Survive in the DCeased Universe (thread mark)

Chapter Five -The Brief Respite
Survive in the DCEASED Universe Chapter Five

By Solaris 182

Chaos everywhere he ran. The Flash didn't remember anything. He had no idea what was going on. His every instinct was to find Iris and make sure she's safe. The streets were destroyed and bodies lie mangled. This out fear into the Flash's heart. He zipped all through carnage until he made it back to Central City. The city looked as bad as Metropolis. His heart sank.

He searched the whole city twelve times in a two minute window. Almost creating a tornado with his speed. No sign of Iris. Then. He spotted the bracelet in front of her house. The one he bought her on her birthday. Caked in blood.


The Flash fell to his knees. Holding the bracelet like it was the most precious thing in the world. He heard rocket thrusters. Brainaic's drones. He had to have done all of this. The Flash raced to Gotham City to find Batman. He knew he could not beat Brainaic alone.

Kevin wasn't a strategist or a fighter. Though he craved adventure. He found himself outlining a plan to defeat Jim. Deathstroke looked it over as did Batgirl. She was amazed how detailed the drawings were.

"We're going to need a lot of firepower."

"Batman's collection has a working Mister Freeze gun."

And there's an abandoned military depo at the edge of the city," said Deathstroke.

"How do you know that?" said Batgirl.

"I always settle scores," said Deathstroke. "No way would I let a loss to him stand."

John Constantine took a long drag on a cigarette and blew smoke in the air,

"I have a spell that can hold Jimbo, but Kevin has to kill him."

John Constantine stood up, "You and Jimbo are tethered together. Polar opposites, so you have to be the one."

"Ok," said Kevin as he gripped the handle on the gun tightly.

Splitting up, Deathstroke and Ravager went to the supply depot. Using Kevin's hack in the Justice League teleporter to transport the weapons to a location that was picked for setting up the operation.

At the location, Kevin built a parasite detection system with what he had available. So they could be warned about an attack before it happened. Batgirl set up each case of ammunition aside with help from John Constantine. Kevin came over to join them. Taking each case of guns and placing them to the right of the ammunition.

Deathstroke and Ravager teleported back. Taking stock of what they had and arming themselves. Batgirl took an AR rifle though she had misgivings about using it.

"Everyone knows the plan, we lure Jim out or at least his underlings. We will distract anyone trying to interfere while Kevin and John take care of him permanently."

The Flash went to all of his friends' hideouts except the Fortress of Solitude. He found himself alone. The bodies, his fellow heroes missing. So he decided to head over to the Fortress of Solitude at high speed. While running he caught the report of Superman's death. Stunned, he ran even faster hoping it wasn't true.

Jim sat in a makeshift chair provided by the Fortress technology. Kevin walked in and noticed that Jim was by himself.

'I had no friends in my prior life or someone to love me the way I needed," said Jim.

"You know what that is like, don't you?"

"Yeah," said Kevin.

"Destined to be fools by fickle gods, such stereotypical writing."

"I agree, but here we are."

"I can't let you stop me…maybe, just maybe we could have been friends."

"But the crummy gods need their entertainment, so let's go ahead and entertain them."

With his arms spread out and his hands spread open, Jim summoned more infected to defend him. Prepared for this, Kevin ran outside with the infected close behind. Once they got outside Deathstroke and the others opened fire.

The bullets cut down many of the infected. As more came out, Deathstroke brought out grenades and started tossing them. Kevin ran back inside with a gun prepared to end Jim and his danger to the world.

Jim was waiting for him. As the infected were distracted by the gunfire outside and their single-mindedness proving to be a defect in Jim's system. He fired several shots, all striking Jim. Jim didn't bleed nor did it show that he was injured. This scared Kevin cuz he didn't know what to do next. He began to back away from Jim as Jim came towards it. Tentacles sprouted from Jim's back. These tentacles were scary, almost like something from a lovecraftian horror. Kevin ran with Jim close behind him. Kevin almost got to the exit-entrance of the Fortress of Solitude when one of the tentacles grabbed and flung him back inside.

Kevin got up and wiped a trickle of blood from his face. He reloaded his gun and fired again to no effect. He tried shooting the tentacles but that did nothing as well. So he threw the gun aside. His ear rang as the system notified that he had acquired a new skill. New skill, system destroyer has been acquired in automatically upgrade to the max level.

Kevin immediately knew how to use his new technique and he ran forward with a surge of energy emerging from his palm. He struck Jim the sternum while dodging the tentacles. Jim stumbled back as the tentacles began to disintegrate and his whole body convulsed.

"Thank you," said Jim.

Jim faded into nothingness. All the people infected suddenly turned normal. Batgirl stopped the others from shooting when she saw people turning back to normal. People were confused all across the world about the state of their homes, their surroundings and the carnage that was wrought.

