Super Robot Wars: Continuum Shift 2.0 (Open)

redux of the thread tailored to my specifications. You make a profile you get in if you fit the setting.

Feel free to copy previous profiles here

dm me for questions & storyline questions

Original Designs:

Mecha Name:
Mecha Type: Real, Super, Sentai
Size (height):
Tonnage (weight):
Signature Feature (Must Be A Piece of Standout Equipment which serves as the 'Theme' of the Unit):
Weapon Loadout (I expect you to be descriptive as hell here):
Appearance Description (Be as detailed as possible):
Background Story:
Pilot Name:
Pilot Appearance (Accompanied by Image):
Pilot Backstory:
Pilot Skills and Personality (Pick a theme and stick to it!):

All Original Designs are subject to fiddling and advice to better facilitate approval

Pre-Existing Designs:

Mecha Name:
Mecha Type: Real, Super, Sentai
Source Material:
Period In the Source Material It's Drawn From:
Appearance Description:
Pilot Name:
Pilot Backstory:
Pilot Skills and Personality (No Out of Character Nonsense):
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riposting my PC

Mecha Name: Allarus Terminator Armor
Mecha Type: Real
Source Material: Warhammer 40k
Period In the Source Material It's Drawn From: Dark Imperium
Background: The Allurus Terminator Armor is a specalized power armor for use by the Adeptus Custodes
Appearance Description:
Pilot Name: Shield Captain Hazantcore Ezmodus Almph
Pilot Backstory: A Shadowkeeper warden on task of keeping the Dark Cells on holy Terra he found the galaxcy under threat by the great rift releasing the occupants of the cells. He donned The Sacred Allurus Terminator Armor to persue the deadly Man of Iron escapee Omega 29867gh with Assistance from Ordos Chronos. Before the final blow was struck Omega tore open a portal flinging them all across space and time. Into a reality vulnerable to Omega 29
Pilot Skills and Personality: As an Adeptus Custodes Almph is a living weapon imbued with a fraction of the God Emporor of Mans power. He is a philsopher, a diplomat a general, an artist, a strategist in addition to being a gaurd of his Masters darkest secrets. Like most Custodes Almph is a hero in his own right a solemn gaurdian of the Black Cells he is dedicated to stopping the terrors from Old Night from reeking havoc on reality again.
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Mecha Name: F-4J/Type-77 Gekishin (Block 215 model)
Mecha Classification: Tactical Surface Fighter
Mecha Type: Real Robo
Source Material: Muv-Luv (alternative timeline, intertwining it with the Gundam Franchise)
Height: 17.1 meters
Construction: Laminated Armor + Anti-Beam Coating
Tonnage: 42.6 metric tons (full load)
Power Source: Ultracompact Energy Battery + Deuterion Energy Transfer (late modification)
Signature Features:
- Jump Units: A pair of oversized plasma jet engines with aerodynamic control surfaces fitted on agile and flexible mounts. It allows flight and rapid maneuvers, especially when assisted by the frame's thrusters. In addition the TSF's frame has countless articulations to let it shift away and further assist movement. This overall makes these type of mechs surprisingly maneuverable, albeit the requirement to accumulate plentiful movement data specific to the pilot meant other Alliance mechs instead kept the simpler "movable frame" mechanism.

- Mount Pylons: All TSFs have a pair of backpack-mounted sub-arms which assist them in reload, switching weapons, picking up objects, resupply or even capable of holding guns and shooting with them. As such the Gekishin technically can shoot with as many as four weapons at once (they are the so-called "Gun Sweepers"), which can be fairly convenient when facing hordes of BETA.

- Feedback Protector: The internal portion of the pilot block also doubles as a powered exoskeleton which can detach from the wrecked TSF and allow the pilots higher chance of survival. The suit doesn't work as an emergency ejection system but more like a pure survival tool. The strength of the exoskeleton and its supplies allow the pilot to survive in hostile environments. Although the same Feedback Protectors can be also equipped with weapons and Takeru has training in how to fight in such. Feedback Protectors are extremely weak by mecha standards, only useful in missions where the size of the TSF would be a detriment.

Weapon Loadout:
- WS-16 Assault Cannon: Chaingun fitted for 36mm hypervelocity rounds. In spite of their smaller diameter the 36mm shells are actually bigger than CIWS rounds with their performance edged for penetration while retaining acceptable terminal ballistics against soft targets. As a result the gun is almost the same size as shell-firing rifles wielded by Mobile Suits, sacrificing raw power for ammunition capacity and rate of fire. In addition the weapon can have various attachments like a 220mm high-velocity grenade launcher or a compact beam gun. Alternatively the Assault Cannon can have a special targeting system and linear launcher adapter added to it to become a potent sniper rifle.

