Sushi's Chopping Block [Glory to Mankind]

RRf-06 Block I Zanny
  • Refurbished Zaku Mk. I
  • Reinforced Skeleton
  • Teething Problems
  • Revised OS
  • ???
[OS] AS (Assault-Type)
The Assault-Type OS is configured for close-range fighting. You gain a +1 to Melee as well as Shoot at close ranges, up to (1) Zone away.​
Battle Recorder:
Pick a Mobile-Suit related Skill at the beginning of a Combat Scene. You may gain a +1 to that Skill for the duration of the Scene, as long as you can justify this narratively with past events.​
Deactivate Limiters:
By deactivating performance limiters, you may choose to take 1[] Physical Stress and stack a free invocation upon the current action. Repeated use may cause a forced shutdown.​

[OS Modes]
[OS] AS (Assault-Type)
The Assault-Type OS is configured for close-range fighting. You gain a +1 to Melee as well as Shoot at close ranges, up to (1) Zone away.​

[OS] D (Defenser-Type)
The Defenser-Type (sic) OS is configured for maximum survivability. You gain a +1 when shooting down incoming projectiles and take a reduced penalty when firing EW type weapons in heavy jamming.​

[OS] SC (Sniper-Type)
The Sniper-Type OS is individually calibrated to the parent unit for maximum precision. Your weapons have a longer range than usual, and gain a +1 to Shoot further than (2) Zones away.​

[OS] De (forwar[D] obs[E]rver-Type)
The Forward-Observer OS is designed to maximize the effectiveness of electronic warfare on the battlefield. You gain a +1 to Stealth and a +1 to your Sensor Rating.​

  Generation   I  
  Sensors   +1  
  Armor   +1  
  Anti-Beam   0  
  Thrusters   +2  
Stress (Durability): 1[_] 1[_] 2[_] 3[_]

_____MILD (2):
_____MODERATE (4):

_____The "Block I" RRf-06 marks the first major design revision, incorporating a Federation-designed OS. Original RRf-06 models used a Zeon-made operating system tweaked for use with Federation hardware and was prone to errors in the field. Following initial feedback from battlefield trials, Block I models receive a revised close combat control system. This also marks a transition in production to models with higher-quality joints, higher output main engines and reinforced armor in vulnerable areas.

Fixed Equipment:

Optional Equipment (10):
[Melee] (1) Heat Knife (+1 Melee)

[Rifle] (3) Prototype 100mm MG (+2 Shoot)
_____[Short Range]

[Rifle] (4) Prototype 100mm MG w/GL (+2 Shoot)
_____[Short Range]
[Attachment] 280mm Grenade Launcher
_____[Ignores Armor]

__________[Machine Gun]
[Machine Gun] (4) 100mm Heavy MG (+1 Shoot*)
_____[+2 Create Advantage*]

[Rocket] (2) H&L-SB21K/280mm A-N Zaku Bazooka (Shoot OR EW)
_____[+3 Damage]

[Rocket] (4) H&L-SB21K/280mmmA-N Zaku Twin Bazooka
_____[+4 Damage]

[Missile] (4) Wire-Guided Missile Launcher (+2 EW)
_____[Ignores Minosvky Jamming]

[Cannon] (3) 120mm Recoiless Cannon
_____[+1 Damage per Zone (1-3)]

[Ammo] (1) Spare Ammunition (MG / Rockets / Missiles)
[Grenade] (1) HEDP Grenade (+3 Melee)
[Grenade] (1) "Blinder" Cracker
_____[+2 Create Advantage*]
[Missile] (1) Sturmfaust
_____+3 Damage
[Missile] (2) 3-Tube Missile Pod
_____+4 Damage
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A machine and an android sit in a room of pure white, placed at the ends of a slender wooden table.

How long has it been, the android wonders. Her memories seem to linger just out of reach, somewhere beyond the corners of the endless white sky. She sees a man with silver-white hair and a cream-colored shirt of the kind humans would wear. She knows he is a machine, but he looks nothing like one, and the smug look on his face is uncomfortably human. He looks more human than she, as the android is a patchwork of pale skin and dark, oily, synthetic muscle, her outermost layers already stripped away. Her eyes are glass-like and blue; she is a simple doll.

"2B," the machine says. "What a pleasant surprise. Back so soon?"

The android scowls, as if frightened by the way her chest tightens. "Who the hell are you?"

"My, my. Forgotten already?"

"I haven't forgotten anything, asshole. I don't know who you are. Where are we? What is this?"

The sharp look of amusement on the machine's face fades, replaced by the curious narrowing of eyes, the entwining of fingertips as he leans forward over the table. "Really, now? I must be mistaken: You aren't 2B at all, are you?"

She pauses, not for long, but enough for the machine to notice. "-I'm not. I know 2B."

"I see we have much to talk about." The machine leans back with a smirk, his arms gesturing to the endless expanse around them. "We have all the time in the world to talk, don't we?"

"We need to talk."

For a moment, I feel weightless. The ground is spinning beneath my heels, but I brush the feeling away. The gravity pulls down on my body in a measured way, planting my feet in the floor. I can feel it's the bunker, even before the cool, filtered air blows over me. I bow my head without thinking, and my hands slide to my stomach. I feel for the ugly wound, but it isn't there.

The taste of my own blood still lingers at the back of my throat. My stomach still aches from where the blade of a fellow YoRHa solder ran me through. I can feel scars that should be there, even though my skin is unmarked.

The last thing I can remember is my death. It's a thought that makes me shiver like a clenched fist.

"YoRHa Attacker Number Two. I get the impression you aren't listening to me."

I hardly think about where I am or who it is I'm speaking to. I just talk, as we've had this conversation a million times before. "I'm listening, I'm listening, 21... I'm just... decompressing." I turn on my heel, and the sensation of a full YoRHa dress uniform rustling against my skin is enough to make me stand a little straighter. I almost lose it the moment I see 21. She's taut and severe, with the slight tilt of her head telling a lot about her irritation at my quiet.

"... of course. Now, what did I just tell you?"

"I don't know, 21. What did you just tell me?"
I'm not familiar with the game, I'm afraid. I know just enough about it to recognize 2B's name, which I think belongs to the white-haired female. This sounds like a near-death or afterlife experience, but I don't have anything else to go on.
My name is Attacker Number Two.

I am a YoRHa combat android. I fight for humanity with all my strength.

I am nothing like a normal android. If I fall in battle, my memories can be poured into a spare body like water from one glass to another. My data, and the data of other YoRHa soldiers goes to the bunker, where those precious memories are kept and guarded. Because of this, they say that YoRHa soldiers never really die.

I am a YoRHa soldier, which means I'm not afraid to die. The anger in my heart blots out any fear I might be feeling, and every machine that destroy testifies to the fact that I exist. Even if I'm no longer part of YoRHa, that singular mission keeps me going. It has kept me going, at least until now.

I stand in a long hallway with no walls, individual memories dangling in the air like windows cut out of nothing in particular. Somewhere beyond where my eyes can see, there's murmurs of my manufacture, my training, and the voices of my comrades. Most of my archives are filled with the ringing of steel and the dying screams of machine lifeforms. These memories make me who I am.

It's hard to see the boundaries of my personal data now, and my gaze is leaden. The last thing I can remember is my death. The feeling of a YoRHa blade piercing my body is fresh in my mind and my senses.

I feel cold and empty now, and the only thing left in my heart seems to be my hate for the machines.

I don't regret the things I did. But I wonder now if there's any place for my soul to go.
F-16C Block 40
Multi-Role Fighter
  Generation   IV  
  Radar.Range   2  
  Survivability   +.1  
  Missile.Guidance   +.1  
  Engine Power   +.1  
Airframe Stress: 1[_]​ 1[_]​ 2[_]​ 3[_]​
_____MILD (2):
_____MILD (2):
_____Affectionately known as the "Viper." Originally designed as a lightweight and inexpensive daytime fighter, the F-16 has seen successful service all across the globe as a true multi-role aircraft. It was one of the first aircraft to rely entirely on electrical flight control systems and the first production aircraft designed to be slightly aerodynamically unstable in flight. Visibility from the bubble canopy is excellent and the cockpit layout has aged well for a nearly fifty-year old design.
The Snake:
Excellent visibility and an agile airframe are a deadly combination. You gain a +1 when Defending against enemy attack or Overcoming a test of agility.​
Nap of the Earth:
The Block 40 upgrade comes with an AAQ-13 navigation pod. By directly interfacing with the flight controls, the pod gives you a +1 to navigating tight terrain or flying at extreme low altitude to evade detection.​
Sure Strike:
This upgrade allows Forward Air Controllers (FAC) to feed target data and location seamlessly to the aircraft. You gain a +1 to coordinated close air support and gain the ability to launch Beyond Visual Range (BVR) missiles at ground targets.​

[AAM] AIM-9 Sidewinder (+1 Dam.)
"FOX 2." A short-ranged, heat-seeking munition, sometimes called a "dogfighting missile." This version has semi-active radar guidance for shots against the front or sides of aircraft.​

[WPN. 01]
[WPN. 02]

Strike Packages
available equipment
[MAM] Miniature Anti-to-Air Missile (Pilot)
"FOX 1." A miniaturized, semi-active radar guided missile. The MAM follows the radar of its parent vehicle. The pilot "spikes" a target with their aircraft radar, and a large number of these quarter-sized missiles make short work of the target.​
[AAM] AIM-9 Sidewinder (+1 Dam.)
"FOX 2." A short-ranged, heat-seeking munition, sometimes called a "dogfighting missile." This version has semi-active radar guidance for shots against the front or sides of aircraft.​
"FOX 3." A "fire and forget" weapon with active radar guidance, effective at Beyond Visual Range (BVR). This missile allows shots out of your standard engagement range as long as allies have a target within their sensor radius.​
"MAGNUM." This "Anti-Radiation Missile" homes in on the transmissions of anti-aircraft radar systems. This specialized air-to-ground weapon is capable of returning fire against otherwise hidden and concealed SAM sites.​
[AGM] AGM-65 Maverick
"RIFLE." This air-to-ground missile uses a video feed within the cockpit to manually obtain and lock on to the visual profile of a target.​
[UGB] GBU-31 Bomb (+2 Dam.)
"STORES AWAY." A variety of unguided "dumb bombs" can be dropped onto target from the aircraft's hardpoints. Although by nature these weapons require a direct attack from close range, their effect on target makes them useful for ground support.​
[RKT] Hydra 70 2.75'' Rocket (+1)
Simple rockets with primitive guidance, these weapons are aimed much like the onboard gun, pointing the entire aircraft at the intended target. They're cheap and have good endurance for when ground support makes repetitive passes a necessity.​
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Ok, first things first

OMG Ace Combat!



