There was no way to know it was a trap room beyond paranoia

Or having ever played an RPG in your life, ever. It was a smallish room with a treasure chest dead center under a spotlight and Sachi was a fucking moron to touch it.

The only surprise was that it wasn't a mimic.
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Or having ever played an RPG in your life, ever. It was a smallish room with a treasure chest dead center under a spotlight and Sachi was a fucking moron to touch it.
...ok. THIS is why I shouldn't take a single person for their word. Yeah, no, that was so obviously a trap it's painful.

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We overlook something blatantly obvious, we deserve the death honestly.

That's a trap. NOT a 'boss has some unexpected element absorption/buff' thing. The former was in a dungeon revolving around the ability to respawn, which is taken away and what makes it a deadly trap in the first place. The latter, is poor game design.

And thus, you want the ability to spit on the setting with respawn immortality. Yup. Great logic there. Wanting the game to be true to itself, whilst wanting the ability to spit on literally the only danger in the game. Gotta give you props on how blind you have to be not to see the failure in logic in this.

Tagging people don't work with edits.

Edit: Also, you want a 0% chance of failure. Which takes a lot of fun out of a SAO quest. The fear of failure meaning our death. You want a way to win, which is guaranteed. Which is boring in any combat situation. Only fun in this quest would be the social aspect. Which surprise surprise, the respawn immortality burtually murders any chances of having a social game.
Bosses can totally be traps. Especially if the game is assuming that people will talk about bosses, and so while the first handful might end up fall for the trap, everyone from then on would know not do it.

I rather like OCP characters, so yeah, I like spitting on the setting, and finding out how the setting responds. A character who can just ignore the classical dangers of a setting, so that other dangers and problems that generally fall to the wayside have a chance to come forward.

More like taking a 80% fail rate down to a 10%. Kayaba can probably still kill us, if he can get his in-game hands on us.
Ok, let me ask you this. How would you make us lack the only lose condition have a suitable drawback that at worst isn't a inconvienence or annoyance but an ACTUAL drawback?
Kayaba, who had God Mode and is going to be leading one of the biggest factions in the game, wants us dead and possess the means to MAKE us dead? Sounds like a draw back to me.
Or having ever played an RPG in your life, ever. It was a smallish room with a treasure chest dead center under a spotlight and Sachi was a fucking moron to touch it.

The only surprise was that it wasn't a mimic.
Or you are used to RPGs that do that on the regular. I can think of quite a few. Zelda Dungeons tend to have their special chests appear in the center of the room under a spotlight.
You mean you don't brain every chest in BotW with a sledgehammer just in case this one's the mimic?

...ok. THIS is why I shouldn't take a single person for their word. Yeah, no, that was so obviously a trap it's painful.


Kid Icarus! You're my favorite person in the thread now.
Kayaba, who had God Mode and is going to be leading one of the biggest factions in the game, wants us dead and possess the means to MAKE us dead? Sounds like a draw back to me.
People will know us by name, but not face. So the obvious conclusion is not talking to anyone and being a freak loner. Quite easy when at least half the player base hates you. Also, how will he do that without outing himself?
Pick one! Zelda is no RPG!
Ok, let me ask you this. How would you make us lack the only lose condition have a suitable drawback that at worst isn't a inconvienence or annoyance but an ACTUAL drawback?
We can't disguise ourselve's as an NPC. That's the RPer Trait.

Where in the world did you get the impression that we are Spiderman?

He wanted everyone dead in the first place. We just get the honor of being the one he wants dead first. This can easily be achieved with any other route with good planning and playing.

Or, our character isn't made of such a kind of moral fiber, along with the immense amounts of stupidity that involves being a Shonen protag, and we just end up a loner who's hated by a large portion of people without any hope of having any friends. AKA, Kirito with a respawn ability.

As I stated before, being hated by everyone is a non-issue due to the easy ability of just not interacting with others. Killer GM throwing shit at us in a rage causes us some inconvenience but nothing crippling due to the immortality of respawn. It's not interesting. It's boring and predictable and has been treaded a thousand times before, and will a thousand times again, and basically us as Kirito 2.0; Respawn Edition.
We are not "Immortal" permanently.

If God ever finds us, the computer ever noticed a tiny man's death, if we ever let our name slip in conjecture to our glitches...

Our true magic is gone, no respawn, no walk through walls, no nothing.

We are not in "godmode" and that is it, we are Magus, manipulators of the basic functions of our world.

And the world is Actively searching for us like Dragon for a thief.

I do not see this as the easy path, just one with a different 'Focus'.
What makes true magic better than my plan
The fact it's God Mode. Others may insist it's not, but it is. It's totally God Mode. We respawn from death. Any consequence from dying is minuscule. We lose our gear? Go to weaker areas, grind, and get new gear. Or keep two copies of gear so that it's easily replaceable. We lose levels? Just go to a weaker area and grind back up. We don't need to beat the game ourselves. We suffer a temporary debuff or respawn in front of the thing that killed us? We stay in a safe area and wait off the debuff, or we run/finish it off. I seriously see no backdraw!
Come on people, PLEASE stop voting for Plan True Magic, that's basically a Gary-Stu kind of character and no one wants to play a Gary-Stu character. The aspect of our death having dire consequences in the biggest appeal of SAO, and yet those who vote Plan True Magic want to take out all the challenge out of the quest, by making any and all of our deaths meaningless, since we basically have infinite respawns and heavily reduce the challenge of the quest.

