[X] The mountain cycle was a military bunker from the Calamity War, one with impenetrable walls and a stockpile of weapons. As far as you're aware, that's the safest place to be in a firefight. Round up whoever you can and take shelter inside. Three giants stir in their slumber, deep in the earth.
[X] This wasn't your fight. You're just a civilian, not a soldier. Find somewhere to hide, play dead in the rubble if you have to, but don't get killed in someone else's war. You remember someone who once said, "I mustn't run away."
[X] Retreat further back into the camp. You're no mobile suit pilot and the Heavyguns are unarmed, but they offer better odds than trying to take it on with a piece of construction equipment.
[X] The mountain cycle was a military bunker from the Calamity War, one with impenetrable walls and a stockpile of weapons. As far as you're aware, that's the safest place to be in a firefight. Round up whoever you can and take shelter inside. Three giants stir in their slumber, deep in the earth.

So guys do you what the Hidden text is all about? I know the first one is came form evaligeon the rest i have no idea
Edit: same with me @Nottheunmaker
[X] The mountain cycle was a military bunker from the Calamity War, one with impenetrable walls and a stockpile of weapons. As far as you're aware, that's the safest place to be in a firefight. Round up whoever you can and take shelter inside.
[X] The mountain cycle was a military bunker from the Calamity War, one with impenetrable walls and a stockpile of weapons. As far as you're aware, that's the safest place to be in a firefight. Round up whoever you can and take shelter inside. Three giants stir in their slumber, deep in the earth.

Three hearts beat as one
[X] The mountain cycle was a military bunker from the Calamity War, one with impenetrable walls and a stockpile of weapons. As far as you're aware, that's the safest place to be in a firefight. Round up whoever you can and take shelter inside. Three giants stir in their slumber, deep in the earth.

Super Robot Mode?

Also, Rain have a character design already set or are we going to get to pick that?

(Seriously though, which road gets me the most Super Robotty options, we must punch)

EDIT: On further thonks...

Option One: It's a reference to Evangelion obviously.
Option Two: Being a Nobody? Uh... Maybe it suggests we've got the AV system at some point? Hence how she just hops in and goes full Yolo?
Option Three: Code Geass stuff maybe? White Knight + Black Phantom suggests that, but it could be something else too.
Option Four: ... Is that the fucking Getter Robots? ... No, probably not, they're fighters in their split form, but what combination of three 'Giants' also exist?
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If not from Earth outright, girl's at least from Earth sphere and unlikely to have cybernetics of any kind. Even an IFS would be a long shot.

Heavyguns were the Federation's mass produced MS during the events of F91. They could've been dug up out of a mountain cycle, but if they have multiple and the intern knows them by name, I'd be more inclined to believe they're relatively recent, if not contemporary. In fact, if they've been phased out of frontline duty and disarmed for excavation work, I'd suspect they're the Leo's predecessor as a miniaturized MS. It wouldn't be anything special, if anything it's probably obsolete, but the Batta's size and armaments leave it best suited as an anti-personnel weapon. I'd expect even an unarmed MS to be able to hold its own.

Still, the options are pretty clear cut. Lie down and hope we don't get shot, jump in the nearest thing that can move under its own power and ram the damn bug, run for the mobile suits, or run even harder for whatever the important people have been digging up.

[x] The mountain cycle was a military bunker from the Calamity War, one with impenetrable walls and a stockpile of weapons. As far as you're aware, that's the safest place to be in a firefight. Round up whoever you can and take shelter inside. Three giants stir in their slumber, deep in the earth.
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[X] Get one of the mobile workers online and try to catch the drones by surprise. They're only shooting in one direction, so ramming them from the side is better than sitting here and waiting to die. You can't guarantee you'll last long, but it's a promising alternative to nothing.
[X] This wasn't your fight. You're just a civilian, not a soldier. Find somewhere to hide, play dead in the rubble if you have to, but don't get killed in someone else's war. You remember someone who once said, "I mustn't run away."
Nah, that just means it's pre war tech. Could be Gundam, could be something else. Whatever it is is old.

For my money, I want to guess at an ultra franchise. Tiga had 3 stone ultras sleeping in it's pilot episode iirc? Might be wrong
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[X] The mountain cycle was a military bunker from the Calamity War, one with impenetrable walls and a stockpile of weapons. As far as you're aware, that's the safest place to be in a firefight. Round up whoever you can and take shelter inside.
[X] Retreat further back into the camp. You're no mobile suit pilot and the Heavyguns are unarmed, but they offer better odds than trying to take it on with a piece of construction equipment.
[X] The mountain cycle was a military bunker from the Calamity War, one with impenetrable walls and a stockpile of weapons. As far as you're aware, that's the safest place to be in a firefight. Round up whoever you can and take shelter inside. Three giants stir in their slumber, deep in the earth.