...ahem. With that out of the way...

That's actually a lot of detail - I was thinking something more rules-lite, in the vein of the Kriegszeppelin Valkyrie scenario from the Worlds on Fire FATE book. Granted, that's for biplanes and airships (and huge airships) in WW2, but it could easily be tweaked to support normal planes (and ships, and superweapons) up to the Korean War. There some things I quite like in that system, like the advantage rule, the aerobatics as stunts and the fame system. That said, if you have a plan for how you want to structure the rules, I'd be more than happy to help you with the background!
Ok, first things first

OMG Ace Combat!



...ahem. With that out of the way...

That's actually a lot of detail - I was thinking something more rules-lite, in the vein of the Kriegszeppelin Valkyrie scenario from the Worlds on Fire FATE book. Granted, that's for biplanes and airships (and huge airships) in WW2, but it could easily be tweaked to support normal planes (and ships, and superweapons) up to the Korean War. There some things I quite like in that system, like the advantage rule, the aerobatics as stunts and the fame system. That said, if you have a plan for how you want to structure the rules, I'd be more than happy to help you with the background!
I'm ordering the book out of curiosity.
Ground-Attack Aircraft
  Generation   IV  
  Radar.Range   2  
  Survivability   +.2  
  Missile.Guidance   +.2  
  Engine Power   +.0  
Airframe Stress: 1[_]​ 1[_]​ 2[_]​ 3[_]​
_____MILD (2):
_____MILD (2):
The Thunderbolt II is specialized for the destruction of enemy material. You gain a +2 to Gun attacks and carry more ammunition than other aircraft.​
When Pigs Fly:
Specialized for low speed, low altitude work, the A-10C gains +2 to low altitude, low speed work. By the same token, however, the A-10C faces increased Difficulty by 2 in high speed and/or high altitude flight conditions.​
Like a Homesick Angel:
The A-10C's armor gives reasonable protection against common anti-air batteries. An unintended side effect of the A-10's construction gives it high resilience in inclement weather, high wind and hail. The A-10C receives no additional difficulty from poor flight conditions.​

[AAM] AIM-9 Sidewinder (+1 Dam.)
"FOX 2." A short-ranged, heat-seeking munition, sometimes called a "dogfighting missile." This version has semi-active radar guidance for shots against the front or sides of aircraft.​

[WPN. 01]
[WPN. 02]
[WPN. 03]
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  • 1998 Police Procedural Drama
  • Survival-Horror, expect Character Death
  • Bio-Organic Weapons and Zombies
  • 5-8 Players
  • Post Every 2 or 3 Days
  • Fate + Discovery Action
  • 4D6 / 4D3, Modified Fate SRD

The Arklay Taskforce - Disbanded
_____Cannibal murders are on the rise. Occult activity has become an everyday occurence in the sleepy town of Raccoon City. Violence is at an all-time high, and the heat is on the police. Criticism of Chief Irons is near universal, as his policies are widely considered ineffectual. The recently-formed Arklay Taskforce is overworked and bleeding personnel. The events of the past few months show, more than anything, that Umbrella Corporation's influence has had a profound effect upon the Raccoon City.

_____Until now, the Taskforce has kept a tight lid upon the mutated creatures responsible for so many grisly incidents in Arklay County. The mutations are contagious and constant. What started once as policing has become a small war within the boundaries of Raccoon City. The sheer number of cases has begun to reach the eyes of the public, and paranoia is at an all time high. Chief Irons, at his wits end, orders an end to the operations of the Arklay Taskforce. Its members, immersed in the bloody depths of a conspiracy, are now left without support or ally.

_____With few leads remaining, the remaining members of the Taskforce have assembled for one last effort at stemming the beginning of catastrophe. Their research points to one origin point for the cult activity and mutants; a sleepy resort town built for Umbrella Corporation's elites. Not found on any map, it is only known by the internal name of "Quiet Heights."

New Applicants

Rank: Rank roughly correspons to responsibilities. A police Sergeant is generally a supervisor for several officers, a Lieutenant is in charge of an entire Shift, a Captain supervises a division, and so forth. If you indicate a preference to be a supervisor of some kind this will be noted.
Assignment: What your character normally does as a police officer, or their normal job if they are not law enforcement. You can denote preference here if you would like the GM to decide, or put "Trainee" to start brand new and start later.
Experience: How much work a given character has done, generally years at a given position at a department. Police officers with significant seniority may carry revolvers or older equipment. Note preference here. Place "Trainee" if brand new.
Equipment: Please add any equipment requests to the bottom of the profile.
Aspects: Five (5) in total: High Concept & Trouble + 3 Aspect. Optionally, you can also do a Phase Trio. Your high concept is a "Elevator Pitch" that sums up your character in a few words. Fate Points are used to Invoke Aspects.

Fate Points: 3 (Barring extra Stunts)
Refresh: 2 + 1 Assignment Stunt (Barring extra Stunts)
Physical: Physique-Based
Morale: Will-Based
Wealth: Using Wealth Stress, determined by GM after profile is submitted.
Consequences: 2-4-6. Leave Blank. Physique-Based

Skills: Great (+5 Modified)

Electronics: This is the other half of the Craft skill, which involves electrical repair, tinkering, and electriconic intrusion.

Forensics: Inspecting the recently deceased, blood spatters, decomposition, and analyzing pathology by a variety of means. Can also be used to analyse, and to an extent detect B.O.W.s.

Investigate: Conventional means of investigating crimes, searching a scene, gathering evidence, finding signs of disturbance or struggle. Limited application to basic forensic investigation.

Medicine: Diagnosing illness and injury, treating wounds, and administering medications. At high levels also used for surgery and invasive medical procedures.

Preparation: This skill is used to determine if a character has made particular preparations, such as stashing special equipment, moving furniture, or positioning a contact / assistant

Survival: Navigation outdoors, use of natural resources, and limited first-aid capabilities.

Physique & Will: Having points here increase your character's capacity for Stress. Physique is for Physical Stress, Will is for Morale Stress. The mechanics behind stress and consequences will be described later on.
1-2 = 1 Extra Slot
3-4 = 2 Extra Slots
5 = 1 Extra Minor Consequence

Stunts: 2 + 1 Assignment Stunt Stunts.
Take special note of the poll at the bottom of the profile:
  • Describe your prior Experience.
  • Describe your current Job.
  • What is your greatest Strength?
  • What is your greatest Weakness?
  • What are your Goals as part of the Taskforce?
  • Any Special Requests?

[b]Name:[/b] X
[b]Appearance:[/b] X

[b]Age:[/b] X
[b]Rank:[/b] (Provided by GM)
[b]Birthplace:[/b] X
[b]Assignment:[/b] (You can note preference for assignment here.)
[b]Experience:[/b] (What department, what job, how many years, or "Rookie" if no prior experience.)
[b]Aspects:[/b] X
[b]Refresh:[/b] (3 by Default)
[b]Fate Points:[/b] (Same as Refresh)
[b]Physical:[/b] (Based on Physique)
[b]Morale:[/b] (Based on Will)
[b]Consequences:[/b] X

[b]Personality & Bio:[/b] X
+4 +4
+3 +3 +3
+2 +2 +2 +2
[b]Stunts:[/b] (2 + Class-Stunt by Default)

[quote][size=5][u][font=courier new]Describe your prior [b][color=#1e62d6]Experience[/color][/b].[/font][/u][/size]
[indent] [/indent]

[size=5][u][font=courier new]Describe your current [b][color=#1e62d6]Job[/color][/b].[/font][/u][/size]
[indent] [/indent]

[size=5][u][font=courier new]What is your greatest [b][color=#1e62d6]Strength?[/color][/b][/font][/u][/size]
[indent] [/indent]

[size=5][u][font=courier new]What is your greatest [b][color=#1e62d6]Weakness?[/color][/b][/font][/u][/size]
[indent] [/indent]

[size=5][u][font=courier new]What are your [b][color=#1e62d6]Goals[/color][/b] as part of the [b]Taskforce?[/b][/font][/u][/size]
[indent] [/indent]

[size=5][u][font=courier new]Any [b][color=#1e62d6]Special Requests?[/color][/b][/font][/u][/size]
[indent] [/indent][/quote]

I strongly prefer if the profile is posted in its own post and without spoiler tags or quote boxes. However, the questionnaire in its own quote / spoiler box is preferable.
[Handgun]: 9x19mm Browning HP w/ SSIII Retention Holster
[Armor]: Second Chance Ultima NIJ II Vest
[Radio]: Motorola HT1000
[Baton]: Monadnock PR-24 Side Handle Baton (+1)
2 x 13-Round HP Magazine
2 x S&W Handcuffs
D-Cell Maglite
Pepper Spray
Folding Knife

Radio Codes

Code 1*
Code 2
Code 3
Code 4
Code 5
Code 6
Code 7
Code 8
Code 10
Code 11
Code 12
Code 30
Code 37
Code 77
Code 99
Code 100
Pay attention to the radio.
*Also officer not answering radio.
Urgent — No lights / sirens.
Lights and sirens.
No further assistance needed.
Stakeout — Stay away.
Out of Car, Investigating.
+Requires Assistance
+Suspect is Wanted
+Gang Activity​
Meal Break.
Fire Alarm.
Working fire.​
SWAT Pre-call Up.
SWAT Call-up.
False Alarm
Burglar Alarm (Ringer / Silent)
Vehicle Reported Stolen.
Caution, possible Ambush.
Emergency (Also Code 999)
Position to Intercept.

