Supernatural Colors (RWBY/Durarara/???)

Recent readers

Your name is

[ ]Ruby Rose,

[ ]Weiss Schnee,

[ ]Blake Belladonna,

[ ]Yang Xiao Long,



(Verified Pilot)(In the pipe, 5 x 5)
Self-Requested Ban
New York
Your name is

[ ]Ruby Rose,

[ ]Weiss Schnee,

[ ]Blake Belladonna,

[ ]Yang Xiao Long,

[ ]Jaune Arc,

[ ]Nora Valkyrie,

[ ]Pyrrha Nikos,

[ ]Lie Ren,

And you recently got transported to another world. You think it happened while you were asleep, because you woke up here after going to bed. The only thing you know about your new surroundings resides on a small device called a "cell phone", which appears to be similar to a scroll. The info you managed to gain is that the current year is 2024, and you are in the ward of Ikebukuro, which resides in the city of Tokyo, Japan. You currently lived in a

[ ]Small apartment, which is relatively cheap to pay for.

[ ]Large Yacht, the place you woke up on. Probably given to you by whatever higher being put you here.

[ ]Warehouse, which you use as a base of operations.

Fortunately for you, the phone had a few contacts on it. They were:

Choose 3

[ ]S. Kishitani

[ ]I. Orihara

[ ]S. Heiwajima

[ ]M. Ryugamine

[ ]M. Kida

[ ]A. Sonohara

[ ]K. Kyouhei

[ ]Vorona

[ ]K. Kujiragi

[ ]S. Brezhnev

[ ]C. Rokujo

[ ]A. Awakusu

[ ]M. Akabayashi

[ ]K. Kuzuhara

You sigh as you turn the phone off, before gazing off at the cityscape. You're probably stuck here, that's for sure, but what should you do? You can't mope around all day.

[ ]Write In


AN: Yes, I did push up the timetable of durarara 20 years.
Character Sheet

Winter Weiss Schnee
Age ???

HP: 150
AP: 950
SP: 1000

ATK: 10
DEF: 5
SPD: 5
DEX: 50
VIT: 20
WIS: 50


Myrtenaster: Myrtenaster is your signature weapon. Designed and made by yourself, this Multi Action Dust Rapier (MADR) can be infused with dust for added attack power, and it a perfect channel for focusing your semblance offensive attacks.

Strange Pocketwatch: ???


Schnee(LVL 1): You are a Schnee. For all you know, the last one in existance. You must make your family name something worthy of praise in this new world, and that starts with you.
+20 ATK
+20 VIT
+50 DEX
+50 WIS


(Semblance)Glyphs(LVL 5): These Glyphs are summoned by you, and can be used to create projectiles, shields, and a multitude of different environment effects.

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Faction Sheet


Funds: $1,000,000
Dust: 9,994.5 Litres



Troops & Vehicles



Command Yacht: A large yacht built for an executive, only one of these was ever produced. Housing a military-grade radar system, along with ECM/ECCM missile and radar jammers, it's perfect for battlefield control. It also has several luxury suites, a master cabin, lounges, and enough bunks to garrison 50 troops. A jury-rigged dust farm lies within a heavily plated room. Unfortunately, it lacks physical weapons at this time. Upgrades currently locked.
ATK: 0
DEF: 500
SPD: 20
TRP Cap: 0/50
Upgrades: 0/4
Rooms used: 0/4



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Your name is Weiss Schnee, and you were bored. Dear dust, it was boring out here! You could just bring the yacht back into dock, but you don't exactly have any papers for that sort of thing. Which means you were stuck here. Out in the middle of Tokyo harbor. Fucking fantastic. Hey, at least you still had Myrtenaster, and enough dust on the boat to last you about a year. Heck, you've already set up a rudimentary dust crystal farm in one of the lower decks, where light is minimal. Scrolling through your phone, you tap the notes app, and look at the info your asshole of a god benefactor gave you about your contacts. Of course, they already gave you

[ ]Basic information about the world you're in, just enough to live.

[ ]Every single important part about this world, be it history or technology.

You digress, though. You first contact was Shinra Kishitani. His description was as follows:

Shinra Kishitani (岸谷 新羅, Kishitani Shinra) is a young underground doctor who lives with Celty Sturluson. He stays mostly indoors and wears a white coat even when not working.

...That sounded a bit too much like wikipedia…

Eh, might as well call his home phone now.


Ring! Ring!

"I'll get it!" Yelled a young man in a white lab-coat as he rushed towards the house phone. Picking up the sleek device, he held it to his ear.

"Shinra Kishitani speaking!"