- Type-74 Carbon Blade: Large curved sword utilizing E-Carbon to serve as a powerful melee weapon. Given the mech's origin it's no surprise the sword heavily resembles a Japanese katana and has a molecular edge for decent cutting power. While weaker than beam sabers the sword requires little maintenance and can operate without any power, ideal as a backup weapons for attritional warfare.

- Sonic Blade: Mech-sized knife-like weapon which has extreme cutting power thanks to using sonic vibrations. While not a standard equipment of the Gekishin, it's easy enough to acquire and unlike beam sabers they are far less energy demanding, with a cheap rechargeable and replaceable ultracompact energy cell providing it with power for 10 minutes. Although this comes at the cost of reach and offensive strength. Sonic Blades are only secondary melee weapons next to the trusty Carbon Blade. Although unlike physical blades the sonic field provides resistance against beam/plasma saber type weapons thus dueling them makes the Sonic Blade the pilot's preferred choice. Due to its compact size the Sonic Blade can be stored in the same containers as Carbon Knives.

- Type-65 Carbon Knife: Utility tool and weapon of last resort. It's extremely sharp and made of the durable E-Carbon albeit its lightness and short reach doesn't really make it a very effective weapon. It's better than nothing, though.

- Type-92 Supplemental Armor: Basically it's a physical shield, made of laminated E-carbon and often treated with decent amount of anti-beam coating. In addition it has explosive reactive plates which can both serve as protection and a possible offensive tool in melee.

- Grenade Dispensers: A few rows of small rocket-propelled grenade launchers hidden under moving panels for protection and concealment. These are primarily defense, mostly used for dispersing smoke or anti-beam charges. Albeit rarely they can also pack fragmentation grenades.

- Missiles: When necessary the Gekishin can carry a large missile container backpack holding 32 warheads. Aside from that there are a number of other missile systems the Gekishin can equip, albeit all of these have the drawback of adding drag and extra mass thus reducing its mobility. Not to mention missiles being expensive and straining on logistics. Gekishins and TSFs in general only carry missiles when it's explicitly required.

- S-11 SD Device: For special operations TSFs can be equipped with a powerful demolition charge, the S-11. While considered a "conventional" warhead it has explosive power on par with tactical nukes and primarily used when infiltrating BETA Hives. While its main purpose is to be a demolition device to blow up BETA Reactors the weapon far more often finds utility as a suicide measure. Hives are swarming with BETA and pilots can easily get overwhelmed. During such desperate time S-11 offers them a chance to go out in a last blaze of glory. As usual S-11 devices are only equipped when deemed necessary, they aren't just giving them away.

Description: With the BETA's landing in Central Asia the Earth Alliance soon found their current Mobile Suits aren't enough. They desperately lacked numbers to what appeared to be a long war of attrition while also critically lacked mobility. Japan thus came up with the idea of Tactical Surface Fighters (TSF for short) which combined the capabilities of a Mobile Suit with that of a gunship and even a jet fighter. Thanks to the new mech and its production in great quantities the Alliance managed to stop the BETA's advance and the frontlines stabilized. In spite of their best efforts though the battle still rages on.

Gekishin is a first generation TSF and thus their resemblance to the old Dagger type MS is obvious. Compared to its second and third generation peers it's ugly, unaerodynamic and overall slow. They received various upgrades but overall its performance is sub-par, people jokingly call it as the "Gekishit". That being said compared to the current mass produced MS models the Gekishin is actually a fairly decent surface combatant, its weak armor is well compensated by its incredible speed and mobility. The Gekishin is an old rugged mech with easy maintenance and rookie-friendly controls. Naturally as somebody freshly graduated from the military Takeru's piloting his own Gekishin.

Pilot Name: Takeru Shirogane
Source Material: Muv-Luv (alternate timeline, wikia article)
Gender: Manchild
Age: 18
Height: 175cm (5'9")
Classification: Human Multiversal Anomaly, A Massive Tool

High school senior, videogamer and a multiversal traveler? After another boring day Takeru went to sleep only to wake up in a whole other universe. Still thinking he's just dreaming he casually waltzed into school (now transformed into the East Asian Republic's top secret Yokohama Base), got beaten up, held in prison and then by a brilliant spin of logic he enlisted to the military? Why? Because they have giant mechs. As a Virtual-On nerd Takeru could sacrifice anything just to pilot giant robots in real life. And he absolutely just did that. Normally, he'd have been executed or be let to rot in prison but apparently Takeru is so crazy he's got the attention of the XO and local mad scientist, Yuuko Kouzuki. Why she's even bothering with an idiot like Takeru is nobody's business and our braindead idiot doesn't care. He only wanted to pilot giant robots. So he suffered through basic training, got his ass kicked daily, sacrificed all his freedom and even accepted to be sent out as a disposable pawn to the frontlines. Yeah... he isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, doesn't he? And as per military custom they promoted the dumbest member to the leadership position. Takeru now commands a fresh squadron and is eager to experience his first real fight.