10-0 - Use Caution
10-1 - Signal Weak
10-2 - Signal Good
10-3 - Stop transmitting/Stand-By
10-4 - Affirmative/Everything is Okay
10-5 - Relay To...
10-6 - Busy
10-7 - Out Of Service
10-8 - In service
10-9 - Repeat
10-10 - Fight In Progress
10-11 - Animal Problem
10-12 - Stand By, Remain Alert, Stop
10-13 - Weather - Road Report
10-14 - Report Of Prowler
10-15 - Civil Disturbance
10-16 - Domestic Trouble
10-17 - Meet Complainant
10-18 - Urgent
10-19 - Return to...
10-20 - Location
10-21 - Phone Number/Person
J1 - At Your Convenience
10-22 - Disregard
10-23 - Arrived at Scene
10-24 - Assignment Completed
10-25 - Report in Person
10-26 - Detaining Subject, Expedite
10-27 - Drivers License Information
10-28 - Vehicle Registration Information
10-29 - Check Record for Wanted
J1 - Misdemeanor Arrest Record
J2 - Felony Arrest Record
J3 - Considered Dangerous​
GM - Known Gang Member
SO - Registered Sex Offender
10-30 - Illegal Use of Radio
10-31 - Crime In Progress
10-32 - Man With Gun
10-34 - Riot
10-35 - Major Crime Alert
10-36 - Correct Time
10-37 - Investigate Suspicious Auto
10-38 - Stopping Suspicious Auto
10-39 - Urgent-Use Light & Siren
10-40 - Tactical Situation
10-41 - Begin shift
10-42 - End shift
10-43 - Information
J1 - Confidential​
10-44 - Request Permission To Leave Patrol For...
J1 - Personal Relief
J2 - Vehicle Service
J3 - Vehicle Wash
J4 - Meal Break​
10-45 - Animal Carcass At...
10-46 - Assist Motorist
10-47 - Emergency Road Repairs Needed
10-48 - Traffic Control
10-49 - Traffic Light Out
10-50 - Traffic Accident
J1 - Minor
J2 - Serious W/ Injuries
J3 - Road Blocked
J4 - Fatality​
10-51 - Wrecker Needed (Tow Truck)
10-52 - Ambulance Needed
10-53 - Road Blocked
10-54 - Livestock On Highway
10-55 - Intoxicated Driver
J1 - Charges will be filed
J2 - Make your own case​
10-56 - Intoxicated Pedestrian
10-57 - Hit and Run
10-58 - Direct Traffic
10-59 - Convoy Or Escort (Bank Deposit Drop-Off)
10-60 - Squad In Vicinity
10-61 - Personnel In Area
10-62 - Reply To Message
10-63 - Prepare To Make Written Copy
10-64 - Message For Local Delivery
10-65 - Net Message Assignment
10-66 - Message Cancellation
10-67 - Clear To Read Net Message
10-68 - Crime Information
10-69 - Message Received
10-70 - Fire Alarm
10-71 - Advise Nature of Fire
10-72 - Report Progress on Fire
10-73 - Smoke Report
10-74 - Negative
10-75 - In Contact With...
10-76 - En Route
J1 - Prisoner
J2 - Female
J5 - To Make Relief​
10-77 - ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival)
10-78 - Need Assistance
10-79 - Notify Coroner
10-80 - Unit-to-Unit Radio Traffic
10-81 - Prisoner in Custody
10-82 - Confidential/Status
J0 - No cars available at this time
J1 - Beat cars available
J2 - Overlay cars available​
10-83 - Switch to STLCO Channel 8 (Car-to-Car Channel)
10-84 - Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA)
10-85 - Arrival Delayed - Will Be Late
10-86 - CAD Computer Down
10-87 - Pick Up...
10-88 - Advise phone number of...
10-89 - Please Reply / Report Status
10-90 - Bank Alarm
10-91 - Pick Up Subject
10-92 - Contract Service
J1 - Beginning Patrol
J2 - Ending Patrol​
10-93 - Blockage
10-94 - Drag Racing
10-95 - Bomb Threat
10-96 - Detain Subject
10-97 - Test Signal
10-98 - Prior Offenses
10-99 - Positive Stolen/Wanted (see J Codes)
J1 - Misdemeanor Wanted or Stolen
J2 - Felony Wanted
J3 - Wanted and Considered Dangerous, May be Armed
10-100 - Police Needed
10-105 - Deceased Body
10-106 - Suspicious Person
10-107 - Check Residence
A jack of all trades and the backbone of the team. Assaulters are versatile, and can fill in for any other job on the team as needed.
+ Stunt: "Always Forward"— You have the first action when breaching. Additionally, you can use guns at hand to hand distances.
+ CQB-Oriented Weaponry
+ Additional Grenades

Using charges, breaching weapons, or plain brute force, breachers create entryways when there are none and are experts in the construction and maintenance of explosives.
+ Stunt: "Explosives Expert" — You can use the Craft skill to create or dismantle explosives, and don't need to roll when placing breaching charges.
+ Explosive Charges
+ Breaching Tools

The best shots in the team, the snipers train endlessly and have access to an assortment of sophisticated optics for detecting targets in any conditions.
+ Stunt: "Sequence Breaker" — You may pay a Fate Point to pre-empt an enemy action with an attack.
+ Long-Range Weapons
+ Thermal Optics

Medics maintain the same proficiency and kit as other team members, but supervise treatment and kit creation. They also fill an important humanitarian role for less-overt missions.
+ Stunt: "Gratitude" — With time and some medical supplies, you can extract information from enemies by rendering aid.
+ Extra Medical Equipment
+ Field Surgery

UAV Operator
Team drone operators are licensed to operate in the host nation and usually pull double duty as electricians and communications specialists. Capabilities can range from simple hobby-type drones to armed UAVs.
+ Stunt: "Comms Blackout" — Once per scene, you may kill all enemy communications in an area, removing their ability to call for reinforcements or communicate.
+ UAV Access
+ Long-Range Comms Equipment

___Fifty-thousand dollars cash. Airline tickets. Fixed passports. A nine-millimeter, spare magazines, and weapons permits for several different countries. A leather-bound guide to the occult. The pelican case had been left on the doorstep without a sound. These types of job offers weren't unheard of in your line of work; cash up front, no questions asked. The business was word-of-mouth, and your reputation had earned you a contract before the ink had time to dry on the paperwork.

___As far as job offers went, it was pretty sketchy... but the cash was up front. And you recognized the name on the included documentation.
job offer
______Meridian Logistics

____This is an official solicitation from Meridian Group for your services as a private security contractor. Your prior work and experience were taken into consideration prior to contacting you. As you know, competition is fierce and openings at our concern are few and far between. Extenuating circumstances have forced recruiting to expand in the face of a new mission.

____Your skillset and prior history were evaluated and found fitting for the swift prosecution and extermination of occult and supernatural threats. As a Meridian contractor, you will have access to top-of-the-line equipment and resources. We are an equal opportunity organization and pride ourselves in being a major employer of cyborgs and demi-humans from a variety of backgrounds.

____We hope you will make the right decision. As always, your discretion is appreciated.
These notes fascinate me. From the start, it looks like the creative workflow chaos. But take a better look, and the internal structure becomes evident.

I like how you highlight the text. It catches the eye and focuses attention on the important details.

I noticed in the last notes you attributed a color to the topic. The Meridian Logistics associates with the crimson red, Resident Evil RP — with dark yellow.

Without it, I would have thought the soldier class post was a separate note. But the color connects it to the Black Magic Group. Have you planned this?
"Minute" Mk. IV-A1

Federation War Machine
The Big Stick
Ol' Reliable
Armored Thunderbolt:
The Medium Tank "Minute" has a spacious interior and extensive ammunition stowage. You gain a +1 bonus to loading and changing ammunition.
Stabilized Sights:
A sophisticated gyrostabilizer system and smooth ride help you stay on target.You take Reduced Difficulty to short stops and gunnery checks on the move. Moving attacks can reach a maximum of -1.
[Class] Infantry Support:
You're an infantry specialist. Friendly troops receive a +2 bonus against incoming fire when taking cover near the tank (unless being flanked.) Additionally, when firing one of the tank machine guns, you automatically create a Fair (+2) opposition against movement in a Zone with a successful attack.

  Tank_Type   Medium  
  Ammo_Rack   8  
  Front_Armor   3  
  Side_Armor   1  
  Engine   DC 1  
Stress: 1[_] 2[_] 3[_]

_____Mild (2):
_____Moderate (4):
_____Severe (6):

_____The armored fist of the Federation's armored expeditionary forces. The name "Minute" refers to colonial "Minutemen," who were prepared to fight at a moment's notice in time of need. A modern design, the Minute is a product of Vinland's automotive expertise and industrial might. Every part is easily changed and replaced in the field, and the tank is well known for high mechanical reliability. With a medium-caliber cannon derived from a EW1-era artillery piece, the Minute packs a punch against soft targets and enemy armor alike. The sloped hull armor has good protection against most anti-tank weapons on the modern battlefield, and with room to upgrade, the Minute will most likely be a Federation mainstay for years to come.

75-mm steiner m1935
M61 AP (Armor-Piercing)
_____+2 Armor Penetration
M48 HE (High-Explosive)
_____+2 (Damage)
M65 SMK (Phosphorus Smoke)
_____[+2 Create Advantage*] (2​)

2-in. mortar mk. 3
Bomb, HE, MK. I HE (High-Explosive)
_____+2 (Damage)
Bomb, Illumination, MK. II/1 ILLUM (Parachute Flare)
_____[+2 Create Advantage*] (2​)
Bomb, Smoke, MK. III SMK (Phosphorus Smoke)
_____[+2 Create Advantage*] (2​)

1 x 7.92mm Coaxial MG (+1)
1 x 7.92mm Hull MG
1 x 12.7mm T-MAG HMG (+1)

Ammunition (0/8):
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.... its an animeifed Sherman tank.

Sherman Tank: Notice me Sempai! *fires HE*
Type 34 Light Tank

The Gallian Stallion
Faster than She Looks
Low Signature
High Caliber
Assault Gun:
The Gallian Light Tank packs a punch with an artillery-type main weapon. You gain a +1 bonus when shelling bunkers or hardened targets. Additionally, you can use your main weapon to fire in an indirect mode with prior preparation or radio contact with an observer, allowing you to strike targets behind cover or otherwise protected from direct attack.
Light Tank:
Your tank is smaller in profile than most. When fired upon by enemy tanks or antitank guns, incoming attacks are rolled at Disadvantage.
[Class] Infantry Support:
You're an infantry specialist. Friendly troops receive a +2 bonus against incoming fire when taking cover near the tank (unless being flanked.) Additionally, when firing one of the tank machine guns, you automatically create a Fair (+2) opposition against movement in a Zone with a successful attack.

  Tank_Type   Light  
  Ammo_Rack   4  
  Front_Armor   2  
  Side_Armor   1  
  Engine   DC 1  
Stress: 1[_] 2[_] 3[_]

_____Mild (2):
_____Moderate (4):
_____Severe (6):

Commander/Loader Gunner Driver

a The light tank Type 34 is an armored, full track-laying vehicle,
powered by a 200 hp Praga engine which is a six cylinder, liquid
cooled "I" type engine designed originally for medium trucks. The
engine is located in the rear of the hull. The operator steers the
vehicle by means of two levers located in the front end of the hull.
The vehicle has five forward speeds and one reverse. The tank is
wired for radio installation, and for an interphone system within
the tank.

a. General
Weight without armament, fuel or crew................10160.47 kg
Ground clearance.............................................................50-cm
Width over-all................................................................239-cm
Length over-all...............................................................497-cm
Height over-all...............................................................255-cm

b. Engine
Praga tank engine
Rated horsepower........................200hp (149kW) at 2800 rpm
Number of cylinders...............................................................6
Weight of engine, w/accessories...................................226 kg

b. Armament
1 gun, 75-mm, PaK Mk.II (combination turret mount)
1 gun, machine, 7.92mm, "Erma" (combination turret mount)
1 gun, machine, 7.92mm, "Erma"
(flexible-race mount on turret hatch)​
1 gun, submachine, 9mm MAGS, Model M1
(carried on brackets within tank)​
1 mount, tripod, machine gun, M1928, 7.92mm

c. Protected Vision
Protected vision is provided for the driver and crew by the use of
steel shutters (open and shut type) at vision slots, and by indirect
vision devices called periscopes. There are two periscopes on the
Type 34 tank.The tank commander has access to a telescope equipped
auxiliary gun sight anda plain vision type. The gunner has a two level
magnification telescopic sight with reticles for for armor piercing and
high explosive 75mm ammunition.

d. Seats
Adjustable, padded, chair-type seats, equipped with safety belts, are
provided for the Driver and Gunner. A round, padded seat, equipped with
safety belt and of the snap down type is provided for the combination
Tank Commander / Loader.

