to be caught up in strenuous combat for potentially hours at a time, considering the threats a Symphogear is expected to face.

Aura: Represents charisma, from charm to force of personality. Though the Curse of Babel has doomed humanity to internal strife and a lack of understanding, individual people still possess the ability to make connections with one another, even through the language barrier. This is the disposition of a king.

Strength of character is not necessarily relevant to a Symphogear in combat; the system does nothing to augment or compensate it, nor does it affect one's ability to fight. However, not all battles need to be fought with fists and swords, and while the Symphogear may be the premier personal combat system in the world, it is not without peers, weaknesses, and competitors.

Spirit: One's strength of will, through resolve or determination or sheer spite; it is what drives a person on through tough times even as everything around them fails. If there is a universal element to the human condition, it is the refusal to give up, and it is this characteristic that a Symphogear operates off of. Someone who is unwilling to fight for their dreams will not last as a Symphogear.

In addition, the Symphogear operates off their Harmonizer's mental patterns, synch ratio, and most of all mental state. A healthy mental state allows the Symphogear to push itself further, expanding its limits and unleashing its full arsenal; a broken bird will barely be able to operate the system, until it becomes a cage around them. Notably, though it is classified and issued only to S.O.N.G., one cannot utilise the IGNITE Module without a strong spirit.

Synch: Unique to Harmonizers, and typically only to a single relic. It is crucial to the operation of a Symphogear; without it, the backlash of the system will cripple and even kill its operators. It is the price one pays for power, and the Symphogear is exceptionally picky. Though there are chemical remedies available in the form of LiNKER, pioneered by Dr. Ryouko Sakurai and refined by Dr. John Wayne Vercingetorix, a potential Harmonizer must still possess a modest level of synchronicity with their relic, lest they die of overdose.

Unfortunately, with the death of both Ryouko Sakurai and the incarceration of Dr. Ver, the stockpile of LiNKER remaining in the world is extremely small, now allocated entirely to S.O.N.G., the vast majority of Harmonizers in the world are now incapable of synchronising with their Symphogears under threat of death. Only those blessed with a naturally high affinity for their Symphogear can still operate, and even then one of the tactics previously available to them, the Superb Song, is no longer possible.

Note: A synch ratio of 80% is the bare minimum required to qualify as an artificial Harmonizer who needs LiNKER when the human average is more like 0%. This is one of the primary reasons that there remain less than thirty Symphogears in the world, despite the maturity of this platform.
Symphogear Skills
Note: All skills follow this scale:
Untrained < Student (100xp) < Adept (200xp) < Skilled (400xp) < Veteran (800xp) < Master (1600xp) < Champion (2400xp) < Legendary (3200xp)

Armed Gear: A Symphogear is an advanced combat system, not (just) a compact broadcasting array. Though it harnesses phonic gain in order to combat the Noise, it does so through the materialisation of weapons and armor - or, in a single example, raw explosive power. Called an Armed Gear, the weapon of a Symphogear typically bears a single base form, with further permutations and augmentations coming with additional experience and familiarity with the system. The form an Armed Gear can take can be wild and varied, from mechanical bunny ears to automatic laser crossbows, or even something as mundane as a sword or a scythe.

There is currently a working theory that an Armed Gear need not manifest as a weapon, but rather a concept. This is currently in development and unlikely to be more than hypothetical, as there has only ever been one Harmonizer without a manifest Armed Gear. And she's highly unique.

Gear Burst: The reason why Harmonizers can either be toned and muscular or small and weedy, and still maintain equivalent levels of performance. The Symphogear provides explosive power through phonic gain, augmenting speed and power to superhuman levels, as well as hardening the body to take blows and prevent injury. Through development and familiarity with the system, a Harmonizer develops their upper limit and refines their use, allowing them to strike harder and move faster without necessarily spending more energy.

In addition, if desired Gear Burst may also manifest as booster jets and maneuvering thrusters, vectoring through one of the many vents present on many Symphogear designs. Through this, a Symphogear may achieve limited flight and maneuverability in free fall or zero-g conditions. However, controlled flight remains the exclusive domain of X-Drive.

Ignite Mode: Through the controlled activation of a Symphogear's Berserk State - itself included only as a 'release valve' for uncontrollably heightened relic activity - via the lens of the cursed sword Dainsleif, the Symphogear can achieve a new level of explosive power beyond their basic form. Though the Harmonizer will regress into Berserk Status without a strong will to control the curse, and the form is limited by a strict time limit, it serves as a dangerous trump card to those who possess the Ignite Module... of which there are only six.