To all those who are not voting for Plan Magnificent Bastard and don't want Plan True Magic to win, please side with us and vote Plan Magnificent Bastard, so that we can actually have a fun and challenging quest, not a boring, safe experience that cheapens our death and basically gives us a way too big advantage in the setting.
What makes true magic better than my plan
It is not that it is better, it is significantly different from your plan.

You seem to be making a super attacking glass cannon and True Magic is focused on creating some ne who bends the rules of the game while hunter hunted by invulnerable, all- powerful gods.

It is not that your plan is bad, or even undesirable, he apparently liked my plan more because of its focus.

Or at least that is my guess.
[X] Plan Magnificent Bastard

Hate the fact I need to abandon my preferred vote, but I'd rather not drop the quest due to the voters deciding God Mode is the way to go.
Adhoc vote count started by DarkKing98 on Apr 20, 2018 at 3:14 PM, finished with 139 posts and 39 votes.

  • [X] Plan Magnificent Bastard
    [X]True Magic
    [X] Avatar:
    [X] Plan: This old rasta motherfucker is going to kick ya punky little asses!
    [X] Plan Sunshine in a Bottle
    [X] Plan: Black Knight with a heart of gold.
    [X] Guy
    [X] Did the thing - you researched, looked for clues, asked questions to betatesters, so that you could master the game's mechanics before it was even out.
    [X] That the game should be one, large, open world.
    [X] Fighter.
    [X] Plan Sunshine in a Bottle
    [X] I Draw Forth... Pot of Greed!: You believe inthe spleen of the cards. Being a charismatic person with little empathy for people over the internet has led many to believe you are a high-functioning sociopath. Maybe they're right, or maybe you just know what to say to make them think so. Also, you excel at strategy and minigames.
    [X] That the game should be a floating castle made up of floors.
    [X] World of Warcraft
    [X] Shy Loner: You've never been good at interacting with people. For some reason, talking with others just makes you a little panicky. You're fine with people you're close to, but strangers have you on edge. You made an effort to learn how to stay calm in such situations, but that somehow translated to looking 'cool and aloof'. You've got no idea how.
    [X] Broke your piggybank, worked part-time and begged your parents for extra pocket dough to buy the game with all DLCs when it came out. Pre-ordering has its perks.
    [X] Name: Owen Sanders
    [X] Age: 17
    [X] Username: Oswald
    [X] The Elder Scrolls.
    [X] Broke your piggybank, worked part-time and begged your parents for extra pocket dough to buy the game with all DLCs when it came out. Pre-ordering has its perks.
    [X] Name: Altro Nestorum
    [X]1337 Trollgamer: The secrets of magic are open before you. By magic, I mean the ability to find exploits and glitches, including the capacity to enable the Respawn
    [X] That the game should be one, large, open world.
    ---[X] Fighter
    [X] Age: 16
    [X] Username: Aldrich
    [X] Avatar:
    [X] Mage.
    [X] the death Seeker plan
    [X] Adventure Quest
    [X] Name: Brenda Le Roux
    [X] Age: 21
    [X] Username: Andraste
    ---[X] Guy.
    ---[X] Fear Not The Ganker: Your combos are crazy, and you are an excellent multitasker and respond well to combat. Your APM is heads and shoulders above that of the other players.
    ---[X] Avatar: Just Kirito's appearance
    [X] Mage.
    [X] An ungodly fusion of Dungeons & Dragons,the paper mario rpg series,Elder scrolls\fallout,bloodborne,Zelda,La mulana,.....and fucking metroid.
    [X] Name: Akoni Wright
    [X] Age: 56
    [X] Username: Big Bad Poppa
    [X] Avatar\apperance:
    [X] Plan Charismatic Sociopath.
    [X] Witcher.
    [X] Were invited to participate in the beta testing and spent most of your time every day doing that, becoming unattached from the real world.
    [X] Name: Jack Delacurse
    [X] Age: 24

    See more…
The fact it's God Mode. Others may insist it's not, but it is. It's totally God Mode. We respawn from death. Any consequence from dying is minuscule. We lose our gear? Go to weaker areas, grind, and get new gear. Or keep two copies of gear so that it's easily replaceable. We lose levels? Just go to a weaker area and grind back up. We don't need to beat the game ourselves. We suffer a temporary debuff or respawn in front of the thing that killed us? We stay in a safe area and wait off the debuff, or we run/finish it off. I seriously see no backdraw!
the hell? How in the heck is it God Mode, that is the most strangest remark I've ever heard about anything character I made.