Skills and Piloting Style:
While perhaps even sub-par in all soldiering skills, Takeru has a shocking talent for piloting TSFs. By his admission the controls are fairly similar to the arcade game he used to play. Takeru is dumb though so ignore whatever he says. Yuuko Kouzuki might have an answer but whatever theory she came up with is likely considered top secret so fat chance you'll ever learn it. That being said, Takeru DOES treat piloting his mech like a videogame. He does move cancels, combos and other ridiculous inputs. This went on to the point Yuuko had to engineer an entire new OS for him. That being said if anything Takeru's agile in combat, capable of pulling off reckless maneuvers others might deem impossible. He's a rookie in combat but when it comes to movement he could surprise even the most hardened veterans. If weren't assigned the position of squad leader he'd definitely become a Storm Vanguard. If he'd acquire some fighting experience Takeru has a high chance of turning out to be an ace.
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Against my better judgement, here's my sheet again.

Mecha Name: LED Mirage
Mecha Type: Real
Source Material: Five Star Stories
Period In the Source Material It's Drawn From: JC (Joker Calendar) 3010 - Majestic Stand Era
Background: Main heavy combat Mortar Headd of the Amaterasu Kingdom Demesnes, the LED Mirage is one of the premier MH of its era despite its relative lack of action up till the Majestic Stand. Fitted with twin Ezlazer engines, one in each leg, its power generation is unsurpassed by any mainline MH, and its massive suite of weaponry takes full advantage of this. It remains the frontline MH of the AKD until its fall and the destruction of the Float Temple.
Appearance Description: The LED is a massive but graceful machine, all swooping curves and translucent armour. Its stark black, white and red livery is accentuated by the "bloody cross" markings of the AKD.

Pilot Name: Sharlin Vande Tann

Pilot Backstory: Sharlin was a mercenary headdliner of exceptional talent and eventual infamy; possessed of an eccentric sense of honour and no qualms whatsoever, she took on contracts involving assassination and massacre that even most other mercenaries wouldn't touch. This caught up with her and she made a few too many enemies, including the Fillmore Empire through its connection with the Boowray Mercenary Knights. She ended her days ignominiously: surrounded by enemies, her MH shot to scrap, blowing her own brains out to avoid being captured and handed over to penal legion troopers for entertainment before being executed.
Or so it was said.
Her near-capture was true, but her death was not. Her demise was faked - although she did actually shoot herself in the head - and she was rescued and smuggled to Easter by Mirage Knight Allen Bradford, acting under the orders of Falk U. Rogner. Eventually nursed back to health, she was offered a simple deal. Serve Amaterasu under the Green Left wing of the Mirage Knights, or die in a way that would make a serial killer blanch.
She occasionally chafes under the restrictions of serving in the Green Left, but it's a lot better than whatever sick shit that pervert Amaterasu could dream up. Brr.
Her Fatima is Prisen Corks Fatima #5, Susi
Pilot Skills and Personality: Headdliners are the descendants of genetically-modified supersoldiers. Even in the decadent Majestic Stand era, they have reaction speeds ten times that of ordinary humans and physical abilities that put Olympians in the shade. Sharlin is a remarkably lethal warrior even amongst their ranks, with a peculiarly direct style that focuses on setting up the opponent to limit their options and then going in hard and fast. In an era where most pilots fight at long melee range, she likes to get up close and nasty; this makes her an excellent fit for the LED Mirage, with its incredible power and nasty surprises, especially the Laser Cutter head-mounted blade. In personal combat, she wields a wickedly serrated glaive and a plethora of small knives secreted everywhere about her person.
As a person, Sharlin is superficially charming and affects an air of playful naïveté. In actuality, she is a stone cold killer who's forgotten how many deaths she has caused and doesn't really care to remember. She's well aware that the AKD view her - like most of her Green Left colleagues - as an unstable weapon at best, a feral animal at worst. But as long as she gets to stay alive, and has fun toys to play with, it doesn't bother her too much.
Mecha Name: (Rah)Xephon

Mecha Type: Super

Source Material: Rahxephon

Period In the Source Material It's Drawn From: Before the end


A powerful Dolem, the Xephon is no mere 'mecha'. It is the other half of Ayato Kamina's body and soul, and in that way it is similar to all Dolem. However unlike it's lesser brethern, much like the human body it is transitory and will eventually lead to a more powerful state. It's hands and shoulders more powerful in battle than most Dolem and much more useful outside of that confine of combat. For one day when Ixtli finds it's true desire and the promised day comes it shall truly merge with him, permanently assuming the title of RahXephon and creating a new world with it's song.