X-Drive: The other super mode inherent to the Symphogear, theorised to be the state wherein all 301,655,722 locks are released, allowing the Harmonizer access to the full extent of their relic's power - though this hypothesis is yet-unconfirmed, as the original creator of the Symphogear System is dead, ironically because of the X-Drive. Immensely powerful, and without any impact on the Harmonizer's mental state, the X-Drive remains unreliable as a trump card due to the frankly ridiculous amount of Phonic Gain necessary to even unlock it, let alone maintain it. To date, the X-Drive has only been utilised thrice... and again by the same group of six.
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[X] Inge Salter

[X] Promising Idol: You were a young girl dreaming of the stars, to be a celebrity who could compete on the world stage and have her name written in the history books. But apparently, you are such a good singer your voice can activate ancient technology. Ugh, you knew you shouldn't have been humming in the lab...

[X] ...Still a sword. It's authentic, it's accurate, it's sharp and terribly well-balanced. You have idle thoughts about firing beams with it. (Melee)

[X] Synch: You're spectacularly in tune with your Symphogear, even by the standards of people who can use Symphogears without drugs. It's simply intuitive to you, allowing you to push harder.

[X] Tiny: Okay fine you're short who cares? It just means that you have trouble reaching high places, and you get lost in crowds a lot. But you're also at perfect dick-punching height.

[X] Fierce: You've got some bite on you. It's something of a problem when your temper gets out of control, but at least people listen when you've got something to say. Even if some take it as a challenge.
The only idea I've got so far is basically Anastasia from Idol Master for the Idol background, Gran Blue crossover event means there's pics of her with a rapier floating around too but the dress she wears in those isn't really symphogear-y.

Which would probably be Idol, Synch, Sword, Beautiful, and... something.

... Not sure if I want to vote for that or not though. Was kind of leaning towards plain, orphan actually, but... *Shrug*
Symphogear MHX, and the relic the PC is using is Caliburn. Mysterious Heroine X (aka MHX) also uses Caliburn. Swordo, did you plan this?
[X] Inge Salter

[X] Promising Idol: You were a young girl dreaming of the stars, to be a celebrity who could compete on the world stage and have her name written in the history books. But apparently, you are such a good singer your voice can activate ancient technology. Ugh, you knew you shouldn't have been humming in the lab...
[X] ...Still a sword. It's authentic, it's accurate, it's sharp and terribly well-balanced. You have idle thoughts about firing beams with it. (Melee)
[X] Synch: You're spectacularly in tune with your Symphogear, even by the standards of people who can use Symphogears without drugs. It's simply intuitive to you, allowing you to push harder.
[X] Tiny: Okay fine you're short who cares? It just means that you have trouble reaching high places, and you get lost in crowds a lot. But you're also at perfect dick-punching height.
[X] Fierce: You've got some bite on you. It's something of a problem when your temper gets out of control, but at least people listen when you've got something to say. Even if some take it as a challenge.

I am contractually obligated to vote for both Tiny and Fierce, as well as SWORD BEAMS. Sword beams are justice.
What have you done Swordo?

[X] Inge Salter

[X] Promising Idol: You were a young girl dreaming of the stars, to be a celebrity who could compete on the world stage and have her name written in the history books. But apparently, you are such a good singer your voice can activate ancient technology. Ugh, you knew you shouldn't have been humming in the lab...
[X] ...Still a sword. It's authentic, it's accurate, it's sharp and terribly well-balanced. You have idle thoughts about firing beams with it. (Melee)
[X] Synch: You're spectacularly in tune with your Symphogear, even by the standards of people who can use Symphogears without drugs. It's simply intuitive to you, allowing you to push harder.
[X] Tiny: Okay fine you're short who cares? It just means that you have trouble reaching high places, and you get lost in crowds a lot. But you're also at perfect dick-punching height.
[X] Fierce: You've got some bite on you. It's something of a problem when your temper gets out of control, but at least people listen when you've got something to say. Even if some take it as a challenge.
I'll allow a third trait if people provide a character writeup, incidentally! The power of my laziness is not something to be trifled with!
[X] Calia Morgan
[X] Noise Attack Survivor:
[X] ...Still a sword. It's authentic, it's accurate, it's sharp and terribly well-balanced. You have idle thoughts about firing beams with it. (Melee)
[X] Synch: You're spectacularly in tune with your Symphogear, even by the standards of people who can use Symphogears without drugs. It's simply intuitive to you, allowing you to push harder.
[X] Tall: You're tall for a girl. Some might find it attractive, others find it weird. You're happy that you can look dudes in the eye and not stand on your tiptoes. Also, you can reach high places.
[X] Nerd: You like to read. You like learning. And you like anime. None of those things are bad things… But you're not as well-read on things like fashion and celebrities as most people.

