Super Robot Wars: Continuum Shift 2.0 (Open)

Dark Eldar are capturing people to turn into slaves. Is that reason enough?

Not necessarily. For example, my character isn't the sort to go running into a fight with unknown enemies in order to save a bunch of people from being captured (and whose ultimate fate she knows nothing of). Even if she were inclined to help, she'd prefer to do so with good knowledge of the enemy, their motivations, and if possible, a bunch of backup. So no, she's not going to just wade in - she's not a hero - quite the opposite - which you would be aware of if you were looking at the characters and thinking about how to set up a coherent game rather than just faffing about setting a scene that isn't clearly relevant to the players.

I suppose you've got a point, so I've decided to put in a more obvious cue on where the attack is currently happening. But in regards to tagging, anyone interested is free to intercede in the desperate defense of Tokyo and me and Guy aren't all that concerned about players doing their own thing, so long as it isn't too off the rails for us to adapt our plot to. And to be perfectly honest, we'd much prefer it if you players would take agency and initiative.

It would help greatly if, instead of a bunch of unconnected and incoherent episodes, you instead take the trouble of setting up the situation so that:

1. the players are oriented as to where their characters might fit in;
2. they have immediate reason to get involved with things rather than standing off to one side and watching how it plays out, which is what most rational people would do; and
3. do that straight off so that people don't get pissed off/bored.

Most players are interested in the story that the GM is trying to tell, and adding their input to that story. Pure sandbox games die very quickly. There always has to be some context so that the players have enough to take agency and initiative with.
Well might as well transfer my sheet.

MechaWalker Name: Retrofitted Mammoth Mk. II "Black Bess"

Mecha Type: Real

Source Material: Command and Conquer

Period In the Source Material It's Drawn From: Second to Fourth Tiberium War

Black Bess is a retrofitted Mammoth Mk. II Walker brought out of mothball to supplement in production Mastodon class Walkers. It has been upgraded to fourth Tib War standard and equipped with new technologies found on the Mastodon. She served with Valor alongside her sister walkers and her descendants the Mastodon. Originally Built during the Second Tib War the Mammoth was mired with issues relating to it's use of then new technologies as well as it's sheer size and bulk, leading to severe cost and production time issues. After the Second Tiberium Wars many were scrapped or like Black Bess mothballed.
Appearance Description:
A massive Superheavy Mechanized Assault Walker the Mammoth is GDI Sledgehammer design to smash through enemy lines and to level bases, but it can swamped by enemies do to the limited arc of it's main guns. Painted in GDI Gold and often adorned with art by the crew no two Mammoths are truly alike.

Pilot Name: Captain Joshua 'Junior' Mitchell

Pilot Backstory:
The son of Second Tiberium War veteran Joshua Mitchell, general of the experimental warfare division nicknamed "Steel Talons". Raised upon the war stories of his father the young Mitchell believed it was his destiny to command walkers to victory like his father before, but during the Third Tiberium War the Steel Talons suffered humiliating loss after loss falling into obscurity leading to most GDI armies to quietly mothball the Walkers developed during Tib. War Three. But walkers would see a resurgence during the Fourth Tib War, as well as the Interbellum period between Tib War Three and Tib War Four. Seeing his chance the young soldier signed up for the Walker Corp intent on following in his fathers footsteps...Both big and small.

Pilot Skills and Personality:
Junior is an expert at damage control capable of keeping his Walker moving, albeit at a limp, no matter the structural or module damage. He's also adept at command and coordination of various crew and units placed under his...command.

Considered to have a maverick streak for disobeying orders in hopes of completing objections despite orders to retreat or fallback. Junior will do everything he can to 'do what's right' at times charging right into, and subsequently through, ambushes on his warpath. This leaves him being considered a Glory Hound, though one can say there is a truth in this as he believes he has to live up to his fathers expectations.
Everyone still here been building momentum here don't want to move the plot without giving anyone else a chance to do more stuff tho
There is a lack of directions here for players. Honestly, you shouldn't just wait for them to show up. Take the initiative , tagging players into the scene. Plus, there aren't that many players right now and it felt kind of pointless to have just two GMs posting walls of text and 2 players posting in.

My advice is to abandon the game now and take a look around other RPs, join as players and learn more from those game's GM.
There is a lack of directions here for players. Honestly, you shouldn't just wait for them to show up. Take the initiative , tagging players into the scene. Plus, there aren't that many players right now and it felt kind of pointless to have just two GMs posting walls of text and 2 players posting in.

My advice is to abandon the game now and take a look around other RPs, join as players and learn more from those game's GM.
...I just recently tagged people in though and I am also acting with my own player character I think you are confused on how I was directing things a tad.
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