The RahXephon does not have a conventional weapon's loadout, like other Dolem it does not need it. On the lesser end of it's abilities it can "sing" and destroy skyscrapers or mecha or war ships with beautiful sound waves emitting from it's mouth; it's song great enough to not to inflict just damge but open up force fields and push through dimensional barriers. It's more versatile combat ability is to create beams out of it's hands, that could be used as lasers or to create swords. Notably it used it's beams to form a giant bow that could strike at a giant Dolem in the Earth's exosphere.

It's armor is much tougher than that of most Dolem; whom's rank and file themselves are touch enough to easily tank conventional weapons found on fighter jets or smaller war ships. It can fly

The Xephon is as old as this iteration of this world is, though it until now it existed in the Mulian's dimension.

Appearance Description:
Pilot Name: Ayato Kamina

Pilot Backstory:

A now eighteen year old high school student, and more importantly an artist, living in Tokyo with his mother. He's relatively popular, good looking, talented, and rich...but he feels alone despite the presence of his friends. Even his distant, but still present, mother doesn't seem to be the person he wants to connect or reconnect to. The world he lived in even seemed fake and confined; with him being stuck on what supposedly was the last city on Earth.

And then he met Haruka Shitou, a woman working for the UN's subdivision TERRA. Two organizations that supposedly no longer exists. serving countries that didn't exist. She quickly told him that his city was in fact taken over by an alien life force, called the Mu, who had destroyed various cities and countries around the world before sealing themselves off in Tokyo; behind a dimensional barrier called Tokyo Jupiter. He fled with her during a TERRA infiltration of Tokyo, escaping into a strange mecha called the Xephon. Though during the escape he not only found out that his Mother was not only one of these Mulians but their leader.

Ayato now helps TERRA defend against Mulian strikes on the wider world and more importantly, stops them from abducting him.

For some reason though it isn't just the Mulians who have an interest in him, but Bähbem Foundation who helps fund TERRA. Not to mention these strange visions he's having of a former classmate named Reika Mishimia, telling him that he's something called an instrumentalist and will soon 'retune' the world.

Pilot Skills and Personality (No Out of Character Nonsense):

Ayato is a friendly and mostly easy going young man. Sometimes the angst of war (or his 'relationship' with Haruka) catches up with him, but even then he tries to help others before himself. He can be quite reserved with his emotions at times as well. Once again this partly has to do with the stress of war but also being in love with his (29 year old) superior officer Haruka Shitou and his other ladies troubles, like fearing the girl he loved from class Reika is gone. Despite this, he takes his painting very seriously, much more so then than his piloting.

Ayato is an extremely gifted painter and drawer. If he wanted to there is no doubt he could excel at music, it's his destiny as an Instrumentalist after all. His skill as a polite is likewise, based on his connection to the suit and his creatively (devising more uses and forms for his energy attacks)
Reposting my non gmpc.

Mecha Name: Sixshot

Mecha Type: Real

Size (height): 15m robot mode, 8m wolf mode

Tonnage (weight): 31 tons, Cybertronians are near-impossibly light and fleet-of-foot for things their size; no doubt thanks to their nature as Primus' progeny.

Source Material: Transformers G1 derivative

Background: Hailing from an unknown universe in the Primax cluster, this Sixshot was pretty much just like how he was in most G1 verses; being a Decepticon-made living superweapon who enjoys the power that entails. But the main difference with most other versions of himself is, is that he's gone rogue and the Cons don't exactly want a point-one-percenter of his power and skill running about with highly dangerous and esoteric cybertronian technologies on a galactic joyride.

Signature Feature: Six-changing and ease of modification, his spark is capable of enduring even full-body overhauling like an Armored Core.