Because Tall + Nerd is a rare and wonderful combination, because too many people try to use gimmicks, and because Ancient Mystical Family and Idoru don't really fit what I think are good characters.

What I want is someone who shouldn't be in this genre, someone who should be a normal person. But then events spiraled out of control and whoops I'm a technomagical girl who has to fight reality breaking monsters while trying to make up musical numbers as you go along because this is the survival strategy and at least it means you don't have to worry about your student loan.

Let the quirkiness flow naturally, rather than begin that way, if you will.
... Fuck. Everyone's bandwagoning. Again. It's barely been 20 minutes. *pinches bridge of nose*

Edit: 15 minutes later and not a single vote came in. ... Did I kill the thread? ... Sorry? It's just... seriously, 20 minutes. Don't bandwagon yet anyway.

Edit 2: ... Did I just make someone delete their vote? Sorry? I'm starting to feel bad now despite... well bandwagoning sucks, but... *Sigh* *Shrug*

Swordo quest, so hopefully enough people show up with their own thing to overturn/contest it.

She's a Morgan from another quest, so I just shrugged and dropped it to see if it might work for Alectai's plan.
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[X] Noise Attack Survivor:
[X] ...Still a sword. It's authentic, it's accurate, it's sharp and terribly well-balanced. You have idle thoughts about firing beams with it. (Melee)
[X] Synch: You're spectacularly in tune with your Symphogear, even by the standards of people who can use Symphogears without drugs. It's simply intuitive to you, allowing you to push harder.
[X] Orphan: One or both of your parents are dead, and you've had to deal with that baggage whether alone or with your siblings. You still have relatives, but you were forced to grow up young.
[X] Hero: You have dreams of being a superhero, putting your life on the line and fighting villains and saving the day with a smile. This can be good and bad, but it's generally painful.

I'm not sure if this is the combination I'm looking for really actually (might be looking for Tall, Plain, or Nerd or some combination maybe?), because... *Looks at the title*

*Looks off to the side and whistles innocently*

Also, anyone got a name idea? I can't into names. Like, at all.

I don't have a particular character write-up, but Hero and Orphan could feed into each other in very obvious and (likely) unhealthy ways.
I'm probably going to drop this chick like she's hot (possibly literally if she has fire powers...Oooh. IDEA!)
-[X] Emily Westerfield
-[X] Promising Idol: You were a young girl dreaming of the stars, to be a celebrity who could compete on the world stage and have her name written in the history books. But apparently, you are such a good singer your voice can activate ancient technology. Ugh, you knew you shouldn't have been humming in the lab...
-[X] Write-In: Giant Gauntlets-oversized things, big enough that you can (and do) use them to run around on all fours comfortably, or palm a human's head.
-[X] Aura: You're a smoothtalker. People listen to you, and while you're reasonably sure it won't matter with voiceless aliens or terrorists with guns, you're in a team now. It helps to get along.
-[X] Beautiful: You have to admit, you're a good looking girl. Guys give you the time of day - and their number - and girls ask you for fashion tips. But man, people don't ever take you seriously.
-[X] Meek: You're unassuming and harmless, so everyone's happy to be your friend. But when you need to say something and take charge, people don't always listen or take you seriously.
--[X] Selected: For some reason your Symphogear's power level seems to vary based on how popular you are. It's awesome to have an entire country cheering your name as you fight-But the camera crew that requires makes things difficult...

Sooo this is my attempt to dethrone, or at least challange the mighty Walrus. Who's with me!
EDIT:Completed the vote-plan via name entry. That should be good right?
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[X] Plan Get This Girl a Shield

There is a name vote and people are agreeing on one? What foul sorcery is this :V?

Edit: Changed vote, because Crow is dirty cheater who cheats by getting my hopes of Riesbyfe getting a role up :V.
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... I am so sorry Khona.

You know when I made my vote I thought someone like Cornuthaum or EarthScorpion to come in and make a highly thematic character and have my vote blow out of the water, not for the Charisma of them to cause people to credit them with it, now to prevent it from happening again I probably need to conduct a black magic ritual to steal Swordo's muse and write a highly successful quest with it :V
[X] Calia Morgan
-[X] Blonde hair, Green eyes, Baseball cap, jacket, shorts

We might as well look the part of Mysterious Heroine X. Plus, I love her design.