Brainac noticed that the infection was going away. People were turning normal and so were the members of the Justice League he captured. Brainac couldn't Risk his plans being spoiled now. He went to fire death rays at the Justice Leaguers when the Flash appeared out of nowhere and saved them. Even though they were minus Superman they were enough to attack Brainiac and his drones. Forcing him to change his plans. Brainac left his drones to fight in his place while he escaped. Martian Manhunter did a telepathic probe on the planet and couldn't sense Superman or John Stewart. Hal Jordan arrived from space having received a notification that John's life signs ceased. He was confused how his fellow Green Lantern died. He saw the other Justice Leaguers and they got together to talk about what happened.

"I can't sense Superman or John Stewart," said Martian Manhunter.

"Superman is dead, I saw the body…" said Flash.

"So is John," said Hal Jordan.

The Leaguers were stunned by this information. Flash palmed his face and Hal could see something bothered his oldest friend.

"What's the matter, Barry?" said Hal.


Hal lowered his head knowing what might be going through Flash's heart and mind.

Kevin exited the Fortress of Solitude. As he walked, Powergirl and the JSA arrived at the plea of John Constantine.

"What in Sam Hill happened here?" said the original Flash

The original Justice Society members haven't seen so many bodies since World War II. Each member looked over the bodies dumbstruck by the massacre that played out. Batgirl didn't try to defend it. She walked over to Doctor Fate, whispered something and he opened an ankh shaped portal for her to leave.

A long discussion was about to take place and Kevin was not interested in sticking around. Using his hack in the Justice League teleporter, he went back to Metropolis. Despite whatever selfish inclinations he has, he went to help the people with the destruction of their homes.


Space - the skull-like ship of Brainac welcomed his return. Self-repair systems brought the ship's power supply and main thrusters back online. Brainac opened his hand and the digital consciousness of Lex Luthor spring forth from nanites. Brainac put it in a collection jar. Li
nking up with the ship as the main CPU.

The ship headed for Earth as Brainac came up with a new plan.
Chapter Six The Justice Society rises

By Solaris 182

"Do we know where this Kevin Robinson went?" said Alan Scott.

The table of the JSA had the greatest classic heroes sitting around it. Mixed with new faces and familiar ones. The Flash, Wildcat, Starwoman, Dr. Fate, Martian Manhunter in the place of the Dead Hawkman, Sand, Doctor Midnight and Hourman.

"My psychic probes have been unable to detect him."

Powergirl floated above the ground. Arms crossed.

"I don't know how he's avoiding my super senses."

"We don't know if he's an enemy, but I sure don't consider him a friend…"

"You may be right, Ted; we don't know much about him. And we only have what Barbara shared with us."

"At least Deathstroke is back in prison and won't be killing anyone else," said Sand.

"For now, he's a very deadly person."

"Good point Courtney," said Alan. "We're all in agreement on Jon joining us which started this meeting. It's a shame we lost some good people."

Everyone lowered their heads thinking of Superman, Mr. Terrific, Hawkman and John Stewart. The silence went on long enough for Jon to feel the loss felt by Lois Lane. Her husband was gone for good. He could sense the loss of others and he had to retreat from the world to focus on the here and now.


Hub City was hit by the infection too. But by some form of a miracle the damage wasn't that bad. Kevin sipped his soda and looked at the digital headline by Lois Lane. It was titled When the stars fall. She wrote what she likely learned about the event but left out details. Kevin found no mention of him. Better that way. He turned off the tablet and stuffed it in his bag. The duffle bag had what he felt he would need. Nothing more.

Time left a bitter taste in his mouth. The deaths and carnage. The realization that they were real people. It hit him harder than he expected. He waited at the nearest bus stop. Heading further west.


Brainac processed everything his molecular cameras picked up. Assessments of potential dangers done in seconds. He had detailed files on the JSA and their current location. Powergirl flagged as a high priority threat. The magic of Doctor Fate. The others were flagged as moderate risk and below.

Brainac's ship continued to make repairs using minerals taken from a nearby asteroid while the radiation was transduced into usable power. A timer gave an estimate for complete repairs. Brainac took in the variables and amended his plans several times a second before setting on the first step.

The decommission of the JLA headquarters was a tough pill to swallow. Barry quit due to Iris' death. Jon was welcomed by the JSA. Batman was dead and so was Superman. Wonder Woman returned to Themscaria. Aquaman couldn't commit because of his kingdom being upheaved by the infection. So Hal Jordan and John Henry Irons saw to the safe removal of the various artifacts collection and the equipment designed for the JLA.

"Doesn't seem to be real, John."

"With two of the best gone, times are going to get harder."

"That's what I am afraid of. I wonder if Alan and the others can really pick up our slack."

"To be honest, Hal. The world is in great hands with the JSA on the call."