75-mm breda pak mk.ii
PzGr. 34 AP (Armor-Piercing)
_____+2 Armor Penetration

SprGr. 34 HE (High-Explosive)
_____+2 (Damage)

NbGr. 35 SMK (Smoke)
_____[+2 Create Advantage*] ( 2)

1 x 7.92mm Erma Coaxial MG (+1)
1 x 7.92mm Erma Pintle-Mount MG

Ammunition (0/4):
production professions
"Farmer" could be an exaggeration, but you've at least grown your own herbs before. Your green thumb has come in handy in a time of great shortage and limited resources.
+ Stunt: "Grow Operation" — Once per day, as long as you are at a permanent settlement or base, you can make a Survival roll to scavenge and grow food. Additionally, you gain a +1 when foraging in the field.
+ Vegetable Garden Upgrade
+ Farming Tool / Weapon
Scientist, scam artist. People call you a lot of things, but nobody's checking for your certifications now. Whatever the case, your products seem to work just fine during the end of the world.
+ Stunt: "Theoretically Science" — Once per day, as long as you are at a permanent settlement or base, you can make a Medicine roll to manufacture a specific medicinal or scientific product of your choosing. Additionally, you gain a +1 when looting for medical or scientific supplies. Can raise Medicine past +2.[/size]
+ Laboratory Upgrade
+ Field Sample Kit
City planner, civil engineer, or even real estate agent. Your deep connections and work experience means you can navigate a safe way through the environment with ease,
+ Stunt: "Housekeeper" — When entering a new area for the first time, you may make a Preparation roll to see if you have a useable key in your stash. Additionally, you gain a +1 for using maps to research an area.
+ Library Upgrade
+ Special Keyset

service professions
Brain surgeons, nurses, veterinarians, any number of medical professions end up being simplified to "doc" when you're the only one with specialist knowledge. You're a commodity during these times and someone to protect. Can raise Medicine past +2.
+ Stunt: "Medical Professional" — You are able to use and administer more complicated forms of medical treatment as well as intravenous drugs. Once per Scene, you may attempt a surgery or complex operation, assuming you have a way to sanitize your patient.
+ Additional Loadout Points (+ 4)
+ Medical Kit
It takes a special talent to make dog food and canned beans into a gourmet meal. Food is one of the few things that keeps people together during these times.
+ Stunt: "Binging on Budget" — You know how to make the most of your supplies. Using Survival, you can make meals from component foods when near a source of fire. Once per Scene, you may take an action to prepare a special meal that buffs party members in a way of your choosing.
+ Kitchen Upgade
+ A Good Knife
You solve problems. They may be automotive problems, piping problems, or occasionally the walking dead. Can raise Can raise Craft past +2
+ Stunt: "Good Enough" — You gain a +1 Craft. You can can use Craft to combine raw materials or pieces of equipment to make new items of your choosing with a good roll and opportunity to do so.
+ Workshop Upgrade
+ Precision Tools

field professions
You may or may not be good enough at it to make a living, but that doesn't matter now. All the dieting and routine has paid off in a big way. Allows Athletics/Physique past +3.
+ Stunt: "An Extension of the body" — Pick Athletics or Physique You can now use this skill to Attack as well as typical uses like defending or overcoming. Once per scene, you can take a moment to concentrate and clear one box of Physical Stress.
+ Strong Back (Extra Inventory)
+ Athletic Supplies
EMT / Fire Fighter
You're a firefighter, or an EMT on the path to be one. You have excellent conditioning and (mandatory) medical training. Can raise Physique past +3 and Medicine past +2.
+ Stunt: "Structural Specialist" — You've got a +1 bonus when forcing your way in or out of a structure. Once per Scene, you may find or create an exit from a building or confined space without having to roll for it.
+ Strong Back (Extra Inventory)
+ Medical Kit
You are a member of the armed forces. May or may not actually do something interesting for a living. Must have Physique at +4.
+ Stunt: "Fell off a Truck" — Once per scene, you may make a special Preparation roll to see if you have "accidentally" obtained a piece of military hardware. You may specify the vague type of equipment you're looking for.
+ Strong Back (Extra Inventory)
+ Pandemic Equipment
Law Enforcement
Beat cop, corrections officer, you deal with the same patronizing looks. Being a police officer means you live your life a certain way. You're never far from a weapon and try to know everyone in town.
+ Stunt: "The Badge" — During a social interaction, you may take an action to flash your badge and/or identify yourself as a peace officer. Doing so, depending on the target can give up to a +2 bonus or -2 penalty to the interaction.
+ Police Cruiser
+ Holdout Pistol
You might not be a real cop, but you had a gun when it happened. You might be a bouncer or enforcer in a seedy part of town. Either way, you stand around most of the day and get paid pretty well for it.
+ Stunt: "Throwing Hands" — You have a +2 when using unarmed combat and/or throwing, disarming, or subduing a person by non-lethal means.
+ Additional Loadout Points
+ Weapon of Choice
Con Artist
Everyone makes a living some way, it just so happens yours is taking advantage of others. Can anybody blame you when they're not people anymore? Can raise Burglary and/or Deceive past +2.
+ Stunt: "Butterfingers" — You find more than others when searching or looting. Once per Scene, you may steal something undetected, subject to the GM's approval.
+ Additional Loadout Points (+ 2)
+ Weapon of Choice

other professions
Student (Custom)
Student, cashier, part timer, or full timer. You do grunt work and the living undead is nothing new.
+ Stunt: "Just a Hobby" — Pick one skill. You gain a +2 Bonus to normal actions, and a +1 when using it to directly attack or defend.
+ Custom
+ Custom Supplies

+ 2 [Kit]: FEMA Emergency Kit Three days of food, water, emergency blankets, all the government recommended essentials in a small red backpack.

+ 2 [Weapon]: Pistol Basic semi-automatic pistol in 9mm, .40, .45, or similar calibers. Allows ranged attacks using Shoot and can be easily concealed.
+ 2 [Weapon]: Shotgun Pump or semi-automatic shotgun in 12 Ga. or 20 Ga. Does +2 at close range.
+ 2 [Weapon]: Carbine An intermediate-caliber semi-automatic carbine with large magazines. Does +1 at all ranges.

+ 2 [Equipment]: Kevlar Vest A soft, flexible vest which can be worn underneath clothing. It can stop pistol rounds and shotgun cartridges.
+ 4 [Equipment]: Plate Carrier A vest with hard inserts to stop rifle cartridges.
+ 0 [Equipment]: Bike Helmet A hard plastic helmet with foam to absorb impact.
+ 2 [Equipment]: Ballistic Helmet This IIIA-rated ballistic helmet can deflect pistol rounds and shotgun pellets, as well as protect against blunt impact to the head.

+ 0 [Pack]: Bookbag A small pack normally used by students to carry books for school. Comes in several colors.
+ 3 [Pack]: Assault Pack A militay assault pack designed to carry several days worth in supplies. Expands your inventory by 2 Slots.

+ 2 [Transport]: Bicycle A pretty nice bicycle in decent shape. It doesn't squeak or need fuel.

base purchases
+ 6 [Base]: Your House You own a house and the properly it is situated upon. You have a nice yard and a small fence.
+ 4 [Base]: Condominium You live in a condominium with relative privacy and a small section of yard.
+ 0 [Base]: Rent You're a tenant in an apartment, possibly with roomates. You share a garden.

+ 2 [Base]: Vegetable Garden A small patch of fertile dirt, sowed with seeds from the local home improvement store. Given enough time and water, it could sprout some edible vegetables.
+ 4 [Base]: Ammunition Press This multi-stage press can manufacture ammunition given enough materials and enough time.

+ 5 [Transport]: Camper Van You bum off other people in a camper vehicle, which is currently in a RV camp.
+ 4 [Transport]: Full Size Truck You have a full size truck with the ability to carry some serious cargo.
+ 3 [Transport]: Passenger Car A modern crossover or sedan in good repair. Current tags, too.

+ 2 [Base Supplies]: Dehydrated Food A month in freeze-dried meals. These can be reconstituted with plain water, although they taste better heated.
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[4 RP]
[Survivor] - Police Officer (Fairview PD)
inventory 4/8
+ [Police]: Beretta 92FS (15/15)
+ [Police]: Sam Browne Belt
+ [Police]: IIA Kevlar Vest

+ [Bag]: Hiking Pack
1. [Melee]: Fire Axe
2. [Shotgun]: Remington 870 (4/4)
_____(+2) Short-Ranged
3. "Large Medical Kit" (Half-Used)
4. 9x19mm FMJ Cartridges (30)

+ "A Long Day at Work"
- "Healing from an Injury" (1)
10 /10
+ 2 [Weapon]: Shotgun Pump or semi-automatic shotgun in 12 Ga. or 20 Ga. Does +2 at close range.
+ 6 [Base]: Your House You own a house and the properly it is situated upon. You have a nice yard and a small fence.
+ 2 [Supplies]: Dehydrated Food A month in freeze-dried meals. These can be reconstituted with just water, although
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[The Holdout]
_________[Character Applications]
Profession: Pick from a list attached below. Each profession has different perks, strengths, and contributions to the group.
Experience: Note prior experience here. This can be education or job related.
Purchases: You have a starting pool of points, generally 10, which can be used to give yourself some starting assets. This can be Individual (things you carry with you) or Base (in your home or base.)
Aspects: Five (5) in total: High Concept & Trouble + 3 Aspect. Optional Phase Trio. Your high concept is a "Elevator Pitch" that sums up your character in a few words. Fate Points are used to Invoke Aspects.

Fate Points: 3
Refresh: 3
Physical Stress: Physique-Based
Morale Stress: Will-Based
Consequences: 2-4-6. Leave Blank. Physique-Based

Stunts: 2 + 1 Profession Stunt Stunts.
Skills: Great (+4 Modified)

Electronics: This is the other half of the Craft skill, which involves electrical repair, tinkering, and electriconic intrusion. This can also be used for piloting UAVs and drones.

