Superhero-but-Not Quest

Genetic Research
[X] Untangling Ben Grimm's mutated genome with Reed. (Roll... 88. You make quite a bit of progress. You're not done, far from it, but it no longer seems to be an impossible task.)

Reed wiped the sweat from his brow. If Azmuth's biology perspired, he would do the same. Even for such geniuses as First Thinker Azmuth and Reed Richards, Ben Grimm's genome was nearly indecipherable. The key word in that sentence is nearly. That being said, it was mentally exhausting and time-consuming.

Reed let out a breath. "It's extraordinary, what we've been doing today. Even ignoring the issue with Annihilus, we can cure Ben!"

"We're far from finished," Azmuth chided. "This will take several more days of work, a week at most. And to ensure that we make no mistakes, we need sleep."

"Wait... what time is it?" Reed asked tremulously.

Azmuth gave him a flat look. "It's tomorrow."


The next day....

It was a quiet and uneventful day, and Azmuth could help Reed with Ben's DNA with time to spare. (Roll... 99. You and Reed make even more progress. At this rate, Ben will be cured within the week.)

But how do you spend the rest of your time?

[ ] Working with Johnny on his thermal abilities.

[ ] Helping Susan synthesize a form of Adamantium, apparently the hardest metal known to humanity, with absolute tensile strength(as far as they can tell).

AN: I'm really sorry for my prolonged absence, everyone. I had a lot going on, and with school starting up again, in a manner of speaking, the spark abandoned me for a while. But I'm back now. By the way, in order to cure Ben, your total points rolled must equal or exceed 250. As for the choices, I can't spoil anything, but I really think Johnny could use some insight on his powers and their limits.
[X] Working with Johnny on his thermal abilities.

Considering the knowledge that Azmuth should have on alien species with similar abilities it should allow him to give some good insight on ways Johnny can utilize his abilities if now new avenues to test his abilities.
[X] Working with Johnny on his thermal abilities.

Considering the knowledge that Azmuth should have on alien species with similar abilities it should allow him to give some good insight on ways Johnny can utilize his abilities if now new avenues to test his abilities.
You got that right. Remember how Heatblast could siphon fire from a burning building?
That's a prolonged project, like the one you're currently doing to fix Ben. You can do that after Ben is cured.
I just found this thread and it's great so far. I do have some things to point out though, considering he has a Galvanic Mechamorph Armor it should be utterly trivial to repair his ship considering he was able to use the Realiator Armor to not only fix the Omnitrix once it was overloaded with Mana but the Rustbucket after it was destroyed.

Also if you're going with the original one it actually seems to turn the user into a modified non sentient Galvanic Mechamorph where the user pilots the armor until they untransform back (considering Azmuth's dad was stepped on in Destroy All Aliens by a a To'Kustar transformed Azmuth) and was absolutely fine.
DNA of the Asgardians
On the subject of this the Omnitrix should be able to turn a user into one just fine but don't expect it to have lighting powers or anything. All of Thor's stuff is from his hammer and not innately biological.

DNA being esoteric shouldn't at all be a problem considering it can transform the user into a Ectonurite (whose conciousness is woven into every strand of DNA) and a Celestialsapien (beings who are inherently 5th dimensional and acasual with all Omnitrix users across time sharing the same one sample).

Oh and strictly speaking Azmuth shouldn't really need a ready made planet to remake Galvan Prime or B? After all the Galvan cononically remade their planet exactly how it was prior to it's destruction in less than 6 months.
plumbers were an intergalactic organisation that

Actually, they were originally a human group created by the government
Both of you are actually right. The Earth organization was the Plumbiers who focused on supernatural problems. They were later folded into the Plumbers proper after their contact with aliens.
Omnitrix aliens are suppose to be "genetic peak specimen"
I'll just quote myself from SB on this particular topic
Nah that's bs perpetuated by people clinging to WoG that erroneously states that. In the series it's abundantly clear that Ben just turns into reflections of himself at his current age translated across the species line*.

For example it's abundantly clear that Grey Matter is nowhere near as smart as Albedo let alone Azmuth. Even a Upgraded Clockwork got bodied by Maltruent in a beam war. Hell there's a vast difference between Gwen as Rath and Ben as the same alien let alone Albedo or Azmuth.