  • Mecha-Wolf: A powerful assault mode that gives Sixshot the ability to literally smash through a city block without slowing down and giving him energon-charged teeth and claws that can hew through mech armor just as well as his Katanas, though at the cost of not having any ranged weapons aside from the slow-firing plasma missiles along with having difficulties in maneuvering or coming to a stop. Maximum running speed of 202 km/h
  • Astro Magnum: Inspired directly by Shockwave's alt-mode, Sixshot can turn into a gigantic hovering handgun that can easily level a Mountain or cut a colony in two with a single, immensely powerful blast of charged particles and Energon traveling at massively FTL speed. SPARK CORE COMPROMISED, INSUFFICIENT POWER FOR PARTICLE ACCELERATOR ARRAYS. ALTMODE UNAVAILABLE.
  • APC: Sixshot's least used form, this low-profiled and long bodied APC, while not quite as fast as his Mecha-Wolf form or as destructive as his AA gun mode, is however rather hard to hit, deceptively agile and can seat about 12 humans inside the frontal section in relative safety while still retaining heavy frontal firepower, making it ideal as an assault vehicle or as a means of quick, safe and efficient escape. Goes up to 165km/h on flat roads.
  • Mobile AA Gun: His slowest, but most destructive form; this mode can easily clear out entire skies full of enemy starships, fighters and bombers with volleys of gravitational singularities, while smaller than the full-charge version but just as dangerous. Ground targets also aren't safe from his wrath, as his front-mounted plasma guns can easily contend with most armor. GRAVITON WEAPONS INOPERABLE, TRACK PODS DAMAGED. ALTMODE UNAVAILABLE.
  • Starfighter: Sixshot's quickest and most agile form, it retains great firepower even for its speed thanks to the rapid-fire laser cannons inside the nose of the craft, the plasma missiles on the sides and the Graviton blasters on the wings for taking out hardened targets. For all it's speed, it sometimes suffers from going too fast and it isn't unusual for Sixshot to suddenly transform in mid-air into robot mode in order to tank whatever he's about to hit using his energon shield. Goes up to Mach 3.1 in the atmosphere.
Weapon Loadout :
  • Energon Sabers: Energon-charged swords made out of near-unbreakable Cybertronium alloy, these lethal weapons can easily cut through ship and mecha armor like butter while also being quite good at cleaving energy shields in half no thanks to the electrical interference caused by the energon field surrounding the blades. Their scabbards also double as plasma guns in his vehicle modes.
  • Graviton Blasters: Unbelievably destructive and illegal weapons that utilize the power of gravity to cause things to literally collapse under their own weight, rendering shielding systems and armor generally useless against them, at full power, they can unleash a gravitational singularity that can pulverize an asteroid several miles across. Fortunately, these weapons are slow-firing and their gravity pulses are relatively easy to dodge compared to Sixshot's swords and limbs, they also happen to hurt the Six-changer due to their AOE and he rarely uses them against singular threats, preferring to take them down using his katanas and martial arts skills. GRAVITON REACTORS COMPROMISED, ENERGON POWER PACKS RUPTURED. CURRENTLY INOPERABLE.
  • Monomolecular disc catapults: Mounted on hidden launchers in his forearms, these gravity-impulse launchers shoot out monomolecular discs at hypersonic speeds that can shred through several skyscrapers before coming to a stop at full power, or near-silently chop a car in half without even wrecking the road it was on at the minimum.
  • Plasma Missile pods: A pair of three-tube missile launchers that fires high-speed plasma-warhead projectiles that can vaporize an entire tank company each. While deadly and incredibly difficult to evade no thanks to their powerful tracking abilities, they are rather slow to rearm and reload even for someone of Sixshot's power. AMMUNITION FABRICATORS INOPERABLE, AUTOLOADERS DAMAGED. MISSILE PODS REQUIRE MANUAL LOADING.
  • Energon Shield: A powerful active energy barrier that can deflect both energy and kinetic attacks, the barrier is quite capable of tanking several Beam Rifle blasts one after the other. SPARK CORE COMPROMISED, REQUIRES IMMEDIATE REPAIR. SHIELDS ARE AT BELOW SUB-OPTIMAL PERFORMANCE LEVELS.

Background Story: Deserting the Decepticons after growing bored of several million years fighting the same opponents again and again along with desiring greater independence, the Six-changer decided to make a name for himself by becoming the greatest mercenary in the galaxy; usually by butting into interplanetary wars and by siding with the losing side for the challenge or taking contracts to hunt down the rarest and most dangerous creatures and personalities in the known universe. Though it was not always an easy or simple life, Sixshot got what he always wanted in the life of a scoundrel and a mercenary dog: The thrill and excitement, the recognition; With numerous star systems owing their prosperity or destruction solely due to his intervention and a trophy room in his ship being the envy of bounty hunters, poachers and rich idiots the galaxy over and lastly, a sense of contentment and perhaps true happiness. It seemed as if Sixshot was to become a legend for better or worse among his race, up there with the Thirteen or the Metrotitans; but then, he suddenly disappeared without a trace; not even his ship was found and it was the size of a Capital ship despite being only big enough to accommodate the Cybertronian, his belongings and a couple of drones. The denizens of his universe put two and two together and deduced that the mercenary had met his end in a most inglorious way: A catastrophic accident with his Transwarp drive. Some were disappointed, others rejoiced. In the end, his passing was quickly forgotten by all but those whom owe their current hardship or progress to him.

