[X]The Second Dark World.
The first People… where to begin? Each and every one of the worlds teems with life, both corporeal and spiritual, even after your creation's little fit. Still, how many qualify? How many would be truly interesting to see think and feel and suffer as they grasp for the stars? Not many, not with the world as raw and jagged as it is.
Give it time, of course. For now though, you may as well start somewhere. As is, it is the Cthonic Half of the Second World that fare the best. Fittingly, the Celestial portion that suffered the most. Trees are a more delicate foundation upon which to build a world than most other things, you suppose.
It is a world of water, a realm of dark churning seas. Near the upper edges of the realm, from the tethers and veins of reality connecting it to the seedworld of chaos and discord, the atmosphere is composed of an eternal maelstrom of lightning and rain, as the formless demons dive and dance among one another in a brutal, meaningless, patterned weave of screeching plasma and living thunder. The further down you look, the denser the rain and fog, until at last it becomes a solid sheet of water, a veil separating the living from the storms of void and ghost fueled lightning. Below the "surface", as it were, there is an abundance of life, albeit separated by the volume of space availed by three dimensions of movement.
Vast colonies of free floating microorganisms and their spiritual counterparts building and growing on the sparkling formations of their predecessors corpses. The deeper you look the larger the crystalline reefs become, the mass of the living dragging them downwards even as their demonic counterparts are drawn upwards towards the glow of lightning above. A balance between the instinct of trillions of interchangeable specks pushed back and forth by primal instinct. Within the trembling reefs reside swarms of smaller life, hundreds of thousands of species, each distinct from the last.
Deeper still lies the dark zones, beyond the touch of light above, and it is here that the reefs begin to change: no longer sparkling anchors of solidity, in the depths they become drowned mountains. Bereft of the luxury of light from above, these mountains grow outwards from within, the density of the reefs so much that they begin to fuse into new material. Without light, the microscopic creatures draw energy from pressure and heat, eventually scattering about into globules of light, miniature suns fueled by an endless cycle of death and rebirth, perpetuated by the force of the currents crushing against one another. Here the monsters begin to grow in number, the law of the jungle taking hold of this darker, more cruel place. The greatest leviathans hunted only one another in the darkness, their movements forming tides strong enough to crystalize water from the pressure.
At the very bottom of the world, there lives nothing. The water is too dense, and the dimensional boundaries intertwine with those of the brighter world on the other side. It is a graveyard of pulverized skeletons and drifting corpses, buried halfway in an interdimensional limbo, disturbed only by the gaps and stitches holding the two worlds together and apart, through which poked gnarled roots and glowing geysers, blood vessels of two conjoined realities.
There's more, of course, so much more, but you don't need to monologue about everything. You have a lot of options to play with already. It's time to choose the first people of the world.
Make your choice...
[] Vermin: A species of weak, little things. Tends to have extremely large populations and relies heavily on cooperation to do most things. Tend to have very powerful synergistic abilities and high coordination between groups.
[] Monster: A species of moderate size, with a tendency for creativity and unpredictability. A healthy balance between the individualistic natures of the Titans and the communal instincts of Vermin.
[] Titan: A species of living mountains. Some of the biggest things in their native World, they tend to be very powerful individually, at the cost of a painfully slow life cycle and a tendency towards isolation and individuality. Very powerful individually, and incredibly difficult to kill.
[] Physiology: (Write In)
Physiology Write Ins are basically any kinds of physical traits you want to see in your first people. This can be anything from "three heads" to "made of lightning", but should preferably be descriptions of what they look like, Approach it from the way medieval travelers described creatures they didn't recognize if you want, "face of a goat, a serpent's neck, and the body of an ox" kind of thing. I'll be putting together the final result by combining the most voted for options. I'll hold a name vote after this is done. You can vote in as many Physiology Write Ins as you think is reasonable.
There will be a manual moratorium for discussion. Speak up and talk about your ideas before putting things together. I need AT LEAST 5 different Physiology Write Ins before I open the vote. Drag your friends into your internet nerd discussion.