Medicine: Diagnosing illness and injury, treating wounds, and administering medications. In the hands of a Doctor, also used for surgery and invasive medical procedures.

Preparation: This skill is used to determine if a character has made particular preparations, such as stashing special equipment, moving furniture, or positioning a contact / assistant.

Survival: Cooking, farming, navigation outdoors, use of natural resources, and limited first-aid capabilities.

Physique & Will: Having points here increase your character's capacity for Stress. Physique is for Physical Stress, Will is for Morale Stress.
1-2 = 1 Extra Slot
3-4 = 2 Extra Slots
5 = 1 Extra Minor Consequence
Name: John Doe
Appearance: Chestnut-hair and green-grey eyes. 5'10, average build. Has a slight grey scar across one cheek.

Age: 32
Profession: [Law Enforcement]: Police Officer (Fairview PD)
Experience: Associate's Degree in Criminal Justice (Fairview Community College), 12 Years at F.P.D.
Place of Residence: Fort Pastor


(High Concept): Cop with a Conscience
(Trouble): Functional Alcoholic
Bum Knee
Family Man, Estranged
Two-Time Karate Champion​

Refresh: 3
Fate Points: 3
Physical: [_] [_] [_]
Morale: [_] [_] [_]
Minor (2):
Medium (4):
Severe (6):

Personality & Bio:
_________A career cop with a sterling career and a straight shot for lieutenant, John Doe's life was turned upside down the moment a woman jumped in front of his car - and then tried to bite his ankles off after the impact had broke her back. The resulting self defense shooting got him place on administrative leave, right up to the day the governor had declared a state of emergency. With the whole world turned upside down, Doe decided that this was his second shot at doing the world right, helping people as another survivor instead of uniformed police officer...

+4 Shoot
+3 Athletics Rapport
+2 Drive Empathy Craft
+1 Notice Survival Physique Will

[Law Enforcement]: The Badge - During a social interaction, you may take an action to flash your badge and/or identify yourself as a peace officer. Doing so, depending on the target can give up to a +2 bonus or -2 penalty to the interaction.
The Murtaugh - You know your gun. You gain a +1 to carefully aimed shots with your sidearm of choice.
Offensive Driving - A vehicle can be a lethal weapon. When you use a vehicle to attack another target, you inflict an additional Shift of Damage.

Purchases: 9/10
+2 Shotgun

+5 Camper Van
+2 Base Supplies

[b]Name:[/b] X
[b]Appearance:[/b] X

[b]Age:[/b] X

[b]Profession:[/b] Profession: +Specific Job (e.g. Scientist: Oriental Medicine Specialist)
[b]Experience:[/b] (Specific organizations and years involved, any certifications or formal training.)
[b]Place of Residence:[/b] Where your base is. 
(High Concept): Your general character concept. 
(Trouble): A part of your character which tends to create complications or interesting scenarios: This can be anything from a quirk like "Fast to Anger" to something more complicated like "Has an Archnemesis."
Aspect 1
Aspect 2
Aspect 3[/indent]
[b]Refresh:[/b] (3 by Default. You can use Refresh)
[b]Fate Points:[/b] (Same as Refresh)
[b]Physical:[/b] (Based on Physique)
[b]Morale:[/b] (Based on Will)
Minor (2):
Medium (4):
Severe (6):

[b]Personality & Bio:[/b] 
Who your character is, what they're like. Additionally, you must tie this into at least one other character's backstory.
+4 (Skill) Some skills are limited by your class: Physique, Athletics, Medicine, Craft, Burglary, and Deceive.
+3 (Skill) (Skill)
+2 (Skill) (Skill) (Skill)
+1 (Skill) (Skill) (Skill) (Skill)
[indent](Class Name): A stunt based upon your class.
Stunt: A stunt you pick from the Evil Hat Stunt List or custom-make.
Stunt: A stunt you pick from the Evil Hat Stunt List or custom-make.

[indent]List equipment and base purchases here. Most characters have 10 points except for certain classes. Equipment purchases travel with you, while base purchases are generally stationary.[/indent]

Make a dedicated post for your profile and don't spoiler / quote box it. Thank you.
production professions
"Farmer" could be an exaggeration, but you've at least grown your own herbs before. Your green thumb has come in handy in a time of great shortage and limited resources.
+ Stunt: "Grow Operation" — Once per day, as long as you are at a permanent settlement or base, you can make a Survival roll to scavenge and grow food. Additionally, you gain a +1 when foraging in the field.
+ Vegetable Garden Upgrade
+ Farming Tool / Weapon
Scientist, scam artist. People call you a lot of things, but nobody's checking for your certifications now. Whatever the case, your products seem to work just fine during the end of the world.
+ Stunt: "Theoretically Science" — Once per day, as long as you are at a permanent settlement or base, you can make a Medicine roll to manufacture a specific medicinal or scientific product of your choosing. Additionally, you gain a +1 when looting for medical or scientific supplies. Can raise Medicine past +2.[/size]
+ Laboratory Upgrade
+ Field Sample Kit
City planner, civil engineer, or even real estate agent. Your deep connections and work experience means you can navigate a safe way through the environment with ease,
+ Stunt: "Housekeeper" — When entering a new area for the first time, you may make a Preparation roll to see if you have a useable key in your stash. Additionally, you gain a +1 for using maps to research an area.
+ Library Upgrade
+ Special Keyset

service professions
Brain surgeons, nurses, veterinarians, any number of medical professions end up being simplified to "doc" when you're the only one with specialist knowledge. You're a commodity during these times and someone to protect. Can raise Medicine past +2.
+ Stunt: "Medical Professional" — You are able to use and administer more complicated forms of medical treatment as well as intravenous drugs. Once per Scene, you may attempt a surgery or complex operation, assuming you have a way to sanitize your patient.
+ Additional Prep Points (+ 3)
+ Medical Kit
It takes a special talent to make dog food and canned beans into a gourmet meal. Food is one of the few things that keeps people together during these times.
+ Stunt: "Binging on Budget" — You know how to make the most of your supplies. Using Survival, you can make meals from component foods when near a source of fire. Once per Scene, you may take an action to prepare a special meal that buffs party members in a way of your choosing.
+ Kitchen Upgade
+ A Good Knife
You solve problems. They may be automotive problems, piping problems, or occasionally the walking dead. Can raise Can raise Craft past +2
+ Stunt: "Good Enough" — You gain a +1 Craft. You can can use Craft to combine raw materials or pieces of equipment to make new items of your choosing with a good roll and opportunity to do so.
+ Workshop Upgrade
+ Precision Tools

field professions
You may or may not be good enough at it to make a living, but that doesn't matter now. All the dieting and routine has paid off in a big way. Allows Athletics/Physique past +3.
+ Stunt: "An Extension of the body" — Pick Athletics or Physique You can now use this skill to Attack as well as typical uses like defending or overcoming. Once per scene, you can take a moment to concentrate and clear one box of Physical Stress.
+ Additional Prep Points (+ 4)
+ Athletic Supplies
EMT / Fire Fighter
You're a firefighter, or an EMT on the path to be one. You have excellent conditioning and (mandatory) medical training. Can raise Physique past +3 and Medicine past +2.
+ Stunt: "Structural Specialist" — You've got a +1 bonus when forcing your way in or out of a structure. Once per Scene, you may find or create an exit from a building or confined space without having to roll for it.
+ Strong Back (Extra Inventory)
+ Medical Kit
You are a member of the armed forces. May or may not actually do something interesting for a living. Must have Physique at +4.
+ Stunt: "Fell off a Truck" — Once per scene, you may make a special Preparation roll to see if you have "accidentally" obtained a piece of military hardware. You may specify the vague type of equipment you're looking for.
+ Strong Back (Extra Inventory)
+ Pandemic Equipment
Law Enforcement
Beat cop, corrections officer, you deal with the same patronizing looks. Being a police officer means you live your life a certain way. You're never far from a weapon and try to know everyone in town.
+ Stunt: "The Badge" — During a social interaction, you may take an action to flash your badge and/or identify yourself as a peace officer. Doing so, depending on the target can give up to a +2 bonus or -2 penalty to the interaction.
+ Police Cruiser
+ Holdout Pistol
You might not be a real cop, but you had a gun when it happened. You might be a bouncer or enforcer in a seedy part of town. Either way, you stand around most of the day and get paid pretty well for it.
+ Stunt: "Throwing Hands" — You have a +2 when using unarmed combat and/or throwing, disarming, or subduing a person by non-lethal means.
+ Additional Prep Points (+ 2)
+ Weapon of Choice
Con Artist
Everyone makes a living some way, it just so happens yours is taking advantage of others. Can anybody blame you when they're not people anymore? Can raise Burglary and/or Deceive past +2.
+ Stunt: "Butterfingers" — You find more than others when searching or looting. Once per Scene, you may steal something undetected, subject to the GM's approval.
+ Additional Loadout Points (+ 2)
+ Weapon of Choice

other professions
Student (Custom)
Student, cashier, part timer, or full timer. You do grunt work and the living undead is nothing new.
+ Stunt: "Just a Hobby" — Pick one skill. You gain a +2 Bonus to normal actions, and a +1 when using it to directly attack or defend.
+ Custom
+ Custom Supplies
individual prep
+ 0 [Kit]: First Aid Kit A small kit stocked with plasters, antibiotic ointment, and various OTC drugs. Can treat mild wounds.
+ 2 [Kit]: Surplus IFAK This military surplus medical kit contains tourniquets, hemostatic agent, chest seals and is designed to help deal with traumatic battlefield injuries.
+ 2 [Kit]: FEMA Emergency Kit Three days of food, water, emergency blankets, all the government recommended essentials in a small red backpack.

+ 0 [Tool]: Pocket Knife Handy, portable, this palm-sized folding knife allows you to attack with Fight in a pinch, as well as cut rope and a prepare a variety of supplies.
+ 1 [Tool]: Fixed Blade Knife Sharp, weighty, and substantial in the hand, this knife is meant for fighting first and foremost. Gives a +1 Fight.
+ 1 [Tool]: Hacksaw This useful tool uses replaceable blades to cut through a variety of materials. Good for cutting down things to size for construction.
+ 3 [Tool]: Power Tools An electric drill or saw with a replaceable, rechargable battery pack. Noisy, but very fast.
+ 3 [Tool]: Axe This staple tool is well worth its weight on the road. You gain a +1 to both Survival and Fight.
+ 4 [Tool]: Sword This quality sword was alarmingly expensive. Has a substantial +2 Fight but can break easily with misuse.