Whatever this is, the text implies something powerful. Getter does seem like the most likely possibility, but frankly any mecha this causes me to think of would be good ones.
[X] Retreat further back into the camp. You're no mobile suit pilot and the Heavyguns are unarmed, but they offer better odds than trying to take it on with a piece of construction equipment.
[X] Retreat further back into the camp. You're no mobile suit pilot and the Heavyguns are unarmed, but they offer better odds than trying to take it on with a piece of construction equipment.
[X] The mountain cycle was a military bunker from the Calamity War, one with impenetrable walls and a stockpile of weapons. As far as you're aware, that's the safest place to be in a firefight. Round up whoever you can and take shelter inside. Three giants stir in their slumber, deep in the earth.
✯ Character Index ✯
Name: Rain Petrichor Hyades
Sex: Female
Age: 21
Affiliation: Currently None

A college student caught in the middle of a war much greater than herself.

Rain is a resident of the Earth Sphere who moved to Mars in what could generously be called an act of rebellion against her family, who she has icy relations with at best. As far as her parents are concerned, her presence on Mars is a temporary allowance until she completes her studies and returns home from her flight of fancy.

Something of a hothead, she has a liking of all things mechanical. This puts her at odds with the sterile and pampered upbringing she wants to break away from, yet she doesn't know what waits for her in the world beyond due to a sheltered background.

The Story So Far...
Rain was a technical student from the University of Mars, one of the planet's foremost academic institutions, located in the Fuji colonial zone. Enticed by the prospect of adventure and discovery, she signed on for a work study program through her college that offered her up as an extra set of hands for an EOTI dig site in the Chryse Autonomous Region.

She quickly was disillusioned with her placement there, as she found herself doing little beside brushing dirt off scraps of metal and plastic recovered as minor samples in the dig site's adjoining camp inside a desert canyon. For better or for worse, things took a turn for the exciting thanks to an attack on the dig site by drones under the control of the Jovian Lizards. Nowhere else to run, Rain plumbed the depths of the mountain cycle under excavation and discovered an ancient military machine from the Calamity War. With it came a bizarre alien lifeform that integrated itself into a neural interface between Rain's body and the mobile weapon's controls, allowing her to pilot it for the time being with the added benefit of healing a recently broken arm.

Mobile Weapons

Designation: GN-001 Gundam Exia Repair V "Sakura Flag"
Height: 18.49 meters
Weight: Variable
Generator: Unknown

-GN Tachi (1)
-GN Beam Saber (1)
-GN Fangs (3)

GN Weaponry

A special form of beam and physical weaponry created through the use of GN Particles. By using GN Particles, the cutting power of physical weapons is enhanced and beam weapons become particularly destructive. Since GN Particles do not play nice with other forms of particles, long range weapons formed from them often fail to pierce certain barriers.

Considered in the old days the epitome of technology, the GN Particle was a standard use on most machines prior to the advent of the Mobile Armours. Since they are standard equipment on several Mobile Armours, using it is considered forbidden technology.

The Exia is normally equipped with a GN Tachi, a GN Sword, two GN Beam Sabers, 4 GN Fangs, two GN Short Swords and two GN Long Swords. The GN Fangs can connect into the GN Sword to form the Raiser Sword. The GN Shield normally equipped on the right shoulder also has a GN Cannon and a 4-tube GN missile launcher within it, but the shield is currently lost.

Anti-Beam Cape
The torn remains of a cloak treated with a special beam-resistant coating to protect against directed energy weapons. Beam shots wash against the surface of the cape with minimal harm, but the beamproofing can only withstand a limited number of direct hits before being evaporated off. Furthermore, it offers no unique protections against physical assault.

GN Condenser
A series of containers on the Exia that have the purpose of containing GN Particles. On the Exia, there are five condensers located in each arm, the torso and the legs. A sixth large condenser is found in the GN Shield. As the Exia is lacking the right arm and shield, the condenser capacity is significantly lowered. On the Exia, the condensers are used to power ranged weapons and Trans-AM, due to it's relatively speaking higher output compared to other Pseudo-Generation 6 Machines.

Trans-AM System
A special system unique to GN Drive equipped machines. By rapidly expending GN Particles, the machine can perform at well beyond its normal specifications. In theory, the performance increase is three times that of the normal suit. In the Exia's case, the left arm also contains a trial system that allows for a temporary, localised Trans-AM that simulates an Iaido quickdraw, which in the past was used to great effect. Since the GN Condensers are currently damaged, Trans-AM time is limited to a bit over one minute without impacting the performance of the GN Drive.

In an emergency, Trans-AM functionality can be disabled by swapping the GN Drive to an ELS version and disengaging the original, however, ELS Drive GN Particles cannot be used for Trans-AM. Sakura seems loath to entertain the idea, implying the transformation is one way.

ELS Integration
Integration with the ELS known as 'Sakura'. The Exia is able to create new parts and imitate the abilities of other machines through technology absorption and integration. Technically speaking, Sakura can just devour other material in order to make new Exia parts and replenish supplies, but the material must be of exceptionally high grade to not lower the performance of the Exia. In Sakura's opinion, it would be better to make do without then to lower the performance of the Exia.
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