A young woman replied at the other end of the line. "Hello, mister Kishitani. I was wondering if you could procure docking tickets for my craft? You will be getting properly compensated, of course."

[ ] "Uh, sure. Let me just check my schedule."

[ ] "I might not be able to do it, but I'll ask a friend."

[ ] "What kind of payment are we talking about?"


After the phone call, you took stock of your yacht. It had

Choose 5

[ ]Several lounges

[ ]A boat garage

[ ]Enough cabins and bunks for 50 people

[ ]A personal master cabin

[ ]A secret control room

[ ]An armory full of Japanese military weapons

[ ]A retractable heavy cannon

[ ]Several retractable light defense guns

[ ]An ECM/ECCM suite

[ ]A military grade radar

[ ]A submarine launch bay (can fit 3 small subs of about 10 meters each)

[ ]A research station with Atlesian-grade scientific technology

[ ]An engineering bay

You walked towards a nearby chair, and took a seat, straightening your coat. Now it was time for you to wait, and plan. Mostly plan. You already tried to figure out what happened, but each time you managed to draw a conclusion, an unknown caller would text wrong answer at you. Whatever did this really was a pain.


Write In Plan
"What kind of payment are we talking about?" Asks the person on the other end of the line, Shinra. You sigh. You only had $1,000,000, which wasn't that much to live off if you were going to getting a foothold in this world. You didn't want to bring out your trump card so early on, but it couldn't be helped. At least you had enough of the stuff to make the boat sink a few inches more into the water, even with the repulsors turned on (albeit at the lowest setting).

"How about some exotic healing materials, doctor?"

… "How do you know I'm a doctor?"

You take a deep breath, and prepare the most elusive counter you can think of. "I know a lot of things, most of which you don't. Now, is that a yes, or a no?"

He audibly deflates on the other side of the line. "Fine, fine. I'll be there in an hour."


The yacht had basically everything normal yacht would have, such as lounges, cabins, and a personal room. There were, however, empty rooms dotted around the place, presumably for expansions. And when you checked the radar and ECM/ECCM, you noticed that they were distinctly military grade. Walking into the restroom to tidy yourself up, you froze as you looked in the mirror.


What?!? How?!? Why?!? Who?!?...

That cheeky motherfucker… god… whatever! Does it really matter?


[ ]Eh, it'll be a learning experience.

[ ]Finally! You've always wanted to know what being your sister is like!That came out wrong, didn't it?

Regardless of that, you change into the clothes you brought with you from the wardrobe in your cabin. Which were coincidentally exactly what Winter usually wore. If this keeps up, you're going to start going by the name "Winter Schnee", just because of all the coincidences. After changing your garments, you walked out to the lower patio, waiting for Shinra to arrive.

Not even five minutes later, you could hear the motor of an approaching boat from directly in front of you. The boat in question was a white speedboat, likely made before repulsor-tech was available to the market by how low it sat in the water. Inside was a man in a white lab-coat, Shinra, and a woman wearing a black jumpsuit and yellow catlike helmet, likely Celty, if you're sparse info was anything to go by. They pulled up to the side of your craft, and you lowered the stairwell for them to use. After tying their boat to yours, they climbed aboard. Suddenly, you sensed something strange, but shrugged it off.

"Mr. Kishitani, it's a pleasure to finally meet you face to face." You say, putting on an aura of superiority.

"Hello to you too! You already know my name, but may I have the pleasure of knowing yours?"

You turn you back, and motioned for them to follow you. "No, but you may call me Atlas." You say, using the name of your home kingdom as an alias.

He deflates visibly as you enter the main lounge. "Bummer, and here I was hoping we could share life stories."

You stare coldly at him. "Enough. Do you have the tickets or not?"

Wordlessly, he pops open the briefcase he was carrying, and takes out an envelope, along with a silver pocket watch. "Thought I'd throw in something extra. Provided you have the materials."

"Very good. Stay here, I will return shortly." You leave the room, and make your way down the winding halls into the storage room. Picking up a 5 Litre barrel of liquid dust (because that was the best and only kind you had), along with a half-litre bottle, you made your way back, the wheeled barrel being dragged behind you by the handle.

Admittedly, it's a stupid idea to drink liquid dust, but hey. SCIENCE!!! Re-entering the room, you put the barrel next to the coffee table, and sit back down on the couch. You can't just call it dust, because they'd laugh at you for that. So…

"This is

[ ]Write in replacement name for dust

It is can be used in a multitude of different ways, including medical technology. Unfortunately, I am the only one who knows how to make it. I am willing to supply you with this, but only if I am traded equivalently. Do we have a deal?"

The doctor grins wildly, and for a second you think he's actually a mad scientist. "Sure!" I'll take this barrel right now, and I'll trade you more stuff later!"