+ 1 [Weapon]: .22 LR This handy firearm has a decent magazine size and fires the quiet and lightweight .22 Long Rifle cartridge.
+ 1 [Weapon]: Rifle This staple firearm has iron sights and is usually bolt-action or lever-action. Penetrates better against armor or barriers.
+ 2 [Weapon]: Pistol Basic semi-automatic pistol in 9mm, .40, .45, or similar calibers. Allows ranged attacks using Shoot and can be easily concealed.
+ 2 [Weapon]: Shotgun Pump or semi-automatic shotgun in 12 Ga. or 20 Ga. Does +2 at close range.
+ 2 [Weapon]: Carbine An intermediate-caliber semi-automatic carbine with large-capacity magazines. Does +1 at all ranges.
+ 3 [Weapon]: Scoped Rifle This rifle caliber weapon has a precision scope for long range shooting. Does +1 at long range and penetrates better against armor or barriers.

+ 1 [Ammo]: Ammunition This is a decent stockpile of ammunition, enough to last for several expeditions.

+ 2 [Weapon]: Recurve Bow A simple bow made out of natural or synthetic materials, using pure arm strength to shoot a simple arrow. Short ranged. -1 Shoot
+ 4 [Weapon]: Crossbow Near-silent in use, but takes practice to use. Requires specialized ammuntion and has a short range.

+ 1 [Equipment]: Sports Armor Padded garments designed to protect against blunt impact in full-contact sports.
+ 2 [Equipment]: Kevlar Vest A soft, flexible vest which can be worn underneath clothing. It can stop pistol rounds and shotgun cartridges.
+ 2 [Equipment]: Motorcycle Armor Tough, sturdy, but sweaty and uncomfortable to wear, this might be able to stop a bite or slash in a pinch.
+ 4 [Equipment]: Plate Carrier A vest with hard inserts to stop rifle cartridges.

+ 0 [Equipment]: N95 Mask Prevents swallowing or inhaling airborne particles of infected fluids.
+ 0 [Equipment]: Bike Helmet A hard plastic helmet with foam to absorb impact.
+ 1 [Equipment]: Motorcycle Helmet Full-face motorcycle helmet with visor, good impact resistance and splash protection.
+ 2 [Equipment]: 40mm NATO Gas Mask A full-face respirator that takes standard NATO cartridges. No impact or slash protection, but filters out odors and airborne particles.
+ 2 [Equipment]: Ballistic Helmet This IIIA-rated ballistic helmet can deflect pistol rounds and shotgun pellets, as well as protect against blunt impact to the head.

+ 0 [Pack]: Bookbag A small pack normally used by students to carry books for school. Comes in several colors.
+ 3 [Pack]: 3-Day Assault Pack A militay assault pack designed to carry several days worth in supplies. Expands your inventory by 2 Slots.

+ 2 [Transport]: Bicycle A pretty nice bicycle in decent shape. It doesn't squeak or need fuel.

base prep
+ 6 [Base]: Your House You own a house and the properly it is situated upon. You have a nice yard and a small fence.
+ 4 [Base]: Condominium You live in a condominium with relative privacy and a small section of yard.
+ 0 [Base]: Rent You're a tenant in an apartment, possibly with roomates. You share a garden.

+ 0 [Base Storage]: Creepy Attic An extremely sketchy attic you had no intent of using even before the world ended. Has free storage space (+15) and random freak accidents.
+ 1 [Base Storage]: Storage Shed You have a free-standing shed in slight disrepair, used to store tools, and now essential supplies. (+15)
+ 1 [Base Storage]: Basement Level Instead of living in your basement, you can now use it to store goods that need to be kept cold. Keeps food from spoiling when the power is out.
+ 4 [Base Storage]: Swimming Pool This may have felt like a waste of money since the pandemic started, but you're not running out of water anytime soon. (+50)

+ 2 [Base Upgrade]: Auxiliary Generator This is a simple generator sold at home improvement stores. Burns gasoline and powers essential systems as long as it's running, but it'll make quite the racket.
+ 4 [Base Upgrade]: Solar Panels Supplementary power provided by roof-mounted solar panels, which can charge batteries and power appliances in good weather.

+ 2 [Base Upgrade]: Workshop This collection of power and hand tools is all you need to fabricate more sophisticated pieces of equipment. Can require access to power.
+ 2 [Base Upgrade]: Cannery A setup for converting fresh foods into preserved, shelf-stable goods. Can also be a smoker setup or pickling stand.
+ 2 [Base Upgrade]: Fancy Kitchen Brand new appliances and reasonable storage space. Enhances yield from food preparation and minimizes food poisoning.
+ 2 [Base Upgrade]: Vegetable Garden A small patch of fertile dirt, sowed with seeds from the local home improvement store. Given enough time and water, it could sprout some edible vegetables.
+ 4 [Base Upgrade]: Ammunition Press This multi-stage press can manufacture ammunition given enough materials and enough time.

+ 5 [Transport]: Camper Van You bum off other people in a camper vehicle, which is currently in a RV camp.
+ 4 [Transport]: Full Size Truck You have a full size truck with the ability to carry some serious cargo.
+ 3 [Transport]: Passenger Car A modern crossover or sedan in good repair. Current tags, too.

+ 2 [Base Supplies]: Dehydrated Food A month in freeze-dried meals. These can be reconstituted with plain water, although they taste better heated.

_________[Action Economy]
____The system differs slightly in the Actions you are able to take in this game. Base Fate Core has 4 Actions (Attack, Defend, Create Advantage, Overcome.) In this game, there is no turn order. Every player can take a Movement, one Zone in most cases, + an Action. In addition to the basic four actions from Fate Core, we also have Teamwork, Discover, and Hold Action. We'll ignore Attack and Defend for this as they are self-explanatory action types.
_________[Create an Advantage]
____________The CA is a versatile way of changing the battlefield and assisting team members. Creating an Advantage essentially means changing the situation by altering, or creating a new Aspect. This can range from using suppressive fire to create an aspect like "Hail of Lead," to using pure brute force to create a "Smashed Wall (Entry Point)," or even mocking the enemies with a social skill in order to create an aspect like "Enraged (Enemy #1)." A decent roll will give you an Invocation, a single-use +2 that you can use to augment a relevant roll.

____________An Overcome action includes things like a "Saving Throw" or "Challenge." Whenever a task has a difficulty set by the GM as opposed to opposition rolled by an enemy, it's called an Overcome. Besides typical actions like bypassing hazardous terrain or lying convincingly to an NPC, Overcomes can be used offensively to remove an Aspect created by an enemy CA.

____________When you would like to gain insight upon a situation but lack specific knowledge or direction take it in, the Discover is similar to an Overcome action. By rolling against difficulty, you may use your skills to discover relevant information or evidence in a scene. A Discovery is similar to a Create Advantage, although a CA gives invocations more easily.

_________[Hold Action]
____________You can elect to Hold an Action and wait for a specific opportunity to act. A common example would be finding an enemy concealed in hard cover, and holding an attack until they leave cover, similar to an "Overwatch" mechanic in certain games.

____________As long as you have a +1 in the same skill, you may help a teammate's roll by adding a fixed bonus as your action. Unlike a CA, Teamwork is a fixed bonus no matter what, and cannot "fail" in the conventional sense. This is a good way to make use of skills which may otherwise be too low to properly utilize on your own.
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Loner / Free Stalker
Loners form a loose group of Stalkers unaffiliated with the other major groups in the zone. They are adventurers and treasure hunters who seldom stay in one place for long. Most rookie Stalkers begin as loners.
[Stunt]: "Rookie Numbers" — Sometimes the Zone is kind to rookies. You get extra rewards from jobs compared to others. Once per scene, you may take an action to assemble a Mob of nearby loners, assuming they aren't already occupied and you can make a compelling argument.
+ Neutral Reputation
+ Basic Starting Equipment

Renegades, marauders, killers, the Bandits were simply the most organized group of criminals to carve out their place in the Zone. They sell "safe passage" to loners and are careful not to intrude on the territory of the larger, more dangerous factions. With how many rookies die in the zone, the Bandits are never left wanting.
[Stunt]: "A Few Rubles More" — You know that greed lies in the hearts of every man. You have an easier time bribing and coercing others with money and trade. Once per scene, you may declare your intent to contact a Bandit ally, and with an opportunity to find them, get some specific information, job, or a line on something you might need.
+ Rich
+ Allied with the Mercenaries
- Poor Standing with Most Factions

Duty begun as the remnants of failed military incursions into the Zone. They were formed around the core belief that the Zone was truly dangerous and had to be destroyed, and today comprises one of the two largest factions operating within it. They characterize themselves as "do-gooders" and often help Loners in need.
[Stunt]: "Hunter" — You're trained to fight the deadliest things in the Zone. You gain a +1 when fighting mutants or animals. Additionally, when you set an ambush on an enemy, your first attack is rolled at color=white]Advantage[/color].
+ Soviet Military Equipment
+ Friendly with Military, Ecologists
- At War with Freedom

Free Stalkers, successful artifact hunters and tinkerers saw the Zone as a gift to humanity. They formed a faction based around the idea that the Zone was a treasure to be shared with all. Freedom has a reputation for taking on anyone who isn't a Dutyer or part of the military and has been described as slightly anarchist.
[Stunt]: "It Fell off a Truck" — Once per scene, you may make a special Preparation roll to see if you have "accidentally" obtained a piece of military hardware. You may specify the vague type of equipment you're looking for.
+ Western Military Equipment
+ Recreational Drugs
- At War with Duty

The members of the Ukranian State Security Service are responsible for maintaining the "Cordon" around the Exclusion Zone and carrying out military missions within it. Although responsible for the security of the zone, the military is largely responsible for the proliferation of weapons and the lucrative artifact trade going on in Chernobyl.
[Stunt]: "It Fell off a Truck" — Once per scene, you may make a special Preparation roll to see if you have "accidentally" obtained a piece of military hardware. You may specify the vague type of equipment you're looking for.
+ Military Equipment
- Poor Standing with Most Factions

Mercenaries comprise one of the most diverse factions within the Zone. Stalkers from the Russian-government-backed BEAR company, United Security, and Kernisec rub shoulders with renegades and corrupt military officers. They will take any job for the right price and freely wander the Zone, but every Merc group brings its own challenges as no two Mercs have the same allegiances.
[Stunt]: "Global Warfighter" — You're a trained killer. You gain a +1 to attacking Stalkers with firearms. Once per scene, you may spend a Fate Point to call down a simple supply drop from your company.
+ Commercial Weapons
- No Allies