Pilot Name: Any self-respecting Decepticon will kill anyone who dares assume that he would let an Organic take control of his body.

Pilot Appearance:
Includes all six altmodes

Pilot Backstory: See above.

Personality: In a word, Sixshot is... Listless. Never one to rest upon his laurels, he always seeks new challenges to pit himself against and with an entirely new universe to explore and filled to the brim with warriors clad in armor and machines that matches his size and strength? This must be cyberutopia! Despite his enthusiasm for combat, Sixshot is still a practical Con' at heart and when it comes down to it, he'll fall back to fight another day without losing any sleep cycles over it and would do missions with as little fuss and complications as possible, seeing a mission well done as much of an achievement as killing a giant space worm the size of a small planetoid with nothing but an energon knife and a canister of engine coolant.

For all his bluster and pride as a mercenary, Sixshot is surprisingly frugal when it comes to money, only spending as much as he needs to and paying only a fraction of his riches on creature comforts, mostly on decorations and mounts for his trophies as he believes that luxury will make him soft. And related to his pride, he shows respect to worthy enemies; allowing them to be buried by their comrades at arms but is extremely intolerant of those would trample over the honor and pride of warriors and soldiers and doing so would make a quick enemy of the Cybertronian.

Pilot/Mech Skills:

Hard light: Sixshot possesses a built-in holomatter projector of unusual potency and power that allows him to create "clones" of himself that can be physically felt and attack, but are far more feeble than he is; having a fraction of his strength and can be destroyed with a single; rather weak blow. The projector also allows him to camouflage himself or send out holomatter avatars to scout ahead without giving his position away.

Infiltrator: For someone so large and powerful, he is surprisingly sneaky and evasive. Being able to sneak into places that really shouldn't fail to notice the 15 meter tall Transformer and quietly perform all sorts of mischief behind enemy lines.

Master of Metallikato (Self-proclaimed): While he shows exceptional hand-to-hand combat skills, a closer look reveals that his technique is too crude, showy and brutal to be Metallikato, Circuit-Su or any of the Major Cybertronian martial arts; indicating that he learned to fight as he went though countless years of combat.
Mecha Name: Mazinger Z (Shin edition)

Mecha Type: Super

- Height: 24 meters
- Weight: 32 tons

Source Material: Shin Mazinger Z

Period In the Source Material It's Drawn From: Before the final battle but after the obtaining God Scrander


After a close encounter with Dr. Hell and being scarred by Baron Ashura, Juzo Kabuto uses the data from the prototype robot Energer Z made by him and his son Kenzo Kabuto to create an improved version of it with influence from the Mycenaen warrior, Zeus (where the Z in Mazinger Z comes from). When Baron Ashura's Ashura Corps attacked his home, Juzo sent the Hover Pilder to Koji for him to pilot.

With Koji getting used to the controls, he eventually overpowers Ashura's assault with the Mazinger's power but at the cost of Juzo's life.
For the rest of the series, Koji would fight with the Mazinger against Hell's Mechanical Beasts all the while uncovering the hidden history of Tsubasa Nishikiori and the Mycenae Empire.

As a robot composed of Super Alloy Z, Mazinger is highly resistant to conventional weaponry and most other hazards, a shell shot from a tank just bounced off the robot and survived explosions at point-blank range. It possesses amazing physical strength, able to lift the entire Saluud submarine in its bare hands while underwater.

While being one of the strongest materials known in the Mazinger universe, Super Alloy Z is not indestructible as seen when the Mazinger Z suffered damaged after so many attacks. It is also vulnerable to high-frequency sound waves that cause it to become brittle and break.