* Besides his Ectonurite transformation since it's basically a clone of Zs'Skayr and his Celestialsapien one since it's WoG all Omnitrix users share the same sample in the Multiverse
To add on to the above it frankly doesn't actually make any sense for Azmuth to do so given the stated purpose of the watch. That is, universal understanding between species.

An alien using it to turn into a Human being Captain America would erroneously believe all humans are capable of Steve's bs when they blatantly aren't. You can't even make the argument that Azmuth hand picked the best samples since the Galvan DNA in the watch isn't even his nor it is Albedo's.
I must thank you for the critiques, Abyss. Let me answer them.

-Azmuth isn't repairing his ship via Mechamorph because I don't want him to yet. I want him to get a few things done before this quest ends. Remember, the victory condition is the de-extinction of the Galvan races. If his spaceship is fixed, then we're not far off from the end. I wanted to fix The Thing before going back to space.

-This isn't the MCU, where many Asgardian feats can be attributed to their alien physiology. This is vanilla Marvel, as close to Earth-616 as I can get, where magic is in Asgard's nature. And I think that the massive separation between characters like Hex and characters like Vilgax is there for a reason.
as close to Earth-616 as I can get, where magic is in Asgard's nature
I mean afaik you're right but the typical Asgardian isn't actually imbued with supernatural powers. Sure they can learn to use magic and stuff but it's not innate in their biology (and if it was it should transplant just fine given the fact both a Ectonurite's manalessness and Terraspin's Mana/Magic immunity are a thing).

I get the first point,I was just pointing it out in case you were unaware is all.

A Good! Malware has insane usefulness. Especially if he can still upgrade the tech he absorbs.
You're right. I just didn't think a typical Asgardian would be so important when standing next to an Appoplexian or a Tetramand. By the way, I could use some critique on another project of mine, on SB.
just didn't think a typical Asgardian would be so important when standing next to an Appoplexian or a Tetramand.
I mean... That's fair. I hope I've changed your mind on having a Asgardian transformation in the watch even if Azmuth himself never uses it. Since few species actually stack up well to Tertamands etc on a average to average basis given the fact even a 10 year old equivalent was able to catch rockets in mid air and use them for self propelled flight.

Better video

Man Destroy All Aliens was a great movie and the CGI holds up surprisingly well.

Also sure feel free to DM me here or on SB... Though I don't know how much help I'd be. If it's Ben 10 related I'd be super helpful lol
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Could we possibly upgrade the Galvan species like we did with Malware, maybe just enhance they're durability or something?
Tell you the truth I am surprised the ship or pod didn't magically disappear to a secret secret secret organization for the greater good
I mean you could sure. This is Azmuth we're talking about. Even the dumbest Galvan can accidentally blow up the universe.

Though I should note that Galvans ARE actually super strong for their size. Grey Matter could push around a fully loaded mop bucket after all as well as pull out a coolant pipe on a spaceship
Yeah, but they're still shown too be weaker than normal humans, so maybe making them capable of fighting on pair with the stronger Aliens would help in making sure the Kree can't touch them again.
They're the Kree, aka the most powerful stellar empire in the universe. The Skrulls only fought them on even footing for so long due to their shapeshifting. No amount of genetic modification is going to be enough of an equalizer. No, if Azmuth's smart, he'll stay in the Sol System, which is a strategic position between the Kree and the Skrulls. Neither will risk conquering it for fear of the other interfering.
They're the Kree, aka the most powerful stellar empire in the universe. The Skrulls only fought them on even footing for so long due to their shapeshifting. No amount of genetic modification is going to be enough of an equalizer. No, if Azmuth's smart, he'll stay in the Sol System, which is a strategic position between the Kree and the Skrulls. Neither will risk conquering it for fear of the other interfering.
… But is it an option?
No. If the Omnitrix could alter DNA however Azmuth wanted, then it could too easily be a bio-weapon. It can repair damaged DNA, making it what it was before, but forced genetic evolution? Begging for trouble! That was Albedo's brainchild, and look what happened to him.