Sponsored by the Ukranian government and given generous aid from the west, the Ecologists aim to research the Zone to minimize its negative impact on the world. The Ecologists have access to immense funding and sophisticated technology, making them a prime target for Bandits and the Monolith. In recent years they have begun to employ more Stalkers as their military protection has waned.
[Stunt]: "Anomalous Materials" — With time and some available equipment, you may spend a Fate Point to infuse a machine or piece of equipment with an Artifact using your Craft or Electronics Skill. Additionally, you have the equipment to pick up most Artifacts without negative effects.
+ Anomalous Exploration Suit
+ Friendly with Loners, Duty, Mercenaries, Military
- Harassed by the Bandits

Clear Sky
In their pale blue uniforms, Clear Sky troopers are an odd and rare sight in the Zone. They seldom emerge from their hidden bases, mostly working at night. Clear Sky sets itself apart from Duty or Freedom by its isolation from the other factions in the Zone.
[Stunt]: "Pathfinder" — You know the layout of the Zone well. Once per scene, you may take an action to make some observation and find a way to navigate through a given area, evading all anomalies on the way. Additionally, you're trained to recognize the Zone's illusions and have Advantage for tests of observation.
+ Field Research Equipment
+ Western Weapons
- No Allies
Model : RGM-79
Type : General Purpose
Armor : +2
Anti-Beam : +1
Thruster Output : +3

Durability (Stress): 1[_] 2[_] 3[_] 4[_]
Damaged Modules (Consequences):

Aspects :
The Workhorse
Packed with Ammunition (Trouble)
Speed is Armor
Project Victory

Equipment :
General Purpose Mobile Suit
Stunts :
[General Purpose] You're best on the attack. +1 to Melee as well as Shoot at distances up to (1) Zone away.
Federation War Machine — A formation of GMs is worth more than the sum of its parts. +1 to Create Advantages whenever working with another GM-series mobile suit. ("Trained As a Unit," adapted from Evil Hat)
Ace Custom — The GM's immense modularity lends to highly customized variants. It can mount a variety of specialist equipment, both factory-built and field-improvised.

unit description
_____The RGM-79 is the final product of the top-secret "V-Project." Developed largely at Luna II with information gathered by the the RX-78 "Gundam" series and the RGM-79[E] "Early," RGM-79[G] "Ground Type" experimental mobile suits, the RGM-79, or "GM" is the Federation's premier mobile suit. At core, a GM is a stripped-down Gundam with lighter, cheaper materials. GMs retain a fighter-craft like cockpit familiar to veteran Federation pilots, and complex maneuvers are aided by a modified version of the original Gundam's operating system. This programs newly-made GMs with hundreds of combat manuvers used by ace Gundam pilots in combat.

_____The GM is a general-purpose design suitable for use in Space or on the Earth, with a reactor powerful enough to power beam weapons and lightweight composite armor equivalent in protection to the heavier Zeon Zaku series. It is the first mass-produced Mobile Suit to carry a "beam saber." Charged Minovsky particles contained within the saber's I-field can tear through the heaviest of armor. Unlike a beam rifle, the saber can be charged directly from the GM's own reactor through a socket on the backpack unit.

_____The RGM-79's development cycle goes back to the beginning of the war, owing much of its success to Federation test units and their experimentation with captured Zeon technology...

standard equipment
[Rifle]: 90mm HWF GMG·MG79-90mm Bullpup Machine Gun [+1]
_____4 x [90mm Magazine]
[Launcher]: 380mm BLASH HB-L-03/N-STD Hyper Bazooka
_____[+2 Damage]
_____4 x Mk.77 HEDP Grenade
[Shield]: FADEGEL RGM-M-Sh-003 Shield
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_____It was supposed to be a routine test mission, not a slaughter. The rendezvous was littered with the burnt-out hulks of Federation transports, surrounded by thousands of casings from Zeon weapons. Precious cargo meant for the test squadron had been stolen, and clear signs of Zeon mobile suits lead deep into enemy territory. These precious few prototypes were crucial in the development of the Federation's own mobile weapons.

_____Far from EFF lines, the pilots of the 7th Test Squadron couldn't expect assistance from headquarters. But keeping the prototype out of Zeon hands was reason enough.

mobile suit gundam
Set late in the One Year War, this RP involves a group of elite test pilots tasked with recovering a stolen prototype, located deep within Zeon territory. This game will mostly be focused around small unit tactics and close combat in mobile suits, both "grunt suits" and advanced prototypes. There will be some limited customization and upgrade mechanics, although less so than prior iterations of this game.

_________[Action Economy]
____The system differs slightly in the Actions you are able to take in this game. Base Fate Core has 4 Actions (Attack, Defend, Create Advantage, Overcome.) In this game, there is no turn order. Every player can take a Movement, one Zone in most cases, + an Action. In addition to the basic four actions from Fate Core, we also have Teamwork, Discover, and Hold Action. We'll ignore Attack and Defend for this as they are self-explanatory action types.

_________[Create an Advantage]
____________The CA is a versatile way of changing the battlefield and assisting team members. Creating an Advantage essentially means changing the situation by altering, or creating a new Aspect. This can range from using suppressive fire to create an aspect like "Hail of Lead," to using pure brute force to create a "Smashed Wall (Entry Point)," or even mocking the enemies with a social skill in order to create an aspect like "Enraged (Enemy #1)." A decent roll will give you an Invocation, a single-use +2 that you can use to augment a relevant roll.

____________An Overcome action includes things like a "Saving Throw" or "Challenge." Whenever a task has a difficulty set by the GM as opposed to opposition rolled by an enemy, it's called an Overcome. Besides typical actions like bypassing hazardous terrain or lying convincingly to an NPC, Overcomes can be used offensively to remove an Aspect created by an enemy CA.

____________When you would like to gain insight upon a situation but lack specific knowledge or direction take it in, the Discover is similar to an Overcome action. By rolling against difficulty, you may use your skills to discover relevant information or evidence in a scene. A Discovery is similar to a Create Advantage, although a CA gives invocations more easily.

_________[Hold Action]
____________You can elect to Hold an Action and wait for a specific opportunity to act. A common example would be finding an enemy concealed in hard cover, and holding an attack until they leave cover, similar to an "Overwatch" mechanic in certain games.

____________As long as you have a +1 in the same skill, you may help a teammate's roll by adding a fixed bonus as your action. Unlike a CA, Teamwork is a fixed bonus no matter what, and cannot "fail" in the conventional sense. This is a good way to make use of skills which may otherwise be too low to properly utilize on your own.

Unit Type: Please indicate your unit type preference in the character application. (A firm answer is preferable to general / no preference answer!)
Rank: Ensign or LTJG, unless you've been in the prior games.
Experience: Note prior experience here. This is mostly for flavor.
Equipment: Please add any MS/equipment requests to the bottom of the profile.
Aspects: Five (5) in total: High Concept & Trouble + 3 Aspect. Optional Phase Trio. Your high concept is a "Elevator Pitch" that sums up your character in a few words. Fate Points are used to Invoke Aspects.

Fate Points: 3
Refresh: 3. If you add additional Stunts, you remove Refresh.
Physical: Strength-Based
Morale: Will-Based
Consequences: 2-4-6. Leave Blank. Physique-Based

Stunts: 2 Custom Stunts Stunts.
Use the Stunt Generator.
Find ideas at the Evil Hat Productions Wiki.
Be mindful of The Horrors of Fate Stunts; TL;DR just ask.​

Skills: Great (+4 Modified)
Please be aware that in this Gundam RP, the Pilot skill is not a catch-all for combat and defending. Like a conventional Fate RP, you will use Agility to evade incoming attacks, Physique to overcome tests of strength, and so forth.​
Agility (Athletics)
Engineering (Crafts)
Pilot (Drive)
Targeting (Crafts)

Engineering: Replaces Craft. Used for repair, modification, and other engineering-related tasks.

Pilot: Navigating difficult terrain and tasks of technical flying. This is not generally used to defend against attacks.

Targeting: Detecting targets with sensors and making attacks from beyond normal range.

Physique & Will: Having points here increase your character's capacity for Stress. Strength is for Physical Stress, Endurance is for Morale Stress.

1-2 = 1 Extra Slot
3-4 = 2 Extra Slots
5 = 1 Extra Minor Consequence
_________[General Purpose Mobile Suit]
____________All-round balanced mobility, protection, and firepower. Lower maintenance compared to other types. "Space-Type" and "Ground-Type" Mobile Suits are two subcategories of this type.

Example: MS-06 Zaku II, RGM-79 "GM"

+ Highly Customizable
+ Easily Repaired

_________[Close Combat Mobile Suit]
____________Specialized for melee combat and surgical, high-speed attacks. Some Close Combat types are also designed with stealth in mind.

Example: MSM-04 Acguy, RX-78-2 "Gundam"

+ Close Range Bonuses

_________[Assault Mobile Suit]
____________Designed to break through anti-air defenses and attack enemy capital ships, these designs are heavily armored and tend to pack a significant number of missiles and other explosive weapons.

Example: MS-09B "Dom," RGM-79F "Land Combat GM"

+ Heavy Armor
+ Anti-Ship Weapons

_________[Support Mobile Suit]
____________Equipped with long range weaponry, sturdy armor, and an abundance of spare equipment, support designs can vary from long-range snipers to artillery platforms and electronic warfare designs.

Example: MS-06CK "Zaku Half Cannon," RX-77 "Guncannon," RX-79[G] "Gundam Ground Type"

+ Long Range Bonuses
+ Spare Equipment

_________[Reconnaissance Mobile Suit]
____________Specialized for stealth and long range target detection. Typically lightly armed and armored.

Example: MS-06E "Zaku Recon Type," RGM-79V "Night Seeker," RGM-79SC "GM Sniper Custom"

+ Stealth Bonuses
+ High Powered Sensors
[b]Name:[/b] Name Here
[b]Appearance:[/b] Description / Image

[b]Age:[/b] Age
[b]Rank:[/b] Naval Rank (Typically Ensign/ENS)
[b]Role:[/b] Character Class
[b]Birthplace:[/b] Place of Birth
[b]Experience:[/b] Prior experience or work.
(High Concept): The Character Concept
(Trouble): Trouble Aspect
Aspect 3
Aspect 4
Aspect 5 - How do you know the gang?
[b]Refresh:[/b] (3 by Default)
[b]Fate Points:[/b] (Same as Refresh)
[b]Physical:[/b] (Based on Strength)
[b]Morale:[/b] (Based on Endurance)
Leave Blank

[b]Personality & Bio:[/b] 
Background here.
+4 Skill
+3 Skill Skill
+2 Skill Skill Skill
+1 Skill Skill Skill Skill
1 x Stunt
1 x Stunt
1 x Stunt

[quote][font=courier new]What experience do you bring to the test team?[/font] 
[indent][size=3][b]A:[/b] X[/size][/indent]

[font=courier new]What is your main goal as part of the team?[/font] 
[indent][size=3][b]A:[/b] X[/size][/indent]

[font=courier new]What is your biggest weakness?[/font] 
[indent][size=3][b]A:[/b] X[/size][/indent]

[font=courier new]What Unit Type do you want?[/font] 
[indent][size=3][b]A:[/b] (Please give a definite answer.)[/size][/indent]

[font=courier new]Additional equipment requests:[/font] 
[indent][size=3][b]A:[/b] X[/size][/indent][/quote]

Make a dedicated post for your profile and don't spoiler / quote box it. Thank you.