  • Length: 5.6 meters
  • Width: 3.2 meters
  • Height: 3 meters
  • Weight: 260 kilograms
  • Maximum Altitude: 10,500 meters
  • Ascent Speed: 120 kilometers per hour
  • Maximum Speed: Mach 3
  • Output: 20,000 horsepower
The Hover Pilder is an air-based hovercraft that serves as the control center of the Mazinger Z , docking in Mazinger's head port to activate it. The steering controls are very similar to a motorcycle. It features outboard VTOL fans at the ends of its wings for vertical take-off and landing, the wings fold up when landing.
Weapons and Equipment
  • Pilder Beam: A laser beam weapon mainly used to distract enemies.
  • Pilder Missile: A pair of missiles attached to the side.
  • Emergency Raft: A self-inflating life raft carried in a central holding bay on the ventral side of the craft.
God Scrander: Originally the severed arm of Zeus, it served as a powerful source of Photonic Energy. Juzo secretly modified it to be an attachment of the Mazinger with the call "God Scrander!" causing it to unfold and attach itself to the back of the Mazinger to give it bigger and stronger wings than the Jet Scrander. It also features a transformation that changes the Mazinger into a forearm by making three fingers appear with the Mazinger's arms serving as the other two. The head and other features are folded inward to change it into a form similar to Zeus' fist, giving it a golden glow.

Rocket Punch: the signature attack of the Mazinger, launching the forearm toward an opponent, it is powerful enough to blast through nearly any enemy. Its direction can be controlled in flight to either return the fist to Mazinger. Both fists can be launched either simultaneously, or individually as the pilot deems necessary.
- Iron Cutter: Mazinger sprouts razor-blades from its forearm to add cutting power to its Rocket Punch.

- Drill Missile: A barrage of small, needle-like missiles fired from ports in Mazinger's upper arms. This attack was typically performed after the Rocket Punch was launched, but before the forearm(s) had returned to dock back with Mazinger. However a mechanism permits to partially detach the forearms to fire the Drill Missiles without the need to perform the Rocket Punch.

Rust Hurricane: A powerful blow of wind in that can cause enemies to dissolve from the corrosive elements mixed into it. It apparently can even corrode Super Alloy Z itself.

Breast Fire: Using the heatsinks on the chest, the Mazinger can convert the Photonic Energy it stores into heat and shoot it at an opponent, causing it to melt. The concentrated heat can reach 30,000 degrees Celsius. Its power can be focused for even more intense heat.

Koshiryoku Beam: A blast of Photonic Energy from the eyes. At regular output it is not very strong, but at full power it is one of the Mazinger's most powerful attacks.

Big Bang Punch: With the God Scrander transforming the Mazinger into a form resembling Zeus' fist (even making it glow gold) it is launched at an opponent at overwhelming speed surpassing nuclear bombs, making it the Mazinger's most powerful attack.

Appearance Description:
Without God Scrander

With God Scrander

Pilot Name: Koji Kabuto

Pilot Backstory:

Koji was born to Kenzo Kabuto and his eloped wife, Tsubasa Nishikiori. He lost his parents at a young age and was taken in by his grandfather, Juzo Kabuto along with his brother Shiro Kabuto in Atami. However with Juzo working tirelessly on a secret project, and physically abusing Koji whenever he was disturbed by him; Koji became somewhat distant from his grandfather. As a result, Koji was the one who took the parental role of his family.

All of it changed when he was sixteen with the attacks of the Dr Hell's Mechanical Beasts and his grandfather's death caused by it. Dr. Kabuto revealed Mazinger Z to him and requested him to save the world from Dr. Hell. Kouji vowed he would avenge his grandfather's death and fulfill his last wish. Thus, began his battles with Dr Hell's Mechanical Beast army.

Pilot Skills and Personality:

Personality: Kabuto Kouji was a mostly good person, he might be rude, insensitive and even somewhat of a jerk when he was angry. Kouji tended to be loudmouthed, talking without thinking, acting BEFORE and INSTEAD of thinking and being very hotheaded and stubborn. However he was also compassionate, caring, friendly, self-sacrificing, cared greatly for his friends and fought for them with all he got. Over time, he grew up and matured as his main motivation to fight Dr. Hell became protecting people instead of petty revenge. Although he refused giving up, he was more willing to follow orders and retreat to reevaluate the situation and fight back.


As Pilot: Koji has been shown to be a great pilot from motorcycles, aircrafts, and the Mazinger Z. After first getting instructions on the controls from both Juzo and Tsubasa, Koji becomes very accustomed to the Mazinger Z, able to pilot it with finesse and skill and his skills as its pilot only grew throughout the series.
Hand-to-hand fight: Koji fighted in an unorthodox fighting style that able him to fight hordes of enemies. Koji is able to move at speeds faster than the eye can see and catch people by the shoulder with just one hand each.
Excellent Chef: As the caretaker of the family, Kouji is generally a great cook and can make excellent dishes no matter how weird they look.