What you just said makes absolutely no sense to me
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[X] Plan Magnificent Bastard

Blarg. Why can't we just be a cranky old man stepping on the dreams of self important teen anime protagonists?
What makes true magic better than my plan

Yours is called "the death Seeker plan". Even if we weren't in a death game (where the goal is usually to not die) that's kind of like getting a job as an acrobat and on the first day saying "I don't need no safety net! In fact, cover that high wire in butter. That'll make things more dangerous and danger makes everything more fun!"

Which, you know, can be the case. But I'd still rather watch an acrobat give a good performance instead of just fall thirty feet onto the floor and ruin the whole show.
Ok, let me ask you this. How would you make us lack the only lose condition have a suitable drawback that at worst isn't a inconvienence or annoyance but an ACTUAL drawback?
I was about to answer, but Trondason did it for me:

Kayaba, who had God Mode and is going to be leading one of the biggest factions in the game, wants us dead and possess the means to MAKE us dead? Sounds like a draw back to me.

I think you guys are looking at the wrong side of that perk. What you see is a guy who shits on the rules of the world, and that's exactly what I want you to see - the problem is - you fail to see that no matter from what height you take said shit, you'll find that consequences can jump very high. Every other attribute also gives you an unfair advantage that puts you heads and shoulders above other, even veteran players who might seem to have technical seniority over you.

I'm not defending plan True Magic, just clearing this mess up. As of now, my personal favorites is the Hardcore Roleplayer and that Charismatic Sociopath thing I've seen a few pages back, with Magnificent Bastard and True Magic behind them.

But I'd still rather watch an acrobat give a good performance instead of just fall thirty feet onto the floor and ruin the whole show.
Depending on who you ask, the show could have been a failure or better than anticipated.
Ok, let me ask you this. How would you make us lack the only lose condition have a suitable drawback that at worst isn't a inconvienence or annoyance but an ACTUAL drawback?
You know that party we had? The one we got because combat has no risk nor challenge, so we decided to try social? Yeah, now they're all dead because we wanted to fight the boss at an appropriate level. And so is our waifu. Because we decided to scout ahead for traps, and a high level monster spawned while we were being dead.

[X] Plan Magnificent Bastard

I don't really like either option that is winning, but I don't really want to play a superhero this time.
I think you guys are looking at the wrong side of that perk. What you see is a guy who shits on the rules of the world, and that's exactly what I want you to see - the problem is - you fail to see that no matter from what height you take said shit, you'll find that consequences can jump very high
...dude. Asshole God wannabe is not what I'd call a backdraw. He can kill us? We hide from the man. He needs to run a big group. It'll reveal who he is if he kills us. Or sour his reputation as the character he's playing. Which he doesn't desire. We're more likely to walk to him and give ourselves up willingly than he can get his hands on us without blowing his cover. Unless of course, you can come up for a plausible explanation for WHY he's capable of killing us as a player, than the developer/God of the game.
the hell? How in the heck is it God Mode, that is the most strangest remark I've ever heard about anything character I made
I think he is saying that true magic is for mode. Not that your bit is.

[X] Plan Magnificent Bastard

Hate the fact I need to abandon my preferred vote, but I'd rather not drop the quest due to the voters deciding God Mode is the way to go.
Come on people, PLEASE stop voting for Plan True Magic, that's basically a Gary-Stu kind of character and no one wants to play a Gary-Stu character. The aspect of our death having dire consequences in the biggest appeal of SAO, and yet those who vote Plan True Magic want to take out all the challenge out of the quest, by making any and all of our deaths meaningless, since we basically have infinite respawns and heavily reduce the challenge of the quest.

To all those who are not voting for Plan Magnificent Bastard and don't want Plan True Magic to win, please side with us and vote Plan Magnificent Bastard, so that we can actually have a fun and challenging quest, not a boring, safe experience that cheapens our death and basically gives us a way too big advantage in the setting.
Look, I do not see True Magic as "God Mode".

We have no idea how we respawn, but considering what I can guess it will not be "hold item a" or a passive trait.

It will be a glitch like deliberatey buying a house in a safe zone and closing a door on your hand to glitch the game to think that you are always in the safe some even as you are fighting monsters. You kill monsters, monsters kill you but because of [technibable, I am no programmer] you are immortal because everyone in a safe some is immortal and you are still, partially in the safe zone.

On it' own this is overpowered but now consider- that only works as long as the world does not notice it.

And if it does notice anything, and it will, that thing we did is GONE.

Now, there is a new mechanic that designated limbs as sepperated objects, or doors are no longer able to delimb some one, or we suddenly become mortal when a wild beast cuts us in half.

The reason why I want this option is not because I want to be immortal but because it is MAGIC.

Using the fundamental building blocks of nature to violate it's own, perceived, rules. God on high Smighting us for DARING to reach for the key that he holds to his chest.

If you are really that upset on the respawn bit, fine. I never cared for that particular power.

I wanted to be Icarus. Flying on my wings of wax to the hights, even as those same wings melt around me from the eyes of god.

A True Mage is someone who is stealing fire from the god like Prometheus once did.

And the God wants the fire Back.
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