Plan Pintsize Powerhouse:
[X] Noise Attack Survivor: You were there at ground zero, several years ago, when the Noise appeared in the middle of London out of nowhere. Somehow, through your wits and sheer blind luck, you survived; not fully intact, but better than most. But in the process, they found out you had a rare ability. Some people might call it fate; you're too busy freaking out.
[X] ...Still a sword. It's authentic, it's accurate, it's sharp and terribly well-balanced. You have idle thoughts about firing beams with it. (Melee)
[X] Power: You've always been handy in a fight. Like, always. Scrapping may have been for the boys, but you were better than them. And wow would you look at that you're in a fight.
[X] Tiny: Okay fine you're short who cares? It just means that you have trouble reaching high places, and you get lost in crowds a lot. But you're also at perfect dick-punching height.
[X] Fierce: You've got some bite on you. It's something of a problem when your temper gets out of control, but at least people listen when you've got something to say. Even if some take it as a challenge.

We may be small, but we are going to Wreck. Their. Face.
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You know when I made my vote I thought someone like Cornuthaum or EarthScorpion to come in and make a highly thematic character and have my vote blow out of the water, not for the Charisma of them to cause people to credit them with it, now to prevent it from happening again I probably need to conduct a black magic ritual to steal Swordo's muse and write a highly successful quest with it :V
Don't worry:
We might as well look the part of Mysterious Heroine X. Plus, I love her design.
I know how you feel a little now.
[X] Inge Salter

[X] Promising Idol: You were a young girl dreaming of the stars, to be a celebrity who could compete on the world stage and have her name written in the history books. But apparently, you are such a good singer your voice can activate ancient technology. Ugh, you knew you shouldn't have been humming in the lab...
[X] ...Still a sword. It's authentic, it's accurate, it's sharp and terribly well-balanced. You have idle thoughts about firing beams with it. (Melee)
[X] Synch: You're spectacularly in tune with your Symphogear, even by the standards of people who can use Symphogears without drugs. It's simply intuitive to you, allowing you to push harder.
[X] Tiny: Okay fine you're short who cares? It just means that you have trouble reaching high places, and you get lost in crowds a lot. But you're also at perfect dick-punching height.
[X] Fierce: You've got some bite on you. It's something of a problem when your temper gets out of control, but at least people listen when you've got something to say. Even if some take it as a challenge.
[X] Sile Dayne

[X] ...Still a sword. It's authentic, it's accurate, it's sharp and terribly well-balanced. You have idle thoughts about firing beams with it. (Melee)

[X] Dynastic Scion:
It all comes back to the family, doesn't it? Yours isn't as storied as the Schliesteins or the Kazanaris, you just happen to have an ancestor or three who was a knight or something. Apparently, back in the middle ages, knights were also wizards. And none of your relatives told you about it.

[X] Synch: You're spectacularly in tune with your Symphogear, even by the standards of people who can use Symphogears without drugs. It's simply intuitive to you, allowing you to push harder.

[X] Tall: You're tall for a girl. Some might find it attractive, others find it weird. You're happy that you can look dudes in the eye and not stand on your tiptoes. Also, you can reach high places.

[X] Beautiful: You have to admit, you're a good looking girl. Guys give you the time of day - and their number - and girls ask you for fashion tips. But man, people don't ever take you seriously.

Forsake false idoling. Acquire Knighthood and be the Knight Above All Other Knights. Look, if they were dumbstruck by your beauty, they deserved that blade between the ribs.

Síle Dayne was born on the Isle of Skye, to Arthur and Saoirse Daynes. She spent most of her childhood in one of the isolated communities of the Isle, which since time immemorial had braved the elements and "Monsters of the Shadows", which nowadays most believe the have been the Noise. While hers is an old bloodline, it was hardly what one would call a princely existence - Sile lived in small community where all lived and strove together - or they would die together.

None the less, she was raised by her father on old legends, of ancient knights and oaths, and swords forged by magic and meteor steel. Her father taught her that Daynes were always knights, traveling across Europe in search of worthy lieges to serve. Of course, most royalty is dead now, but Daynes still traveled. Thus her father came upon her mother's hamlet, and chose to settle there to help people in need - and he believed that his daughter would once likewise travel the world and help someone else. It was that conviction that drove him to train Sile in ways of knighthood. In blade and footwork, coordination and senses. Monotonous training day in and day out, whenever Sile was done with her school and work. Some laughed of course; Sile was tall and beautiful girl, hair like moonlight framing delicate alabaster face with amethyst eyes. Hardly a warrior to behold.