Photon Gun: The Photon Gun is an offensive weapon that shoots a beam of photons at its intended target. The beam is powerful enough to penetrate metal and flesh.
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Can't go wrong with Mazinger Z, I approve. Now to wait for my partner's response, though that would be pretty much just for formality's sake.
yep these fit in well enough you simply have to write in the introduction the where & when of your characters displacement to this new reality if you aren't from the set realities below.

The frequent verses getting used here is seem likely to be SEED & destiny, Cross ange, Transformers Cybertron, Muv Luv, Sakura Wars, Votoms, aura battler Dunbine, Tekkaman Blade, Warhammer 40k, Gundam age, Gundam 00 and Kannazuki no Miko, Fafner, Getter Robo arc. I might add more stuff in the future if plot demands it but these seem to be the core settings on my mind of now. Feel free to add your own things to the setting if you wish or characters from outside realities related to your own pc's.
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Also, when are you guys gonna introduce your characters? The end of the world has begun, impossible things are now reality and are you all brave enough to cancel armageddon?
Also, when are you guys gonna introduce your characters? The end of the world has begun, impossible things are now reality and are you all brave enough to cancel armageddon?

You should start an IC thread first. Start with an introduction post of where you want the players landed in and we can make the intro post for why we ended up there.
You should start an IC thread first. Start with an introduction post of where you want the players landed in and we can make the intro post for why we ended up there.
Crap. My co-gm forgot to link the IC from the old thread.

IC - Super Robot Wars: Continuum Shift

Though it's entirely up to you, the players on how and where you want to start. Right in the middle of the shitstorm of the century or on the sidelines, watching as nothing will ever be the same again.
Crap. My co-gm forgot to link the IC from the old thread.

IC - Super Robot Wars: Continuum Shift

Though it's entirely up to you, the players on how and where you want to start. Right in the middle of the shitstorm of the century or on the sidelines, watching as nothing will ever be the same again.

You guys managed to write a lot of text without putting in very much that might be directly relevant to the players. If you don't want the game to die you need to provide clear and compelling prompts for action.
You guys managed to write a lot of text without putting in very much that might be directly relevant to the players. If you don't want the game to die you need to provide clear and compelling prompts for action.
I got that planned up I just stopped mid post my computer getting fixed got me to alter some things

I'm having two opportunities to fight setting them up today & tomorrow.

Im having Thundercracker show up where Hazincore is along with Dark Eldar

Starscream runs into a UN & Beta fight

you can show up to either
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It's not about "opportunities to fight", you need to give people reason to get involved. Not everyone is a Leeroy Jenkins who's going to run into the closest fight and just start mucking it up without any idea of what's going on and why.
It's not about "opportunities to fight", you need to give people reason to get involved. Not everyone is a Leeroy Jenkins who's going to run into the closest fight and just start mucking it up without any idea of what's going on and why.
Dark Eldar are capturing people to turn into slaves. Is that reason enough?
Dark Eldar are capturing people to turn into slaves. Is that reason enough?

People are confused because it took multiple posts to get to the point. There should be headings of Location, Time, etc... for each scene to make it clear of the settings and where the scenes took place. Also remember to tag the players in a scene you feel needed their presences and a vague outline of what could happen to summon them there (Portal in the sky, dimensional disturbances...) to the settings.
yep these fit in well enough you simply have to write in the introduction the where & when of your characters displacement to this new reality if you aren't from the set realities below.

The frequent verses getting used here is seem likely to be SEED & destiny, Cross ange, Transformers Cybertron, Muv Luv, Sakura Wars, Votoms, aura battler Dunbine, Tekkaman Blade, Warhammer 40k, Gundam age, Gundam 00 and Kannazuki no Miko, Fafner, Getter Robo arc. I might add more stuff in the future if plot demands it but these seem to be the core settings on my mind of now. Feel free to add your own things to the setting if you wish or characters from outside realities related to your own pc's.

Votoms ... Tekkaman Blade


Now, Time to make an Original
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People are confused because it took multiple posts to get to the point. There should be headings of Location, Time, etc... for each scene to make it clear of the settings and where the scenes took place. Also remember to tag the players in a scene you feel needed their presences and a vague outline of what could happen to summon them there (Portal in the sky, dimensional disturbances...) to the settings.
I suppose you've got a point, so I've decided to put in a more obvious cue on where the attack is currently happening. But in regards to tagging, anyone interested is free to intercede in the desperate defense of Tokyo and me and Guy aren't all that concerned about players doing their own thing, so long as it isn't too off the rails for us to adapt our plot to. And to be perfectly honest, we'd much prefer it if you players would take agency and initiative.