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[X] Zanpachainsaw: Inscribe this spell so you don't have to relearn it every reset.
[X] Establish a wholesome relationship with the bread based on mutual respect that may eventually grow into something romantic as your emotional bonds deepen.
[X] Search deep into the pantry for other potential sandwich parts
[X] Zanpachainsaw: Inscribe this spell so you don't have to relearn it every reset.
[X] Establish a wholesome relationship with the bread based on mutual respect that may eventually grow into something romantic as your emotional bonds deepen.
Still your growing in a logical sense that should make victory inevitable, if only the world was a logical and not an emotional place.
Hint taken. Before making a sandwich, we must first make a functioning relationship.
[X] Zanpachainsaw: Inscribe this spell so you don't have to relearn it every reset.
[X] Establish a wholesome relationship with the bread based on mutual respect that may eventually grow into something romantic as your emotional bonds deepen.
[X] Zanpachainsaw: Inscribe this spell so you don't have to relearn it every reset.
[X] Establish a wholesome relationship with the bread based on mutual respect that may eventually grow into something romantic as your emotional bonds deepen.
Do we have a toaster? I'm thinking our best chance might be to make a toast sandwich. Basically just need bread and a toaster (butter, salt, pepper optional), and we could probably improvise around the toaster requirement, either traditionally with an oven or more amusingly by doing something out of I Am Bread.
[X] Establish a wholesome relationship with the bread based on mutual respect that may eventually grow into something romantic as your emotional bonds deepen.
[X] Make a good sandwich​
[X] Make a fucking sandwich
[X] Zanpachainsaw: Inscribe this spell so you don't have to relearn it every reset.
[X] Establish a wholesome relationship with the bread based on mutual respect that may eventually grow into something romantic as your emotional bonds deepen.
[X] Search deep into the pantry for other potential sandwich parts
[X] Zanpachainsaw: Inscribe this spell so you don't have to relearn it every reset.
[X] Search deep into the pantry for other potential sandwich parts with the moldy bread
[X] Zanpachainsaw: Inscribe this spell so you don't have to relearn it every reset.
[X] Establish a wholesome relationship with the bread based on mutual respect that may eventually grow into something romantic as your emotional bonds deepen.
[X] Zanpachainsaw: Inscribe this spell so you don't have to relearn it every reset.
[X] Establish a wholesome relationship with the bread based on mutual respect that may eventually grow into something romantic as your emotional bonds deepen.
[X] Zanpachainsaw: Inscribe this spell so you don't have to relearn it every reset.
[X] Establish a wholesome relationship with the bread based on mutual respect that may eventually grow into something romantic as your emotional bonds deepen.

"Hi I'm SV, It's nice to meet you mold monster"


"You uggh, don't look like a warhound if you don't mind me asking"

The moldy bread kinda shakes a bit before you hear an intake of breath (To where though?)

Then it begins to sing

"I am Gallavant the valiant and brave
upon my ripped muscles a man could shave
I slaved away for years training with the blade
Just to win honor so I could retire and wield only a spade
But the gods above plans for me were higher
So it was by destiny that these events did transpire

I met a woman who stoked my fire
Yet everything I said, did raise her ire
So I spoke in deeds and won a hundred battles in her name
She said violence is something for which we should only feel shame

I had to be a better man to get the time of day
Truly though I found it okay.

If love does not raise you to new heights
Then it's all wrong when it should be right.

Our love grew slow like morning dew.
It was the only journey in my life that mattered, I swear it's true.

But a demon came and ravaged lands far and wide.
When others wanted naught but to run and hide.
She grabbed a blade to fight by my side.

We dueled the demon atop a mountains peak.
There were no words we needed to speak.
Neither us expected to live through the day.
Two lives to ensure an entire kingdom is okay.

It was a trade we would make without hesitation.
Yet fate and gods laughed in face.
Death became me and my loves final separation
Wounded deeply now my body is now like lace.

A new demon knocks at the kingdoms door.
But I looked inside and I have no more to give.
I see no reason I should live

For what is life without love?
Just a cruel joke from the gods above"

"Yeah uhhh that's rough buddy"
You respond unsure how to comfort the loaf of sentient mold.

[] Say Something to the mold monster? Fungus Warhound? (Write in:)
[] Murder the mold monster and start making a sandwich out of moldy bread.
[] Search deep into the pantry for other potential sandwich parts
[] Go back to your room.
[] Grab a kitchen Knife
[] Go outside
[] Kill yourself
[] Advanced Suicide (soul destruction)
[] Write in

Character Sheet
Name: Sufficient Velocity
Age: Meh
Sex: It's not a sandwich so maybe one day you can have it.
Hair Color: Undefined Blonde

Permanent Abilities:
Soul Inscription: Can once per reset add a spell or ability to yourself permanently.
Pig Ears: Grow a fungus in each ear to hear the whispers of the fungus court.
Soul Bomb: Destroy your own soul to restart the loop.
Zanpachainsaw: A spell that summons your souls power in the form of a sacred chainsaw. Makes your soul vulnerable to certain things to be outside of your body but also allows it to be used as a weapon.

Temporary Spells:
Soul Bond: Allows one to create a connection with a willing being to be their familiar.
Soul Sight: Allows one to see souls through solid matter and other things that may be in the way.
In other news if I make any real money from sandwich quest I swear to god I will dramatically sing his song and post it. (I am a horrendus singer but so is he)
[X] "How's this for a deal. You tell me all about the monster and train me to fight it, then I go kill it for you. That way you can die in peace and be with your love."
-[X] You are also pretty sure that once you kill the demon, you can find a way to leverage it into a sandwich.
[X] Murder the mold monster and start making a sandwich out of moldy bread.

You are what you eat. And brother, I want those bread monster muscles.
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[X] "How's this for a deal. You tell me all about the monster and train me to fight it, then I go kill it for you. That way you can die in peace and be with your love."
-[X] You are also pretty sure that once you kill the demon, you can find a way to leverage it into a sandwich
[X] "How's this for a deal. You tell me all about the monster and train me to fight it, then I go kill it for you. That way you can die in peace and be with your love."
-[X] You are also pretty sure that once you kill the demon, you can find a way to leverage it into a sandwich

Holy fuck, this quest isn't dead.
That which is not dead can eternal rye.
[X] "How's this for a deal. You tell me all about the monster and train me to fight it, then I go kill it for you. That way you can die in peace and be with your love."
-[X] You are also pretty sure that once you kill the demon, you can find a way to leverage it into a sandwich.
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