The Writer's Block
Discord Server
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[Model]: RRf-06 "Zanny"
[Type]: General Purpose
[Class]: Limited-Production Prototype
[Manufacture]: EFF

Field Expedient Mobile Suit
Fast and Lightly Armored
Zeonic Technology​

+1 Close Combat [Fight]
+1 Thrusters [Pilot]
+1 Maintenance [Engineering]

2 x 60mm Vulcan
1 x TKj-03 Heat Knife

[Abilities] (Stunts):
Assault Tactics — You gain +1 Shoot when the enemy is at close range, up to 1 Zone away.

Fire in the Hole! — Grenade-type weapons can be thrown from up to 2 Zones away.

Disengage Limiters — By deactivating performance limiters, you may choose to take 1[x] Physical Stress and stack a Free Invocation upon the current action. Repeated use may cause a forced shutdown.

[Unit Description]:
_____The first Federation-produced mobile suit, the RRf-06 is a combination of technologies from the old MS-05 "Zaku" and the current-model MS-06 "Zaku II." New mobile-suit weapons and technologies are being tested in the RRf-06, which has been fielded in limited numbers on Earth.

UC 0079, July — Initial Rollout

unit status
[Unit Integrity] (Stress): 1[_] 2[_] 3[_] 4[_]

[Damaged Modules] (Consequences):

[Equipment List]:
_____1 x 100mm Machine Gun [+1]
_____4 x [100mm Magazine]

_____1 x 120mm YHI FB-X120C Low-Recoil Cannon
_________[Pierce Heavy Armor]

_____4 x Mk.77 HEDP Grenade [+2]
_____1 x RCX*S-Sh-WF/M-001B Shield
_____The grass leaves damp spots of morning dew against my uniform. The dirt scrapes against my cheek. As I approach a clearing, the sound of cannon fire becomes so loud it shakes the breath out of my chest. I don't know how many seconds pass before I manage to lift my eyes from the dirt, but when I do, the firing has stopped. I see shapes painted in Gallian blue and it's enough to make my racing heart stumble.

_____There's four of them, squat, angular light tanks. They start to race from dirt mounds, trampling green grass and tearing up the earth. The lead tank lurches, sparks pour down its front, and tongues of flame start to lick around the edges of closed hatches. The other tanks charge straight past the burning wreckage, the thunder of their cannons shaking the air. My eyes turn to where the enemy shell had come from, and I see the ugly shapes of Imperial tanks crest over the hilltop. The blinding sun makes it hard to count how many. There's always more Imperials.

_____It's like they never get tired of fighting. They begin to fire, and fire, and fire again until another blue Gallian tank erupts into flame. My fingers dig into the dirt.

_____The remaining two Gallians roll to a stop behind a small rise in the field. They stubbornly fire back at each lumbering Imperial giant until one, and then two enemy tanks stop in their tracks, vanishing behind curtains of smoke. The Imperials halt and reverse just as suddenly as they had attacked. It's violent and senseless. I can't help but watch. I see the barrel of a Gallian tank jitter up and down, and my gut sinks like I'm the one in the gunner's seat.

_____The next shell comes from the flank. It hits just above the track, and the ammunition cooks off instantly, sending Gallian blue armor high into the sky. An enemy tank had gotten around. It was smaller and sleeker than the other Imperials, and it was painted an ugly shade of red. It cut across the field and got behind the last Gallian tank. The crew slammed into reverse and spun the turret around at the same time, but with the enemy this close, there was no chance.

_____I bury my face in the grass as the cannon fires.

_____A small Gallian truck rattled down a narrow country road. A few wooden trunks were piled up on one side of the bed. On the other side sat a girl in a dark grey uniform with a carpet-bag at her feet.

_____Kris sifted through her letters and tried not to think too much of home. The mail had come in not long ago, a few letters, along with a parcel that seemed too substantial to be the usual confections. She decided to save that surprise for later, and instead took an envelop from the bottom of the pile. It was her favorite one, a letter that her family had sent right after the Imperial Empire had made their declaration of war. Compared to the other letters, it was oddly heart-felt. The way that her mother backpedaled a few of the things she'd said in the last letter - it never failed to bring Kris a smile. She'd had a lot of time to catch up with the long drive from home.

_____Gallians had a way of taking their time with everything. They seemed to mobilize for the war in no particular hurry, just strolling to their posts like battle was another errand or chore. Even the way they had sent out a truck for a single person struck Kris as a little bit wasteful - but she didn't mind the solitude. There was always time to kill in the army, and sending letters home consumed a good chunk of her time; planning them out, that was. Nobody told their family exactly what the day to day was like in the army. To write at length about standing post, or all the endless disassembling and cleaning... it was as painful as having to read the pages of hand-wringing her mother would send in return.

_____Her family liked to see her life in the Gallian army in a particular way - separate from the drudgery of the conscript militia. Separate and safe, most importantly. The militia were the first to the fight in a time of war - and usually first to die. With less training and worse equipment, the militia's main job was really to buy time for the regular army.

_____It was noble in a Gallian kind of way. Maybe that was why the truck driver drove so slowly, and the troops that marched alongside the path didn't seem to be in a real hurry. Kris had been on this road enough times to practically know every bump and twist along the way.

_____When the truck passed by a particular turn without stopping, she sat up from her reading with a start. This wasn't the route that she usually took when returning from leave, down the well-paved roadways that the army used. They passed by a metal gate with a pair of sentries watching over them. She saw the guards wearing the pale blue uniforms of the militia. Many more paraded around past the gate, wheeling around in formation with battered rifles that the army hadn't used since the first Europan war.

_____Kris shoved her letters back into her bag and knocked a fist against the roof of the cab. The truck slowed to a stop at the front of the parade ground. Leaning in, she spoke over the rumble of the engine. "You're in the wrong part of the base. I need to get to the other side."

_____The driver shrugged his shoulders in a tired way. "This is where I'm supposed to take you."

_____Kris flushed. "You don't- listen, I need to get to army HQ. My unit's about to leave - 601."

_____He glanced at her in the rear-view mirror. "Tank-busters? Those guys all left the other day. Sorry, kiddo. Don't know what to tell you. Better talk to HQ if you want help with that."

_____"Alright," Kris said softly. "Thanks for the ride." She swung her bag onto one shoulder and jumped from the bed of the truck. Kris raised a hand to shield her eyes from the dust as it motored away, leaving her standing amidst hundreds of Gallian militia.

_____She expected them to stare. One or two did, of course, but the rest of the militia were too busy sweating and swearing, their sergeants barking orders at them. She started to see that many were clad in the royal blue uniform of the regular army. That was something the regulars had always feared - being separated from their comrades, handed out to the militia to get the conscripts into fighting shape.

_____It wasn't the kind of thing you wanted to do when the war had broken out a week ago. Kris numbly stepped in behind the long line for the reception clerk. It was a process she had done many, many times, but with friends. They would rib each other about how much time they had left in their enlistments, dream about life on the "other side." Her feelings must have been plain as day on her face, as the clerk shot her a glare as she presented her orders.

_____"Name and unit?"

_____"Corporal Massis, 601," Kris said, adding with a moment's pause, "-tank destroyers."

_____"You've been discharged from the hospital."

_____"Yeah. I'm all good now-" Kris said, turning hastily to look for the clerk's rank. "-sergeant. Ready to fight the Imps."

_____"You've been transferred to the 1st Militia Tank Battalion."

_____She choked back her frustration as best as she could. "Militia?"



_____The clerk didn't take his eyes from the paperwork as he spoke. "Don't get bent out of shape about being in the militia. If you haven't noticed, there's an invasion going on, and the Empire's the size of a dozen Gallias all put together. I'd recommend you have some gratitude for being assigned to a tank, and to spare some thoughts and prayers for your less fortunate comrades to your left and right."

_____Kris held her breath, and tried her best not to look as utterly humiliated and defeated as she felt. The clerk pushed her papers back across the table, and she took them before turning back and glancing up the way she had come. Several other trucks burgeoning with fresh troops motored into the base, the dust billowing over the militia still waiting in line.

_____Kris glanced around to dirt-smudged faces, not entirely sure what she expected. Sympathy? Disgust? The militia kept marching on.

_____It was, after all, a typical situation for the military. Mixed-up units, transfers... sometimes it all seemed to be done out of spite. It wasn't as if the basic reality of army life would change just because a war started, Kris thought. At least before, she had her crew. Somehow complaining to the right people made life seem all the more bearable. It was a thought that made the heat of her frustration die down immediately. She had been so wrapped up in her situation she hadn't even thought to look for departing armor from her unit.

_____Kris shook her head and turned toward the motorpool. Each step forward filled her with a nervous sort of energy. It was her first war. Gallia itself wasn't long removed from the last war that shook the continent. Many of the militia looked old enough to have fought in the last war, just like the old hands in her unit.

_____She came to the end of the road, where the army and militia sides of the motorpool were separated by a thin fence. Dark blue army tanks sat in neat rows on one side, pale blue militia ones haphazardly laid out on the other. There were fewer mechanics on the militia side, but they seemed to work harder to make up for it, uniforms soaked through with sweat. About half the tanks looked ready to fight, the others in various states of disrepair. Kris walked alongside the row of militia tanks. There didn't seem to be an officer on duty to check in with - it was just a mess of enlisted forcing their machines into working order by brute force.

_____Most the militia tanks were grimy, but in good shape otherwise. One of the tanks had caught Kris' eye - so dirty and battered all over that it seemed a different color entirely than the other tanks. The turret was heavily gouged, a fist-wide furrow dug into the armored steel. The tank was speckled all over its front with silver from bullet impacts. One track had been laid onto the roadwheels. A lone tanker wedged a prybar into the track and pushed her whole weight against it. She was slender and severe, even for a tanker, and her blue hair was matted with sweat.

_____"Hey! Let me help!" Kris dropped her bag a few steps from the tank and moved to where tools had been piled up on the floor. The other tanker didn't look her way or make a noise of acknowledgement, but she interfered as Kris sweltered beneath the weight of a sledgehammer, turning her hips with a grunt and banging the end against the prybar. The tap broke the stubborn track pad loose, and the tanker sagged to the floor with a sigh of relief.