Of course, this only drove him to try harder, and convinced Sile to take her training seriously. And she quickly discovered that like her father, her grandfather and grandmother, like every Dayne before her, she was gifted. Faster, stronger, more graceful than any other child in her village. The jibes and laughter soon died as men came to witness her prowess, the silver blade that cleaved the dark, and those who would not be cowered by her prowess would be bound by her reason and beauty.

And as she got older, the more she learned of the world, and the more world intruded into her life. The monsters of her children's tales were real, eager to kill and taste ash. The stories of knights and moonlit swords were not-so-distant now. Her father was the town's Warden, one of the most dangerous men to ever live, but even he had his limits. But he believed in the old legends, of women touched by God, whose singing cleansed the sins and shattered the monsters. And so, on eve of Sile's coming of age, he bestowed her his family's relic. An elaborate sword, kept by Daynes since times immemorial. And then, everything changed....

Sile now travels the world, as her father did. She does not speak of her home much, or what compelled her to leave in the end. Family honor? Duty? Some kind of disaster? Or simple curiosity? In her interactions with others she comes across as reserved and dignified, even if it is often a mask that covers her skittishness and worry over the legacy she must uphold. But one thing she makes clear: her homeland is at peril, as is the world. Men give themselves into maddness and monsters roam the land. If a Dayne does not march forth to oppose them, then who else will?
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Now I like what we have here but I want to propose an alternative.

There's potential here after all.

[X] Plan Get This Girl a Shield
[X] Alicia Gerhart

[X] Dynastic Scion: It all comes back to the family, doesn't it? Yours isn't as storied as the Schliesteins or the Kazanaris, you just happen to have an ancestor or three who was a knight or something. Apparently, back in the middle ages, knights were also wizards. And none of your relatives told you about it.

[X] Shield: A big shield on your arm, yes you're not really sure how Sword=Shield but you're running with it anyways, it is big and it is solid and it is heavy and yet still you can smash faces with it and throw it like a frisby. and of course it helps you not die and help people not die. It feels oddly adaptive all things considered.

[X] Spirit: You've got spunk. You're freaking out now, but when the going gets tough you get tougher and get going faster. You've got the will to see things through, and this is a thing and a half.

[X] Nerd: You like to read. You like learning. And you like anime. None of those things are bad things… But you're not as well-read on things like fashion and celebrities as most people.

[X] Hero: You have dreams of being a superhero, putting your life on the line and fighting villains and saving the day with a smile. This can be good and bad, but it's generally painful.

Now I just need to find a Mashu that is not Mashu so Swordo doesnt murderize me and we're cool.

Alicia Gerhart Bio:

The youngest of the Gerhart's is a surprisingly innocent girl, specially in the chaotic waves of the rampant noise attacks and civil unrest that kept shaking the world and the land of her birth. Thankfully though the Gerharts could not compare to the Kazanari or the Schliesteins they were still kept afloat by various connections of dubious origin. So much so the girl grew up somewhat sheltered and idealistic in a well-off family, always following and being taken along her parents Business Trips which took her from one strange facility into others as they saluted and shook hands with men in uniforms and lab coats constantly.

But it was thanks to such connections she could enjoy privileges like the enjoyement of media from beyond the sea, even developing a great admiration for the Japanese Idols Zwei Wing and their media, that she could obtain actual footage of The Lunar Attack or merchandise from beyond the seas.

In one of such important business trips when visiting a particular laboratory, she was humming alongside her music player to the last duet of her favorite group when a strange crystal reacted in the room her parents were meeting with the intimidating men in lab coats.

After a flurry of panic and questions and tests she was immediately taken to the uniformed men, she was coerced and praised and by the end of the day had been enlisted into the service of a strange initiative with a pat on the back and a pile of booklets, having been told she was now the Harmonizer of Caliburn, the Legendary Sword that everyone and their mother would know of.

She jumped at the opportunity of course, the assurances of her parents's friends and the encouragement of her family were enough for the worst of her worries to be dispelled and with the high promises and idealistic talk they dronned on about for hours it was hard for the young Alicia to not accept the chance to do something with her life. Make a little difference, look out for the little guy. All that stuff.

In hindsight it wasnt surprising her gear took the shape it did even if it was baffling and illogic.
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