Jon floated around the museum of the JSA. He was always respectful and I'm awe of what they accomplished in the past and present. Johnny Sorrow, and the Injustice Society. Mordru. Vandal Savage and his various associates. Per Dagton who manages to escape his numerous deaths and so many other villains.

Jon saw the display the JSA reserved for the lost. The plaque read Justice, Vigilance, and compassion. Superman had Justice under his statue. Batman had Vigilance. Mr.Terrific had compassion.

"Fitting," said Jay Garrick. "Those kids made us proud."

"They were the best friends I ever had."

"No one will forget them,Jon. Michael was a brilliant guy and I never thought I would meet a more compassionate person."

"I got to know Michael because of his similar loss," said Jon. "We bonded from that. We had many talks about various subjects including the human community. He worried people forgot what fair play means. That they forgot compassion and sympathy for their fellow man."

"Time erodes but never erases decency, Jon. There are still good people in the world."

"Agreed," said Jon.

"The Justice League is dead," said Amanda Waller. " I warned everyone here we are relying too much on the capes and no one listened."

President Ronald Conrad leaned back in his chair, a I.V. drip of Lazarus running through his veins. To heal and revitalize his aging body. His eyes opened with a renewed focus.

"What do you suggest, Amanda? The Team -X project has failed too many times to resume."

"I'm thinking bigger, newer sir." Amanda Waller pressed a button and called the guard outside. "Let him in."

In walked a man five inches over six feet and close to two hundred and seventy pounds. President Conrad recognized him immediately.

"What is the meaning of this?" said President Conrad.

"Don't fear him, Zod has been neutered."


"After we managed to kill him, we made modifications to his brain. A hybrid bio computer puts him under my, I mean our complete control."

"Does he retain any recollection of who he was?"

"No, the bio computer is now his consciousness. It has only assimilated his skills but nothing more."

President Conrad looked Zod over. Zod wore a military cameo colored suit. His eyes were focused straight ahead, he stood at attention.

"You have outdone yourself, Amanda. If this works, I'll put you back in charge of our superhuman threat response."

"I thank you, Mr. President." Amanda Waller turned to Zod and nodded for him to escort her back to base

Brainac could see Earth through his visual imagery processors connected to his ship's scanners. Earth was still recovering and lacked the Justice League to protect them.

"Commence project Meteorite."

Out of subspace, small Meteorite size drones appeared, ready to strike the Earth. One by one, they picked a location streaked down like comets.

Earth was in no way prepared for Brainac's plan.


Team -X headquarters, Virginia

The monitors showed Brainac's drones attacking military bases including those of the United States. Amanda Waller turned to Zod and pointed at the monitors.

"Destroy the ones that are attacking American bases, that's it, then return to base."

Zod took off through the roof silo and headed straight for the closest drone. He used his heat vision to melt the drone down to scrap. Headed to the next one and performed the same action two more times before they adapted to his attacks. The drones fought back using Kryptonite energy beams, but Zod's suit provided protection. It also pumped yellow sunlight directly into his body. Making his energy replenishment near instantaneous.

Zod ripped the fourth one in half until the next batch swarmed him like locusts. He used his heat vision but it was having less effect. Zod fought with a combination of strength and speed, but the drones were adapting too fast. They tore him apart using lasers that could cut through promethium. Waller threw a chair at the monitors, destroying them.

"Ma'am, President Conrad is on the main line."

"Damn," said Waller.

The Justice Society saw the news and swept into action. The Flash raced there while Alan Scott carried those that couldn't fly. Martian Manhunter flew under his own power to aid Jay Garrick who would get there before the others. Like a hurricane, Jay Garrick got bystanders out of danger and to safety before they could say a word. He then joined the Martian Manhunter in attacking the drones.

Using his shape shifting and near Kryptonian level strength, the Manhunter was making short work of three drones. The others arrived and Wildcat with his devil may care attitude jumped from the back of a car to the back of a drone and climbed to its head and punched out the singular eye that connected to Brainac.

"Pure space junk," said Wildcat ripping more wires out.

He jumped off when Alan Scott dropped the hammer, a giant green hammer on the drone. Starwoman blasted a drone, knocking it off balance allowing Hourman to toss his chosen opponent into it. The two drones exploded.

Martian Manhunter used his Martian vision to melt two drones and his shapeshifting to slam them together to prevent them from self repairing. A tremendous punch by Manhunter caused both to explode into fragments. Jay Garrick threw rocks at speeds that punctured steel. He got enveloped by a drone and Martian Manhunter feared the worst. He flying over to where the drone had enveloped Jay Garrick. But he needed not worry as the drone began vibrating at such speeds that it exploded; amongst the smo
ke was Jay Garrick dusting off his winged helmet on his pants.

"That was a close shave," said Jay. He smiled at Martian Manhunter.