"Very well. Mr Kishitani, Ms. Sturluson, you may see yourselves out."

A brief bit of shock shows on the face of Shinra, before they both nod, and walk out of the room, barrel in tow. You sigh, and look out the window.

How does Winter do this so easily?!?


[ ]Plan: Write in[/i][/b]
Adhoc vote count started by Kazuma-San on Jun 25, 2017 at 9:50 PM, finished with 28 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] Finally! You've always wanted to know what being your sister is like!That came out wrong, didn't it?
    [X] Create a believable and unbreakable(As much as you can manage) cover story
    [X] Atlesium
    [X] Plan Recon: Dock the ship with our new found permit and familiarize ourselves with the city. Also try to find out if we can find a good place to start a Dust business as either a new form of weaponry or a new form of medicine.
Two figure sat in a penthouse apartment, with a barrel of liquid standing in between them. The first was a headless woman wearing a black jumpsuit, and the second was a young man dressed in a lab coat over casual wear. The woman "spoke", wispy black clouds emanating her voice.

"Well that certainly went well."

The man laughed. "Heh, no kidding, Celty. Atlesium, huh? Wonder what it's made of…"

"Shinra, no."

"Shinra, yes."

Celty sighed. "You do remember what happened last time you called Hakase, right?"

That earned a nervous laugh from him.

In a 2-story house near the harbor, a ginger haired gal sneezed.

"Back to the point. Who do you think I should test this on first?"

If Celty had a mouth, she would have grinned viciously. "Oh, do I?"

"Celty, no."

"Celty, yes."


Okay, that should do it. You think as you finish hacking into the international servers creating yourself a background in this world. You were supposed to be Winter Schnee because you really wanted to be your sister, born to a mother that died at childbirth and a father that committed suicide when you were of age to inherit his fortune and research. Which "was" a week ago. Good thing you took all those programming courses at Atlas…

Oh. Shit.

Did you… did you just steal a fucking memory from your sister? How did you not notice those weren't even your own memories while you were doing the hacking alibi? Does it matter?

[ ]Yes

[ ]No

Regardless, now that you had a backstory, it was time to establish a presence in this world. That would be in the form of a

[ ]Private Military Corporation (PMC)

[ ]Manufacturing Company

[ ]Research and development Corporation

[ ]Government Affiliated Blacksite Ops

[ ]Write In

Well, it was time to see if you could drink the now named Atlesium. Hesitantly, you unscrewed the cap, then poured the whole bottle into a tall glass. Before you could second guess yourself, you downed the whole thing.


10 degree of success

HOLY SHIT!!! You felt fucking amazing! Whoah, it seemed like you were unstoppable! In fact… you were actually starting to get a bit drowsy. You slowly walked off to your cabin, and fell asleep with your clothes on as soon as you plopped onto the bed.

+500 AP

Basically, every time that Weiss/Winter drinks half a liter of Atlesium, they gain 500 AP PERMANENTLY, but fall asleep for 24 hours exactly. The only way to wake up from this is life threatening injury, and she will have a head-splitting migraine until the time-limit is over. These status effects, both positive and negative, double with each half liter. In a linear function. That means when you're done drinking 10 liters of Atlesium, you WILL sleep for at exactly 240 hours. Also, just a side note, if you somehow manage to fuck up a D1 roll, you will instantly die.
In advance, I apologize for this being so short.


Ring, Ring, Ring!

"I'll get it!"

They picked up the phone.

"Shinonome residence, Sakamoto speaking."

A sigh could be heard on the other end. "We need your help."


What What What What What What What What What?!??!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!??

You woke up exactly a day after drinking dust -- you still don't know where you got that idea, and then reviewed your memories. You had your own, everything from birth to coming to Beacon, yet you also had Winters memories, of joining the military, losing your friends in combat, and even more… interesting activities.

Never again will you look at a butter knife the same way. Back on to the point, you could only assume one thing had happened. Winters body and memories, along with yours and your conscience, somehow fused together, and were transported to a parallel world. Because why the fuck not, right?

After a few hours of tedious coding, you finally managed to make an encrypted website for what would soon be your Private Research Company, Vytalian Industries. Sure, it wasn't the best name around, but you thought it was nice. You posted extensively detailed job applications locally, to ensure that you'd only get the best and brightest employees available. You sighed. What to do now?

[ ]Write In (REMEMBER: You can now dock your boat, so it may be good to explore the area a bit.


"Are you sure?"

"Positive, it's him alright."


"Sorry man, Masaomi Kida ordered this shit!"


"At first I thought I slipped, but then I saw the blood, so I knew I got shot."
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